Yushka brief content of briefs. Retelling and brief description of the work of "Yushka" Platonova A.P

Garden technique 01.10.2019

Efim, whom the people nicknamed Yushka, works as an assistant to the blacksmith. This weak person, the old on appearance, turned only forty years. The old man he looks due to a consumers, which has long been sick. Jushku works in the forge so long ago, the locals are twisted on it: adults, seeing how he goes to work, will be young, and when he returns home, they say it's time to dinner and sleep.

Very often, children and adults offend the jushno, beat, throw stones, sand and land into him, but he all tolerates, does not take offense and is not angry with them. Sometimes the children are trying to call the jushku, but they do not go out, and sometimes they do not even believe that Jushnaya is alive. Yushka himself believes that the surrounding so show "blind love" to him.

The money earned, Yushka does not spend, drinks only empty water. Every summer he leaves somewhere, but no one knows where it is, and Yushka does not admit, calls different places. People think that he goes to his daughter, the same as he, a simple and no one needed.

Every year, the Yushka from Chakhotka is becoming weaker. Once in the summer, instead of leave, Yushka stays at home. That evening, he, as usual, returns from the forge and meets the passerby, who begins to sweat over it. For the first time, Yushka does not tolerate ridicule silently, but responds to the passing, that if he was born, then it means that the white light is needed. These words occur in the passage not to taste. He pushes a jewish in the sore breast, he falls and dies.

Passing by the Master finds Yushka and understands that he is dead. All neighbors from his street come to Yushkina funerals, even those who were offended by him. Now the anger of them became not on whom, and people began to swear more often.

Once in the city, an unfamiliar girl, silent and pale, and begins to look for Efim Dmitrievich. Not immediately, the blacksmith remembers that the Yushka was so called.

First, everyone considers the girl a daughter of Yushki, but it turns out to be orphan. Yushka leek her, placed first in the Moscow family, then in the guesthouse with training. Every summer he traveled to the girl and all the money earned gave her. Knowing the diseases of Yushka, the girl learned to the doctor and wanted to cure him. She did not know that Yushka died - he just did not come to her, and the girl went to look for him. The blacksmith leads it to the cemetery.

The girl remains to work in that city, disinterestedly helps people, and everyone is called her "Yushkina daughter", no longer remembering who is such a Jushka, and that she does not have to his daughter.

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Summary of the story of Platonova "Yushka"

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"For a long time, in an old time, we lived on the street old on the street. He worked in a blacksmith with a large Moscow road ... a sirred assistant at the main blacksmith ... "

Cutting and calm, he wore water, coal, inflated the bellows - the word, where will be sent.

Called him by Efim, but people called him a shouthell.

He lived on the apartment at the blacksmith, fed him with bread, sch) and porridge. They paid him and the salary to buy himself sugar, tea and clothing. But Yushka drank water, and the clothes wore for many years one and the same without shift, black and smoked from work. Summer barefoot, in winter in the same couple of boots.

He went to work sooner - on him old men walked young, and returned late - there is a jushka from work, it means everyone to sleep.

The children teased Yushku, throwing sticks and whiskers to him and angry that he was not chasing them and would not scold them.

Strange he answered them:

What are you, my relatives, what are you, small! .. You must have love me! .. Why do I need me everyone? .. You don't need to touch me, you fell into the earth's eyes, I do not see me.

Parents said naughty children: "We will grow - you will be like Yushka."

Adults also offended Jushki, and drunk drunk, even beat him.

The daughter of the blacksmith raised him from the road and said:

It would be better if you die.

But Yushka did not want to die - since he was born to live. And he also believed that his people love, only she loved without concept.

In July or August, Yushka put on the shoulders to Kotomka with bread and left the city. He admired the sky, herb, kissed flowers and stroked the trees. In nature, his ailments - Chakhotka - retreat.

"But the year of the year, Yushka increasingly weakened, because it was going through and the time of his life and the breast disease tormented his body and pulled it. Basic summer, when Yushka was already approaching the term to go to his far village, he did not go anywhere. He beat, as usual, in the evening, is already darkened from the forge to the owner for the night. Cheerful passerby, who knew Yushka, laughed at him:

What are you the land of our trash, God's scarecrow! At least you died, or something more fun would happen without you, otherwise I'm afraid to miss ...

