Hypoallergenic fruits and vegetables. Hypoallergenic foods - how to eat in case of allergies? Breastfeeding needs a diet

Engineering systems 03.07.2020
Engineering systems

Various types of allergies are increasingly common in children. Correct treatment and maintenance of the normal state of the body include the implementation of a whole range of measures, including adherence to a special diet.

Many parents do not understand the principles and importance of a special diet for children with allergies. It is worth figuring out how necessary and important a hypoallergenic diet is for children (we recommend reading :). What can and cannot be eaten with allergies? How to correctly compose a menu and develop a diet for a baby and a child of 4 or 10 years old?

A hypoallergenic diet is a very important component in the complex treatment of food allergies in a child.

In what cases is a hypoallergenic diet prescribed for children?

A specific diet is prescribed exclusively by an allergist based on the results of a patient examination. For food allergies, it may differ depending on the type of provoking allergen (milk, nuts, animal protein, etc.).

However, there is a concept of "hypoallergenic diet" (HA), which is prescribed for any immune response of the body. This is an extensive basic diet that excludes all foods with high allergic activity (which most often provoke the appearance of a reaction). That is, such a diet implies the complete elimination of all allergenic foods.

Its main task is to reduce the allergic load on the body (to reduce the influence of irritating factors). In addition, a comprehensive diet avoids cross-allergic reactions.

Special meals are prescribed for:

  • food allergies;
  • hay fever (reactions to pollen);
  • hypersensitivity to insect bites, some plants, materials and household chemicals (manifests itself on the skin);
  • allergies to medicines;
  • at the initial stages of a medical examination (with an acute reaction of the body until the exact determination of the pathogen protein).

If the child's body does not perceive a certain product (or a number of products), it must be completely excluded from the diet. Care must be taken to ensure that it is not contained in finished store products.

Doctors practice a specific elimination diet. It involves the alternate exclusion of products and monitoring of the baby's health. Such therapy becomes indispensable if it is impossible to carry out the necessary medical tests and analyzes.

The conventional diet assumes a basic diet that includes the safest foods for allergy sufferers. Hypoallergenic food is mandatory for all types of allergies, including those that manifest as a rash on the skin. It allows you to reduce the burden on the body and prevent the occurrence of complications.

Rules for small allergy sufferers

When a strict diet concerns a small child, it is important to take a responsible approach to the composition of the diet and to fulfill all the prescriptions of the allergist. It should include the required amount of nutrients and trace elements for the proper development and growth of the baby.

The menu of an allergic infant should be compiled according to the doctor's recommendations; it is not worthwhile to experiment with complementary foods on your own

For a stable positive result in children with allergies, you need to adhere to important rules:

  1. regularly visit an allergist and take tests (to monitor the child's condition);
  2. accurately follow all medical prescriptions and not allow children to "weakness";
  3. regularly adjust the diet (as you grow older by the age of 7-8, one food reaction may pass, and another may appear);
  4. monitor the child's environment (avoid dust accumulation, exclude houseplants, pets, buy suitable hygiene products, etc.).

List of allowed foods for allergies

Scientific theory has repeatedly highlighted lists of "safe" and "forbidden" foods, depending on how they affect the child. The tables below provide a detailed list of the most “friendly” foods that kids can eat.

Zucchini is a hypoallergenic, easily digestible vegetable that can be used to prepare many delicious dishes

Speaking about the basic hypoallergenic diet, one cannot fail to note the Soviet scientist A.D. Ado, who formed a diet that is effective and popular among doctors and parents. Its basic principles are simple - dangerous and aggressive food is completely excluded, which is replaced by gentle products.

The undoubted advantage of a non-allergenic diet according to Ado is a clear and specific list of permitted and prohibited foods, without the notes "you can, but with caution." This allows parents not to get lost in the preparation of the diet for the week. However, such food is not suitable for children with hypersensitivity to certain trigger allergens (cow's milk, gluten, etc.). It has a basic focus without taking into account the individual characteristics of each baby.

Safe foods and dishes according to Ado:

  • beef;
  • soups with cereals and vegetables;
  • fermented milk products and butter;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower, olive);
  • rice, buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • uncooked bread;
  • fresh cucumbers (more in the article:);
  • greens;
  • baked apples, apple compote;
  • tea with sugar.

From fruits, children with allergies should pay attention to green apples.

What shouldn't allergic children eat?

There are several lists of dangerous foods, according to the theories of various experts. Nevertheless, in many respects, their opinions agree. Highlighted enough list of products that most often provoke an allergic reaction of the body.

According to I.V. BorisovaUnion of Pediatricians of RussiaAccording to Komarovsky E.O.According to Ado A.D.
Chicken eggs, cow's milk, fish, seafood, chicken, tomatoes, citrus fruits, bananas, cocoa and chocolate, nuts, melon, celery, herbs and spicesStrawberries, raspberries, grapes, cherries, peaches, apricots, citruses, melons, pomegranates, persimmons, kiwi, pineapples, tomatoes, beets, bell peppers, radishes, pumpkin, carrots, chocolate and other sweets, fish, seafood, chicken, turkey , duck, semolina, cow's milkChicken eggs, chicken, soy products, peanuts and other nuts, milk, fatty fish and seafood, wheatCitrus fruits, nuts, poultry, chocolate, fish, seafood, tomatoes, spices, mushrooms, eggplants, eggs (chicken and quail), milk, strawberries, pineapples, strawberries, honey, baked goods, smoked meats

The table shows highly allergenic foods from a non-specific (basic) diet. It is prescribed for exacerbation of the disease, at the stage of diagnosis and treatment, and in other cases as prescribed by an allergist. When the baby is getting better, the doctor revises the strict diet and gradually expands the diet.

In the presence of a food allergy, when the trigger allergen is diagnosed, the doctor draws up a specific diet. It assumes the complete elimination of the irritant in any form.

In case of lactose (casein) intolerance, cow's milk, butter and margarine, milk powder, condensed milk and whey are necessarily excluded. Fermented milk products also fall under the ban: kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, cream, ice cream, etc. It is noteworthy that some children positively tolerate goat or cow milk, but it can be administered only after a doctor's permission. It is important to remember that "milk" is found in almost all pastries and sweets.

Gluten intolerance involves a complete rejection of cereals, pasta, bread and baked goods. Fortunately, some manufacturers have begun to actively release gluten-free products, which expands the meager diet of allergy sufferers.

