How to glue a ceiling plinth. How to glue a foam ceiling plinth What to glue a frieze on

Landscaping and planning 04.03.2020
Landscaping and planning

Do you want to cut and paste the skirting board on the ceiling correctly, but don't know how to do it? At first glance, this does not seem difficult, but if we consider everything in more detail, then everything is not so simple. The photo below shows how to properly cut and glue the inner and outer corner ceiling plinths (fillets) made of foam or polyurethane. All instructions are written step by step in an understandable form with examples.

Ceiling plinths are usually made when it is necessary to close the gaps between ceilings and finishing materials on the wall. For example, you have decided, and the farther along the wall, the larger and wider the gap between the ceiling and the wallpaper becomes. I know one person with whom such a situation happened, he did not listen to experienced people and the end result was what he least wanted. And he had to run to the nearest store and buy fillets.

How to glue the ceiling plinth

So let's get started. First, measure the footage of the perimeter of the room and determine how many fillets you need. The length usually goes according to the standard 2 meters. But it is best to buy with a margin, just in case. Also decide on the width that suits you. They can be glued to the wall in different ways.

Before installing ceiling plinth it is necessary to prepare the ceiling or wall - their evenness is checked. If there are defects, then level and putty, with a mandatory surface primer. If there are small irregularities, for such a case, fillets with soft edges can be used, which will not create very noticeable drops.

The first way: on a special putty or acrylic (before wallpapering). And the second: immediately on the wallpaper and on the sealant.

Most prefer to mount directly on the wallpaper. We recommend as an option to glue on silicone sealant it will be perfect for this job. The manufacturer does not play much here. Everything will hold up great. But this method is even suitable for those who have curved walls, since gaps can form between the wall and the fillets, they will need to be covered with the same sealant. He white color, so it will turn out more or less normal.

It is desirable to align the walls. Masters advises to glue the ceiling skirting boards on the putty, that is, before pasting the wallpaper. Thus, the cracks are sealed with putty. And accordingly adjust the wallpaper to the fillets themselves. This option is for the more experienced.

In general, craftsmen prefer to glue the foam baseboard on acrylic white sealant, it can be easily applied, it holds well and dries quickly. Its main property is that they can close cracks, corners and it colors well. The cost of acrylic sealant is within 100 rubles. and it makes little sense to buy an expensive one.

In general, everyone decides for himself which method to use.

How to make a montage

You need to start from the corner of the room. And this is where the problems can start. At first glance, it seems that making the corner of the ceiling plinth is simple, believe me, it is not. You can buy ready-made corners in the store, they are sold together with fillets. If you can't find it, you'll have to cut the corners yourself.

You need to cut using the following tools: miter box, hacksaw, sharp knife. Insert a piece of material into the miter box at an angle of 45 degrees and press firmly. Now it remains at the right angle and cut the ceiling plinth from the right side.

Take your time to glue the cornices along straight sections. First take care of the corners - in this case, you can trim them if necessary, or sand them until a good joint is obtained.

Now we will understand in more detail how the installation of the ceiling plinth is done with photo examples.

How to cut the corner of the ceiling fillet internal and external with a photo

Thus, we cut the plinth, if you need to get an external corner.

As a result, these are the edges of the fillet.

Then inner corner. Pay your attention, but at what angle and from which side of the miter box you need to cut the ceiling plinth.

Tip: When cutting any of these materials, you should use a fine-toothed hacksaw. Otherwise, an uneven end of the part may result. The large tooth of the tool will bite the material.

This is what happened in the end, after cutting and gluing to the wall ...

The site advises to start practicing on pieces, if everything works out, then go ahead, cut out the inner and outer corners.

If you did everything right, then cut the first corner turned out. You can glue two corner skirting boards to the wall. If you have chosen the method of gluing on the wallpaper, then coat the fillets with glue and attach them more tightly to the wall. Residual adhesive can be removed with a soft cloth. Also cover the gaps between the wall with glue.

If you have chosen a way to fix the ceiling plinth before wallpapering, then they need to be fixed with putty. Apply putty to the fillet with a spatula. And attach it tightly to the wall. Remove residue with a spatula or a damp cloth. Cracks can also be covered with putty.

