How to make juicy minced beef cutlets. Juicy beef cutlets

Encyclopedia of Plants 17.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Ground beef cutlets- a wonderful dish that is traditional at any holidays and events. This is a favorite food for children and adults.

Any meat hostess can cook various masterpieces, goodies that will be appreciated by the residents of the house and guests. But cutlets are really appetizing and fragrant dish. Cooking will not take you much time, and the end result will pleasantly surprise you.

To make delicious classic cutlets you will need some inspiration and some additional ingredients like potatoes, onion, chicken eggs, garlic, bread pulp, cow's milk, salt and a mixture of peppers to taste, vegetable oil for frying, water or sauce for stewing if desired. Breaded ground beef cutlets will be much tastier and crispier. We assure you that delicious juicy dish you are provided. You can serve it as a great addition to a side dish or just eat it with a piece of bread. And so that your child or man does not get hungry - this will be a great snack for them at school or work.

Calorie content is 255 kcal per 100 g of the finished product. You can not call this dish useful for the figure, since the calorie content in it is high. Therefore, you should not abuse such a product. fried cutlets from ground beef breastfeeding should not be included in the diet for the first three months, because it is a rather heavy food. It is best to steam this dish.

How long to fry the product in time? This is a question that worries many. The dish is cooked in about an hour.

How to make a dish really tasty? We will help you with this. Below step by step recipe with a photo of cooking delicious food at home with a photo.

KBJU and composition for the whole dish



  • First, defrost the beef meat. Rinse it under cold running water and cut into small pieces. Then take the onion and garlic and peel the top dirty husk, rinse under running water and cut the onion into four parts, and divide the garlic into cloves. Peel potatoes, wash and cut into pieces. Prepare minced meat. Install the meat grinder and take the cooked vegetables and meat, scroll everything together in the installation. The meatballs should be soft and tender.

  • Then take the container and the pulp of the bread. Pour the milk over the bread, let it soften for a few minutes. After the pulp must be squeezed out. This is done very simply: just take it in the palm of your hand and squeeze your hand, and the excess liquid will easily drain. Once you have completed this process, transfer the pulp to the bowl with the minced meat, as shown in the photo.

  • take one egg and break it into meat. If one egg is not enough, then take another one. Salt to taste. Add ground pepper or a mixture of peppers. This will add piquancy and flavor to future cutlets. Now start mixing. To do this, use a spoon or knead the mixture with your hands.

  • As soon as you mix everything well, proceed to the formation of cutlets. When shaping, do not make them too flat and thin. After that, take flour or breadcrumbs and roll each meat piece on all sides. Place on a cutting board or table before frying.

  • Let's start frying. To do this, take a frying pan, pour vegetable oil into it and put it on the stove. Heat up the pan until desired temperature and fry the beef cutlets on both sides. In order to turn them over - use a wide metal spatula. Fry until golden brown. If you want your dish to be more juicy, pour in a little sour cream sauce (previously salt) or water and cover the pan with a lid. Simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Serve on its own or as an addition to a side dish.

Meat cutlets are a hearty, tasty and very popular dish that is prepared quite quickly, especially if you take ready-made minced meat in the store.

If you are a novice cook and you have little experience in preparing such dishes, find out how long to fry beef cutlets in a pan so that they turn out soft and juicy!

After all, the final result of the dish will depend on the correct roasting and, following simple rules, you can be sure that the cutlets will be excellent.

Today, ready-made frozen cutlets can be bought at any supermarket, and many do just that, because it is convenient when you work every day and there is not enough time for everything.

But if you still prefer to do everything yourself, we present you a simple classic recipe beef cutlets, which can be made very quickly.

Recipe for classic beef cutlets


  • – 500-600 g + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • Bread (bun) - 200 g + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • + -
  • + -
  • Breadcrumbs- 100 g + -

How to cook beef cutlets in a skillet

Soak bread without a crust or unleavened bun in milk. Pass the beef fillet with the onion through a meat grinder. If you have minced meat ready, then chop only the onion in a blender or meat grinder and add it to the meat.