Sample menu for every day for children of different ages

Making a menu for an allergic child is a responsible and complex process. Parents who have recently encountered a problem should be assisted by an allergist and nutritionist. It is necessary to take into account important factors that affect the health of the baby. Children are actively growing and developing. Their diet should be as balanced as possible and as varied as possible.

Necessary trace elements from prohibited foods must be replenished with other, "safe" food. All dishes are steamed, baked, boiled or stewed. If the first courses are cooked on meat, the first broth must be drained. Before cooking, the cereals are soaked in cold water for several hours.

It should also be remembered that the menu needs regular adjustments. As they grow older, the child needs a different set of trace elements and vitamins. Over time (around age 10), some allergic reactions may resolve on their own, while others may occur unexpectedly.

It is worth visiting an allergist regularly, who will adjust the menu based on the child's health condition.

Newborns and infants up to a year

Children of the first year of life are usually breastfed, so a nursing mother follows a hypoallergenic diet. Depending on the type of ailment, it can be nonspecific (general) or specific.

If the baby is transferred to artificial feeding, the doctor selects a suitable mixture. Almost every brand produces food for newborns with allergies. Lactose-free mixtures:

  • Nutrilon Pepti or Premium (we recommend to read:);
  • Nutrilak Peptidi;
  • Frisopep;
  • Pregestinil;
  • Nan lactose-free;
  • Celia without lactose, etc.

For other types of allergies, you need to choose a hypoallergenic food for the baby. The most popular manufacturers are Nan, Nutrilon, Similak, Nestogen, Nutrilak, Bellakt, Friso, Malyutka. It is not always possible to choose the right mixture the first time. If any side effects (rash, vomiting, insufficient or excessive weight gain) appear, the diet should be changed.

Complementary foods are introduced carefully and slowly, usually in six months. For this, experts recommend choosing the safest products.

Children 1-3 years old

Compliance with a special diet at this age is of great importance. If all the rules are followed, the baby can practically get rid of the problem over time.

  • At 1 year old, cow's milk is completely excluded. "Sour milk" is introduced gradually if the baby reacts to it normally. He must be fed separately from the adult table. Dishes are prepared from natural raw materials, with a minimum of salt and no spices.
  • At 2 years old, it is possible to eat chicken or quail eggs (if the body tolerates them). Parents prepare meals separately according to the same rules.
  • At 3 years old, the baby is gradually transferred to the "adult" table, eliminating the irritating allergen. With the basic diet, fish and nuts are allowed. Citrus and tropical fruits, tomatoes, mushrooms, strawberries, chocolate and cocoa remain strictly prohibited.

Sample menu for the day:

  1. Breakfast. Buckwheat with milk, tea, cottage cheese (cheese), apple.
  2. Dinner. Vegetarian noodle soup, steamed meat cutlet, boiled rice, compote.
  3. Afternoon snack. Kefir or yogurt, crispbread (dry biscuits), apple.
  4. Dinner. Fresh cabbage salad, seasoned with vegetable oil, potatoes with boiled meat, tea.
  5. Second supper (before bedtime). Kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk.

At 3 years of age and older

At 4, 7 or 8 years old, the menu differs from the adult only in the size of the portions. It is forbidden to feed children with "aggressive" foods, harmful sweets and sweet soda, fast food, semi-finished products. It is somewhat easier to compose a complete diet for a grown child than for a baby. For older adolescents, coffee and alcoholic beverages are dangerous.

The table shows several menu options for the Ado system:

BreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinnerBefore bedtime
І Oatmeal in water, bread with butter, tea with sugarVegetable soup, boiled tongue with broccoli, cabbage salad, apple compoteDry biscuits, juice (peach)Mashed potatoes, beef meatballs, teaKefir (yogurt), gingerbread
ІІ Rice porridge on the water, toast, hard cheese, chicoryBuckwheat, beef meatballs, teaDried apricotsCucumber salad with vegetable oil, vegetable puree soupRyazhenka, dry biscuits
ІІІ Curd casserole, a little jam, teaBoiled beef, cabbage salad, chicoryCottage cheese with bananaNoodles (other pasta), sausage, peach juiceYoghurt and dried fruits

Cottage cheese casserole with cherry jam and a small amount of low fat sour cream

3 recipes for delicious and healthy hypoallergenic meals for children

Parents of small allergy sufferers have a difficult time. It is difficult to create a delicious menu with a limited number of products. Interesting dietary recipes for healthy dishes will diversify your daily diet.

Rice porridge with apple

Put 2 cups of milk (goat, soy) or water on the fire and bring to a boil. Before boiling, add half a glass of washed rice, mix thoroughly to avoid sticking and the appearance of lumps. Add a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of sugar, leave on low heat for 20 minutes. When the cereal has become soft and boiled, remove it from heat and add the peeled and grated green apple, mix well.

If the baby tolerates cow protein (casein), season the porridge with a teaspoon of butter (any vegetable oil). Rice with apple should be taken in equal proportions. After cooling, the porridge is ready.

Stuffed potatoes

Wash the potatoes (4 pcs.) Thoroughly and bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C. Meanwhile, finely chop a quarter of a small head of cabbage and grate 1 carrot. For the filling, take other vegetables that are suitable for the child. Stew chopped carrots and cabbage with the addition of 1 tbsp. vegetable oil until half cooked.

Remove the potatoes from the oven. Carefully cut off the edge of the potato (a small cap), take out most of the pulp with a teaspoon (the main thing is not to break the integrity of the peel). Mix the stewed vegetables with the potato pulp, stir and season with salt. Fill the potatoes with the minced meat obtained, place on a baking sheet, cover with foil and bake for another 15 minutes.

A condition in which there is an increase in the body's sensitivity to the effects of various stimuli (antigens) is called allergy. The action of allergic factors triggers a specific response in the body - an immune one.

This is a whole complex of reactions in which all organs and systems of the body are involved - IgE immunoglobulins are produced, sometimes the presence of IgG, T-lymphocytes, histamine, serotonin is observed.

Various factors can act as an allergic agent - infectious, physical, medicinal, food, professional. Their effect causes the phenomenon of sensitization - the period from the first contact with the allergen to the response to the production of antibodies.

Allergy therapy consists in the elimination of allergic agents that cause sensitization of the body and a secondary immune response, due to which there is a constant accumulation of IgE.

In particular, if it is precisely established that the cause of the patient's allergy is food, he will be prescribed a hypoallergenic diet, the menu of which excludes the use of foods containing the antigen. What products it includes, and at what age it is assigned - this article will tell.

