War. Phrases of wise people about war

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Quotes, aphorisms and statements about the War.

1170. War is the greatest calamity that can cause suffering to mankind; it destroys religion, states, families. Any disaster is preferable to this. M. Luther.
1171. War is the greatest grief, especially in the conditions of modern military equipment. L. Leonov.
1172. War imposes tribute on both men and women in the same measure, but only takes blood from some, and tears from others. W. Thackeray.
1173. War for the people is tears and blood, it is widows and homeless people, it is a scattered nest, lost youth and offended old age. I. Ehrenburg.
1174. War is not only a shock, but a spiritual test and a spiritual judgment. I. Ilyin.
1175. War is one of the greatest blasphemy against man and nature. V. Mayakovsky.
1176. War is the continuation of politics by others and by means. K. Clausewitz.
1177. War is murder. And no matter how many people come together to commit murder, and no matter how they call themselves, murder is still the worst sin in the world. L. Tolstoy.
1178. War is a cruel thing, it entails injustice and crimes. Plutarch.
1179. War is a crime that cannot be redeemed by victory. A. France.
1180. War is the most absurd invention of mankind, on which most of the means and forces are spent. And yet we fight. A. Schopenhauer.
1181. War is a way of untying a political knot with teeth, which is not amenable to language. A. Beers.
1182. War is the judgment of nations: victory and defeat is his sentence. A. Rivarol.
1183. War is the same punishment for the one who does it as for the one who suffers from it. T. Jefferson.
1184. War is a game in which sometimes the best people suffer defeat. M. Kemal.
1185. War is a disaster on an enlarged scale. I. Bentham.
1186. War is a luxury that only small nations can now afford. X. Arendt.
1187. War is too serious a matter to be left to the generals. D. Kennedy.
1188. War is labor. Strictly speaking, feats in war are born precisely in the midst of this labor. A feat is born in the midst of soldier labor, in the depths of this labor. K. Simonov.
1189. War is the denial of truth and humanity. It's not just about killing people, because a person must die one way or another, but about the conscious and persistent spread of hatred and lies, which are gradually instilled in people. D. Nehru.
1190. War and fighting are purely masculine inventions; A woman's weapon is her tongue. G. Gingold.
1191. An army of rams led by a lion will always triumph over an army of lions led by a ram. Napoleon I.

For no other cause do men unite so quickly as for the murder of other men.

Susan Glaspell
The war would have been a picnic if not for lice and dysentery.

Margaret Mitchell
In war everything is simple, but the simplest things are extremely difficult.

Carl Clausewitz
War is made up of unforeseen events.

Napoleon I
Before the battle every plan is good, after the battle every plan is bad.

Vladislav Gzheshchik
No plan survives meeting with the enemy.

Helmuth von Moltke
War is a traumatic epidemic.

Nikolai Pirogov
War is the continuation of politics by other means.

Carl Clausewitz
The flourishing of military sciences is possible only in peacetime.

Don Aminado
War is just a cowardly escape from the problems of peacetime.

Thomas Mann
War is a way of untying a political knot with teeth that defies language.

Ambrose Bierce
We are told that war is murder. No: it's suicide.

Ramsay MacDonald
War is mostly a catalog of blunders.

Winston Churchill
War is a series of catastrophes leading to victory.

Georges Clemenceau
In war there is no second prize for the losers.

Omar Bradley
There are no winners in a war, only losers.

Arthur Neville Chamberlain
If our soldiers understood why we are fighting, it would be impossible to wage a single war.

Frederick the Great
In a civil war, every victory is a defeat.

Every war between Europeans is a civil war.

Victor Hugo
I do not know of any nation that would be enriched as a result of victory.

If the outcome of a war could be foreseen, all wars would cease.

Karol Bunsch
How is the world governed and wars flared up? Diplomats lie to journalists and believe their own lies when they read them in the papers.

Karl Kraus
The old people declare war, and the young go to die.

Herbert Hoover
The war is not started by the military. The politicians start the war.

General William Westmoreland
Wars start in people's minds.

From the preamble to the UNESCO Constitution
The war is over only when the last soldier is buried.

Alexander Suvorov
The war does not end, it rests.

Ursula Kozel
War cannot be just, because it is impossible to fight justly, even if you are fighting for justice.

Tadeusz Kotarbinski
There are just wars, but there are no just troops.

André Malraux
Only the victors decide what the war crimes were.

Gary Wills
No one really needs war, but many need hatred.

Max Frisch
Either wars go out of fashion, or people.

Buckminster Fuller
Either humanity will end war, or war will end humanity.

John Kennedy
Cold War: Difficult coexistence instead of easy non-existence.

Judith Beach revised edition
Truth becomes the first victim of war.

Johnson Hiram
In wartime, truth is so precious that it must be guarded by false guards.

Winston Churchill
Ant: "I'm not fighting. The anthill is fighting."

Karel Capek
Many go to war just because they don't want to be heroes.

Tom Stoppard
The worst thing, apart from losing a battle, is winning a battle.

Duke of Wellington
If we lose this war, I will start another under my wife's name.

Moshe Dayan during the Six Day War 1967
It is impossible to win a war, just as it is impossible to win an earthquake.

Jeannette Rankin
War has become a luxury that only small nations can afford.

Hannah Arendt
Wars start when they want, but they end when they can.

Niccolo Machiavelli
On the first day of war and on the first day of peace, we still do not believe that this is true.

The death of those who fell on the battlefield in their youth is felt the more painful, the longer their peers live.

Vladislav Grzegorchik
For those who fought, the war never ends.

Curzio Malaparte
This war will end wars. And the next one too.

David Lloyd George
The Falklands War was a fight between two bald men over a comb.

Jorge Luis Borges
Wars are like litigation, where legal costs exceed the disputed amount.

Luc de Vauvenargues
Eternal peace will reign if the winner is made to pay all expenses.

Evan Esar
Someday they will declare war, and no one will come.

Carl Sandburg
Any war is popular during the first thirty days.

Arthur Schlesinger
The purpose of war is peace.

Most fast way end the war - lose it.

George Orwell
War is too important a matter to be left to the military.

Georges Clemenceau
Prologue of the 20th century gunpowder factory. Epilogue - the barracks of the Red Cross.

Vasily Klyuchevsky
There will be no veterans of the Third World War.

Walter Mondale

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Wise Quotesabout war, about memory

Tell me what makes you so sad?

The whole world.
Ernest Hemingway

I unshakably believe that science and peace will triumph over ignorance and war, that peoples will come together with each other not for destruction, but for creation, and that the future belongs to those who will do more for suffering humanity.

Louis Pasteur

“Those who lie about the past war bring the future war closer. There was nothing dirtier, tougher, bloodier, more naturalistic than the last war in the world. It is necessary not to show a heroic war, but to scare, because war is disgusting. We must constantly remind people about it so that they do not forget. With your nose, like blind kittens, poke into a dirty place, into blood, into pus, into tears, otherwise you won’t get anything from our brother.

How many people lost in the war, then? You know and remember. It's scary to name the true figure, right? If you call it, then instead of a parade cap, you need to put on a schema, kneel on Victory Day in the middle of Russia and ask your people for forgiveness for a mediocrely won war, in which the enemy was heaped with corpses, drowned in Russian blood.

“If we talk about the attitude towards this war, well, what can I say, I was a very Soviet young man, voluntarily went to the front, fought against fascism, stayed alive, returned, revised a lot, suddenly realized that if we discard the word “fascism”, then they were two identical systems that were competing with each other. Two totalitarian systems.

