How to get the perfect look.

Engineering systems 12.10.2019
Engineering systems

A neat and serious straight-A student, an attractive laugher or an impregnable leader who looks down on everyone? Being perfect isn't easy.

It's impossible to be perfect for everyone. It is possible to become ideal for one person or for most of society. But this will require some work on yourself.

Why be the standard?

Success is a combination of many factors. You cannot become a standard without constant work on yourself. Being perfect is hard work. If you constantly work on yourself, in your own way, then this can become a habit.

Self-sufficiency and development

Being self-sufficient is very important at any age. Even at the age of 13, when your world is constantly changing, and complexes begin to overcome, it is not easy, but possible. Even if you are a teenage girl, it is possible to act like an adult.

Video: Men's point of view

Never stop. We must constantly develop and work on ourselves. Find, discover a new facet in yourself.

You can learn something new. Sign up for some courses, circles, choose those classes that will make you better. Sport is the key to health and beauty. It not only strengthens the body, but also makes you more strong-willed, purposeful and fit.

Do not sit still, strive to conquer new peaks, charge others with your example. If you study at school or university, you have all the prerequisites for this.

Just don't be smart. When a girl speaks with quotes from books, this is not an indicator of her intelligence or erudition. Clever man Speaks in simple, understandable language.


Becoming the perfect girl is hard on the outside. The difficulty lies in the daily work. Every day you need to take care of yourself: do makeup, follow the figure.

Education and literacy

The ability to arrange others with good manners and literacy of speech are the components that can make you respect as a person.

  • Don't cry in front of others. Tears do not touch the stronger sex, but rather irritate. Even at the age of 13, you need to be able to control yourself.
  • Don't humiliate people.
  • Don't be arrogant. Cold, arrogant people are repulsive.
  • Punctuality is an important quality for an exemplary girl.


Being a good host is important. Comfort in the house - harmony in the family. We must learn to cook. Keep order in the house. Do not be lazy.


There is always something to appreciate regardless of time and era. If you want your friends to be faithful to you, give correct example. This rule also applies to relationships with young people.

Loyalty is an indicator of a harmonious personality. Being faithful means respecting yourself and your loved one.

Caring and understanding

A little sensitivity and understanding will allow others to see a strong person in you, allow them to open up and trust. Selfishness is the destiny of only weak people. Only strong man able to take care of others.
Take an interest in the affairs of the people around you, only do it sincerely.


People are drawn to those with whom they feel good. It's easy to see, even at school, those who have a sense of humor make friends more easily and are drawn to them.

You don't need to tell others about your problems. Assess failures appropriately. Remember that your loved ones may also have worries, do not burden them even more.


Show concern for loved ones. Take an interest in the affairs of relatives. Attention is very important for others. Some are embarrassed to ask for help. The ideal girl will always notice this and help herself.

Give gifts. Let them be small or homemade. That kind of attention is nice.
Praise those around you. Give compliments. It's nice. The main condition is sincerity.


Don't be hypocritical, don't pretend to be someone else. Falseness is always felt at the subconscious level.

A good girl for everyone is one who does not lie.

How to be perfect for a guy

Don't ask for the impossible

If a guy works two jobs or has problems with his boss, then it makes sense that when he comes home, he might forget to kiss you or buy you flowers.

It is not necessary at this moment to “cut” him and demand more attention to yourself. You need to let him lie quietly on the couch and rest. And who said that it would be easy for him to become the perfect girl for him.

Often a girl thinks she can change the man she is dating. It is a myth. Established character traits young man and thus remain unchanged.

You should not expect crazy and explosive acts from a calm and phlegmatic guy every day. When you start dating a man, immediately pay attention to how he behaves. Being perfect for one man is easier than for another.

Do not take dirty linen out of the hut

Don't discuss your personal life with your girlfriends or mom in front of your boyfriend. Listening in on your conversations with others about your conflicts or his misbehavior will only annoy the guy.

