How to make a pipe from improvised means. Master class on making smoking pipes with your own hands (photo)

Encyclopedia of Plants 04.03.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Making a pipe with your own hands is a long and laborious process. This will require material, tools, skills and experiments. As practice shows, even for experienced carpenters, the first copies are far from the best quality. What smoking pipes are made of is a whole science.

A handmade smoking pipe is made of wood. The optimal material is briar, but it is almost impossible to find it in free sale. Briar is extracted from the root of the heather, which grows in the Mediterranean. Therefore, as a rule, cherry or pear wood is taken as the basis - available materials for a smoking pipe.

It is worth saying that making a smoking pipe with your own hands will cost many times more than buying a new one. This is due to the laborious process of sawing out the base, preparing the material, as well as clarifying the internal channels. You will have to spoil more than one blank before you get some semblance of a smoking device.

Many are wondering how to make a foil pipe, a bong from a bottle. It cannot be called a smoking pipe, since plastic and artificial surfaces do not have the effect that wood and briar do.

Technology and production does not allow the use of paper products.

You can focus on pottery, rust, but the slightest crack will render the product unusable.

Ready solutions

Tobacco stores sell original kits that will help you understand how to make a smoking pipe with your own hands in just 5 minutes. These are the so-called hobby blocks. Usually a hobby block is made in the form of a square or rectangular block of wood. A hole has already been drilled inside for the bowl and the smoke channel.

All that remains for the user is to attach the mouthpiece. You can also buy a drip tip on the online space, and according to the sizes that hobby blocks have.

To be honest, the hobby block is just a pipe making toy. It is problematic to make a full-fledged tube out of this. In most cases, such products are considered exclusively as souvenirs.

Equipment preparation

The key tool is a band saw and a drilling machine. You can find a machine in a used condition for about 5000-7000 rubles. through online advertisements. These are the simplest models that are easily fixed on the kitchen table.

It is not so easy to find a band saw for making smoking pipes and the device will most likely cost more. However, if tubes are to be manufactured in the long term, such equipment will become indispensable.

The next element of the preparatory kit is a drill. For the smoke channel, models with a diameter of 4 mm are usually selected. You can find such products for machine tools in specialized stores. The best option is a furniture hinge drill, with which repairs are made, including a wide range of options, ideal for creating a tube.

If carving is intended, art kits will be required. Carved decoration is a labor-intensive process.

Steps for making a smoking pipe

You can learn how to make a pipe for smoking tobacco according to the following steps:

How to make a mouthpiece?

The optimal choice for the mouthpiece is ebonite. Smoking pipe material can be purchased at hardware stores or in the same specialized tobacco stores. Before you make a bong or pipe, you should buy ebonite in reserve.

A piece of ebonite is vertically installed in a drilling machine. First, a perpendicularly flat surface is created with a drill. Next, holes are made for the trunnion in accordance with the parameters of the chubuk.

The most difficult part is drilling the smoke channel in the mouthpiece. It is important to remember that the hole must be tapered in length. Usually, drills with a diameter of no more than one and a half millimeters are selected, but in any case, exactly the drill is selected that fits under the smoke channel of the chubuk.

To make the hole tapered, the mouthpiece is drilled each time with thinner drills and in several passes. Wooden pipes in this case smoke better.

Some make and make pipes from clay, paper, and other improvised means. But this is a qualitatively different technology, which is problematic to implement without skills. Briar pipe bush and ebonite are the best materials.

In contact with

A stylish homemade smoking pipe is a great opportunity to emphasize your individuality. But you should know one important point: making your own beautiful and really high-quality pipe from scratch will be much more expensive than buying a ready-made one. This is especially true for those who have never worked with wood before and have neither skills nor tools.

This does not mean at all that there are no cheap ways to make smoking pipes with your own hands without special tools. These methods exist, and will be described below, but they are either very laborious, or the appearance of the finished product will be very primitive. However, in this, too, one can find a certain originality.

Smoking pipe from improvised means - simple ways

We offer you some simple options for making this smoking device, which do not require special materials and tools.

A pipette, a box of medical shoe covers, or any other plastic element of a suitable shape.

It is easy to make, but the appearance will be ... like a plastic product.

A hole is made in a plastic box with a hot awl and a pipette is inserted. Design flaws: appearance and the fact that you need to make sure that the plastic does not heat up.

Pipette, thin metal tea light cup, or thick sheet foil.

A tube cup is made from a candle cup or sheet foil and attached to a pipette. The pipette can be placed on epoxy or other adhesive.

A piece of thin brass tube (no thicker than a pipette), a thimble or a small metal cup.