Well, there was a purely external difference, of course. There was a swastika, and here was a hammer and sickle. There was a possessed Fuhrer, and here was a brilliant leader of all peoples. There they openly hated the Jews, but here they shouted about their love for the Jews and quietly destroyed them. This was the difference. And in principle, two identical systems collided. I began to understand this, of course, after the war, much later. Therefore, I believe that this massacre cannot be called a great war, it is indecent. A carnage is never great."
Bulat Okudzhava

How senseless everything that is written, done and rethought by people, if such things are possible in the world!

Something in us does not allow us to see the full picture of the world!

To what extent our thousand-year-old civilization is false and worthless, if it could not even prevent these flows of blood, if it allowed hundreds of thousands of such dungeons to exist in the world.

Only in the infirmary you see with your own eyes what war is.
EM. Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front

I want to live without wars. I want to know that the cannons around the world have somehow turned to rust overnight, that the bacteria in the shells of the bombs have become harmless, that the tanks have fallen through the highway and, like prehistoric monsters, lie in pits filled with asphalt.
Here is my wish.
Ray Bradbury, Rust

I called my grandson from the yard to the open window.
- What is your game?
— In submarine warfare.

— To the war? Why do you need a war?

- Listen, commander:
The people do not need war. Play better in the world.

He left after taking advice. Then he came again
And quietly asks: - Grandfather, how to play in the world?

Catching the news that broadcast the ether in the morning,
I thought: it's time to stop playing with the war,
So that the children learn to play in the world!

Can anything be more absurd than the fact that such and such a person has the right to kill me because he lives on the other side of the river or the sea and because his government is at odds with mine, although I have no quarrel with him.

And the world passes, and its desires, and the one who does the will of God will live forever.
John the Evangelist
To have a soft heart in today's world is courage, not weakness.
Michel Mercier

War is murder. And no matter how many people come together to commit murder, and no matter how they call themselves, murder is still the worst sin in the world.

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The war will last as long as people have the stupidity to be surprised and help those who kill them by the thousands.

War turns people born to live as brothers into wild beasts.

They will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into sickles; the people will not raise the sword against the people and will no longer learn to fight. Isaiah
The inscription on the wall at the UN building in New York

Over the 6 thousand years of the existence of civilization in different parts of our planet, more than 15 thousand wars have taken place, in which direct losses are likely to be about 3.5 billion people. In its entire history, mankind has lived in the world for only 300 years.
During the period from 1945 to the present day, the guns were silent on Earth for only 26 days.

One of the American astronauts said: each of us flies into space as a patriot of his country, and arrives as a patriot of the Earth. Our planet. And you can't say better.

Looking at the Earth from above, you feel our planet as a single, living being. Which hurts from fires, destruction, earthquakes. Wars. And you understand that humanity must unite in the name of the future. Sooner or later. Better earlier.

It was and remains an honor for me to refuse military service. I have discovered that the real enemy is not the one you point the gun at, but those behind and above you who demand that you pull the trigger.

War is not an adventure. War is a disease. Like typhoid.

Man dominates man to his detriment

War is the rich people's way of protecting their interests by sending the children of the middle and poor classes to their deaths.

Peace is more than the absence of war.
Peace is unity and harmony. This is harmony.

Do you know that over the past 3500 years the civilized world has lived without wars for only 230 years?
He said:
- Tell me these 230 years, then I will believe you.
I can't name it, but I know it's true.
“And what civilized world are you talking about!”
Jonathan Safran Foer

War is the most terrible thing. People of one belief fight for their beliefs with people of other beliefs.

To be created to create, to love and win is to be created to live in the world. But war teaches everything to lose and become what we were not.

The real victories are the victories of peace, not of war.

Only in a world free from war, for the first time in the history of mankind, will it be possible to fully use the knowledge and work of people to meet their needs.

War is a political cancer that eats away at the body of the most powerful states.

The worse a person thinks about the world around him, the worse this world becomes for him.

The war has eaten away my soul.
For someone else's interest
I shot a body close to me
And he climbed on his brother with his chest.
Sergei Yesenin "Anna Snegina"

There are people who consider it fair to destroy objectionable,
to make the world a better place... their world...

All military propaganda, all cries, lies and hatred, always come from people who will not go to this war.

Cruel age. The world is conquered by guns and bombers, humanity - by concentration camps and pogroms. We live in times when everything has turned upside down... The aggressors are now considered the defenders of the world, and those who are persecuted and persecuted are the enemies of the world. And there are entire nations who believe this!

The world continues to waste trillions on useless military spending. How is it that it is easier to find money to destroy people and the planet than to protect them?

We live in strange times; the war has moved to a new space. The battlefield has become the media, and in this new conflict it is difficult to separate Good from Evil.

It is difficult to understand who is good and who is evil: it is worth switching to another channel, and the opponents change places. Television brings envy into the world.

The enemy is not Ukraine, not Russia, not the USA and not the European Union. The enemy is the absence of love.

To teach people to love justice, it is necessary to show them the results of injustice.

An ingenious invention in the form of military awards. This ancient trick allows any power to make a very profitable exchange. A person gives the regime hearing, sight, years and limbs, and in return receives ... a shiny plaque. As a rule, the victim of such fraud is very glad that he was fooled, and is proud of the symbol of his stupidity.

The progress of civilization cannot be denied - in each new war we are killed in a new way.

The old people declare war, and the young go to die.
(Herbert Hoover)

The most dangerous type of mass epidemic is not plague or cholera, but psychosis, covering entire sections of the population. Remember Danish crusade. Or a medieval witch hunt. And what is war if not a mental illness that affects entire countries, and even continents?
Boris Akunin

Sayings and aphorisms about the world and life

The whole vast world around me, above me and below me is full of unknown secrets. And I will open them all my life, because this is the most interesting, most exciting activity in the world.
Vitaly Bianchi

And the world a person is illumined by his own, inner Light. The world around us is the way we make it. Man is a kind of lamp. His inner Light, his love and true goodness is the power that illuminates the world around him. And around each of us there is always exactly as much Light as we gave it away.
Angel de Coitet
The main thing I would like to be sure of is that in our world above talent, above energy, concentration, purposefulness and everything else, there is kindness. The more kindness and cheerfulness in the world, the better this world is.
Stephen Fry
"Return your sword to its place, because all who take the sword will die by the sword"
Jesus Christ

Light is in man. And the surrounding world of a person is illuminated by his own, inner Light. The world around us is the way we make it. Man is a kind of lamp. His inner Light, his love and true goodness is the power that illuminates the world around him. And around each of us there is always exactly as much Light as we gave it away. The more you open up, the brighter it becomes around you.
Angel de Coitet

Every morning when we wake up, we have twenty-four brand new hours to live. What a precious gift! We have the potential to live this day in such a way that these twenty-four hours will bring peace, joy and happiness to us and others.

I am here on this planet. And at this moment I look at the delightful stars that, with their twinkling, want to tell us so much. I look at this beautiful night that knows so many of our secrets. And if you look closely, you can see how miracles begin to make their way into every home and in the morning become part of the life of those who believe in them. And I see how the flowers enjoy their short moments. Oh, God, what a wonderful life you have made for them!.. Oh, how beautiful this night is... So much so that you want to shout “thank you” and that these echoes touch all the worlds!
From the Internet

I'll say this, amigo - build your house, give birth to your son, water your tree ...
And you will be happy. And a good name. And there will be no war.

The world looks amazing in the eyes of amazing people.

Know how to take the position of another person and understand what he needs, and not you. Whoever manages to do this will have the whole world.

People were made to be loved, and things were made to be used. The world is in chaos because everything is the opposite.

We live in an incredible, fantastic world, but we do not notice it.

And no matter what language you write in, no matter what you do as an artist and as a person in your life, they can take your body, like some kind of thing, and dispose of it as they please.
Emir Kusturica

You change yourself, the outside world changes with you - there are no other changes.
Kobo Abe

Don't rely too much on anyone in this world, because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in the dark.