Tips for facilitating the installation of ceiling dumbbells:

  • To measure correctly, the bar is measured between two corners. At the same time, for internal corners, the length is measured from internal elements, and the distance from external corners is measured from a point that is at a distance from the internal one equal to the width of the plinth deep into the room.
  • When installing foam skirting boards at the junction between the wall and stretch ceiling, glue is applied to the part of the plinth in contact with the wall, and not with the canvas.
  • The final fixation of the skirting board is carried out after adjusting the angle of the adjacent plank to it.
  • In the presence of the wall, ceiling and floor right angle, it is easier to adjust the planks at the bottom by laying out the parts on the floor or on a prepared table.
  • Small gaps remaining in the corners are puttied.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the installation of ceiling plinths made of rare wood. AT this case, puttying the gaps, most likely will not give the expected result. A bright spot will appear on the background of the texture.

Well, are the inner and outer corners ready? So you are doing the installation of the fillet correctly. Now take the next bar and attach it to the wall to the glued plinth in the same way and do not forget to coat the corner joint. When you get to the next corner, carefully measure the distance that is left, and cut off the missing part, everything should be very accurate. The side that goes butt to butt with the plinth will remain unchanged. So cut out each corner. When everything is glued, they can be painted under. Good luck gentlemen and remember that you need to cut after determining the exact size.

Seam masking and painting

If, after gluing the ceiling plinth, there are small gaps between the planks, this is absolutely not a problem, because they can be easily eliminated by rubbing in white sealant. If you have not yet whitewashed and painted the ceiling, then the next one will be the best option.

With a light putty, you need to walk along all the glued planks, smearing them with a coloring composition, and after drying, remove the excess with a fine sandpaper or a special sanding sponge for plastering work. After such a final finish, the ceiling and moldings will become one, and you, in turn, will not find a single gap.

After you have glued the ceiling plinth and eliminated all the flaws, you can start painting the plinth. The process of painting the baseboard is considered optional, but if you want to give your ceiling a finished and more attractive look, then you still need to paint the baseboard.

way, guess

A simple "collective farm" option is to cut "by eye" at 45 °. For this, a joined part is taken, which is adjusted to the previous angle in fact.

You can try on the design on weight, this is a rather long and painstaking business. Need maximum precision!

When fitting, constantly try on the resulting pairing in place. Only after a few fittings can you achieve a good result, and then glue the baseboard on the base. In short, you can't do without experience :)

A way to fit a skirting board without using a miter box

Video tips to help you glue the ceiling plinth

In this article, we will describe what a ceiling frieze is, as well as its functions and how to properly install it.

Description of the ceiling frieze

Fresh white ceiling, pasted on the walls beautiful wallpaper, or they are simply whitewashed, or painted. Handsomely! But something seems to be missing. It will not be superfluous to add a ceiling plinth or cornice. It will give the repair a neater and more finished look. At the same time, it helps to hide all the gaps and irregularities that exist near the ceiling and walls. Ceiling decoration with a frieze is usually done before wallpapering and painting the walls with the ceiling. Since during the decoration, wallpaper and whitewash can be damaged. That is why it should be glued before it was made finishing, after the walls with the ceiling are puttied and primed.

Useful features of the ceiling frieze

It has several useful features:

  • this is a great decorative piece;
  • with it, you can hide the places where the walls and ceiling are connected;
  • ceiling, is considered more expressive.

Varieties of ceiling frieze

There are three types of this material:

Plaster frieze

To fix this view, you need to use a special glue for this, which is applied to the back of the frieze. To keep it in the right place until the glue has completely set, you need to hammer nails into the wall and ceiling along all its edges. When the glue sets, you need to remove the nails and putty all the joints and corners. After installation, it can be painted with water-based or oil paint.

Before you hammer in the nails, you need to remove any excess glue that may protrude from the edges.

Wooden ceiling frieze

This type is nailed, and also planted on glue, then it can be varnished or also painted. If you decide to hammer it with nails, then it will be necessary to hammer them together with hats, and then close the holes with wood putty.

With it, you can save time to some extent if one connecting strip remains completely flat. At the same time, it should rest against the corner of the room, and the second connecting bar should be cut at an angle of 45 degrees, and rest against the first bar.

