Business plan for a pie shop with calculations. How to open a pie shop without getting burned: detailed instructions

Decor elements 12.10.2019
Decor elements

Filled pies are traditional Russian dish. They are closed, when all the insides are carefully hidden under the dough. The pies are still baked open - the filling is visible and is not covered with dough. Of course, the most delicious classic pastries are made by hand. But in conditions of large volumes it is pleasant to use the device for different types pies.

On the market today you can find machines for baking bakery products from different manufacturers. There are distributors of Dutch, Taiwanese, German, Italian and other equipment manufacturers in the country. Food Industry. There are also domestic machines.

Operating principle of the machine

As an example, let’s look at equipment for making pies of the AZZP-M brand. It allows you to significantly reduce labor costs and increase production efficiency. The device can be used in enterprises Catering or directly at the points of sale of pies. The finished product is fried pies. You can use fish or fish as a filling. chopped meat, mashed potatoes, dried fruits or jam.

The whole process takes place automatically. The device only charges the dough and filling. The output is ready-to-eat pies. The process eliminates human intervention. Therefore, from the point of view of sanitary standards, this preparation is preferable. The operator only monitors how the equipment operates, the timely replenishment of filling and dough bins, and the removal of finished products.

The device performs the following functions:

All these functions are performed by such parts and assemblies of the machine. As load-bearing structure frame completed. A frame and stand are attached to it. The distribution block is located on the stand. It is he who “coordinates” the work of all mechanisms. Dough and minced meat bunkers are installed above the distribution block. The frying device, oil system, ventilation, and proofing hopper are attached to the frame. Electrical and pneumatic systems are also concentrated here. Trays are fixed to rotary brackets. They prevent oil and finished products from getting onto the floor.

The machine for baking pies has the following technical characteristics:

Imported analogues

Equipment for baking traditional pies from imported manufacturers is not so easy to find. In Europe, types of baked goods with open filling are mainly popular. This equipment is often simply not configured for closed products. It is believed that small buns with filling are a Russian culinary tradition. The easiest way to adapt devices for domestic buyers is from Rinceurope (Holland) and Teknostamap (Italy). Their equipment performs the following operations (the dough can be yeast or non-yeast):

  1. rolling out ribbons;
  2. stamping of blanks;
  3. applying the filling;
  4. formation (rolling) of pies;
  5. turning seam side down or forming a scallop;
  6. Sprinkling, if necessary, with poppy seeds, cinnamon, etc.

Suitable for small bakeries the device will do Taiwanese brand BestFood. These machines form blanks using the extrusion principle. They also work with yeast and yeast-free dough. These devices are also used for preparing semi-finished products.

If guests regularly gobble up your food on both cheeks, then you should think about it and offer yours to the world. One fine day, the realization of this turned the life of Yulia Kubrak upside down. The girl turned her passion for baking goodies into a business. This is how the project was born People Happiness Pies». Today in the section« » Julia will tell you where she started, and perhaps her story will inspire you too;).

At 20 years old everything in the soul and head is unstable, a person experiences thirst and does not always know how and with what to quench it, so it was with me. I don’t remember my thoughts and dreams from ten years ago; I can only assume that I was pleasantly confused by the number of open opportunities and development paths. At that time, I had already left the university of physical education, feeling that this was not my calling, and entered the Institute of Arts to study the profession of an advertising designer, which, by the way, I also left, but for a different reason - already in my second year I began working in my profession, winning a designer label design competition men's clothing Gapchuk.

Towards the idea of ​​creating your own business pushed me close person, it was he who saw the potential in my hobby and gave me the impetus to start. I had been wanting to create my own business for a long time, I felt that I could do it, and I was looking through the options. I didn’t immediately understand the obvious - you need to build your business on what brings you joy and works best. At that time, my hobby of baking goodies was already a couple of years old, so it lay in the most visible place and was waiting to be noticed. From this discovery it began to spin - long interesting evenings discussions, brainstorming, flashes of ideas, disputes, calm, decision making and first active steps.

Start-up capital consisted only of own funds, we needed about 4-7 thousand hryvnia. The peculiarity of a home bakery is that most of I already had the necessary utensils; I only needed money to purchase boxes, all kinds of consumables, business cards and missing tools.

The most difficult For me, in the first year of work, it was about understanding the intricacies of doing business, which is why I am so encouraged that the project has now been strengthened by two male partners who will guide the business along the right and effective path.

