Miracles of hippotherapy: how useful is equestrian sport? How is horseback riding useful?

garden equipment 11.10.2019
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As you know, it is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick. Success largely depends on the strength of the spirit, a healthy mind appears in a healthy body, and riding helps to make the body healthy. So, horses!

Horseback riding- this is universal way relieve stress, - equally beneficial effect on the mental and physical state a person who relieves emotional fatigue and irritability. It combines the calming effects of nature and thrills. Horse riding stands apart from other sports, although it is included in the Olympic program. It's all about the live "projectile", in comparison with which any simulators, rackets and balls lose significantly.

When riding, the maximum number of muscles are involved, and most of them we are in ordinary life do not use. During exercise, a person burns a lot of calories. A 45-minute riding session corresponds to approximately 2 to 3 hours spent in gym. In this case, the load on the heart is negligible. In addition, long-term exercises contribute to concentration, develop peripheral vision. This is especially useful and important for people who spend a lot of time behind the wheel. Well, the benefits of communicating with horses for children can hardly be overestimated...

So you decide to ride. You are sure that you love horses, although you have never seen them up close. In this case, we advise you to start with a trip with the whole family ... to the nearest stable. However, before negotiating with the trainer, get to know the horses. If these restive creatures scared you, do not despair: this happens often. Just put aside classes and let yourself settle in a bit: fear of riding is life-threatening.

But here communication is established, and you are confident in yourself. Then go ahead! If you just want to try, we recommend choosing a “comfortable” option: an equestrian center located within the city, with warm changing rooms and an indoor arena. For convenience, of course, you will have to overpay a little, but the test will take place. In addition, you will be properly instructed, horses will be picked up, and rain and mud will not disturb your plans and will not spoil your mood. Well, after the first test, if both you and the kids like it, pick up a country version of horseback riding. Even if none of you aim at sports achievements, everything around them will change a little after them ... It's so nice to see the world from the saddle.

Equestrian sports have a beneficial effect not only on adults, but also on children.. Training with reasonably metered loads gives the baby the opportunity to develop organically, and unforgettable moments of communication with a little friend - a pony - enrich emotional world child.

Classes in children's groups help to solve communication problems (or prevent their occurrence). Healthy rivalry spurs leadership skills, the need to control the actions of a pony strengthens the character and will of the child, while regular training develops a sense of responsibility and commitment.

Riding groups usually recruit boys and girls from 5 to 12 years old. Since safety plays an important role in everything that concerns children, it is advisable for parents to attend at least a few training sessions: firstly, to give confidence to their baby, and secondly, to appreciate the attentiveness, endurance and work of the coach.

Industrialization developed countries in the 20th century led to a decrease in human contact with nature or animals. More often than with classmates, children communicate with a computer and other gadgets. We develop intelligence, often forgetting about the sensory sphere. To restore balance, it is desirable to provide the child with a place for socialization, entertainment, learning and contact with nature. One way to restore balance is horseback riding.

History of riding

The history of equestrian sports begins with the activities of the nomadic tribes of the Middle East. It was the nomads who not only tamed wild horses, but also contributed to the development of riding. And the first theorists of horse breeding were the Hittites.

Did you know?We owe the emergence of the first types of equestrian sports to the ancient Romans. Chariot racing was the first type of competition involving horses.

In the "Records of the Mittanian Kikkuli" (XIV century BC), horses are described as a means of transportation and helpers in warfare. Kikkuli noted their ability to obey the leader and the fact that the horse herd is always strictly hierarchical. Therefore, the management of a horse is possible only if a person assumes the function of a leader.

Ancient Greek historian, general and political figure Xenophon creates the first treatise on riding (about 460 BC), in which he describes the rules for training riders and raising horses. For the next two thousand years, his treatise was considered the basic source of knowledge on this topic.
In the Middle Ages, riding becomes very specific. The weight of a knight in full dress was such that only a powerful heavy truck could lift him, and there was no question of the art of racing, horse riding or other sports known to us.