From the tools you will need a drill, pliers, a vice, a metal file, a tap for external threads.

We saw off the necessary piece of pipe, cut the thread on one of its edges, drill a hole in the cup of such a diameter that the cup can be screwed onto the thread. Pliers give the product a bend, if necessary.

How to make a smoking pipe out of wood

There are three main ways to solve this problem:

1. make from a purchased blank with finalization with a file and sandpaper;

2. make and elderberry or other wood with a soft core;

3. Completely turn or carve from a single piece of wood by drilling the tobacco chamber and smoke channel yourself.

The third method is possible only if you have a good professional tool and woodworking skills. We will describe only simple options.

Purchased tube and mouthpiece

Making a pipe from a so-called hobby block and a purchased mouthpiece is one of the convenient and beautiful options: you don’t have to worry about drilling a tobacco chamber and a smoke channel, and the resulting product will look quite presentable. You need a minimum of tools for this: a file for shaping and sandpaper of different grain sizes for grinding. You can decorate the bowl and shank with carvings and open with a water-based (or alcohol-based) stain. When buying a mouthpiece, make sure it fits your hobby block.

How to make a smoking pipe from elderberry

You will need two branches of elderberry of different thicknesses: v-shaped (or a little closer to the letter "g" in shape) - for a bowl with a chubuk, and a straight line - for a mouthpiece. Of the tools - a knife and steel wire. With a knife, shape the bowl with the chibouk, and slightly sharpen the edge of the branch-mouthpiece in much the same way as you sharpen a pencil. The sharp edge should then fit tightly into the chubuk. Next, clean the core of both blanks with steel wire, and connect the chubuk to the mouthpiece. Sand the parts with sandpaper.

Do-it-yourself "Shaman" smoking pipe

In this version, the entire product is cut out with a knife from a suitable branch and a tobacco chamber is drilled. The bowl does not need to be particularly cut out - the tube does not have to be l-shaped or v-shaped. Further, in order to cut out the smoke channel and connect it to the tobacco chamber, I split the workpiece into two parts. The inner part is cut out with a knife, after which both halves are carefully glued with PVA or simply wound with a coarse thread, which will give the product an authentic shamanic look.


Making truly high-quality pipes is a painstaking process that involves many steps. Today's story is dedicated to the manufacture of pipes by master Alexander Bondarev.

Like many masters, Alexander is self-taught: he looked at other people's work, noticed something, tried to do something himself, improved something and it took root in his work. I will not go into technical details, I will not dwell on any individual processes. Alexander himself has all this in his blog, he talks in detail about the processes and pitfalls and does it with skill and with pictures.

Well, I'll go through the common places, sketch, so to speak, a sketch.

Pipes are made from many materials, ranging from clay and stone to corn on the cob and gourd. Although, wood is still considered the traditional material. Here, too, there are many options: cherry, pear, beech, but the best pipes are made from briar. Briar pipes are also called heather pipes.

A briar is a growth in the rhizome of a heather that grows in the difficult conditions of the stony soil of the Mediterranean. This outgrowth serves the tree to accumulate water, and together with water it absorbs minerals, becoming very durable and refractory. It is these properties that make briar an ideal pipe material.

Briar is harvested specifically for pipe makers. It is cleaned, washed, dried. Proper drying sets the right properties of wood and its taste. If you dry it incorrectly, then cracks will appear, and if you do not dry it enough, then the pipe will not have good taste. But the latter is fixable, briar can ripen in the form of a finished product.

The workpiece is fixed in the machine twice. For the first time, the chibouk is turned (this is what meets the mouthpiece), and the second - the bowl itself with the tobacco chamber. Moreover, if a ring is used on the pipe to decorate the junction with the mouthpiece, and it is most often used in good pipes, then it is installed directly on the machine, followed by reaming the mortise, the mouthpiece landing site. If the ring is placed separately, microscopic cracks will be obtained at the junction, and this is unacceptable.

Rings are most often made from various types of wood, horn, bone or precious metals. For example, products made from natural horn and ivory cannot be exported to the USA, they protect nature there. So you have to replace these parts with acrylic.

Alexander has a reason to be proud: a one and a half kilogram “piece” of mammoth tusk. Its owner lived a long time ago on the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, then died, and then Soviet scientists found the horn. And then Alexander found the scientists :)

We continue the rough processing of the tube blank. The excess is mercilessly cut off. No health and safety :)

Rough grinding on the wheel. At the upper end of the chibouk, you can see the same decorative ring, though not from the same mammoth, but from boxwood.

