A bakery-confectionery franchise is a business with a crispy crust. Bakery franchise - how to start a profitable and tasty business

Garden equipment 30.09.2019
Garden equipment

People have always needed bread, and therefore the decision to open their own bakery was quite successful. And in this case, mini-bakeries are a great help for entrepreneurs taking their first steps in this field. An important issue that will need to be resolved immediately is the premises. It must either be purchased or rented. For a mini-bakery, 150 - 200 sq.m. will be enough.

The opening procedure for beginners can take quite a long time. Then you will need to find equipment suppliers. You will need, at a minimum, an oven, a proofer, cutting tables, a dough mixer, and scales. Next, you will have to work with potential suppliers of raw materials, product range and advertising. The task is not easy. This is why the dreams of young entrepreneurs are dashed against a wall of difficulties, and the business remains invented on paper.

How to start a business without experience

If your dream still haunts you and you really want to open your own mini-bakery, then the ideal solution is to buy a bakery franchise. In other words, you will be offered a brand known to many consumers, ready-made capacities, advertising, an assortment of well-selling products, etc., which you so painfully stumbled over and got lost in this tough world of commerce. Agree that this is quite convenient and profitable.

The main advantages of a franchise for applicants for opening a mini-bakery:

  • work under a well-known brand, competition decreases;
  • you will be trained, advised and supported at all stages of opening a bakery;
  • your business will be competently managed at every stage, you will not be left to the mercy of fate, because your income and success are the income and success of the entire network;
  • you will receive supplies of proper raw materials and necessary equipment at very low prices.

All you have to do is choose the franchise that suits you best. There are several of them on the market.

BackWerk is a German brand

The German bakery and confectionery BackWerk, which has been operating on the market since 2001, is quite famous. To conclude a franchise agreement with this company, you will need from 66,000 USD. The payback period is three to four months.

Bakery franchise BackWerk is an innovator in the self-service style. More than two hundred bakeries and confectioneries in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands operate under a franchise agreement. All products are baked and sold on site in the store. Coffee and other drinks are offered as accompaniments. Prices are a third lower than competitors. All these significant advantages make the BackWerk bakery franchise a fairly reliable and worthy investment if you decide to open a bread production facility, sell confectionery products, or a mini-bakery. Famous French pastries and unsurpassed Belgian buns will be loved by local discerning gourmets.

What does the chain of traditional bakeries "Volkonsky" offer to franchisees?

The network was created by the spouses Stephanie and Alexander Garez, who strive to unite at Volkonsky the good old traditions and cultural values ​​of two great countries - Russia and France. It is important for the company to continue the history of those pre-revolutionary bun shops, restore recipes from ancient cookbooks and cook only from natural products. The corporate goal is to show how simply it is possible to improve the quality of everyday products and give people pleasure and joy every day through such a simple action.

Volkonsky produces more than 100 types of bread: these include classic baguettes and the “Bread for Health” line, which is beneficial for the body thanks to its original ingredients. The confectioners of this company bake more than 50 types of cakes and pastries, more than 30 types of baked goods and 30 types of chocolate products. At the same time, the entire manufacturing process is carried out manually, because this is how the products receive their unique quality.

The Volkonsky bakery chain began its history in 2005 and currently operates 21 bakeries in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kyiv. Serious work on developing its network led the Volkonsky trading house to launch a franchising project. The Volkonsky bakery franchise operates in Kyiv, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The requirements for franchisees are quite ordinary: an investment of 1 - 2 million rubles, preferably experience in a similar field and the ability to open many establishments. IN given time The Volkonsky trading house does not sell single franchises. The area of ​​the franchise facility must be from 12 to 30 sq.m.

BonApe bakery franchise

Another chain of bakeries offers its services on the franchising market. This is the French bakery "BonApe". A bakery franchise involves attracting investments from 10,000 to 50,000 USD. The franchisor's main office is located in Moscow.

The BONAPE brand is a combination latest technologies and the ancient traditions of French bakeries. The assortment of BONAPE bakeries includes over one hundred and fifty product items: baguettes, various types of bread, Berlin donuts, Italian focaccia and ciabatta, puff pastries and confectionery. These are products for the middle class, combining high quality and reasonable prices.

