Rye bread 0600 gram recipes with pictures. A simple recipe for rye bread in the oven with step by step photos

garden equipment 18.10.2019
garden equipment

No wonder they say that bread is the head of everything. Until today, not a single meal can do without this product, and housewives who know how to bake bread have always been held in high esteem. How to bake delicious, fragrant and porous rye flour bread in the oven? Today we will reveal the recipes and secrets of its preparation in our article.

In secret around the world

Rye bread is included in the diet. The rye flour used for baking bread has a dark hue. If you want the pastry to turn out not too dark, dilute rye flour in equal proportions with wheat flour.

Unfortunately, not every housewife can boast of the ability to bake delicious Rye bread at home in the oven. Let's fix this situation and master the necessary culinary skills. Before you go to the kitchen and start kneading the dough, check out some secrets. It is these tips that will help you make bread tasty and airy:

  • You can use dry, granulated or pressed yeast to knead the dough.
  • Yeast needs to be diluted in a warm liquid, but not hot, otherwise you risk steaming it.
  • The dough should be allowed to brew for 10-15 minutes, and then you will see how the dough will fit.
  • Yeast dough does not accept cold and drafts - keep this in mind when kneading it.
  • Dough for bread made from rye flour can be kneaded on kefir or water based. Some housewives use sourdough.
  • Kneaded rye dough must be infused in a warm place for an hour.
  • Forms for baking are greased with refined vegetable oil or covered with baking paper.
  • For taste, cumin, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, raisins can be added to the dough.
  • Allow the baked bread to cool completely before removing it from the mold.
  • To bake a beautiful and appetizing crust golden color brush the bread with milk or egg yolk.

Mastering Baking Skills: A Simple Rye Bread Recipe

Not every housewife likes to cook yeast dough. If you are one of them, then we suggest you bake rye flour bread without yeast on kefir. Before baking in the oven, the dough must be insisted. A baking sheet with bread can only be placed in a well-heated oven. This homemade bread recipe will allow you to make delicious bread without much effort. Perhaps in the future you will completely refuse purchased bakery products.


  • 0.3 kg of sifted rye flour;
  • 0.1 kg of oatmeal;
  • 0.2 kg of sifted wheat flour;
  • ½ tsp baking soda;
  • 0.5 l of kefir;
  • 30 g of softened butter;
  • 1 tsp salt.


  1. Before cooking, take out all the products from the refrigerator. Their temperature should be at room temperature.
  2. Pour the sifted flour of two types into a deep container and mix it well.
  3. In the flour, add softened butter, pre-cut into small pieces, oatmeal, baking soda and salt. We mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Add kefir to the dry mass and mix all the ingredients.

  5. Knead the dough. From the resulting mass we sculpt a loaf.
  6. We cover the baking sheet with baking paper or sprinkle with sifted rye flour, put bread on it.
  7. Lightly flour the top of the bread as well.
  8. We make cuts crosswise on the top of the loaf.
  9. We send the baking sheet to the oven for 35 minutes. The temperature threshold for baking should not exceed 200 °.
  10. Quick way to bake bread

    As we have already said, if you bake bread from rye flour without yeast in the oven, then you can take kefir, sourdough, yogurt or plain water as a basis. Rye bread with bran and crushed oatmeal will appeal to any gourmet, as well as supporters of proper nutrition.


  • 250 ml of kefir;
  • 1 tsp baking soda;
  • 1 tsp table salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. crushed bran;
  • 0.5 st. crushed oatmeal;
  • 2.5 st. sifted rye flour;
  • 1 tsp liquid honey;
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar.


  1. Pour the oatmeal into a bowl and pour half of the kefir.
  2. In this form, leave the mass for 20-25 minutes, so that the oatmeal swells well.
  3. In a separate deep bowl, mix all dry ingredients.
  4. Put the dry mass into the swollen oatmeal and mix.
  5. Gradually add the remaining pure kefir and knead the dough.
  6. The dough must be kneaded until it acquires a uniform and elastic consistency and stops sticking to the hands.
  7. Line the bottom of the pan with baking paper.
  8. Shape the dough into a loaf and place on a baking sheet.
  9. We send the baking sheet to the oven, heated to a temperature threshold of 200 °.
  10. Bake bread for 50 minutes.
  11. We grease the baked bread on top with honey, while we do not remove it from the baking sheet.
  12. We cover the bread with a napkin or a fabric cut and wait for it to cool completely.

