How to develop critical thinking? Critical thinking.

The buildings 12.10.2019
The buildings

- this is the ability to draw one's own conclusions based on the facts. Encyclopedic articles call it a system of judgments, but it is rather a method of thinking that helps to independently come to reasonable conclusions, isolating true data from the information flow as opposed to rumors, interpretations and interpretations.

Critical thinking does not include such processes as memorization and assimilation (understanding) of information, creative and intuitive thinking. Its core is analysis.

To understand the essence critical thinking, you need to go from the opposite - to see from the outside his absence. And in order to discover this gaping vacuum, we will have to go ... to school.

Modern system school education is based solely on the process of memorizing and using the acquired knowledge for operations with an already known result. All sprouts of critical thinking at school are carefully uprooted, leaving room only for memorized rules and one-line algorithms. Often this practice is transferred to universities. In this way, generations are raised that are unable to think.

Remember what you did when you were asked to write an essay or a review of a work of art? In both cases, you found books with ready-made materials and selected pieces of suitable text from them. In "pre-computer" times, this process was reduced to rewriting, later - to searching the Internet and copying. Coursework is done in the same way, and even theses students. Everyone is used to the fact that a report, abstract or review looks like a compilation of other people's thoughts.
Teachers don't just turn a blind eye to this - they encourage it. We will not delve into reflections about who benefits from this, and whether it benefits anyone at all, but the fact remains that most people are not accustomed to critical thinking. They do not know how to think for themselves, consuming already chewed and digested information through the catheter of the media, the Internet and television.

Fortunately, critical thinking is not an organ, and therefore does not atrophy from the fact that it has not been used for a long time. The mere awareness of its necessity and importance is already the starting point for the formation of one's own critical thought. The benefit of this tool, I think, is obvious - a person who thinks for himself is more difficult to deceive, impose unfavorable working and living conditions on him, and drag him into a fraudulent scam. In addition, developing your own opinion is easier and more enjoyable than assimilating someone else's.

Critical Thinking Has 5 Characteristics(Professor, USA David Kluster)

Firstly, it is independent thinking.
Secondly, it is generalized thinking
Thirdly, it is problematic and evaluative thinking.
Fourth, it is reasoned thinking.
Fifth, critical thinking is social thinking.

How to develop critical thinking? To do this, you need to follow some rules when working with information.

Contact the original sources

“A friend of my friend told me” is the most common source of information, it is also called “word of mouth”. Of course, it is not bad for conveying gossip, which often turns out to be true, but it is hardly worth using it as an authoritative opinion. It’s one thing that “Lenka, it turns out, is already pregnant with her second”, and quite another – “Uncle Vasya said that a global default would soon break out, go urgently change the currency.” The first piece of news has nothing to do with you, at the very least, but the second piece of news can significantly change the course of your life. Moreover, it is not guaranteed that good side. Uncle Vasya may be the best political observer in the whole stairwell, but who said that after today's half a liter his forecasts would be crystal clear?

I, and you, too, have repeatedly had to observe a picture of general panic generated by rumors - either salt is bought up in bags, then buckwheat, then household appliances. And all because "Uncle Vasya said." No official news, no prerequisites from which it could be concluded that there will never be buckwheat in our country again or that money will be canceled, and henceforth everyone will pay with irons.
Check out the original sources! They may be official statements of banks, governments or other organizations that issued laws that must be published in the press. To develop critical thinking, you must find the very first exit point of information that is not yet clogged with layers of interpretations, opinions, analytics and everything else - you must study the information in its original form and draw your own conclusions based on personal experience and knowledge.

Don't trust authorities

To understand the root causes, you need to learn to trust only what you see with your own eyes, without using the prism of someone else's perception. All people are stupid to some extent, there is not a single 100% sage whose ideas will be true at all times. Something may become obsolete, and something may be controversial from the very beginning. Of course, one must rely on the experience and knowledge of scientists and thinkers, but they should only be tools of knowledge, and not a substitute for one's own opinion.
The development of critical thinking must begin with the understanding that new idea can be developed only by analyzing pure information from primary sources, and not by joining the herds of admirers of certain trends. By the way, sometimes quite absurd.