And what am I to you than I miss you! .. I lived my parents, I was born according to the law, I also need the whole world, like you, without me, it means, it is impossible! "

This passerby stood on Yushka, pushed him into the chest. He fell on the road - and no longer got up.

Pomer, "the joiner sighed. - Farewell, Yushka, and forgive us. People rejected you, and who is your judge! ..

All people, old and small, the whole people who knew Yushni came to say goodbye to the body of the deceased, and had fun at him, and tormented him during his lifetime.

Then Jushia buried and forgot him. However, without a jushia, living people became worse. Now all the evil and mockery remained among the people and spent between them, because there were no Yushki, unrequitedly tolerant of anyone else's evil, fierce, mockery and ill-witness, "

After some time, a young girl came to this terrain and said that Yushka (she called him Efim Dmitrievich), a completely alien siroto placed in the guesthouse and once a year came to her in Moscow to spend it and brought money earned for the year.

In the cemetery, "the girl fell to the ground, in which the dead jushnaya lay, a man who fed her from childhood, never evident sugar, so that she eaten him.

She knew what Jushnaya sick, and now she graduated from learning the doctor and came here to treat the one who loved her most in the world and whom she herself loved all the warmth and light of her heart ...

Since then, a lot of time has passed. The girl-doctor stayed forever in our city. She began to work in a hospital for consumers, she went home, where there were tuberculous patients, and did not take fees for their work.

Now she herself also aged, but still all day she treats and consoles sick people, not taking way to sink suffering and remove death from weakened. And everyone knows her in the city, calling her daughter of good Yushki, forgotten for a long time the Yushkoy himself and the fact that she did not occur to his daughter. "

Plan Revet Ochaw

1. Who is Yushka. His portrait.
2. The attitude of children to Sushka.
3. Evil adults at the sight of a jushia.
4. The conversation of the Yushka with the daughter of the host of the kuznitsy Dasha.
5. Annual Yushnaya Vacation.
6. The death of this person.
7. A girl arrives in the town and asks Efim Dmitrievich.
8. She remains in the city and all his life treats people patients with tuberculosis.

Retelling and brief performance

Heroes of the story: Efim (nicknamed Yushka), Kuznets, his daughter Dasha, orphan girl (pupil of Yushka). The author in the extensive exposition describes the appearance, the usual affairs and the nature of the Yushki. Culmination is the moment when Yushka is the first time acting in his defense and dies from a rough blow to the chest. Delivery - the arrival of the pupils of the Yushka, who tells about himself.

Yushka - Assistant from the blacksmith, he makes all his prune work. He looks like an old man: Mulghat, Hood, he sees bad, he has weak hands, he is only forty years old, but the "breast disease" Chakhotka (tuberculosis) poured his strength since childhood. His name is Efim, but all the people from Mala be up to great calls him in Yushka. He lives in the house of a blacksmith. The owner feeds him for the work of bread, sch) and porridge. Sugar, tea and clothing he must buy himself. However, the hero of the story of his meager salary (7 rubles. 60 kopecks per month) does not spend anything.

It works from dawn to dawn. His appearance on the street of the town in the morning and in the evening serves to people with the time that it's time to get up and getting up for work, or it's time to go to bed.

Children are having fun at the sight of Yushka, but their joy is quickly replaced by angright. Why does he not behave just like other people? Children would have fun if they were attacked by an angry jewish, they would have run away from him. Adults, like children, splash on it not to them, "His evil grief and insult". And an unrequited Jushnaya, beaten, affected by the human malice, says that people love him very much, just not know how to express this love. He says that "the heart in people is blind," who does not give to understand who a person loves actually to do those who love, only good.