The BonApe bakery franchise is:

  • minimal investment risks and their quick payback;
  • guaranteed stable income for franchisees all year round due to the demand for products;
  • well-coordinated in-house logistics, and hence uninterrupted supply of products;
  • cost reduction due to the supply of frozen products;
  • democratic price policy;
  • hiring only two employees.

Choosing a franchise is a responsible and serious step. You need to evaluate both your capabilities and the degree of sustainability of the chosen brand. This path will have its own difficulties and invaluable help, which is clearly lacking when working alone. The market is developing continuously, competition is growing rapidly. Well established and time-tested a collaborative style will protect you from many of the pitfalls of business.

Bakeries are certainly a “tidbit” of the domestic market Catering. The aroma of fresh, spicy baked goods has been familiar since childhood, and the love for it does not fade, despite the latest new-fangled “diets” that call for reducing the consumption of flour products. The demand for the industry is confirmed by the prevalence of bakeries “within walking distance” - there are more and more of them.

Market Features

Compared to factories, bakeries have a number of obvious advantages. They respond flexibly to market needs and are able to create a wide and unique range, quickly changing the composition of ingredients and technology. What attracts you is not only the fresh, tasty, varied products, but also the excellent service and inviting atmosphere.

The range of product prices is significant. Manufacturers focus on different consumer groups and convey their idea to the buyer in completely different “styles”. This is not about the format of the franchises themselves, but about the specialization of the bakery: national (eastern, European), dietary, exotic, bread from a Russian oven or according to ancient recipes. Plus, due to the crisis, the attention of restaurant visitors has shifted to bakeries and pastry shops in cafe format.

Main players

There are enough market participants, but in general the competition is not tough. New manufacturers appear periodically. Those who bake a product of inadequate quality quickly leave the “battlefield”. The main players are dominated by national companies. Among active franchisors: " Bread from Tandoor", Bonape, "Khlebnitsa", Konigsbacker, "Volkonsky", "Dobropek" and others. Many foreign companies also developed their franchise enterprises in Russia. For example, the American chain Wetzel's Pretzels, famous for baking pretzels, New York bakeries and confectioneries Magnolia Bakery Among foreign bakeries, Cinnabon bakeries are now actively developing through the franchising system.

Franchise terms

Starting a bakery, as a rule, does not require large investments, and production does not require large expenses. Bread has an increased turnover ratio. To start working on a franchise, you will need from 1 to 15 million rubles, depending on the format and region. Effective bakery productivity is built in the shortest possible time. The payback period varies from six months to 2 years. There are also accelerated options: the franchisor of the Dary Vostoka brand promises a return on investment in 1.5 months. The range of the lump sum contribution is also wide - from 25,000 rubles (Bonape) to 1 million rubles (Paul Bakery). Bakery" Loaf", opening points only in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, sells a franchise with no down payment and no regular payments.

Features of franchising

Network owners use different instruments to attract franchisees. The Saratov company "Rus Investment" is following the path of multi-format: in addition to the "" franchise, the concept of the "Jan Khachapuryan" bakery has been developed with even lower investments. The "" chain has created an unusual special offer to open a bakery in 14 days. There is a tendency to expand the range. First of all, this is dictated by the desire of the owners not to miss potential customers. The company "", which specializes in the production and delivery of baked goods (from pies to pizza and pancakes), includes cakes, salads, soups on the menu, and you can choose the weight of the dish.

The Volkonsky network, under the auspices of which about 38 establishments operate, offers A complex approach to cooperation. One of the options is a project “on the territory”, combining bakery and confectionery production, the main bakery-confectionery in the city center, 4 confectionery shops without production workshop, with total investments from 45 million rubles. For Moscow and St. Petersburg there is a less expensive project (3-5 million rubles) - a coffee shop and a pastry shop, without production.

Prospects and forecasts

The baking business, which combines long-term profits and low costs, is rich in concepts, formats and sizes of starting investments. Considering that one of the main factors in the popularity of a bakery is its location close to home, there is a lot of potential for opening and developing new franchise areas, despite the already existing abundance in the segment. Even for a bread loaf, in addition to the essential components of flour and water, the amount of additional ones tends to infinity, not to mention other types of baked goods.