Cooking Italian ciabatta according to the rules

Did you know that bread made from rye flour with the addition of a grain mixture is called ciabatta? This dish belongs to Italian cuisine.


  • 110 g of sifted wheat and rye flour;
  • ½ tsp dry yeast;
  • 0.3 l of warm purified water;
  • 3 art. l. grain mixture;
  • ½ tsp granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp salt.


Hello dear readers. I, like most people, start thinking about healthy food. Today in this series there will be a simple recipe for rye bread. I will bake it in the oven, we don’t have a bread machine or a slow cooker, but it will probably appear soon. We did not come to such a decision, to bake bread ourselves, right away. It started gradually, we could eat one loaf a day, or we could eat it a week. Our children are not very fond of bread. And recently, in a supermarket, they bought gray bread with seeds. So both the children and I liked it so much that we can eat it in one sitting.

We began to take such bread every day. But it is too fluffy and airy, so we thought, maybe we can bake rye bread ourselves. The next day, instead of bread, I bought rye flour.

Easy rye bread recipe

My parents always bake bread at home, but their recipes are too wise, and besides, they are made from white flour, and we wanted to start simple so that everyone could repeat. I searched the internet and found many recipes. Even barley has been sprouted for malt. But today I wanted to bake rye bread, but the malt is not ready yet. Here is a simple recipe delicious bread.

Rye bread composition

  • Rye flour 200 grams (1.5 cups)
  • Wheat flour 200 grams (1.5 cups)
  • Warm boiled water 370 grams (1.5 cups)
  • Dry yeast 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar 1.5 tablespoons
  • Salt 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil 1.5 tablespoons
  • Optional cumin, coriander, seeds ...

Let's start making bread with yeast. To do this, take sugar and yeast, mix them in a bowl, pour warm water. I added 1.5 cups of water. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 20 minutes.

While our yeast is rising, we sift the flour. When sifting rye flour, I had large particles, but white flour was clean. Add a teaspoon of salt to the sifted flour and mix.

Why do we need to take two varieties of flour. Because if you only take white flour, then rye bread will not work. Well, if you take only rye flour, then the bread will turn out sticky and will not bake well. Commonly used proportions are 50/50 and 60/40. And who takes 60% rye flour, but who white. It all depends on your taste.

After 20 minutes, the yeast came up, and we add vegetable oil to them. Pour the yeast water into the prepared flour, and mix well with a spoon.

It makes a pretty sticky dough. Cover with a towel and put it in a warm place for three hours. I ask specialists not to judge us strictly, I bake bread with my own hands for the first time. What have I not baked in my life, but bread has never been.

While the bread rises, I prepare the form. I grease the form with vegetable oil, sprinkle with flour. Although I think that one was enough vegetable oil. Now I put the dough in the form. Since our children love bread with seeds, I sprinkle seeds on top.

Cover with a towel and set to thaw for 20-30 minutes in a warm place. The dough should double in size. I put it in the microwave, but before that I put a pot of hot milk, and the microwave was warm and humid. This is what experienced bakers recommend, although my parents do not do this, and their bread turns out to be lush and tasty.

After the rye bread had doubled in size, it even came up in less than three hours, but I still put it in after three hours so as not to violate the recipe. The bread was baked for about 40 minutes at a temperature of about 200 degrees. My oven is gas, so the temperature is approximate. After baking, I left the bread for another 15-20 minutes in the oven.

The bread was well baked, it turned out very tasty. The weight of our bread turned out to be 450 grams. Next time I will make more, I really liked the taste of bread. And the children began to collect seeds from the hot, barely managed to take a picture with the seeds.

But my baking didn't end there. I liked the taste but didn't like the look. And I continued to bake bread, and of course I recorded the results.

Above in the photo, these are samples already with ground coriander inside, and not ground on top. It turned out very tasty, but the bread sat down. I used less dry yeast. The bread came up very well, but sat down in the oven.

But below I have already tried fresh yeast. The bread came up very well, and as you can see in the photo, even a little airy, although I used only 30 grams of yeast for a double norm of flour. I also added half a glass of seeds to the dough, next time I will add more. It’s just that we don’t store seeds at home, they quickly disappear. What else we noticed is that this bread crumbles, which is made with raw yeast.

I also tried to make the dough not so sticky, it did not work. And flour was added, and butter was added to the dough, it's still sticky dough.