Jushka every year leaves for a month somewhere. Platonov shows his hero away from people, on the way to another city. Where no one torments and torments him, he almost does not feel his terrible disease. "Yushka did not hide more love for living beings. He was leaning towards the earth and kissed flowers ... He stroked his Cra on the trees and raised with the paths of butterflies and beetles. "

No one knows exactly where he carries his earned money in the bag for the sinus. Only after the death of the Yushki, we learn that all its savings were intended for the girl-orphan girl, which he and relative was not. The surrounding people believed that the life of this man was deprived of any sense, because he did not tell anyone anyone. This man, so worthless and pathetic in the eyes of other people, modestly and quietly made his kind thing. Only once he rebelled, saying in his defense: "I was put to live my parents, I was born according to the law, I also need the whole world ... without me, it means that it is impossible."

After the death of the Yushka live people in the town becomes worse. Now no one is unrequited takes upon themselves their anger, and she is spent between people. The girl, the pupil of the Yushka, "heals and comforts the sick people, not tiring to thicken the suffering and remove death from weakened." So the dedicated love of Yushni to people continued to make her good deed and after his death.

About the great power of love A. Platonov said this: "The love of one person can cause talent in another person or at least awaken him to action. This is a miracle I know ... "

For a long time, in an old time, I lived in one city old on the sight of a person. He worked in a blacksmith near the Moscow road to the head of the main blacksmith, because I saw it badly and was weak. I wore water, sand and coal in the blacksmith, I swelled the horn fur, kept the ticks with hot iron on the anvil, while the main blacksman was shot it, drove his horse in the machine, when it was necessary to subside it, "the word, did any other work that had to be done. He was called by Efim, but everyone called him Yush-Koy. He was a little growth, thin, on his crossed face instead of mustache and beard grew separate rare hair, his eyes were white, like a blind man, and there was always moisture in them, similar to tears.

Yushnaya pledged at the host host in the kitchen. In the morning he went to work, and in the evening back, for the night. The owner fed him, and the clothes, tea and sugar Yushka was supposed to buy himself from his little salary. But the tea with sugar, Yushka did not drink, and the clothes wore the same many years. In the summer I went with barefoot, and in the winter wearing the same boots.

When Jushka went to work, the old men and the old women rose and said that it was time to get up, because Jushka to work was like. And in the evening, when Jushka returned home, people said that it was time to dinner and go to bed, because the Jushka went to sleep.

Little children and teenagers fled behind him down the street, throwing the earth and dry branches and shouted to Yushka after the difference.

He did not answer anything to the children, was not offended by them, just as quietly walked, as before, and did not close his face when pebbles and earthlings hit him.

The children were surprised why Yushka does not respond to them, dying him, touched and pushed. They did not understand why the Yushka would not take a twig and would not be afraid of them, as they usually did all adults. They continued to decide it in the hope that he would get angry than they will cheer them. But he walked and silent. Then the children began to be angry themselves.

When they did Sushka very painfully, he, calling them relative and small, only asked him to touch him, because they got into the earth's eyes, and he sees anything.

Children heard and did not understand him. They rejoiced that with Yushki, you can do everything that you want, and he will not do anything in response.

Yushka also rejoiced. He knew why the children tormented him and laugh at him. He believed that they needed them that they would love him, just do not know how to love and therefore torment him.

And at home, fathers and mother led to children the life of Yushya in the quality example, as it is not necessary to live and what you do not need to be.

Adults, having met Yushni on the street, too, sometimes Obi-stamped him. They often had a mountain and insult in their heart, or they were drunk, then their heart was filled with fury. And, seeing Yushka, a man asked him why he was so Blyazy here and why he thinks something special.

Yushka during the conversation stayed and was silent in response, and a person, convincing that Yushka is to blame for everything, beat him. From Yushkina Meekness, he raged and beat him fiercely than Ho-tel first, forgetting his grief in this cruelty.

Then the Jushka lay for a long time on the road, coming to himself. Sometimes he climbed himself, sometimes he came to the daughter of the owner and Uvo-dila home, talking at the same time, that it would be better if he died than to live. Yushka wondered why you need to die when he gave birth to live. And then, the people love him. The daughter of the owner, Dasha, dares himself over Yushka, they say, as it loves, if cries. And Yushka answered that the people love him without a concept. The heart is blind in man. Dasha sighed that Jushnaya, according to his father, the man is not old yet. He confirmed that he was really not old yet, but since childhood suffers from breasts and because of the illness, it was stuck ...