The consumer is willing to pay more for freshly baked, literally warm bread. In recent years, the demand for baked goods has increased significantly. Products with an emphasis on health are popular (made from wholemeal flour, gluten-free and with “superfoods”). Probably the fashion healthy eating will continue to affect the composition of products and cooking technology. However, the entrepreneur will have to choose. In a private mini-bakery there is no reason to stock more than 15 types of bread, but you can experiment with other products. It is believed that it is optimal to play on uniqueness and get ahead of bakeries and supermarkets not in variety, but in quality. This approach is aimed at winning the hearts of the most demanding customers.

More detailed information about the conditions for opening bakeries under the franchising system can be found in the catalog on the Franchiza.ru website.

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Bakery franchising is an excellent option for starting a new business for a small business. It is also possible to open your own establishment within a medium-sized business. An important condition for success is to have your own premises or rent them in a crowded place.

This direction makes it possible to open a franchise yourself different types. The most popular options include:

  • bakery;
  • bakery shop;
  • mini bakery;
  • cafe with French and Belgian pastries;
  • part-time bakery;
  • eco-bakery.

Businesses in this area are characterized by a fairly low cost of opening and a low level of costs to support activities. At the same time, high-quality and tasty bakery products are always in great demand. For production there is no need to purchase imported materials and raw materials. All this greatly simplifies activities and contributes to high profits.

Why is it better to choose a franchise?

A franchise of a confectionery store or bakery is the most convenient, profitable and quick way starting a business in this area. To purchase it, you must fulfill a number of conditions of the franchisor, pay a lump sum fee, and ensure regular payment of royalties.

At the same time, you receive a ready-made business model and the opportunity to work under a well-known brand that is trusted in the market. Franchisees are provided with a recipe that allows them to produce delicious baked goods, as well as a base of suppliers of high-quality raw materials and materials. In addition, the franchise owner provides the necessary organizational, marketing and other support.

The FRMALL catalog represents a large database of bakery and confectionery franchises. You can choose the most attractive option for yourself and contact the franchisor directly.

Choosing a direction for business requires not just a serious approach, but an economically calculated decision, market analysis in this direction, the amount of competition and the amount of profit that an entrepreneur can count on.

One of the most popular areas is the food business. As they say, no matter what happens, you need to eat on time. A large segment of the food market is filled with “fast” food outlets that offer pizzas, burgers, fast foods, and all kinds of coffee drinks.

This type of activity determines great competition, and it takes quite a lot of money to “break through” to the leadership. short term It will be quite difficult for an entrepreneur.

Manufacturing franchise for small businesses: mini-bakeries as a successful business

Hot-fresh buns and bread prepared according to “non-standard” recipes are very popular among consumers. Bread from a “home” oven does not contain chemical substances– emulsifiers, leavening agents, flavoring agents.

The products produced in small volumes are always fresh and in demand. The “oven to table” principle allows you to minimize the time from the moment of preparation to consumption by the buyer.

Advantages of a mini-bakery business

  • a large assortment of bakery products due to the mobility of production,
  • work on environmentally friendly raw materials,
  • possibility of baking national products
  • stable consumer demand for quality products.

Mini-bakery franchise: basic conditions for opening

The main condition for starting a bread baking business is having money to “start” and state registration, as a business entity.

In addition, you must:

  • Availability of premises
  • Production equipment
  • Personnel training
  • Search for suppliers to supply raw materials

The presence of all these conditions will not always work 100% without good advertising of a new business point.

How to open your own mini-bakery from scratch and draw up a competent business plan - read

A mini-bakery franchise is the best option for doing business

To get rid of many issues when opening a “bread” business, the easiest way is to buy a franchise of brands operating in this area. On Russian market Today there are enough successful and recognizable companies, cooperation with which will bring profit and job satisfaction to franchisees.

