Characteristics of Taras from the story Taras Bulba is short. The image and characteristics of Taras Bulba from the story "Taras Bulba" by Gogol with quotes

Landscaping and planning 01.10.2019

Zaporozhian Cossack Taras Bulba is an advanced colonel. The hero of the story by N.V. Gogol will help to survive the difficult events of past centuries, to feel like a participant in the battles and victories of real men.

The image and characteristics of Taras Bulba are easier to perceive in the form brief scheme, pictures of battles and scenes of experiences create the perception of the presence of the hero somewhere nearby.

Hero's appearance

The most bright line appearance - a powerful figure. Everything is big in it: height, weight, body parts:

“Taras was extremely heavy and fat…”.

But his large features do not cause negativity. He is healthy, like a real hero. When the hero is in combat, the resemblance becomes even stronger:

"... thirty people hung from his arms and legs ...".

It's hard to even imagine what Taras must be like to hold the pressure of 30 warriors.

There are numerous scars and scars on the body of the Cossack, they add something imperious, imperious to the image. Every scar hides its own battle.

Another feature of appearance is gray hair. There are many sentences in which she decorates the image:

The graying head...;
... drooped his gray head...\";
...wispy white eyebrows like bushes...\";
... shook his head silvered in Cossack affairs...\".

Cossack twisted mustaches, a cheerful forelock are obligatory decorations for the appearance of a Cossack.

Taras is a family man

Bulba has many titles: pan, nobleman and landowner. The Cossack has servants, among them he chooses future fellow travelers:

"selected the servants who were supposed to go with them tomorrow ...".

A wealthy Cossack does not accept Polish customs. He lives simply and modestly, in Russian. time and historical events left their mark. He insults and beats his wife. "Severe deceiver ..." keeps a woman in fear. Weasels were only out of mercy. Calls his wife in different ways, but she does not have a name:

  • old;
  • old woman.
There is no tenderness even in the look, everything strictly and clearly corresponds in the family only to his desires. The old Cossack does not imagine himself as a settled owner of the house:

"buckwheat, housekeeper ...".

It is not possible for him to look after animals, not his

"hang out with my wife..."

He keeps the family only to continue his kind, to observe the traditions of Christianity.

Taras is a warrior

Experienced warrior spent in battles most own life. The Cossack was rarely next to his wife:

“She saw her husband two or three days a year…”.

Then, as all the women remained alone, she lived only with news about her husband:

"... for several years there was no rumor about him ...".

A strong character allowed Taras to always be ahead:

  • experience and knowledge of military affairs;
  • hatred for any enemies of the country;
  • the ability to be an excellent strategist;
  • the respect of his comrades for him and his for them.
Zaporozhets has no equal in valor and the desire to win. Bulba is fierce and merciless. Even the father takes his son's life, he becomes an enemy for him when he betrays the Cossacks and the Fatherland. It is terrible to read the pages of the death of heroes. They burn him at the stake, but he does not seem to notice the fire, looks into the distance, where his fellow Cossacks are saved.

Taras - father

As a father, a Cossack is strict and inexorable. He wants to see in his sons a continuation of himself, strong colonels defending Russia. That is why he does not represent "tenderness" for tired guys who have just returned from school. For him, rest is a horse and open field. Tenderness stays away.

Other characteristics of the father:

Education. Behind external indifference and rejection of sciences, Taras hides knowledge and education. Ostap notices that his father understands everything:

“…everything is old…. knows, and still pretends ... ".

Stubbornness. It is impossible to change the mind of a Cossack. If he decides something, no one will budge him. "... Stubbornness and annoyance ..." sometimes interfere with him, but he remains adamant.

Directness and rudeness. Like a true Cossack colonel, Taras was born for fights, battles and wars. The rough temper is straightforward, the Cossack inserts into the speech a word that the author cannot repeat, "... is not used in print ...".

Taras - Cossack

The old Cossack loves the Sich. For him, she is a spiritual beginning and a place where the meaning of his life is revealed. All the principles of the Zaporozhian Sich passed through the character of the hero. He is well versed in politics. Able to distinguish between deceit and lies. Understanding the psychology of friend and foe is Bulba's amazing ability. He seems to see through, penetrating into thoughts and words. Taras is not averse to drinking, but vodka does not deprive him of the gift of thinking. The Cossack prefers a clean, strong burner, without any frills. "... to walk recklessly, to drink and to gossip ..." he can, like a Russian soul.

