The causes of interethnic conflicts are an unfair attitude. Video: Interethnic conflicts

Encyclopedia plants 20.09.2019
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Concept interethnic conflict, causes and forms of their occurrence, possible consequences And the way out of them is the main keys to solving the serious problem of the relationship between people of different nationalities.

In the world in which we live are increasingly emerging interethnic conflicts. People resort to use different means, most often it is the use of force and weapons, to establish a dominant position with respect to other residents of the planet.

On the basis of local conflicts arise armed uprisings and war leading to the death of ordinary citizens.

What it is

Problems Problems interethnic relationships In determining conflicts between nations, it is converged to one overall concept.

Ethnic conflicts are confrontation, rivalry, acute competition between people of different nationalities in the struggle for their interests, which are expressed in various requirements.

In such situations, two sides are faced, which defend their point of view and are trying to achieve their own goals. If both sides are equivalent, as a rule, they strive to agree and solve the problem peaceful way.

But in most cases, in the conflict of peoples there is a dominant, superior to the side and the opposite side of it, weaker and vulnerable.

Often, the third force interferes with the dispute of two peoples, which supports one or another people. If the mediator side is aimed at achieving a result in any way, the conflict often develops into an armed clash, war. If its goal is peaceful settlement A dispute, diplomatic assistance, the bloodshed does not happen, and the problem is permitted without infringement of someone's right.

Causes of interethnic conflict

Interethnic conflicts arise different reasons. The most common are:

  • social dissatisfaction peoples within one or different countries;
  • economic superiority and expansion of business interests; extending beyond the limits of one state;
  • geographical disagreement On the establishment of the boundaries of the settlement of different nations;
  • political forms of behavior authorities;
  • cultural and Language Claims peoples;
  • historic pastin which there existed contradictions in relations between nations;
  • ethnodemographic (numerical superiority of one nation over another);
  • fighting for natural resources and the ability to use them for consumption by one people to the detriment of the other;
  • religious and confessional.

Relations between nations are built in the same way simple people. There are always right and guilty, satisfied and dissatisfied, strong and weak. Therefore, the reasons for interethnic conflicts are similar to those that are the prerequisites for confrontation between the inhabitants.


Any conflict of peoples takes place the following stages:

  1. Number, the emergence of the situation. She can wear a hidden character and be invisible for the average man.
  2. Pre-conflict, preparatory stageIn the course of which the parties assess their strengths and opportunities, material and information resources, are looking for allies, outlines ways to solve the problem in their favor, develop a script for real and possible actions.
  3. Initialization, event-reason to the beginning of the occurrence of collisions of interest.
  4. Development conflict.
  5. Peak, Critical, the culmination stage at which the most acute moment occurs in the development of relations between nations. This conflict point can contribute further development events.
  6. Resolution The conflict may be different:
  • elimination of reasons and fuses of contradictions;
  • making a compromise decision, agreements;
  • deadlock;
  • armed collision, terror.


Exist different types interethnic conflicts that are determined by the nature of mutual claims of ethnic groups:

  1. State-legal: The desire of the nation to independence, self-determination, its own statehood. Examples - Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Ireland.
  2. Ethnoterritorial: Definition geographic location, territorial boundaries (Nagorno-Karabakh).
  3. Ethnodemographic: The desire of the people to preserve national identity. Arises in multinational states. In Russia, such a conflict happened in the Caucasus.
  4. Socio-psychological: Violation of the traditional lifestyle. There arises on the household level between the forced migrants, refugees and locals. Currently, relations between indigenous people and representatives of Muslim peoples are exacerbated in Europe.

What is the danger: consequences

Any interground conflict arising in the territory of one state or covering different countries, dangerous. It threatens the world, democracy of society, violates the principles of universal freedom of citizens and their right. Where weapons are going to move, such a conflict leads the mass death of civilians, destruction of houses, villages and cities.

The consequences of an interethnic retail can be observed throughout the globe. Thousands of people lost their lives. Many were injured and became disabled. The most sad, that in the war of adults they suffer from children who remain orphans, grow physical and mental cripples.

Ways overcoming

Most of the interethnic conflicts can be prevented if you begin to negotiate and try to use humane methods of diplomacy.

The resulting contradictions between individual peoples is important to eliminate initial stage. For this state figures And the people of the authorities should regulate inter-ethnic relations and stop attempts to discriminate with others characterized by less numerous.

