What glue take the boat from rubber. Repair of a rubber boat using shoemaken glue

Encyclopedia plants 12.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Rubber or PVC boat is a very useful and important attribute in the farm fisherman or hunter. It is compact and small in detachable condition, quickly inflates and also folds up. PVC boats are much more convenient than ordinary boats of wood or metal.

The only disadvantage is the tendency to mechanically damage, especially puncture. If such a nuisance happened, the disorder of the integrity of the rubber coating can be eliminated independently by taking it by paying it.

First of all, you need to figure out basic properties Adhesive solution not to make the wrong choice:

  • To repair on high level, It is impossible to use substances on cyanacrylate basis, that is, superclays. They glue firmly, but unfortunately, for a while,
  • If the filling film of the adhesive is sticking to the fingers, it means that the means is not too good,
  • Universal glue, despite its multifunctionality, almost always worse than special,
  • Heat resistance - visual example the quality of the adhesive solution,
  • The cheaper the tool, the most likely its low quality. Such an acquisition is inappropriate, since the desired result will not bring it,
  • Polyurethane preparations, like chloroprene, are subject to negative influence moisture.

So than glue PVC and rubber boat?

It is worth understanding that when choosing a mixture, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of material from which the floating inflatable agent is made.

PVC boats breaks are eliminated only with the help of polyurethane glasses of glue, and for example, rubber-polychloroprene.

Most manufacturers deliver glue together with poppiles. If for some reason it is not in Remkomplekt, you can always visit a specialized store.

  1. Bostick glue for PVC 50 ml.
  2. DESMOCOLL 300 ml.
  3. MaxBond.

Options for rubber:

  1. Russian rubber glue 88n.
  2. Glue 4508.

Glue pvc boat with their own hands - punctures detection

Working with polyvinyl chloride is quite simple, despite its artificial origin.

Initially, it is necessary to detect all damage - punctures and ruptures. At the same time, it is not necessary to ignore even the smallest holes - under the pressure of air, they will turn into large ones.

Find formed holes are easy. If the boat in the inflated state is placed under the water, then air bubbles will be published from each puncture or crack.

  • You can fix them using tape or chalk.
  • Also, scuffs, detachments and other changes are taken into account external view PVC surfaces.

After detecting all defects and determine the severity of damage, you can proceed directly to repair.

Plugs are closed with special patches - small pieces of rounded or rectangular shape. It is desirable to chop them from the same material from which the boat is made.

The size of the patches should be so to completely block damage, but not too exceed them.

Video on the topic

How to glue PVC boat - applying glue to the boat

Describes one of the most common ways.

  • Degreasing surfaces.

The glue will be much better to act if the bonded surfaces initially process the degreasing means. This may be acetone or alcohol, but in no case is not gasoline or solvent.

  • Applying glue.

The adhesive solution is applied with a uniform thin layer on both bonded surfaces. It is necessary to do this procedure twice. Between the application of each of the glue layers, it is necessary to give a thoroughly to dry for 6-10 minutes. Next, we put the latch to the place of the samples.

  • Compound.

Before connecting the glued surfaces, you need to carefully make sure that there is no air bubble between them. Immediately after pressing, they firmly grab. Final stage - rolling fresh surfaces with a spatula. This will increase the grip and improve the quality of the gluing.

  • Exploitation.

PVC glue completely dries after a day after use.


How to glue the seams of rubber inflatable boat

For repair required:

  • sking
  • gasoline "Kalosha",
  • white Spirit,
  • toluene,
  • glue for repair of boats,
  • roller
  • collagen-containing soil (dichloroethane),
  • clamp,
  • roller


Stages of work:

  1. Sand damaged plot.
  2. We wipe the surface of the "Kalosh" gasoline, and then White Spirit. So we remove dirt and dust after sanding.
  3. We rinse the rubber surface with a cloth moistened in toluene. We are waiting a few minutes until the surface is dry.
  4. It is also recommended to walk with a rag moistened in collagen containing soil.
  5. We are preparing glue with the addition of polyisocyanate to increase the strength of the seam.
  6. We apply glue to the place of damage and leave for 20 minutes to dry. Then we apply another layer of glue.
  7. Connect the edges of the material, smoothing the folds.
  8. Heat the material with a hairdryer and rolling the roller.
  9. We put the glued material between the two powders, compress the clamp and leave one day.

