Sourdough for bread at home. Rye sourdough for bread

landscaping 19.10.2019

Why did our Slavic ancestors attach great importance to bread? If you think - because it was the most easily obtained food product who saved from hunger, then you are mistaken. Bread was given special importance because it was very useful product, with a wonderful taste that everyone loved. It was REAL BREAD giving satiety, strength and health. It was so because our forefathers prepared it correctly. Only the right bread can really satisfy your hunger and give you health.

The REAL BREAD of the Slavs has always been sour. And that's what the sourdough made him do. What happens during fermentation, if our ancestors could not imagine bread without it?

Firstly, there are protective substances in cereals (a kind of preservatives), which allow the grain to be stored for a long time and greatly prevent its digestion. For example: phytic acid does not allow the body to absorb the necessary minerals and trace elements (such as calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc); other substances block the work of enzymes, which causes the body to additionally spend its internal resources; tannins, gluten and related proteins, and indigestible complex sugars can cause allergies, indigestion, and even mental disturbances. The properties of these substances do not weaken when grinding grain into flour. The action of protective substances is terminated only when the grain gets into conditions suitable for germination or during prolonged fermentation of the dough with the help of sourdough.

Secondly, during acidic fermentation, complex substances are broken down into simpler ones (which are easier to digest and assimilate by the body), and in addition, new ones are formed. nutrients necessary for the body.

For these two reasons, sourdough bread is very satisfying. In these reasons lies the benefits of sourdough bread.

There is another very important point: cooked bread should be well baked so that fermentation stops in it and the bread does not sour.

By the way, not only black (rye) can be sour, but also White bread, if only the flour for him was real - whole grain flour.

Whether our ancestors knew or not, the lactic acid bacteria found in sourdough neutralize the grain's internal defenses and make the grain's nutrients more accessible. But they always let the sourdough work on the dough (to maximize the benefits of the bread), and they got a refined bread that they appreciated.

What happened today? This knowledge exists, but civilized society ignores it, producing industrial unleavened bread.

But you yourself can bake the REAL BREAD - the bread of the ancestors - the bread that gives strength! Only such bread is worthy of you!

1. Cooking the sourdough

200 gr. water

200 gr flour

100 gr. bran

2 spoons of honey

5 gr. raisins

Mix everything thoroughly and put in a warm place until fermentation begins. As soon as fermentation begins, mix thoroughly and leave for 4 hours. Fermentation can begin on the first or second day ... It is better to keep the sourdough for 3 days ...

2. Prepare dough for dough

1000 gr. water

Salt to taste for the dough

Sugar or honey 2 tablespoons

100 gr. bran

200 gr. flour

200 gr. sourdough (leave the rest of the sourdough in the refrigerator for the next time)

You need to keep the dough for 8 hours ...

3. Cooking the dough

Bread... Fresh, fragrant... With a crispy crust and an aroma that instantly awakens the appetite. Its use, in our time, is done without hesitation, as a matter of course - a part of life. After all, man does not live by bread alone.

Main dishes without an additional ingredient in the form of bread are already vaguely presented. We eat bread separately and as a bite, at home and at work, at a party and on vacation, with tea and our favorite jam.

However, a number of authorities consider bread sold in stores to be unhealthy. The proof is personal experience and the invariable presence in the creation of this “baking miracle” of three key factors: yeast, ingredients (namely: flour of different varieties and types) and all kinds of additives, more often than not just not useful, but even harmful.

We advise you to pay attention to the ingredients of a bakery product in the shops you often visit and the nearest supermarkets. On the Internet, people are often frightened by information about the harmful effects of yeast. You can see for yourself by typing the appropriate phrase in the search engine.

Unleavened, or “live” bread, is a great alternative, and it’s also home-made. This is great benefit but also a huge responsibility.

After all, only you are responsible for the quality of such a bread, its composition and benefits for relatives, friends and simply those whom you consider it necessary to treat. This topic has always attracted a lot of attention, which explains a large number of published articles, conducted seminars and trainings.

Our material is a kind of instruction for making unleavened bread with your own hands, bread with your chosen composition, quality, energy. No one will dispute the fact that bread is rightfully considered the head of our table.

In the old days, it was baked at home, recipes were passed down as a family heirloom from mother to daughter. Modern world involves buying bread made with harmful thermophilic yeast from your local store.