Styrofoam frieze

Glue is also used to install this look, and since it has a good and smooth surface it is usually not processed further. Styrofoam ceiling friezes have smooth and flat ends that are designed to join adjacent planks and joints. First you need to install such a corner in any inner corner of the room.

To do this, apply glue to the wall and put a corner on this place. Then, in the direction of the next corner of the room, you need to glue the cornice itself. At the end of the wall, the last batten will need to be cut to fit. When uneven surface walls it is more expedient to use glue, which is glued ceramic tile because it creates a much thicker layer for setting.

Some craftsmen glue the frieze using putty.
In this case, you need to knead in the required amount finishing putty.
Using a small spatula, apply it evenly over its entire surface and press it against the wall.
Excess putty must be removed with a sponge.

Ceiling frieze installation

Line marking

  • Using a ruler with a pencil, you need to draw straight lines that should go along the entire ceiling and along each wall. So you can designate the place where your ceiling cornice will pass.
  • When installing a plaster or foam type of this material, you need to clean the places where it will be glued from old wallpaper if you have not done this in advance. The line under it, which is written above, must be drawn on the wallpaper, and then drawn along it with a painting knife.
  • Then the cut part of the wallpaper must be removed (if necessary, if the wallpaper does not peel off, you can soak it with water). Also, based on the fact that the gypsum ceiling frieze is very heavy, it is necessary to make notches on the surface with a spatula in order for it to better grip.

Proper processing of the ceiling frieze

When the frieze is completely glued after the putty or glue has dried, it will be necessary to process each joint so that they are not noticeable:

  • protruding pieces must be sanded;
  • sunken pieces also need to be sanded;
  • then along the edges you need to go through the putty on the top and bottom, as indicated in the picture below;
  • then you need to prime it (if it is on a plaster basis) and paint it when it dries.

How to fix corners

Correct corner bridging is considered an important procedure in installation, because if you have crooked corners, it will spoil the whole look of your repair. Especially for this purpose, special corners are sold. With their help, you can make even the inner and outer corners in the room. The corners are fastened from above along the frieze, and you no longer have to worry about neat end connections.

In the case of the wooden frieze, if you didn't buy decorative corners, which should also be installed in the inner and outer corners of the room, you will need to cut the ends of its planks at an angle of 45 degrees. You need to do this in those places where they will rest against a corner.

To conveniently perform the above operation, wooden and gypsum ceiling friezes are sold with a special constructor or a paper template. To cut plaster and wooden cornices a longitudinal hacksaw is used, which has small teeth, or a tenon saw may also be suitable. If given material from foam, it can be cut using a trimmer knife.


We really hope that this article will be useful to you. And if you have this moment the house is being renovated and you just need to finish the ceiling with a ceiling cornice, then after reading this article, you will not have problems installing it.

A ceiling foam plinth, or as it is also called a “frieze”, although it is a decorative element, allows you to solve a number of minor problems that arise during repairs in an apartment. With it, you can hide the flaws and irregularities that occur on the border between the wall and the ceiling, as well as make the transition between different finishing materials more inconspicuous.

In fact, even beginners should not have great difficulties with gluing "friezes", since this is one of the simplest decorative elements. Both surfaces on which we will glue the plinth must be clean, in addition, if you have glued wallpaper or used plaster, you must wait for them to dry completely. As a rule, "friezes" are made in the form of a corner with a figured front side. If you chose a flat decor, then it can be attached both to the ceiling and to the wall - there is not much difference. Even at the stage of purchasing materials, it is worth buying a couple of spare strips in case of an emergency.

We begin to glue polyurethane skirting boards from the far corner of the room. Most likely, near the opposite corner you will have a segment where you won’t be able to attach the whole bar - this is normal. We leave it as it is, and continue on the other wall, according to the same principle. When you have glued the whole strips, you can proceed to the next step. Now we need to measure the length of the empty segment on each of the walls and cut into suitable pieces of skirting boards.

This question often confuses beginners, since there are no special fittings, and if you connect the skirting boards at an angle of 90 degrees, it looks ugly. The problem is solved very simply - it is necessary to trim the edges that will be connected at an angle of 45 degrees. For these purposes, you can use almost any knife, but it is better, stationery, because it is sharper.

In order not to ruin a whole new plank, take a couple of small pieces of "frieze" from the scraps and practice on them - put them together and cut each one until they meet with a minimum gap. How to do this correctly, you can see in the photo above or the video below. When you understand the basic principle, connecting two elements at each corner will not be a problem for you.