Sometimes a very unpleasant situation happens when the PVC boat hull is damaged. This is due to the fact that in water it is often possible to detect sticking squigs, reinforcing rods and broken glass. Everyone knows that polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is very elastic and durable material. When such a material is damaged, so that the boat can in the future can be operated, the hole will have to be stuck. The video presented in the article will clearly demonstrate how to correct the PVC boat.

First you need to decide on the main properties of the adhesive composition to make the right choice:

  • cheaper glue assumes its low quality. It is impractical to acquire it, because it will not bring any result;
  • for repair by no case you can not use a cyanacrylic glue, that is, superciles. Although it sticks firmly enough, but it is not for long;
  • the refrigerant film should not stick to fingers, otherwise it means that the glue is not good enough. High strength is achieved in the case when the glue does not have adhesion to a variety of materials and to the skin of a person, including;
  • multifunctional universal glue several times worse than special;
  • high-quality glue should be heat-resistant;
  • the polyurethane glue moisture has a negative impact.

So what glue to take a PVC boat? Robbles in such boats eliminate with polyurethane glueselling in specialized stores. Experts advise to acquire special repair kits produced directly by the manufacturers of PVC boats. There is a glue for this kind of work.

Definition of damage

Shopping glue is not the most important thing. It is important to know how to glue the hole. Plug the boat from PVC is quite simple. First need to find all damage, taking into account even the smallest holes, because they can become more under pressure under the air pressure.

Find such holes are easy enough. Boat in inflatable state should be placed under the water. Bubbles of air will be released from each damage. Fix them with ordinary matches. Attention should also be paid to scrap, detachment and other PVC surface defects. Then determine the degree of damage that could arise due to strong hit, inflicted by the acute subject, swelling the bottom of the sunken cigarette, etc., the puncture of a small size will be easy to eliminate. But if the slot is quite long, you will need to make certain efforts to eliminate it.

After all defects are detected and the degree of damage to the PVC surface is determined, proceed directly to the repair. Many worries the question - how to glue the boat, because here it is still certainly specific skills in construction and repair business. The amount of glue used depends on the degree of wear of the PVC boat.

Holes should be covered with special patches, which are small pieces of rectangular or rounded shape. Best of all, if they are from the same material as the boat itself. Patchworks should be of such a size to completely block damage, but not too much.

Before starting repair work, the boat must be blown away, only in this case the repair will be effective. It is not recommended to work under direct sunlight, as well as in crude weather.

Surface degreasing

In order for the glue to act as much as possible, bled surfaces need to be processed degreasing means. It is best to use acetone. But since it can have a detrimental effect on human health, then apply less effective means, such as the:

  • ethyl acetate;
  • alcohol;
  • soap water.

Application of glue

Adhesive follows slightly On both bondable surfaces, after which it is necessary to wait 20 minutes. For greater efficiency, the procedure should be repeated twice.


It is necessary to touch the glue. He must already be slightly angry, but stick a little. Heat the patch and damaged area. Thermal processing It is recommended to expose only one side, since in case of an error they can be enough to just take away from each other. A construction hairdryer is used to warm up. You can also use:

  • lighter;
  • burner;
  • primus;
  • and even a hot water bottle.

Connection of surfaces

Before combining the bonded surfaces, it will be necessary to make sure that there is no single air bubble between them. After that, you must impose a patch on the surfaces glued. With a rapid cooler of the material, it can be heated again directly during the connection process. In the end glued surfaces should be rolled With any solid subject. It will make the clutch stronger and better.


If a boat from PVC is not subject to great loads, it is possible to use it immediately after the heated seams be cooled. Full of glue dries through a day.

If air humidity is more than 60%, then such repair work best to postpone indefinitely. The thing is that such humidity will not allow to get a good bonding result.

If the damage to the boat is more than 1.5 cm in diameter or boat material has a gap more than 5 cm, then independently bring it to the working state it is unlikely to work. It is best to refer to the specialists.