  1. Add eggs, salt and spices to the minced meat, you can also add a clove of chopped garlic (at your discretion).
  2. Squeeze out the bread from the milk and also add to the mass. Mix everything thoroughly, feel free to do it right with your hands.
  3. When you feel that the mass has become viscous, take the minced meat in your hands and beat it on the table 8-10 times. This will give it even more stickiness, and when frying it will be more airy.
  4. Blind meatballs right size, roll them in breadcrumbs and arrange on a tray.

Use a frying pan with a thick bottom for frying and preferably - non-stick coating. Cast-iron pan is also good option to prepare such meals.

  1. Pour oil into the dishes so that its layer reaches about 1 cm. Put the pan on the fire and heat the oil.
  2. Reduce the heat to medium, start putting the cutlets in the pan so that they do not touch each other.
  3. Fry them on one barrel for 5-7 minutes, during which time the crust should be browned. Then, using tongs, turn over to the other side and fry the same amount.

It is better not to use a turning fork, the cutlets can fall apart from punctures.

When the second side is browned, reduce the heat to low, pour a little water (30-40 ml.) into the pan, close the container with a lid and simmer the meatballs for another 10 minutes so that they steam well inside.

Then remove the dishes from the heat and put the finished cutlets on a dish.

If you are still not sure about the readiness of the cutlets, just break one. Inside the stuffing should be gray color. If it is pink, then this means that the meatballs are not ready, in this case, just simmer them for another 10 minutes under the lid.

How to fry frozen beef patties

Many are interested in the question of how to fry beef cutlets in a pan that have just been taken out of the freezer. Pour the same amount of oil into the pan as described above, heat it up. Reduce the heat and put the frozen meatballs in the pan. There is nothing complicated in their preparation either. You don't need to defrost them.

Fry them in exactly the same way as fresh meatballs. The only difference is that they will release more liquid as the ice melts. Additional water may not be needed for simmering under the lid.

Only add a little water if the meatballs don't release much liquid. Otherwise, there are no differences between frying fresh and frozen cutlets!

If you want a more fried and crispy crust, then add more oil to the pan and do not cover the dish with a lid. Fry the cutlets in clean oil over medium heat for 10-12 minutes on each side.

To remove excess oil, put the cutlets on paper napkins laid out on a dish, they will absorb the fat.

It is enough to practice a couple of times, and you will already know exactly how much to fry beef cutlets in a pan. Keep in mind that a lot in this process will depend on the quality of the pan itself!

If it sticks strongly and burns, then the cutlets can simply crumble. Don't skimp on quality dishes which will allow you to cook without the hassle.

Serve cutlets with a side dish, herbs, sour cream or sauce.

Until recently, I cooked cutlets only from homemade minced meat. But just the other day I tried to cook them from a piece of beef tenderloin, to be honest, I really liked them and my whole family liked them. Potatoes were added to make the cutlets more juicy.

Wash the meat thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Scroll the beef in a meat grinder. Also scroll onions, garlic and potatoes. Soak the pulp of bread in milk, squeeze and add to the dish with minced meat. Also add 2 chicken eggs, salt and pepper. Mix well with a large spoon.

Pour flour into a deep bowl. Form a cutlet from the minced meat with your hands and roll in flour. Some cutlets can be fried immediately, and the rest put in the freezer, laying out on a floured plate or cutting board.

Put the finished beef cutlets one by one in a preheated pan with vegetable oil. Fry for 10 minutes on one side and the same on the other side under the lid. Further, if the cutlets are large, you can add 100-150 ml of water and simmer for another 10 minutes under the lid.

5-6 servings

50 min.

197 kcal

Cutlets are one of the most popular dishes in our country, as well as abroad. Their popularity is easy to explain. They are easy to prepare, as well as very tasty and satisfying, so they will not leave absolutely anyone indifferent. It is also worth noting the very large variability in the preparation of cutlets, they are prepared not only from minced meat, but also from vegetables. Today we will focus on more classic version cooking cutlets, we will cook them from beef, and not only in a pan, but also in the oven!

Recipe for juicy beef cutlets in a pan

Kitchen appliances: pan, knife, cutting board, stove, deep plate, bowl, grater, garlic press, kitchen spatula.


How to cook beef cutlets in a pan

  1. First of all, you need to put about 80-90 g of bread in a deep plate. White or brown bread works great in this recipe. You only need the crumb, you should get rid of the crust. Bread pour 180-200 ml of milk. Bread should not float in milk, it should only absorb liquid and completely soak, after which it must be thoroughly kneaded with a fork until a mushy state.

