Auspicious Japanese Feng Shui characters. Feng Shui: hieroglyphs and their meaning

Landscaping and planning 17.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Throughout the civilized world, the hieroglyph of wealth, whether Chinese or Japanese, is used to attract wealth, but first of all - in their homeland. His images can be found on shop windows, key rings, screensavers on computer screens, dishes. Many get hieroglyph tattoos, and women draw them on their nails.

Not everyone knows how to use it correctly.

They apply a hieroglyph to any surface, but it gains strength only when it comes into contact with natural material. In order for it to attract wealth, you need to put it in a wallet or purse, in a safe, next to a piggy bank or money tree, that is, in those places where money is stored.

It is not necessary to buy a ready-made amulet, you can make it yourself: draw or print, embroider or weave, its power will not run out, since its action is through better circulating positive Qi energy.

According to Feng Shui, it is better to place the talisman indoors in the southeast. It is this part that is responsible for the accumulation of money. It is very good to give a talisman. It is believed that if this is done sincerely, then well-being will return according to the boomerang law.

The hieroglyphs of money and wealth, of course, have their own writing technique: from top to bottom and from left to right. Each movement of the brush should be slow. In the movement of the hand, a stroke to put your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe desired prosperity, here required condition creating a strong amulet. Before engaging in drawing an instrument of personal financial well-being, you need to study its influence. Talismans that activate energy, such as the hieroglyph of wealth, should not be placed with protective amulets-symbols.

What does the hieroglyph for wealth mean?

Chinese and Japanese characters for wealth are responsible for attracting
material well-being and are similar to each other. affect spiritual growth. If you are only interested in money, then it is better to replace it with the hieroglyph of money. It opens up more ways to financial well-being. This is both a climb up the career ladder and a good opportunity to do exactly what you like.

Although feng shui advises placing the amulet in the southeastern part of the house, in fact, the hieroglyph can be placed anywhere in the office, room or room. If there is stagnation in some direction of a person's life, then he activates it with his strength, which is quite enough to increase the action of the energy of abundance, prosperity in all material spheres of life. Strengthen her good deeds and bright thoughts when creating a talisman.

Hieroglyphs that help in business

Entrepreneurs, businessmen and just creative people, the hieroglyph of wealth can be changed for a talisman of business success. He attracts good people in the stalls, attracts more customers, and luck lives in business. Ideas turn into reality smoothly and new perspectives emerge. Support will also be given by such hieroglyphs as a waterfall (involves good luck), mutual benefit (good trade), creative work, big business, prosperity, promotion (of business, ideas, goods, companies), dragon (gives strength to rise in a career, and in business, and in business).

Those who do not believe with their soul and head in their wealth, but really want it, it would be better to take the hieroglyph of the invitation of wealth. It can help build a relationship with yourself, with premonition and money, and prepare you to accept the desired wealth.

Wealth is as important as luck, happiness, love. Only in this way does a person feel comfortable and stand firmly on his feet, he is confident in tomorrow, plans his future, and does not amuse himself with dreams. Each person has potential, but lacks faith in their own strength. Magic amulets are help that is given to everyone. And faith in the best turns it into energy that can change a lot.

Every person should have a place in the world where he can come and rest. Many people buy houses and apartments in order to be able to come in the evening after work to a cozy nest.

Let's figure it out

Home is a special place for every person. In it, we feel confident and protected, especially if the interior is comfortable and made in accordance with the rules and harmonious.

Since ancient times, people have used signs for a favorable home atmosphere, for example, it is known that in new apartment or the house should let the cat in first and put the bed where she lies. On the basis of various similar signs, the Chinese art of creating comfort in the house was created. In business correct device feng shui can help.

In this article, we will talk about how to correctly apply the hieroglyphs of luck in the interior, as well as what they are and what they mean.

The science

As you know, feng shui is an ancient Chinese art of decorating a house in accordance with the laws of harmony, comfort and convenience. This is not quite a science, it is the art of controlling the energies of the human body and objects. Harmony, the energy of life and creativity - this is what underlies such art. With the help of Feng Shui, the Chinese attract luck, happiness, and confidence into their lives. All this can be concentrated in inner space Houses, Houses with a capital letter, as a global concept, concept.