The situation changed in the 17th century with the disappearance of heavily equipped knights and the founding of a riding academy in Paris for young aristocrats. Antoine de Pluvinel became the author of a new treatise on riding.

Did you know?Horseback riding arose thanks to the herds that the ancient shepherds grazed. The use of a horse made it easier to look after domestic ungulates, made it possible to increase the size of the herds, and hence the well-being of their owners.

He believed that the right approach for riding should be based on the kindness and ability of the rider to find contact with the animal. Modern horse riding is a fascinating hobby and pastime, and a sport that consists of several separate disciplines.

Types of equestrian sports

Show jumping, racing, horse riding, dressage, triathlon, vaulting are considered sports disciplines.

These disciplines include the following activities:

  • race- most known species equestrian sport, which consists in overcoming the track for a while;
  • show jumping- this is riding with overcoming obstacles;
  • dressage- this is the management of the horse on various gaits;
  • horse riding- these are gymnastic and acrobatic tricks on a horse;
  • triathlon- these are competitions in arena riding, driving with obstacles, field competitions;
  • vaulting- is the performance of a sports program, which consists of gymnastic or acrobatic exercises, by an athlete or a group of athletes on a horse.

Children's equestrian sport usually begins with the simplest types of communication with a horse - dressage, racing, show jumping. The degree of immersion in sports depends on the child himself and his desires.

Video: about equestrian sports

Children's equestrian sport improves a child's life skills. Children learn to think about themselves and the horse, respect each other and be responsible for their actions. Horseback riding teaches you how to train hard, take risks, compete, enjoy rewards and deal with disappointments.

If you are concerned about the problem of setting goals and achieving them by a child, the development of decision-making skills, patience, poise, kindness, self-discipline, then the horse will help to cope with these problems.

Pros and cons

Understanding the benefits of children's equestrian sports is necessary for everyone in order to decide whether to start classes.

Among the advantages of equestrian sports for children are:

  • development positive qualities: perseverance, perseverance, courage, determination;
  • smoothing out negative character traits: rudeness, aggression, isolation, dictatorial habits;
  • prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • strengthening the body, developing hand motility, increasing stress resistance, improving immunity;

For girls, riding is more useful than for boys, because. develops posture, confidence, perseverance, the ability to win. In addition, girls are less likely than boys to go in for sports, they are less inclined to team games and competitions.

Riding will provide the girl necessary quantity sports load. Opponents of equestrian sports call injury risk and cavalry bending of the legs as disadvantages. As for injuries, it is possible in any sport.

In order to reduce the potential for injury, young athletes may begin their association with ponies. A fall from such a horse will not result in injury. In addition, many outstanding athletes began their journey into big-time sports with ponies.

Important!Slow riding-hippotherapy is recommended for the recovery of the body after injuries. The muscles of the horse make more than 100 multidirectional oscillatory movements, which activate the muscles of the rider, which are not involved in normal walking.

As for the varus deformity of the legs (cavalry bend), the doctors say that it does not appear due to riding.

Medical contraindications

There are not so many medical contraindications for equestrian sports, but they exist:

  • allergy to horse dander;
  • hemophilia - poor blood clotting makes it impossible not only for equestrian sports, but also for any other;
  • chronic respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis) - when riding, it is important to have healthy lungs and respiratory organs;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs - in such situations, shaking is contraindicated;
  • having a phobia, such as a fear of heights or horses.

If your child has chronic diseases and you are not sure that he can go in for horseback riding, consult with a trainer. Coaches of equestrian schools will always be able to professionally answer such questions.

What is the best age to start

The age of eight is considered optimal for starting classes. But younger guys also come to classes in equestrian schools. You can develop interest in horses from the age of 3-4 by reading books about horses, attending equestrian competitions.

