Ideas for decorating your desktop with your hands. How to make your Windows desktop beautiful

Decor elements 11.10.2019
Decor elements

Working from home is not as easy as it seems. Home atmosphere is not always conducive to hard and long work. That is why it is so important to allocate at least a small corner that will be reserved exclusively for work. Here you can neutralize annoying factors to the maximum and immerse yourself in business. It is necessary to think over the organization of an impromptu office in advance so that everything you need is at hand during the activity. Desktop decor directly affects the ability to work and efficiency.

Types and configurations of desktops

The main "hero" of any office is the table. A variety of proposed configurations allows you to choose the ideal solution for each specific case. Computer tables have a number of features that are characteristic only for them. They, as a rule, are equipped with stands for the system unit and monitor, a pull-out shelf for the keyboard, and a hole for cables. The form of the desktop can be absolutely any, but the most common are:

There are a lot of desktop sets. Often they are equipped with:

  • shelving - the design is attached to the countertop, which ensures its stability;
  • lockers - closing doors hide the contents from the eyes and block the access of dust;
  • hanging shelves different lengths and configurations;
  • drawers - located in a stationary or mobile cabinet with wheels;
  • a shelf for the printer - allows you to save space on the countertop;
  • cable channel - a special casing in which you can hide the wires;
  • leg bar - protects the legs from fatigue and numbness during long work at the table;
  • backlight.

There is a table, the working surface of which is a kind of system unit.

Decorating style and colors

When decorating a table, do not forget about the general style decision premises. Strict minimalist forms or chrome accessories are just as out of place in a classic or Provencal interior as carved furniture with bronze or gilded elements in pop art or high-tech styles. Therefore, if there is a need to allocate a home office area, you need to do this without violating the style.

Table decoration in different styles

For classic interior suitable carved table of natural wood in dark colors. The table top can be upholstered in velvet or leather, and the handles drawers covered with gold. Image accessories will add nobility to the composition. Antiquarian writing instruments with a stand made of expensive tree species or marble, inkwells, paperweights, a leather-bound diary, a paper cutter, an antique table lamp.

The atmosphere of Provence will be emphasized by a vintage table in a delicate pastel shade. It doesn't have to look new. Its surface can be covered with chips, crevices, wormholes and scuffs - as if the paint has peeled off from long use. This can be achieved with the help of special tools and craquelure varnishes. The old table will sparkle with new colors if painting or decoupage technique is used as decoration. As accessories, vintage photo frames, elegant vases, baskets, openwork lanterns, inkwells with floral ornament, ceramic vases with sprigs of lavender. For lighting, a table lamp with a lampshade made of fabric in pastel shades or with a simple print is useful. This desktop decoration option is perfect for a girl of school age.

A high-tech table can be made of MDF with a glossy finish, transparent or black glass, or metal. Chrome and plastic organizers, wire vases, avant-garde designer accessories, lighting, electronic devices- photo frame, clock, weather station.

The color scheme has a noticeable effect on performance. Blue shades will help you focus and tune in to tasks, red will invigorate, relieve eye fatigue and prevent you from falling asleep. Green will soothe and provide relaxation in moments of rest. Pink will not let you get annoyed.

Accessories as desktop decor

Organizers for stationery are needed on the desktop - you can get by with a cup for pens and pencils. You will need a stand for papers, notebooks, folders, books, a tablet, a mouse pad, a table lamp. You can also place USB drives, a USB LED light and a fan here. Motivational inscriptions under glass and pictures will raise morale, and a frame with a family photo will remind you of loved ones. small aquarium, a pendulum or a module will help you relax and put your thoughts in order.

The lack of space forces you to be creative and equip a place to work in the most seemingly inappropriate places for this. If you also do not have an extra room for arranging an office, we advise you to consider the following options:

  • in the bedroom - the main advantage - here you can retire and the household will not bother you. Closing the door, you block the penetration of screams, noises, smells. But if you share a bedroom with a spouse or other relative, you are unlikely to be able to work freely during his sleep;
  • in the living room - if common room no one sleeps, here you can work even until the morning. True, in the daytime and evening, your family can seriously interfere with conversations, watching TV shows and football matches;
  • you can sit on the balcony - they closed the door and a small, but separate home office is at your disposal;
  • in the closet - when the doors are closed, it is impossible to guess that a full-fledged workplace with all required components. A shelf acts as a tabletop. In such an "office" it is necessary to provide additional lighting;
  • in a niche - a recess in the wall can serve you well. Order a table according to the size of the niche, and separate the space with curtains or blinds;
  • by the window - if your work requires a lot of natural light, the table can be placed by the window. This is especially suitable for those who are engaged in needlework or drawing;
  • under the stairs free space, which is often used as a closet, is perfect for equipping a small office.