Thus, a small damage to the boat from PVC can be stuck independently. The main thing is to comply with all the necessary recommendations. With quite significant damage to the boat from PVC is better Trust specialists. In any case, after repair work, it can be operated in the future.

Today we produce models with increased strength and reliability in operation. Nevertheless, tissue damage remains one of the most common causes of access to repair services. Experts are taken for their services to restore the integrity of the Fleelness of considerable money, however, in most cases, repair operations can be independently. It is enough to use glue for gluing a rubber boat, bought in a store or cooked with your own hands. The main thing in this business is to correctly select the composition so that it does not simply provide direct adhesive effect, but also was able to withstand further loads in the process of using the boat. To decide S. optimal option This funds should be familiar with the overview of the most effective market proposals.

Rubber-based formulations

Most of the repairs of glue composition boats are produced on a rubber basis. These funds have a lot of total advantages that can be attributed to the convenience of use, and to the direct function of the adhesive mass. For most part, inflatable boats are produced from polyvinyl chloride (PVC). There are special models of adhesive preparations for such synthetic tissues, however, boat producers also diverge the PVC characteristics, which complicates the choice tasks. So, the main advantage that the glue for the rubber boat has this typeThis is versatility. Regardless of the density and textures of the coating, such a means for sealing disintegration and fixing of seams can be used.

Conven glue and in working with large squares. If, for example, it is necessary to close a few slots or work with oblong cuts, then the composition will be comfortable in use due to long stickiness. Despite its synthetic origin, glue for rubber boats of this type is different environmental safety. It is not toxic and harmless to humans. As for the conservation of viscosity and strength, the high characteristics of such glue as a binder component confirms successful experience with wood and plastic materials.

Glue for rubber crumb

This is a specific variety of adhesive compositions, designed to lay rubberized coatings and tracks. In particular, they are used in the arrangement of children's and sports fieldthat in itself speaks of a high level of reliability. Use such glue for rubber boats is suitable due to its ability to depreciation. That is, if dynamic loads, as a rule, have a destructive effect on the solidising mass of ordinary compositions, the depreciation structure allows them to resist. In addition, the means for rubber crumbs have an anti-slip effect.

However, among the disadvantages of this glue, the requirements for application conditions should be noted. First of all it is important to observe temperature mode. Repair work It is advisable to produce in a warm time. By the way, determining what glue is better to glue the rubber boat, you should pay attention to the level of humidity. This applies not only to the compositions of this type, but also to all adhesive mixtures. It is usually recommended a level of humidity no more than 70%.

One- or two-component glue?

Two-component compounds appeared not so long ago. They are distinguished by the possibility of obtaining a better result, therefore the cost is higher. The final effect is due to the characteristics of the compositions. In the case of single-component means, the adhesive already includes the necessary ingredients, among which the dispersion bases with hardeners and water. Two-component glue for rubber boats may include polyester hardeners and connections, but their mixing must be performed only before work. The setting period can reach 40 minutes, but complete solidification is possible in a day.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that one-component compositions are more practical in use and cheaper, although their working quality is inferior to two-component counterparts. Accordingly, if the processing of minor damage is planned, that is, it makes sense to use simple glue for rubber boats with one functional ingredient. By the way, the means based on two components are more often used by professionals.

Will there be a glue "moment"?

One of the most popular representatives polyurethane compositions It is the glue "moment" in a special design. By the way, it's not just universal tool For gluing polyvinyl chloride fabrics, but the composition for inflatable boats. A feature of such a fund is a combination work with rigid and soft PVC layers. However, if the question is about what glue is better for rubber boats, with the presence of polypropylene or polyethylene, then "moment" will have to be excluded. In the remaining cases, the use of this composition allows to ensure high bonding strength.

Compared to other means on a polyurethane basis, this option has increased protection against external influences, in particular from alkalis and acids. At the same time, such adhesive for the rubber boat is non-toxic and frost-resistant, which is suitable for fishermen using boats in the cold time.

How will the optimal option be?

