What does kefir mean. How to distinguish "live" kefir from "dead"

landscaping 30.06.2020

Among absolutely all fermented milk products that are produced in the world today, kefir takes the first place not without reason, because the share of its production is 65% of the total production. If we talk about the origin of this product, then all scientists, as one, say that the Caucasus is its homeland. This is logical, since the longevity of the Caucasian people is explained precisely by the appearance of such healthy food products. But still, the origin of the word itself, denoting the most useful fermented milk product, is attributed to the Turks, in whose language it is also associated with well-being and health.

A bit of history

Earlier in the Caucasus, kefir was considered a real gift from heaven, the secret of which the Caucasians did not trust anyone. Today we already know that this wonderful product is made from special fungi, which endow it with truly healing properties. It was kefir sourdough that had the highest value for the highlanders, so many specific rituals and rituals were associated with it. The most bizarre thing is that it was impossible to sell the sourdough to someone, otherwise the fungi would lose their magical properties. Therefore, “abductions” were quite common - when the owners themselves offered to steal them unnoticed to people who needed fungi, and only after that the thief brought the designated amount to the owner of the “miracle grains”. They could also be given as a dowry to a girl, but the bride also had to steal them on the eve of the wedding in order to bring them to a new family in the future.

The composition and useful properties of kefir

The body absorbs kefir three times faster than milk, and this fermented milk product perfectly stimulates digestion, so that other foods are absorbed much faster. It is known that the assimilation of proteins is not always easy, but it is precisely those proteins that are contained in kefir that do not cause any difficulties.

The content of carbohydrates and fats, fatty and organic acids in the product is also high. In addition, the benefits of kefir lies in the fact that it is a source of natural sugars and cholesterol, beta-carotene, vitamins PP, C, A, H and group B. A huge amount of kefir and calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, iron, manganese, copper, cobalt, selenium, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum and a host of other minerals.

Kefir is a dietary product. The low-fat version contains only 32 kcal per 100 g, and the calorie content of the fattest type is 58 kcal / 100 g.

The use of kefir

According to reviews, kefir is indispensable for gastritis, which is characterized by low acidity, so it is recommended to use it regularly. Nutritionists advise people with this disease to drink it three times a day for half a glass.

In case of indigestion, the benefits of kefir will be significant if you use it without sugar. If desired, you can add 1 tsp. honey. You can not drink kefir, which is fresh from the refrigerator, it is also not recommended to use it overheated or warm, it is better that it be at room temperature.

The properties of kefir help to perfectly cope with heaviness in the stomach and dysbacteriosis, because the sour-milk bacteria that live in it activate the intestines, while not allowing a variety of pathogenic organisms to multiply, break down casein, which is difficult to digest, promote the absorption of calcium, iron and vitamins, and also suppress various processes of decay and fermentation.

Kefir bacteria are also indispensable in the treatment of endocrine system disorders, especially in case of pancreatic disease or diabetes mellitus. The benefits of kefir also lie in the normalization of blood glucose levels.

The properties of kefir are amazing, reviews confirm that in the fight against obesity - it significantly improves bowel function, and also helps the body get rid of toxins and mucus much faster. This explains the popularity of kefir diets. If kefir becomes a component of fasting days, then it will help to say goodbye to a few extra pounds very quickly.

With regular use of a fermented milk product, you can say goodbye to osteoporosis, which is a very serious problem. A good kefir product contains a lot of calcium, which is almost completely absorbed.

With various allergic diseases and bronchial asthma, it is worth drinking a glass of this miraculous drink every morning, and in the season of exacerbations it will help get rid of attacks.

The properties of kefir help in the fight against various skin problems, such as rashes, peeling, itching, they prevent the appearance of sores and cracks. In this case, it is not necessary to use it inside, you can just make lotions.

It is good to drink a glass of the product for hypertension, especially when doctors prescribed fractional meals.

Scientists say that kefir, reviews confirm this, relaxes and calms, it is able to reduce irritability and significantly reduce the severity that is a consequence of stress. In general, if you are in a depressed state, it is better to start each day with a glass of yogurt.


In addition to the benefits, kefir can also bring negative consequences if you do not know the contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use the product for people who have an allergic reaction to any dairy and sour-milk products.