Oh, if only you were attentive to my commandments! Then your peace would become like a river and your righteousness like the waves of the sea. Your offspring would become as numerous as sand, and the descendants descended from you would be like grains of sand.

A person notices in the world only what he already carries in himself.

Nothing lasts forever in our sinful world, not even our troubles.

All this hatred in our world is terrible. Forget the nations, forget the colors, forget the different religions. We are all humans. The only thing that makes one of us better than another is good deeds.

A person is obliged to develop in himself an aversion to any military action and to realize that all people are brothers and must live in peace and unity, working for the common good and prosperity.

Happy are the living, those who truly live, who carry in themselves a grain of hope, from which a whole world will grow - a world of hope, new world which will be better than before.

The house is not objects worth several thousand dollars and not the delights of modern designers, but cozy little things, the voices of children, the smell of homemade food, toys scattered on the floor, bookshelf and just feeling your own cozy little world...

They tell me that I want to turn the world upside down with my statements. But would it be bad to turn the upside down world?

The modern world saves a person from the need to think. Our eyes are replaced by education, thoughts - rules, our own opinion - stereotypes, desires - commercials. Everything has already been invented, fixed, laid out in its place ... Do not think, but listen, look and remember. You've already been taken care of. Wash your hair with this shampoo, sleep in these beds, wear these jeans. Yes, of course, you have the right to choose, but what is it for? While you choose, reflect, analyze, time will pass. Here also do not hammer a head any nonsense. Live comfortably, let your every day be a holiday of unlimited consumption.

It has been noticed: what color are the words we utter, what color is the world around us ...

Sincerity is always attractive. Whenever we meet it in someone, it captures our heart. The only pity is that in our world it resides more in children. Sincerity is rare in adult society. However, like everything real, genuine.

The world is big enough to satisfy the needs of any person, but too small to satisfy human greed.

In any gloomy or tragic moments of life, one should not forget the most important thing: the joy that you are still alive, that you can help someone, bringing an atmosphere of peace and protection through yourself. Only a joyful person sees clearly and can act to the full extent of things.

Peace is the highest good that people desire in this world.
Miguel Cervantes

Who contemplated the greatness of nature, he himself strives for perfection and harmony. Our inner world should be similar to this pattern. AT clean atmosphere all is clear.
Honore de Balzac

If you are able to see the beautiful, it is only because you carry the beautiful within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees his own reflection.

Happy is he who can see the beauty in ordinary things where others can't see! Everything is beautiful, you just need to be able to look closely.
Camille Pissarro

The world always looks a little brighter if we do something for each other and not for ourselves.
Charles de Lint

If peace is not established between the great, so-called civilizations, nations, then it can be assumed without exaggeration that the same fate will befall everyone and every country participating in the war will sink into eternity ...

When you want to break out of the system,
Then you will understand how many chains are in it:
Built stereotyped walls,
Puppets are made from people.

Success at any cost is the "meaning of life"
They made love a trademark.
To get sick, to give birth, and it is dangerous to walk:
Blood is shed daily for money.

What to do? Clubs, sex, partying and shopping -
Culture gives us such outlets.
Outside - bright, but in the soul - darkness.
This is how the people of the Earth live now.
But there are still people in this world,
who are able to support
They live according to Conscience and believe: the sun will come!
And morality seeks to revive.

They broke the strings of the system
And learn to love this whole world,
Help each other with advice
And live together, harmoniously, honestly!
Elena Smolitskaya

I am desperate because people in this world lack empathy, love, common sense. Because someone can easily talk about the possibility of dropping nuclear bomb, not to mention giving the order to drop it. Because we, who are not indifferent, are only a handful. Because there is so much cruelty, suspicion and malice in the world. Because big money can turn an absolutely normal young man into a vicious and cruel criminal.
John Fowles

Nowhere in the world will we find a country that is foreign to us; from everywhere you can equally raise your eyes to the sky.

One who has achieved inner peace and tranquility finds peace and tranquility everywhere.

In a world full of worries and doubts
only the one who knows how to love is happy.
You can live without clothes and money
but without love it is impossible to live!

I believe in man, I believe in humanity. This is the worst and best thing that has happened to this world.


The world is full good people. If you can't find one around you, then be one yourself.
If you want to live in a clean and beautiful world, then start with yourself.

In this world, tired of falsehood, only love inspires to live, be filled with love, and then try not to kill it ...
You will not find anything in the world around you that is not in your soul. The more love, wisdom, beauty, kindness you discover in yourself, the more you will notice them in people and in the world around you...

Stay calm. With calmness comes awareness and peace. With peace comes joy. Happiness comes with joy.

The main thing that life teaches a person is not that there is suffering in the world, but that it depends on him whether he turns suffering to his own good, whether he turns it into joy.
Rabindranath Tagore

The best idea in the world won't do you any good if you don't act on it. People who want milk should not sit on a chair in the middle of a field hoping that the cow will come back to them.

If you yourself do not value yourself highly, the world will not offer you a penny more.
Sonya Henie

Doing good is like breathing air
A need given to people by God.
Warm the world with the rays of the heart,
And to give, and not to consider that he gave a lot ...
From Inet.

Change the world with a smile, but don't let the world change your smile!

You feel like if you can't see something, it doesn't exist. No, you just do not notice in the world what is not inside you. Evil person sees no good. To the greedy, everyone seems greedy; To the one who loves, the world seems to be filled with love, and to the one who hates, it seems to be filled with hatred. The more love, wisdom, beauty, kindness you discover in yourself, the more you will notice them in the world around you.

It is foolish to hope to accomplish something global, for example, to establish world peace, to arrange happiness for everyone, but everyone can do some small deed, thanks to which the world will become at least a little better ...

Remember that even though it is raining in the outside world, if you keep smiling, the sun will show its face and smile back at you.
Anna Lee
The more love, wisdom, beauty, kindness you discover in yourself, the more you will notice them in the world around you...

A person with a pure heart sees purity in everything. After all, the outside world is just a reflection of your heart. If you fill it with love, you will feel love everywhere...

Living in the world without trying to understand its meaning is like walking around a huge library and not touching the books.

They assure us that the further the world is, the more it unites, is formed into fraternal communion, by the fact that it shortens distances, transmits thoughts through the air.
Alas, do not believe such a unity of people.
Understanding freedom as an increase and quick satisfaction of needs, they distort their nature, because they give rise to many senseless and stupid desires, habits and the most absurd inventions. They live only for envy of each other, for carnal pleasure and swagger.
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, 1880

What makes us rich in this world is not what we get, but what we give.

The more I watch the world, the less I like it. Every day confirms to me the imperfection of human nature and the impossibility of relying on seeming decency and common sense.
Jane Austen "Pride and Prejudice"

Turn away from evil and do good, seek peace and strive for it.

We humans cannot on your own to accomplish something global, for example, to establish peace in the world, to arrange happiness for everyone, but everyone can do some small deed, thanks to which the world will become at least a little better.

When I open my eyes in the morning, I want to see a more perfect world, a world of love and friendliness, and this alone can make my day beautiful and worthy of being.

Everyone in the world is looking for happiness. There is a sure way to find it - control your thoughts. Happiness does not depend on external circumstances, but from the internal state. It doesn't depend on where you are or what you do, but what you think about it.

There is no better feeling in the world than the feeling that you have done at least a drop of good for people.
L. N. Tolstoy

If you want the world to change, become that change yourself.

There are too many people in the world who have not been helped to wake up.
Antoine de Saint-Exepuri

I want to continue to live in a world where loyalty still exists, and vows of love are given forever ...

Peace to those who are not afraid of a dazzling dream,
For him, delight lurks, for him flowers bloom!
K. Balmont

God has always sought to unite mankind, and mankind has always sought to separate

Peace is the highest good that people desire in this life.