Among large number Options, undoubtedly, there are those that better cope with the immediate clutch task. but high strengthAs a rule, causes the appropriate value, and cheap funds often lose in wear resistance. If we talk about optimal solutionYou should answer the question about which glue is used for rubber boats more often than others. It will be a single-component composition on a rubber-based basis, designed to work with polyvinyl chloride.

Perhaps the most common representative of this group is the glue "4508". With it, the owners of boats quickly and without special costs eliminate defects on the surface of the case. This means includes rubber and resins, which in the process of solidification acquire elasticity and adjust to the structure of boat fabric.

Cooking glue with your own hands

Even the purchase of high-quality composition in some cases does not eliminate the owner of the water transport from additional trouble. The fact is that the preparation of composition often requires the use of auxiliary components at work. So, among experienced fishermen, the question of whether for a rubber boat with gasoline is quite popular. Actually, gasoline in this case It will only be the component that complements the rubber base from the rubber. For the start, the rubber is cut into small strips, after which the fuel mixture is poured. Next, we should expect rubber swelling. Thus, the rubber will be dissolved as new portions of gasoline adds until a homogeneous mass is formed. IN finished video This glue can be used not only for PVC, but also for other rubber and synthetic materials.

Preparation of boat to repair

Proper execution of gluing techniques is an equally responsible stage than the choice of adhesive means. But preparing this operation foreshadows. Deciding which glue is better for repairing a rubber boat in a particular case, you can proceed to the analysis of the upcoming work. At this stage, an inspection is carried out, and the parameters of cuts, holes, sneakens and other damage are detected. If necessary, you can use detergentwhich will detect and low-wing defects. Next, problem areas are treated with a fine-grained skin. This procedure will increase the adhesion of polyvinyl chloride with adhesive means. After that, it should be proceeded to degrease the damaged area and begin with glue processing.

Bonding on seam

Experienced users of inflatable boats know that it is the seams that are the weakest place. In this case, you have to deal with a ribbon, which passes along the entire length of the seam. All places where it peckles must be treated with abrasive and degrease. Then you can apply glue for rubber boats, distributing it evenly along the entire length of the seam. Two shocking surfaces should be tightly reduced each other, providing fixation with press or fingers. Such areas are complexity due to the problem of information, as it is necessary to maintain adjustment for several hours or even the day.

Bearing Features in Transte

There are nuances and in the repair of the transom. This is the place where the motor is recorded, so there are considerable loads on it. Consequently, the glue for the rubber boat should be selected the most reliable - in this case the compositions are suitable. This choice will be optimal and thanks to a high adhesive function, and due to its ability to glue foreign non-rubber elements. The procedure itself is performed by conventional scheme. The site is degreasing, after which the composition is applied and, if necessary, auxiliary pressing is organized.


There are many ways and recipes that make it possible to cope with damage to the inflatable floating case. However, the most reliable solution remains glue for rubber boats. You can perform such repairs in your own hands in a matter of minutes. Another thing is that special means For PVC require long period Drying. If appropriate quality glue was chosen and all the conditions in the repair organization are met, then you can extend operating time Boats for several years. According to experienced fishermen, often places with glued piping in this way turn out to be the most reliable on the entire surface of the boat.

It comes the end of the season. Make sure canning boat. But before that, I want to give her not much repairs. Namely, I want to impregnate it with any impregnation to close the micro cracks, well, and tinker. I was looking for a search engine, nothing sensible. Many tips, but in fact no one checked, everything from anyone or words. Here are some tips.

Wash thoroughly cold water With some softer means of Fairi. Then thoroughly wipe, especially all the angles, the main thing is to remove all the sand completely, and dry. Sleep with Talc and fold. Store at a temperature of 15-20 degrees, well, if there is no such room, then at room, but not higher than 30 and not lower than 10. And it is definitely several times during the storage time to re-with the beggars in other places. Thus, the boat "Vydro-2", which was in my second half of the 90s, existed for 8 years, after which it was still sold in good condition. As for all sorts of "what to lubricate" me then those who have storage experiences have honored to do it at all - it will not be better, but worse - easy. All this from personal experience.