The use of kefir is also not recommended for people prone to dyspepsia, that is, functional bowel disorders. Negative consequences can also occur in those suffering from stomach ulcers or increased secretion of gastric juice.

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Kefir is a dairy product obtained from cow's milk by fermentation with the use of special "fungi", which are a mixture of various microorganisms. It is eaten both separately and as part of a large number of culinary and confectionery dishes. It is popular in Russia, CIS, Europe, America and Australia.

Kefir has an invigorating taste and healing properties, it is a liquid homogeneous mass of white color. In Russia, they learned about kefir in the 19th century from those who visited the Caucasus and tried this delicious drink. It was there that kefir was invented. For Caucasians, it is very important. The recipe for kefir in the East was carefully passed down from generation to generation and treated this drink as a gift.

Information about kefir:

The composition of kefir:

Kefir consists of:

  • 89% from water;
  • 4% from carbohydrates;
  • 2.9% from proteins;
  • 2.5% from fat.

Kefir contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals.

The composition of kefir includes vitamins such as choline, beta carotene, vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, H, PP.

Of the minerals that make up kefir, potassium, calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, sodium, sulfur, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron and manganese are present in large quantities, and fluorine, molybdenum, chromium, selenium and cobalt are present in small quantities.

A distinctive feature of kefir from other fermented milk products is the inclusion of special bacteria and fungi in its composition.

The calorie content of kefir is about 50 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Types of kefir:

Kefir is classified according to the degree of fat content, alcohol content, cooking time and the presence of additives.

Kefir according to the degree of fat content is:

  • fatty, containing 1%, 2.5%, 3% fat;
  • low-fat, based on skim milk.
  • strong - 0.6% alcohol (mass consumption);
  • medium - 0.4% alcohol (medicinal);
  • weak - 0.2% alcohol (medicinal).

Kefir by cooking time is:

  • one-day (aged 1 day after fermentation);
  • two-day (aged 2 days after fermentation);
  • three-day (aged 3 days after fermentation).

Kefir by the presence of additives in it is:

  • fruit, with the addition of fruit syrups;
  • with a high protein content, with the addition of milk powder;
  • special, with the addition of skimmed milk and dry sodium caseinate;
  • fortified, with the addition of vitamin C;
  • biokefir, with the addition of lacto- and bifidobacteria.

How to make kefir at home:

To make kefir at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Milk, preferably rustic, the fatter the milk, the thicker and fatter the kefir will be.
  2. Leaven. As a starter you can use:
    • kefir starter;
    • kefir;
    • sour cream.

In order to prepare homemade kefir, in addition to the above ingredients, you will need a glass jar with a lid, gauze and a thick cloth.

Before preparing kefir, you must prepare:

  1. 1 liter of milk;
  2. Starter to choose from:
    • kefir sourdough - as much as indicated in the manufacturer's instructions;
    • kefir - 0.3 liters;
    • sour cream - 5 tablespoons.

Recipe for making kefir at home:

  1. Sterilize a jar for making kefir.
  2. Boil milk.
  3. Cool the milk to 37-40 degrees Celsius.
  4. Strain the milk through cheesecloth into a sterilized jar.
  5. Add starter.
  6. Stir with a wooden spatula.
  7. Close the jar with a thick cloth or lid, wrap in a blanket or towel.
  8. Leave for a day in a dark and warm place without drafts. If purchased kefir starter is used, then leave the kefir to ferment for the time specified in the manufacturer's instructions.
  9. Ready kefir pour into glasses. You can add sugar, vanilla, fruit pieces or other food additives to it.

Homemade kefir is ready! Bon appetit! The shelf life of homemade kefir in the refrigerator is no more than 3 days.