Because of this his illness, Yushka was asked every year from the owner for a month and left the city. He said that he was walking in a deaf distant village, where he had relatives. And people thought that her favorite Yushkina daughter lives there, the same kindly and deprived of people, like her father.

In July or in August, Yushka put on the shoulders of Kotomka with Chle-Bom, he took a hundred rubles, earned and cluttered for the year, and ear-dil from the city. In the way, he breathed herbs, looked into the sky on the white clouds, listened to the voice of the rivers, and the sick Yushkina chest rested. He did not feel his freak. Having left far, where it was without himself, he did not hide his love for living beings: I bowed to the flowers, I stroked the Crae on the trees, raised fallen dead butterflies and beetles.

On the way, Yushka rested. He sat down into the shadow of the roadside tree and dreamed in warm and rest. His sore chest rested. He was only forty years old, but his illness was completely inspired and aged, so that he seemed to everyone.

A month later, Yushni usually returned and worked again from morning to evening in the forge. Children and adults still reproached him for unrequited nonsense and continued to torment him.

But a year from year to year, Yushka has ever more weaker, so in one summer, when it came to him to go from the city, he did not go anywhere.

Once he walked, as usual, darkened from the forge to the owner for the night. Merry passerby, who knew Yushni, once again laughed at him, asking that it was scarecrow again, the landscape.

The first time in his life, Yushnie stood, responding that he was born according to the law of God, and the parents are given to live, and we also need the whole world. Passersogue was angry, as it dares this weakly equal to himself. Yushka replied that he did not even equal, and on the need they were both equal.

Passers around with all the power of the malice pushed the jewel in the chest, and he fell back. Passerspit went home to drink tea.

More Yushka did not rise. Found him passed by the joiner from the furniture workshop. By shifting the jewel on the back, the stolar saw the white open motionless eyes of the Yushka and a black mouth-baked from the blood. The joiner sighed and asked for the pro-Self at the deceased for everyone who rejected him.

To the burial, Jushni cooked the host of the forge and his daughter. To say goodbye to a person whom all the people have come in life, all the people came. Jushia buried and forgot about him. There was a worse to live without Yushka. All the anger, which copied in people, used to be addressed to the Jushki, and now she had all remained among people. Material from site.

Repeated about the jewel in deep in the fall. One day, a young girl came to Kuz Nitsu and asked the Blacksmith, how to find Efi Ma Dmitrievich. The blacksmith was surprised and could not understand for a long time, he was talking about. But the girl did not leave, as if waiting for something. And the Nako-Netz Blacksmith guess, looking into the face of a little punched state-pin with the karota sad eyes that it was about Yushka.

The girl confirmed that the man to whom she came, called himself a yushkoy.

The blacksmith asked who would be the girl Yushka, not a relative?

She replied that she was nobody. She is a round orphan, and he, small, put in Moscow in Moscow, and then gave it to the Schco with a guesthouse. Every year he came to spend her and share money for the whole year so that she lived and studied. Now she has grown and graduated from the University, and for some reason, she did not come to this summer.

The blacksmith led her in the cemetery. There, the girl fell to the ground, in which the dead jushnaya lay, a man who fed her from Children, but at the same time he was not evident sugar so that she would eat it.

She knew what the Jushnaya hurt, and, having learned to the doctor, was driving to cure someone who was more expensive to her ...

Much time passed. The girl-doctor remained forever in this city. She began to work in a hospital for consumers. I went home, where tuberculous patients lived, and did not take fee for their work.

Now she is already aged itself, but still treats and comforts sick people. And in the city, everyone knows and is called the daughter of a good Yushka, forgotten for a long time and the Jushka, and the fact that she never had to him daughter.

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On this page, material on the themes:

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1) Features of the genre. The work of A. Platonova "Yushka" refers to the genre of the story.

2) Themes and the problematics of the story. The main topic of the story A. Platonova "Yushka" is the topic of mercy, compassion. Andrei Platonov in his works creates a special world, which amazes us, fascinates or leads to bewilderment, but always makes deep thinking deeply. The writer reveals the beauty and greatness, kindness and openness of ordinary people who are able to transfer unbearable, survive in the conditions in which they would seem to survive, it would be impossible. Such people, according to the author, can transform the world. Such an extraordinary person appears to us by the hero of the story "Yushka".