The most effective way to prevent different kinds of conflicts is unity and mutual understanding. When one people will respect the interests of another, when strong will be supported and helping weak, then people will live in peace and harmony.

Video: Interethnic conflicts

Relations between nations and peoples were often stretched and even dramatic. Russian lands, for example, were interested in many invaders. Mongolian nomads, and German knights, and Polish conquerors attacked them. On the Central Asia And the Transcaucasus athlooked troops Tamerlane. When Columbus opened America, many Indian tribes were destroyed. Colonizers captured the peoples of Africa. And these are not all examples from the history of Europe. Interethnic conflicts broke out during the global wars of the twentieth century.

National problems

An interground conflict is a historic enmity that left a trace in the National Consciousness. And today prejudices are the cause of hostility, the roots of which go into the past. Former options for solving the problems of the nation today, they exhausted themselves because enmity and distrust - this is the result of political mistakes and misses accumulated years.

Rising international conflict

The aggravated self-consciousness of nations and intolerance even to minor violations of equality - all this provokes interethnic conflicts in Europe. It is not by chance that with the second half of the twentieth century, the national question again marked where he had previously been exhausted: Wales and Scotland, Canada and Quebec, France and Corsica and so on. The world was affected by the rapid growth of conflict in the early 1990s. A new threat appeared, to which the nuclear challenges restraining for 45 years have not been prepared.

National security

Ethnic conflicts provide a threat to people and peoples, so the activities of states should be aimed at ensuring national security. In the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, the safety of the nation was considered as protection against external enemies, but in reality it is necessary to protect the external and internal sphere of the state, including both material and spiritual aspects. For example, the main factors of the defeat of fascist Germany became the durability and cohesion of the Soviet people, its faith in ideas.

Interethnic conflicts: cause

The main reason for the appearance of disagreements between nations is the clash of the interests of the subjects of nations, national groups and others. If the contradictions that have arisen are allowed not sequentially or not in a timely manner, conflict arises. And the nationalization and politicization of the interests of peoples become strong catalysts for its development. Interethnic conflicts, mixed with political interests, reach the highest stages of exacerbation, which, in turn, provokes national antagonism.

The consequences of exacerbation of relations between nations and nations

Each ethnic conflict leads to tragedies of the fate of whole nations. In addition, there is a danger of transferring the new generations of past inspirations and misunderstandings. It is possible to avoid this due to the legal assessment of the situation that has arisen, since public censures may further lead to unparalleled actions when solving even simple cases.

Examples of such events were given to many peoples a very substantial price. Bloody World Wars of the twentieth century will still be remembered in every corner globe. Modern societyIt would seem that it opposes any hostilities and conflicts, based on its development liberal ideas, healthy competition and world globalization. However, in reality everything is somewhat different. The number of conflicts on national and religious grounds every year is only increasing, and everything is involved in the cycle of such battles large quantity Participants, which leads to a gradual expansion of the scale of the problem.

The incomprehension of national interests, territorial claims, negative perception by the parties by each other - all this forms interethnic conflicts.

Examples of such situations are covered in political news with enviable constancy.

It is a kind of social conflict, which is based on many factors and contradictions, as a rule, ethnosocial, political, national and state.

The causes of national conflicts, if you disassemble more, in many respects, very similar:

  • Fight for resources. Exhaustion and uneven distribution natural resourcesproviding greatest often leads to incitement of disputes and strife.
  • Growth of the population in conditions of closetness of the territory, uneven level of quality of life, massive forced
  • Terrorism as a phenomenon requiring tough measures and, as a result, exacerbation

Religious differences

Interethnic to which will be listed below relate primarily to the largest power of the twentieth century - Soviet Union. Many contradictions arose between the Union republics, especially the Caucasian region concerned. A similar situation is preserved and after receiving former component parts Sovereign status councils. Since the collapse of the USSR, more than one hundred and fifty different conflicts in Chechnya, Abkhazia, Transnistria are registered.

The presence of deprived as part of the sovereign country directly falls into the basis of the concept of "interethnic conflicts", the examples of which are increasingly and more often. This is a Gagauz conflict in Moldova, Abkhaz and Ossetian - in Georgia. Usually, with such contradictions, the population within the country is divided into a radical and non-disconnected, which leads to an even more sharp exacerbation of the situation.