It is impossible to discuss conflicts with a guy even in his absence. Your words will still reach him. And then to explain that they were said in a fever is hard. Relationships can deteriorate.

love his pet

Many men become very attached to their animals. You can't criticize your loved one's pet. Befriend him, admire and praise him. Thus, it will be possible to win the favor of not only a cat or dog, but also your chosen one.

Don't interfere with your mom

There is truth in every mother-in-law joke. Statements: “My mother thinks” or “My mother said” will only cause irritation and discontent in a guy. He's the head of your relationship and your mom's opinion is irrelevant here.

If you still want to convey some position of your mother to your beloved, then say this: “I believe that ...”

Do not control the material aspect

The man is a provider. He earns, provides for his family, makes gifts. You do not need to control all his financial expenses and get into his wallet. This might humiliate him.

Every guy has a stash. If by chance at general cleaning apartment you found her, don't touch. For him it is important. Maybe he's saving up for you for a surprise gift.

Show respect and affection

Becoming the perfect girl is not easy for him. Praise your boyfriend more, give him compliments. Never tell your man that he is a loser. Believe in him and support him in all endeavors.

If your interests diverge in some way, try to find out more about his hobbies. Don't talk bad about your boyfriend's best friends. Admire and praise your man, being in the same company with his comrades.

Do not delve into the notebook (correspondence, wallet). Trust is the main aspect in a relationship. No need to check his phone, computer, contacts every day for compromising evidence. This is how you test your boyfriend's nerves, and he may not be able to stand it and take a mistress to spite you.

The ideal girl should look great. "Men love with their eyes." Don't forget to watch your appearance. Control your weight, go to beauty salons and gyms. Find out how your man would like to see you, follow his preferences.

And be beautiful and well-groomed not only on holidays, but every day.

  • Be feminine for your lover. Men do not like rude, ill-mannered young ladies, with bad habits.
  • Do not be fancy Don't be a teenager.
  • Don't "drink" and force your boyfriend. Don't bring up the young man's past relationships. You don't need to tell your loved one. Leave the past in the past. Make your relationship better.
  • Change, be different for your boyfriend. Surprise your chosen one with surprises, new ideas, dishes.
  • Get ready to be a good mom and hostess.

How to be a model in bed

  • Remember about hygiene;
  • Remove excess vegetation;
  • Find your perfume. The smell of a beloved woman drives a man crazy. Perfume should excite, not repel;
  • Be nice to your boyfriend. Beauty saves not only the world in all its diversity, but also "the world in the bedroom";
  • The ideal girl should wear beautiful underwear. Be sincere, relaxed and loving in bed. You can't simulate. Simulation can permanently alienate a man.

Listen to your man, his desires. Be sure to tell him about your fantasies. Over time, feelings fade. In order for love to flare up again, it is necessary to experiment, to realize new sexual fantasies.

Lovers need to be different. Love and follow the desires of your man.

Video: What should be the ideal woman

anna base

Surely every girl at least once dreamed of seeing in the mirror a reflection of the ideal version of herself. After all, the admiring glances of men, self-confidence, close and warm relationships with parents, girlfriends and a beloved man are worth striving for the ideal and starting to work on yourself. It remains to find out how to become an ideal girl, and what should she be? It is unreasonable to focus on the accepted standards of beauty, it is important that the desire for perfection does not interfere with preserving your own individuality, because without it the girl will lose her “zest”. Therefore, each female representative has her own “directions of ideality” and you will have to work on yourself in accordance with them.

How to be the perfect girl on the outside

One phrase reads: "No one wants to know what kind of soul you have if you do not have a beautiful appearance." Therefore, every girl must strive for a toned, athletic figure, well-groomed body and face. Row useful advice: how to become the perfect girl outwardly.

Skin care. To love your skin, even if it is not perfect, while constantly caring for and struggling with shortcomings. This will help regular cosmetic masks, visiting a beautician, including vegetables and fruits in the daily diet.