And now my turn will be yeast-free bread, so to speak, living bread. The sourdough is already being done. So come visit soon step by step recipe, live, without yeast, the most real rye bread in the oven.

Rye black bread is healthier than wheat: it contains more vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fewer calories. It is an excellent addition to breakfast and lunch, can serve as the basis for sandwiches and be added in the form of crackers to salads. You can make rye bread at home, and you don’t need a bread machine for this. Many recipes are designed for baking bread in a conventional oven.

Useful properties of the product are explained by its composition and quality of flour:

  • Most recipes do not contain yeast, which increases nutritional value finished product;
  • A large amount of fiber affects the work of the stomach and digestive organs in a favorable way;
  • 100 g of rye bread contains only about 170 kcal (for comparison: wheat bread contains from 250 kcal);
  • Rye grain is more resistant to the processing process, therefore it retains many vitamins and amino acids essential for the body in flour.
  • Decreased hemoglobin;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract;
  • Slagging of the body;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Separately, rye bread is recommended during pregnancy. It is rich in iron and magnesium, which stimulates the formation of blood cells and facilitates pregnancy. It has been proven that regular consumption of black bread reduces the risk of cancer and diabetes.

Black bread ingredients

Black rye bread, familiar to Russians, is popular among the inhabitants of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Iceland, and Denmark. There it is an integral part national cuisine, but they cook it with various herbs, nuts, vegetables, bran, seeds, cheese and even fish. However, the main ingredients for the product are unchanged:

  • Rye flour;
  • Water;
  • Sourdough or yeast;
  • Salt.

Add to rye flour - wheat or corn, buckwheat, oatmeal.

Rye Bread Recipes

It takes a little experience to make rye bread. Rye flour is more capricious in work, it is characterized by the formation of less gluten and greater viscosity. To get started, you can use simple recipes baking homemade bread in the oven. They include a mixture of two types of flour, which allows you to get a delicious product even with little culinary experience.

Fast way to bake in the oven

To speed up baking and improve the taste of homemade bread, the oven must be preheated to a temperature higher than recommended by 5-10 ° C. This will keep more heat in when the door is opened while the dough is being placed.

Tip: during the baking process, do not open the oven door frequently or for a long time. This lowers the temperature and causes the dough to settle. How long to bake bread in time depends on the type and volume, as well as the composition of the dough.

Traditional Irish Bread

In Ireland, they say that real bread should be tender, fragrant and crumbly. For cooking according to traditional recipe you need to take wholemeal flour or white flour, as well as:

  • 190 ml of kefir;
  • 45 g wheat, oat or rye bran;
  • A teaspoon of baking powder for dough, coriander and soda;
  • 4 dl cumin;
  • Salt - 2 dl;
  • Olive, rapeseed or sunflower oil - 75 ml;
  • 80 g of wheat flour (preferably the highest grade);
  • 80 g of wholemeal rye flour;
  • 1/4 kg of flour from wheat grains.

In a container for kneading dough, mix bran and flour, add baking powder and soda. Kefir is poured into a separate container, salt is added. In a hot frying pan with a thick bottom, cumin and coriander are fried without oil, after which the spices are ground in a mortar and added to kefir. Mix everything well and add to the flour. Replace the dough: at first it will stick to the bowl, but in the process of mixing it will become denser and roll into a ball.

You can bake bread in any baking dish or in a pan with a thick bottom and walls, which is pre-lubricated with margarine or cooking oil, sunflower or vegetable oil. The top of the formed loaf is sprinkled with water and sprinkled with sifted flour.

To prevent the crust from cracking during baking, make several shallow longitudinal cuts.

For this yeast-free bread, the temperature in the oven is set at 220 ° C. At a given temperature, they bake for a quarter of an hour, after which they lower the degree to 190 ° and cook for another 40-45 minutes. The baked bread is left to cool under a cotton towel.

Homemade bread without yeast

Rye unleavened bread easy to prepare: mix 0.3 kg of rye and the same amount of oatmeal and whole grain flour in a bowl. Add 180 g chopped nuts. Separately, mix the juice of a couple of limes and 10 g of soda. Pour the resulting mixture into a container with flour, and add 0.5 liters of warm water. Knead the dough. As additional additives take fried onion, Bell pepper or chili, dried blueberries or cranberries, dried fruits or seeds.

Put the dough into a mold, make several longitudinal cuts on top. Baking conditions: 60 minutes and 200°C.