Taras Bulba is a versatile and multifaceted personality. true believer Orthodox Christian lives in love for the Fatherland, does not know how to be affectionate and gentle. Bulba honors traditions, glorifies the Cossacks, knows how to make friends. The Zaporozhian is strong in spirit and body, he firmly holds a weapon in his hands, defending the ideals that were brought up in him.

In his works, Gogol talked about incredible adventures in the back streets of the human soul (for example, "Dead Souls"), about absurd comic situations ("The Government Inspector"), and sometimes described completely fantastic events ("The Nose"). However, one of his stories stands out from the rest. A story about the brave defenders of their freedom and national independence, a story about the times of former glory and the excesses of the Polish nobility. In the work "Taras Bulba" the author describes the events of the 17th century, when the struggle for the autonomy of Ukraine unfolded. This is a story about the heroic past and about the heroes themselves. Events unfold in a Cossack environment. The Cossacks are presented as a single organism, merged from a thousand individual independent parts. Each Cossack is a worthy defender of his Motherland, a valiant warrior and a faithful comrade. The description of Taras Bulba, the protagonist of this work, is a collective image of all Zaporozhye Cossacks.

The author rarely mentions what was the appearance of Taras Bulba. It seems that this characterization is enough for the reader: a fat middle-aged man with a straight posture, a large mustache and a sedentary head. He is dressed in typical Cossack clothes: in trousers that were “wider than the Black Sea”, a hat made of black smushkas with a red top. Bulba speaks loudly but slowly, which speaks of him as a successful speaker and leader. Taras practically does not let go of his smoking pipe. And, of course, he keeps well in the saddle - a skill without which it is difficult to imagine a Zaporozhye Cossack. But, nevertheless, the portrait of Taras Bulba is very easy to imagine.

It is also necessary to pay attention to what other descriptions appearance is in the text. So, Ostap, the eldest son of Taras, is described just as poorly: a strong body, a gloomy look, a look that reflects the "broad strength of a lion." Here, as in the case of the portrait image of Bulba, the emphasis is on the look, posture, and ability to hold on. Bulba Sr. has a serious, imperious, intelligent look on his face. He is heavy, but at the same time strong and muscular. And the character of Ostap in this sense becomes closer to his father.

Taras had another son - Andriy. In the case of this character, things are somewhat different. It is known that Andriy had fine features, tanned cheeks, velvet eyebrows, "his eyes sparkled with clarity", and his mustache was shiny like silk. It is repeatedly repeated that Andriy was very handsome. This is not a typical description for a Cossack. But after all, Andriy also acts unusually, one might even say boldly. It is Andriy, in whose appearance his “otherness” is initially shown, who betrays the Fatherland, faith and father. It is curious that if you notice such an author's move in the first chapters of the story, then it is easy to imagine how the work could end.

Ostap and Taras would never have done that. They appear to the reader as real Cossacks - daredevils, experienced warriors, horsemen. In the description of these characters, it is not said about the beauty of the mustache, it is only said that both the father and the son had mustaches. Of course, they had eyebrows, but they were completely ordinary, unlike velvet. Why is so little attention paid to these images?

Why is the portrait of Taras Bulba inextricably linked in the mind of the reader with the textbook idea of ​​the Cossacks? Gogol had no intention of endowing Bulba unique features like Andria. The author had an idea to display a certain collective image. There is absolutely no need for a detailed portrait and description of Taras' appearance. His clothes, hairstyle and horse are the same as those of other Cossacks. In addition, Bulba himself paid little attention to his appearance. He was disdainful and distrustful of all excesses and "lordly manners": "the bloomers of scarlet cloth were stained with tar to show complete contempt for them."

The appearance of the hero plays a secondary role here. Taras Bulba is no longer young, for him inner beauty becomes the most important. Loyalty to one's ideal and duty is what constitutes the highest value for a Cossack. The description of Taras Bulba's appearance has been replaced with a detailed image of the character. He is a courageous and determined person. Looking at him, you can safely judge him personal qualities: about love for freedom, one's land and people. Personal happiness also takes on a different plane. It cannot be said that Bulba loves his wife, but, on the other hand, he incredibly values ​​​​his sons. For Taras, the law of partnership is important, because this is the key to victory over anyone. A scattered army, within which there will be constant conflicts and fights, will not be able to exist for a long time. He stands up not only for cohesion among the Cossacks, but also for unity within the state. Taras personally helps those who are oppressed or harassed by tenants, Poles or other authorities. He is a colonel of the old school, a Zaporozhian Cossack.