Since establishing a business did not require any special investments, then it became profitable in the first months of work. IN financially The most difficult thing was the first year of work; it was necessary to carry out a lot of activities so that people would learn about the bakery and start ordering.

“We are convinced that baked goods should be sensually delicious, products should be healthy and natural, and people should simply be happy.” It so happened that, in addition to main motto, we have other messages for our audience. On the boxes and under the wing of the origami bird, which is attached to each order, we leave 2 messages: “trust yourself” and “anything is possible.” In this way we express our attitude towards people and the world in which we live.

The most important in working with clients is sincerity and friendly attentive attitude.

“People Happiness Pies” is a very personal project, it is a reflection of my character, way of thinking, through it I express myself and realize many of my abilities. By creating it, I didn’t look up to anyone or take anyone as an example. I always strive to follow my own path, create from the heart and be honest.


I like what Richard Bach said in one of his brilliant books: “ Inspiration brings sleep fairy, walk fairy, shower fairy. I always asked them: "Please give me ideas that do not contradict my intuition." And this is the absolute truth - inspiration is found in everyday activities, comes from anywhere and is born from self-confidence, from intuition. The only important thing is to be dynamic, not to sit near the window waiting with your head propped up, but to try and do it.

How do I relieve stress? As they say: but I don’t put it on :))) But seriously, when I feel that the amount of work and stress is increasing and this is fraught with overload, I always go to the forest. Nature is the most sincere and deep teacher; it is important to be able to tune in to it and immerse yourself in its wisdom.

I don’t have absolutely identical “mornings,” but I most often complete the main points: exercise, coffee, a leisurely breakfast and affection with the cat.

I am going to bed around 12, and I wake up at 8. During a large influx of orders, the routine always gets lost. It even happened that I slept for 3 hours for 5 days in a row. After this experience, I realized that it’s impossible to conduct business this way and now I take just enough orders to be able to get a good night’s sleep.

Question about bad habit baffles me. The only thing that came to mind was putting things off until later. But as experience shows, these things are still done, and often more efficiently than they could if I were forcing their execution.

On the eve of the beach seasons, you can think about the simplest mobile trading points, such as: pie business. This best option entrepreneurship for aspiring businessmen. This has a fairly high profitability, is in demand among consumers and does not require huge investments. Small mobile points (including hand trays) are located in areas of high traffic, where it is not possible to open a regular stationary point (or it is too expensive). You can also temporarily “deploy” them on the territory of mass celebrations, city, local, and state holidays. Most in demand pie business in places of recreation and long-term pastime of people (markets, bazaars, near educational institutions, shopping centers, metro, in parks, at bus and railway stations). The sale of such products also requires the approval of the local administration, since, in accordance with administrative legislation, trade in areas not designated for this purpose is prohibited. An administrative fine is imposed for trading without a permit. The initial investment is about 90,000 rubles. Main costs: equipment, wages. Consumables(pies) can be purchased in the form of semi-finished products, finished products or cook completely yourself. The last option is somewhat more complicated, since you will need a person who knows how to cook pies well (poor quality, tasteless goods will quickly give you a bad reputation). The net monthly profit from one mobile station can be 9-10 thousand rubles. More cost effective pie business, if the entrepreneur performs all the work independently or with the involvement of family members. Entrepreneurs experienced in the pie business display their trays and carts within the city limits only on holidays. Then the daily income can be equal to the monthly income. on pies depends on many factors: the ability to correctly select the in-demand assortment, the weather, the punctuality of the supplier. Orders for the supply of baked goods must be coordinated with the optimal sales volume per day (no more than 500 pies): according to the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, the period for selling baked goods should not exceed one day. Properly organized pie business must meet many requirements. In particular, have a declaration of conformity for products, because responsibility for defective goods This category is the responsibility of the seller. Another one of mandatory conditions- garbage collection. A businessman should contact the local trade department at the administration, where a program for the possible placement of mobile retail outlets is drawn up annually. Consideration of the relevant application takes at least 1 month, but may take several months, so you need to submit your application in advance. Searching for a location on your own and arbitrarily placing retail outlets is impractical and is fraught with negative legal consequences. After receiving permission to trade in a specially designated place, you should also enter into a lease agreement for the land on which you plan to place your tray or cart. In a well-chosen location at one point, you can sell at least 300 pieces of products per day. One mobile item (for example, a cart) can hold about 150 units of baked goods. And it should be loaded 2-3 times a day. On average, the markup here is 30%. Product range should include 10-15 varieties of products.

