Development of corporate culture. Chapter II

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The concept of "corporate culture" has entered into practice developed countries in the 1920s, when it became necessary to form relationships within large companies.

The formation of a corporate culture involves the creation of such labor, social, domestic, psychological and other conditions for the personnel of the organization in which he would feel comfortable.

Creates a corporate culture, as a rule, a formal leader (the head of the company), but its spokesmen are the entire staff of the company. The organizers of the work on the formation and development of corporate culture are usually specialists in personnel management together with specialists in public relations.

There are many approaches to the formation of corporate culture. So, F. Harris and R. Moran proposed to consider corporate culture on the basis of ten characteristics:

  • 1. Awareness of oneself and one's place in the organization.
  • 2. Communication system and language of communication.
  • 3. Appearance, clothing and presentation of yourself at work.
  • 4. What and how people eat, habits and traditions in this area.
  • 5. Awareness of time, attitude towards it and its use.
  • 6. Relationships between people.
  • 7. Values ​​and norms.
  • 8. Belief in something and attitude or disposition towards something.
  • 9. The process of employee development and learning.
  • 10. Work ethic and motivation.

Corporate culture - one of the most effective means attracting and motivating employees. As soon as a person satisfies the needs of the first level ("purely material"), he has needs of a different kind: in achieving a worthy position in a team, recognition, self-realization, etc. And here the corporate culture comes to the fore, one of the important functions of which is to support each member of the team, revealing their individuality and talents.

Corporate culture has its own classification (Fig. 8.4). Every organization gravitates toward a certain type of corporate culture.

Rice. 8.4.

Features of corporate culture are often determined by the field of activity. For example, in the financial sector, it is more definite, strict, the behavior of employees is clearly defined, the style of communication is more formal. The corporate culture in the trade area is often very diverse, distinctive; as a rule, it is less definite, allows more variations in behavior, communication, the style of communication is less formal, more democratic; energy, sociability, sociability are welcome.

One of important elements corporate culture is the attitude towards newcomers, the adaptation of newcomers to the corporate culture itself. Implementation into it is often a complex and painful process. It is necessary not only to understand all the subtleties, but also to absorb them into oneself. Adapting to the corporate culture is one of the most difficult moments for new employees. In some companies, adaptation trainings and other events aimed at the adaptation of newcomers are specially held.

The structure of the corporate culture is shown in fig. 8.5.

Let's consider each element of the structure in more detail.

The mission of any company - this is its social purpose, that is, what society expects from the functioning of this organization, and it expects the satisfaction of any of its needs. However, in addition to the external goal, any organization has an internal goal - this is what the members of this organization want to get for themselves as a result of their activities.

A well-defined mission contributes to at least three management objectives.

Rice. 8.5.

  • 1. The mission forces management to systematically engage in a comprehensive analysis of the strengths and weaknesses organization and its competitors, identifying opportunities and threats and, on this basis, improve the overall effectiveness of its activities.
  • 2. The mission, which is known and shared by the employees of the organization, contributes to better integration of people into a single whole, increasing the level of commitment and motivation of staff and better interaction between managers and subordinates at different levels.
  • 3. A well-defined mission contributes to the formation of a favorable image of the organization in the eyes of consumers, suppliers, business partners and investors.

Different organizations approach their mission in different ways. In some cases the mission statements are condensed, in other cases they are quite detailed and structured. You can formulate a mission by answering the following questions: what is the main purpose of our organization? what do we want to achieve? why did we enter the market? For example:

  • 1) The mission of the Ford Motor Company is to continuously improve our products and services to meet the needs of our customers, which allows our business to flourish and provide high income to our shareholders, the owners of our business;
  • 2) the mission of "Pharmacy 36.6" is to bring health and beauty to people;
  • 3) the mission of JSC "Giprosvyaz SPb" is determined by its main goals and objectives, which are reflected in the Development Concept of JSC "Giprosvyaz SPb", approved by the board of directors.

Values - stable beliefs about the preference of one representation in relation to another. Values ​​always involve choice, and each company builds its own hierarchy of priorities for a given period of activity. For example, the corporation "Perspektiva" - reliability, professionalism, success, openness, assistance. Publishing house "Abak-Press" - ethics and responsibility; we are convinced that the future belongs to honest companies; team.

Values ​​determine both behavioral styles and communication styles with colleagues and clients, the level of motivation, activity, etc.

Corporate ethics is integral part corporate culture. Code corporate ethics is a significant factor in the development of corporate culture. The Code can convey the company's values ​​to all employees, regulate the behavior of employees in difficult professional ethical situations, orient employees towards common corporate goals and thereby enhance corporate identity.

Features of the organization and working conditions express the culture and professionalism of management and subordinates, as well as a certain maturity of the team. Experience shows that the decisive role here is played by the personality of the leader, which leaves a unique imprint on the style, culture of management, mode of operation, working conditions, its rhythm, distribution of tasks and control of execution.