Examples of religious conflicts are no less frequent. The most vivid of them is the struggle with the wrong in numerous Islamic countries and regions (Afghanistan, Chechnya, etc.). Such conflicts are also characteristic of the African continent, the fierce struggle of the Muslim authorities and representatives of other confessions carried more than two million lives, and the wars on the holy land between Muslims and Jews lasts not one dozen years.

In the same short list, conflicts in Kosovo between Serbs and Albanians, the struggle for the independence of Tibet.

The causes of interethnic conflicts are diverse:

Policy reasons. First of all This is a crisis, and then the collapse of the USSR - a large transnational world power. This reason has a universal nature, since the confrontation of ethnic, as well as confessional groups is always sharpened during periods of decay of multinational asymmetric states. Other, The derivative of the political cause of the conflict is the struggle of both new and old political elites for the redistribution of the "imperial inheritance" in this struggle, the national factor is used without any shy. It is conducted in the conditions of the actual absence of the rules of the political "game" (the former rules are canceled, and the rules are new, the new political culture is just beginning to be formed). Therefore, in some cases, it is possible to observe a shameless speculation in national feelings, despite the obvious damage, grief and even blood that such "games" brings the population of all nationalities more than that, the national "card" sometimes does not even success play out even frankly criminal, mafia structures.

Economic reasons are closely related to political. One sideHere is a largely similar political struggle for the redistribution of national wealth, with another - the regions are traditionally poor, designed by natural resources or non-developed economies, but receiving certain centralized support, now, having lost it, trying to somehow get out of the situation by appealing to the categories of national survival, the preservation of a national focus by resorting to anyone affordable Economic pressure or even blackmail. Moreover, Economically, more powerful regions seek to block the trends of national separatism, also using economic and financial leverage. The rod problem to ensure national security, including the consistency of separatism, is to strengthen statehood. The independence and independence of the individual most important systems - the legislative power, regional power structures are currently largely symbolic. This is the vulnerability of the modern government system. Moreover, such a system is less able to withstand the evolving threats from separatist trends. Another major direction of countering separatism in the Russian Federation in modern conditions is the improvement of the state system of Russia, its federative foundations.

Many interethnic conflicts can be called false in a certain sense, since they are not subject to objective contradictions, but misunderstanding the positions and objectives of the other party, attributing to her hostile intentions, which gives rise to an inadequate feeling of danger, threat. Examples Here you can bring a lot: it is distrust of the Russian-speaking diaspora in the countries of near abroad, and the fear of Caucasians or Natives of Central Asia and Central Russia. Naturally, such feelings are rationalized through the tendentious selection of household and other examples affecting everyday consciousness. And of course, this fertile soil is trying to use politicians playing politicians. Really, phenomenon of psychological opposition "We" and "They" It is rooted in deep layers of public subconscious, and it is very difficult to fight it, although it is absolutely necessary to weaken the false conflict can be achieved through educational, educational and explanatory work among the population. Moreover, it is necessary to appeal not only to rational, intellectual levels of human psyche, but also to emotions, to mass moods. In this regard, a few words should be said about the role of the National Intelligentsia. One of the noble traditions of the Russian intelligentsia was always supported by the peoples oppressed by the imperial authorities in the territory of their own state, protect them from the oppression of the central government. And such a position, as a rule, was not considered in the intellectual circles as a national betrayal, but, on the contrary, had a distinct patriotic motivation. And in recent times, during the period not by bloodless agony of the USSR, the Russian intelligentsia for the most part provided support to republican movements for self-determination - in the matter of the Baltic States, in Tbilisi events. His moral debt of the intelligentsia of the big nation was seeing to help nations to small gain freedom. And here it was one with the intelligentsia of these small nations.


1. The concept of an interethnic conflict

1.1 Concept of interethnic conflict

1.2 Classification of an interethnic conflict

2. Causes, opportunities to prevent an interethnic conflict

2.1 Causes of interethnic conflicts in Russia

2.2 Methods for solving interethnic conflicts

1.1 The concept of an interethnic conflict.

The conflict is a clash of opposing interests, views, positions, aspirations. The most complex and difficult to solve belongs to ethnosocial (interethnic) conflicts. This is the form of an intergroup conflict, in which groups with opposite interests differ in ethnic and calcine (national sign).