In this case, the word "diet" does not imply weight correction, although its regime involves the correct use of food - in small portions, several times a day; avoiding overeating.

The duration of the period for which a hypoallergenic diet is prescribed depends on the degree of sensitivity and sensitization of the body - in especially severe cases, patients are advised to adhere to such a diet on an ongoing basis, since allergies are characterized by a cyclical course - recovery periods are replaced by periods of exacerbations.

The entire period of therapy with an allergen-free diet is from 2 to 3 weeks. Again, it depends on the case - breastfeeding mothers are forced to sit on a hypoallergenic diet for the entire period of breastfeeding, so as not to sensitize the newborn.

The indication for switching from a common table to a hypoallergenic diet is:

  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Conjunctivitis of allergic origin;
  • Dermatitis of allergic origin;
  • Pollen allergy;
  • Allergic bronchitis;
  • Secondary immune reactions - urticaria, Quincke's edema;
  • Breast-feeding.

What you can eat with allergies, the doctor decides. In a hospital setting, patients are transferred to a special table - No. 5. If the treatment takes place at home, the doctor gives recommendations on an anti-allergic diet. There are general rules for food intake, the observance of which will help to quickly and efficiently relieve an allergic reaction:

  1. Frequent meals, in small portions - 5-6 times a day, 200-300 g;
  2. Avoid overeating;
  3. Minimize emotional stress and stress - these conditions can increase the symptoms of an allergic reaction;
  4. The preferred culinary treatment of dishes with a hypoallergenic diet is steam. Such food will not only reduce the risk of exacerbation of allergies, but in general, it is more useful for the body. It is permissible to use baked dishes;
  5. Eliminate pickled and canned foods from the diet, as well as fried, smoked and highly salted foods;
  6. Each product should be consumed in dosage - even if it is not included in the list of allergenic foods, it should not be consumed in large quantities;
  7. Once every 3-4 days, it is permissible to consume products of the second category of allergenicity - according to the reaction of the body, the level of its sensitization will become clear;
  8. It is better to avoid the simultaneous ingestion of several products at once included in the list of the second category of allergenicity - if an immune response occurs, it will not be possible to establish exactly which product caused it;
  9. For the prevention of vitamin deficiency, you should diversify the diet. With a lack of certain vitamins, microelements, the barrier forces of the body are reduced. It is more easily exposed to viruses and bacteria - this can aggravate an allergic reaction;
  10. Do not drink or reduce alcohol consumption at the time of treatment;
  11. Dishes made from products that are safe for allergy sufferers are complete and tasty food.

List of prohibited foods

More precisely, the products of the first category of allergenicity, which are strictly prohibited for people with food allergies, can cause immediate reactions, such as Quincke's edema and urticaria. These conditions are dangerous for their complications - for example, with acute angioedema, laryngeal edema develops, it spasms and air does not enter the lungs in the proper volume. Such conditions require resuscitation in a hospital setting.

List of foods of the first (high) degree of allergenicity:

  • Egg;
  • Crustaceans and fish, red caviar;
  • Cow's milk (especially whole milk) and dairy products;
  • Chocolate and other products containing cocoa;
  • Coffee;
  • Mustard;
  • Wheat;
  • Nuts;
  • Red berries and vegetables, including root vegetables - strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, beets, carrots, tomatoes, persimmons and pomegranates;
  • Grape;
  • Celery;
  • Melon;
  • Citrus;
  • Black currant;
  • Spices;
  • Sauces.

List of approved products

This list includes foods that are acceptable for food allergies. There are two such lists in total - the second (medium) and the third (weak) categories of allergenicity.

Products related to the second category of allergenicity:

  • Pork;
  • Peas;
  • Corn;
  • Bananas;
  • Buckwheat and rice;
  • Peaches and apricots;
  • Green pepper;
  • Cranberries and red currants;
  • Turkey;
  • Rabbit;
  • Potato.

Products related to the third category of allergenicity:

  • Mutton;
  • Low-fat beef;
  • Chicken meat;
  • Zucchini and squash;
  • Turnip;
  • Apples are not red, pears;
  • From berries - white currant, plum, gooseberry;
  • Subproducts;
  • Oatmeal, barley;
  • Fermented milk products without dyes;
  • Watermelon;
  • Sunflower, olive and butter oils;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Of the nuts, only almonds can be included in the menu;
  • Greens - dill, parsley.

Products of the second category of allergenicity are introduced into the diet of patients with food allergies with caution. As soon as the clinical manifestations subside, it is permissible that foods with an average degree of allergenic activity gradually appear on the menu.

They can be consumed no more than once every 3 days and continue to be eaten only if no relapses of allergies have been observed.

Hypoallergenic diet for children

It can only be prescribed by a doctor - after certain tests and tests, it will become clear to the pediatrician which foods the child is allergic to.

If the tests and tests did not help to identify the allergen, the doctor recommends that parents keep a food diary - every meal that the baby has consumed during the day is entered there.

Then parents should carefully monitor whether the child has any manifestations of allergies after a particular product. If a reaction occurs, it is necessary to inform the doctor about it.

The hypoallergenic menu depends on the age of the child. If complementary foods have not yet been introduced, the baby remains breastfed - this is the ideal food for full development and growth.

When breastfeeding, the mother needs to monitor her own diet, however, if there is no breast milk, the baby is supplemented with artificial formula.

If a child has an allergic reaction to whole protein of cow's milk, formulas based on goat's milk, amino acids, soy protein isolate, and hydrolyzed cow's milk proteins are prescribed.

Children with food allergies are introduced to complementary foods from 4 months of age. It is better if mashed cauliflower, zucchini or broccoli are used as complementary foods. First, they offer a few teaspoons, but over time they bring complementary foods to the full volume - 100-120 g.

An allergy-free diet includes foods that provide your child with a nutritious diet. It includes cereals, meat, vegetables and dairy products. Of the vegetables, preference should be given to cabbage, potatoes and broccoli, cucumbers, salad, herbs.

For meat products, a child with food allergies can be offered turkey, lean beef and rabbit. Porridge for children with allergies is prepared without milk, it is not recommended to add sugar.

It is important that the child receives the necessary vitamins - with fresh fruits and berries - blueberries and blueberries, peaches, green apples and pears, plums and currants. From bakery products, rye bread, croquettes and drying should be included in the menu.