Culture of internal communications consists of the following elements:

  • 1) meetings, meetings, meetings with the head, which are a form of direct communication and information transfer;
  • 2) information stands and corporate publications informing a large number of employees, partners and customers. Corporate publications (magazines, newspapers, bulletins) can be addressed only to staff, only to customers, or both;
  • 3) corporate holidays - solemn awarding of veterans, employees who have reached record levels, the company's birthday, initiation ceremonies, etc. Such events reinforce the norms and values ​​that are formed by the company's management. For example, the plant "Rostselmash" annually holds the competition "Best in Profession", in which more than 1.5 thousand employees of the plant are constantly involved. Production competitions, according to the company, are an integral part of the Rostselmash corporate culture.

Any activities aimed at the development of employees (training, recreation, holidays) affect the corporate culture of the company. A business game allows you to achieve a wide range of goals:

  • - consolidation, cohesion;
  • – identity (belonging);
  • - awareness;
  • – involvement in decision-making;
  • – the formation of collective self-awareness.

The results of business games are:

  • - awareness;
  • - creative;
  • - communication;
  • – interaction skills;
  • - experience joint activities;
  • - creating a psychological climate;
  • – common vision;
  • - understanding the goals of the company;
  • - rest.

All these elements are tools for the development of the company's corporate culture. As an example, consider the methodology for conducting a business game "Optimization of the company's activities."

The purpose of the business game is to realize the creative potential of the company's young employees, expand their vision of the company's work, enhance the sense of involvement in its activities, and develop managerial and leadership qualities.

Objective: to identify inefficient processes in the functioning of the company and develop plans for optimizing these processes.

Game planning scheme:

Introduction. Presentation, introduction.

Stage I - immersion. System analysis of the company's activities, schemes of functional relations with external systems, actualization of all interaction processes, designation of the main aspects of activity, consideration of the company's activities in different planes.

Stage II - diagnosis. Identification of processes that need optimization, their grouping by areas.

Ethan III - design. Development of a strategy for optimizing the company's activities in selected areas.

Stage IV - implementation. Preparation of plans for the implementation of the strategy developed in the third stage.

Stage V - presentation. Protection and discussion of projects, their expertise.

Socio-psychological culture determines the state of interpersonal and group relations in the company and consists of:

  • 1. From the socio-psychological climate that characterizes the style of leadership and employee relations, the level of staff involvement in the company's activities and the degree of satisfaction with it, the ability to resolve conflicts, the ability to trust subordinates, management and partners.
  • 2. The system of motivation and incentives for personnel, which involves a set of economic, social and moral ways to develop professional activity.

Socio-psychological climate - the socio-psychological state of the team, the result of the joint activity of people, their interpersonal relations, determined not so much by objective conditions, as by the subjective need of people for communication and its satisfaction. In other words, the socio-psychological climate of the company can be viewed as the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the members of the organization. interpersonal relationships which manifest themselves as the mood and opinion of the team, assessment of the living conditions and work of the staff in the team. It is important to take into account the factors that determine the socio-psychological climate of the team: the similarity or difference in socio-demographic characteristics; systems value orientations and social attitudes; psychological traits of interacting workers; working conditions; group culture, etc.

The analysis of the traditions, formal and informal rules operating in the organization should be aimed primarily at determining how they influence the working behavior of the staff and to what extent they support the organizational development strategy developed by the management.

information design (corporate style) includes the development of signs, namely a full-fledged sign system of graphic, visual, verbal, sound and other symbols of the organization. First of all, this is the name and its abbreviation. Their brevity and euphony are desirable. The elements of corporate identity are: emblem, trademark, corporate colors, slogan.

Emblem(logo) of an organization can be executed both on the basis of a pictorial symbol (attractive animal, plant, building, architectural or landscape silhouette, figurine, profile, etc.), and on the basis of a specially made spelling of the abbreviation.

Trademark is approved in in due course an original graphic image that is a brand name, company logo or product brand. The role of a trademark can be played by a logo or an abbreviation. However, a trademark that does not contain letters cannot be called a logo.

Corporate colors registered, as a rule, together with the logo and trademark. Use no more than three colors to avoid variegation.

You should take into account the design design, which involves a well-thought-out design of interior spaces, workplaces, reception areas. It is not only about the interior, furniture, equipment and office equipment. It is important, for example, that a visitor or a novice worker can easily navigate in indoor areas. Therefore, it is very useful to think over a system of signs, with the help of which it was easy to navigate in the corridors and rooms.

In Russian companies, they have become more serious about how their staff looks. The concept of "dress code" over the past ten years has firmly entered the Russian language. Dress code refers to the appearance requirements that the administration imposes on company employees. Appearance and clothing at work are no longer a personal matter of employees. Each employee must take into account not only personal comfort, but also the reputation of the company.

A uniform uniform makes a very good impression. This shows both the viability of the company, and the organization and smartness of the entire team. Uniforms help distinguish workers from visitors.

Well-read badges with the names and positions of their bearers make it easier for customers to contact unfamiliar employees.