Get the information right

The main method of assimilation of information that we have been taught is thoughtless memorization. Much more effective method, which not only helps to remember data, but also teaches them to analyze - understanding. It is much easier to reproduce facts and concepts that a person has understood than just a set of words that does not make much sense to him.
To do this, you can create such an algorithm. Arm yourself with a piece of paper and a pen. Read the text (watch the video). Write down the main theses. Reproduce the information in your own words, based on the available theses.
This is the most common retelling that we were asked at school, and which is very difficult for children who are used to cramming everything - they try to literally reproduce the text, instead of memorizing its content.

Learn how to write abstracts, reviews and reports

Maybe you have not been a student for a long time, but in order to develop critical thinking, you must catch up on the skill of independent writing that was lost during this golden time. scientific work. This will help you learn how to work effectively with information, structure it, filter out questionable data, draw conclusions - in other words, think critically.

How to do it right? If it's a review, you need to read the book. If it is an abstract or a report, read the encyclopedic articles, isolating the information you need from them.
Study the opinions of experts on this issue, but not in order to bury your own under them, but in order to find out the history of the development of human thought in relation to the object under study. And write. Write what you think, describe the course of your thoughts. Structure the main ideas with the help of subheadings, prepare an introduction at the beginning, and a conclusion at the end. Own. Write everything honestly, so that you yourself like it.
You can take any topic - the main thing is that it would be interesting for you to make this report or essay. If nothing comes to mind - write a review of any book, without referring to the supporting literature.
In fact, this is the most effective technique for developing critical thinking.

An opinion developed independently may surprise you with its surprise, or it may turn out to be generally accepted. You can find out that such conclusions belong to the followers of some school or that they have already been expressed by rebels of science who oppose established dogmas. It doesn't matter if anyone else thought so before you or not - the main thing is that these are your own conclusions that you can trust. They were not imposed on you, they were not sold, they were not presented.

A critical thinker is resistant to manipulation, he will not fall prey to stereotypes or the opinion of the crowd. it separate category people who are able to penetrate the essence of things, find answers to questions that have tormented humanity, and generate new ideas.

It is impossible to talk about the comprehensive development of the personality, forgetting about one element, without which conscious and productive development is impossible - critical thinking. To recall a well-known expression, it is better to teach a person to fish so that he can provide himself with food than to feed him once. So, critical thinking is an orientation system that allows a person to see the "blank spots" in his development himself and direct him along the right course. The ability to analyze and make choices is an integral part of a developed personality, without which it will be forced to rely on the opinions of authorities and experts all the time. Thus, the first condition for the comprehensive development of personality is the presence of critical thinking.

How to develop critical thinking

In the process of gaining critical thinking, this is a powerful impetus that helps you get closer to your own and move to a qualitatively new level of consciousness. As you may have guessed by now, developing critical thinking is not easy. However, the one who has a plan to achieve it and is doomed to. I offer you such a plan, which includes 9 strategies for developing critical thinking - it is focused on versatile work during long period time. By experimenting with different strategies, you will see that it is possible to achieve critical thinking at any age.

Critical Thinking Development Strategies

№1. Use the time which you usually waste. All people waste some amount of time for nothing - not using it for productive activities or. The first strategy for developing critical thinking suggests using this time for introspection: at the end of the day, instead of mindlessly flipping through the TV channels, evaluate your day, the flaws and virtues that you showed during the day. To do this, answer yourself the following questions:

  • What was the worst example of my thinking today?
  • When did I use thinking to the maximum?
  • What exactly was I thinking about today?
  • Have I allowed negative thinking to take over today?
  • What would I do differently if I could relive today? Why?
  • Did I do something today that brought me closer to achieving my long-term goals?
  • Did I act on my own?

It is important to give yourself a little time for each question - this is how analytical thinking develops, from which critical thinking grows. Keeping daily notes will reveal your thinking patterns by highlighting recurring reactions over a period of time.

№2. One problem per day. Every morning, on your way to work or school, choose a problem that you will work on today. Define the logic of the problem and its elements: what is the exact problem, how does it relate to my values, goals and needs?