3) the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe story. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe artistic work is the expression of the author's attitude to the depicted, its correlation of this image with the ideals of life approved or denied writer. Platonov argues in his story the idea of \u200b\u200bthe importance of love and good, coming from person to man. He seeks to embody the principle taken from the children's fairy tales: no impossible, everything is possible. The author himself said: "We must love that universe, which can be in, not the one that is. Impossible - the bride of mankind, and our souls fly to the impossible ... "Unfortunately, not always good 'wins in life. But good, love, according to Platonov, do not dry, do not leave the world with the death of man. After the death of Yushki passed years. In the city a long time forgot him. But Yushni raised to his small funds, refusing to himself in everything, the Syrota, who, learned, became a doctor and helped people. Doctor is called the daughter of the good Yushka.

4) Characteristics of the heroes of the story.

The image of the Yushka. The main hero of the story - Yushka. Good and hearty Yushni has a rare gift of love. This love is truly holy and clean: "He was leaning toward the land and kissed flowers, trying not to breathe on them, so that they would not spoil from his breath, he stroked his bark on the trees and raised with the paths of butterflies and beetles who fell dead, and had a long time In their face, feeling without them orphaned. " Immersing in the world of nature, inhaling the fragrance of forests and herbs, it rests the soul and even ceases to feel his own illness (poor Jushnaya suffer from consuming). He sincerely loves people, especially one orphan, which he learned, learned in Moscow, refusing to himself in everything: he never drank tea, did not eat sugar, "so that she eaten." Every year he drives a girl, brings money for the whole year so that she could live and learn. He loves her most in the world, and she probably is the only one of all people, answers him "all warm and the light of his heart." Dostoevsky wrote: "Man is a mystery." The jushia in his "naked" simplicity seems to be frankly understandable. But his dissimilarity is annoying not only adults, but also children, and also leads to him with a blind heart. " All the life of the unfortunate juice all beat, insult and offend. Children and adults sweep over a shouthing, reproach him "for unrequited nonsense." However, he never manifests the malice to people, never responds to insults. Children throw stones and dirt in him, pushing him, without understanding why he does not scold them, he does not chase them with a twig as other adults. On the contrary, when it happened very painfully, this strange person said: "What are you, my relatives, what are you, small! .. You must have love me? .. Why do you need everyone? .." Naive Yushka sees In continuous mockery of people, the perverted form of love for themselves: "Me, Dasha, people love!" - He says the master's daughter. Before us is old on the sight of a man, weak, patient. "He was slightly tall and Hood; On a crumpled face, it was grew separately with rare gray hair instead of mustache and beard; The eyes were white, like a blind man, and there was always moisture in them, like not cooling tears. " For many years we carry out without shifts the same clothes resembling a rubbish. And his table is modest: he did not drink tea and the sugar did not buy. He is a girlfriend assistant at the main blacksmith, performs work imperceptible to an extraneous eye, although necessary. He first goes in the morning in the forge and (the latter leaves, so the old men and the old women have the beginning of the beginning and the end of the day. But in the eyes of adults, fathers and mothers, Yushka - a man is flawed, who does not know how to live, abandoned, that's why they remember him. , swearing children: they say, you will be like a Jushka. In addition, every year of the shipyard goes somewhere on the 'month and then returns. Having left away from people, Jushia is transformed. He will open the world: the fragrance of herbs, the voice of rivers, the singing of birds, merry dragonfly, beetles, grasshoppers - lives in one breath, one lively joy with this world. We see Jushia cheerful and happy. And Yushnaya dies due to the fact that his principal feeling and conviction is insulted in the fact that every person "on need" is equal to another. Only after his death it turns out that he was still right in his beliefs: he really was needed by people.

The image of the adoptive daughter of the Yushki. Having become a doctor, the girl came to town to cure a jewish from tormented his illness. But, unfortunately, it was too late. Not having successful to save his reception father, the girl still remains to spread the feelings lit in her soul with unfortunate yurodiv, - his hearty warmth and kindness. She stays to "treat and console sick people, not tired thicken! suffering and remove death from weakened. "

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