The functional approach to understanding the conflict is characteristic of most ethnoconflictologists. V.A. Tishkov determines the interethnic conflict as any form of "civil, political or armed confrontation, in which the parties, or one of the parties, are mobilized, act or suffer on the basis of ethnic differences."

L. M. Drobizheva emphasizes the functional basis of the ethnic conflict, incorporated in ethnicity, and in social problemsarising between groups consolidated on a national basis.

A. Yamskov defines an inter-element conflict through a description of collective action: "An integrated conflict is a dynamically changing socio-political situation generated by the rejection of the previously established status-kvo essential part of representatives of one (several) from local ethnic groups and manifested in the form of at least one of the following Action of members of this group:

a) the above ethomate emigration from the region;

b) the creation of political organizations that declare the need to change the existing situation in the interests of the specified ethnic group;

c) spontaneous protests against the infringement of their interests on the part of representatives of another local ethnic group. "

Z. V. Sikevich in his definition of an interethnic conflict shifts accents with behavioral component on an analysis of the intersection of ethnic and political spaces: "Under the ethnic conflict, we understand the social situation due to the incomprehension of the interests and goals of individual ethnic groups within a single ethnic space or ethnic group, with One side, and the state, on the other, at the intersection of the ethnic and political space expressed in the desire of the ethnic group (groups) to change ethnic inequalities or political space in its territorial dimension. " one

In the latter case, the definitions of conflict and the deep goals of their political activity are tight in the definition, whatever the declarations they are covered, and in whatever forms, the inter-element conflict itself has been manifested.

In everyday practice, when discussing the interethnic relations, the effectiveness or inefficiency of the national state policy, usually refer to certain nations. At the same time, various small ethnic groups are not particularly sharing, although their number, for example, in Russia, rather significantly. The inter-ethnic policy of the state is intended to regulate socio-political relations with the aim of coordinating the interests of various ethnic and national groups and the most complete satisfaction of their needs.

An integrated conflict is a complex sociological phenomenon and has its own characteristics. Conflict situations between social groups, classes of their own to confrontation relatively possible to fully satisfy their interests. This applies primarily by the relationship of power. Interethnic and interstate conflicts affect literally the entire range of relatives between the conflicting parties, all society.

The sides of the conflict have a complex structure. Nation or ________________________________________________________________ 1 Сданы Sociology of conflict. M., 2004.- p.237-246

the ethnic group does not always act as a cumulative subject. They can perform a separate personality, a certain organization or movement that the representation of the nation or ethnic group is taken. People not only do not exercise their national interests, but lose a lot of what was, right up to human rights and citizen.

1.2. Classification of conflict

There is also a classification of conflicts for manifestation and development forms:

Conflicts of the "Fights" type, when the opposing parties share irreconcilateral contradictions and the result can be only the victory of one of the parties;

Debate type conflicts when disputes are conducted, maneuvering and both parties are counting on reaching an agreement (compromise-CA);

Conflicts like "games" when the parties act within general rules And therefore the conflict does not end the destruction of the entire co-responsibility of relations between conflicting.

An integrated conflict has its own stages, stage of development mechanisms and solutions. Armed conflicts are the greatest danger to society. IN modern world Countries and peoples are so interrelated that even minor conflicts in one country can serve as an incerent mixture for the entire world community, especially in those countries as the Russian Federation, which have nuclear weapons.

For such conflicts, a certain level of organized actions, along with mass riots, separatist ledges, up to civil War. Since they arise in multi-national states, any internal conflict in them inevitably becomes political. Therefore, sometimes it is difficult to carry out a clear line between the social, political and interethnic cone-flux. The ethnic conflict can be expressed in various forms, starting with intolerance and discrimination at the interpersonal level and ending with mass performances for separation from the state, armed clashes, war for national liberation.

2.1 Causes of interethnic conflicts

Interethnic conflicts in the Russian Federation and in the CIS countries have specific historical objective and subjective reasons. Until 1986, nothing was said about the interethnic conflicts in the USSR. It was believed that in him the national question was finally resolved. And we must admit that there were no large open interethnic conflicts. At the household level, many interethnic antipathy and friction existed, and there was also a commission of crimes on this basis. The latter were never separately taken into account and were not tracked.