- All the same, it is better not to bring up to 30. With such a heat, rubber is dried. I keep in the basement, we have there and in winter and in the summer of degrees 15. Do not stock potatoes - blooms, but the warehouse for anything all is, for which there is a good place at home.

Wipe the entire surface that you want to upgrade. The skin of the skin for example is zero, remove the dust of the gasoline. Dealer take rubber glue which is sold in Rem. Sets for rubber boats are diluted with "Kalosh" gasoline add aluminum powder constantly mixing the fluid paint. PUDDER I add for 1.Brish color reflects sun rays It does not end the rubber does not heat the balloon. From the height of a bird's eye view of the water surface light due to the reflected sky and the dark boat is well noticeable, unlike the silver, for the hunter it is essential. Next, there is a boat in three four layers with an intermediate full drying. The finite procedure is when the whole dyed surface of the Talc, I took the baby powder in pharmacies there. I sat down and stroked the palm to the complete absence of sticking, it is necessarily. You can also float the talc inside the boat to pump up and on the boat to the best uniform distribution on the inside. Surfaces. You can also use instead of silver (aluminum powder) oil paints to imitate camouflage. The use of other solvents and adhesives will unacceptably spoil the surface. Also covered the awning on a motor boat, a tarping cloak, waterproof 100%, only instead of rubber glue used a sealant in my household white. Materials coated with sealant at minus temperatures They become brittle, with a rubber coating this does not occur, nevertheless, with a minus, it is better not to disturb the product. The boat installed sturdy and normal oars. Lodging is used annually, on fishing and hunting until now. "Paints" enough for years on 5-7, never peeled out, it feels that it becomes thinner begins to appeal the old coating.

If your boat still has been completed, then you can make a simple boat with your own hands. The main thing to be afloat.

Preventive work on the rejection of rubber in spring, before use.

Pumping the boat and using ordinary painting brush Fully misses cylinders with adhesive mortar. I make a solution from rubber glue No. 88 (one part) and aviation gasoline (two parts). I do not advise smoking during this procedure if you are not kamikaze, of course.

Liquid thoroughly stirring and a thin layer nano on a rubber surface. These are the following positive moments: microcracks are close, through which air imperceptibly goes; strengthening the docking seams; Old rubber absorbs the number it needs liquid rubber and becomes elastic. Such prevention is advisable to spend at least once a year. Then she will be as new for a long time. After each fishing boat, you need to dry well. It is advisable to do it immediately as soon as you went ashore and washed the boat. If you leave this procedure for later, you can safely forget that your focusing is lonely and molds in a case. With a frequent repetition of such a thread on the docking seams, the boat in the "most suitable" moment will burst. If the day is sunny, insert one paddle in the fit and put the boat "on the Pop". Twenty-thirty minutes she will be dry. For the winter "Rubber Girlfriend" throwing on the balcony - equivalent to betrayal. Large temperature differences and cold have adversely affect rubber properties.

I know people who, during multi-day alloys, covered the lower part of the boat with a thin layer of solidol, explaining that, they say, this achieves an additional point of slipping into particularly small places, where the boat is often scraping by belly on the bottom and not insured against the cuts. I myself did not use this way, so I do not have my opinion about this. But it is worth telling about it, suddenly someone decides that this is a standing innovation.

Ufimka can not be cured by prevention - the seam break or a high-quality patch, it is possible, but in order not tortilate along the seams, you need to disassemble the whole and collect on a new one, while cleaning the seams from the old glue !!!
Such an assembly quality unfortunately ...

How can I revive the old military (or aviation) red boat?

If the boat slowly descends and descends and every year faster and faster every year. Is it an end to her or something else can you do? The most appropriate is to pump the boat in the sun, degrease the gasoline, then pour with the whole glue, and rub the spatula. Two - three seasons enough.