Recipe for classic rye bread

The traditional recipe uses sourdough instead of yeast. To make it, you need to mix a teaspoon of sugar and water with a third cup of flour. Water is taken so much that the dough resembles sour cream in its density. The resulting mixture is left warm for 5 days and a couple of tablespoons of water, flour and granulated sugar are added daily. The readiness of the starter is indicated by active fermentation and the formation of bubbles.

For the test, you need to take a tablespoon of thick and dark honey, 0.6 kg of rye flour, a teaspoon of salt and about 2 glasses of water. It is advisable to pre-dissolve honey in water: this way it will be easier to mix and will not form lumps. Everything is mixed and sourdough and 30-50 ml of vegetable (preferably olive) oil are added. Ready dough dense and elastic, non-sticky.

Bake bread in the oven, preheated to 200 ° C - 5-7 minutes. After that, the degree is lowered to 150 ° C. Baking time is about 2 hours.

Lean rye bread

Lean rye bread without yeast can be prepared with a simple sourdough starter from 120 ml of water and half a glass of rye flour. The mixture is stirred with a mixer and poured into a jar. Leave warm for 48-50 hours. Then another 200 g of the mixture is added, covered with a cotton cloth and incubated for another 24 hours.

To make the dough, you need to add sunflower oil to the sourdough. Sift 0.5 kg of rye flour into a separate bowl, add 35 g of sugar and salt, sourdough. Knead a thick dough, which is then laid out in a bread pan and left warm for 4 hours. Before laying in the oven, the surface is moistened with water and sprinkled with flax, cumin or sesame seeds. At a temperature of 180-185 ° C, bread is baked for 100-120 minutes.

Sourdough Bread Recipe

Sourdough for baking homemade rye bread can be made not only from flour, but also from fresh or dry hops. Ingredients for sourdough: a glass of dry hops (fresh take 1.5 times more) and 2 glasses of water. On low heat, the mixture is boiled down until the volume is halved, after which it is cooled and kept under gauze for about 9-11 hours.

A glass of strained broth is poured into a jar, a little more than a glass of wheat flour and a spoonful and a half of sugar are added, mixed with a whisk. The jar is covered with a cloth and cleaned for 48 hours in heat. You can determine the readiness of a hoppy starter by a significant increase in volume.

Ingredients for a standard loaf of yeast-free bread (weight 700 g):

  • 1/4 l of water;
  • 3 cups rye flour;
  • Fine salt - tsp;
  • Small white sugar- st.l .;
  • Oatmeal or wheat flakes - a couple of tablespoons;
  • Leaven.

The process begins with the preparation of dough. To do this, a spoonful of sourdough and a glass of flour are diluted in 1/4 liter of warm water. Opara rises at room temperature for 100-120 minutes. Next, add the remaining ingredients to the bowl and knead the dough. The desired consistency is thick, not sticky to hands, with good elasticity.

Before baking, the dough should stand for 4-6 hours, and in order for it to fit better, it is recommended to cover it with a lid and a thick terry towel. Rye bread is baked on the middle shelf for an hour at 190°C.

Preparing sourdough bread

You can also cook rye bread in the oven at home using a more complex technology that involves the use of tea leaves. Choux bread is distinguished by its sweet and sour taste and the fact that it does not get stale for a long time. According to this recipe, it is proposed to bake brown bread with ready-made tea leaves "Agram light" (35 ml) or dark agram (10 ml). 40 g of fermented malt is poured into 0.1 l of boiling water. In a separate container, mix: sourdough and 0.5 kg of rye grain flour, a dessert spoon of salt, 55 g of sugar, tsp. baker's yeast and 0.35 liters of water (it should not be hot, but above room temperature). Add brewed and slightly cooled malt.

It is advisable to mix the dough with a mixer for about 10 minutes. Spread the finished dough in a form, pre-greased with cooking oil or creamy, sunflower oil. The dough is left in the oven at 40°C for an hour, then the temperature is raised to 170°C and cooked for another 1.5 hours. 30 minutes before the end, the crust is moistened with boiling water. Ready custard bread is removed from the mold and left to ripen under a waffle towel.

This fragrant yeast bread is prepared in several stages. The first is the preparation of the tea leaves. For her, take 130 g of rye flour, 25 g of white rye malt, a dessert spoon of cumin and a glass of boiling water. Everything is mixed well and poured into a thermos. After 3-4 hours, the mixture is poured into open dishes and let cool.