Nutrition for a nursing mother

Nutrition for mothers feeding newborns is similar to nutrition for allergies. However, a strict hypoallergenic diet must be prescribed for mothers who have a history of food allergy.

All products that the mother consumes are absorbed into the milk and go directly to the child's body. It is clear that, among other things, these can be allergens that will cause a corresponding reaction in a child - an immune response.

Food allergies in newborns are much more severe than in adults. This is due to the imperfection of the digestive system (the number of lactobacilli is reduced).

At the slightest suspicion of a food allergy in a child, the mother should stop taking the product, which, in her opinion, could provoke sensitization of the newborn.

The menu of a hypoallergenic diet for a nursing mother excludes the intake of obligate allergens - citrus fruits, chocolate, honey, seafood, caviar, red vegetables, fruits and berries.

Ado's diet

It was developed by a specialist in immunology A.D. Ado. The purpose of such a diet is to exclude the use of allergens to reduce sensitization of the body.


An allergy-free diet includes simple recipes from available foods. Examples:

  • For the first, you can cook turkey soup - 200 g of turkey should be boiled in water for half an hour, drain the first broth, add zucchini and cauliflower to the pan. Leave on fire for another 40 minutes. Remove the meat from the pan, chop the vegetables with a blender, combine with the chopped meat. Add greens and sour cream to the plates before serving.
  • For the second course, chicken breast baked in foil with vegetables is suitable. To do this, cuts should be made on the breast, salt and pepper it moderately, sprinkle with olive oil and wrap in foil. Bake at 200 degrees for about 40 minutes. Serve with boiled Brussels sprouts and green peas, asparagus.

For all types of allergic reactions, a hypoallergenic diet is recommended. The main principle of this diet is this: allergens must be excluded from the diet - substances that cause an allergic reaction, due to which a disease appears. What your diet is going to be depends on which allergens you are reacting to. It is good if the allergen is known in advance. If not, it will need to be identified using an elimination diet (it will be described in detail below).

In any hypoallergenic diet, all foods are divided into 3 groups:

  • highly allergenic, which must be completely abandoned;
  • medium allergenic;
  • low allergenic.

What foods should be avoided with a hypoallergenic diet

  • seafood and fish, including any red fish, black and red caviar;
  • milk and dairy products, including cheeses, sweet glazed curds and butter;
  • eggs and dishes based on them;
  • all types of smoked meats, pickled and canned foods;
  • spices, seasonings, sauces;
  • red vegetables: tomatoes, red peppers, carrots, beets;
  • citrus fruits, pineapples, red berries;
  • carbonated and fruit waters, natural juices;
  • mushrooms and any dishes from them / with them;
  • sweets, chocolate, any factory confectionery products;
  • coffee, cocoa, flavored tea;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • exotic foods and dishes.

Medium allergenic foods that can be consumed in limited quantities:

  • cereals (if not identified);
  • pork, horse meat, lamb, turkey, rabbit;
  • some fruits: apples, bananas, peaches, currants, cranberries, watermelon, melon;
  • green bell peppers, potatoes, peas, legumes;
  • white bread and baked goods.

What foods can be consumed with a hypoallergenic diet

  • fermented milk products: yoghurts without additives, kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk;
  • lean pork, beef, chicken, quail;
  • some types of fish: sea bass, cod, tuna;
  • small amounts of beef tongue, liver, kidneys;
  • buckwheat, rice, cornbread;
  • vegetables: white cabbage, cucumbers, broccoli, green salad, dill, spinach, parsley, zucchini, rutabagas, squash, turnip;
  • pearl barley, oatmeal, rice and semolina;
  • sunflower, olive, oil;
  • white currants, green apples, gooseberries, pears, white cherries;
  • dried apples, prunes, pears;
  • weak tea, compote from dried non-allergenic fruits, rosehip broth;
  • still mineral water.

The diet can be followed for 2-3 weeks for adults, and 7-10 days for children over 8 years old. Please note: young children and any patients with severe manifestations of allergies should not start treatment with a diet, but with an emergency doctor's consultation!

Elimination diet: features

The elimination diet has several advantages over other types of testing. The main thing is that, in addition to diagnosing allergies, during the application of the elimination diet, the symptoms of the disease decrease and sometimes disappear altogether.

Another advantage of this technique is that it is inexpensive, simple and can be applied at any time. Its essence lies in obtaining from a specialist a list of those products that should not be eaten. The list of exceptions is rather small, since the elimination diet is based on the elimination of the most common allergens. Excluding them from the diet gradually, the patient monitors the reaction of his body. If, upon refusal from one of the allergens, the signs of the disease have disappeared, we can safely conclude that this is the main irritant. As a rule, observations are carried out for at least two weeks, only after that any conclusions can be drawn.

After the symptoms have subsided, the correct conclusion is checked. The patient re-consumes products that provoke allergies and within three to four days notes a worsening of his condition if the product is indeed an allergen. Before deciding on the appointment of an elimination diet, you need to get a doctor's approval, and also to exclude the possibility of exposure to the body of non-food allergens (for example, such as pet hair, pollen, medicines, etc.).

Hypoallergenic diet menu for a week


Breakfast: oatmeal on the water.

Lunch: soup made from lean meat, carrots, onions, zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli.

Afternoon snack: black tea without additives, banana, mashed with 2-3 tablespoons of cottage cheese.

Dinner: stewed vegetables with lean beef.

For the night: oatmeal or buckwheat oatmeal with kefir.


Breakfast: rosehip broth, rice porridge on water.

Lunch: dietary soup-puree of carrots, pumpkin, zucchini with sour cream 10%.

Afternoon snack: tea with natural pectin marmalade and applesauce.

Dinner: stewed chicken breast with vegetables.

Afternoon snack: baked apple.

You can just bake fruits, or you can cook

Dinner: boiled fish with stewed vegetables.

Before going to bed: kefir.


Breakfast: corn porridge with pumpkin.

Lunch: borscht without meat with sour cream.

Afternoon snack: tea with bread.

Dinner: stewed pork vegetables.

Before going to bed: kefir.


Breakfast: millet porridge on the water, prunes.

Lunch: borscht with sour cream without meat, rye bread.

Afternoon snack: fruit dessert.

Dinner: cabbage salad, minced pork cutlets.

Before going to bed: kefir.


Breakfast: rice porridge on the water.

Lunch: boiled potatoes, green vegetable salad with a spoonful of vegetable oil.