“I began to understand what people are capable of. Any, past the war and who did not understand that people do evil, just as a bee produces honey, is either blind or out of his mind.

(William Golding. Quoted from the book: Golding, William // Laureates Nobel Prize: Encyclopedia)

"If everyone fought only according to their convictions, there would be no war."

(Leo Tolstoy. War and Peace)

“Is there no God? - No, my friend. Of course not. If he were, would he allow what I saw with my own eyes?

(Ernest Hemingway. For whom the bell tolls)

"Anyone standing by state power, is obliged to avoid war in the same way as the captain of a ship avoids a shipwreck.

"War is barbarism when a peaceful neighbor is attacked, but it is a sacred duty when one defends one's homeland."

(Guy De Maupassant. Complete Works)

“Franco bombs Barcelona because, according to him, the monks were brutally exterminated in Barcelona. Consequently, Franco defends Christian values. But a Christian, in the name of Christian values, stands in a bombed-out Barcelona by a fire in which women and children are burning. And he refuses to understand. Meaning of life".

(Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Who are you, soldier)

“Of all the monstrously insane phenomena of the past, the war was without a doubt the most insane. Perhaps, in reality, it did less harm than such a less visible evil as the universal recognition of private ownership of land, but the destructive consequences of the war were so obvious that even in that deaf and Time of Troubles. The wars of that time were completely meaningless. Except for the mass of dead and crippled, except for the destruction of enormous material wealth and the waste of countless units of energy, wars did not bring any results. The ancient wars of savage, barbarian tribes at least changed mankind; some tribe considered itself physically stronger and more organized, proved this to its neighbors and, if successful, took away their lands and women and thus consolidated and extended its power. The new war did not change anything except the colors on geographical maps, drawings of postage stamps and relationships between a few, randomly put forward personalities.

(HG Wells. In the days of the comet)

“Permanent peace would be the same as permanent war. War is peace."

(George Orwell. 1984)

“War is not just about who shoots who. War is about who changes their minds."

(Boris Lvovich Vasiliev. And the dawns here are quiet...)

“I quickly became disillusioned with military affairs. My brothers in arms zealously polished their boots and took part in the exercises with great enthusiasm. I didn't see any point in it. They just made fresh cannon fodder out of us.”

(Charles Bukowski. Bread with ham)

"When a war breaks out, people usually say, 'Well, this can't last, it's too stupid.' And indeed, the war is really too stupid, which, however, does not prevent it from lasting for a long time.

(Albert Camus. Plague)

"Ever since the earth revolves around the sun, as long as there is cold and heat, storm and sunlight Until then, there will be struggle. Including among people and nations. If people stayed to live in paradise, they would rot. Humanity has become what it is through struggle. War is a natural and common thing. War goes on all the time and everywhere. It has no beginning, no end. War is life itself. War is the starting point."

(Adolf Hitler. My struggle)

“Oh, human shame! Consent reigns

Among the damned demons, but a man, -

A creature possessing consciousness, - Repairs discord with those like itself; Although he has the right to hope for the mercy of Heaven and knows the covenant of the Lord: to keep eternal peace, - He lives in hatred and enmity, The tribes devastate the Earth With ruthless wars, bringing destruction to each other.

(John Milton. Paradise Lost)

“War is a psychosis generated by someone's inability to see the relationship of things. Our relationship with our neighbors. With economy, history. But above all - with nothing. With death."

(John Fowles. Magus)

“War and love, on Earth, are the two main trade items. Since time immemorial, we have been releasing them in huge batches.”

(Robert Sheckley. Pilgrimage to Earth)

"Anyone who has ever looked into the glassy eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think twice before starting a war."

(Otto von Bismarck, speech, August 1867, Berlin)

"War is a calamity and a crime that contains all calamities and all crimes."

(Voltaire. Quoted from the book: Kuznetsov V. N. Francois Marie Voltaire)

“We justify by necessity everything that we ourselves do. When we bomb cities, it is a strategic necessity, but when our cities are bombed, it is a heinous crime.”

(Erich Maria Remarque. Time to live and time to die)

(Nikolai Alekseevich Ostrovsky. How steel was tempered)

“War, Your Grace, is an empty game.

Today - luck, and tomorrow - a hole ... ".

(Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky. Letter to General Z)

"History teaches that wars start when governments consider that the price of aggression is small."

(Ronald Reagan)

“Perhaps the only reason wars arise again and again is that one can never fully feel how the other suffers.”

(Erich Maria Remarque. Return)

“You never win a war, Charlie. Everyone only does what they lose, and whoever loses last asks for peace.

(Ray Bradbury. Dandelion Wine)

“Only a few whose vile well-being depends on people's grief make wars."

(Erasmus of Rotterdam. Quoted from the book: Aphorisms. The Golden Fund of Wisdom. Eremishin O.)

"War is not real feat, war is a surrogate for heroism. At the heart of a feat is the richness of the connections that it creates, the tasks that it sets, the accomplishments that it encourages. simple game heads or tails will not turn into a feat, even if the stake in it is life or death. War is not a feat. War is a disease. Like typhoid."

(Antoine Saint-Exupery. Military pilot)

"The old people declare war, and the young go to die."

(Herbert Hoover)

"War is a test of all the economic and organizational forces of every nation."

(Vladimir Lenin)

Quotes about the Great Patriotic War

Dear Colleagues!

In less than a month we will celebrate one of the main holidays of our country - MAY 9th. It is still one of the spiritual bonds for society and for the country as a whole.

I know from my own experience how difficult it is sometimes to quickly find the right quote for an exhibition or speech or message. I bring to your attention a selection of quotes about the Great Patriotic War, which includes both poetic and prose quotes. I hope they will help you in preparing exhibitions and events for the holiday date - MAY 9th. Previously, there was a similar selection of quotes about the Battle of Stalingrad.

No government could have resisted such terrible cruel wounds that Hitler inflicted on Russia. But Soviet Russia not only withstood and recovered from these wounds, but also dealt a blow to the German army with such power that no other army in the world could inflict on it ...

Winston Churchill

In the first months of the war, German soldiers in their helmets, green overcoats, with their machine guns, tanks, dominance in the sky inspired fear. They seemed irresistible. The retreat was largely due to this feeling. They had the superiority of weapons, but also the halo of a professional warrior. We, the militias, looked pathetic: blue cavalry breeches, instead of boots - boots and windings. The overcoat is not tall, there is a cap on the head ...

Three weeks passed, a month, and everything began to change. We saw that our shells and bullets were also destroying the enemy, and that the wounded Germans were also screaming and dying. Finally we saw the Germans retreat. There were such first private, small fights when they fled. It was a discovery. We learned from the prisoners that, it turns out, we - the militia, in our ridiculous riding breeches, also inspired fear. The steadfastness of the militias, their fury stopped the rapid advance on the Luga line. The German units are stuck here. The depression from the first staggering blows was gone. We are no longer afraid.

During the blockade, military prowess equalized. Our soldiers, hungry, poorly provided with shells, held their positions for all 900 days, against a well-fed, well-armed enemy, by virtue of their superior spirit.

Daniil Granin

Do we have the right to forget what peace and freedom cost us? Wouldn't such oblivion be a betrayal before the memory of fallen soldiers, before the grief of inconsolable mothers, lonely widows, orphaned children? This must not be forgotten in the name of our stubborn struggle for peace, which is unthinkable without the bitter memory of the disasters of the past war.

S.S. Smirnov "Brest Fortress"

It is known that the British lose every battle except the last one. This saying speaks of the stability of the country. We were also losing the war, according to all calculations, the Germans had to fulfill the Barbarossa plan, reach the Urals. In military terms, they were stronger than us in all respects. It's really unclear why they lost. We won because we fought against the invaders, our war was a just war, from the very first day we knew that we would win. Moral superiority was more important than aviation superiority.