  2. Crack 2 eggs into a bowl of soaked bread.

  3. With a regular fork, thoroughly mix the contents of the plate until a homogeneous porridge-like mixture.

  4. We send 380-400 g of ground beef to the bowl. You can use already prepared purchased minced meat, you can also cook it from a whole piece of beef. Most importantly, do not forget to thoroughly rinse the piece of meat, as well as get rid of fatty streaks and films, after which the beef can be driven through a meat grinder along with garlic and onions.

  5. Add the egg mixture from the plate prepared earlier to the bowl with minced meat.

  6. With clean hands, thoroughly mix the minced meat with the egg mixture, achieving a homogeneous mass.

  7. We spread the garlic cloves on a cutting board, after which we press them down with the side surface of the knife or with an ordinary spoon. After this manipulation, it will be easier to remove the husk from the garlic cloves. Run each clove of garlic through a garlic press directly into the bowl of minced meat.

  8. We clean the husk from the onion, after which we arm ourselves with a grater and rub the onion. You should not rub the onion immediately into the bowl with minced meat, since a rather liquid mass is formed, and we don’t need too much liquid, so drain all excess liquid before adding the chopped onion to the minced meat.

  9. In a bowl with minced meat, add the amount of salt you need, and also pepper or add your favorite seasonings for meat.

  10. Again, thoroughly mix all the ingredients in a bowl so that they are evenly distributed in relation to each other. Before frying the resulting mass, it is necessary to let it brew for about 10-15 minutes, and it is not necessary to remove it in the refrigerator.

  11. We heat the pan on high heat, then pour 45-55 ml of vegetable refined oil for frying into it, after which we evenly distribute it over the entire surface of this utensil.
  12. We begin to form cutlets from the resulting mixture. We tear off small pieces of minced meat from a bowl, which we roll into medium-sized balls, after which we put each of them in a pan. If the stuffing turned out to be too liquid, then put it in a pan with a regular tablespoon. In this case, the pan should be very hot, so that the minced meat is instantly covered with a crust and does not spread.

  13. How long do you need to fry beef cutlets? By and large, it’s worth navigating by eye, but approximate time frames still exist. Fry the cutlets over medium heat until a whitish-ruddy color forms (about 10 minutes), then turn them over to the other side, fry for another 10 minutes and cover the pan with a lid for another 5 minutes.

  14. We put the finished cutlets on a dish, let them cool for 5 minutes, after which they can be served with a side dish. Enjoy your meal!

Video recipe for cooking beef cutlets in a pan

Preparing this dish will not be difficult even for the most green newcomers in cooking. But if you want to see all the cooking steps visually, then the video recipe below is especially for you!

Recipe for beef cutlets in the oven

Time for preparing: 55-65 minutes.
Servings: 9-10 pieces.
Kitchen appliances: oven, knife, cutting board, bowl, baking sheet, deep plate, 2 flat plates.


How to cook beef cutlets in the oven

  1. Peel the onion and chop finely on a cutting board.

  2. We tear white bread (140-150 g) without a crust into small pieces and soak it in milk (80-100 ml).

  3. Put the prepared ground beef in a bowl, about 630-650 g. If you want to cook the ground beef yourself, then do not forget to thoroughly rinse the beef in water, and also get rid of various fatty streaks and films, after which the meat can be driven through a meat grinder along with onions .
  4. Add the soaked bread to the minced meat, as well as chopped onions.

  5. We beat one chicken egg, and also add a little salt and pepper to taste.

  6. Now the minced meat must be thoroughly kneaded and evenly mix all the ingredients together. This will take a certain amount of time, about 5-10 minutes.

  7. Now it is desirable to beat off the minced meat a little. We just tear off a medium-sized piece from it and throw it back into the minced meat from a distance of 30 cm. We do this procedure for about 5 minutes.
  8. We divide the minced meat into pieces that are convenient for you in advance, forming blanks for our future cutlets from them.