The debate about what material to use as an adhesive for decorative elements has been going on for more than a year. Someone recommends using Moment Installation or Dragon glue, others - liquid nails and silicone for wallpaper, others even putty and sealant. In this regard, we will give only one recommendation - choose the glue that is at hand and which is easier to work with.

A wide plinth, almost does not differ much from the thin one described above. True, it is often produced flat, and not with an angled end, so you have to fix it exclusively on one of the surfaces (ceiling or wall). You also need to pay more attention to the careful application of adhesive around the edges and center of the plank, so that it holds more securely.

What to glue first: ceiling plinth or wallpaper? This question is asked by both the novice specialist and the owner of the living space. decorative trim indoors, it gives comfort to the interior and creates a certain style, and a correctly chosen baguette for the ceiling can both narrow and expand the room, make it emphatically official or homely. The article will tell you how to glue the ceiling plinth on the wallpaper and on the wall.

Types and features of baguettes

(frieze, fillets, baguette) is used for interior decoration of houses and apartments. However, it combines well with various types wallpaper, ceiling tiles and regular painting.

Tip: When decorating a room in a high-tech style, you should not use a frieze.

When purchasing a baguette, it is necessary to take into account the height of the ceiling and the size of the room. The larger they are, the larger the plinth should be.

By installing a baguette, you can:

  • Hide defects that occur when puttying or wallpapering between the ceiling and the wall;
  • Hide uneven cutting wallpaper;
  • Decorate the room;
  • Emphasize its outline;

  • Give the finish a finished look.

A fairly diverse range of these products, when deciding to use them in the decor of the homeowner, allows you to choose the best option for the interior. Fillets differ in size, shape and material of manufacture.

Baguettes can be made from different material, but we will only touch on the most popular options:

  • Foam, decorative. Such skirting boards for ceilings are used most often, which is explained by:
  1. low cost;
  2. beautiful appearance;
  3. small weight;
  4. ease of installation of elements;
  5. they do not absorb moisture;
  6. do not rot;
  7. easy to cut with a regular sharp knife;

The disadvantages include:

  1. low fire resistance;
  2. great fragility;
  3. sloppy joints due to the graininess of the material.

  • . Such fillets can only work with smooth walls and ceilings, as the material is not flexible. They allow you to turn a modest room into a real palace. Products are fireproof, but, like all gypsum products, they are quite hygroscopic.

Material disadvantages:

  1. big weight;
  2. installation complexity.

  • . It has all the advantages of foam plastic and more accurate joints, which is associated with an increased density of the material. But the price is slightly higher.

  • . These products are used for rooms made in classical style. Because of the rich appearance, which can be seen in the photo below, and of great value, they belong to elite baguettes. They are made from expensive hardwoods:
  1. oak;
  2. ash;
  3. mahogany.

Lack of material - absorbs moisture, which may cause deformation and even mold over time.

The most popular are baguettes made of polystyrene foam and modern polystyrene foam.

The procedure for the repair of the premises

So, what to glue first, ceiling plinth or wallpaper? The quality of doing the work with your own hands depends on this.

However, in any case, the instructions for conducting preparatory work consists of the following:

  • Everything is done dismantling works in room;
  • Garbage is taken out;
  • Windows, radiators, all joinery are being replaced;
  • If necessary, change the electrical wiring;
  • Slopes are made;
  • The walls are leveled.

And then the finishing begins. Let's say right away that you can glue the ceiling plinth on the wallpaper. Moreover, many people do this to save time on trimming the wallpaper, which must be done when pasting exactly on the baseboard. However, this solution has several disadvantages:

  • It's no secret that the walls in our apartments are often far from smooth. When gluing a skirting board on such a wall without wallpaper, it is always possible to seal all the cracks that form with gypsum putty or sealant. The result is neat connections, and the skirting board holds much better. When sticking on wallpaper, such a focus cannot be turned.
  • Farther. If you glued the plinth to the wallpaper, then when finishing it, you run a great risk of staining the walls - you can smear glue with an awkward movement or drip paint when whitewashing.
  • Well, and the last nuance - if you want to replace the wallpaper with new ones, you will have to cut through the old ones with a knife so as not to tear off the baguettes.