Afternoon snack: oatmeal jelly in water.

Dinner: beetroot salad with prunes, stew.

Before bed: tea with apple jam.


Breakfast: rice porridge with apple.

Lunch: vegetable stew with lean meat, rye bread.

Afternoon snack: black tea with cottage cheese casserole.

Dinner: fresh vegetable salad, stew with carrots and onions.

Before bed: plain yogurt.

An urgent problem of a modern person is allergy. This is a kind of response of the body to the action of special substances called allergens. A person encounters them when breathing, while eating or in contact with the skin. Allergies can affect men and women, children and adults. The main method of its treatment and prevention is a diet with a hypoallergenic diet. It is suitable not only for allergy sufferers, but also for nursing mothers, who can improve the quality of breast milk with the help of such a menu.

What is a hypoallergenic diet

In medicine, allergy is a condition in which there is an increased sensitivity to external or internal stimuli. In this case, the human body perceives harmless substances as antigens. Even with minimal contact of a person with an allergen, a large amount of IgE is produced. The mechanism of the formation of an allergic reaction:

  1. Immunoglobulin IgE, after the first contact with the allergen, detects it and combines with mast cells and basophils (cells of the immune system).
  2. As a result, a complex is formed. It consists of an allergen, IgE, and a mast cell or basophil.
  3. The complex with basophils with the bloodstream penetrates into different organs: skin, nose, lungs, stomach, and with mast cells it remains motionless.
  4. After re-entering the body, basophils and mast cells secrete special substances - histamine and serotonin. They are necessary to combat the irritant.

Histamine with serotonin and cause allergic reactions: smooth muscle spasm and expansion of capillaries, which leads to thickening of the blood and edema. Since allergies are often caused by food, diet should be included in the treatment regimen, in addition to antihistamines. It also plays an important role in allergic reactions to medications that are used in raising birds and animals (antibiotics, salicylates). The diet is based on the following principles:

  • exclusion of products that include cross and causal allergens;
  • eating only fresh products;
  • rejection of histaminoliberators - products that cause the gastrointestinal tract to secrete histamine from its cells: chocolate, cow's milk, coffee, wheat bran, orange juice;
  • restriction in the diet of animal proteins;
  • exclusion of preserves and products with dyes, preservatives and flavorings;
  • restriction of simple carbohydrates, salt, fried, spicy and salty foods, alcohol;
  • rejection of histamine carriers - products with a high level of histamines in the composition (tomatoes, strawberries, hazelnuts, cocoa, spinach).

General principles

For allergy sufferers, there is a special diet - table number 5 GA (hypoallergenic). Its basis is the therapeutic diet No. 5, which is prescribed for diseases of the biliary system and liver. Adults should eat according to the principles of table number 5 for 3 weeks, children - 10 days. This is enough for the persistent disappearance of allergy manifestations. In the future, the diet is built taking into account the following principles:

  • When symptoms begin to diminish, you can switch from antiallergenic foods to a less restrictive diet and gradually expand your diet with foods with moderate allergenic activity.
  • First, boiled low-fat white fish, bread, fresh onions, fruit puree, compotes are introduced.
  • Throughout the diet, foods are boiled or steamed. Frying and baking will increase the allergen content.
  • Nutrition should be complete in terms of protein, fat and slow carbohydrates.
  • Each new diet product is introduced no more often than once every 3 days. If there is no negative reaction to it, you can leave it in the menu.
  • The optimal nutritional option is fractional, in which the number of meals per day reaches 5-6 times.
  • Products containing easily digestible carbohydrates are completely prohibited: sweets, honey, jam, chocolate. Instead of sugar, you can use aspartame, saccharin or xylitol.
  • If the cause of the allergy is not identified, then you need to exclude all causal allergens: strawberries, nuts, chocolate, honey, eggs, seafood, caviar, citrus fruits, melon, tomatoes.
  • It is important to enrich the diet with calcium, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. This trace element is found in cottage cheese, fermented milk products.
  • All dishes containing an allergen product are excluded from the diet menu. For example, if the reaction manifests itself to eggs, then you need to give up creams, mayonnaise, casseroles, rich flour products.


Dieting isn't just effective for food allergies. A special diet helps to reduce the influence of allergens and other groups (medicinal, fungal, pollen, household). On a diet, a person reduces the risk of increased clinical symptoms of the following diseases:

  • Quincke's edema;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • hives;
  • pathologies of the digestive tract, in which the process of assimilation of nutrients is disrupted;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hay fever.

List of hypoallergenic foods

When preparing first courses, it is recommended to use vegetable broth without frying. He must be weak, i.e. after 1-2 boils, the water is drained. It is allowed to add various garden herbs. From cereals it is useful to use oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat. Potatoes are allowed as a side dish in the form of mashed potatoes, but only cooked in water. From fermented milk products, you can use low-fat fresh cottage cheese, yogurt without additives.

To enrich the body with fats, you need to introduce sunflower or olive oil into the diet. Pasta should only be made from durum wheat. Other hypoallergenic products:


Calories per 100 g, kcal

Fat per 100 g, g

Carbohydrates per 100 g, g

Proteins per 100 g, g

Vegetables, herbs








Wheat bran



Dairy products

Curd 0.6%

Boiled chicken

Boiled turkey fillet

Boiled beef

Beef stew


Rosehip juice

Prohibited foods

The list of prohibited foods includes fish and meat broths. Refuse with a hypoallergenic diet is also necessary from fatty varieties of red meat, poultry (goose and duck), whole milk, most types of sausages. Strong allergens are citrus fruits, sweets, seafood (squid, mussels, shrimp). The same applies to all salty foods, pickles, canned food. The ban also includes:

  • Red currant;
  • lemons, mangoes, grapes, grapefruit, pomegranate, bananas, oranges, tangerines;
  • nuts, raisins;
  • carrots, salad peppers, tomatoes;
  • White rice;
  • jam, sweets, ice cream, cakes;
  • condensed milk, sour cream 30%, 40%, cheese, cottage cheese 18%;
  • vinegar, mayonnaise;
  • lamb, smoked chicken, sausages, sausages, pork fat;
  • semi-finished fish and canned food, mackerel, sardine, caviar;
  • butter margarine, coconut and palm oils;
  • white dessert and dry wines, vodka, cognac, beer, liqueur;
  • cola, coffee, pepsi, sprite;
  • cranberry.