  9. Pour flour (90-100 g) onto a flat plate, add a little salt and pepper to it. Mix them in flour with a fork.

  10. We beat the chicken egg into a deep plate, which we also salt and pepper, then beat until smooth with a fork.

  11. Pour breadcrumbs into another flat plate, about 90-100 g.
  12. Let's start breading our stuffing. Roll each cutlet blank in flour, dip in beaten egg, and then roll in breadcrumbs. We do this procedure with each ball of minced meat.

  13. We heat the pan over high heat, after which we pour 45-55 ml of vegetable refined oil for frying into it.
  14. We put the first batch of our blanks for cutlets on a hot frying pan and fry them on both sides for two minutes until crispy. golden brown. No oven will give cutlets such a wonderful crispy crust as frying in a pan. But at the same time, cutlets cooked in a pan cannot boast such tenderness and softness as cutlets cooked in the oven. Therefore, we combine both cooking methods in order to get just the perfect taste and structure of the patty. Yes, it is more time consuming, but believe me, the result is definitely worth it.

  15. We heat the oven to 180 degrees.
  16. As soon as all the cutlets are initially fried in a pan, put them on a baking sheet and send them to a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.

  17. Juicy cutlets take the ground beef out of the oven and put it on a dish. Leave them to cool for about 5 minutes, after which they can be served with a side dish. Enjoy your meal!

Video recipe for cooking beef cutlets in the oven

Beef cutlets in the oven according to this recipe turn out just perfect! If you have any questions about the preparation of this dish, immediately check out the video recipe below, it clearly and clearly demonstrates all the stages of cooking beef cutlets!

As you can see, preparing these wonderful beef cutlets is absolutely no problem. It's easy, simple, but at the same time incredibly tasty and satisfying, so choose the most convenient cooking method for you and delight your loved ones with a wonderful addition to the side dish!

Be sure to check out the recipe. This serving cutlets makes them more attractive and appetizing, which is why they will fly off the table in no time!

Also, do not forget that the cutlets have not been assigned the title of an exclusively meat product for a long time. There are a lot of recipes for vegetable cutlets, for example:, as well as fragrant

Beef cutlets This is a classic meat dish. They are tender in taste, so they can be eaten even by people who adhere to the principles of dietary nutrition.

Beef Cutlets: Recipe

A sprig of parsley - 5 pcs.

Vegetable oil - 90 g

a little bit of flour

A couple of garlic cloves

Pair of eggs

Veal tenderloin - 0.4 kg

Large onion

Clean the beef meat from films and fat, chop with a sharp knife into small pieces. Place the meat in a large bowl. Crack in the eggs, mix thoroughly. Chop onion, garlic and parsley. Add these ingredients. Season with salt and pepper. Knead the mince again. Form small cutlets, roll them lightly in flour and fry in hot oil. To receive original taste, you can lightly brown the cutlets in the oven. Serve with juicy vegetables and potatoes.

Minced beef cutlets


Sunflower oil - 2.1 tbsp. spoons

large bulb

Beef minced pulp - 0.8 kg

Garlic clove - 2 pcs.

bunch of parsley

For mustard sauce:

Fat cream - 0.3 l

coarse salt

Mustard - 3 tablespoons

Peel the onion with garlic, chop. Wash parsley, dry, chop into small pieces. Combine ground beef, parsley, egg, onion and garlic in a bowl, season with seasonings. Place the finished minced meat in the refrigerator, leave for half an hour. Form into small round patties. Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan, fry the products. Whip the mustard and cream, pour the sauce into the pan, reduce the heat and cook the dish for 10 minutes.

Recipe for minced beef patties

Ground beef - ? kg

Mustard - 1 tbsp. spoon

Large onion

Milk - 1 tbsp.

Mustard - 1 tbsp. the spoon

Medium potato - 2 pcs.

Garlic clove - 4 pcs.


Grate peeled potatoes, onion and garlic. Mix minced meat with grated vegetables, pour in milk, add an egg, mustard, be sure to season. Knead the minced meat with your hands, blind small oval cutlets. Roll them in a mixture of breadcrumbs and semolina, fry in hot oil.