The most popular mini-bakery franchises

Franchise "Breadbox"

The Khlebnitsa brand is a young Russian brand, founded in 2014, the franchising program was launched in early 2015. The main concept of the company is “always fresh bread at an affordable price.”

The range of products: bread, buns, pies and confectionery products made from natural raw materials.

The company owns 20 own enterprises, 32 enterprises operate under the Khlebnitsa franchise.

Conditions for purchasing a franchise

Availability of 500 thousand rubles. for an entry fee, which is subsequently refunded.

Features of the “Breadbox” franchise

  • No royalties
  • No additional or hidden fees
  • According to the representative of the Company E. Muravenko, the company helps in raising funds for the purchase of a franchise and, in addition, is ready to invest up to 50% own funds in the development of a mini-bakery.

Advantages of cooperation with the Khlebnitsa brand

  • Monthly profit 300 thousand rubles. from 3 bakeries
  • High consumer demand for products trademark"Breadbox"
  • Production is carried out using domestic equipment and raw materials
  • The shortest possible time from preparing documents to opening a bakery
  • Professional training of employees
  • Information, technical and production support
  • A complete package of documents for opening a commercial and production facility
  • Providing technical specifications and standards for production

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What is needed to buy a franchise?

  • Start-up financial investment for opening a bakery, at least 3 at once, is 1 million. 500 thousand rubles.
  • Open a franchise in settlements with a population of at least 100 thousand people.
  • Desire and financial ability to work to expand the network.
  • Financial investments in newly opened bakeries according to the schedule approved by the Khlebnitsa franchisor.
  • Compliance with production processes and technological standards approved by the company.

Premises for the Khlebnitsa franchise

Approved standards provide for 2 types trading floor, which are combined with a mini-bakery:

  1. Bakery, room area – 25-35 sq. m. in a buiding shopping center.
  2. room area – 45-60 sq.m., located on the 1st floor of a building in an area with high traffic.

You can submit your application at: e-mail: [email protected]

Franchise “Bread from Tandoor”

The “Tandir Bread” brand produces national bread baked in a tandoor. The production was founded in 1985, and the franchise was “born” in 2014. The network of its own bakeries numbers more than 4 thousand, and there are 20 franchised enterprises.

Cooperation with the Company

  • Provides for the purchase of a starter package worth 350 thousand rubles.
  • Does not require a lump sum payment
  • Does not pay royalties or advertising fees

List of “starter package”

  • Tandoor oven made taking into account production and room conditions
  • Exhaust hood for tandoor oven
  • Technological and costing cards for the production of products
  • Manufacturing Process Training
  • Informational print advertising
  • Providing a brand book
  • Assistance in choosing premises for a bakery
  • Recruitment and training of personnel
  • Visit of a Company representative to launch a bakery

Conditions for purchasing the “Bread from Tandoor” franchise

  • Financial investments – 500 thousand rubles.
  • Bakery premises, at least 10 sq.m.
  • The location of the bakery is a densely populated area, a place with high traffic, or a shopping market.

The franchise pays for itself in 2 to 6 months.

Requirements for franchisees

  • Financial security for opening an enterprise
  • or legal entity
  • Willingness to comply with the technological process and maintain quality standards approved by the company
  • Implementation of business recommendations

Premises for tandoor bakery

  • Area of ​​at least 10 sq.m.
  • Availability of water supply and sewerage communications
  • Connection to the power supply system

You can apply to purchase a franchise at this address: http://mytandir.ru/franch/

Franchise "Tatar Pies"

Large pies and small pies of the Tatar Pies brand have a unique taste and colorful appearance. The company does not produce traditional bread in a classic version.

A variety of fillings for pies satisfies the demand of customers for use with savory dishes, and lovers of sweets. Various sizes products, shape and weight, make them universal for everyday use and the festive table.

Today, the Tatar Pies bakery chain is widely developed in Moscow and the Moscow region. But attractive franchise conditions provide a promising forecast for the development of the network in other regions of the country.

At favorable conditions: a successful choice of location and an “energetic” start when opening a franchise provides the businessman with a payback for the franchise in a period of 3 to 5-6 months, and a profit of up to 40% of turnover.