Boat They have the basis of capron or viscose, you can not vulcanize - the holes are larger.
Glue, in most cases, applies 4508. or 4NBUV (less often). You can use other rubber-based adhesives, only no moment, etc. If glue thickens, you can dilute the canoslet gasoline or neoprase B50-170. Immediately before use, add polyisocyanate or desmodore 4% of the glue volume, and mix well. If this is not done. That gluing will flow into the sun. Almost all adhesives for rubber raw, and molecular lattice need to connect. Use after mixing can be used for several hours, after throwing unused.
Initially, carefully we clean the surfaces glued with the surfaces, the knife edge, degrease the pure gasoline, we apply the glue thin! layer 3 times with intermediate drying on both surfaces.
Before gluing, check the applied glue to the "low", that is, with a light touch, the finger will not stick it, and if pressed - sticks, the thing can be glued.
Put on top of a roller on a flat surface (bearing or knife edge from the center to the edges), pump a percentage boat for 80 and leave for three days. If you need to use immediately, the boat is not swing hard, but at home the operation is repeated if the patch is large, then you need to combine the boat with a boat with a boat, the boat is not stretched along the side diameter, the fabric has a base and ducks. Any seamstress knows - does not coincide in stretching, even though nails of the pribe - fall off. The overheet of the tissue from the hole is more than 2.5 cm does not make sense.
Polyisocyanate is better to store in a syringe with a needle, it is afraid of atmospheric moisture.

You will not work if:

  • You work in the sun (glue polymerizes earlier than dries)
  • The temperature is below +16 (glue does not dry at all).
  • Gasoline with butter.
  • Fat hands.
  • Inattentively read the instructions.

PVC does not need to be an open, it is enough to treat the glued surfaces with solvents: for PVC it \u200b\u200bis acetone, and for polyurethane - the composition of MEK (Metol-Etol-ketone). In fact, the composition of MEK is suitable for both types of coatings, while acetone can only be used if suitable solvent can not found.

With a hot gluing, heat the pay and boat at the same time with a hairdryer, and the glue must warm up, and not dry completely and the fabric should not melt. We put the patch and roll the roller while the fabric is warm on a flat surface.
Well, all basically, the exposure of 12 hours does not interfere with give.
For domestic repairs, the UR-600 glue is enough, or uranium. Also 900a, (in shoe workshops)
Add and mix the polyisocyanate -4% from the volume or desmodore.
It is possible to do with cold gluing, but I recommend only for emergency repairs in nature. You need to catch the edge when the glue is not quite dry.

To glue the bottom, It is necessary to tear it completely, warming the hair dryer, clean carefully, not to the base! Glue the tape sealing, then the bottom. Instructly to sell the plate (10 * 10 cm) from the center to the edges, the tape to be sold through the bottom and on the junction of the ribbon and the bottom to be sold in an angle of the plate or the back of the scissors. I do everything on a tight pumped boat! After descending and rolling the roller strongly all the places of gluing, download 90% and leave for 2 days. It is necessary to work at a temperature not lower than +16, not in the sun, glue with a thin layer 3 times with an intermediate dryer on both surfaces, check the glue to the gluing: with a slight touch, the finger should not adhere, with strong-lipnet.
Glue for rubber boats-4508 Add and mix the polyisocyanate -4% of the volume or desmodore 2-4 hours later we will drag.

Applying tape. This is a rubberized fabric cut off from a roll at an angle of 45

There are also boats from Haipalon (Hipalon) is a synthetic rubber, or rather the chlorosulfilled polyethylene French company ORKA. Rarely truth, but just in case:

It should be verified that the surface is dry and clean. Denote the area to be repaired using a chemical pencil and using a template overlay, in the form of an appropriate repaired area. Treat the entire area circled by a chemical pencil, shallow emery paper So that the surface of the material has become slightly durable. If possible, clean the treated surface from possible contaminants with a carbon-tetrachloride type solvent or a specially designed formulation of "Bostic 501".

Only the recommended types of adhesives should be applied - "Bostic 2402", "Bostic 2405", "Dunlop 2000", "Tiptop 2000" or other special adhesives for a haylon.
When everything is ready, mix with glue required amount hardener (not exceeding the dosage!) And apply a thin layer on both bonded surfaces - on the patch and on the repair area (follow the glue, so that the glue does not hit the borders, because when drying it leaves dark brown spots). After 30 minutes, repeat the entire process, causing the finest layer of glue on both surfaces and, do not forget that the glue should not be stained your inflatable boat.!