Kefir production technology:

The technological scheme for the preparation of kefir in production includes 10 stages:

  1. First, raw materials are received and prepared for further processing.
  2. Next, the milk is normalized to the required fat content. If there is less fat in the original milk than necessary, then cream is added to it, and if there is more, then skimmed milk is added to the original milk or separated.
  3. At this stage of the technological scheme for the production of kefir, the milk undergoes homogenization, that is, under strong external pressure, the fat globules in the milk are crushed into smaller ones, passing through a narrow valve gap.
  4. Then the milk is pasteurized, heated to 85 - 92 degrees Celsius, in order to destroy pathogenic microflora. Pasteurization provides the necessary taste, density and viscosity of kefir.
  5. Next, the milk is cooled to the temperature required for fermentation - 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius.
  6. At this stage, the fermentation of kefir fungi is carried out. Kefir fungi are kept in water heated to 25-30 degrees Celsius for a day, the water is changed 2-3 times a day. After that, the water is drained and the fungi are poured with warm milk by volume 10 times the volume of the fungi and kept at a temperature of 10-12 degrees Celsius for 12-24 hours.
  7. Next, the starter, with a volume of 5% of the fermented mixture and cooled to the temperature of the fermented mixture, is put into the mixture and fermented at a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius until a milk-protein clot is formed with an acidity of pH 4.5-4.65. During fermentation, the microflora of the starter multiplies, coagulates casein, acidity increases, and a clot is formed.
  8. Then the clot is stirred and cooled to a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius for 10-30 minutes.
  9. At this stage, the clot is left to mature for 6-10 hours. During this time, yeast begins to ferment, alcohol and carbon dioxide are formed, which gives kefir a special taste.
  10. Next, kefir is stirred for 10 minutes, poured into packages, cooled in a refrigerator and transported to points of sale.

Kefir is produced according to “GOST 31454-2012. Kefir. Specifications”.

According to GOST, kefir created in the production can be stored for no more than 10 days at a temperature of 2-6 degrees Celsius. Depending on the manufacturer, the expiration date of kefir may be different, it is indicated on the package.

What can be made from kefir:

On kefir, you can make many different culinary dishes: pancakes, mannik, pancakes, muffins, pies, cookies, pancakes, pies, brushwood, cakes, pizza, donuts, charlotte, muffins, donuts, gingerbread, bagels, bread, other pastries and all kinds of dishes .

But the most popular kefir culinary products are pancakes, mannik and pancakes, the recipes of which are presented below.

Ingredients for making pancakes on kefir:

  • flour - 1 cup;
  • kefir - 1 glass;
  • chicken eggs - 1 piece;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • soda - half a teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.

Recipe for kefir pancakes:

  1. Sift 1 cup flour and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda into a clean bowl. Mix well.
  2. Break one egg into a beating container, put 2 tablespoons of sugar, pour 1 cup of kefir. Mix well with a spoon or whisk.
  3. Then put half a teaspoon of salt and 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the mixture.
  4. Add the sifted flour mixed with soda to the mixture. And mix well with a spoon or whisk until smooth.
  5. Grease a frying pan with oil and heat it up a little.
  6. Put small cakes of dough on the pan, which will fry and turn into pancakes.
  7. Put the pan with pancakes on low heat and cover with a lid. When the pancakes are fried on one side, after about 3 minutes, turn them over to the other side. Remove from heat when the pancakes are golden on each side.

Fritters on kefir are ready - bon appetit! They can be served with sour cream, jam, jam or other dessert.

Ingredients for making manna on kefir:

  • semolina - 200 grams;
  • kefir - half a liter;
  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • soda - half a teaspoon.

Recipe for making manna on kefir:

  1. Pour half a liter of kefir into a clean container and pour 200 grams of semolina. Leave for 1 hour.
  2. Preheat oven to 190 degrees Celsius.
  3. Break 3 chicken eggs into a separate container for beating, add 100 grams of sugar and a pinch of salt. Beat with a mixer until smooth and fluffy.
  4. Add half a teaspoon of soda and a bag of vanilla sugar to the egg mixture and mix well.
  5. Add the egg mixture to the kefir with semolina and mix well until smooth.
  6. Grease a baking dish with butter and pour the dough into it.
  7. Put the dough in an oven preheated to 190 degrees Celsius and bake for 40 minutes. The readiness of the manna can be checked by piercing it with a toothpick and pulling it out, and if the toothpick is dry, then the cake is ready.

Mannik can be additionally decorated with fruits, sprinkled with powdered sugar, poured with jam, icing or fudge. Mannik on kefir is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Ingredients for making pancakes on kefir:

  • flour - one and a half glasses;
  • kefir - half a liter;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.