The phrases above are calling card this character. The image of the Zaporizhzhya Cossack is vividly presented to any person familiar with the history of Ukraine. Freedom-loving people who fought desperately for the inviolability of their people, who gave their lives for the independence of their homeland, who do not accept any compromises. This is exactly what Taras Bulba was.

Summing up, we can draw the following conclusion: Gogol deliberately does not detail the appearance of the protagonist of the story. In this case, the image of Taras becomes collective, that is, it absorbs everything best features Kozakov, at the same time appearing to the reader as a kind of ideal. It is important to remember that the writer did not seek either historical truth or a real reflection of real characters. The author only needed to recreate the wide canvas of Ukraine of the 17th century. One gets the feeling that in that distant past, which Gogol writes, the Cossacks looked like Taras Bulba. Courage, the ability to ride a horse, love for the Fatherland and the Christian faith, for freedom and the Sich, bloomers and smoking pipe- all this merges into one, turning out to be in fact the image of an ideal Zaporozhye Cossack.

The above description of Taras Bulba, his portrait and appearance can be used by students in grades 6-7 when writing an essay "Description of Taras Bulba"

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In the 19th century in Russia there were many good and different writers who mastered the art of artistic word. Among them, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol distinguished himself not only by a certain eccentricity and undeniable talent, but also by the ability to create memorable characters. In the story "Taras Bulba" for both readers and literary critics, all the characters are of interest, but in this work the emphasis will be on the main actor. The direct characterization of Taras Bulba in the story is given quite concisely, and his character is best judged by the actions of the Cossack.

At the outset, it would be advisable to brief description Taras Bulba from the text:

“Bulba was terribly stubborn... Taras was one of the indigenous, old colonels: he was all created for abusive anxiety and was distinguished by the rough directness of his temper. He loved simple life Cossacks and quarreled with those of his comrades who were inclined towards the Warsaw side, calling them serfs of the Polish pans. Eternally restless, he considered himself the legitimate defender of Orthodoxy. Arbitrarily entered the villages, where they only complained about the harassment of tenants and the increase in new duties on smoke. He himself with his Cossacks carried out reprisals against them and made it a rule for himself that in three cases you should always take up the saber ... "

From the above passage, it becomes obvious that the Christian faith was the main value orientation for the Cossacks. He had confidence in his rightness and physical strength, acted in the name of justice and was respected by the rest of the Cossacks.

Zaporizhzhya Sich

From the first chapter, the reader learns that Bulba Sr. is not a family man at all. He does not like to be at home, within four walls, his soul yearns for will and deeds. Even his sons, who returned from the seminary in the morning, whom neither father nor mother had seen for several years, Taras decides to send them to the Sich in order to teach young men about life and make worthy people out of them. Taras does not even want to wait a few days, believing that both sons will pamper themselves under the influence of their mother and there will be no sense from them anymore. Of course, the old Cossack misses his youth, recalls past victories and festivities. That is why he goes to the Zaporizhzhya Sich together with his sons. It seemed that Taras Bulba was born to become a Cossack, and not an exemplary family man: his life was full of dangers and worries, but this was precisely what inspired Taras to new achievements.

"There is no bond stronger than fellowship"

Taras has many friends and acquaintances in the Setch who respect and listen to his point of view. Before the battle near Dubno, Bulba utters a fiery monologue in which he insists on the importance of the laws of camaraderie: you can’t leave your soldiers in trouble. It is necessary to avenge them, to rescue them from captivity.

It must be said that it was largely thanks to Bulba that there was a change of power in the Sich: having persuaded his friends and got the rest drunk, Bulba makes sure that his old acquaintance was appointed the new koschevoi, who definitely approved the idea of ​​​​going to war against Poland. This episode speaks of Taras as a purposeful and stubborn person who is trying with all his might to transform reality in accordance with personal plans. It cannot be said that this is a negative quality of character.