Figure. Do not chase imposed and unrealistic standards female beauty, which "throws" from the covers of glossy magazines. You need to accept your body and tirelessly work on it, give up fatty foods and fast food, and exercise regularly.
Hair. Can there be an ideal girl without luxurious hair? The length of the hair is not so important, let it be a bob or bob, the main thing is cleanliness and well-groomed appearance. A visit to a competent hair stylist will allow you to choose the right hairstyle and hair color.
Snow-white smile. Straight and healthy teeth business card girls! This will help with regular visits. dental office and daily cleaning teeth morning and evening.

It is worth remembering that healthy sound sleep is the key to attractiveness and a positive mood. It is important to accustom yourself to go to bed and get up at the same time, sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Otherwise, fatigue and irritability will certainly affect the appearance. Proper make-up and your own style of dress will help to emphasize the merits and hide the flaws in appearance and figure.

And, of course, how can you become a perfectly beautiful girl without confidence in this? When a girl considers herself attractive, others think the same way. Complimenting yourself in front of the mirror every morning about your appearance will give you a boost of mood for the whole day.

How to be the perfect girl for your man

It is impossible to build strong mutual relationships without working on yourself. Therefore, if there is a loved one and a desire for a happy relationship, you will have to work hard and understand how to become the perfect girl for your man. To begin with, it does not hurt to carefully study his character: habits, hobbies, principles, desires. In the future, this will help to find common interests and goals. Simple Tips they will tell you how to become an ideal girl for a guy or a man:

Trust and respect for each other is the foundation of a strong relationship, without them the couple has no future. does not deceive a man, does not make scandals in front of strangers, and in domestic quarrels there is no place for foul language and mutual insults. Even if a man is wrong, a girl striving for perfection will not belittle his dignity and constantly recall these unpleasant moments.
Refusal of commercialism. Men are wary of those who pursue material gain. If a man is serious about a girl, he himself will make every effort so that she does not know the need for anything.
Getting rid of bad habits. It would be strange to see an ideal girl smoking "like a steam locomotive" with a glass of strong drink in her hand. It is unlikely that even one man will like her. Therefore, in order to get closer to the ideal, you will need to eradicate the habit of smoking and abusing alcohol.

Mutual support. It is not in vain that the expression was coined that behind every successful man there is a woman. Women's support and understanding energize men to overcome life's difficulties and obstacles.

How to be the perfect girl for him? Be feminine! This is a quality due to which the guy feels like a man and is ready for exploits for the sake of his beloved. You don’t need to perform masculine duties, solve difficult problems, constantly strive to surpass and take on a leadership position in relationships. This will only push him away and not make him feel needed.

You can not do without respect for hobbies, friends and relatives. Without this, the couple is doomed to constant scandals and misunderstanding. You need to know about the guy’s favorite hobbies and be sure to try to find something interesting for yourself in them. Even if this fails, the study of his hobbies will become common theme for joint conversations. Friends for men are sacred. Under no circumstances should you criticize friends or the man himself with them. It’s also not worth forbidding them to meet, the man will still do what he needs, and the girl will “lose a few points” in his eyes. Men do not choose relatives, so you have to find mutual language with them. And it’s better to keep your opinion about them to yourself and not spoil your relationship with your loved one.

Becoming the perfect girl in a relationship will help, she will allow you to change yourself and him in better side and overcome difficulties.