Russia is famous for its culinary achievements. The abundance of various gastronomic dishes is amazing. From hearty soups to amazing desserts, Russian cuisine can satisfy the most demanding tastes. But homemade baked goods hold a special place in the hearts of Russians. And this is not surprising.

Grandma's pies, beloved since childhood, have remained in the hearts of thousands of people. Many people try to learn how to cook them, but not everyone is able to perfectly master the art of baking pies.

Usually all recipes are passed down from generation to generation, which means that all cooking traditions are preserved. The tenderness of the dough and the abundance of filling makes people return to their childhood memories.

For people with an entrepreneurial spirit, the ability to prepare various baked goods with their own hands can be beneficial. For those who want to open their own business, if they have culinary talent, you can offer to prepare homemade baked goods for sale.

No matter how blasphemous this may sound in relation to grandma’s pies, many have long been accustomed to this area. Firstly, this is due to the fact that large financial expenditures are not required. Secondly, such baked goods are very popular.

In the current age of various pesticides and other harmful substances, home baking is heaven for those who want to eat healthy.

So how much money do you need to invest to open a home baking business? Firstly, you should take care of production certification. To do this, you need to obtain a special certificate for the production of certain products and specialized equipment.

After receiving all the papers, you can think about the assortment. It’s better if there are several different types of baked goods: pies with several types of fillings, muffins, gingerbreads and something else.

Where to sell homemade pies

You need to take care of the place where the products are sold. One of the most important factors is the weather. For example, if there is no stationary point of sale, you will have to sell the products on your own feet, and on a rainy day this is not entirely convenient.

Another important factor is assortment. In order to have a sufficient number of clients, it is necessary to offer the most different kinds baking so that everyone can find something to their liking. But you shouldn’t offer hundreds of types of buns and pies. 4-5 types will be enough. Alternatively, you can change the assortment every day, but this depends on your imagination.

For selling homemade baked goods, the most optimal method of distributing products is a mobile point of sale. That is, a small trailer on wheels. This will help you find clients anywhere settlement. And at various holidays where a lot of people gather, you can place several such points.

How to sell homemade baked goods

Many people are concerned about the costs of the entire production. In fact, when opening such a business, large investments are not required. Of course, as the business expands, the costs will be higher, but by then the income will be significantly greater than the expenses.

On average, payback for one point of sale occurs in the first month. According to the opinions of experienced home baked goods business, income ranges from 500 to 1000 dollars per month.

As additional income, you can sell various drinks: tea, coffee, juices, water. Various promotions will help attract additional customers. As such, you can give a free bottle of water when you buy 1 pie. But here everything depends on how developed the imagination is.

By the way, about the factors influencing sales. Experts conducted a number of surveys and found that in different time day people buy different baked goods. Although this is quite obvious, experts also need to do their job.

In general, people prefer to buy in the morning sweet pastries, at lunch - something more filling, and in the evening - all sorts of pies with savory fillings.

It is better to prepare all homemade baked goods for sale in the morning. Yes, you have to get up early for this, but it's worth it. In addition, over time, you can recruit a specialized team of cooks to work several shifts of people.

If after some time the kitchen moves from the house to another room, then it will be necessary to comply with SES standards and obtain the accompanying permit.

In fact, you don’t need a lot of intelligence to do this kind of business. The ability to cook is probably the most important thing in this business. True, if you have no talent in cooking, then you can take up organizational issues, such as finding a place to sell, promotions and calculating income.

Grandma's good old recipes have finally begun to generate income. Thanks to modern technologies You can preserve culinary traditions and bring them to the masses. The benefit is double: both people are well-fed and income is received. It may also interest you.

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Traditional Russian pies. With cabbage and potatoes, cherries or apples. Everyone is familiar with this delicacy, which can become the basis for their own business. The sale of pies as a business has been known since ancient times; they are hot and tasty, they not only satisfy hunger, but also delight entrepreneurs with a good income.

Today magazine Reconomica offers its readers the history of the pie business, which dates back to the 90s and still exists. Is it possible to earn a million on pies? Read!

Good afternoon. My name is Natalya Zavolokina, I am 56 years old.

Mine small business I launched it 20 years ago and continue to successfully do it to this day. I live in a small urban village of Sarata and since I was 35 years old I have been selling homemade fried pies at the local market.