At the same time, the intensive process of Russification of non-Russian peoples was going. Unwillingness to learn Russian did not entail any sanctions, as they are trying to do in Estonia or Moldova, but his study itself was put into rank naturally necessary. At the same time, the knowledge of the Russian language, as the federal, opened up with great opportunities for non-Russian peoples for learning, professionalization and self-realization. The Russian language allowed to join the culture of all the peoples of the USSR, as well as to world culture. He performed and performs the same function that has fallen out into the share of English in international communication. It would also be a blasphemy also that the outskirts of the Union, being more retarded, developed by infringement of the interests of the peoples of Central Russia.

All this, however, did not exclude the formation of latent ethnoconflict situations caused by the flawed national policy of Soviet power. In the period of the civil war, 35 republics of red regimes and 37 - white were formed. This trend intensified after the victory of the Bolsheviks. However, its complete implementation was impossible. Yes Bolsheviks and were not going to implement it. Based on the principle of "divide and conquer," they gave formal independence in the form of a national name of the territory only "reference" nations. Therefore, from more than 130 nationalities inhabiting the USSR, about 80 did not receive any national entities. Moreover, the "issuance" of statehood was carried out in a strange way. Estonians, for example, the total number of which as a whole in the country, according to the 1989 census, was 1027 thousand, had allied statehood; Tatars, the number of which is more than 6 times higher than the number of Estonians (6649 thousand) - autonomy, and Poles (1126 thousand) or Germans (2,039 thousand) did not have any national formations.

Subsequent volitional changes in the boundaries of national formations and the transfer of huge territories (for example, Crimea) from one republic to another excluding historical and ethnic features, the deportation of entire peoples from native land and scattering them among other nationalities, huge migration flows associated with the mass eviction of people Political reasons, with great construction sites, mastering virgin and other processes, the peoples of the USSR were finally mixed.

According to the 1989 census, the Russians alone live outside Russia 25 million 290 thousand people. In addition to Russians outside Russia, 3 million Russian-speaking representatives of other peoples were 3 million. And how many Russian and Russian-speaking citizens, being inside Russia, were attached to the territories of other national - state formations or profits around any "call" in which they are independent of their share (in the 9 republics of 21 title peoples The majority of the population does not constitute, and in the 8 republics, the number of Russians, Ukrainians and other non-nations ranges from 30% or more) among national minorities with all the consequences arising from here. The main problem is that the title nations, with any of its numbers, claim to exclusive control of state institutions and ownership, often created by the hands of the "eligible" peoples and at the expense of the union budget, as was in Estonia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan. In some cases, the Russian-speaking population remains the hostage of nationalist criminal adventures, as happened to the 250-thousand Russian-speaking population in Chechnya.

The conflict situation in countries formed on the territory of the former USSR is due to many reasons, long-standing and today's, political (centralism and state of power, repressing and conquering peoples), economic (economic crisis, unemployment, impoverishment), socio-psychological (interethnic communication barriers, Negative forms of national self-affirmation, open nationalism, ambitions of national leaders), territorial and others.

The absolute majority of conflicts wears an inter-election, interpretatic nature. They deployed on the territory of one or several countries, moving often in full-scale modern wars. Many of them were complicated by religious and clan contradictions. Some are stretched by centuries, such as the Middle Eastern conflict between Jews and Arabs, the Transcaucasian conflict between Armenians and Turks (Azerbaijanis). The root causes of the mortgage conflicts are often erased by time, go to the subconscious and expressing in a difficult-scale almost pathological national intolerance. Direct reasons (reasons) periodically renewable collisions are usually the nearest "injustice". In quotes, this word, I mean the fact that most of the interethnic conflicts of a fair solution for all warring parties do not exist objectively, for each is guided by its truth, its historical periods, events, facts.

The conflict situation in most cases is folded as a resulting component of the complex of causes and conditions. The conflict occurs when objectively, and not rarely subjectively, interethnic comparisons, which when it turns out (is real or not) in something disadvantaged, offended, mutually oppressed; when in the psychology of peoples; When a solution to many problems is seen only in national self-affirmation.