The child can be taken on a tour of the stable. The main thing is not to impose your point of view. If your kid likes horses, you will definitely notice it.

Special clothing

For riding, you will need to purchase special clothes for your child:

  • leggings, comfortable and tight-fitting so that they do not rub your legs;
  • shoes with a flat sole and a hard toe - this will protect the foot if the horse accidentally steps on it;
  • light jacket;
  • protection: a special vest, gloves, a helmet with a fixing fastener.

Protective clothing, in particular a helmet, must have a product safety certificate. Check this question before purchasing protection. Clothing must be tight fitting. It is forbidden to wear dangling and bag-like clothes or jewelry - this is traumatic.

Important!Horse body temperature at 1.5° higher than human body temperature. This increases the effect of gentle massage of the rider's leg muscles and pelvic organs during riding.

Choice of section and trainer

The choice of the club consists of several positions:

  • geographical location;
  • trainer qualification;
  • horse;
  • price;
  • group and focus.

If you live in a city where there are several clubs, then you can choose the one that is closer to your home, or you can compare other criteria and get a deeper and more rational reason for choosing. A trainer is the very person who will open the way for your child to the world of equestrian sports.

And for this you must be sure of his qualifications and experience working with children. All this can be found on the website of the club itself, in independent reviews of the equestrian club in social networks and clarified during a personal conversation with the coach and representatives of the club.
Each club has a certain number of horses. If you are not planning to buy a personal horse, then knowing what horses are available at the chosen club and what they can do will be extremely important.

So, for therapeutic riding, very kind and accommodating horses are needed, as well as the presence of a trainer with knowledge of a special therapeutic program. The same applies to the sporting achievements of the club's horses. All clubs have rates for an hourly lesson. Larger and more developed systems introduce a subscription system with a monthly payment of a certain amount.

What breed to choose

For a small child, it would be nice to start with a pony. For teenagers, a horse is selected based on those available in the club. A riding horse would be a good choice. It is easier to manage and more emotional in temperament. For heavy draft horses there are also different types competitions. But driving such a horse is difficult for a beginner.

Precautionary measures

To avoid injury, before riding a horse, check that nothing is hanging (belts, ties), and that the hair is tightly gathered into a hairstyle, the jewelry is removed. Next, check the horse's harness. It should fit him in size and not have gaps.
A junior athlete should not be left alone with a horse without supervision. Features of horse vision form blind spots in front and behind. Therefore, the animal should always be approached only from the side.

When approaching, you need to have a calm conversation with your pet. Pay attention to the excitement of the horse. If he suddenly began to behave restlessly, then this can lead to kicking and jumping.

Did you know?We owe the tradition of approaching the horse only from the left side to medieval knights and their equipment. A sword hung on the knight's left thigh. Therefore, it was easier for him to throw his right leg over the horse's croup.

You need to stand next to the horse, leaning with one hand on the croup. This is a signal that you are nearby, a way to communicate and an opportunity to push off from the croup if the horse starts to kick.

You need to lead the horse by the rope, not by the bridle. You can’t wind the rope around your hand to avoid injury if the horse decides to run. The weight of the animal is 400–800 kg, and this makes it necessary to take precautions.

Riding a horse for a beginner rider should only be done under the supervision of a trainer. You need to drive gently, without rushing. You can’t shout near the horse - the noise can scare it. The main qualities in contact with a pet are calmness and patience.
Before starting a ride, always check the area for objects that may frighten the animal. Avoid contact between your horse and others. horses are not always friendly and their communication can turn into a fight.

After riding, the rider and horse will feel tired. But still, before approaching the stall, one should slow down, calmly get off the horse, tie it, clean it, return it to the stall and remove the bridle.

Praise the horse for a great ride. Do not tie it to objects that can be moved, the knots must be out of its reach. It is recommended to dismount on the left side, while always holding the reins.