Additional lighting

Lack of light can adversely affect vision. Therefore, in addition to the general overhead light, it is necessary to use task lighting. It can be a sconce, rotary spots, a table lamp. It is undesirable to use luminescent sources, because their constant blinking tires the eyes. It is better to replace them with economical ones. LED lamp. They don't blink or strain your eyes. This is an indispensable condition when choosing lighting for the workplace of schoolchildren. At night, the backlight will not hurt. The LED strip, stretched along the perimeter, decorates the furniture, gives it a spectacular and fantastic look.

Desk chair - an integral part of the desktop

Choosing a chair is a responsible task. The following factors are taken into account here:

  • ergonomics;
  • compliance with the growth of the owner;
  • style;
  • color scheme;
  • execution material;
  • the presence of armrests.

The most comfortable option is a rotating easy chair on castors, upholstered in genuine leather. You can choose a model with a wiggle effect.

DIY decor methods

Manufacturers offer tables decorated with carving, photo printing, sandblasting. But if you want, you can create unique design and decorate the furniture surface by yourself.

Decoration methods:

  1. Decoupage - an image from decoupage cards or napkins is transferred to the countertop and fixed with special glue and varnish. You can also use a piece of wallpaper left after pasting the walls for this.
  2. Painting - in order to paint a table, it is not necessary to be an artist. The drawing can be created using a stencil.
  3. Craquelure - furniture is decorated with a special varnish to give it a vintage look.
  4. Stickers are a great choice for decoration children's table, as well as good remedy to mask defects.
  5. Mosaic - with the help of small tiles, you can create an original coating. Such a surface is resistant to moisture and mechanical damage.
  6. Under glass is the easiest way to decorate a table - you can put a calendar, various postcards, photographs and even autumn leaves under the glass.

Equipment placement rules

The correct arrangement of equipment reduces energy costs. The computer is placed below - on the floor or on a stand. The printer is often installed under the table top on special shelf. But if you place the device on the right on the side wall of the structure, it will be much more convenient and handy to use it. To refill paper, print any project or make a copy, it will be enough just to turn around. Cables must not lie on the floor. They need to be connected with ties and fixed on the wall or hidden under the baseboard.

According to the doctrine, the desktop should be placed diagonally from front door facing her. It is desirable that there is a blank wall behind. If you are sitting with your back to the window, close the curtains tightly. It is also undesirable to turn away from the entrance. There should be no symbols of water behind your back. Aquariums, paintings with ponds, decorative fountains are best placed in front of your eyes. Avoid placing the workplace under overhanging elements. They will pressure and oppress you morally. Try to make the wires as invisible as possible. Open cables not only look untidy, but also symbolize the leakage and depletion of finances.


Properly and aesthetically organized workspace is an indispensable condition for productive work.

Boring office interiors are boring. No wonder we try to make our workplace bright. Sometimes even too much. Here are 5 design frills that HR managers don't recommend for your desk.


REMOVE"iconostasis" of photographs, where you are with relatives, friends, relatives of friends and friends of relatives. An abundance of personal connections is a good thing, but at work, an active demonstration of love for your "inner circle" can be taken as a hint that you are uncomfortable in the circle of colleagues. Which seems to be true if you constantly need the support of your family.

BETTER leave one photo in a modest frame, your favorite, which will inspire you during a protracted evening rush. And you can also put the one on which you and your colleagues celebrate a particularly successful project.


REMOVE strongly scented incense sticks or candles. As you know, there are no comrades for taste and color, and what cheers you up can cause severe irritation of colleagues (and sometimes allergies).

BETTER put on the table a vase with a mixture of dry petals. And if you splurge on a small dish with bright colored fruits, you are guaranteed popularity among colleagues.