Franchise price "Tatar pies"

The cost of the franchise is not indicated on the official website, which raises some doubts about this. Also not listed financial conditions collaboration with the brand.

Is it true, potential buyer If you are interested in the company's products, you can write to Email: Email: [email protected]. According to company representatives, everyone who writes email, a detailed response will be sent about the conditions for purchasing the franchise.

It is difficult to answer what the mystery of the cost of a franchise is connected with. Perhaps the company’s representatives are in this way weeding out “simply curious” people who do not plan to invest money in the Tatar Pies brand.

The business portal provides figures for purchasing a franchise in 2 “starting” options: 99 thousand rubles. and 150 thousand rubles, and the costs of opening a bakery are determined in the range of 200-350 thousand rubles.

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What does the company promise to its franchisees?

  • Logo "Tatar Pies"
  • Employee training
  • Selection of premises and approval of its location
  • Room design project
  • Information support for advertising
  • Providing information on suppliers of equipment and raw materials
  • Marketing services
  • No royalties
  • Tools for doing business, seminars and conferences, exchange of experience between franchisees within the network

Requirements for franchisees

  • Choosing a location for a bakery in a densely populated area with high traffic.
  • Full compliance with technological processes and standards in the manufacture of products.
  • Independent drawing up of a business plan, economic calculation of the sales volume of the profit received.
  • Assessment of possible risks when doing business.

Advantages of cooperation with the Tatar Pies brand as a franchise

  • The Company's products are popular and in demand.
  • Unique cooking technology adheres to the best national traditions
  • Actively developing company
  • Information assistance from specialists
  • Exchange of practical experience
  • Small retail area up to 10 sq. m.

The franchises of the 3 companies presented in the article have one thing in common: general property– they were created in Russia, and not borrowed from other countries. Minimum costs and a useful end product make this business idea attractive and worth considering.

How to choose a franchise for a small business? WITH small investments, quick payback and decent profits? “Correct” business plan, economic calculation of profitability, application modern approaches to personnel and business management, will become starting points for purchasing a “successful” franchise.

mini-bakeries - in this video interview:

Beginning entrepreneurs who dream of opening their own business should pay attention to such a very popular and quite profitable topic as opening a bakery. After all, bread is practically the only product that all people purchase, regardless of their financial situation. The demand for it remains unchanged. This means that even if prices rise, people will always buy it.

That is why a business that is based on the production and further sale of bakery products is the most profitable and in demand on the market. But at the same time, despite its apparent simplicity, baking bread is not so easy. Such production is very complex process, which has many difficulties and nuances. That is why a novice entrepreneur is recommended to open a bakery franchise, especially since there are many proposals on this topic.


Of course, quality and taste qualities baked goods are the indicators that will help you find your niche in the market. However, when organizing a mini-bakery, it will be very difficult to compete with manufacturers who have been offering their products for a long time. But that's not all. You will have to spend a significant amount of money to open your own business. Money, which not everyone is capable of.

A bakery franchise will help you find a way out of this situation. Of course, in both cases, investments will be required from the entrepreneur. However, the purchased bakery franchise will allow you to get finished model production management, which opens under famous brand. With this option, all risks of losing your investment are significantly reduced.

First steps

To implement a conceived idea, a novice entrepreneur requires careful planning of all his actions. To do this, he must display each of his steps in a document called a “business plan.” For beginners, compiling it may seem very difficult. Therefore on initial stage It is advisable to get professional help. However, even in this case, no one can guarantee the success of the plan. After all, the nutrition sector is so specific that it is simply impossible to predict all the moments. The fact is that this direction is based on consumer preferences, which can be very different and ambiguous.

Way out of a difficult situation

This is where a bakery franchise comes to the rescue. This is an already proven business model that has the following advantages:

  • free staff training;
  • advertising campaigns;
  • consulting;
  • receiving recommendations when purchasing equipment;
  • minimal amount of risks;
  • a large assortment of products;
  • saving time;
  • quality control;
  • technological and legal support.

But the most important advantage that a bakery franchise provides is the name. Thanks to its fame, it is possible to ensure a large flow of clients from the very first day. Customers who have already tried this product, they will definitely buy it, since they will not doubt the quality at all.