How to be the perfect girl in everything

The desire to be perfect in everything involves not only a beautiful appearance and slim figure but also hard hard work on their personal qualities. But in return there will be pleasant changes. An ideal girl in everything will cause pride and admiration among relatives, friends and acquaintances, increase her self-esteem, realizing her uniqueness and significance. This will change the circle of communication, as developed, interesting and positive person attracts others like him. There will be new opportunities in your career and in your personal life. Feeling the desire to become the perfect girl in everything, you need to pay attention to the following:

Constant development. At any age, it is useful to learn new things, to discover unknown facets in yourself. These are courses, travel to other countries, professional and personal trainings, reading books, learning languages. What makes a girl's personality interesting and self-sufficient.

upbringing. It is important to learn to restrain yourself in the right situations, not to “lose face”, not to complain about life and not to cry in the presence of strangers. Eradicate arrogance in yourself, learn to value your time and the time of others, such people command respect. Do not scatter on unnecessary gossip and chatter, it is better to do useful things. Work on your speech, everyone is pleased to listen to a person with a competent pronunciation and without junk words.
Thrift. In the progressive 21st century, economic girls are worth their weight in gold, so the ability to maintain home comfort and cook delicious meals will be appreciated.

Nothing attracts people like. No man can resist a sincere charming smile. The ideal girl is distinguished by the constant manifestation of attention and care for friends and family. Even if someone hesitates to ask her for help, she will show participation and offer herself. And she constantly pleases her loved ones with sincere compliments and gifts, people appreciate such attention.

The firm intention and desire to change yourself and become the perfect girl will help you overcome all obstacles along the way. When working on yourself becomes a habit, it will no longer be hard labour rather pleasure. And tips on how to become the perfect girl will help with this:

You need to look good and take care of yourself both on holidays and on everyday days.
To change, to bring variety into the usual life. So, changing your hairstyle or hair color, updating your wardrobe or preparing a new culinary masterpiece will add color to gray everyday life and cheer you up.
You should reconsider your attitude towards your personality. Self-love is the main quality of an ideal girl. Even if there are a lot of claims, you need to gradually and carefully get rid of them, overcome yourself, then self-respect will appear. And a self-respecting girl will not meet a man just for the sake of a relationship and endure a negative attitude towards herself. She deserves a decent man and she knows it.

Let the advice and recommendations will allow you to see yourself from the other side, love and start self-improvement in the near future. In spite of great amount articles and books on how to become an ideal girl - the main thing is to be yourself, not to focus on shortcomings, but to find and develop your strengths in order to become a self-sufficient person.

February 11, 2014

How to become the perfect girl? At some point in a relationship, every young beauty asks this question, wanting to please her boyfriend even more or trying to find answers to some questions that torment her. After all, self-improvement is a serious and hard work over yourself, requiring some effort and patience. Trying to become better for her lover and taking some action for this, the girl is already on the way to correction for the better.

Identifying the root of the problem and identifying areas for improvement

In order to start working on yourself and understand how to become an ideal girl for a guy, you need to understand the essence of the problem, if there is one at all. Sometimes these thoughts arise simply because of the attempts of a young lady to somehow improve herself in order to become an ideal for her beloved. But often thoughts about how to change come in view of a particular situation.

The first thing a young lady needs to do in order to determine the direction of further work on the path of her own evolution is to learn to listen carefully to her man. Only by absorbing, like a sponge, his comments, preferences and desires, she will be able to succeed in the business she has begun and understand how to become an ideal girl.

The second thing the young lady needs to do is to analyze all the points specified by the young man and determine the strategy of her further action. If his words are reduced to dissatisfaction with her attitude towards him, you need to work on mutual understanding. If the matter is in resentment at some girlish oversight, it is required to work on the mistakes. If we are talking about a guy's dissatisfaction with the behavior of his girlfriend, she needs to work on herself and her inner world. And if the thing is young man I don’t like too short skirts of his young lady or, for example, an excessively deep neckline - she should take care of her appearance.

Work on mistakes

Having identified the root of the problem and realizing that the guy is still angry at some kind of mistake made by his beloved, she urgently needs to start taking actions to make amends. First, apologize for your mistake: if you lied, promise that it will never happen again, if you disobeyed and went to the party without his consent, make a promise that she will not do that again. And, most importantly, your words in this case needs to be validated. Then the young man will see that his remarks were heard and understood, and he will be proud of himself and his beloved.