At present, not only the Chinese people are showing interest in this art, but also people of many other nationalities are beginning to introduce elements of Feng Shui art into their daily lives.

Literally translated from Chinese, the name of science means "wind and water." Everyone is familiar with the device hair dryer, the name of which is consonant with the name of ancient Chinese art. Feng Shui is the science of arranging not only your home, but also the personal space around a person, creating a favorable aura.

magical elements

Talismans help in this matter. Since childhood, we know that a talisman is a kind of object, spoken for good luck or success. With such a thing, we went to exams, took it with us to important matters, or when there was a need to leave the parental home for a long time (for example, to a children's camp). In adult life, talismans no longer have that childlike magical power (when absolutely any object or toy could be mistaken for them). But some talismans are still present in the lives of adults. In Feng Shui, it is "love", "happiness", "luck".


As you know, the Chinese language, or, as some linguists believe, a group of dialects, has more than eighty thousand different characters! Moreover, to understand approximately eighty percent of such speech, it is enough to know only five hundred hieroglyphs! Well, if a person knows a thousand of these characters, then he will already be able to understand ninety-one percent of Chinese texts. Hieroglyphs of luck are the most popular symbols in the world.

These signs consist of graphemes, which, in turn, consist of strokes, or strokes, from one to twenty-four. Hieroglyphs for people of non-Chinese nationality are not only symbols of speech, but above all a beautiful element of decor, which is often used in interior solutions.

If, for example, luck, well-being are placed above the headboard in the bedroom, "then there is a high probability that subconsciously you will begin to strive for happiness, and luck and well-being will accompany you. This sign will lead a person precisely to the happiness that he imagines himself, because for different people this concept means different things.

Some believe that the main happiness in life is home and family, someone is important in creative success, and someone thinks that happiness is freedom and travel. In any case, subconsciously fate leads a person to what he wants.

Chinese signs of luck are good ideas for a gift. Interior items that contain, for example, the hieroglyphs "happiness", "luck", "wealth", will not only decorate your Chinese-style living room, but will also attract joy to your home, because if you surround yourself with positive objects, then both events and people around a person will strive for the good. The inner mood of a person for virtuous joy is very important.

good luck symbols

The Chinese sincerely believe in Qi energy, which harmonizes everything around, both the house and the person himself, his inner world. It personifies nature, the spirit of man and the harmony of his existence on Earth.

Hieroglyphs of luck activate Qi energy in any object or in the human body. If you carry them constantly with you, for example, in your wallet or in the form of jewelry- pendants on a chain - then success will accompany you everywhere and everywhere. Of course, not all people believe in these signs, some believe that if you do not try yourself, then no amulets will help. But why not check the energy of Chinese characters? Even if your house is not decorated according to Feng Shui, you must understand that it does not consist in blindly following traditions and signs, but in setting the person himself for good luck and success, teaching him to think positively. This is what contributes to the true success of successful people in life.


The hieroglyphs "love", "happiness", "luck" can be inscribed as an ornament. Two or three Chinese details in the interior will help justify their presence, even if you have never been to China and your interior does not quite correspond to this theme. It is especially important to place these characters correctly so that no overload occurs. Fans, aromatic bowls, "wind music" - all this can help your interior become more harmonious. This does not mean that the house will immediately become “correct” according to Feng Shui, but a certain Chinese flavor will still be acquired. Hieroglyphs of luck are just symbols, not luck itself. Good luck is created by a person with his actions and thoughts, and not with what surrounds him.

In your home, you should only have things that you like. There is no need to place an object in the interior, the pattern on which annoys you, despite the fact that it was, for example, donated by close friends. Even if the best hieroglyph of happiness and good luck is depicted on this thing, but you don’t like it, such an object will not bring anything good into your life. After all, as already mentioned, the mood for happiness comes from the person himself, the owner of this item. A pessimist cannot be corrected either by hieroglyphs or by any other Feng Shui symbols. The mindset is what determines a person's actions.

The one who does nothing is not mistaken! If you don't strive for success in your life, then you don't have to bother posting these chinese characters in the interior or among personal items.