REMOVE flashy, distracting posters that don't work, or bulky screensavers that slow down downloads—maybe you're crazy about Pattinson, but how, pray tell, does he help you with your sales plan?!

BETTER, if at least a calendar accompanies Robert Pattinson, then at least there is some semblance of benefit to the cause. Although, of course, it would be much more useful if the same calendar was illustrated by a picture of an artist or famous photographer who inspires you.


REMOVE withered flowers. Artificial, we hope you don't bet? There is nothing more depressing than dusty fakes.

BETTER keep fresh flowers on the table, one is enough, but fresh. Or a small plant in a pot. A piece of wildlife not only pleases the eye, but also softens the atmosphere in the office - proven by psychologists.


REMOVE glass for pens in the form of Mickey Mouse, mouse pad with Moomins. They betray your infantilism and unwillingness to make decisions.

BETTER replace "children's" stationery with business accessories in orange, red or yellow color— bright spots inspire and give energy. Without knocking down, however, from a business wave. HR is not against toys - those that help you think: puzzles or original form mice.


Working from home has many benefits. One of them is the opportunity to work in an environment that gives aesthetic pleasure and sets you in the right mood. In this article, we have collected tips and ideas for you on how to create a space in your apartment that awakens your creativity: organizing a workplace at home.

1. Creating a background

Neutral wall colors - beige, gray - are best suited for cabinet design. This choice will complement the interior with bright accessories without overloading overall composition, because we are talking about a room in which nothing should interfere with your concentration.

2. Inspiration for working from home

Create a large surface to which you can attach motivating, inspiring or work-related pictures and leaflets. There are many options for this: magnetic wallpaper; surface-forming paint chalk board; textile wall covering; cork layer on the wall. The materials placed on this surface will serve as "fuel" for your creative thinking.

3. Proper lighting

Lighting can change the atmosphere of any room. Make sure your work area is well lit. Firstly, it encourages active work, and secondly, it is better for the eyes. To do this, you can use the usual table lamp and stylish led strip and lamps.

4. "Revitalization" of the workplace

Art objects (including photographs) will help you create a workspace in which you will feel comfortable. By the way, art doesn't have to be expensive. As long as it gives you pleasure and makes you happy, it is doing its job.

5. Storage space

Pick up furniture so that in your office there is a place for all things and trifles, because chaos can distract from work and interrupt the creative flow of thought. If you live in Ukraine, then you can buy inexpensive furniture in Kyiv at the Expertmebel furniture store.

6. Personalization of the workplace

Give your workplace your own personality, at least by placing your paperweight on the table, indoor plant or your favorite mug. And photos of happy moments from your life will always make you smile.

The desk is often placed by the window.

Desk located in the corner of the living room

Corner desks create more workspace

Chalk and magnetic boards - a practical idea for an office

Diary on the wall

Wall decorating with books

Workplace in industrial style

Wooden boxes as shelves

LED strips installed under wall cabinets

Muted colors

Only, there was not so much a post as a selection of photos for inspiration. Today I want to make a post, with tips, and another dose of photo inspiration. The ideas are partly inspired directly by photographs of workplace design, and partly own experience. Well, as well as my dreams of my own office: D Of course, these ideas are applicable not only for the home (regardless of the rubric), but are also designed for the workplace in the office of the company you work for, and for coworking.

  • The very first and rather banal advice is a photo. Families, relatives and pets, or just an unfamiliar kitten that will always touch the eye and delight the eye, uplifting. After all, the main thing for us is not to let the working routine turn us into a robot, and in the worst case, a kind of Decepticon or terminator, that is, a robot embittered at the whole world. Therefore, long live photos with kids and kittens*shushushushushu*
  • If there are no photos, or you do not want to be distracted by relatives and friends, well, or you n For other reasons, photographs can be easily replaced with beautiful drawings, art paintings, or even simply framed magazine pages, or even printed quotes. The main thing is that this particular image pleases the eye, and ideally, it also fits into the design of the office, if we are talking about your own office, coworking, where you are free to change everything at your discretion - from photos kids to a fully office setting.
  • Natural flowers. They are better than dead. It's personal, but I'm not a fan of cut flowers, I prefer mini bushes and pots of real roses. Get yourself a couple, and they will live, bloom and smell, and unlike their severed relatives, they will not die in front of you (if you water on time, of course), and will not spoil your mood. And in the picture below - a couple of vases with corpses.