The second stage of preparation is sourdough. It is made from 25 ml of water and 25 g of rye flour. To make a dough, the resulting sourdough and tea leaves are combined with 1/3 tsp. yeast and leave to ferment for 5-7 hours.

It is more convenient to knead the dough for Riga bread with an immersion mixer. To do this, spread the dough into the bowl, 40 ml of warm water, tsp. salt, 0.25 kg of rye grain flour and 50 g of wheat flour, 30 g of molasses. After kneading, the dough is allowed to ferment for several hours. The finished dough is laid out on a flat surface, sprinkled with flour, a loaf is formed. The bread is left in the oven for proofing for an hour at a temperature of 40 ° C, and so that it does not become stale, put a bowl of boiling water under the baking sheet.

Rye bread is baked in the oven at 240-260 °C for 10 minutes, then the temperature is lowered to 200 °C and cooked for another 40-50 minutes.

Recipe for rye cheese bread with nuts

Cooking Ingredients:

  • 150 g goat or sheep cheese (hard varieties);
  • 120-130 g walnuts;
  • 0.3 kg of wheat flour and the same amount of rye;
  • A bunch of basil;
  • About 350 ml of water;
  • Ch.l. baker's yeast;
  • A couple of tablespoons olive oil;
  • Salt.

Sift flour twice with yeast, add salt. Pour warm water in a thin stream and knead the dough well with your hands. Leave for an hour for proofing, knead several times with force and let stand for an hour and a half. Grind the nuts with a blender, cut the cheese into small cubes.

From ready dough form a cake, put a third of the mixture of cheese and nuts on top. Roll into a bun, knead and sprinkle with nuts and cheese again. Repeat the process, but sprinkle with chopped basil along with the cheese.

The bread is laid out on a baking sheet (it can be covered with parchment paper, greased with butter or margarine, sprinkled with flour), covered with a towel and allowed to rest for 20-30 minutes. Baking conditions: 30 minutes and 200°C.

flax seed bread recipe

You can bake rye bread at home in the oven with flax seeds, seeds, sesame seeds. To do this, first make a dough of 40 g of fresh yeast, a spoonful of sugar and 8 tbsp. warm water. The dough is left to come to life for 25-35 minutes.

Sift 0.6 kg of flour from rye grains and 0.25 kg of wheat flour into a container, add half a glass of flax and sesame, a third of a glass of peeled seeds and a few tablespoons of tea salt. Pour in the dough and about 350 ml of water. The dough is formed into a bun and spread on a greased baking sheet. Leave for an hour under a towel, and before laying in the oven, the surface is moistened with water.

The first 45 minutes the bread is baked at 220°C, then another 20 minutes at 200°C.

Lithuanian bread on beer

Bread according to this recipe can be made with or without yeast, but the yeast-free version is more popular. The sourdough is made from a glass (220 g) of rye flour and a glass of water. It should be thick, like sour cream. Leave the starter at room temperature for 72-80 hours, and shake the mixture every 12-14 hours.

From a glass of ready-made sourdough, a couple of glasses of rye flour and half a glass of water, make a dough. For the test, they take all the resulting dough, 250 g of rye and wheat flour, tbsp. dark thick honey and cumin, 3 tbsp. sugar and half a glass of bergamot tea. All mix well, form a loaf and leave for a few for proofing.

The first 25 minutes bake bread at a temperature of 250 ° C, then lower the degrees to 200 and leave the bread for another half hour. The finished loaf is taken out of the mold and covered with a towel.

Homemade Borodino bread

For baking Borodino bread in home oven you will need:

  • 0.4 kg of peeled flour from rye grains;
  • 0.2 kg females 1 or 2 wheat grades;
  • Ch.l. concentrated yeast;
  • A couple of tablespoons of dry malt and the same amount of vegetable oil;
  • 0.4 l of heated water;
  • Ch.l. salt;
  • A little dark honey;
  • Dry crushed coriander.

Preparation of bread with malt begins with tea leaves. To do this, dry malt is poured into 150 ml of boiling water, and cooled at room temperature. Dissolve honey in another glass of water. It is advisable to sift the flour twice, add salt and yeast, tea leaves, honey water and oil. Knead the dough: it should turn out a little sticky, thick and viscous. Cover the bowl with cling film or a thick towel and leave for several hours. The rested dough is punched down and transferred to a baking dish. For Borodino bread, the oven is heated to 180 ° C, baked for 40-45 minutes.