Beneficial features

The properties and benefits of yeast-free bread are undeniable before.

Unleavened bread has a number of valuable properties:

  • a large amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • benefit rye flour coarse grinding in its contribution to the fight against excess weight, stabilization of work gastrointestinal tract, digestive system, and the body as a whole, besides, it is a balanced and extremely useful element of nutrition, according to experienced microbiologists;
  • strengthening immunity, preventing the formation of tumors;
  • long-term storage without loss of taste;
  • the possibility of using it as a festive pastry (in this case, nuts, sesame seeds, flax, dried fruits as a decoration, etc. help).


It takes a lot of heart and soul to make bread. As a result, such bread can give odds to cakes. My experience of baking yeast-free bread for more than two years, the sourdough recipe (you can) has many friends and enjoys great polarity. Having tried once to create your fragrant miracle with a delicious crispy crust and mass useful properties Would you like to hear about something else.

To see the huge difference, try making your own natural sourdough bread.

The kneading process will not take you much time, because it lasts 15 minutes, and such bread will bring a lot of delight. In addition, you can reduce power costs by preparing sourdough in a bread machine. The recipe for bread without yeast is described in stages and is accessible.

Starter preparation

  • Mix 0.5 l of warm water with a temperature of 37-38 degrees with 2 cups of rye flour and knead the batter. It should always resemble sour cream in consistency. The difference is whether it is thick sour cream or liquid. Each process has its own mixture. My favorite flour is whole wheat flour, although you can use any coarse flour.
  • We cover with a towel, transfer to a warm place with a temperature of 25-30 degrees and leave for 36 hours. After this period, natural sourdough will begin to bubble slightly.
  • Pour one glass of rye flour into the prepared mixture and quickly make a thick dough. Then we put it in a warm place and let it ripen. As a result, we got the primary sourdough for bread, a thin mass with an admixture of small bubbles.

Dough preparation

  • We mix one liter of warm water, one tablespoon of honey and one salt (in case you want a large loaf of bread). Do you prefer small? Then the ingredients are half as much. Next, sourdough and flour are added. Now we can knead the dough.
  • We hide 200 grams of the mixture until the next time in the refrigerator, preferably in a separate sealed container.
  • We place the bulk of the dough in molds previously greased with vegetable or butter (whichever is closer). There are also fast option: beat the dough with a spoon until it starts to lag behind the surface, and then spread it in a bread pan or pan with a spoon, sprinkle with flour.
  • We wrap the bread securely and leave it in a warm place for about 6-8 hours.


Carefully transfer the bread to the oven, preheated at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for 10 minutes. After about 50 minutes, the amazing aroma will tell you that our homemade cakes are ready. You can sprinkle with water and cover with a towel. Yummy! And now you are teasing homemade aromas.

Also, it makes sense to try baking it on sourdough in a bread machine. You will not be disappointed, because the bread in the bread machine turns out to be no less fragrant and tasty!

In all subsequent times, our leaven must first rise in a warm place. After kneading, leave a small piece of sourdough for the next time.

3 more ways to make sourdough

The base of the basics (you guessed it, sourdough).

The point in making the right bread is high-quality sourdough and enzymes. I have several methods for its preparation, kindly provided by friends. Also, the Internet is full of more than one video dedicated to the preparation and baking of sourdough bread in a bread machine.

Method #1

Pour flour into a jar with a capacity of 80 ml (preferably rye, it is more useful, because it contains a lot of various beneficial microorganisms and bacteria) and add 100 ml of water, stir until the mixture begins to resemble thick sour cream. Leave for 24 hours in a warm place until small bubbles appear, after covering with a small towel or cloth.

We fall asleep 100 flour and repeat the procedure. You should observe an increase in the volume of the starter. Add another 100 g of flour and leave the mixture in a warm place for 24 hours. The finished sourdough should double in size.

Method #2

We are preparing a decoction of hops. To do this, a dry plant must be boiled in a glass or enamelware until the volume of water is halved. We dissolve one spoonful of sugar (in this case, raw sugar is preferable) in a glass of broth. Then add half a glass of flour, stir, cover the mixture with a cloth or gauze and place in a warm place for two days. Looking forward to doubling the volume.