How is the ceiling plinth glued

Now let's take a closer look at the work itself.

To complete the work you will need:

  • A carpenter's miter box and a hacksaw with a small tooth;

  • Stationery knife;

  • Roulette and pencil;

  • For wooden and other hard skirting boards (except gypsum), it is better to purchase a miter saw.

Tip: Before gluing the ceiling plinth to the wallpaper, you should accurately calculate its quantity and purchase one extra piece in case of marriage when cutting.

Preparatory work - we determine the installation scheme

First you need to make a simple drawing. To do this, take a piece of paper and a pencil. The scale can be taken as 1 m = 1 cm. Thus, one plank of the ceiling plinth in the drawing will take 2 cm. Draw the perimeter of the room on the sheet. After that, place the plinth on the diagram so that you get the minimum amount of waste, that is, so that you have to cut the elements to a minimum.

Since the profile is not symmetrical, it is necessary to decide which side to glue it. It is often recommended to fasten the wide side of the fillet so as to cover surface flaws as much as possible. That is, if you glue the plinth over the wallpaper, then it is better to glue the wide side on the wall. If the ceiling surface is uneven and has some flaws in the corners, then the wide side is mounted to the ceiling.

How to fix a baguette over wallpaper

The order of operations is as follows:

  • Marking is made on the ceiling and walls. In this case, a chopping thread is used or long rule for aligning the baguette.
  • For trimming the plinth, when joining the material in the corners, a miter box is used.

  • A baguette is glued: first into the corners, then around the entire perimeter, but if there is a markup, the sequence of work does not matter. Liquid nails are used as glue. This glue is applied in a thin strip to the edge of the fillet on the reverse side, after which it is pressed against the wall. Excess glue squeezed out quickly, before it has time to dry, is wiped off with a damp sponge or rag.
  • The gaps formed between the wall and the plinth, the joints, especially at the corners, are very carefully smeared with silicone. It is necessary to ensure that the excess does not fall on the wallpaper and floor.

Even precisely fitted parts do not interfere with smearing at the joints first of all

Advice! There is a way to do this as cleanly as possible, with virtually no risk of staining the wallpaper. Before sticking the plinth along the intended line from below, masking tape is glued, which will need to be removed after all work is completed.

  • The frieze is painted with two brushes - one larger for the main part, the other small for neat whitening of the edges.

The sequence of work on sticking the frieze to sticking the wallpaper is practically the same, except that the baguettes can be processed much more carefully, with grinding joints and other delights.

There are other benefits too:

It is very convenient to glue on putty, pay attention to this first of all

  1. As an adhesive, you can use finishing putty - this solution is more justified, since the plinth becomes almost monolithic with the wall.
  2. Walls do not need to be covered with masking tape before painting.

The density and properties of the materials from which the ceiling plinths are made affect the sequence of gluing them and wallpaper. Therefore, we can conclude: flexible and light friezes are glued to the wallpaper, heavy and hard ones are attached only to the wall.

What comes first, wallpaper or ceiling plinth? This question, we think, has been answered. The video attached to the article will reveal the topic in more detail.

Mounting the skirting board before wallpapering

In this case, the fillet is installed before finishing the walls with wallpaper. This method is used by professionals, as it allows you to seal all the cracks and joints even in the process of applying putty. The wallpaper is aligned under the already installed plinth. But in its complexity, this method is not much different from the previous one. It takes a little practice and even an amateur will do it no worse than a professional.

Ceiling plinths allow you to smooth the transition from walls to ceiling, in addition, they hide irregularities. But for this you need to correctly install these elements. Taking into account the information on how to install the skirting board - before pasting the wallpaper and after, you can decide which option is more suitable for you.

The ceiling plinth, also known as a baguette, molding or frieze, is decorative element, through which you can quickly and easily give aesthetics and completeness interior decoration rooms, hide flaws and irregularities at the junction of the ceiling with the walls.

The elements are made from various kinds materials - foam, polystyrene, plastic, polyurethane, wood, laminated chipboard, gypsum and other materials. Depending on this, you should choose what to glue the ceiling plinth on.

Means for gluing ceiling plinth

So, what to glue the ceiling plinth on?