It is worth noting the fact that mini-bakeries are very popular in Europe. But in our country this type of business is still quite poorly developed. So why not try it? After all, a novice entrepreneur may well buy a franchise in order to open his own bakery. Russia will provide an impressive niche that will allow you to make good profits.

Domestic market offers

In our country, a mini-bakery franchise exists not only for baking and retail sales products. There are proposals for their delivery, as well as for organizing pie cafes and bakery cafes. There are not so many large domestic players in this market. Throughout Russia, only chains such as Khlebnitsa, Stolle, Cinnabon and some others operate. The bulk of offers are located in megacities - Moscow and St. Petersburg.


What is attractive about a domestic mini-bakery franchise? Of course, if desired, such production can be created directly at home. At the same time, it can work on previously received orders. This eliminates the cost of wages employees and for renting premises. However, such a business will be small, as will the distribution channels. Another thing is a mini-production, for the opening of which a franchise will be purchased. The bakery will certainly receive only positive reviews from customers. After all, the franchisor will give not only the name, but also the quality of the product. He will also help you choose a room and assess how promising it is.

The bakery should be located in the center settlement. This will make it easy for residents of any area to come and purchase products made by her.

The most the best option There will be central streets of the city where there is a large pedestrian traffic pattern. The franchisee, as a rule, sends to the company photographs of the facade of the building, as well as the interior of the premises. The company’s response can be a design sketch for an external sign and an interior design project.

But even after that, the franchise owner does not cease to control the activities of his partner. He advises him on all legal issues that arise when opening a bakery. They may relate to coordination of activities with the tax service, Rospotrebnadzor, etc.

The franchise owner should also provide support in personnel matters. This applies to the hiring procedure and staffing decisions. In addition, newly hired employees undergo an internship at the company's head office.

The franchising system provides good support in the marketing promotion of goods. All mini-bakeries can use advertising without restrictions, maintain accounts in in social networks and have own programs loyalty.


A full-fledged catering outlet most often specializes not only in baked goods. And this point is taken into account by bakery owners. Some of them open points that are positioned as cafes. Sometimes they also operate as restaurants.

The most popular cafe-bakeries with their own franchises are representatives of the Cinnabon chain. Its representative offices are located in more than sixty countries around the world and are considered part of the fast food format. These cafe-bakeries bake sweet rolls with cream cheese and cinnamon, buns, cupcakes, puff sticks, and offer cocktails to their customers.

In the Russian Federation, as well as in the CIS countries, this company operates using a master franchise, owned by a group of companies called MegaGroup. The initial investment in such a business ranges from 3 to 6 million rubles, which pays off in approximately twelve months of operation. According to the advice of network experts, future franchisees should focus on opening production in parks and educational, retail and entertainment centers, as well as on large pedestrian streets. At the same time, you should avoid transport junctions (stations and metro stations), food courts, as well as places with low traffic.

A well-known bakery-confectionery franchise in cafe format in Russia is the Volkonsky chain. It is widely represented in cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, Kyiv and Nizhny Novgorod. For entrepreneurs in the capital and St. Petersburg, the network sells a franchise in a “close to home” format. This outlet combines a coffee shop and a pastry shop. Its area can range from 40 to 80 square meters. Interestingly, in this case, the franchisee is not required to produce on site. The entire required range of products is delivered here by the franchisor. Opening such a business will require an investment of 3 to 5 million rubles.

In other cities, the chain offers a franchise package that includes opening your own confectionery or bakery production. It should consist of a main bakery and confectionery, which would be located in the city center, as well as four small confectionery shops that do not have their own production. The total cost of the project starts from 45 million rubles.

Pie cafes

The main item on the menu of such establishments is, of course, pies. They are made using original, branded or family recipes. The most famous player in this area is the Stolle network. Its points are located not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Ukraine, Great Britain and the USA. Today there are more than seventy pies. Such cafes are aimed at a premium audience with high level income.

By purchasing a franchise of the Stolle chain, you can open a pie shop not only in any Russian city, but also in another country in the world. This franchisor does not disclose information about the amount of required investment. However, according to his clarifications, the estimated payback period for investments will be a period of approximately 2.5 years.