Method #3

or how to make sourdough according to Vadim Zeland's method. (flour is made from sprouted grains, like)

Pour warm, filtered water (36-37 ° C) into a saucepan with rye flour and dilute with a wooden spatula, slowly and gradually. We bring the mixture to a state of thick, viscous sour cream. We cover the container with a lid and put any “rag” napkin on top. You need to “feed” the starter with a temperature of 24 to 26 ° C. It is best to place the pan on an elevated surface.

This procedure is repeated more than once and it is necessary to make efforts for several days. Strictly according to the schedule: in the morning and in the evening, 40 g of flour and 60 g of water (4 days in a row). On the final fifth day we have 800 g of sourdough. on average, 1 loaf of bread takes up to 500 g of sourdough, the rest can be put in the refrigerator and next time repeat the necessary steps.

We certainly store the finished sourdough for bread in the refrigerator, covering it with gauze. It is worth noting that it is necessary to feed the starter every few days. Namely: add a third of the volume of water and a little flour (again, achieving the consistency of sour cream, and thick).

You can cook it once, and then use it repeatedly without problems. Moreover, you don’t have to worry if our sourdough stays “unfed” for a couple of weeks. It will not lose its useful properties. And listen to the aroma of your sourdough! Hear those spicy notes bread kvass? The beauty!

Undoubtedly, the mood that is present in you when cooking, thoughts, feelings is very important. So try to keep as much love and positive thoughts in your heart as possible. This will make you and your family, friends, loved ones happy, and home-baked bread will be a pleasant discovery for everyone. I hope our material will be useful to you. Good health to all!

Bread constantly accompanies us, we are used to eating absolutely everything with bread. If for some reason you do not want to buy ready-made bread in the store, or there is no such possibility, you can bake this product at home.
You can bake any bread, such as rye or wheat. Everything will depend on what kind of flour will be in this moment in stock.

By the way, crispy crust and soft bread are obtained very simply - after the bread is ready, leave it in the oven with the door open for about half an hour. So that the crust does not crumble very much - after baking, put a damp towel on the bread.

Homemade sourdough bread

To prepare the starter, it will be enough to add 100 grams of rye flour and a third of a glass of water. Mix the mixture thoroughly, leave for a day at a temperature of 25-27 degrees in a 0.5 l jar
After a day, add the same ingredients in the same ratio, mix thoroughly.
After the starter begins to grow, we remove 50% of the mixture from the jar, and add the same ingredients - again for a day.
We repeat this process daily until the sourdough becomes viscous and there is no persistent yeast smell in the jar.

Recipe for sourdough bread dough

1. We take 200 g of sourdough, put it in an enameled bowl, add 200-400 ml of water, salt, spices - to taste. Then add flour. You can experiment with any kind and ratio. Please note that the flour must be sifted through a fine sieve, otherwise there will be lumps in the dough.

2. First you need to knead with a spoon, after the dough is already more or less formed, you can start kneading with your hands. This must be done very intensively until the product becomes homogeneous and viscous.

4. For baking, heat the oven to about 150 degrees, leave the dough in order to fit (in volume) - you need to pay attention that the container should be at least several times larger. When ready, transfer to a cold baking sheet and bake. You can also use a mold, but you will have to grease it with vegetable oil and sprinkle the surface with flour. There are silicone molds - you just need to cover them with an even layer of flour.

5. Baked ready product at a temperature of 200-240 degrees, in time about 40 minutes. Time may vary, you need to check periodically, as soon as a crust appears - you can check it by piercing it. The crumb should return to its shape after compression. You can cut only after cooling, if you want to cool faster - put the finished loaf on a towel, cover it with the second from above.

Recipe for homemade rye bread without yeast

After I became interested in baking bread at home, I tried many recipes. The recipe for this bread attracted me because the dough is prepared without yeast, on sourdough. The sourdough, which you need to prepare yourself, ripens in 72 hours!!! Yes, and then the bread must be kept for 27 hours (in the original 39 !!!). The first time I did everything as it was written in the recipe. The bread didn't turn out the way I imagined it... But I didn't give up!!! I re-read the recipe again, took into account all the nuances, decided to change something and cook again! The family twisted at the temple, telling me to calm down and spit on this matter, but I still decided to achieve my goal. I must tell you that according to the recipe, it would be good to put beet molasses in the dough, but no matter how much I searched, I did not find molasses. It's good that you can replace it with brown sugar (not just cane, but dark brown!). The main ingredient is patience! Let's get started!