Equestrian sport is difficult, but interesting view activities. If the family has a love for horses, then you should definitely try to at least show the children this wonderful sport. And its benefits will serve as an additional incentive to start riding.

jellied lat ha and grazing herds, a peasant carrying firewood on a cart,hunting, horse racing, high society rides, - these pictures come to mind when thinking about a horse. It is unlikely that anyone will remember that a horse is also a unique living simulator. It was thanks to this ability that a method of therapeutic riding arose - hippotherapy, which became effective way rehabilitation of the disabled.

French professor Y. Lallery said: "Horse riding gives a feeling of independence, allows you to adapt to circumstances alone, while discovering that you can live with pleasure, and not just in tension and suffering."

The rider is a symbol of strength, beauty, health.The benefits of riding as a factor in fand physical development and health improvement. This is gymnastics for the muscles, and the joy of human contact with a beautiful animal, an exciting feeling of mutual understanding. Even the ancients noted the special benefits that horse riding brings, as well as the very communication with a horse - an intelligent, strong, noble animal. The famous healer Antila claimed that horseback riding strengthens the entire body. Celsius recommendedtreat riding diseases gastrointestinal tract. Hippocrates said that the wounded and sick recover faster if they ride. He also noted that in addition to the general strengthening effect, there is also a psychological effect of horseback riding. He advised melancholics to ride, because it frees a person from "dark thoughts" and causes "happy and clear thoughts." At the same time, the ancient Greek scientist attached particular importance to the "rhythmic and smooth movement" of the horse. The ancient Greeks left to their descendants a saying on a stone: "The greatest happiness of the earth lies on the back of a horse." Goethe wrote that the horse was created for the human body. The French philosopher Denis Diderot, surveying the achievements of all contemporary sciences, wrote in 1751 a treatise "On horseback riding and its significance in order to maintain health and regain it." Doctors of subsequent generations have found that saddle rides have a positive effect on the digestive functions of a person, on the circulatory, nervous, respiratory and endocrine systems. Modern medicine sees in horseback riding a unique source of emotional and physical impact on the human body.

What's the secret? Perhaps in the special energy that horses possess, in that extraordinary natural force inherent in this particular animal?

The load during riding depends on the gait that the horse is walking. During calm riding, a person experiences significantly less impact on the joints and spine than when riding.build walking or running, but at the same time you have to use almost all muscle groups in order to maintain balance. Therefore, therapeutic riding is recommended for people of all ages. It can be prescribed to convalescents when only the most insignificant physical activity is permissible. It can be recommended for diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle.

In general, the idea that horseback riding can only be practiced by very healthy people, is a myth based on nothing. By the way, one of the founders of therapeutic riding was the Dane Liz Hartel, who at one timeI am a polio survivor. It was she who in 1952 won the silver medal at the Olympic Games for the disabled.

An incomplete list of diseases
in which riding is effective.

First of all, this large group orthopedic diseases: complete and partial paralysis of the arms and legs, impaired coordination of movements, curvature of the spine, posture defects. Riding a horse contributes to the creation of a strong muscular corset around the spine. Simultaneous inclusion in the work of all muscle groups of the rider's body is ensured. Moreover, this happens at a reflex level, since the trainee instinctively tries to maintain balance so as not to fall off the horse, and thereby encourages all major muscle groups to work actively.

In therapy
it is indicated in the treatment coronary disease heart, metabolic disorders, bronchial asthma, vegetative-vascular dystonia, functional bowel diseases, diseases of the rectum, etc.

In surgery Therapeutic riding has been successfully used to restore mobility after accidents and major operations.