The corporate culture is a complex developed and recognized by the company's team social norms attitudes, attitudes, stereotypes of behavior, beliefs, customs that make a person, a group behave in certain situations in a certain way. The corporate culture of the company should be documented.

Each company defines its own tasks, for which it intends to use such a tool as the Regulations on Corporate Culture.

For example, in OJSC MGTS since 2008 the "Code of Corporate Ethics of Employees" came into force. The document was developed by the Human Resources Department and has the following structure:

  • 1. Ethical standards of corporate conduct in relationships with customers and business partners.
  • 2. Ethical standards of internal communications.
  • 3. Protecting the interests of OAO MGTS.
  • 4. Corporate business etiquette.
  • 5. Compliance with the code.

But the creation of a provision, of course, is not limited to writing the text of the document. There is a specificity in the execution of such documents: it is impossible to force the implementation of the Regulations on Corporate Culture. Therefore, in order for it to really work, even at the stage of its creation, it is necessary to provide for procedures that include, if possible, all employees of the organization in the process of developing a document. Only if each employee accepts the Regulation on corporate culture, it will be actually implemented.

Today, quite often you can hear such a new term as corporate culture and in Russian business still rare. But many misunderstand it completely, believing that the culture in the company is the need to come to work at a certain hour, wear certain clothes and celebrate holidays together.

In essence, it involves a set of basic provisions in the company with a set of social norms and values ​​that are shared by the majority of employees. Corporate culture is a complex set various systems behavior for both staff and managers. In a sense, it plays the role of a carrot and a stick, motivating employees to comply with the accepted rules, and, at the same time, giving confidence in the future and the opportunity to move up the career ladder.

The carriers of the corporate culture in the company are absolutely everyone - from a simple cleaning lady to the general director.

Any adult person develops his own model of behavior and perception of the world around him, which is almost impossible to change. When working in a team with other employees, this different worldview inevitably leads to disputes and conflicts, which drastically reduce the efficiency of the company.

Therefore, in those companies where there is no formed corporate culture, there is no well-established teamwork.

The office of the company, without exaggeration, should become the second home for employees, and, for many, the first home, in which there are rules and certain goals. Accordingly, the relationship between team members should be such that they understand each other without words, and the likelihood of conflicts is minimized.

Corporate culture is a whole model of behavior and relationships, which is not reduced to a simple charter or set of rules. It cannot be universal and must take into account the specifics of the company's activities, the composition of the team of its employees, customer relationships and a number of other important points.

In any team, the formation of relationships and rules inevitably takes place, there are leaders and those who, as they say, “you can ride”. If this process is left to chance, then its result can be negative in terms of the effective operation of the company. Therefore, it is necessary to initially form a corporate culture in the direction that is beneficial to the manager. It is easier to foresee any problem in advance than to deal with it later.

So, let's summarize and define what the corporate culture consists of:

  • Symbolism, ideology, values, goals, motto, rituals of the company;
  • social norms of behavior in the company;
  • communication systems in the company;
  • position of each person in the company.
  • an approved leadership system;
  • conflict resolution styles;

Basic principles of corporate culture formation:

Freedom. A sense of freedom is vital for every person, otherwise a person, squeezed into an unacceptable framework, will come to an internal conflict. There should be a soft restriction of personal freedom by the common values ​​and goals of the company. With a greater sense of freedom in the company, the more faithfully the employee will follow the principles of the team.

Justice. Corporate culture is designed to bring together a community of people. All events and rules must emphasize the equality of freedoms and privileges of employees, regardless of their positions.

Universal spiritual values. Do not lead to internal conflict of employees in the choice between universal spiritual values ​​and your corporate culture.

Ineffective measures for the formation of corporate culture:

  1. Administrative imposition of rules and norms. The introduction of a system of fines, control over the employee and other intimidating measures. As a result, business is built on fears, and the main place will be occupied by the cult of leadership. All attempts to form a corporate culture are unsuccessful.
  2. Appointment of persons responsible for the creation of QC. Often entire departments are formed, whose employees begin to clearly define the term "corporate culture" with the development of its principles. The developed principles of corporate culture are indicated in official documents. But the implementation of such measures faces serious obstacles. With insufficient understanding this subject, the measures of employees are limited to the creation of an inorganic pseudo-culture that will not be fully accepted by the team.
  3. Involvement of external experts. Realizing the shortcomings of the corporate culture, but without understanding how to compensate for them, the director begins to involve external consultants. But even a great ideologist will not be able to set up an ideal corporate culture.

Some techniques for implementing corporate culture in an organization.

  1. Placement of corporate culture values, rules and slogans in various messages, brochures, stands, media pages.
  2. Regular presentations by the company's management, during which he considers in detail the corporate values, rules and goals of the organization.
  3. Special traditions in the company - for example, organization of celebrations in honor of the organization's birthday, federal and professional holidays.
  4. Techniques to inspire employees to work - through speaking famous people, trainers, the best workers illuminating the goals and achievements in front of the team.
  5. Training of personnel in professional skills, leadership, personal effectiveness and setting for success.
  6. A well-designed and transparent system of staff motivation and the formation of self-motivation.
  7. Adaptation of newcomers, with familiarization with the corporate culture and ethics of behavior in the team.
  8. Team building activities.
  9. Holding sports events, excursions, tours, joint leisure outside the walls of the organization.
  10. Videos dedicated to the hobbies of employees, events and celebrations.