Working on mutual understanding

With thoughts about how to become an ideal girl, it is necessary to accept the realization that relationships are work. And the basis of this work is mutual understanding. And a young lady will never be able to become an ideal for her man if she does not accept him as he is, trying to change him or limiting his personal space. Learning to listen and hear the beloved is where the door opens on the way to a single view of the world in one direction.

Work on your inner world

To understand how to become the perfect girl in a relationship, you need to look at yourself from the outside. Sometimes, female representatives underestimate the veracity of the words spoken by a man. But the fact is that there is no smoke without fire: if a young man made a remark to his beloved that she was doing something wrong, then there are reasons for this. And it is worth thinking about how you behave, what you say - perhaps from the outside it looks incorrect.

So how do you become perfect? Tips for girls in search of answers to this question involve following some rules in working on themselves:

Work on your appearance

In addition to internal changes, do not forget about your aesthetic beauty. If a young lady is already wondering how to become an ideal girl in appearance, you need to listen to the opinion of your man on this matter. And if he says that this lipstick is too defiant and does not suit the face, then you need to put it away and no longer use it.

What are the main points you need to be guided in the work on your appearance:

  • be clean - men really do not like sloppy young ladies, so hygiene should come first;
  • be well-groomed - you need to try to dress with taste and look neat; no one says to buy expensive clothes or accessories - not everyone can afford it, but every self-respecting woman is obliged to look well-groomed;
  • go in for sports - men love not only with their ears and stomach, they really like to contemplate beautiful female forms, and the "old", "good" gym and exercise equipment will help to achieve this;
  • get rid of bad habits - young people often smoke or drink themselves, but at the same time they are firmly convinced that "they can"; the smell of cigarettes and alcohol repels a man from a woman, you need to remember this and try to eliminate your craving for such things.

What to do absolutely not in a relationship with a guy

To complete a self-improvement course on how to become an ideal girl, you need to know some taboos in a relationship, the presence of which can ruin all the work done earlier on yourself:

  • you can’t limit the guy’s personal space - in no case should you forbid him to see friends, because this is a sure way to damage relationships;

  • you should not speak badly about his mother - after all, a mother is a mother, and whatever she is, this is the woman most beloved by a young man in his life, so you need to establish contact with her, and not stop him in the bud;
  • there is no need to be offended over trifles - if a girl ignores the guy’s attempts to make peace and constantly reject him, stuffing herself, so to speak, with a price - in the end this can lead to the fact that the young man will simply get tired of looking for a reason to make peace, and he will retreat.

Being perfect for your man is pretty easy. You need to be able to work on relationships and over the mistakes in them.

Psychology 0

Greetings, dear readers and guests of my blog! Each person has his own ideal of a loved one or beloved. Some men prefer to date brunettes, others blondes, but it's not even about hair color.

Each girl, with a great desire, can do so that she respects and respects her. However, not everyone knows how to become the perfect girl for a guy. It's about this will be discussed today.

Who do men want to see next?

Surely everyone went through unsuccessful ones. Stupid people blame the other person for all mortal sins. But the self-critical and smart will look for the cause in themselves.

Do you think such a person will make such mistakes again in the future? Of course not. He will draw conclusions and everything to become ideal in a relationship.

beautiful girls often find fault with the male sex. They make a lot of demands: I want a successful, handsome, muscular, rich businessman, or something like that.

However, pickiness is characteristic not only of girls, guys also know how and love to find fault. If we collect all men's dreams in one generalized image, we can understand how to get closer to the ideal.

Learn all the secrets of the mistress and enchantress

So what do guys like?

The beauty. No need to say banal things that beauty is within us and all that. Of course, a person must have a rich spiritual world, but more on that later. As you know, men love with their eyes. You have to like yourself in the mirror. Otherwise, you will not be liked by others.

If you have any complexes about your appearance, you must definitely fight them. Guys love a perfect, neat manicure, so be sure to take care of yourself.