Bread with malt

The recipe for malt bread is similar to Borodino: 4 tbsp. malt pour two cups of boiling water. In a separate container, mix 50 g of pressed baker's yeast with 2 dessert spoons of sugar and 0.1 l of warm water. Leave to ferment for 10-20 minutes. The cooled malt and the revived yeast mass are combined with 5 tbsp. vegetable oil and a teaspoon of salt. Mix well and add 150 g of flour from wheat and rye. Knead the dough and give 1-2 hours for proofing.

Bread is baked for 30 minutes in an oven heated to 180°C.

Bread made from corn and wheat flour

This bread with seeds and a mixture of different flours is fluffy, fragrant and retains nutritious and beneficial features in a week. For cooking you need to take:

  • 90 g of corn flour, 30 g of rye flour and 400 g of wheat flour;
  • 0.2 l of kefir;
  • 170 ml of fat milk;
  • 55 g butter fat;
  • 20 ml lime or flower honey;
  • Half a glass of seeds;
  • 2 tsp dry concentrated yeast;
  • 2 tsp salt.

Combine kefir, honey, yeast and cornmeal in a mixing bowl. Leave for half an hour. Add salt and sifted remaining flour, softened butter and milk. Stir and cover with foil or cling film. Leave the resulting dough for proofing in heat for an hour or two. Then they are transferred to a baking sheet, crushed, formed into a loaf and given another 2-3 hours to rest. Bake in an oven heated to 230°C for 20 minutes. To prevent the loaf from turning out dry, place a pan with hot water under the baking sheet.

Homemade rye coffee bread

Dough is prepared from 120 g peeled flour, 0.3 l of strong Turkish coffee, 1.5 tsp. yeast, 2 tbsp. sugar and the same amount of dark honey. Leave to ferment for 2-4 hours.

For the test take:

  • 0.4 kg of a mixture of wheat flour (grade 1 or 2) and rye;
  • A couple of tablespoons of cocoa;
  • 1.5 tsp salt;
  • 75 ml of any vegetable pure oil.

Sift the flour, add salt and cocoa, mix well. Oil is poured into the finished dough and mixed with flour. The dough is laid out on a flat surface, sprinkled with rye flour. The formed kolobok is coated with oil and left for 1.5-2 hours under the film. After the allotted time, they are crushed, again lubricated with oil and given another hour and a half to rise.

The dough is laid out in forms, covered with a towel and left for 60-80 minutes. Rye coffee bread is baked for 20-30 minutes in an oven heated to 180°C.

Rye bread on rice broth

For cooking take:

  • 120-130 g of white rice;
  • About 0.5 l of water;
  • Flour: from rye grains - 200 g, from wheat - 320;
  • Dry malt - tbsp;
  • Bran from any cereal - 2 tablespoons;
  • 1/2 tbsp mixtures of chopped ginger and coriander;
  • Ch.l. salt;
  • Baker's yeast - 2 tsp;
  • For lubrication - an egg;
  • A little sesame seeds for sprinkling.

Boil rice. Decoction (at least 250 ml) drain, strain and cool. mix rice water, sifted flour and malt, bran, yeast and other ingredients. Knead the dough and cover it with a waffle towel. Leave to proof for 2-4 hours. Transfer the finished dough to a baking dish, leave for another 1-1.5. Before baking, brush the surface with egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds. The oven is heated to 180°C, and the baking time is 40-45 minutes.

Homemade rye bread can last anywhere from a few days to a week when wrapped in a waffle or cotton towel. It has a pleasant taste, aroma, and can be a useful addition to any breakfast, lunch or dinner. Spicy bread goes well with salted fish, pates, butter and cheeses, dried fruit paste or fruit and berry jellies. It is added to salads and served with soups, game or fish dishes, and vegetables.

Rye bread made its place on the table many years ago and is at the peak of popularity even today. It is a healthy alternative to wheat baked goods as it is high in fiber and micronutrients and is virtually fat free. There are many variations of its preparation, which can be found in the following recipes.

How to bake rye bread?

The recipe for rye bread has not changed for several centuries, it is still made from a dough consisting of rye flour, water, sourdough or yeast. In the absence of the latter, whey or kefir is used. Rye dough has an important feature: it has little gluten, and because of that it does not rise well, therefore, rye flour is often mixed with wheat flour, in a ratio of 1: 1.