Problem work plan:

  • Formulate it as clearly and clearly as possible.
  • Examine the problem: is it under your control or do you have no control over it? What actions will you face in solving it? Choose those problems that you can do something about now and put off those that are beyond your control.
  • Actively seek the information you need to solve the problem.
  • Carefully analyze the information, interpret it and draw reasonable conclusions.
  • Find out your options - what can you do to solve the problem in the short and long term?
  • Assess the options for action based on their advantages and disadvantages.
  • Determine a strategy for solving the problem and stick to it to the end.
  • Once you take action, monitor the situation: the consequences of your actions will appear, more and more information will appear about your problem, so be ready to reconsider your strategy at any time.

№3. Develop intelligence. Every week work on developing one of the intellectual standards: clarity of thought, logic, etc. For example, if you are working on attention, for a week, record how attentive you are, whether you can always concentrate when it is required, whether the people around you are attentive.

No. 4. Lead smart diary. Make journal entries each week using the following format:

  1. Describe the situation that was most important to you (emotionally significant) during this week.
  2. Describe your reaction to this situation as specifically and accurately as possible.
  3. Now analyze, based on what you wrote, what is actually happening, what are the roots of this situation. Get deep into it.
  4. Evaluate the results of the analysis - what new did you learn about yourself? What would you do differently if you were to relive this situation?

Correct judgment about many important things is impossible without the use of critical thinking. With its help, one can judge impartially about phenomena and realities. surrounding life to see them in their true light. But the existing stereotypes and the constant imposition of other people's points of view do not contribute to the development of critical thinking. You will have to master this valuable skill on your own.

What does critical thinking mean?

By definition, critical thinking is a way of seeing truth in its most objective form. This is a purposeful, correctable, productive process that allows not only to soberly evaluate an object, phenomenon, event, person, but also to see its future, that is, to draw appropriate conclusions, make some kind of decision.

Psychology of critical thinking

An integral feature of critical thinking is the ability to analyze and synthesize, relying both on the amount of information coming from outside and on one's own intellectual potential. A person who has the skills of critical thinking will easily succeed in the correct formulation of the problem, which gives impetus to its solution. He is able to interpret abstract ideas and project them onto the surrounding realities. thinking man gets the opportunity to communicate productively with other people: if he does not understand something himself, he is able to ask for help so that it turns out to be truly effective.

How to develop critical thinking?

Critical thinking development technology includes many components. We receive the rudiments of the necessary knowledge at school, but this, of course, is not enough. Critical thinking should be developed and improved at any age. The methodology includes such elements as a challenge to oneself, overcoming difficulties - a practical component, finding a solution, conclusions - understanding the result.

The problem of choice confronts us every day. It is impossible to make perfect decisions every time, but there are several ways to increase the chance of making right choice. For example, through critical thinking. Professor Samantha Agoos from the USA describes 5 steps that can help you deal with large quantity problems.

For those who are preparing for the main school exam

Every day we are literally bombarded with problems that need to be solved. Many of them may be small and not very important, but sometimes decision can greatly affect our lives. Critical thinking is a way of approaching a problem that allows you to open it carefully, discover pitfalls such as bias or manipulation, and make the best decision.

If you think the term "critical" sounds negative, it's because, in a sense, it is. Instead of choosing what seems simple and right, a person using critical thinking exposes everything possible options scrutiny and skeptical analysis. It excludes all but the most useful and reliable information.

Here are five steps to help you make the right decisions.

1. State the problem

In other words, know what you are looking for. It's not always as easy as it sounds. If you want to try out a new diet, your desire can be dictated various factors For example, hope for quick result. But if you approach a situation with a clear idea of ​​what exactly you want to achieve with this diet, whether it be weight loss, improved digestion, or body tone, it will help you think critically about the problem and understand whether this diet suits your needs.

2. Collect information

By having a complete understanding of the problem, you will better understand what really matters in this matter. If you are trying to choose a diet that will improve performance digestive system, you can ask an expert for advice or look for reviews from other people. Gathering information will help you see different variants and thereby move closer to making an informed decision.

3. Use information

Ask yourself critical questions. When faced with a decision to make, ask yourself: how does it work? What are the options for the development of events? Does my interpretation of the information sound logical?

Let's take email, which promises you a million dollar win. It is worth considering: what shapes my approach to this situation? Can I assume that the letter says the truth? Based on obvious facts, is it logical to think that I can win some money?