Hypoallergenic diet menu

Keeping a food diary can help alleviate allergies when eating a hypoallergenic diet. In it, you can record the foods or meals used for the diet and the reaction to them. Due to this, it will be possible to accurately identify allergens and exclude them from your menu. Additionally, a diary makes it easier to keep track of how varied your diet is. This is important because scientists have found that with the same menu, the likelihood of developing allergies is higher. In the diary, you can prescribe several options for a hypoallergenic diet menu, and then only buy the necessary ingredients.

For kids

A hypoallergenic menu for a child is built according to the same principles as for adults. There is only one important difference - with long-term adherence to such a diet, the risk of deficiency of proteins, carbohydrates and micronutrients is high. This leads to a delay in physical development. Table number 5 is used depending on the state of health for 7-10 days only for the start. Then the doctor selects individual hypoallergenic products for children. Menu options:

Diet menu option

Viscous buckwheat porridge, cheese, apple, tea.

Potato soup with noodles, steamed meat cutlet with stewed vegetables, compote.

Boiled meat with stewed potatoes, tea.

Oat flakes on the water, dry crackers.

Lean beef soup without carrots, corn salad, Chinese cabbage and cucumber salad.

Steam beef dumplings with boiled cauliflower, compote.

Buckwheat flakes with kefir.

Mashed potatoes in water, boiled cauliflower, lean veal, berry jelly.

Chicken stew with peas and vegetables.

For adults

If the hypoallergenic diet for children lasts 7-10 days, then adults can follow it longer - up to 2-3 weeks. The menu in both cases has practically no differences, since the same list of anti-allergic products is used for its construction. Diet options for the day for adults:

Menu Option

Buckwheat mashed porridge, green tea with crackers, baked apple.

Steam chicken cutlets, vegetable soup, rosehip broth.

Vinaigrette, tea with dietary cookies.

Semolina porridge on water, low-fat fresh cottage cheese, apple juice with biscuit.

Meat cutlets, vegetable soup with wheat grits, tea with biscuit biscuits.

Pea puree, meatballs.

Cottage cheese casserole, kefir.

Veal cutlets, buckwheat porridge, vegetable soup.

Soup-puree of cabbage and zucchini, steam cutlets, rosehip broth.

Hypoallergenic recipes

The basic principle for choosing recipes is that ready-made meals should have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. For this reason, salting, fermentation and fermentation are completely excluded. Steaming or boiling is considered gentle on the stomach. Such preparation methods help to reduce the allergenic activity of the ingredients used. Fruits and vegetables are also best eaten not raw, but stewed or baked.


The list of the first hypoallergenic dishes mainly includes soups. Potatoes are often used for cooking. It is recommended to pre-soak it in cold water. It takes a couple of hours to reduce the amount of starch in a vegetable. The soup stock should be the second or third. This means that after boiling, the liquid is drained 1-2 times. So the fat content of the finished soup will be much lower.

Vegetable soup with wheat grits

The peculiarity of this soup lies in a special ingredient - celery. Dishes with it are often present in various diets, including hypoallergenic ones. Celery tastes like carrots with parsley. Its leaves have a spicy and fresh aroma. The benefits of celery are manifested not only for allergies, but also for weight loss. In the soup according to this recipe, it is combined with potatoes, cabbage and dill. Garlic adds a little spice to the dish.


  • onions - 0.5-1 pcs.;
  • white cabbage - 100 g;
  • chopped wheat groats (bulgur) - 50 g;
  • celery - 1 small root;
  • water - 1.5-1.6 l;
  • potato tubers - 3 pcs.;
  • dill or other greens - 1 branch;
  • clove of garlic - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil water, dip the bulgur into it.
  2. Next, cut the peeled potatoes and add to the broth.
  3. Peel the onion, chop finely, add to the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Rinse celery, dip in broth.
  5. After boiling again, reduce heat.
  6. Simmer for 15-20 minutes under the lid.
  7. Take out some of the potatoes, knead and return back.
  8. Rinse cabbage leaves, dry, chop and put in almost ready-made soup.
  9. Cook for another 10 minutes, then remove and discard the celery.
  10. Finely chop the greens and garlic cloves, season the soup with them.

Potato soup with noodles

This dish requires a minimum amount of food. The soup is suitable for both adults and children. Onions in the broth are practically not felt, since they are boiled. Due to the fact that the vegetable is placed at the very beginning of cooking, the meat turns out to be very tasty. It is allowed to replace chicken with lean beef, but this will make the soup a little fatter, and it will take 30-60 minutes more to cook it.


  • small onion - 1 pc.;
  • greens - to your taste;
  • chicken fillet - 800 g;
  • premium vermicelli - 200 g;
  • potato tubers - 4-5 pcs.;
  • water - 4 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour well washed meat with water, put the pan on maximum heat.
  2. Bring to a boil, drain the liquid.
  3. Pour in the same amount of water again, boil again, remove the foam.
  4. At this time, peel the onion, finely chop, add to the broth.
  5. Reduce heat to low, cook for 30-40 minutes until the meat is ready, then take it out, cut into pieces and send it back.
  6. Cook vermicelli separately in slightly salted water. This is necessary to prevent the broth from becoming cloudy due to sediment.
  7. Peel potatoes, rinse, chop into slices. Dip the slices into the broth, cook for 5 minutes.
  8. Then fill the soup with boiled noodles.


The main dishes are also vegetables or meat. Cutlets, dumplings, meatballs and meatballs are mostly steamed. Meat can be mashed, goulash and even beef stroganoff or soufflé. In the recipe for the last dish, minced meat is mixed with milk sauce, yolk and whipped whites. Soufflé is already suitable for the stage when you begin to gradually introduce foods with a moderate degree of allergenicity. Vegetables can be served as a side dish for meat, but they are only stewed, boiled or baked, since frying increases the allergy of ingredients.

The advantage of puree soup is a homogeneous soft consistency, due to which the dish does not irritate the stomach and intestines. In such recipes, not only meat is used, but also vegetables. An unusual combination - zucchini and cauliflower. The first vegetable has a neutral taste, therefore it is combined with many ingredients. In addition, they have no contraindications. Cauliflower is not recommended for gastrointestinal problems.