  • Marker board with buttons for task visualization. It's like a school board, only made of wood or cork (like mine), or other material where you can sculpt important notes, magazine clippings, etc. on different needles, pins and pushpins (or even stickers and adhesive tape). This option is especially important for creative professions. In addition to a certain organization of space, such boards can carry the functions of a wall muse. So you look at the stuck-on beauty, and it illuminates you ... Well, for me, at least - so =)
  • Beautiful book dividers, if there are a lot of books, or vertical holders for work folders. Folders are more for those who have a lot of papers and documents involved in their workflow. And for creative people, for whom a book is an assistant and a guiding star, you can find beautiful and comfortable, and most importantly, stylish dividers for books.
  • Favorite memorabilia with which pleasant memories are associated. This desktop decoration element will also help to create a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere around the perimeter of your workplace. If you have something that definitely makes you smile - its place is on your desktop, well, or you can carry this thing with you in your pocket if you can't part with it for a long time.

  • A jar with bright candies or dragees. Of course, provided there are no fellow gluttons and petty thieves who love to carry other people's cookies, and also if you are on this moment don't be on a diet. In this case, a big glass jar can be filled with multi-colored plastic or glass balls, bright small stationery and so on. The key here is the color mix. Rainbow overflows always contribute to raising the mood.
  • Beautiful lighting fixture. Surely, in your work office you have everything provided, but I think no one will bother you to bring your own small lamp that will fit into your own mini workspace design. Perhaps it will not even always be used for its intended purpose - for lighting. In our situation, his highest mission is to create an atmosphere so that even #work days gave some pleasure, or, at least, did not spoil the mood.

Do you have any ideas that you have brought to life? share with me

(Total 30 photos)

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1. Store small items in the spice rack.

Just be sure to wash them thoroughly, or your eraser will smell like cumin forever.

3. Keep papers and pens in a neat organizer made from old frames.

4. Turn the frame into a list of things to do.

5. Make these colorful can organizers

6. Stack them on top of each other to save space.

7. Coat them with chalkboard paint for easy marking.

8. Lucky to have an extra Slinky spring? Use it to store your writing utensils.

9. Keep your cables organized with this desk-mountable organizer.

It costs only $9.99 and you will no longer be humiliated by crawling on the floor in search of a cable.

10. Attach a small hook under the table to keep the cords out from under your feet.

11. Label cords with bread tags. True, to begin with, you will need to eat a lot of bread, but we all sacrifice something.

12. Use the clips to make a large cord holder.

13. Paste the card file with pieces of wallpaper. Fabric or paper for creativity is also suitable.

14. Create a shelf with space to store paper from a magazine rack.

15. Use your morning coffee wrap to keep your headphones from getting tangled. And your mornings will become kinder.

16. Store papers on the wall by attaching them to clipboards.

17. Use one for the to-do list. This person obviously has no obligations.

18. Upgrade your chair. Now, if someone wants to steal your chair, you will know about it.

19. Make a compact charging station out of a lotion bottle. No one will know what it was before.

20. Never spill liquid with this drink holder. It attaches to the edge of the table and prevents terrible disasters like the soy-latte meeting with the MacBook Pro.

21. Paste internal panels shelves with creative paper to give them color.

22. Create your own bookshelf using drawers. You can make it bigger or smaller, depending on how limited your space is.

23. This beautiful bookshelf Made from Ikea crates with clips. You can nail or bolt it to the wall if you are concerned about its stability.

24. Perforated boards save a lot of space. Keep important reminders and photos you like at eye level.

25. Attach baskets to a perforated board to store papers. They are easy to move.

26. This notepad near the keyboard will make the process of taking notes (with a pen! In your hands!) easy and unobtrusive.

27. Store small items in ice cube trays. You can replace paper clips and nails with threads and beads, depending on the industry. Ice cube trays also work well as drawer dividers.

28. Use a dish dryer as a ready-made file system.

29. Decorate boring folders with iron-on stickers. They will even make your tax returns pleasant and calm.

30. A file cabinet on wheels will allow you to easily and quickly change your workplace. Move it 2-4 centimeters every day and drive your irritable colleague crazy. Or simply slide it aside when you need to clear a room.

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