The network takes a very scrupulous approach to the issue of compliance with its corporate franchisee standards. This is reflected in the agreement drawn up with the entrepreneur. In particular, this is an obligation to send its main employees for cooking training for a month at the head office located in St. Petersburg.

The chain of Stolle pie cafes pays considerable attention to the delivery of their products. This activity sometimes brings them more than half of their revenue.


Buyers know that the products produced by bakeries and supermarkets have good baked goods. You can find it in many bakeries and pie shops. But products made with special recipes especially attract customers.

Beginning businessmen can purchase a Khlebnitsa bakery franchise. The usual establishment of this brand, whose homeland is the city of Izhevsk, is equipped in a European style and has a coffee area with tables. This company is relatively young. The year of its foundation is considered to be 2014. The Khlebnitsa bakery franchise was founded a year later - in 2015. The network's enterprises produce pastries, bread, and pies, the recipes of which contain exclusively natural ingredients.

Today, the assortment of retail outlets, which include ten own and four franchise bakeries, includes fresh bread and homemade pastries, hot pies and baguettes. Confectionery and delicious drinks are offered to customers. The peculiarity of the brand is yeast-free baking, produced on sour (grape or hop) sourdough. This is a very promising bread bakery franchise. After all, such products differ not only long periods storage, but also high content those useful substances, which are inherent in whole grains. The price for such “living” bread is twice as high as that set for ordinary products sold in the store.

The entrance fee for such a franchise is about half a million rubles. Moreover, the entire amount is refundable upon opening two more bakeries. The money should be used to purchase equipment for them. The franchise from the Khlebnitsa chain does not provide for monthly royalty payments. Upon concluding an agreement, the entrepreneur has the right to use the brand in the form of receiving all necessary consultations, assistance in financing, the work of the launch group when opening a bakery, and staff training. In addition, franchisees have the opportunity to receive finished production"Full construction".

What should you do to open such a profitable business? Purchasing a franchise from the Khlebnitsa chain involves locating a bakery in a city with a population of over one hundred thousand people. In this case, the entrepreneur must have an initial capital of 1.5 million rubles. and a room of 60 square meters on the ground floor of a house located near a busy transport stop. In this case, a bakery franchise can be purchased in the form of a branch in a store. Its area should be 35 square meters. meters. Payback for such a bakery is expected within 7 months. There is also a franchise for a bakery-confectionery. According to calculations, the invested money should be returned to the entrepreneur within a year.

"Favorite Bakery"

This network offers franchisees to open own production in baking delicious bread, which, without any doubt, will become a favorite for all buyers. The main key to the success of such a business lies in the quality and taste of the products.

How is the “Favorite Bakery” franchise beneficial for an entrepreneur? Reviews from those who have already opened a similar business say that the pies, buns and bread produced according to the recipe of this brand compare very favorably with those offered by specialized factories. The product is so tasty that it will not sit on the shelves. Customers love the products of the “Favorite Bakery” network so much that they even line up to purchase the products they like.

The uniqueness of the franchise from this manufacturer is as follows:

  • the use of IT developments, thanks to which they created an ERP system that helps to effectively manage the bakery and monitor the work of staff;
  • diversity of the product line, which can be replenished by the franchisee based on the requests of visitors.


This company began its work in Kazan in 2013. And by the spring of 2017, the network of this brand consisted of about 60 of its own retail outlets.

The person who purchased the Dobropek bakery franchise leaves only positive reviews. After all, the brand’s product range does not include defrosted semi-finished products. All bakery products that are offered to the buyer are only fresh and hot.

Potential partners are also attracted by the fact that the company provides training to franchisees, who learn how to launch the Dobropek bakery from scratch. The contractual obligations also include staff training with an explanation of all the features of branded baked goods. Qualified bakers also travel to actual production to show all stages in depth. technological process. And the entrepreneur himself is offered training material that will allow him to effectively manage own business. In addition, to ensure that business under the Dobropek brand always stands out from competitors, the company conducts periodic training for key personnel in order to improve their skills.

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