Dashing 90s

Even before fate connected me with trading at the market, in the 90s I worked as a cook in a canteen at a railway station. The dining room was small, there were two owners, the staff was just me and the saleswoman, and things were going badly. I still don’t know why our canteen closed. The owners ran out of money, or they quarreled among themselves, but the fact remains that I was left without work and without money.

The town is small, you won’t find much work, and where there are cooks, all the places were already taken. I was unemployed for almost a year.

From time to time, acquaintances invited me to cook for a wedding or funeral. I was wearing all the dishes, preparations and serving. I had to take my eldest daughter as my assistant, and from time to time the younger daughter helped too. They paid well, that's why I agreed.

The income was unstable - today you have it, but then you sit for a month, again waiting to see who will have what holiday, and wondering whether they will call you or not.

When the last 200 rubles were left in my wallet, and there had been no work for almost 3 months, I began to sound the alarm. My daughters suggested that I try to sell pies at the market, especially since I am good friends with baking, and I know how to cook delicious pies and buns. This is how the idea of ​​my future business came about.

If you don't try, you won't know

In those years, I still did not know what a business plan was and how to draw it up. If you have money, then you can open something of your own; if you don’t, you work for the state.

In our village, not many people were doing something of their own; mostly, locals sold vegetables and fruits at the market, and clothes, shoes and everything else were brought by visiting traders.
Pies were sold mainly at the bus station and at the train station, where there were more people.

On my part, entering the market with pies was a risk. But if you don't try, you won't know.

To start a business, you don’t need particularly large sums of money, and if you have all the products at home, then you start without any investments at all. Of course, there are expenses for food, because you need flour, eggs, potatoes, meat, spices, and yeast.

Even if these are penny sums, nothing will come of it without them:

  • bag of flour 10 kg - 25 rub.,
  • meat 1-2 kg - 150 rub.,
  • yeast 1 pack - 5 rub. etc.

I needed about 500 rubles for everything.

At the same time, you won’t sell baked goods in a bag, and no one will buy them cold. It was necessary to have either a bucket or a vessel to keep the heat for a long time.

If you compare prices, it’s different for everyone. At the bus station they sold pies for 5 rubles. per piece, on the railway it’s the same, but at the market only one woman walked with pies and also took 5 rubles for them.

I decided not to bend the stick and start with 4 rubles. for a pie.

To return the 500 rubles that I invested in the business, I needed to stand at the market every day for a week, and then I would fully earn this amount.

Lend me

Today 500 rubles is not money, but in the late 90s it was a huge amount. People could live on this money for almost a month.

Since I had 200 rubles in my stash, I spent almost all of this money on buying meat, and most importantly, I had nothing to buy. A neighbor helped me and lent me this money against a receipt; back then that was the only way we could lend money.

After two months, I had to return the 300 rubles I lent her.

The first years in pies

Having the necessary amount in hand, naturally, I rushed to the department store for flour and yeast. I also bought sunflower oil there and took a package of salt. The daughters collected onions in the garden (at least this saves money), and eggs in the chicken coop.

First entry into the market

From the night I kneaded the dough, twisted the meat into minced meat, cooked mashed potatoes, pounded them, and closer to the morning I got up and made the first batch of pies that I planned to sell.

It’s worth taking up pies if you not only know how to fry delicious products, but also if you know how to give them a presentable appearance.

Before 7 am I fried the first 25 meat pies and 25 potato pies.

At home I had an iron can with a hinged lid (I took it from the dining room) and a wheelbarrow. She put the pies in two large bags, wrapped them in a scarf and, throwing everything onto a wheelbarrow, set off to conquer the market.

Everyone comes to the market early: both sellers and buyers - so I was sure that the pies would be snapped up quickly. But for almost an hour I walked around the market shouting “Hot pies” and sold only two potato pies.

Closer to 9 a.m., my appetite seemed to awaken, and trade began to pick up little by little, and by 11 a.m. I had one pie with meat and three with potatoes left in my can, but before lunch these pies were gone too.
So, in one sleepless night and 5 hours of walking around the market, I earned the first 200 rubles.
Having gained enthusiasm, I continued to fry pies and go to the market.

In the first month alone, I sold almost 1,600 pies and earned a fortune - 6,400 rubles.

But I also had to spend a lot: again meat, flour, butter, potatoes, onions, salt. I also bought more napkins and disposable bags.

Things went slowly

But, as with everything, there are pros and cons.

In bad weather, I practically didn’t go to the market, and it happened that it rained for a week, and I sat at home the whole week.