  1. When preparing the dough, adhere to the proportions indicated in the recipes and the temperature regime.
  2. You should choose only the highest quality flour, which must be sifted before kneading. Then rye bread turns out lush and porous.
  3. When using pressed yeast, you need to dilute it with water and let it ferment for 20 minutes. This contributes to the creation of delicious and airy pastries.
  4. Rye bread is baked at 180-200 degrees.

Yeast rye bread

Rye bread in the oven will become a favorite pastry for every day, if you learn how to cook it correctly. This is an affordable and simple process: you need to dilute the dough, add rye flour to it and, after kneading the dough, send the bread to the oven. The main thing is to get a homogeneous, elastic mass and do not forget about proofing before going to the oven.


  • rye flour - 400 g;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • oil - 30 ml;
  • yeast - 10 g;
  • baking powder - 10 g;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm milk. Remove for an hour.
  2. Mix flour, baking powder, oil and buttermilk.
  3. Knead and put in a warm place.
  4. After an hour, punch down the dough and put it into a mold.
  5. Bake rye flour bread for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.

Rye bread without yeast on kefir is one of the simplest and most quick ways get ruddy and fragrant pastries. Warm kefir with the addition of soda will appropriately replace the yeast dough and, in the process of baking for half an hour, will take care of the splendor of the product. This affordable cooking technique is perfect for beginner home bakers.


  • kefir - 250 ml;
  • wheat flour - 250 g;
  • rye flour - 150 g;
  • soda - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • salt - 10 g.


  1. Add soda to warmed kefir. Set aside in a warm place.
  2. Mix sugar, salt and flour.
  3. Enter kefir and knead the dough.
  4. Let the dough rest for 20 minutes.
  5. Bake rye yeast-free bread for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.

Rye sourdough bread in the oven

The recipe for sourdough rye bread was used by our ancestors. Classic technology allows you to get healthy, dietary rye bread. The most time-consuming process is the creation of the leaven, which takes from 3 to 5 days. Equally so much time will be required for the growth of lactic acid bacteria responsible for the fermentation process of the dough.


  • sourdough - 100 g;
  • rye flour - 300 g;
  • wheat flour - 300 g;
  • water - 550 ml;
  • salt - 20 g.


  1. Add water and sourdough to flour mixture.
  2. Knead the dough.
  3. Leave "rest" 6 hours.
  4. Bake rye bread for 10 minutes at 240 degrees and another 90 minutes at 200 degrees.

It differs from traditional rye in its splendor and porosity. Since rye dough is low in gluten, it does not rise well, and to help the loaf rise in the oven, be sure to add bleached wheat flour. As a result, the dough will be easy to knead, become more pliable, light and airy.


  • wheat flour - 250 g;
  • rye flour - 250 g;
  • serum - 250 ml;
  • yeast - 20 g;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • a clove of garlic - 6 pcs.;
  • oil - 40 ml.


  1. Add yeast and sugar to whey. Set aside for 2 hours.
  2. Pour into flour mixture, add butter, salt and minced garlic.
  3. Knead and let rest for 2 hours.
  4. Put on proofing for 40 minutes.
  5. Bake for 45 minutes at 200 degrees.

Rye bread with seeds

Homemade rye bread offers endless possibilities for improving textures and flavors. At the same time, you do not need to spend money on expensive spices and spices - a handful of sunflower seeds can turn homemade bread into something that is on the shelves of bakeries. The crispy crust of toasted seeds looks appetizing and protects from drying out.


  • rye flour - 300 g;
  • wheat flour - 150 g;
  • yeast - 20 g;
  • water - 270 ml;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • seeds - 50 g;
  • oil - 40 ml.


  1. Dissolve yeast, salt, sugar and 40 g of flour in warm water. Remove for an hour.
  2. Add the dough, butter and 25 g of seeds to the flour. Set aside for 40 minutes.
  3. Punch down the dough, form, brush with oil and sprinkle with seeds.
  4. Bake homemade rye bread for 45 minutes at 200 degrees.

Rye bread - custard recipe

The recipe for rye flour bread with malt is very popular. This technology is used to bake the famous "Borodinsky" bread, which is distinguished by a special sour taste and a dense, but porous structure. Dark malt is more commonly used, it adds color and aroma. Choux bread is easy to prepare: it is necessary to pour boiling water over the malt and, after cooling, add it to the dough.