And here is an unpleasant surprise. A small cavity in the solid wood spoils the whole picture. Most likely, the cavern will not be able to grind off, and this tube will no longer become smooth, but will be rusted. More difficult with cracks. When they are detected, the workpiece most often goes to the ejection. But this is a valuable material of wood, mammoth or bone, and several hours of work.

Also blanks with caverns inside the tobacco chamber remain without a future. In principle, if the cavity is small, then after several months of smoking you will not find it, but you cannot sell such a pipe, the reputation of the master will suffer.

A very important stage is the drilling of the smoke channel. First, a channel is drilled to the meeting point with the tobacco chamber, and then the chamber is selected. Moreover, the channel should exit exactly at the bottom of the chamber. If the bottom of the chamber is lower than the outlet of the channel, the pipe will not smoke to the end, which will lead to tar stagnation and an unpleasant taste and smell.

It has been about five hours since the start of work, and we have only done the workpiece. If they cut spoons, they would call it a baklusha. Then the creative process of shaping begins. Done by hand, the time spent is highly dependent on the shape of the tube. On average, one tube takes three to four full working days.

We will not abuse the hospitality of the host, so we will return to the already finished pipe.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. Or mouthpieces. They are also made from various materials, but ebonite or acrylic are now considered traditional. Alexander uses warm lamp ebonite. A hole is drilled in the cylinder for the channel and a pin, which will go into the wooden part of the tube. There, too, accuracy is required up to 0.2 millimeters per thermal gap.

After grinding, the tube is treated with ordinary stains, polished again, if necessary, treated with stains again and polished again.

Tubes are not friendly with varnishes, only polishing.

By alternating sanding with painting, you can achieve a spectacular pattern of wood fibers, grains.

The final touch is the seal of the master.

Each pipe is marked with the name of the master, the date of birth of the pipe and its quality. Each pipe maker has his own scale and he evaluates the pipes at his own discretion.

Each tube comes with a leather sheath. It is sewn right there with the same hands.

And here are the tubes. I prefer smooth rounded shapes, while others will like rusticated ones. There are generally similar to stumps :)

“No, don’t take it off, these are my working tubes and in general, it’s a mess and you don’t have to do it like that” :) The master can afford such a creative mess. There are no pipes made for oneself, rather, these are pipes with a small marriage, revealed at the final stages. Such a marriage does not affect any properties, except for aesthetic indicators, but this cannot be given to the customer either.

Tobacco smoking is very popular, despite all the warnings of doctors. There are many different ways to do this, but the pipe is especially popular. This item gained its fame around 1493, after the discovery of America by Columbus. The first pipes of the Indians were shaped like the letter "U". The smoke from the tobacco burning in them was drawn in through the nostrils.

A little about the device

modern beautiful,carved smoking pipeshave a completely different, long-established structure. It has three main parts:




There is a tobacco chamber in the bowl, combustion takes place in it. Through a small hole in the base of this chamber, the smoke goes into a special channel (chimney) that passes through the chubuk. Then it follows into the mouthpiece connected to it and from there into the mouth of the smoker. The pipes have many different shapes, they are made from different materials and even have some variations in their design.

What is the secret of rich taste

Why is it so attractive to smoke a pipe? The thing is that tobacco, burning in it, acquires a stronger taste, respectively, and the smoker feels a bright and rich flavor range. But in order for it to open completely, the tube must not only be made of the right material, but also have a specific shape. All this may seem very complicated at first glance. In fact, it is quite possible to acquirehomemade smoking pipe. Using this will definitely be more pleasant than the highest quality and most expensive store product.

Getting Started: Choosing a Model

Before starting work, you need to decide on the device of the tube. One moment is fundamental here - it will be with or without a filter. The first option provides for the presence of a special chamber in the product, where a special smoke purifier will be placed. It is made from paper, activated carbon, balsa wood and other materials. A good filter does not affect the taste of tobacco, but only reduces the amount of harmful substances in the smoke, cools it and absorbs moisture from it. All this, of course, is good, but it will be necessary not only to make a compartment in the tube for such a cleaner, but also to regularly change used filters. There is an easier way (it is used in inexpensive tubes). An evaporator is inserted inside the joint between the stem and the mouthpiece (a small metal cylinder with a groove for smoke to flow through). It plays the role of both a cooler and a resin collector. Its efficiency, of course, is small compared to the filter, buthomemade smoking pipemay well get by with just the presence of an evaporator.