Daniil Granin

I will take this opportunity to repeat tomorrow in the House of Commons what I said earlier, that it is the Russian army that has drained the guts of the German war machine and is currently holding back on its front incomparably most enemy forces

letter to I. Stalin on September 27, 1944, “Correspondence of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR with the Presidents of the United States and the Prime Ministers of Great Britain during the Great Patriotic War 1941−1945" M., 1967. T. 1. S. 260

Winston Churchill

On the European front, the most important event The past year, no doubt, was the crushing counter-offensive of the great Russian army against the powerful German grouping. Russian troops have destroyed - and continue to destroy - more manpower, aircraft, tanks and guns of our common enemy than all the rest of the United Nations put together.

Franklin Roosevelt

Under the leadership of Marshal Joseph Stalin, the Russian people showed such an example of love for the motherland, firmness of spirit and self-sacrifice that the world has not yet known. After the war, our country will always be happy to maintain relations of good neighborliness and sincere friendship with Russia, whose people, saving themselves, help to save the whole world from the Nazi threat.

Franklin Roosevelt

In all my work, the most precious thing is what is dedicated to our Victory. In the 70s, the director Carmen invited me to voice the 20-episode documentary film "The Great Patriotic War", where for the first time the true figures of our terrible losses were heard. Remember close-up of people different ages who went to the front from besieged Leningrad, and the words: “Look at these faces. Remember them. None of these people will come back alive…” I started voicing and… couldn’t hold back my tears. I had to stop. Only after a week I learned to cope with a lump in my throat and rising tears.

Vasily Lanovoy


I know it's not my fault

The fact that others did not come from the war,

The fact that they - who is older, who is younger -

Stayed there, and it's not about the same thing,

That I could, but could not save, -

It's not about that, but still, still, still ...

A. T. Tvardovsky

Crossing, crossing!

The guns are firing in pitch darkness.

The fight is holy and right.

Mortal combat is not for glory,

For life on earth.

A. T. Tvardovsky

Yes, you can survive in the heat, in a thunderstorm, in frost,

Yes, you can be hungry and cold

Go to death ... But these three birches

You can't give it to anyone while you're alive.

K. M. Simonov

Only the nation that honors its heroes can be considered great. (Rokossovsky)

Victory! This is the greatest happiness for a soldier - the realization that you helped your people defeat the enemy, defend the freedom of the Motherland, restore peace to it. The consciousness that you have fulfilled your duty as a soldier, a heavy and noble duty, higher than which there is nothing on earth!


No country, no people anti-Hitler coalition did not suffer such heavy losses as the Soviet Union, and no one exerted so much strength to defeat the enemy that threatened all of humanity. Not a single bomb was dropped on American soil.

G. K. Zhukov

Time has no power over the greatness of everything that we experienced during the war. And the people, which once survived great trials, will continue to draw strength from this victory.

G. K. Zhukov

After Stalingrad, the army became like a hardened blade, capable of crushing any force. The battle on the Kursk salient confirmed this perfectly.

G. K. Zhukov

The war demanded many sacrifices from all the peoples of the world. I am happy that I was born a Russian person. And he shared with his people in the last war the bitterness of many losses and the happiness of Victory.


The greatness of the feat near Moscow lies in the fact that we did not outnumber the Germans by force ... Now it's hard to believe, but at the end of the fighting near Moscow, the rate of shells was set: one or two shots per gun per day.

G. K. Zhukov

I believe that the youth made the main sacrifice in the war. How many wonderful young people we have lost. How many mothers did not wait for children from the war!

Marshal G. Zhukov

The hero is the one who died smartly and bravely, bringing the hour of victory closer. But twice the hero is the one who managed to defeat the enemy and survived. (V. I. Chuikov)

And Russia - dear mother -

Honor all will give in full.

Another fight, another time

Life is one and death is one.

A. T. Tvardovsky

The truth is that, despite the hardest trials, we won. (A. Chakovsky)

Like a child born in labors, -

There will be twice the road

Us the land liberated

From a sworn enemy. (S. Ya. Marshak)

Let the living remember

and let generations know

This harsh truth of the soldiers, taken with battle.

And your crutches, and a mortal wound through

And graves over the Volga,

Where thousands of young lie...

S. Gudzenko


As long as hearts are beating


At what price is happiness won, -

Please remember!

R. Rozhdestvensky

forties fatal,

Lead, gunpowder...

War walks across Russia...

D. Samoilov

In Europe, journalists said to my face: “What are you doing in Russia with your Victory? We already forgot." I asked them: “How many days did your countries resist Hitler?” They are silent. Then I continued: “Poland was conquered in 28 days, and in the same 28 days in Stalingrad, the Germans were able to capture only a few houses. Denmark lasted exactly one day. And the whole of Europe submitted in three months. And our soldiers had to free her. And at what cost! A million lives of Soviet soldiers who gave up for the liberation of Europeans from fascism. But Europe chose to forget about it!

Vasily Lanovoy

Now many want to belittle the importance of our country in the defeat of fascism. It's fine if Western ideologists do it, but it's disgusting to see how our homegrown toadies sing along with them for opportunistic reasons. These people encroach on the sacred.

Vasily Lanovoy

Blooming May! Such as in the forty-fifth ...

Holy Ninth!

I bow down low to the waist to the soldiers,

That they brought us Victory a long time ago.

And on Victory Day I'm ready to hug

All veterans! God, let them live!

Let's not forget their feat, and again

We will thank them for life!

War, it is war...

And those who are scorched by the fierce breath,

That bitter cup that is drunk to the bottom,

Not even sweeter... with festive fireworks.

War, it is - war ...

And to this day, the old wounds ache.

And yet - put on the orders!

And Happy Victory Day, veterans!

For the ninth number, let's drink to all hell out of spite !!! For the victory in this world and for the tank - T-34, FOR "Katyusha", FOR a soldier ... let's drink standing up, guys!!! Let's say THANKS to grandfather for the Great Victory!!!

We are RUSSIAN and let the enemy remember forever that only then do we kneel when we kiss the RUSSIAN flag!

Thanks to grandfather for the Victory, for every house that stood, for the clear sky, for the faith, for the fact that we now live!

I don’t know why, it’s somewhere inside me, but for some reason I cry on Victory Day. This is really a holiday for me with tears in my eyes. Especially when I hear the song "Victory Day". But at the same time, the mood is still festive. Probably the tears of memory are combined with pride for their people and joy from a difficult, but still Victory.

There are almost none left - WAR VETERANS ...

That distant and strong SOVIET COUNTRY ...

But burst into their youth... Without asking the war...

Who reached the Victory ... Well, someone left names at the graves ...

How they defeated the enemy, they themselves knew GOD ...

Boots trampled kilometers of roads ...

And believe me, more than once, death looked in the face ...

And in the hand the ring froze from the grenade ...

We know firsthand about that terrible misfortune ...

From fathers and grandfathers about the great war ...

You are all in the memory of our WAR VETERANS ...

That distant and strong... that SOVIET country...

Let's quietly bow our heads... Just keep quiet...

Thank you for the VICTORY, you loved ones, relatives ...

Shcherblyuk Ludmila


Victory Day! He froze on the ships

He raised an eternal flame over the cup

It rumbles and beats in people's hearts,

Scorches us with a song, rings in verses,

Blazes with posters, flowers.

(E. Asadov)

Victory! Victory!

In the name of the motherland - victory!

Eternity puts them at the head ...

In the name of the living - victory

In the name of the future - victory!

(R. Rozhdestvensky)

Not all soldiers will meet the day of victory

Not everyone can come to the parade.

Soldiers are mortal:

Feats are immortal.

The courage of the soldiers does not die.

(B. Serman)

"I am equal among equals with you

I became a stone, but I live

You, who gave me centuries,

Don't forget for an hour

That I look at you from a stone.