4. Consider Consequences

Imagine it's election time. And you choose a candidate based on their promise to make gas cheaper for drivers. At first glance, it sounds great. But what about the long-term impact on environment? If gasoline becomes readily available, it could cause severe air pollution in your area - these are the unintended consequences to think about.

5. Explore other points of view

Ask yourself why the position of a candidate with opposing views attracts so many people? Even if you disagree with everything he says, exploring all possible points of view can explain why some strategies that don't appeal to you may work for others. This will help you analyze all the options, evaluate your own choices and, in the end, make an informed decision.

This technique is just one of the tools that, of course, will not free you from the need to make difficult decisions, but will help you make the right choice more often. Critical thinking helps to weed out the excess in the sea of ​​information and find what we are looking for. Perhaps using this method for someone will make the world a more sensible place.

The ability to think outside the box is competitive advantage any freelancer. Critical thinking is a way to get ahead and create something really new. Of course, in many cases, you can get by with template solutions, simply by following fashion trends but sometimes that's not enough. In the world information technologies everything changes so fast that sometimes there are simply no templates to perform some task, and then you have to “turn on” the brain. The fourth industrial revolution is raging around us, but many people, including freelancers, do not feel this, they simply rush in the stormy information flow along with everyone else.

Meanwhile, last year the World Economic Forum published a very interesting report on the skills that will be in demand in the coming years. In the first place of the most important skills was the ability to decide complex problems. The skill of critical thinking took the fourth place in the rating. But that was last year. According to experts, by 2020 critical thinking will become the second most important skill for professionals working in the field of information technology. And this is serious.

What is critical thinking? The Department of Philosophy at the University of Hong Kong gives the following definition: a person with critical thinking must have the following skills, abilities or abilities:

  • See logical connections between different ideas
  • Be able to evaluate and systematize arguments
  • Find inconsistencies and common errors in reasoning
  • Determine the importance and relevance of ideas
  • Correctly evaluate your own views and beliefs

These six points clearly show how important critical thinking is. These skills help solve complex problems, promote communication, make you think logically and increase Creative skills. And this is exactly what a successful freelancer needs.

Information management

We live in an information world and are constantly confronted with new ideas, data or opinions. Permanent Internet access, great amount information flows and the continuous generation of new ideas means only one thing: you have a large number of information to analyze, and something needs to be done to make sense of it all. This is where critical thinking can help.

Perhaps critical thinking should be seen not as a set of useful skills, but as a way of life. The idea is not new. Siddhartha Gautama, better known as the Buddha, spoke about this:

“Don't trust what you've heard; do not trust traditions, as they have been passed down from generation to generation; do not trust anything if it is a rumor or the opinion of the majority; do not trust if it is only a record of the saying of some old sage; do not trust guesses; do not trust what you think is true, what you are used to; do not trust the bare authority of your teachers and elders alone. After observation and analysis, when it agrees with reason and contributes to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live according to it.

At its core, critical thinking is the path to truth. Following this path, you will have to solve complex problems, invent unusual ideas and build new connections between different concepts. Critical thinking is a part of our lives, but this skill can be developed and strengthened to become a true expert in our field.

Ask why?

In critical thinking main question sounds like "why?". And this question is not so simple as it seems at first glance. Very many people tend to accept different opinions, especially if they are supported by at least some kind of authority, as indisputable facts. However, a person with critical thinking does not rely on faith. He's asking. And why, for example, is this presidential candidate better than his rival? Why is this view mainstream? Where did this information come from? Why is it believed that a certain interpretation of events is correct? On what basis can such a conclusion be drawn? Questions, questions and more questions. "Why?" can take the most different forms, so do not deny yourself the pleasure of asking. Sometimes even the most innocent question can completely change the picture of the world, which is certainly useful, especially for creative people.

Everyone in childhood was why, but an adult should not ask this question with the same naivety. However, in communication with other people or just in a mental dispute, one cannot do without correctly posed questions. This helps in conducting your own research, this is how you can get a deeper understanding of the issues under discussion. Let them not look very complicated at first approximation.