For sourdough:
1 day:
Rye flour - 4 tbsp.
Warm water - 4 tbsp.
3 day:
Rye flour - 2 tbsp.
Warm water - 2 tbsp.

For bread:
Rye sourdough - 2 tbsp.
Rye flour - 300 gr.
Warm water - 180 ml.
Salt - 1 tsp.
Beetroot molasses or brown sugar - 2 tsp.


1. First we prepare the starter. Mix flour and water. Cover with a napkin and put in a warm place (25-30 degrees). At first, your “flour porridge” will not show signs of fermentation, but on the second day it will become “alive”, you will see bubbles, the mass will begin to increase. Exactly 48 hours later, you'll add more flour and water. Move, cover and put back in a warm place for 24 hours. Do not cover tightly with a lid, otherwise the starter may become moldy.

2. 72 hours have passed. Now you can knead the dough. Mix yeast, salt, sugar and water. Gradually add flour. The dough must be kneaded for 5 minutes.

3. It will stick to your hands, so you can sprinkle with flour.

4. You will get a small bun. Form a loaf out of it. Take a baking sheet, cover it with paper and put the dough on it. Wrap the top with cling film, cover with a napkin or towel and put in a warm place (25-30 degrees) for 27 hours. In my experience, it is advisable not to touch or punch the dough. Wait for maturation. The dough will increase, but not much.

5. Only after 27 hours, you remove the film, sprinkle thickly with flour and put in an oven preheated to 220 degrees and immediately reduce to 200. Bake for 30-35 minutes.

6. When our bread is ready, do not take it out of the oven, leave it to cool with the door open. You can take it out warm and wrap it in a towel for 10-15 minutes. Here it is, our long-awaited!

7. Well, of course, you ask what it tastes like))) A little sour, characteristic of taste rye bread. The crumb is a little sticky, like "Borodino". My family really liked it))) Cut it into thin slices, spread with butter ... but you can do it without butter!

8. And if you put a piece of sprat on a slice spicy salting…))) Well, sooo delicious!!!

How to make regular bread at home. Jamie Oliver recipe

1 kg wheat flour
2 tbsp Sahara
2 tsp salt, sea salt is better
500 ml warm water
2-3 sachets dry yeast or 30 g fresh yeast


1. Lay the flour in a pile on a clean surface and make a large "well" in the middle. Pour half the indicated amount of water into the well, then add the yeast, sugar and salt. Gently mix the contents of the "well" with a fork.

2. Slowly gather the flour around the edges of the hill with your hands and knead it into the center of the “well”, being careful not to damage the walls, otherwise the water will surely pour out. Continue to fill the "well" with flour until the total mass thickens and acquires the consistency of a viscous porridge - now you can add the remaining water. Continue kneading until the dough stops sticking to your hands. Periodically dust your hands with flour to make it easier to handle the dough (some types of flour require more or less water - add as much as you like).

3. When kneading the dough, use your hands to push, fold, roll, clap and slap the dough for 4-5 minutes until it becomes elastic.

4. Sprinkle a small amount of flour on the dough and place it in a large bowl. Cover with cling film and set aside for half an hour to an hour until it doubles in size; it would be ideal to put it in a humid, warm, windproof room.

5. When the dough has doubled in size, beat the air out of it by kneading and twisting it for 30 seconds. At this stage, you can add any seasonings and ingredients to improve the taste. Put in a mold and leave the dough for another half an hour or an hour until it doubles in size again.

6. Put the dough on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour and place in a preheated oven. Do not close the door abruptly, otherwise you will lose some of the necessary air. Bake at the temperature (the same goes for the time) indicated in the recipe. You can check the readiness by tapping on the base of the bread - if the sound comes from the void, as it were, the bread is ready. Place the finished bread on a wire rack and set aside for 30 minutes. If you have more bread than you need, feel free to send it to the freezer.

Bon appetit!

Homemade bread is fragrant, crispy, tasty and, of course, healthy. It is prepared from simple, proven ingredients. In this case, the flour can be whole grain, wheat, rye. For a change, it will not be superfluous to add sesame seeds, seeds, nuts, honey, pumpkin.

It is baked in any available form: round cast iron pan, on a baking sheet with high sides, in a special form for bread.