(M. Maksimov)

“The second front was opened by a Russian woman. In 1941, when she took on all this male, backbreaking work, when the front, the army, the war leaned on her with their might. Well, I'm not talking about the feat of the same Russian woman after the war, the hearth is homely, warmly homely, the song - all this was warm. And a new generation grew up primarily around women. This must never be forgotten. And, of course, a Russian woman, a Russian woman, is worthier than the greatest monuments.”

(F. Abramov)

We are soldiers

And this is our glory

Those who died and returned

We ourselves must tell by right

About our generation of soldiers.

(N. Starshinov)

Farewell! Over time together

Rolling over the last wave

We leave on the path of honor

Dear those who came from the war.

We are leaving ... Over our daily bread -

Great Victory crown

Let's go saluting the living

Breaking our hearts.

(M. Dudin)

Soldiers in the trenches

And fell in mortal combat

But they did not spare their lives

For your bitter land.

R. Rozhdestvensky

They say posthumously

Our bodies will become earth.

I'm ready to believe

In this simple rumor.

Let me become a particle

Land reclaimed in battle

The land on which

Now I live with all my heart.

(R. Gamzatov)

And I, until death extinguished

In my eyes the last star -

I am your soldier, waiting for your orders.

Lead me, Great Russia,

For labor. To death, to a feat - I'm going!

(N. Gribachev)

What to do. Memory is to blame.

Like a bayonet she scratched,

That on such a day a long time ago

(Do not get rid of this date from the heart!)

The war rose in black smoke.

(E. Asadov)

For the rest of my life

We have enough deeds and glory,

Victory under the bloody enemy

For the rest of my life.

(from song)

O my generation! We walked with you

For the happiness of the earth through the smoke and troubles,

Scarlet dawn spots on the dry land

Like a memory of the heavy price of victory.

(E. Asadov)

…I know,

How clay smells in the trenches,

I heard,

I walked from the Volga itself

to Berlin


his motherland

(V. Poltoratsky)

I don't need to worry

So that that war is not forgotten,

After all, this memory is our conscience,

She's like a force we need

Y. Voronov

Do not forget, do not forget us, soldiers,

Those who were buried by the war ...

Dates are still being answered

To their immortal names

(I. Rzhavsky)


Thanks to everyone who gave their lives

For native Russia, for freedom,

Who forgot fear and fought,

Serving the people you love.

Thank you,

Your deed is eternal

As long as my country is alive

You are in our souls

In our heart

Heroes will not be forgotten, Never!

Come on, the ninth, let's remember them,

Who is no longer alive today ...

Who never returned in forty-five,

Remaining in our memory as a soldier ...

And those who returned, but soon left -

In the light of that refuge I found ...

Blame it all - a brutal war,

Giving posthumous orders,

Wounded souls and bodies,

Brought so much evil to the living !!!

Defenders! We will honor you sacredly

And keep those terrible years in memory,

In war, for the most part, prudence and abundance win.


* * *

There are no winners in a war, only losers.

Arthur Neville Chamberlain

* * *

There will be no veterans of the third world.

Walter Mondale

* * *

In peacetime, sons bury their fathers; in wartime, fathers bury their sons.

* * *

At the present historical moment, for the first time, the prospect of a more fulfilling life and fewer hardships has opened up before the broad working masses of all countries. Science stands ready to give millions and tens of millions of people an abundance such as they have not yet known... Are all these hopes, prospects, all these secrets, wrested from nature by the genius of man, destined to turn to his own death at the hands of tyranny, aggression and war? Or are they destined to bring more freedom and lasting peace? Never before has the choice between a blessing and a curse been faced by humanity in such a simple, visual and even rude form. The choice is open. The scales vibrate menacingly.

* * *

In a certain country, the sovereign and his advisers were obliged during the war to sleep on a barrel of gunpowder. And, moreover, in separate chambers of the castle, where everyone could look in order to make sure that the night light was always on there. The barrel was not only sealed with the seal of the people's representatives, but also fastened to the floor with straps, also properly sealed. Every morning and evening the seals were inspected. It is said that since that time the wars in this country have completely ceased.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

* * *

The possibility of unleashing another war will remain until the last Ministry of Defense is liquidated.

S. Yankovsky

* * *

A warrior must always remember - day and night, from the very day when he picks up chopsticks, being in anticipation of the New Year's meal, until the last night of the outgoing year, when he pays the remaining debts - remember that he must die.

Yuzan Daidoji

* * *

The war will last as long as people have the stupidity to be surprised and help those who kill by the thousands.

* * *

War will be repeated as long as it is not decided by those who die on the battlefields.

Henri Barbusse

* * *

The war would have been a picnic if not for lice and dysentery.

Margaret Mitchell

* * *

War is barbarism when a peaceful neighbor is attacked, but it is a sacred duty when one defends one's homeland.

Guy de Maupassant

* * *

War is the greatest calamity that can cause suffering to mankind; it destroys religion, states, families. Any disaster is preferable to her.

* * *

War equally imposes tribute on both men and women, but only takes blood from some, tears from others.

William Thackeray

* * *

War has always been a direct means for the external and an indirect means for the internal unification of mankind. Reason forbids throwing this weapon while it is needed, but conscience obliges us to try so that it is no longer needed.

V. Solovyov

* * *

War is just a cowardly escape from the problems of peacetime.

* * *

War is the universal forced surrender of blood and the spirit of hatred.

V. Kanivets

* * *

A war, even the longest, only exacerbates the problems that started it, and their solution remains temporary, coming after the conclusion of peace.

Ivo Andric

* * *

War is such a crazy thing that poets rightly consider it the offspring of furies.

* * *

War is a discussion with weapons in hand.

Y. Rybnikov

* * *

War for peoples is tears and blood, it is widows and homeless people, it is a scattered nest, lost youth and offended old age ...

I. Ehrenburg

* * *

War is a test of all the economic and organizational forces of every nation.

* * *

War is one of the greatest blasphemy against man and nature.

V. Mayakovsky

* * *

War is the continuation of politics by other means.

Carl Clausewitz

* * *

War is not only a shock, but also a spiritual test and a spiritual judgment.

I. Ilyin

* * *

War ends only when no one is left alive.


* * *

War is evil; it is carried on with the help of great injustices and violence, but for honest people and in war there are certain laws. It is impossible to pursue victory if the benefits that it gives are acquired through baseness and crime. A great commander should wage war, relying on his own courage, and not on treachery on the part of others.

* * *

The war is rooted in hostility, originates in family and neighborly strife - whoever is not given to live and work from the heart, does not like the work and peace of others.

Juan Ramon Jimenez

* * *

War, which has always been a crime against humanity, is now also madness.

John Desmond Bernal

* * *

War may have good results among savages, facilitating the selection of the strongest and most steadfast, but on civilized peoples its influence is usually the most pernicious: it leads to the mutual extermination of the best and most brave.

Alfred Foulier

* * *

The war is so monstrous that over time, everyone who managed to survive it becomes a hero.

G. Alexandrov

* * *

War brings death to millions in order to improve the lives of millionaires.

Leonid S. Sukhorukoe

* * *

War cannot be just, because it is impossible to fight justly, even if you are fighting for justice.

Tadeusz Kotarbinski

* * *

War is not an adventure. War is a disease. Like typhoid.

* * *

War... I consider it disgusting, but even more disgusting to me are those who sing of it without participating in it.

* * *

There will definitely be a war. Always. It doesn't happen that she doesn't exist. Even if it seems that it is not there, it is still there. People in their hearts love to kill each other. And they kill as long as they have enough strength. Forces come to an end - they have a rest a little. And then they start killing again. That's the way it is. Nobody can be trusted. And that will never change. And there's nothing you can do about it. If you don't like it, all you have to do is run away to another world.