About the tool

After everything is decided with the tube device, you need to take care of the tool. The required minimum is as follows:



    any device for drilling;


    set of chisels (forcarved smoking pipe)




Next, you need to take care of the blanks for the tube. The Internet is full of sites where you can order everything you need, the only question is price and shipping costs. By and large, you need to purchase only a piece of briar for making a stammel (a bowl with a shank) and a small (about 10 cm long) cylinder of ebonite with a diameter of 1.0 - 1.5 cm for turning the mouthpiece. It is better not to even try to take these two things somewhere with your hands, but only in special stores or from trusted suppliers on the network. Of course, you can also take care of a decorative ring for a pipe or other similar decorating elements, but for the first homemade product, this is all absolutely superfluous.

Manufacturing technology

Now, finally, considerhow to make a smoking pipehimself. First you need to use a file to give the briar the shape of the future stammel. Its contour is pre-drawn on the tree, so it will not be so difficult to do this. The main thing is not to forget that the total length of the tube should be at least 10-15 centimeters.

Having given the briar the desired shape, they proceed to drilling the tobacco chamber, holes for the trunnion (the part of the mouthpiece that is inserted into the chubuk) and the smoke channel. This must be done carefully, at the lowest speed and with regular extraction of the drill from the workpiece. Otherwise, it will simply start to burn, and this cannot be allowed in any way. It is better to drill the smoke channel first and not to the end, so as not to miss when the tobacco chamber is drilled. It is better to make a hole for the trunnion of a small size (as far as the workpiece allows) in order to prevent chips and cracks on the walls of the cylinder resulting from this process. Then they already take up chisels, if donecarved smoking pipe, and in the end everything is finally processed with sandpaper.

We also make an ebonite mouthpiece with a file. This material lends itself well to processing. The main difficulties lie in drilling a smoke channel in it and fitting the neck of the mouthpiece to the diameter of the seat in the shank. The connection must be tight and at the same time easy to separate with little effort. It is important to know that the mouthpiece is inserted and removed only in a circular motion, and it is screwed only clockwise, and unscrewed, on the contrary, against it. The final form of the mouthpiece will be determined only by the imagination of the master.

Even if something does not work out the first time (and this, most likely, it will), then you should not despair. Invaluable experience is gained only in work. Given the mistakes of past attempts, it will be much easier to achieve mastery and eventually make a first-class pipe for yourself.

Today we will tell you how to make a handmade pipe at home. If you already smoke, you need to customize this process: cigarettes from a pack and a lighter for three rubles is not a dude's choice. The tube is another matter.

Frankly, I myself smoked a pipe - of course, until I quit. The case was interesting. Hammering and lighting a pipe is a whole science, we have already told you about this. My pipe has always interested others: friends asked me to try it, and in public places (for example, in cafes and bars, before smoking was banned there) I always got into the center of attention, as soon as I got comfortable with my pipe. In general, you probably already understood that the pipe is royal, especially if you made it yourself.

So, you will need:

  • briar (wood);
  • ruler;
  • chisels for woodcarving;
  • saw;
  • pencil;
  • drill with different drills;
  • compass;
  • polishing machine;
  • sandpaper;
  • cutters - at least 18 mm;
  • time (many);
  • idea.


First of all, you need to understand what your pipe should look like. Draw the options on paper and choose the one you like best.


Cut off a piece of wood of the right size - your pipe will only be slightly smaller.

Draw an outer circle - the diameter of the pipe - and an inner circle - the diameter of the recess in it, where you will fill the tobacco.

Now we draw on the remaining sides of your bar the selected shape. It's up to the small thing - to trim the tree so that the idea is embodied in your bar (grab the tools and work). As a result, you will get approximately what is shown in the picture.


You need to drill a hole through which the smoke will enter your mouth.

As you can see from the picture, you first need to measure how deep you have to drill. Be careful: the walls of the tobacco chamber must not be thin, otherwise the high temperatures will destroy your pipe.

The wall thickness of the tube shown in the picture is 8 mm. Tobacco chamber diameter - 18 mm, depth - 30 mm.
In the end, it is clear that the dimensional characteristics depend on the chosen design.

Now you need to make a hole in the mouthpiece, which will connect the mouthpiece to the tobacco chamber. Carefully drill a hole (a 7mm drill was used to make this tube). Then we change it to a smaller drill (in our case, 3 mm). Don't forget to test - how well does it pout, is the connection between the tobacco chamber and the mouthpiece improved?

We round off

Should the tube look like a tube? Who has seen a cube-shaped tube? This is some kind of cubism.

We grind

This will require sandpaper and a lot of patience. Sand until you're happy with the texture.


We connect one with the other and make minor adjustments.
The handset cannot yet be used. You need to polish it - for this you need a polishing machine.

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