In order for the corporate culture to work for the company, it is necessary to comply with the main principles of its formation. This condition is extremely important for rapidly growing Russian companies. If you feel consistent, free and fair implementation of the principles of corporate culture, when actions correspond to words, you can count on the success of such changes. Really coming hard work, but the result fully justifies such actions.

In this article you will read

  • What is corporate culture
  • Rules for the formation of corporate culture
  • How to convey company values ​​to subordinates
  • Why esprit de corps is dying

Many businessmen faced a situation when, acquiring profitable business, they invested heavily in the company and planned to get a stable income, but almost all employees decided to quit and left the company. It would seem that they are provided with a motivation package and a good salary, but their decision does not change. For all their paradoxical nature, such situations are quite real - which will be confirmed by the experience of Euroset. The company acquired a network of communication salons "USSR" - and everything seemed perfect. After all, before the network worked smoothly, there should not have been any problems. However, in practice, everything was completely different - employees were informed about the prospect of working in one of the leaders in the European market, they were promised stable salaries, career growth and relevant motivational programs. But still faced with serious distrust on the part of employees. As a result, out of 250 employees, about 230 left in 2 weeks.

To avoid a serious shortage of employees, the management of Euroset had to urgently transfer more than 200 people to Voronezh to work in the branch of the network. It took about 3 months for the situation to stabilize. The reason for this situation is in the drastic changes in corporate culture /

When it is required to formalize the corporate culture of the company

If the formation of corporate culture was initially built on an informal principle (from the category of “do as I do”), then over time, with the expansion of the company, it will erode. New employees appear, so the manager can no longer influence everyone by personal example. Instead of personal example directors appear various unwritten rules, stories, corporate traditions and anecdotes. During this period, it is necessary to formalize the corporate culture.

Practitioner tells

Alexander Reznik,

With the development of the company, it becomes necessary to structure all corporate processes, including personnel management. Top managers and HR specialists should help the CEO in this matter. The leader is required to form such a management team, with inspiration for work and setting strategic goals.

A growing company needs to increase the distance between superiors and employees. Of course, long-term employees are the most difficult to succumb to such changes - one colleague becomes the boss, the other remains a subordinate. There may be dissatisfaction among old employees, but new employees quickly accept the established rules of the game while maintaining a given distance. And the old, established culture is being destroyed. There are old and new teams in the team - the CEO must choose which of the groups to work with, or else take the necessary measures to unite them. To unite the team will allow only a single goal. The CEO will have to create this goal and convey it to his employees.

Alexander Verenkov, Deputy General Director CJSC BDO Unicon, Moscow

The strongest value system is considered to be based on leadership. After all, such a system combines credibility, visibility and administrative support. The key aspect in the formation of a positive socio-psychological atmosphere is the leadership role. But will such a system be able to transform and develop in the future in the context of the industry's rapid growth? Unlikely. In our practice, there was a situation when many employees began to leave the organization with an excellent corporate culture. The frequent change of foreign partners simply did not suit them - each of them quickly destroyed a lot, but simply did not have time to create new ones.

What measures should be abandoned in the formation of corporate culture

  1. Administrative controls. With the introduction of a system of fines, control over the employee and other intimidating measures. As a result, business is built on certain conditioned reflexes, the main place is given to the cult of power. With all the minimal bureaucracy, this approach involves many factors of emotionality and subjectivity in decision-making. Usually there is a problem of insufficient training of middle managers, with high staff turnover and arbitrary appointment of managers. In the work of such companies, statements about informal values ​​\u200b\u200band collectivism are often heard. In fact, the values ​​in the company are characterized by subjectivism, each time being interpreted in the most convenient way. All attempts to form a corporate culture are unsuccessful. Interestingly, the weakening of the center leads to destructive consequences for the company - the normal operation of the system is disrupted. The search for a new center of power does not bring results. There is a stagnation or destruction of the company, or there are serious consequences in the recovery from the crisis.
  2. Appointment of employees who are responsible for the creation and integration of corporate culture. Often entire departments are formed, whose employees begin to clearly define the term "corporate culture" with the development of its principles. The developed principles of corporate culture are indicated in official documents. But the implementation of such measures faces serious obstacles. With insufficient understanding of this subject, the measures of employees are limited to the creation of a pseudo-culture that will not be fully accepted by the team. After some time, you just have to completely reduce or restructure this business, and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a corporate culture is abandoned for a long time.
  3. Involvement of external specialists who will solve the internal problems of the company. Realizing the shortcomings of the corporate culture, but without understanding how to compensate for them, the CEO begins to attract external consultants. But even a great ideologist will not be able to set up an ideal corporate culture. After all, it will build its principles on its own ideas, which can radically differ from the opinion of the CEO. Correction of mistakes made in the formation of a mission or ideology turns out to be quite lengthy and difficult process with unpredictable results.