  • rye flour - 400 g;
  • wheat flour - 150 g;
  • water - 350 ml;
  • boiling water - 80 ml;
  • dark malt - 40 g;
  • honey - 40 g;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • yeast - 10 g


  1. Mix flour with water.
  2. Soak the malt in boiling water for 25 minutes.
  3. Add malt, honey, salt and yeast to the dough. Knead and set aside for an hour.
  4. Form and bake rye 10 minutes at 240 degrees and 50 minutes at 200 degrees

Recipe for rye bread can be brought to life different ways: bake a loaf in the oven or use modern technology- baker. It will perfectly cope with cooking and simplify the routine and long process of kneading and baking. You should load the ingredients in a certain sequence, set the baking size, crust color and mode, and then just wait for the signal.


  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • yeast - 10 g;
  • wheat flour - 100 g;
  • rye flour - 150 g;
  • oil - 30 ml;
  • cumin - 10 g;
  • sugar - 20 g.


  1. Pour warm kefir into the bowl.
  2. Add butter, sugar, flour mixture, cumin and yeast.
  3. Place the bowl in the bread machine.
  4. Select bread size (small), crust color (light) and rye bread setting.

Rye bread with malt in a bread machine

The simplest and affordable way receive CUSTOMER BAKERY. This variety does not get stale for a long time and has a special aroma and sweet and sour taste. Malt is almost always present in baking rye bread and will give them splendor, volume and dark color, and the bread maker takes care of maintaining these qualities.


  • water - 310 ml;
  • oil - 40 ml;
  • rye flour - 150 g;
  • wheat flour - 300 g;
  • rye malt - 40 g;
  • yeast - 10 g;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Pour the malt with 100 ml of boiling water.
  2. After 25 minutes, pour into the bowl, add the oil and the remaining water.
  3. Add flour, yeast, sugar and salt.
  4. Set the weight to 750 g, medium crust and the “French pastries” mode.

Rye will turn out as lush and tasty as in the oven or bread machine. The peculiarity of the preparation is that the sticky, tight and dense rye dough must be kneaded with your hands, and only after increasing in volume, transfer to a slow cooker. To complete the process, you should use the "Heating" and "Baking" functions.

No need to buy to make delicious bread special equipment, it is easy to cook in the oven. You can purchase a baking dish or form a round loaf. Read the article and choose your favorite bread recipe in the oven at home.

Rye bread in the oven at home

To make rye bread, two types of flour are mixed: wheat and rye. The first helps the dough become soft and pliable. For more fast food yeast is used.


  • water - 400 ml warm;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • salt - a spoon;
  • rye flour - 300 g;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • wheat flour - 300 g;
  • dry yeast - 10 g.


  1. Pour warm water into a bowl, add salt and yeast.
  2. Add sugar. Mix.
  3. Hold for a quarter of an hour. During this period, the fermentation process will occur, a foamy “cap” will appear on the surface.
  4. Pour in sunflower oil, stir.
  5. Sift two types of flour through a sieve.
  6. Now you need to combine the dough with the dry mixture.
  7. Knead. The dough will be tough. Cover with a package. Set aside for a couple of hours.
  8. The mass will increase the volume by a couple of times.
  9. Knead. Put in the form. Cover with a package. Leave for an hour.
  10. Set the oven to 180 degrees.
  11. Bake for approximately 40 minutes.

In the bakery business, it is important to observe temperature regime when preparing dough and baking it.

A simple recipe for kefir without yeast

You can bake bread with a minimum amount of products. Without the use of yeast, a healthy and tasty product is obtained.


  • flour - 300 g wheat + a little more for kneading;
  • kefir - 300 ml;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • soda - half a teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Prepare a container.
  2. Pour a spoonful of kefir into soda, thereby extinguishing it.
  3. Send to flour.
  4. Pour in kefir.
  5. Knead the dough, adding flour as needed.
  6. The mass should not stick to the hands, but do not overdo it with the addition of flour.
  7. Now the test needs to rest. To do this, cover with a bag and leave for an hour.
  8. Roll up a round loaf.
  9. Slash the top with a knife.
  10. Sprinkle with flour.
  11. Put in the oven.
  12. 220 degree mode.
  13. Time 50 minutes.
  14. Then switch to 200 degrees.
  15. Cook for half an hour.
  16. Pierce with a skewer, if it is dry, the product is ready.

Wheat custard bread in the oven

This bread differs from other cooking options in that the flour must be brewed with boiling water. This will make it light, porous. The mass will rise well, the crumb will come out loose, the crust will be ruddy and thin. Homemade bread in the oven is the easiest and good option sure to be delicious.

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