Sexuality and femininity. Sexuality causes attraction of the opposite sex. You don't have to wear a short skirt and stockings to draw attention to yourself. Sexuality comes from within, if you are sensual and filled with energy, then everything is fine with you. Some wardrobe items will emphasize your peculiarity very favorably, this is all that makes the figure look like an hourglass.

openness. For any man, it is important that his passion, but not too relaxed. He needs your openness to make him feel wanted. The girl should be sweet, a little vulnerable and naive in a good way. Only such a young lady will cause a desire to give flowers and gifts.

Balance and tranquility. No one likes to be sawed over trifles. Your chosen one will feel tired and run away from you. A real lady understands male flaws. Such a woman cares, but does not control the actions of her beloved. Believe me, no one wants to live with a woman, like with a mother.

Reading and education. Well, if there are common interests, for this you must have a certain outlook. Moreover, communication will be pleasant if the topics of interest to him also find a place for themselves. This is a very important factor that must not be overlooked, otherwise you will simply stop talking.

The person must be culturally educated. A rude individual who uses obscene language can only cause pity in an adequate person.

Love and respect. A self-sufficient person treats his soul mate with respect. So he won't stoop to some wrong things. There is a category of women who initially perceive certain men as something unworthy of their attention.

Of course, men answer them with the same coin. I'm not saying that you should love an alcoholic or a bully, but understanding and loving your partner's shortcomings is very important.

Independence. Many women misunderstand this word and begin to act as if they need absolutely nothing from the opposite sex. They pay bills at restaurants, buy their own clothes, nail their own nails, and drive their own cars. All these qualities are good, but men should feel like hunters and conquerors of hearts.

But remember that you should not impose yourself and constantly ask for help. No one needs such a relationship. Make sure you have your own social circle, interests and hobbies. In the eyes of the stronger sex, you will look even better.

Accuracy. This quality is very important for a girl. A well-groomed woman should take care of her appearance, the cleanliness of her home. She certainly knows how to cook a delicious dinner from a minimum of products. Real woman is a good housewife and keeper of the hearth.

After reviewing this list, you may suddenly catch yourself thinking that this is not all about you. You don't have to make yourself look like the image I described. After all, each person has his own vision of the ideal. But without these important qualities it is impossible to build strong and happy relationship. Therefore, it is necessary to work on your shortcomings.

Find out right now:

How to become a dream girl?

Adults understand that relationships are painstaking work, but the lion's share of this work often falls on the shoulders of the weaker sex. Oddly enough, the future of relationships often depends on the female gender.

First of all, always talk about serious topics with a young person calmly, even if you are upset or upset. Never raise your voice or nag a man. If you have too many demands and claims on your partner, then it would be logical to ask why you should meet with him at all.

Never try to change something in a person. Of course, you need to stimulate him to make money, but you don’t need to make grandiose plans for a calm and insecure man. He will not become the head of a large company. Although a woman has a special energy that she can nourish her man and make him even a president, this is the so-called sexual energy - an energy tonic for men.

Most often, a man is looking for a keeper of the hearth. Keeping a hearth means keeping warm in a relationship. If you can do this, then the relationship will develop in a positive direction.

You must believe in your partner. An ideal passion will never allow itself to call a man a loser. Even if he is weak-willed and failures in his life happen very often, you must believe in him and inspire him.

Show respect for your loved one. The ideal chosen one will treat her man as a worthy person. You must understand the needs and desires of your chosen one and reckon with them.

A decent girl has a world inside, not a struggle, she knows how to smooth sharp corners. No need to try to prove something, arrange a showdown. Of course, you will achieve your goal, but in the end you will be left alone. A wise woman always uses such qualities as cunning and flexibility at the right moments.

Don't forget freedom. Even the most loving partner will look at will when a short leash is put on him. Eliminate hyper-custody and global control. No need to look at the phone and ask what he had with this or that young lady. Remember that such thoughts come from your complexes and problems.

My dears, now you know how to become the perfect girl for a guy. I hope my tips help you. Bookmark the blog and share information in in social networks. Bye everyone!