The hieroglyph "happiness" is best placed in the southeast if you want to draw more energy from the universe. If you look closely at it, you can see that this graphic symbol vaguely resembles a window with a roof. All Chinese characters are inscribed with historical imagery. The window is the hole through which happiness and joy are attracted.

Chinese characters are not just dashes and zigzags. They were created over the centuries, not by chance, they contained the figurative thinking of the ancient Chinese, the dashes were the prototypes of a person, mountains, forests, and so on.

Some hieroglyphs

This window looks like small house, and next to him with open arms stands a little man. He calls upon you the protection of Heaven and the Gods.

The hieroglyph "love" looks like an inverted heart, and at the same time looks like a flowering branch. He is able to attract happiness in a relationship of two.

The hieroglyph "luck" is simpler in form, a clear stroke, a square. You need to keep it in the house, as the energy of the home enhances its strength many times over.

The hieroglyph "double luck" looks like two small windows and rushes up. The Chinese believe that if this graphic object is placed over the marital bed, it will help to conceive a child, since since ancient times mother and child have been a dual union arising from the love of two people.

For two, there is also a hieroglyph literally called "one hundred years of happiness in marriage." This symbol looks like two little men, depicted in a quick stroke, under them a house, a Christmas tree are visible. In a word, this hieroglyph protects the family from third-party intrusion and allows you to maintain love and harmony in marriage for a long time.

But if people themselves do not strive for happiness, do not respect each other and their parents, then the hieroglyph stored correctly in the house will not help them. The symbol “one hundred years of happiness in marriage” should be placed together, speaking to each other important points life, by identifying the features of family behavior that will help maintain love and good luck in marriage for many, many years.


Thus, hieroglyphs of luck are certainly a good moment for interior decoration, but these little ones will not attract more happiness into your home than you yourself want to let it in.

Hieroglyph "Wealth"- Helps to increase income and obtain all sorts of material benefits.

The hieroglyph "Wealth" helps to gain not only material benefits, but also spiritual ones, creates a positive Qi in the house and office. This hieroglyph, in principle, like all the others, is customary to give to friends. After all, the more we desire good, the more we ourselves receive it.

Hieroglyph "Money"- one of the most popular hieroglyphs in feng shui. Attracts wealth and monetary wealth in the places where it is placed. Unlike the hieroglyph "Wealth", it attracts precisely monetary energy and everything related to money. Promotes the formation of several sources of income. Money will make you free and you can do whatever you want.

Hieroglyph "Prosperity"- by and large he talks about his orientation and about what kind of energy he activates. The energy of this hieroglyph brings monetary and material luck, and also allows you to save and increase what you already have. If you activate the entire sphere of “Prosperity”, then the life of the owner of the hieroglyph and all members of his family is filled with prosperity in all areas - personal life, business, career, creativity, intellectual development etc.

Hieroglyph "Dragon"- personifies the creative force, activity and power. Contributes to the successful development of new beginnings, both in business and in the family. Gives financial success, protects a person from unscrupulous partners, competitors, and generally from good people. Expels evil spirits from the house.

This magical creature, the embodiment of one of the most revered heavenly creatures. At all times it was believed that the dragon is the owner countless treasures that go to the most deserving. Settle it in your house, and it will bring material well-being. This symbol brings good fortune and all kinds of luck.

Talisman to attract customers. This talisman is made according to all the canons of magical calligraphy. Helps attract customers to your store or office. Weeds out those who are idly interested, attracting solvent buyers. Sets up for mutually beneficial cooperation, improves your image in the eyes of the client.

Hieroglyph "Business success"- a wonderful talisman for both businessmen and people of creative professions. It attracts new customers and business partners, ensures success in all financial and organizational undertakings, and helps the birth of new ideas and opportunities. Contributes to the best promotion of your business and career. Business success is a fairly broad concept: from success in business to success in ordinary work.

hieroglyphs in feng shui

Hello, dear readers of the site "Your Feng Shui"!

I continue the topic of Chinese characters and their meaning. I started doing this in the last article, it was told about what hieroglyphs are in general, why they are used in Feng Shui, and the meaning of some of the most common ones was also deciphered. Namely, hieroglyphs - If you are interested in how to apply them in your Everyday life and what they can "give" you, you can read by clicking on the link above.