In neurological and psychiatric practice horseback riding is indicated in the treatment of autism, some forms of schizophrenia, oligophrenia, Down syndrome, as well as multiple sclerosis, various depressions, neurosis, dementia, alcoholism, drug addiction, to facilitate social adaptation.
In a psychotherapeutic relationship, the horse is:
- a true mediator in the relationship between the hippotherapist and the rider,
- the recipient of the information, (the rider's command given to the horse - to stand, move, turn, etc.),
- a message enhancer (the reaction of the horse to the command of the rider),
- an immediate transmitter of the response (obedience to the horse and the execution of the commands of the rider).
There are two main factors influencing horseback riding on those involved: it is an emotional connection with the animal and rather harsh conditions of riding a horse that require active mobilization of physical and mental efforts. The need for constant concentration of attention when riding, concentration, the highest possible composure and self-organization, the need to remember and plan a sequence of actions, both when riding and when caring for an animal, activates mental processes.

In gynecology
horseback riding also has an excellent effect in many chronic "female" diseases, by improving the blood supply to the pelvic organs and strengthening the muscles of the abdomen and perineum.

The positive effect of riding is based on a complex effect on the human body. The temperature of a horse is on average 1.5 degrees higher than that of a person, and even more so for a working animal, so even a calmly walking horse warms up and massages the rider's muscles that are in contact with it with its back muscles, which significantly improves blood circulation. Even with a calm step, the human body is forced, as it were, to follow the movements of the horse, thus a number of passive movements are made in the joints and spine, the muscles work even without much effort on the part of the person. It is on this effect that horse riding treatment of patients with neurological symptoms, children with cerebral palsy, is based. The emotional impact of communication with a large, beautiful and loyal animal on the human psyche has a huge impact.

There are a number of medical contraindications to horseback riding.

In some cases, the specific training load may be excessive for the body of a sick person.century. The main contraindications are: previous stroke and heart attack, all acute diseases of the internal organs, imbalance, acute thrombophlebitis, vein thrombosis, trophic disorders of the lower extremities. Also, riding is contraindicated in acute inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, prostate gland and gynecological diseases. Therefore, if you decide to take up horseback riding and you have any health problems, it is best to discuss this with your doctor.

The 21st century is the century of advanced technologies. Children and adults spend more and more time on computers, tablets, smartphones and other gadgets, forgetting about their health. Parents who take care of their children enroll them in various sports sections (mainly some kind of wrestling, choreographic circles, etc.). Rarely does anyone remember equestrian sports. But in vain.

How useful is equestrian sport for children and adults?

In the middle of the 20th century, it was proved that horseback riding has medicinal property(hippotherapy). Thanks to equestrian sports, the nervous system calms down, the emotional background normalizes, it has a positive effect on the circulatory system, as well as the respiratory and digestive systems, it is very useful and effective for people with movement disorders.

Thematic circles in Bobruisk

Communication with horses normalizes emotional condition person. Relieves stress, feelings of tension. He becomes balanced, cheerful, calm.

Like any sport, physical activity has its place. Firstly, while maintaining balance, the muscles of the back and abs work. Secondly, throughout the ride, the lumbar muscles work. Thus, the posture is aligned and fixed. Thirdly, the vestibular apparatus develops. Fourthly, excess calories are burned, which helps to lose weight. In general, the state of the muscle tone of the body improves. After riding, a person feels healthier and stronger.

With all this positive bouquet, do not forget about contraindications. Riding prohibited:

Pregnant women (during classes there is an emphasis on the muscles of the abdomen and groin);

People with heart disease or suffering from arterial hypertension (during horseback riding, the rider's heart rate increases and blood pressure rises quickly);

Those who have experienced a stroke are prone to vein thrombosis or thrombophlebitis (due to the fact that shaking cannot be avoided during the races);

Those who have diseases of the inguinal region and pelvic organs (they are under a heavy load and the diseases can worsen).

Equipment for equestrian sports

For equestrian sports you will need:

Elastic sweatpants that do not hinder movement and stretch well (leggings, tracksuit);

Protective vest;

Shoes with a small heel with a smooth sole (boots, boots with leggings);

Protective headgear (helmet, jockey);

Gloves (They will save your palms from rubbing. They can be made of leather, fabric or knitted from wool. The main thing is that they do not hinder the movements of the hand and fingers).