CEO speaking

Alexander Reznik, General Director of Trial Market LLC, Moscow

Changes in the formation of corporate culture is a rather delicate task for which an HR specialist is needed. You can't just appoint a person responsible for the formation of corporate culture, it's just that the boss and the thought leader cannot be the same concept. The leading role should be placed on the shoulders of a top manager who will be able to "charge" his subordinates. This task is not just an administrator. He must be an integrator in relationships and an entrepreneur in spirit. This role is assumed by the owner at the stage of formation of the company. In the future, this can be done by the CEO, who shares the values ​​of the business owner.

As a general director, I consider it necessary to assess the microclimate in the team. If the company has 100-200 employees, they all remain in sight - the peculiarities of people's communication, their conflicts, who they listen to will be noticeable. To use formalized tools with personnel, the company needs to reach a certain level. Our company has at least 100 employees. Although this number is individual, it depends on the business. In my opinion, in some companies a clear definition of everything is already required with 20 employees in the state. The main condition is to keep the spirit of entrepreneurship in the company.

Summing up, I can talk about the development of the company's corporate culture at each stage according to its own laws. With a larger company, there should be more formalized and structured work with it.

Formation of a corporate culture in an organization step by step

The role of the CEO in shaping the corporate culture

The general director and founders of the company should act as the ideologist and bearer of the corporate culture. In my opinion, this way of forming a corporate culture and maintaining a corporate spirit is the most effective and natural.

Fundamental principles of corporate culture formation

Freedom. Every person has dreams of freedom and the search for truth. However, with a greater level of knowledge, the more people will depend on them. When you get more freedom, its degree in life only decreases. This paradox became the basis of the first principle of creating a corporate culture. With a greater sense of freedom in the company, the more faithful he will be to the principles of the team.

Justice. Corporate culture is designed to bring together a community of people. Their personal freedom is limited by the common values ​​and goals of the company. However, this restriction should not cross the line, overcoming which a feeling of lack of freedom appears. Such a barely perceptible border is considered injustice.

The corporate culture is based not only on justice and freedom, but also on other universal spiritual values ​​that are necessary for a person in society.

Polar principles of corporate culture formation

In the work of Douglas McGregor, 2 main principles are noted on which management theory is based:

  1. All people, by definition, are inherently thieving, lazy and non-executive. Therefore, they require absolute control. The formation of corporate culture in this case is carried out according to the principles of carrots and sticks.
  2. Man is a rational being. For embodiment best qualities a person needs to provide the proper conditions conducive to this.

These two principles set the extreme poles, and the truth is always hidden in the middle.

Practitioner tells

Nina Litvinova,

The corporate culture of our company is based on the principle of "professionalism in everything". This rule and became the credo of the company, uniting all employees. In the work of the company, an important component of the corporate culture is the attitude towards employees. Investments in development of the personnel are provided. Perhaps our company will be the first to propose the introduction of options for each employee.

For successful work it is important for the company that corporate values ​​are fully accepted by the entire team. There were situations when it was decided to part with employees only because of non-compliance with the norms of the company's corporate culture.

Alexander Verenkov, Deputy General Director of CJSC BDO Unicon, Moscow

Corporate culture can be based on the principle of individualism - taking into account the individual characteristics of the company's employees. Modern business is at the heyday of individualism, so the CEO needs to understand human psychology. Only individuals can form a true team, so it is important to respect and appreciate your employees. At the same time, if possible, it is better to get rid of negligent employees who do not deserve respect. In a dynamic modern business there is practically no time for re-education. Employees need to be motivated. Sometimes the opinion is expressed that patriotism to the company instills famous brand, but it turns out to be wrong. A common corporate spirit will be formed and strengthened when the results achieved by the whole team are understood.

Alexander Reznik, General Director of Trial Market LLC, Moscow

When working on corporate culture, the formation of a proper microclimate is of great importance. People must have a desire to work in the organization, a sense of pride in their work and a sense of comfort. Job satisfaction is manifested by loyalty to the company, despite another place of work, and pleasure in going to work and completing tasks.

As long as the microclimate in the team is an important factor for a person, he will remain in the company. When priority begins to be given to other factors (including social status or salary), a search for other proposals is noted. In the corporate culture, mutual understanding between employees is of great importance. It is difficult to count on success in conditions of regular conflicts and lack of agreement.

How does the type of company affect corporate culture?

When forming corporate values, it is necessary to take into account the type of activity of companies. In particular, in the service market, the attitude towards people is of fundamental importance. Including sincere love for customers is important. Only in this case, the client can really fall in love with the company in order to regularly apply for its services. Companies in the service market should have an atmosphere of creativity, mutual respect and initiative. To maintain this state of affairs, postulates are needed that will fix the company's values. When hiring new employees, you need to make sure that they share similar values.