  • zucchini - 2-3 pcs.;
  • onion head - 1 pc.;
  • celery - 5-7 stalks;
  • parsley - 1-2 branches;
  • water or weak vegetable broth - 1 liter;
  • cauliflower - 1 small head of cabbage;
  • low fat sour cream - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Divide the cauliflower inflorescences into smaller ones, peel the zucchini, then rinse the vegetables, including celery.
  2. Chop the onion head into cubes. Repeat the same with zucchini, celery, cauliflower.
  3. Place all vegetables on the bottom of a saucepan, cover with water. Boil, simmer until the ingredients are soft.
  4. Then cool, transfer to a blender bowl, beat until smooth.
  5. Pour the mass back into the saucepan, add sour cream, simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes.
  6. When serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Kneels are understood as one of the types of dumplings - small balls prepared on the basis of minced meat from fish, poultry or other meat. The difference between the dumpling mass and the cutlet mass is that it is more fluffy and tender. For this reason, dumplings are more suitable for children's and dietary hypoallergenic diets. Another feature of such a dish is steaming, due to which the meat retains more vitamins. In addition, steam dumplings are easier for the stomach to digest.


  • low-fat milk - 2 tbsp.;
  • egg whites - 2 pcs.;
  • beef pulp - 800 g;
  • wheat bread - 1 slice.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the bread in half of the entire portion of milk, leave for half an hour.
  2. At this time, mince the meat through a meat grinder.
  3. Squeeze the bread, add to the minced meat, grind everything through a sieve.
  4. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly, add the egg whites.
  5. Pour in the remaining milk.
  6. Shape the minced meat into medium balls and place in a steaming dish. Cook for 15 minutes.


Although sweets are prohibited with a hypoallergenic diet, you can still diversify your menu with goodies. You just need to cook them properly. The best hypoallergenic desserts are based on fruits, kefir or cottage cheese. The main thing is that fermented milk products are not sour. An ordinary pear, cut into pieces or ground to a puree state, will add sweetness to them. Cottage cheese is the best base for a casserole. It can also be prepared with the addition of permitted fruits. Baked apples are a popular dessert of the latter. They are even combined with cottage cheese - it turns out tasty and healthy.

Cottage cheese casserole

Since eggs belong to the category of products with a high degree of allergenic activity, it is not recommended to use them with a hypoallergenic diet, especially for children. The casserole can be prepared without these ingredients. Flour is also easy to replace with semolina, which will provide the dish with a dense consistency. To add a sweet taste, it is allowed to add any hypoallergenic fruits to the curd. Sugar should be added after the end of a strict diet, i.e. after 7-10 days.


  • pear - 3 pcs.;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • semolina - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • kefir or yogurt without any additives - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a bowl, where to put cottage cheese with yogurt or kefir, mix well.
  2. Add cereals, sugar. Stir again.
  3. Wash pears, peel, finely chop.
  4. Add fruit to the curd mass, stir, transfer to a greased baking dish.
  5. Send to the oven for half an hour. The optimum temperature is 180 degrees.

Baked apples

This is the most popular dietary and at the same time hypoallergenic dessert. Since allergy sufferers are not recommended to eat fresh fruits, they can be baked. It will turn out not only tasty, but also good for the stomach. Apples are the perfect fruit for this dessert. They are baked not only in the oven, but also in the microwave, so the delicacy is prepared very quickly and easily. To make the dessert even more useful, you can stuff the fruits with cottage cheese. Do not just use recipes where you need to add honey inside the apple.


  • apple - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream with a low percentage of fat - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the apples, cut out the core, but so that the bottom of the fruit remains intact and a kind of cup is formed.
  2. Mix cottage cheese with sour cream, add vanillin, bring the mass to a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Fill the apples with the curd mixture.
  4. Place fruits on a baking sheet, send to bake for 25-30 minutes at 200 degrees.


Doctors call allergy the disease of the century, since in the modern world there is one or two irritants for almost every person that can cause certain symptoms of an allergic reaction. Children especially suffer from allergies, who today are born surrounded by car exhaust, household chemicals and many synthetic substances, leading to the development of diseases of an allergic nature.

Many methods are used to control the load of allergens on the body, and one of them is diet. Antiallergenic diet is indicated for all types of allergies (food, eczema, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, etc.), regardless of their cause and origin. The diet is followed for life or for a certain period of time (for example, nursing mothers adhere to this diet for the entire period of breastfeeding).

    Show all

    Purposes of Allergen-Free Diet Prescribing

    When recommending a specific list of foods to an allergy sufferer, the doctor solves two problems at the same time. Firstly, such a table has a diagnostic and, secondly, a therapeutic orientation. This means that by eliminating highly allergenic foods one by one from their diet, the patient can determine which particular food is causing him adverse reactions and significantly improve his health.

    Slightly different goals are pursued by the appointment of a low-allergen menu for a nursing mother. Such nutrition is already prophylactic, not curative. While on HB, the child receives the components of all the products that her diet includes with the mother's milk.

    The immune system of the newborn is imperfect, therefore, it must be avoided over-irritation with potential allergens.

    Non-observance of antihistamine nutrition by a nursing mother can lead to the development of allergic diseases in the child such as atopic dermatitis, urticaria, eczema, bronchial asthma.

    List of prohibited foods

    When an acute allergic reaction of any kind appears for the first time, it is necessary to exclude from the diet until the cause of this condition is clarified:

    • any nuts;
    • citrus fruit;
    • grapes, melon, pineapples;
    • all condiments, sauces, spices and marinades;
    • smoked meats and pickles;
    • spicy roots and vegetables (turnip, radish, radish);
    • red and orange fruits and vegetables;
    • fish, caviar, seafood;
    • poultry (except for white chicken and turkey meat);
    • eggs;
    • fatty milk and dairy products, including hard cheese, butter;
    • any mushrooms;
    • coffee and chocolate;
    • any alcoholic drinks;
    • confectionery, sweets and baked goods;
    • any products made in an industrial environment (pates, canned food, juices, etc.), except for baby food.

    The entire list of foods is prohibited only in the acute period of an allergic reaction. After relieving the exacerbation and finding out the specific cause of the allergy, some of these products can be returned to the table. Also, the list of products can be expanded, since an allergy-free diet should be individualized.

    List of approved products

    Most often, a low-allergen menu includes:

    • hypoallergenic porridge: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice;
    • vegetable oils (olive, sunflower);
    • meat: white chicken, boiled beef (except veal), turkey;
    • green vegetables (cabbage, cucumber, peas) and potatoes;
    • green fruits (apples, pears), better baked;
    • meat-free soups containing non-allergenic vegetables and cereals;
    • fermented milk products: kefir, cottage cheese, feta cheese, yogurt, yogurt (without dyes and flavorings);
    • drinks: tea, homemade compote from dried fruits;
    • bread: white, better dried (croutons), unleavened flat cakes, lavash.