Clothing should be without buckles, jewelry, long strings. It is not recommended to choose shoes with zippers (exception - special boots for riding).

Safety for horseback riding and equestrian sports

To avoid injury and other troubles, you must strictly follow the safety rules. The main ones are:

In no case do not go around the horse from behind - only from the front!

You should sit on the horse on the left side!

First of all, choose the required length of the harness for your height and inspect the condition of the girths, only after that you can sit on the horse!

Don't pull on the reins. The horse must be controlled gently, calmly, slowly!

When moving in a column, the distance in front of the walking horse must be at least 3-4 meters!

You cannot overtake the rider in front!

You can not take off your outerwear if you are riding a horse!

If you notice an obstacle ahead (for example, a dog or a car), then you need to take a shorter rein and calm the animal by talking to him!

To get off the horse, as well as to sit down, you need only on the left side, throwing both stirrups, but do not let go of the reins!

Strictly follow the instructions of the instructor!

Where is the best place to take equestrian lessons?

For residents of the city of Bobruisk and the Bobruisk region, there are five clubs where they can learn equestrian sports and riding. Which of these clubs is closer to you and your child - choose for yourself. Happy riding!

Diversity various kinds sports in modern world great, however, little compares to horseback riding competitions. To see how professional riders prove their skills, allows equestrian sport, which has collected all kinds of games with horses. This is a great option for spending leisure time in the company of friends and loved ones.

Equestrian sport - what is it?

The main interest of observers is the interaction of a person with an animal and how a sports horse adapts and reacts to the slightest movements. Shifting weight, commands, loosening the reins - everything that has great importance in equestrian sports. It is interesting that equestrian sport gained its fame in ancient times. The competitions took place in Athens, and everyone could watch the chariot competitions. Therefore, it is not surprising that competitions were included in special program 15th Olympiad.

All sport games with the participation of horses are called equestrian sports. This team concept arose 729 years before the first Olympics. The competition includes: jumping, which involves overcoming obstacles, dressage, where the rider demonstrates the art of subordinating the horse and triathlon, when field trials are held for 3 days, arena riding. Equestrianism was recognized as an official Olympic event in 1912. The main ammunition of sports includes the constituent elements.

  1. Bridle- a detail that is put on a horse to make it easier to control. Given the preferences of the athlete, the headband can be snaffle or mouthpiece.
  2. Mouthpiece- bits made of iron, which are used to facilitate the management of a horse in dressage.
  3. Hackamora- a headband that looks like two leather straps on a horse's face. Straps can be made of artificial or natural fur.
  4. Saddle which provide comfort and convenience to the rider, and also protect the back of the animal.
  5. Buttocks, protecting the limbs of horses during the performance of tricks from blows and other damage.
  6. saddle pad, which is placed under the saddle to absorb sweat and protect the horse's back.
  7. Blanket or special blanket that protects the horse from colds, insects. Blankets can be woolen, synthetic winterizer, cotton.
  8. Girth, representing a strong belt made of leather or braid that holds the saddle.

There are others additional elements ammunition that makes it easier to manage a horse. The harness can be single-horse, arc-free and double-horse. The first items include:

  • horse-drawn collar;
  • gorts;
  • rein.

In addition to ammunition, the rider himself can help facilitate the management of the horse, i.e. his voice (which is not allowed in all sports). There are many varieties of equestrian sports, but classic types several: show jumping, dressage, triathlon. The items of the pair-horse harness include:

  • collar;
  • chest strap;
  • trace;
  • helmet;
  • snaffle.

Equestrian sport - pros and cons

Horse games have a lot of advantages and a number of disadvantages. Before giving preference to this sport, you should analyze all the nuances. The advantages of equestrian sports include:

  • cure of diseases, thanks to horseback riding;
  • stabilization nervous system and normalization of the emotional background;
  • restoration of mental processes;
  • physical activity, help with weight loss.