Employees production organizations the most important thing is stability. The reason for this priority is that in production, personnel are oriented, first of all, to processes. And stability becomes the main success factor.

Companies in a market segment with significant competition will benefit from merging in the face of an external threat. In particular, it is possible to unite employees against a competitor, becoming a real well-coordinated team in the name of a common goal.

How to make corporate culture work for a company

For corporate culture to work, it is necessary to change its main principles. This condition is extremely important for large organizations. Transformations appear as a result of constant contact between managers and employees, due to informal conditions of communication. If you feel consistent, fair implementation of the principles of corporate culture, when actions correspond to words, you can count on the success of such changes. There is really painstaking work ahead, but the result fully justifies such measures.

Examples of corporate culture in Japan, USA and Russia

Japan and United States of America:

  1. Corporate onboarding for newbies to help them understand the workflow.
  2. Placement of corporate culture values, rules and slogans in various messages, brochures, stands, media pages.
  3. The company's management regularly organizes speeches, during which they consider in detail the corporate values, rules and goals of the organization.
  4. Methods of inspiring employees to work - through the performance of the best employees, highlighting the goals in front of the team, singing the anthem, etc.


  1. Celebration of federal celebrations - in the company's office or restaurant.
  2. Singing the corporate anthem.
  3. Carrying out sports events.
  4. Joint trips.
  5. Videos dedicated to the hobbies of employees.
  6. Joint leisure activities - including bowling, hunting, curling, etc.
  7. Special traditions in the company - for example, the organization of skits in honor of the organization's birthday.

Based on the materials of the book: Samoukina N. Effective staff motivation with minimal financial costs. M.: Vershina

Practitioner tells

Nina Litvinova, Director of Human Resources Department, Arpikom, Moscow

Training can be one of the effective means of creating corporate culture. The main requirement is that the employee who has received this knowledge can use it in practice. As I have already noted, the corporate culture in our company is based on professionalism. To implement this principle, about a year ago we launched the General Manager Training program. The program is carried out by the general manager, the goal is to train employees to be proud of their profession. As a tool for this, we use information sheets, a corporate newspaper, holding corporate events, etc.

CEO speaking

Alexander Reznik, General Director of Trial Market LLC, Moscow

The most effective (although not always simple) way to form new rules in a company is to invite new employees. Since all new employees usually follow the established requirements. In my own practice, I have seen many similar examples - an employee who was not satisfied with certain procedures leaves the company, and instead of him new employee willing to comply with these standards. The reason is that he is not forced to resist the new corporate culture, but immediately becomes one of the building blocks in the organization. It is necessary to initially hire employees who fit into the provisions of the current corporate culture.

When spreading corporate culture to remote divisions, it will be necessary to take into account 3 factors:

  1. Public basic values ​​and ideology.
  2. Key branch employees need to visit the head office regularly to absorb its energy. After all, they are entrusted with the role of agents of the introduction of a common corporate culture in the work of the branch.
  3. Corporate principles should be formalized (described in the documentation). Otherwise, the transfer of corporate culture norms to branches will be distorted. In addition, this formalized documentation is necessary to familiarize new employees with the rules of conduct and the characteristics of the company's corporate culture.

The role of corporate culture in the company

  1. You should regularly inform your staff about corporate values, rules, etc. Speeches by key employees, stands or corporate media are suitable for this.
  2. If the process of erosion of the corporate culture in the company begins, or if there are several strong groups with different rules, you need to decide which of the groups will be more comfortable to work with.
  3. Control of the informal corporate culture is required - consider informal leaders who should become your assistants to promote initiatives in the organization.
  4. It is not necessary to resort only to administrative levers to manage corporate culture. After all, any order or order should be accompanied by explanatory communication with your employees.
  5. There is no need to appoint those responsible for corporate culture - a top manager should deal with this issue by vocation.
  6. Nothing can strengthen the team better than joint corporate events. Therefore, do not forget about organizing joint sports competitions, holidays, skits, various trips, etc.
  7. You need to be a fair leader. There must be predictable, objective decisions about sanctions against employees.
  8. Corporate learning should be used to convey the values ​​and goals of the organization to its employees.
  • HR policy, Corporate culture

Corporate culture is the collective experience gained by an organization throughout its history. Corporate culture is inherent in any organization and is manifested by signs, symbols, myths, stories, taboos, structure, ways of organizing work and many others, which distinguishes one organization from another. It appears along with the organization when specific corporate norms, values ​​and typical patterns of behavior are consciously or more often unconsciously established.

Strong corporate culture:

provides employees with clear guidelines;

makes effective communication possible;

contributes to the adoption of effective decisions;

reduces control costs;

motivates employees;

increases staff loyalty;

contributes to the stability of the organization.

When the corporate culture is a barrier to the achievement of the company's strategic goals, it needs to be changed and developed.