The most correct and complete bread recipe begins with sourdough (see photo below). It is necessary to prepare a starter (sourdough) on flour and water. You can also buy it in a store in a dry form and dilute it with water in the required proportions before kneading the dough (information is indicated on the package).

Very popular is the so-called "eternal" sourdough, which consists of flour and water. It is prepared initially for several days, and then the base is simply stored in the refrigerator until the next dough batch.

The recipe for "eternal" sourdough

  • First day: it is necessary to place 100 grams of each component in a container. Mix the mass thoroughly until a creamy state. After that, cover the container with the future sourdough with cling film or a clean towel and put it in a warm place (exclude drafts) for 24 hours - until small bubbles appear (it is advisable to mix the mass from time to time).
  • Second day: "top dressing" of the starter. Remove the container from a warm place and again add about 100 grams of the main components to the desired consistency. Then cover with a towel and return to a warm shelter for another 24 hours.
  • Third day: take out the container - now you can see a lot of bubbles on the surface of the sourdough, which form the so-called foam cap. Add the components again and return to their place, periodically observing the starter, which has already become strong. Now it is important to catch the moment of its full maturation. Then divide into two equal parts: the first is placed in a jar with a nylon lid (with holes), which is set aside in a cold place, and the second is used for baking bread.


Baking sourdough bread (according to the correct and complete recipe) is not a particularly laborious task, but it requires certain knowledge, skills, patience and endurance.

According to the technology of making bread, it is necessary to prepare in parallel, as it were, two types of dough - unleavened and directly bread. This is necessary so that all the necessary processes of dissolution and fermentation can be carried out: in the sourdough, the protein component of the flour swells well, which contributes to a greater development of gluten during dough kneading. This directly affects the quality and taste of the finished bread.

It is important to note the following subtle point. When baking a product even from flour with a low protein content, following this sequence in the dough kneading technology (sourdough, general kneading) will allow you to cook delicious bread.

And when both types of dough are ready, you can begin the stage of general kneading, kneading, with a subsequent approach (increase in volume).

How to knead

For sourdough bread (correct and complete recipe), kneading and kneading the dough can be done in several ways: manually, in a special dough mixer or in a bread machine.

This process should take about 15-20 minutes. It is very important that the mass gradually acquires an elastic consistency. Then you need to leave the dough for 30 minutes so that it "rests". After that, you can form a bread blank.

Just before baking for several hours, it is important to place the bun either in a mold or in a basket with a napkin pre-sprinkled with flour, and then put it in heat for 2.5 hours. So it is will pass the stage proofing. At the same time, the grain preparation should grow 2-3 times. If desired, the top can be greased with milk and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

After that, the bread can be baked. For this, an oven, a bread machine, a slow cooker are suitable.

This article will look at several correct and complete recipes for sourdough bread.

In the oven

For kneading, you need simple components that are easy to get, even when you are far from civilization. The bread is delicious and flavorful. And it can keep for a whole week.


  • sourdough (base) - 340 grams;
  • water - 200 grams;
  • wheat flour - 400 grams;
  • salt - 10 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 20 grams.


Baking in a bread maker

Of course, with the advent of home electrical devices kneading dough and baking delicious bread just got a whole lot easier. The equipment has several programs, a timer, special containers and other useful household accessories. Can be made with yeast or sourdough.

Full and the right recipe bread in a bread machine (for a change, rye) next.


  • sourdough (from rye flour) - 300 grams;
  • wheat flour (grade 1-2) - 200 grams;
  • rye flour - 130 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt 1.5-2 teaspoons;
  • water - 230 grams;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon (for color and softness of taste).


  1. Prepare the sourdough from rye flour in advance (according to the recipe for the “eternal” sourdough). Take part for baking bread.
  2. Mix fresh starter with ingredients (honey can be melted).
  3. Knead the dough, carefully breaking up the lumps and carefully adding water.
  4. The consistency for rye bread should be slightly watery and sticky.
  5. Put the dough into a mold to fit.
  6. After 3 hours, turn on the oven to the “Baking” mode, without kneading (1-1.5 hours).

There is such a nuance: in order to get bread with additives (nuts, seeds, raisins), it is necessary to add grains, raisins after the end of the kneading (if this is done in a bread machine!). Some kitchen appliances give an audible signal. Once it sounds, you can add all the additional ingredients.