The dream of any woman is to become an ideal girl for a boyfriend, parents, friends and for society as a whole. Positive from all sides, women attract public attention, because on this moment the image of miss perfection is more popular than ever. It is often quite difficult for girls to achieve the ideal and be it for others, as they simply do not know where to start on the thorny path to achieving the goal. Also, most women are not even aware of their weaknesses. Therefore, psychologists have collected the most common mistakes that representatives of the weak half of humanity have ever made. Knowing about them, you will have the opportunity to avoid typical "female" mistakes and become a real ideal.

Key Aspects for Excellence

To be a truly perfect girl, you need to pay attention to all aspects of life, for example:

  • Appearances. Well-groomedness and beauty makes a lady more self-confident and liberated, so the achievement of all other goals becomes not so difficult;
  • Character. Work on oneself consists, first of all, in eliminating communication shortcomings. After that, it is much easier to communicate with society;
  • Relationship with a loved one. Despite the age of female emancipation and independence, psychologists say that without full communication with the opposite sex, a girl becomes more aggressive. This quality has a bad effect on the reputation of any representative of the fair sex.

Let's take a closer look at each of the above aspects.

Appearance is the "basis" of the ideal girl

To be beautiful is, first of all, to be. Following this thesis, one can come to the conclusion that even the most ordinary girls can become attractive, for this it is enough just to follow simple rules:

  • Choose perfumes that match your inner state and characterize you as accurately as possible. It has been proven that men choose partners based on smell, and it also becomes key point when remembering a woman.

When using perfume, the main thing is not to overdo it. You should not pour an unthinkable amount of perfume on yourself every morning, this will only scare away those around you.

  • Take care of your skin. The skin reflects the state of human health. Pimples, scars, peeling signal health problems, so people subconsciously choose individuals with smooth and matte skin to communicate.
  • Get rid of split ends regularly. If you do not get a haircut every two or three months, the strands will become unattractive and stop growing altogether.
  • Create your own style. Don't be a copy of models from magazines. Look for things and accessories that emphasize your personality and suit you.

As you can see, it is easy to eliminate flaws in appearance, but you need to work on your character.

The ideal girl not only shines with external beauty, she also strives to be an internally attractive person. By developing the following qualities in yourself, you will be one step closer to perfection:

  • Purposefulness. It is not difficult to achieve success in life, the main thing is to know exactly what you want. The days of Miss Perfection are not aimless: she fills each of them to the maximum with deeds that help her achieve what she wants. In addition, she does not deviate from her goals, no matter how difficult they are to achieve. This character trait distinguishes her from other girls;
  • . There is no doubt that everything planned will work out in the end, because not a single wall has resisted assertiveness and tolerance! Also, do not burden yourself with complexes: they interfere with full communication.

Remember that a confident person will not prove this quality of character to everyone by self-affirmation, humiliating and insulting others. Radiate energy, and those around you will see the potential in you.

  • Non-conflict. Since ancient times, girls were considered not aggressive, unlike men - therefore, representatives of the strong half of humanity respected them. But now the situation has changed dramatically, and calm ladies are worth their weight in gold.

How to become the perfect woman for him?

Statistics show that most men appreciate the following character traits and skills in their chosen ones:

  • The ability not to impose. A man by nature is a hunter who needs to seek a woman, otherwise he will not appreciate her to the fullest. Therefore, exclude frequent calls and messages: give freedom to your partner;
  • Ease. After a hard day's work, any representative of the fair sex wants easy communication, without reproaches and claims. Provide him with this and you will perfect woman for him;
  • Loyalty. In no case do not give the guy a reason for jealousy, otherwise your relationship will end at the same moment when he finds out about your correspondence with an incomprehensible type, or, even worse, sees you kissing.

Now you are unlikely to have questions about how to become an ideal girl in everything, because we have considered all the main aspects of how to cultivate perfection in yourself.

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