Conflict people (groups) are always in such cases. The national political forces deftly use natural displeasure to power and property. Heated it, they expose themselves to the defenders of the nation. And although it has long been known that nationalism and ethnocraticism are irrational, destructive, unpromising and destroying, who rebelled to the people, as a rule, they do not seem. On the contrary, it is ethnocraticism and nationalism that become the most understandable, closest and uniting ideology. The unity of the language, customs, traditions, faith is rafting people from a half-sustavance. What could be easier than to have a common negative object and assimilate the overall "ideology of krivda", in whose name should this object reject? To say, for example, that in all misfortunes of the world - and above all, every offended soul - the Jews, Gypsies, Germans, Arabs, Negros, Vietnamese, Hungarians or Czechs are to blame: It's so simple and understandable! And there is always a sufficient number of Vietnamese, Hungarians, Chekhov, Gypsies, or Jews, whose actions can be illustrated by the idea that they are to blame for everything.

2.2 Methods for the permission of interethnic conflicts

In the event of an interethnic conflict within one state, judging by the Gorky experience of countries formed in the territory former USSR, There are two options for the official authorities. First: the authorities, while maintaining the balance, remain over the conflict, trying to exist for themselves and means to extend the conflict that, for example, was done, although not without mistakes, the Russian authorities in the conflict between the Northosets and Ingush. Second: the authorities themselves are drawn into conflict, speaking for the preservation of the territorial integrity of the country or on the side of the title people, as was observed in Azerbaijan in conflict between Azerbaijanis and Armenians, in Georgia - in conflict between Georgians and South Ossetians, between Georgians and Abkhaza, or in Moldova in conflict Moldovan with a Russian-speaking population (Moldova with Transnistria). The Russian authorities in Chechnya were ultimately drawn into similar situations.

In a multinational society, conflicts are inevitable. The danger is not in them themselves, but in the ways of their permission.

You can select six prerequisites necessary to resolve ethnic conflicts:

Each of the warring groups should have a single command and control them;

The parties should control the territories that would provide them with relative security after the detention of the truce;

Achieving the state of a certain equilibrium in conflict, when the parties or temporarily exhausted their military capabilities, or have already achieved many of their goals;

The presence of an influential mediator capable of increasing the interest of the parties to achieving the truce and to ensure the recognition of an ethnic minority as a party in conflict;

The consent of the parties to the "freezing" of the crisis and to postpone the comprehensive political settlement for an indefinite period;

Placement on the separation of peacekeeping forces, sufficiently reputable or strong to contain the parties from the resumption of hostilities.

The presence of an authoritative single command in each of the warring groups, which would have sufficient power to ensure control over the field commanders and the orders of which would be performed by the first prerequisite To maintain any negotiations on the cease-fire. Otherwise, the achievement of any agreements is not possible at all. It is not by chance that one of the first steps of the Russian authorities to resolve the Ossetian-Ingush conflict was the creation of power structures in Ingushetia in order to have a leader with whom a dialogue could be conducted. The presence of control over the territory ensuring the parties to at least relative safety, it seems almost a key prerequisite for the settlement.

Actions to neutralize the confrontational aspiration of participants in inter-ethnic conflict are stacked in the framework of some general rules derived from the existing permission of such conflicts. Among them:

1) the legitimation of the conflict is the official recognition of the existing power structures and conflicting parties by the presence of the problem (subject of conflict) in need of discussion and resolution;

2) the institutionalization of the conflict - the development of rules recognized by both parties, norms, regulations of civilized conflict behavior;

3) the feasibility of transferring the conflict into a legal plane;

4) the introduction of the Institute of Mediation when organizing a negotiation process;

5) information support of the settlement of the conflict, that is, openness, transparency of negotiations, the availability and objectivity of information on the development of the conflict for all interested citizens, etc.

For its history, humanity has accumulated a considerable experience of a non-violent conflict resolution. However, only from the second half of the 20th century, when it became apparent that conflicts are a real threat to the survival of mankind, an independent area began to develop in the world. scientific research, one of the main items of which is the prevention of open, armed forms of manifestation of conflicts, their settlement or resolution, as well as resolving conflicts by peaceful means.

In the field of ethno - political conflicts, as in all others, everything is also an effective old rule: conflicts are easier to prevent than subsequently allow. The national policy of the state should be sent to this. Our current state has such a clear and intelligible policy yet. And not only because politicians "hands do not reach", and largely because it is unclear the initial general concept of national construction in multi-ethnic Russia. There are modern political situations that require consideration of inter-ethnic or interreligious conflicts arising within a particular country in unity with international conflicts.

List of references:

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Interethnic conflict....................................5 Ways of solutions interethnic conflict............................6 Conclusion ..................................................................... ... 9 List of used ...

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