Consider the types and features of the most commonly used products for gluing ceiling plinths:

  • Special adhesive compositions, made on polymer base. The most common adhesive solutions of this type are "Moment" and "Titan". They have an excellent binder base, set quite quickly, firmly and securely hold the elements glued with them (see). There are many other alternative polymer adhesive solutions, however their adhesive properties tend to be somewhat inferior compared to those mentioned above.

Adhesive solution "Titan" is excellent for many types of ceiling plinths

Advice! It must be remembered that polymer adhesive almost always contains a solvent that maintains it in a liquid state. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for gluing skirting boards with a fragile structure, such as foam.

  • Liquid Nails. The answer to the question of what is better to glue the ceiling plinth on can be the so-called liquid nails.

Such compounds are safe for almost any material and at the same time are able to perfectly hold the ceiling plinth for many years. Liquid nails come in two types:

  1. Neopropylene liquid nails. Made from organic solvent, have a pungent odor and, until completely dry, in case of non-compliance with safety measures, can pose a danger to human health. However, such solutions perform well when used in rooms with high humidity.
  2. Acrylic liquid nails are safer from an environmental point of view, but they are afraid of moisture and are best used only in dry rooms.

Liquid nails "Moment" are actively used for fixing all types of decorative panels including ceiling moldings

  • Acrylic putty.

This option is used by many professional tilers, since it is very convenient to glue the plinth on the putty:

  1. Firstly, there is no need to press the skirting board to the surface for a long time, waiting for it to seize.
  2. Secondly, with the same putty it is convenient to immediately cover up the gaps between the plinth and the wall in case there are bumps on the latter. Putty for gluing skirting boards holds the material securely, and you can use it in enclosed spaces without fear for your own health.

Making an adhesive solution for ceiling plinths with your own hands

In order not to guess for a long time what to glue the ceiling skirting boards on, we suggest you make an adhesive mixture based on putty with your own hands.

This will require:

  • Putty mixture for the finishing layer.
  • PVA glue.
  • Pure water.
  • Container for preparing adhesive solution.

The process is carried out as follows:

  1. Pour the finishing putty into a clean container of sufficient volume.
  2. PVA glue is added to it in a ratio of 1: 4 by volume (4 parts of putty account for 1 part of PVA glue).
  3. Gradually add water and mix the solution thoroughly.

The adhesive solution must be stirred until it acquires a creamy consistency. Then you need to let the solution stand for 5-10 minutes and mix it thoroughly again. After that, the solution will be ready for use, and it will be possible to use it within 1.5-2 hours (see).

Advice! You should carefully monitor the presence of lumps and clots in the mixture. If found, they must be removed.

The choice of means for gluing ceiling plinths from various materials

Let's figure out what to glue ceiling plinths made of various materials:

  • Most often, foam and polystyrene ceiling plinths are chosen for finishing domestic premises, since they are one of the most practical and inexpensive materials. At the same time, they can look no worse than wood or plaster. Gluing polystyrene and foam skirting boards is safer and most effective to produce on acrylic putty. Liquid nails and other mounting adhesive mixtures in this case, it can only be used if the indications for use in relation to these materials are indicated on their packaging. Otherwise, the glue can simply melt and ruin the baseboard.

  • Plastic ceiling plinths are often glued to acrylic putty if the finishing (for example, with wallpaper) in the room has not yet been carried out. If the wallpaper is already pasted, it will be advisable to glue the baseboard using silicone or adhesive sealant.
  • Polyurethane plinth must be glued with a special adhesive designed for polyurethane. In building supply stores, such glue is always present in a sufficient assortment, so there should not be any problems with choosing and buying it (see).
  • Skirting boards for the ceiling, made of gypsum, are glued with alabaster with PVA glue added to it. In some cases (when using massive stucco moldings), additional fastening of gypsum elements with self-tapping screws may be required.
  • Wooden ceiling plinths are used for finishing not so often. As for their fastening, it is carried out using liquid nails and, if necessary, also reinforce fasteners with self-tapping screws.

It should be noted that there is no single correct means for gluing one or another type of ceiling plinth. There are only recommendations for use based on the experience and observations of professional practicing repairmen.

If you are from personal experience If you know that the glue or putty you use is best suited for the baseboard, use this proven tool. For the rest, we recommend that you follow the rules and tips outlined in this article.

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