    Hypoallergenic diet for children

    Children's allergic reactions have different causes of manifestation from adults, therefore, antiallergenic nutrition for children is planned a little differently. In childhood, polyvalent allergies are more common (hypersensitivity to several products at once), and the protein of chicken eggs and cow's milk is an allergen for absolutely all children under one year old.

    It is important not to forget that the child is growing and needs a sufficient amount of vitamins, nutrients and energy. Therefore, mothers should not independently prescribe an antihistamine menu to an allergic child so that he simply does not starve. It is best to consult an allergist to determine specific foods to exclude from your diet.

    Nutrition for a nursing mother

    Nowadays, the view of doctors on the diet of lactating women has become less radical. If for the last two decades it was believed that the entire period of lactation a woman is obliged to adhere to the strictest antiallergic diet, then today's research suggests the opposite. Doctors recommend that nursing mothers exclude from the diet only the most aggressive allergens (eggs, cow's milk, red vegetables and fruits, citrus fruits, grapes, pineapple, melon), which can harm a child with hepatitis B.

    A complete hypoallergenic diet is recommended only for those nursing mothers who suffer from allergies themselves or if the child's dad is allergic. Such nutrition by a breastfeeding woman will become a preventive measure and will not allow an unfavorable heredity to manifest itself in a child.

    During the entire lactation period, a nursing mother should monitor the child's reaction to the dishes that she eats. Situations are not uncommon when, after the mother has consumed some product, a child who is on HB reacts to it. The appearance of a rash, itching, edema, urticaria, stool changes in a baby is a reason for a woman to refuse this food until the end of breastfeeding.

    Ado's diet

    One of the popular systems of hypoallergenic nutrition was developed by the Soviet immunologist Andrei Dmitrievich Ado.

    The purpose of the Ado's diet is the same as for any other anti-allergic nutritional regimen - to identify and eliminate the allergen from food, and thereby improve the quality of life.

    Product Lists

    Having studied the features of human immunity for many years, doctor Ado identified three groups of products: allergenic, hypoallergenic and moderately allergenic. They are divided as follows.

    Allergenic foodsHypoallergenic products
    Fish, caviar, seafoodPorridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice)
    Any nuts (except almonds)Non-exotic dried fruits
    Citrus fruitPermitted fruits and berries (white currants, gooseberries)
    Cocoa and products containing cocoa (chocolate, creams)Homemade desserts
    Fatty meat, fatty poultryLean beef (not veal), lamb
    CoffeeTea (green), herbal teas
    Sauces, vinegar, any spicesSunflower oil, olive
    Fruits, vegetables and red berriesFruits, vegetables of green color
    Any mushroomsFresh greens
    Smoked meatsBoiled meat
    EggPumpkin, squash, zucchini
    Exotic fruits, incl. peaches, apricotsWatermelon, plum
    Cow's milkFermented milk products without additives (kefir, cottage cheese)
    Any alcoholHomemade infusions and compotes
    Butter baked goodsWhite bread, unleavened (dried)

    Medium allergenic foods include:

    • meat: rabbit, pork, turkey;
    • vegetables and fruits: peas, bell peppers, bananas.

    Such products should be added to the diet with caution, used in the morning (until lunchtime), so that in the event of an allergic reaction, it is easy to get the help of a doctor.

    Diet prescription rules

    For the best effect of a hypoallergenic diet, the following rules are observed:

    1. 1. A doctor prescribes the Ado's diet. It must be remembered that self-medication is not worth it.
    2. 2. Antiallergic diet according to Ado is prescribed for a period of 14 to 21 days. For each week, a menu is drawn up, which indicates the dishes used for breakfast, lunch and dinner. With the beginning of a new week, the menu is changed so that the diet is more varied. Eating a hypoallergenic diet for more than three weeks is undesirable because it can lead to vitamin and nutrient deficiencies in the body.
    3. 3. As long as the patient adheres to the norms of a non-allergenic diet, it changes dynamically. First, all prohibited foods are completely excluded from the diet. When the acute symptoms of the allergic reaction disappear, the food is returned to the table one by one to determine which food is the allergen.
    4. 4. During the Ado's diet, hormonal, antihistamines and other antiallergic drugs should not be taken. They can mask the effects of food allergens on the body and distort the results of this food study.
    5. 5. Allergy sufferers on the Ado diet should keep a food diary. This will help the doctor identify allergenic foods and adjust the diet.

    Example of a weekly menu

    In the first week on an anti-allergenic diet, you should not eat any prohibited foods. But this is not a reason to worry about the taste of food - even a small amount of permitted ingredients can be used to prepare delicious and satisfying meals. An example of a low-allergenic menu for the first (strict) week of Ado's anti-allergic diet is presented in the table.

    Day diets Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
    FirstVegetable soup, white breadBuckwheat porridge, cabbage and cucumber salad
    SecondMillet millet porridge, teaVegetable stewCurd, teaBoiled rice with vegetables
    ThirdToasts (white bread), unsweetened cottage cheese with herbs, teaCabbage soup with carrots and potatoes, white breadFruit jelly, apple juiceBoiled beef, buckwheat, cucumber
    FourthOatmeal (without milk) with dried apricots, teaVegetable broth with croutons (white bread)Green apple, natural yogurtSteam vegetables, kefir
    FifthToast (white bread), green vegetable salad with olive oilCabbage soup, white breadToast (white bread), cottage cheese, apple juiceMillet porridge, green vegetable salad
    SixthOatmeal (no milk), teaBeef broth with broccoli and zucchiniNatural yogurt with prunes and dried apricotsVegetable stew
    SeventhRice porridge with prunesVegetable stewToast (white bread), cottage cheese, teaBoiled rice, salad from cabbage, cucumbers and carrots

    After a "strict" week of antiallergenic diet, it is allowed to gradually return allergenic foods to the diet. It is best to start with foods of moderate allergenicity. After introducing the product into the diet, you need to observe the body's reaction for several days and keep a diary. In case of allergies, you should seek help.


    According to the WHO, the incidence of allergic rhinitis has tripled since 1990 worldwide.

    During this period, more than three thousand deaths of patients who used antihistamines were recorded in the United States. That is why it is so important to use non-drug methods of controlling the allergenic load on the body, that is, primarily diets.

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