Haruki Murakami

* * *

War is the exercise of natural law, which the strongest uses to dominate the weakest.

* * *

War feeds on money, war rejoices in blood - so it was before us.

Danilo Tuptalo

* * *

War turns into wild beasts people born to live as brothers.

* * *

War is above all a simple art, and it is all about execution.

* * *

War is a crime against humanity, where there are perpetrators and customers of the crime.

K. Kushner

* * *

War is always criminal. Always, at all times, there will be a place in it not only for heroism and self-sacrifice, but also for betrayal, meanness, stabs in the back. Otherwise, you simply cannot fight. Otherwise, you have already lost.

S. Lukyanenko

* * *

War is too serious a matter to be left to the military.

Charles Maurice Talleyrand

* * *

A war with its own hardships is better than a world in which nothing is visible but usurpation and injustice.

William Pitt Amherst

* * *

War is sheer atrocity... in war, people who are not guilty of anything to each other exterminate each other, being forcibly placed in a state of self-defense.

* * *

War has become a luxury that only small nations can afford.

Jeannette Rankin

* * *

The war, so much glorified by all, is waged by parasites, pimps, thieves, murderers, stupid dorks, unpaid debtors and the like scum of society, but by no means enlightened philosophers.

* * *

War is the same punishment for the one who performs it as for the one who suffers from it.

* * *

War is better the more evil it causes.

* * *

War is a wolf and it can come to your door too.

* * *

War is a kind of action, thanks to which people who do not know each other kill for the sake of glory and profit of people who know each other and do not kill each other.

Paul Valery

* * *

War is the fruit of the weakness and stupidity of peoples.

* * *

War is mostly a catalog of blunders.

* * *

War is a psychosis generated by someone's inability to see the relationship of things. Our relationship with our neighbors. With economy, history. But above all - with nothing. With death.

John Fowles

* * *

War is a series of catastrophes leading to victory.

Georges Clemenceau

* * *

War is a way of untying a political knot with teeth that defies language.

* * *

War is a traumatic epidemic.

N. Pirogov

* * *

War is misfortune on an enlarged scale.

Jeremy Bentham

* * *

War is an epidemic of deadly contagion. The fallen afflict their loved ones with inescapable grief of loss, widowhood and orphanhood. The survivors are infected by the war with incurable diseases: cruelty, cynicism, contempt for the value of human life.

E. Sevrus

* * *

War is a denial of truth and humanity. It's not just about killing people, because a person must die one way or another, but about the conscious and persistent spread of hatred and lies, which are gradually instilled in people.

* * *

War is distinguished not by the fact that a person is killed, but by the fact that he is killed, robbed, suppressed by cruelty, injustice, betrayal, the deadly hand of man.

William Ellery Channing

* * *

There will be wars as long as at least one person can earn on them.

Bertolt Brecht

* * *

Wars are always sacred to those who have to fight them. If those who stir up wars did not declare them sacred, what fool would go to war? But no matter what slogans the orators shout out, driving fools to the slaughter, no matter how noble goals set before them, the cause of wars is always the same. Money. All wars are basically fights over money. Only few understand it. Everyone is too deafened by the fanfares, drums and speeches of the tribunes sitting in the rear.

Margaret Mitchell

* * *

Wars and disasters take away different ways the best, the noblest, the bravest, the kindest, the most honest, it is they who sacrifice their lives and everything that is included in this concept - their property, spiritual or material. For the honest go to the front and live in death when everything is rejected or taken away. Then they are calm.

Juan Ramon Jimenez

Wars are started when they want, but they end when they can.

* * *

Wars start in people's minds.

From the preamble to the UNESCO Constitution

* * *

War cannot be avoided, it can only be delayed to the advantage of your opponent.

* * *

Wars are like litigation, where legal costs exceed the disputed amount.

* * *

An army of rams led by a lion will always triumph over an army of lions led by a ram.

* * *

All people are guilty before the mother who lost her son in the war, and in vain they try to justify themselves before her throughout the history of mankind.

V. Grossman

* * *

All mistakes in other areas can be corrected somehow, but mistakes in war are incorrigible, because they are punished immediately.

* * *

The whole world must go against every war!

Leonid S. Sukhorukoe

* * *

Every war is an abyss, because behind it there is always an abyss.

Leonid S. Sukhorukoe

* * *

All diplomacy is a continuation of the war by other means.

Zhou Enlai

* * *

Anyone who is in state power is obliged to avoid war, just as the captain of a ship avoids shipwreck.

Guy de Maupassant

* * *

Any uprising against foreign invaders is a legal matter and is the first duty of every people.


* * *

In the course of every arms race, there finally comes a psychological moment when war seems to be the only means of liberation from the unbearable expectation of catastrophe.

A. Kerensky

* * *

It is as impossible to win a war as it is impossible to win an earthquake.

Jeannette Rankin

* * *

Generals are always preparing for the last war.

* * *

It is much easier to win a war than a peace.

Georges Clemenceau

* * *

Woe to that statesman who does not bother to find a basis for war, which will still retain its significance after the war.

Otto von Bismarck

* * *

Even the happiest wars by no means lead to peace.

Paul Henri Holbach

* * *

Two horsemen, sitting on the same horse, are fighting with each other - a wonderful allegory of the state system!

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

* * *

Money is the nerve of war.

* * *

For most people, war means the end of loneliness. For me, she is the ultimate loneliness.

* * *

As long as at least one piece of Ukrainian territory is ruled by a foreigner, until then Ukrainians will go to war.

N. Mikhnovsky

* * *

If our soldiers understood why we are fighting, it would be impossible to wage a single war.

Frederick the Great

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If war is a game of politicians, then the voters in it are chips.

Leonid S. Sukhorukoe

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If we lose this war, I will start another under my wife's name.

Moshe Dayan

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There are just wars, but there are no just troops.

André Maltsom

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Not a single war has yet begun without hysterical cries for peace.

S. Yankovsky

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Sometimes one ruler attacks another out of fear that he will not attack him. Sometimes they start a war because the enemy is too strong, and sometimes because he is too weak, sometimes our neighbors want what we have, or have what we lack. Then the war begins and continues until they capture what they need or give what we need.

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The art of war is a science in which nothing succeeds except what has been calculated and thought out.

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History proves, unfortunately, that war is, in a certain sense, the normal state of mankind; that the blood of men must be shed all over the earth, and that peace is but a respite for any nation.

Joseph de Maistre

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No matter how terrible the war, it still reveals the spiritual greatness of a person who challenges his strongest hereditary enemy - death.

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As soon as people unite in society, they lose consciousness of their weakness - equality disappears, and war begins. Each separate society begins to realize its strength - hence the state of war between peoples ... Individuals in each society begin to feel their strength - hence the war between citizens.

Charles Louis de Montesquieu

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How is the world governed and wars flared up? Diplomats lie to journalists and believe their own lies when they read them in the papers.

Karl Kraus

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When nations fight among themselves, it is called war.

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When arrogance comes to states and peoples, then war follows on its heels.

Valery Babriy

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Anyone who has not been to the war has no right to talk about it.

Marlene Dietrich

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Whoever wants to live in peace must prepare for war.

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The fist law of our ancestors was far from being such a terrible thing as an idle mind tends to imagine: without examining the case, he takes the word of his predecessor and cheats from him ... In their opinion, the war was God's court or the highest decision for opponents who did not want to obey no other judge ... And it seemed to them more reasonable, fair and Christian that individual knights sought God's sentence with a sword or a spear, rather than a hundred thousand people praying to the Creator to take the side of the one who kills largest number enemies.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

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Either humanity will end war, or war will end humanity.

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Only those whose vile well-being depends on the people's grief make wars.

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The best wars in the history of mankind are those that mankind managed to avoid.