How dangerous equestrian sport is of interest to most of those who are just going to join this species, which, along with advantages, also has some negative points:

  • shaking can provoke a stroke in people prone to heart disease;

Contrary to popular belief, equestrianism does not lead to.

Why is equestrian sport useful?

Equestrian sports form in a person not only a healthy, but also a personality. During the competition, the rider must be able to feel the horse as much as possible and master his own movements. Through practice, one can form a strong spirit and good health, develop muscles and provide for yourself slim figure. Regular walks to fresh air increase immunity and harden the body, preventing the occurrence of chronic diseases.

The danger of equestrianism

Sports injuries in equestrian sports, unfortunately, are common, but getting injured in professional activity doesn't happen that often. With skillful possession of a horse, a sense of one's own body, it is really possible to avoid injuries and danger. The most common cases are injuries in the shoulder region, neck, limbs. The most severe injuries are considered fractures of the spine when hit under a horse or on impact - the danger lies in the fact that there is a possibility of rupture spinal cord and subsequent paralysis.

Types of equestrian sports

The classic equestrian sports are the unchanging trinity of show jumping, eventing and dressage. However, now vaulting, driving, trotting, steeple chase, horse racing, vaulting, and horseback riding are gaining more and more popularity. Each of the types has individual characteristics and requires a professional approach, skills and abilities.

Equestrian - dressage

As already mentioned, equestrian sports are included in Olympic Games since 1912. Dressage or training is the most complex and mysterious kind, which influenced the inclusion of sports in the program of the games. For dressage, not only complex elements and exercises, the absence of errors and accuracy are important - dynamism is important. Due to the huge competition, not a single rider should be interrupted and stand still. He is obliged to show the audience a "positive" result.

  1. How capable the horse is when performing correct performance movements.
  2. The work of the horse at various paces: from reduced to added.
  3. The stallion's ability to move, flex.

When evaluating a horse, attention is paid to its obedience, the presence of a desire to move forward, appearance, flexibility and smoothness of movement. The presence in animals of all the necessary factors will bring positive reviews and consolidate the status of an “elegant” representative of equestrian sports, so riders should pay attention Special attention on your horse and try to find a proper approach to it.

Equestrian sport - show jumping

Jumping is rightfully considered a spectacular and difficult competition. This type of equestrian sport is characterized by spectacularity and popularity. In order to participate in the competition, a long and difficult preparation of the rider and his horse is necessary. The athlete must be courageous, determined, physically prepared, smart in equestrian sports: overcoming obstacles, high coordination, strength, flexibility - what the horse must show. Jumping has a system of rules where any mistake is fixed and registered by the judges.

Equestrian sport - triathlon

Triathlon refers to the arena, field specialization in equestrian sports. The essence of triathlon is to overcome three obstacles on one horse in order to fully reflect the condition and preparation. At the very beginning, they check how trained and obedient the horse is, after that - how hardy and energetic, on the third day they check its performance and condition after a series of hard tests in the field.

Equestrian sport - driving

Modern equestrian sport is presented in a wide variety of forms. One of them is driving, where the main participants are teams. The main types include arena riding, marathon, parkour, western sports, ladies riding, polo and baiga. Each type evaluates a certain trait: well-trainedness, fitness, speed, body position, coordination.

Equestrian - horse racing

Having learned about what types of equestrian sports are, you should specify the category of tests where the races belong. During the test, they check how frisky and dynamic the horse is. Conclusions about this contribute to the understanding of the suitability of the animal and its performance. Horse racing is called a prize sport and is held at the hippodrome with large quantity money rates.

Equestrian - derby

Derby is the main award for any discipline of equestrian sport held at the hippodrome. Thanks to the race derby, you can find the best horse of any age, as races are held in different age categories. Derby is considered a very significant event for every horse, because here not only its agility is tested, but also its professional suitability.

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