And here I will continue to talk about what else hieroglyphs used quite often feng shui and what they mean.

Feng Shui hieroglyphs - meanings

"Double Happiness"- a very popular feng shui hieroglyph, meaning harmony in the family. He bestows upon his master and his half. It is best to place it in. It is also good to use its image in pillows, lamps, etc. The hieroglyph "Double Happiness" can be given to loved ones - this will be a sign of true devoted friendship.

"Abundance"- looking at this hieroglyph, you can immediately understand what it means. It is depicted as a bowl filled with cereals. It is a strong magnet for attracting abundance into your life, whatever you want, be it money, good luck in business, work, love. Will "work" in any sector of the house, which in this moment life you want to improve, and is also compatible with other feng shui hieroglyphs, has a reinforcing effect.

"Prosperity" - just like the hieroglyph "Abundance" attracts the energy of growth and movement in any sphere of life. However, it works like this if you want to achieve material well-being, then it will certainly help to attract, preserve and increase your capital. If you do not have the desire to achieve wealth, then with this feng shui hieroglyph you will find spiritual peace. Place, as well as the previous hieroglyph, you can anywhere.

"Happiness" is a sign of good luck and fulfillment of desires. As you know, every person determine what happiness is. So this one feng shui hieroglyph will help you get exactly what is happiness for you. You can place in any sector. A very common hieroglyph, often its image can be seen on dishes, various subjects interior. I have it on coffee cups. This can be seen in the picture below.

"Longevity" symbolizes long life and good health. It is believed that this hieroglyph can prolong life. It is customary to give it to the elderly. The image of the character "Longevity" can be carried with you, placed in the health zone, in the bedroom.

"Business success"- helps in business promotion, career success. It can be useful for both businessmen and creative people. Attracts new opportunities. It should be placed in places of active activity in the office, in the office at home, on the desktop.

"Fulfillment of desires"- if you want your cherished desire to come true, get the hieroglyph "Fulfillment of desires". It is advisable to place it in the house, any sector will do. This feng shui hieroglyph can be given to friends and relatives, you just need to explain its meaning.

"Eternal love"- this hieroglyph helps to increase and preserve the energy of love between spouses. It is recommended to use this talisman when there are difficulties in a relationship. He will return the former harmony and mutual understanding between loving people. You need to place it in the "love" sector of the house.

"Talent"- an excellent gift and a talisman for people involved in the educational process (students, schoolchildren). Helps to reveal the potential, improves the life of its owner. You can place it in any sector of the house, educational place.

"Wisdom"- just like the hieroglyph "Talent" is suitable for students, grants them wisdom in making the right decisions. However, its spectrum also extends to people employed in business, just working people who, by the nature of their activities, must make decisions, be collected, when solving daily problems. You can place this hieroglyph according to the teachings of Feng Shui in any area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house or office.

hieroglyphs on coffee cups

In conclusion, I want to say that hieroglyphs are signs of a completely different culture. For us, these are just some squiggles, sometimes beautiful, sometimes not so much. Therefore, it should be understood that when you use them in the interior or as a personal talisman, you must definitely know exactly what they mean. You can’t broadcast a panel with some kind of hieroglyph, just because it is beautifully designed and fits well into the interior. Otherwise, out of ignorance, you may invite trouble on yourself. I hope this doesn't happen to you, but it's better once again look on the Internet or in some literature, which means this or that feng shui hieroglyph before applying it to your life. I hope that this article will help you with just that.

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Hieroglyph "Luck"

Hieroglyph "Luck"

Chinese character meaning "good luck" (Fig. 94).

Figure 94. Hieroglyph "Luck"

The symbol attracts positive energy and good luck. It is good to place it in the career zone (northern sector of the house) or carry it with you in the form of an amulet or tattoo.

You can apply and strengthen the energy of a symbol with the help of affirmations:

1. I am always lucky! I'm always lucky! I'm always lucky! 2. The energy of good luck goes where there is joy, pleasure and happiness.

3. I am happy and attract the energy of good luck.

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