In battles, he showed himself as a brave and brave warrior. Despite his advanced age and corpulence, Bulba fought on a par with young Cossacks. He raises the morale of the Cossacks, when part of the Cossacks went to take revenge on the Tatars for the plunder of the Sich. Taras also supports his comrades during the battles, bravely asking: “Is there still gunpowder in the powder flasks?”
It is also interesting to mention what kind of toasts Bulba made: “For faith! For the Sech! The last sip for the glory of all Christians who live in the world! These phrases only reinforce the belief that the faith and the Zaporizhzhya Sich occupied a special place in the life of the Cossack and were indestructible ideals for him.

Bulba is reasonably chosen as chieftain: “Everything gave him an advantage over others,” the author says, “both advanced years, and experience, and the ability to move his army, and strong hatred of enemies ...” Prince Pototsky himself was entrusted to catch and stop Bulba. In the final battle of the story, the Cossack does not abandon his army: "a little more than thirty people" fell on Taras, and in the end, "strength overcame strength." Even being on his deathbed, Taras screams, orders his army to leave, suggesting ways of retreat. He asks the Cossacks to remember him, and the next year he orders them to come and cut down the remaining Poles. The Cossacks escaped, sailed away in boats, without ceasing to talk about their chieftain.

Bulba and sons

The character of Taras Bulba is also revealed in the conflict with the youngest son, Andriy. At first, Bulba did not believe Yankel's words that the son had renounced the Fatherland and the Christian faith for the sake of a beautiful lady. The old Cossack could not understand the choice of the young man, he did not want to listen to Andriy when he saw him in the Polish cavalry. At that moment, everything that Taras dreamed of - to teach his sons in the Sich, to make them real Cossacks, to brag about children to friends and rejoice in military exploits - all this collapsed overnight. Treachery and apostasy (apostasy) was for Taras the most terrible sin. And the only punishment for that is death. Bulba immediately executes the sentence with clear confidence in the truth and correctness of his actions. Kozak shoots his son, uttering the terrifying and cruel phrase "I gave birth to you, I will kill you." He does not want to bury his son, they say, and so there will be mourners.

Upon learning that Ostap was captured, Bulba tries with all his might to help him. He asks Yankel to secretly take him to Poland, then he bribes other Jews, worries, rushes about (which is not typical for Taras). Learning that you can see your son only before the execution, and there is no hope of escaping, Bulba agrees to disguise himself as a foreign visitor. Unfortunately, this venture is a fiasco.
Bulba goes to the place of execution, gets lost among the "heretics", trying to get as close as possible in order to see his own son for the last time. “What did old Taras feel when he saw his Ostap? What was in his heart then? But the Cossack does not betray his condition in any way. All of it turned into caution. Looking at Ostap, who ordered the rest of the prisoners to be silent during the execution, Bulba quietly whispers words of approval. But the father could not stand it, Bulba responded to the plea of ​​his son to see his own person before his death.

Bulba avenged the execution of his eldest son: he burned 18 villages, instilled fear in all of Poland, even the Cossacks were afraid of him because of his cruelty.

Thanks to the detailed description of the image of Taras Bulba, students in grades 6-7 can easily recreate this character in their essay on the topic “Characteristics of Taras Bulba”

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The image of Taras Bulba in the story of the same name by N.V. Gogol is fanned by a poetic legend, in the words of the author: "as if an extraordinary manifestation of Russian power."

Gogol endowed his beloved hero Taras with something that he himself did not have: two sons. But he also took them both from his hero, making Taras the murderer of one, the youngest son, the traitor Andriy.

The other, the eldest son of Ostap, Taras, gave as a sacrifice to his patriotic ideals. it real feat- a hero and a man.

“But Bulba did not know what God was preparing for man tomorrow ...”, wrote N.V. Gogol. In his story, the author reflected the history of his people, making Taras the main character, who embodied the best character traits of a person of that time. Taras Bulba was a Zaporozhye colonel who reflected the best features of the Cossacks. He is a courageous warrior who repeatedly glorified himself in battles. A courageous face, a brave look, an unchanging pipe and a Cossack mustache - this is exactly how we see Taras Bulba on the first pages of the story. He likes Cossack life, it is no coincidence that he spends all his time in the Zaporizhzhya Sich, because he is the defender of his native land, the laws of Orthodoxy.

He wants to see his sons like that too. How proud he is of them, watching their courage and courage in the first battle.