Changing the corporate culture of a company is a long and painstaking process. New values ​​and norms cannot be introduced by order. They must be presented in such a way that all employees reach the same understanding, be able to accept them, and realize that their observance contributes to the effective work of Chernykh E.A. Organizational culture enterprises in the personnel management system: dissertation Ph.D. n. -- Moscow State University: 2006.

All employees of the company, and certainly informal leaders, should take part in the formation of culture. After all, it is on them that the majority is oriented. Therefore, such low results are given by the development of the Corporate Code"turnkey" (without the participation of the company's personnel), practiced by some consultants, especially Western ones. With this approach, the company pays its money for a dead document, which is then kept by the head, without affecting reality outside the walls of his office. Changing corporate culture requires integrated approach. Dugina O. Corporate culture and organizational changes// Personnel Management. 2006. - No. 12.

It makes sense to develop a corporate culture from the very moment a business is created. After all, as they say, it is easier to educate a child when he "lies across the bench." But if your company is already many years old, the culture can also be changed, although this will be more difficult.

The only thing that is important to do before the development of culture is to determine the key parameters of the business for its owners, i.e. formulate a vision and mission of the company, set goals and prescribe a strategy. Because in a bank and in a nightclub, a very different culture is needed.

The approach most commonly used by organizations includes:

Research using a variety of methods to assess the "real" state of the corporate culture of the organization. The task of the organization at this stage is to identify those features of the culture that correspond to the strategic goals of the company and those that are barriers to their achievement.

Formulating, together with the leaders and employees of the company, new values ​​and norms of behavior that correspond to the new vision of the company and its strategy.

Development of a variety of tools that make it possible to consolidate new values ​​and norms, including the creation of the Corporate Code of the company.

Planning and implementation of actions aimed at developing a new corporate culture and holding events (conferences, trainings) that provide employees with the opportunity to learn how to work in a new way.

The following methods of corporate culture development are used:

diagnosing and solving problems of a unit or organization as a whole through questionnaires, trainings, etc.;

revealing the abilities of employees, helping them to determine the ways of self-realization;

creating a warm and creative atmosphere in the team;

diagnostics of candidates for compliance with the requirements of corporate culture;

adaptation of new employees to the norms, rules and traditions of the company;

operation of the "Anonymous high-tech center" system.

Each employee of the organization clearly knows what norms and principles of behavior he should be guided by, compliance with corporate standards is an ingrained tradition with us. Predictability, orderliness and consistency of employees' activities are ensured either through a high degree of formalization, or (as in our company) - due to the involvement of the employee in the "cultural environment" of the organization. Moreover, such a result is achieved with a minimum amount of workflow. Moreover, the tradition of conscientious attitude to work is more effective than any formal control. Maintaining such traditions is the responsibility of top managers directly, but all policies and procedures in the field of personnel management, including methods for recruiting, adapting and training newcomers, also contribute to the involvement of people in a common cause, develop a sense of pride in their company.

One of the most important tasks in recruiting personnel for a company with an already established corporate culture is to find people who not only have the required knowledge and skills to perform the job, but also share its core values. The final choice of a candidate is based on the subjective assessment of the decision-maker, and therefore is predetermined by the corporate culture of the organization. Spivak V.A. Corporate culture: theory and practice. - M.: Peter, 2005.

A positive corporate culture increases the loyalty of employees for whom work is a vital value.

Employees devoted to their company are “economically beneficial” to it: they work conscientiously, independently, with great dedication, without immediately demanding additional remuneration, while disloyal employees need constant monitoring, they need to be additionally stimulated, motivated, etc.

So, from the above, it should be noted:

The development of a corporate culture gives the company a number of advantages:

  • 1. Conflict is reduced, business relationships are improving.
  • 2. Unproductive time expenditures are reduced.
  • 3. Business and individual workers become more appropriate.
  • 4. The economic efficiency of the business is growing.

There is a concept of strong and weak corporate culture. A strong culture is characterized by the values ​​of the organization, which for a long time still act on the finger of the song of this entire team. The more Members of the organization are committed to this opinion, the stronger and stronger the corporate culture. A weak culture is usually formed to have such a status only at the stage of company growth or in companies that simply do not have a corporate culture, although based on the above proposals this cannot be, but still cases have been recorded. But I also don't all companies already with experience mean that they have a strong corporate culture. How to change corporate culture? Over time, that is, visiting a certain period of two here, those other factors of corporate culture may change. The methods of changing culture coincide with the methods of maintaining the same corporate culture, namely: - changing attention from one subject to another; – Changing management style; – change in incentive conditions; – change in personnel policy; – change of corporate symbols and logos.

To form a corporate culture, many organizations order services from special specialized teams building agencies. The principles of corporate culture formation began to take shape in the 1990s. and adopted the format of the normative document "norms of corporate conduct". This document regulated corporate behavior.

In Russia, this regulatory document was also developed, but did not have the status of an official state standard. It is advisory in nature and does not require the application of any obligations. The document contains a number of rules, principles that have no legal force. AT different countries this document looks different and has different paragraphs and subparagraphs, and also has a different status, there are countries in which the application of this document is one of the main points of the organization's work. In Russia this document does not replace laws and regulations, but only regulates those moments when the issue does not concern the legislative sphere. Moments like communication rules, norms of conduct, also includes communication with partners and government organizations.