Baurzhan Toyshibekov

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People all wanted to understand where the war was and what was vile in it ... It is in the terrible loneliness of the one who fights and the one who remains in the rear, in the shameful despair that gripped everyone, and in the moral decline that eventually comes through on the faces. The kingdom of beasts has arrived.

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People think that if they call the crime of murder "war", then murder will cease to be murder, a crime.

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Many of the ills of the world have been caused by wars. And then, when the war ended, no one, in fact, could really explain what it was all about.

Margaret Mitchell

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Many go to war just because they don't want to be heroes.

Tom Stoppard

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Ant: "I'm not fighting. The anthill is fighting."

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We forfeit leisure in order to have leisure, and wage war in order to live in peace.

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We find in the nature of man three main causes of war: first, rivalry; secondly, distrust; thirdly, the thirst for fame.

Thomas Hobbes

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In war everything is simple, but the simplest things are extremely difficult.

Carl von Clausewitz

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In war, everyone is equal in the probability of death.

G. Alexandrov

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In war it is necessary to kill as many people as possible - such is the cynical logic of war.

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The people exist only in times of war. In peacetime, this is a crowd of consumers.

R. Koval

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It is as useful for a people to be afraid of war as it is for an individual to be afraid of death.

Jules Renard

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Violence is the essence of war. Moderation in war is unforgivable stupidity.

Thomas Babington Macaulay

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The day will come when science will give birth to a machine or a force so terrible, so infinitely terrifying that even a man - a warlike creature, bringing down torment and death on others at the risk of accepting torment and death himself - will shudder with fear and forever renounce war.

Thomas Alva Edison

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Preventing a war is harder than winning a war.

K. Kushner

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It is not true that war is a continuation of politics. She is her appendage, pitiful and helpless.

S. Lukyanenko

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The injustice inherent in the first people is where the origins of the war and the need to put bosses over themselves, who would determine the rights of everyone and resolve all disputes.

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There is no great merit in taking a life from a man. War is a vile business.

Nora Roberts

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There is no infamy that would not be tolerated by war, there is no crime that would not be justified by it.

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Never fight with one opponent for too long, otherwise he will adapt to your tactics.

Carl von Clausewitz

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No one fights in a war with such zeal as in a war for one's own country.


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The same can be said about the war as about the big game, which is preferred to the small game, even at the risk of ruin, because the big game arouses in us the hope of getting rich and promises to do it in an instant.

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The difference between war and Olympic Games in the fact that in war medals are most often awarded posthumously.

B. Krieger

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Before the battle of Thermopylae: "Eat a hearty breakfast, Spartans, we will have to dine today in the next world."

King Leonidas

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Just as the greatest physical evil is death, so the greatest moral evil is, of course, war.

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As long as war is considered immoral, it will always have charm. When they look at her as a vulgarity, she will cease to be popular.

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A political leader who does not hesitate to plunge his people into war has no right to be a leader.

Golda Meir

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After the massacre - victory; after victory - division; and then there are more winners than there were those who fought. Such is the custom of every war.

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After wars, as a rule, there is a surge of energy - for the winners because they won, for the vanquished - because they survived.

Peter Esterhazy

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To send people to war untrained is to betray them.

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Why not judge governments for every declaration of war? If the peoples understood this, if they did not allow themselves to be killed without any reason, if they used weapons to turn them against those who gave them to be beaten - on this day the war would die.

Guy de Maupassant

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Before fighting against distant, abstract injustice, it is necessary to fight against the injustice happening close by, with the one that surrounds us and for which we are more or less responsible.

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The acceptance of war is the acceptance of the tragic horror of life. And if in war there is brutality and the loss of human appearance, that is, in it and great love broken in darkness.

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The nature of war, as material violence, is purely reflective, symbolic, symptomatic, not independent. War is not a source of evil, but only a reflex to evil, a sign of the existence of internal evil and disease.

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Prologue of the 20th century - gunpowder factory. Epilogue - the barracks of the Red Cross.

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Away with the chanting of wars - they bring no benefit to the soul.


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A cannon is a mechanism used to clarify state borders.

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The unleashing of a world war is not The best way fix the economy. We are not trying to remove garbage from the house by burning the house.

B. Krieger

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An ordinary person does not want either war or robbery - these are attributes of the unsuitable elements of humanity, an expression of their never-quenchable greed and thirst to profit at someone else's expense.

Martin Andersen Nexe

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The most terrifying dangers that threaten humanity now and will threaten for more than one century are the great suicidal war and absolute world tyranny.

D. Andreev

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The fastest way to end a war is to be defeated.

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Today it is more difficult to officially sentence a single person to death at the stake than to unleash a world war.

Elias Canetti

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Of all the causes of war, the most commendable is the desire to overthrow the tyranny under which an exhausted and tormented people suffers.

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The old people declare war, and the young go to die.

Herbert Hoover

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It is worthwhile for kind, honest, disinterested people to unite and start a war in the name of a good cause, as soon as their commander-in-chief will certainly turn out to be the worst of the villains. This is such a thing - war, do not expect good from it.

B. Akunin

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It is strange to imagine that war, the wildest thing that exists, was the passion of heroic souls. However, in war, people mutually support each other, find themselves in the face of common dangers for them; Here, mutual affection is more pronounced.

Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury

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There are only two kinds of just wars: when people fight to repel an enemy attack, or when they go to the aid of an ally in danger.

Charles Louis de Montesquieu

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So it was before, and so it will be after you - a real war is terrible, and only during it you understand how monstrous it is.

K G. Zemelinin

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So called ruling classes cannot remain long without war. Without war, they are bored, idleness tires, irritates them, they do not know what they live for, they eat each other, they try to tell each other as many troubles as possible, with impunity, if possible, and the best of them try their best not to annoy each other and themselves . But war comes, takes possession of everyone, captures, and a common misfortune binds everyone.

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Such was and is now the only reason for wars: the power, honors, wealth of a small number of people to the detriment of the masses, whose natural gullibility and the prejudices aroused and supported by this minority make wars possible.

Gaston Moss

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Patience and humility are necessary for both peace and war.

John of Damascus

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Anyone who has not survived a single war will never know what a wonderful pre-war time he lived in.

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The tragedy of war is that all the best that is in a person is used to commit the worst crimes.

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War has the look of Medusa Gorgon - who once looked into her face, he is no longer able to take his eyes off.

D. Aslamova

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The most surprising thing is that the very word "war" does not cause an uprising of the whole society as a whole.

Guy de Maupassant

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Every delusion has its own school, its own audience. But none has been heaped with as much rubbish as the concept of war.

Theodor Gottlieb Gippel

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If you want peace, prepare for war.

Flavius ​​Renat Vegetius

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Three things are needed to wage war: money, money, and more money.

Louis XII

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What kind of madness is war. A vain action that, with the passage of time, completely loses all meaning and must be fed by reckless rage that lives much longer than the incident that gave rise to it; the action is completely illogical, as if one person, by his death or his suffering, can prove some rights or approve some principles. Somewhere on its long historical path, mankind stumbled, raised this madness to the norm and existed so up to the present time, when madness, which has become the norm, threatens to destroy, if not the human race itself, then at least all those material and spiritual values. that have been the symbols of mankind for many difficult ages.

Clifford Simak

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As for war, which is the art of destroying and killing one another, of destroying and harassing our own race, those animals that do not know it should not, it seems, be especially sorry about it.

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Feelings of justice, decency, fidelity, based on the recognition of equality of rights, lose their strength in civil wars when each side looks at the other as a criminal and arrogates to itself the right to judge him.

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Anything can be done with bayonets; you just can't sit on them.

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This war will end wars. And the next one too.

David Lloyd George

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I don't know what weapons will be used in World War 3, but in World War 4 they will be fought with sticks and stones.

Source - N. E. Fomina. Aphorisms. War and Peace.

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