When winter came, it was difficult to drag a heavy wheelbarrow with a can to the market, sometimes the children helped, and sometimes she pulled it herself. But in winter, the pies went out faster - everyone wanted to eat something hot and warm up.

It was also difficult in the summer - I had to go out early in order to sell the batch before the heat. Sometimes she didn’t have time and went home with a half-empty can of pies, and at home she threw them out to the dogs.

In the second year, I already wanted to expand my range and began to fry pies with cottage cheese and peas.

All this did not fit into my can, so I had to buy a larger container. The first batches were fried in small quantities - 10-15 pieces each. In the end, this is what happened - the potatoes and meat scattered quickly, but the cottage cheese and peas did not. Often even from 10 pieces. with peas, half remained, so I always fried less with this filling and sold it cheaper than the rest - 3 rubles each.
In two years, I haven’t raised the cost of my baked goods, but I haven’t made them smaller either.

5 years later

When 5 years had already passed since I sold pies at the market, many already knew me, there were many regular customers, the idea came to expand my business.

I have often received personal orders: to fry or bake pies - and I took on it. And I wanted to go beyond the market.

The youngest daughter, she was already 20 years old then, agreed to help me. We began to make more products and traded at the same time: I was at the market, and she was near the hospital, at the other end of the village.
The earnings were good, and all the money that the daughter brought in went to her as a salary. But it was not possible to work for a long time near the hospital - the administration dispersed all the street vendors from there and set up a small store. So again all the income came only from my sales.

I saved all the money that I earned over the years, and when my daughters got married, I gave all the money to them, equally. I don’t need such a large sum, but it was useful to them in life.

Make a million with pies. Is it real?

It’s possible to make a million on pies if you sell a thousand pies every day and don’t waste your income.

There will always be those who like your product and those who don't.

Grocery expenses

Cost of products:

  • flour 10 kg bag - 25 rubles, enough for 2 weeks;
  • eggs 20 pcs. - 30 rubles, for 3 days;
  • oil 1 liter - 30 rubles, enough for a month;
  • yeast - 5 rub. for 200 g, one pack is enough for two batches;
  • potatoes 10 kg - 50 rubles;
  • pork meat 1 kg - 70 rubles;
  • onion 10 kg - 35 rubles;
  • salt - 5 rub. pack;
  • cottage cheese 1 kg - 45 rubles;
  • peas 10 kg - 45 rubles;
  • napkins - 3 rub. package;
  • bags 100 pcs. - 20 rub.

Gas cylinder - 650 rub.

Some products had to be purchased every week, and some were enough for a month. I regularly refilled my gas tank every month. It took me approximately 1,200 rubles to purchase goods for trade.

In the first year I managed to earn 72,000 rubles. Of these, I invested almost 14,000 rubles for the purchase.


The second year was more successful, because she began selling not only potato pies and pasties, but also cottage cheese and peas. Therefore, monthly earnings amounted to almost 7-7.5 thousand rubles, but expenses also increased - almost 1,900-2,000 rubles were spent on groceries.

There was a period when I didn’t work for two weeks due to illness, and in the summer a lot of food spoiled, I had to throw it away and buy fresh.

My income/expenses/losses for the second year in rubles:

  • January - 6500/900/120;
  • February - 7700/1050/80;
  • March - 6300/880/350;
  • April - 6000/1160/400;
  • May - 7250/1200/700;
  • June - 7200/1100/150;
  • July - 6800/1040/120;
  • August - 6650/1130/600;
  • September - 6800/990/200;
  • October - 5900/800/100;
  • November - 7000/940/300;
  • December - 6600/1200/200.

My losses alone for the year amounted to about 4 thousand rubles.

In subsequent years, I tried to work as hard as I could, and even when I could not enter the market for health reasons, my daughters helped me and married me. In addition, when my youngest daughter began working with me, we doubled our income.

Over the ten years of my work in pies, I earned more than 500 thousand rubles. And I can definitely say that selling homemade pies is a profitable business.

Modern pies

My pie business still operates to this day and brings me a steady income. After 10 years of working in the market, when I carried a wheelbarrow with a can with me every day, it was decided that I could not do this for long.

My daughters found me a small kiosk that was for rent in the market square, and insisted that I rent this stall and work in it. Moreover, you can put everything you need there: a stove, pans, and food, and sell everything hot at once.
I agreed to their persuasion. In addition, the owner asked for 1,500 rubles a month for rent and even offered to take it on a long-term lease with a purchase option.

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