The main principles of corporate culture formation include the following points:

Complexity of scenario development of the company;

Determining the values ​​that are acceptable and desirable for a given company;

Observance of traditions, which largely determine the character economic system, management style;

The denial of forceful influence, according to which it is impossible to artificially plant a strong culture in a weak culture and vice versa, or to correct it. The effectiveness of a strong culture, like a weak one, depends on the specific conditions;

Comprehensive assessment, according to which the assessment of the impact of culture on the performance of the company should be based on an integrated approach. This principle provides not only for taking into account the ways in which culture directly influences the effectiveness of this system, but also for taking into account the many invisible indirect ways of influence.

When forming a corporate culture, they take into account everything that has happened with the organization from the beginning of its creation to the present moment and look into the future, that is, what this or that element of the emerging corporate culture can lead to. An important condition is the coordination of each step with some members of the organization, so that innovations do not become so abrupt and inconsistent. After all, the corporate culture implies this open communication management and employees. Corporate culture influences the behavior of members of the organization, the format of communication, and much more.

In the process of formation and development of corporate culture, it is of no small importance to determine and take into account the factors that have the most significant impact on it. Corporate culture is also involved in the following essential elements of economic culture:

Purpose of the organization (mission, goals, objectives). An aimless existence is destructive, and the mission just expresses the main meaning, purpose and principles of life. If it is clearly formulated (and together with the team) and its provisions are followed daily, such an organization can be considered an unconditional innovator. Ideally, the mission of the company should be formulated even before its creation. However, it is even more erroneous to come up with a mission just because it is accepted in classical management, or because others have it. The leader must feel the inner need to create a mission - only then will it move forward;

Means, including the activities of members of the organization, the incentive system, information support, etc.;

Criteria for achieving goals and evaluating results;

Means of internal integration, which include methods for incorporating new members into the organization, ways of sharing power, style of relationships, a system of rewards and punishments, ceremonies (honoring heroes, symbols, myths of the organization), rituals (symbolic events designed to remind employees of behavior that they are required), etc.

In an organization it is impossible to create rules and say follow them, many employees will turn their backs on the leader, simply because these rules were not agreed upon and were not invented by joint work. And to impose these rules, the principles of corporate culture, the rules of communication will be very difficult and may even have to be punished with a ruble for non-compliance with the rules. A leader who respects his team will not allow this and at least consult, but it is also important that the last decision is still his. The power given to the manager allows him to form models of corporate communication, values, and it is even important that he does this, otherwise you can lose the trust of employees.

When forming a corporate culture in an organization, parallel work should be carried out in two directions:

Interaction with the external environment;

Interaction with the internal environment.

On the one hand, this activity is very important for its employees, because it plays a big role in their own activities. Accordingly, they are most sensitive to any of its actions. However, on the other hand, they, like no one else, can see what exactly corresponds to reality, since they are actually the conductors of this activity.

Employees understand better true values when they begin to compare them with realizable values ​​in reality. Thus, they gradually understand what and how is done in the company. And it is at this stage that people can evaluate themselves as an employee of the organization: either they will be satisfied with themselves, or not.

If high-tech production is important in an organization, then workplaces should be equipped with the necessary equipment for this. Conditions must also be created for its proper operation.

If we are talking about the manufacture of quality products, then quality control must be carried out. If about the professionalism of employees as an important value of the organization, then conditions should be created for career growth and the implementation of relevant skills.

And if the behavior of employees is not encouraged or the behavior of management discredits them, then it is stupid to talk about any moral morals.

In general, any activity in the organization causes any attitude of employees towards it, which means that it can become a subject of discussion. Awareness of this makes it possible to understand the complexity of the work on the formation and development of corporate culture.

Interaction with internal departments begins with understanding, formulating and fixing in documents the foundations of corporate ideology, that is, the purpose of the organization. Its clarification implies an answer to the question: “Why does this organization exist?” And this, in fact, is finding people interested in its work.

The answer to the question: "Where is the organization heading?" allows you to construct the main goals that indicate the main directions of the organization's activities within its purpose. They allow employees to find a solution themselves, without giving a ready answer. the main objective is to guide and unite.

Having decided on this, you still need to understand how it moves, because then the basic principles of work will be formed. They describe its most important qualities (the nature of doing business), with the help of which the organization achieves its goals, and also outlines its area of ​​responsibility in cooperation with interested groups (shareholders, employees, customers, society).

In fact, such a system does not allow working in only one specific direction and provides an opportunity for competent setting of one's own tasks. It gives a certain direction in their work, allows them to build their strategies, create personal aspects of behavior, predict the quality of certain actions.

Thus, it is this that increases the employees' sense of clarity and stability in terms of relations with the company, which is a very important factor in increasing motivation. And of course, it is clear that this must also be conveyed to employees.

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