Juicy beef cutlets

You will need:

Salt - 10 g

Fresh milk - 0.2 l

Beef meat - 1 kg

onion head

Potatoes - a couple of pieces

Bread pulp - 0.2 l

Garlic clove - a couple of pieces

ground pepper


A couple of large spoons of sunflower oil

Water - 0.15 l

Rinse chilled meat. Free the garlic, potatoes and onions from the peel and husk. Chop the vegetables with beef into pieces so that it is more convenient to chop them. If the resulting mass is not too tender, turn it in a meat grinder again. Pour milk over the bread mass, let stand for a few minutes. Squeeze, mix into the cutlet mass. Enter the chicken eggs into the minced meat, add seasonings with salt. Put a deep saucepan on the fire, pour in the oil, heat it up. Form small patties, roll in breadcrumbs and flour, fry for 10 minutes on each side. Lower the fire, extinguish with the lid closed. Add some water. Salt the resulting sauce a little, cook for 10 minutes. Shift finished goods on a platter, drizzle with the sauce of your choice, serve with a simple side dish.

Cutlets pork, beef - recipe


chicken egg

Pork - 0.3 kg

Beef pulp - 0.4 kg

Fresh milk - 0.15 ml

White bread crumb

Butter - 2 tablespoons

Salt - 10 g

Ground black and allspice

Breadcrumbs for breading

Olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons

Defrost meat, wash, chop into small pieces. Grind the meat to get minced meat. Peel the onion, chop and fry until golden color. Lightly salt the onion, season with pepper, cool slightly, pour into chopped meat along with oil. Put the bread pulp in a deep bowl, pour milk on top, let it swell for 2-3 minutes. Squeeze and mix into minced meat. Break the chicken egg into a separate bowl, separate into yolk and protein. Mix the yolk into the minced meat. Spice up ready mix, knead with your hands, beat a few times on a bowl.

Squirrels beat with a whisk to a state of strong foam, pour into minced meat. Knead the cutlet mass several times, form the same cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, add butter, heat, lay the products. Fry until golden brown, reduce heat, pour in 90 ml of water, salt a little, cover with a lid, simmer for 7 minutes. Cutlets from beef and pork serve with fresh vegetables.

Juicy beef cutlets - recipe

You will need:

Beef tenderloin - ? kg

Onion - a couple of pieces

Chicken egg - 2 pieces

Salt - 5 g

garlic clove

Ground black pepper - 5 g

bunch of parsley

Wheat flour - 90 g

Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

Wash and cool the meat, cut into small pieces. During cutting, get rid of the hymen and all veins. After that, chop with a sharp sharpened knife. Wash the parsley, garlic and onion, free from the husk, chop with a knife. Combine the ingredients in a deep bowl, add spices and eggs. Knead the minced meat, put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Form small patties, giving them a flattened shape. Roll in flour, fry from every minute for a few minutes. Put on a baking sheet, bake in the oven. The temperature should be 180 degrees.

Delicious beef cutlets

Minced beef - 0.6 kg

Ground pine nuts

Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

Bread - 4 slices

Ham - 0.15 kg

Twist the ground beef twice, season with spices. Form cutlets. Wrap the strips of ham in a circle, secure with skewers to keep their shape. Fry the products in a hot skillet for about 10 minutes. Carefully remove the skewers before serving. Spread cutlets on toasted slices of bread. Garnish with pine nuts and chopped herbs.

Beef cutlets - photo:

Recipe with oatmeal

Chopped meat - ? kg

Salt kitchen

Oat flakes - 70 g

Milk - 0.15 ml


Ground black pepper

Fresh greens - 10 g

50 g breadcrumbs

Combine milk with minced meat. Peel the onion and grate on a coarse grater. Add oatmeal, salt, add greens, sprinkle with spices. Mix well, cover with cling film, send to the refrigerator. After an hour, take it out, form small products, breaded in flour. Heat vegetable oil on the surface of the pan, put the cutlets, fry on both sides. Pour in 50 ml boiled water cover and simmer until the liquid has evaporated.

Hamburger cutlets

Ground beef - ? kg

Ground thyme - ? tsp

Ground coriander - ? tsp

Ground black pepper


Mix chopped meat with herbs. Add egg, salt, mix spices. Mix the mass well. Separate a small piece from the total mass, form a ball, put it between two layers of cling film. Knead the ball with your fingers to form the product round shape. The size of the product should be slightly larger than the size of the bun. Heat the vegetable oil on the surface of the pan, carefully place the cutlet, fry for 2 minutes on each side.

Original meatballs with eggs

You will need:

Ground beef - 0.7 kg

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