Sourdough bread in a slow cooker

A correct and complete recipe that involves the use of the following ingredients:

  • sourdough - 1 full tablespoon;
  • water - 300 grams;
  • salt - 10 grams;
  • wheat flour - 700-800 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 15 grams;
  • sugar - 25 grams;
  • sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece.


  1. Place water, egg (whipped), sugar and sourdough in a deep container. Mix everything. Add salt, sour cream, vegetable oil and stir.
  2. Sift flour and add to ingredients. Knead the dough.
  3. When it becomes elastic, put on a floured napkin in a basket or colander, leave for 1 hour, covered with a towel.
  4. After that, knead again and put in a multicooker container (previously lubricated with oil), cover with a lid and leave for proofing (2 hours).
  5. Select the multicooker mode "Cassel" (duration - 1 hour).
  6. After the indicated time, open the slow cooker, turn the bread over and leave to bake for another 15-30 minutes.

Pumpkin sourdough bread

The recipe (complete and correct) of such a fragrant homemade dish with the addition of pumpkin puree, sesame, seeds, walnuts will pleasantly surprise loved ones, as well as give a boost of energy and vigor for the whole day.

It is based on sourdough wheat flour, baked pumpkin puree and whole grain flour.


  • sourdough - 300 grams;
  • whole grain rye flour - 100 grams;
  • whole wheat flour - 400 grams;
  • salt - 15 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 50 grams;
  • honey - 50 grams;
  • pumpkin puree - 500 grams;
  • seeds - 3 tablespoons (flax, pumpkin seeds);
  • walnuts- 3 tablespoons;
  • sesame - 10 grams.

Almost no water is needed as pumpkin puree contains juice. You can add quite a bit if needed.


  1. Mix the finished part of the starter with pumpkin puree, flour, seeds. Knead a tight dough, leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Continue kneading, add salt and honey (if the density becomes too high, add some water).
  3. For an elastic consistency, add vegetable oil. The dough will be a little sticky - this is normal. This effect is obtained because of the pumpkin.
  4. Make a bun and put it in a greased form, cover and leave for 3 hours.
  5. After that, you can decorate the surface with seeds, sesame seeds, make cuts. Leave under a towel or film for proofing (2 hours).
  6. Bake at 200 degrees until golden brown.


An important feature of the final stage of making bread at home is the process of cooling it. It is recommended to wrap the loaf in a clean towel or put it on a wire rack, leave it for 2-3 hours. After that, the product is considered to be completely finished.

I have been nurturing the idea of ​​growing sourdough for bread for more than one year. I read a lot about her on the Internet, rummaged through a bunch of books, then decided that it was all beyond my power, and ... forgot. Then again this idea appeared, and again: the Internet, books, forums...

In general, one fine evening, or rather even a night, because it was already almost 12, it hit me: I need to make a sourdough. I got up from my chair, went into the kitchen, measured required amount flour and water, mixed, covered the jar with a lid and, satisfied, went to bed.

In the morning, the first thing I ran to the bank. Right next to it, disappointment overtook me: as everything lay like a dead weight, flattened along the bottom of the jar, so it lies. And I drew in my imagination air bubbles, an increase in the leaven, well, at least twice ... Well, okay, there is nothing to do, you have to "feed" this something spread along the bottom. To "feed", by the way, means to give more flour and water to this still simple mixture of flour and water. "Fed", again left for a day. And again I was disappointed ... It seemed like something bubbled up there, as it seemed to me, but no ... Again I "fed" ... In general, at a certain moment she really bubbled up, she became more! Here it is, my happy happiness, - I thought, and gave her a fresh portion of food: water and flour. And the next day, that's all - happiness was so short-lived ... She somehow fell down, the bubbles disappeared. Everything, - I decided, this is the end! And my failed sourdough flew down the toilet along with dreams of healthy, tasty and lush bread, sorry!

The second time was no different from the first. The scenario for the development of events was the same.

Well, how is it? And I’m reading on the Internet - in 5 days your sourdough is ready! And mine on the 4th day somehow subsided. She died, so she died - I decided. And again the toilet, sorry!