Recipe for pancakes on kefir:

  1. Pour half a liter of kefir into the pan and heat until warm.
  2. Break 2 chicken eggs into heated kefir, put 1 tablespoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of soda. Mix well until smooth.
  3. Put one and a half cups of flour in warmed kefir and mix well until smooth. You should get a mass similar to thick sour cream.
  4. Pour 1 cup of milk into a separate pan for boiling milk and bring to a boil.
  5. Pour hot milk in a thin stream into the kefir mixture, constantly stirring with a spoon or stick.
  6. Add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough and mix well.
  7. Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil and heat slightly.
  8. Gently pour the dough into the pan with a thin layer over the entire area with a spoon and bake on one side, then turn over to the other.
  9. Bake pancakes until all the batter is gone.

Pancakes on kefir are ready! Bon appetit! They can be served with sour cream, jam, condensed milk and other desserts.

The benefits of kefir:

Kefir has a solid set of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the full and healthy functioning of the body. It has a healing and regenerating effect on the human body. It is a strong antioxidant.

General beneficial effects of kefir on the human body:

  1. With a low calorie content, kefir eliminates hunger well, thus it is an excellent dietary product.
  2. Normalizes metabolic processes, eliminates fatigue, promotes healthy sleep.
  3. It removes decay products from the body during dysbacteriosis.
  4. Neutralizes alkaline environment.
  5. Slows down the aging process.
  6. Reduces the level of bad cholesterol.
  7. Restores the nervous system.
  8. Accelerates cell regeneration.
  9. Due to its high calcium content, kefir strengthens bones, teeth and hair.
  10. Restores the balance of bacteria in the body after taking antibiotics.
  11. Improves mood.

The benefits of kefir for men:

With regular intake of kefir, the body of a man comes to tone, body weight normalizes, immunity increases, the cardiovascular and nervous systems strengthen. Provides healthy sleep. Thanks to the general improvement of the body, male libido is enhanced. For men who drink alcohol, kefir can have a sobering and intoxicating effect, help restore the liver and microflora in the digestive system.

The benefits of kefir for women:

Kefir has a regenerating and rejuvenating effect on a woman's body. When using kefir in women, nails and hair become stronger, complexion normalizes. Kefir makes a woman more beautiful.

At the level of internal processes, kefir restores the female nervous system, provides a good sleep, saturates the body with useful vitamins and minerals.

With thrush, kefir is able to restore the level of lactic acid in a woman's body, which is necessary to maintain the balance of microflora.

When applied externally, kefir has a restorative effect on flaky skin and split ends.

The benefits of kefir during pregnancy:

During pregnancy, the woman's body gives all the strength, nutrients and vitamins to the developing fetus. Kefir, as a source of minerals and vitamins, restores the lack of substances in a woman's body and gives strength.

In addition to saturating the body of a pregnant woman with minerals and vitamins, kefir helps to cope with constipation, irritability, eliminate nausea and reduce swelling.

But kefir should be consumed moderately during pregnancy - about 2 glasses a day, since kefir contains alcohol, and if it is not consumed moderately, a large proportion of alcohol can enter the body of a pregnant woman, which can be harmful to the fetus.

The benefits of kefir for weight loss:

Due to its low calorie content and reduced hunger, kefir is an excellent dietary product, the consumption of which does not lead to weight gain, but at the same time it saturates the body with useful vitamins, macro- and microelements. In addition, kefir reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the human body, lowers blood sugar, improves metabolic processes, eliminates congestion in the digestive system and normalizes the absorption of digestive products.

Kefir is the number one diet product.

Harm of kefir:

Kefir has mostly beneficial properties, but in some cases it can be harmful to human health. Kefir should be abandoned to people with individual intolerance to it and with some exacerbated diseases. Kefir can harm the body during exacerbation of gastritis and pancreatitis. You should not use kefir with an exacerbated stomach ulcer.

With extreme caution, kefir should be given to children, as it can overload the child's kidneys due to the high content of protein and minerals. With kefir, alcohol can enter the child's body and have a negative effect on the fragile body. The child's digestive system may not be able to handle the digestion of casein and fatty acids, which can lead to upset stomach and bloating. Kefir can raise the level of hemoglobin, which will lead to a general breakdown in the functioning of the child's body. The volume of kefir that can be given to a child depends on the individual characteristics of the baby, so before including kefir in the child's diet, you should consult a pediatrician.

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