Let's take games for example. Everyone played games when they were kids. But today everyone plays, from young to old. Of course, this is no longer hide and seek, but various video games, if we talk about adults. But the question is: why do people start playing? And not only on the computer, because right before our eyes there is a rapid growth in the popularity of board games. The history of many board games dates back centuries, what is it that people find in them? Questions like these make you see different aspects of a problem and help you find the best ones. effective solutions. Just don't be afraid to think critically. Answer " board games popular because it always has been” is the wrong answer. This is formulaic, not critical thinking.


One of better ways development of critical thinking skills are knowledge about the life of other peoples, their areas of residence, their cultures and their history. It is quite possible to get this knowledge, it is enough to start traveling around the world, but not everyone can afford it. But you can start reading. And the more the better.

Today on the Internet you can find almost any information on any topic of interest. Not all of the content presented will be useful, so it's important to be able to work with facts and not trust their interpretation. You need to read a lot and not only what you like. We need to be familiar with other points of view, even if they contradict our philosophical, political or religious beliefs. And it doesn't matter who said what, a philosopher or the most ordinary person - the truth always remains the truth.

How more people reads, the more he learns. And the larger the body of knowledge, the easier it is to develop critical thinking skills. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to focus on scientific articles and similar content, fiction is also important: novels, stories, plays also help to understand how other people think and live.

But do not forget about critical thinking while reading. If someone has formalized his thoughts in the form of a book or a policy article on an Internet forum, then this does not mean at all that everything that is said there is true.

Forget about multitasking

Modern culture and technology make it easy to multitask. The conventional wisdom says that multitasking allows us to get more done, but science has repeatedly refuted this opinion. Multitasking distracts a person from the main thing and makes it difficult to think really seriously. This is the exact opposite of what is needed for critical thinking.

In order to solve a complex problem, you need to fully focus on it, which is impossible to achieve by working in multitasking mode. Reading, creativity, collaboration, discussion of various issues - all this requires the utmost concentration of attention, especially when it comes to achieving a real goal.

If you really need to think about some problem, it's better to get rid of everything that can turn on multitasking. Don't check mail. Disable mobile phone. Close unnecessary tabs in the browser, especially if they are tabs social networks. All this makes it hard to think. Not only does this prevent you from thinking critically, it also prevents you from thinking in any way productively.

Many freelancers may not agree with this point of view, well, maybe someone manages to think through a complex problem while doing several things at the same time. People are all different, this is quite real. But for the majority, juggling tasks and thoughtful reflection are incompatible.

Time for observations

When faced with a problem or the need to come up with a new idea, it is better not to rush off the bat, but to take the time to observe. Some things take time to reflect on, especially if past beliefs and experiences are in conflict with any events or statements. Today, everything is changing so fast that it is easy to get confused in all the variety of ideas and points of view.

Most people at such moments prefer to retreat "to previously occupied positions", they do not want to part with the usual way of thinking. But to learn to think critically, you need to be able to observe in order to correctly assess the situation. Sometimes it is useful to follow the development of a discussion on Facebook for several days in order to form your own opinion on an issue of interest. It is very tempting to insist on your point of view, but observation can give a clearer picture of what is happening.

The modern way of life greatly interferes with reflection. It even seems a little wild: how can you just think without doing anything else? However, focused reflection is one of the best ways to develop critical thinking. In order for your own voice to sound in your head, it is important to drown out all other voices. And it's difficult because there are so many distractions around.

Everyone has their own way of thinking. Someone goes for a walk, someone finds it easier to concentrate while working with pencil and paper. Any convenient solution will do. The main thing to remember is that for critical thinking it is important to establish connections between ideas. Decide on a direction of thought. Outline the range of issues and identify problems related to the task.

This is especially difficult if you imagine that right at the same time, thousands of people around the world are pondering similar ideas. Information flows are seething and there is a desire to simply find on the Internet already turnkey solution. If you want to develop critical thinking skills, you will have to think with your own head. Yes, this is not at all like a productive use of time. But that's how great ideas are born. Some people are so lucky that they can come up with amazing ideas during hard work on a project. However, many need silence and solitude. And time. To just think.

Instead of a conclusion

Everyone can think critically and live effectively. It is not at all difficult and does not require a great mind at all. Critical thinking is just a way to think with your head, questioning any, even the most interesting ideas. Of course, critical thinking won't solve every freelance problem, but it's a good habit to get into. And the more he thinks, the more efficiently he will work, learn, communicate and generate creative ideas.

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