Taras Bulba, a stern and adamant warrior, leads a life full of dangers and hardships. The hero is not created for family happiness. His "nezhba" is a clean field and a good horse. Having met after a long separation with his sons, the very next day he goes with them to the Cossacks in the Zaporozhian Sich. There is his element: "He was all created for abusive anxiety and was distinguished by the rude directness of his temper."

Taras' whole life was spent in battles with Poles, Turks and Tatars. The hero shows himself as a brave, experienced commander: "There is no one among the Cossacks who was equal to him in valor."

Taras combines scope and prowess folk life. It is distinguished by a great intensity of feelings, thoughts and passions. In his soul there is not a drop of selfishness and self-interest, but there is only a desire for independence and freedom of his people. Deep hatred resounds in his words: "I know, it's mean now on our land: they adopt the devil knows what Busurman customs; they abhor their tongue; they sell their people ...".

Taras is a wise Cossack with rich life experience. It is no coincidence that he becomes the ataman of the Cossacks. He is always at the center of the battle. However, there is no limit to his indignation when he sees how Andriy, his own son, kills the Cossacks. Taras feels guilty before the Cossacks and his homeland. There is no such force that could prevent the execution of the terrible sentence: "I gave birth to you, I will kill you." From the death of two sons, the paternal soul died. Cheerful, cheerful and witty Taras Bulba turns into a cruel avenger. A man of great will and mind, independent, he appreciates in a person, first of all, courage and can neither justify nor atone for treason to the Motherland.

N.V. Gogol does not try to create an ideal image of his hero. It combines tenderness and rudeness, small and great. In the hero, the author captured the features of the national Russian character: heroic and tragic at the same time. The tree above the river burns with fire, to which Taras Bulba is chained, but his soul is next to the Cossacks and it is to them that his last words are addressed. Taras Bulba died, but his will, loyalty to his comrades and the Motherland remained inviolable.

Prepared for you Nataliya Shashko

Updated: 2012-03-10

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1. Ostap. This is the eldest of two sons in the family. He received a proper education - he graduated from the Kyiv Academy. However, at first, study was given to the guy with difficulty. Only the threats of his father forced him to learn.
He is kind, sincere, brave and courageous. Over time, he began to be considered one of the best in the academy. He had close comrades, he was loved and appreciated by many people. Ostap dreamed of the Sich. All his life he, like his father, dreamed of battles, battles. In addition, it was important for Ostap to perform feats of arms. He wanted to be like his father in this. The guy sincerely loved his homeland and remained faithful to her until the end of his days. When the fighter was captured, he showed strength of mind and, despite the terrible torment, did not utter a word, did not groan or cry. That is, Ostap is an example of a true citizen, patriot, courageous and brave fighter.

2. Andriy. This is the youngest of the sons in the family. He received a good education in Kyiv, where training was given to him quite easily. However, unlike his older brother, Andriy was more peaceful. That is, he did not dream of exploits and battles as much as Ostap. He was attracted by a peaceful life with its pleasures.
Having fallen in love, the youngest son of Taras commits a crime that even his own father will not soon be able to forgive - he betrays his homeland and goes over to the side of the enemy. One day he utters these words: “And what about my father, comrades and fatherland?”. He gave up everything he had for the sake of love with the lady. Forgetting everything, Andriy enters the battle with his comrades from yesterday. For such an unacceptable betrayal of a son in those days, his father punishes him.

3. Taras. This is the central character of the work, a real Cossack, the father of two sons. Taras shows the features of a warlike, brave person. This is what the author says about him: “Taras was one of the indigenous, old colonels: he was all created for abusive anxiety and was distinguished by the rude directness of his temper. Restless forever, he considered himself the legitimate defender of Orthodoxy. He achieved veneration, because he won many fights. Despite the fact that the man is no longer young, the spirit of the Cossack still plays in him.
The meaning of Taras's life is military campaigns. He is not accustomed to a peaceful life. Taras is a sincere patriot of his land, who treats his comrades with love and does not spare his enemies. When he learned that his son Andrii had now become his enemy, he did not spare him either. In the eldest son Ostap, he doted on the soul. Perhaps he saw his own reflection in it. But when his real hope dies, Taras falls into despair and kills all the Poles that get in his way. Soon the Cossack was caught. During the execution, Taras, like his son, behaved courageously. Even at the stake, Taras tried to help his comrades.

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