In general, I’m not a lady who is fond of: something didn’t work out - God bless him. I will not redo it, but I will simply give up this occupation. And here it’s just a matter of principle or something: I thought about it, thought, what and how, took into account all the mistakes and shortcomings and started the sourdough for the third time. And - oh, a miracle - it turned out !!! I baked wonderful bread on it! Knowledgeable people claimed that this is exactly the one - delicious, incomparable sourdough bread! How flattering to hear that!

Then I overfed her for wheat.

The sourdough that you will see today is my fourth attempt and the second successful one.

So, my advice to you.

If you decide to start a sourdough, know that you have become a parent! It doesn't matter how many children you have in total, the starter is another: second, third, fourth ... a child that probably needs more attention than the rest of the cubs.

Sourdough is a living organism! She may live or she may die. If you notice mold on the surface of the sourdough, it's best to throw it away. You can try to remove it carefully, but here I can not vouch for the outcome. Better get a new one. I have never had mold.

At first: it will stink for 2-4 days... Not really, but it definitely won't smell like Dior perfume! The smell is somewhat similar to the aromas of stale flour, or fallen autumn leaves, which are pretty battered by rain and mud.

Perhaps there will come a moment when it will seem to you that the leaven of that ... ordered to live long. Don't despair, "feed" her! It is at the moment when it "silences" that the bad bacteria are forced out by the good ones and it starts to smell! My God, how she smells!!! There are apples, and something similar to Easter cakes, and flowers...

It is not a fact that on the fifth day your sourdough will be ready to bake your bread!!! It may not be ready on the sixth day, or on the seventh, or it may be ready on the fourth. What is it connected with? But I won't tell! Sometimes it seems to me that you, who suddenly got up on the wrong foot, and the sun that rose at the wrong time, and the moon that did not shine so much last night, and also the neighbors, crying children, the child who brought from school " deuce", not the temperature in the room, the husband kissed the wrong cheek, and in general everything is wrong!

When I read that half of the leaven should be thrown away, I thought: “Oh, what blasphemy! How is it, I tried so hard, and then throw it away !!!” But then I realized that the more sourdough you have (and this is the weight of flour and water, plus the previous "feeding"), the more food she needs: do you remember that sourdough food is flour and water! Therefore, part with leaven if the situation requires it.

The ratio of flour and water will always be the same: i.e. if you took 30gr. flour, then you need the same amount of water. 50gr. flour - water, too, 50g., 150g. flour - water 150g.

And I also learned something important: rye sourdough is a beauty! Wheat - like a teenager: harmful and capricious! And rye will not show off, it is easy to grow!

Well, everything seems to be. There will be questions, write in the comments.

So, for the preparation of rye sourdough for bread, we will prepare the products according to the list.

It is better to take a container for sourdough plastic or glass.

I took 30 gr. flour and 30 gr. water. This time, my sourdough was ready on the fifth day, so the amount of ingredients indicated 150g. of both.

Go. The magic has begun!

The first day.

We mix 30 gr. flour and 30 gr. water. Mix well. Leave for a day at room temperature.

Second day.

It seems like some kind of stirring begins, but still very weakly.

We give the sourdough to eat: 30 gr. flour and 30 gr. water. Stir, cover, leave in a warm place.

Day three.

Here you can already see with the naked eye an increase in leaven, and there are more air bubbles.

And again add flour and water, all 30 gr. Cover with a lid and leave at room temperature.

At this time, she actively "smells". It's better not to open the lid :-)

Day four.

It is on this day that the extinction of activity can be observed. Mine was active, as if not in itself :-)

If you happen to have no bubbles, "feed" her in the same way: 30 gr. flour and 30 gr. water.

And when you wait for such an increase in the leaven, it's time to move on to a partial parting with it :-)

So, we throw away half of the leaven. It's a pity? Certainly! But what to do...

To the rest, add flour and water, all 30 gr each. Stir, cover, leave at room temperature.

I marked the sourdough level to see later how much it had grown.

And this is how it grew after 4-5 hours.

In general, rye sourdough for bread is ready ...

But to be on the safe side, I "feed" her again: I threw away half, added flour and water to the rest, all 30 gr each.

There's sourdough in the jar because the lid from the plastic container broke.

And again marked her level.

And this is how it grew after 4 hours.

You can already bake bread with this sourdough...

For example, this one.

It doesn't contain any yeast! Only leaven bred at home.

Good luck with your rye sourdough!

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