After about 10 minutes or when the second layer of adhesive will dry up "on the low", impose a patch to the designated place, previously convinced that the balloon of an inflatable boat is laid on a flat surface so that the pressure on the patch is evenly applied.
With the help of a rounded item, for example, a high screwdriver handles, mark the patch throughout the glued surface, special attention By paying it to the edges.
Leave to lie in a flat state a boat with a patch for about one hour. Then you can gently give on the sides rounded form, but not pump up to the working condition. You should not pump air cylinders to the working pressure even approximately within 24 hours.

If the leak drip leaked over the place of the gluing, it should be immediately removed. The longer the glue will stay on the sides, the harder it will get rid of it. The market is increasing harder. It is necessary to pay for so much time as it is necessary, but it is necessary to find the place of bundle. It is necessary to carefully clean the placement location, removing all traces of the old glue so that both surfaces are completely clean. The preparation procedure for the gluing of two surfaces was previously described. Then it is necessary to breed both glued surfaces and connect them only after applying two layers of glue with an intermediate drying and only after the second layer will dry up "on the low". Both surfaces must lie on a flat base. Scroll the edges of the gluing.

I will be glad if someone helped in repair of rubber boat.

Modern rubber boats are considered fairly safe and reliable, but they periodically need to be repaired. Damage occurs with improper storage or inaccurate movement through water bodies. In any case, the repair involves the use of glue. It is necessary to choose this composition very carefully, otherwise the connection will be not sealed enough, and the seam can crack or break into the sun.

When buying a rubber boat, you will always get Remkomplekt, however, in most cases there is not the adhesive that in the factory setting the seams. As a rule, the composition of "Uranus" is found. It tested by time and has proven itself wellHowever, such glue does not well withstand temperature loads well. If the boat is for a long time to be in the sun, then he will float, because of the subsequent repair, cleaning the site will be difficult. With the same problem, people who use inexpensive compositions for repair are facing their own hands. When buying, it is necessary to take into account the tips of the experienced fishermen, as well as study the characteristics.

On the modern market Most often there are such types:

  • "Rogneda", as well as "Super-NN" with the addition of "ISUR-021" - these budgetary formulations are considered reliable;
  • "Tangit PVC-U" and "Griffon UNI-100", the principle of operation of which resembles cold welding;
  • "Lokate Super Fast" has excellent properties and grabbed pretty quickly, that is consider on hiking conditions the rubber boat will be able to literally in 5 minutes, however, the compound may be uneven;
  • "Moment-gel" or "moment-crystal" work very well when heated.

To increase the heat resistance of any glue, manufacturers add separate components. In any case, high-quality glue compositiondesigned to make damage to the rubber boat must have such characteristics:

  • tensile strength, that is, the connection should be durable and very reliable;
  • resistance to high and reduced temperatures, due to which the rubber boat can be safely stored in the winter indoors where there is no heating.

What formulations are not recommended to use when repairing a rubber boat?

It is strictly forbidden to use the use of the "moment" or "superclaus". Similar mixtures are considered unreliable. Moreover, they are difficult to remove from the surface of the rubber boat. Experts never use cyanacrylate glue. Even if you perform work on all the rules, the quality of the gluing will be insufficient.

Before performing repair with your own hands it is necessary to degrease the surface, as well as clean all pollution. For this purpose, acetone is suitable, which slightly softens the material and removes the dirt.

The gluing is performed in stages using the primer layer for better adhesion. Also achieve a solid compound will help the use of a construction fene. The connection must be warm up to a temperature of 50-60˚C. Open source of fire for such a goal is not suitable.

To smooth out the folds and get rid of air bubbles, a heavy roller will need. Also, when gluing, it is necessary to press the surface with something heavy.

You can improve the quality of the seam using a reinforcing additive known as a hardener. As a result, the seam will be identical factory. So that it was you should give preference to additive "ISUR-021". This composition is added in a small amount. To check compatibility, the tool is applied to a small piece of material.

Make sure that the glue will withstand loads and the effects of temperature, you can, spending several tests. It is necessary to inflate the rubber boat after the glue fully captures. This period is indicated in the instructions.

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