Advice. How to buy a ready-made business

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If you want to run a business, sometimes it's easier to buy a ready-made one than to organize a new one from the very beginning. A ready-made and functioning company has some advantages compared to starting a new company from scratch. But buying a small business, even with all its advantages, is not exactly easy to make. There are a ton of things you need to know before you buy franchise rights or any existing company.

When buying a small business, the first thing you need to decide is the type of company you would like to own. It is not wise to invest in something without the certainty that it will give you more than your investment. Main question The question you need to ask yourself is what kind of business should you invest in?

In your selection process, narrow down your options to a type of business that you are very familiar with. Suitable choice is a business corresponding to your profession. You can also choose something that you enjoy doing as a hobby, for example. In both cases, the more important factor is the need for you to have extensive knowledge about the type of activity you choose. This knowledge will play an important role in business management.

Once you have chosen a business that suits you, find out the reasons why the owner decided to sell it. If this was related to the results of the work, then carefully analyze all the risks that you will have to face. Can you bring the company to a more viable level? In the case of franchising, there is no need to worry about this, but be that as it may, before taking any step towards buying a company, it is necessary to carefully study the viability of the target market, the feasibility of choosing a location and analyze the financial condition of the business.

Another issue to consider when buying a small business is financing. You need to answer a simple question: can you afford it? Getting a loan may not be difficult for you, but still, why buy more than you can afford? It's like wondering if you should take out a loan for an amount that you can't repay on your own.

Buying a small business is no easy task. If the company is already operating, then you need to find out about all lawsuits, tax liabilities and debts that the company has, as all this will pass to you, as the new legal owner. On the other hand, if you decide to purchase franchise rights, you need to know everything about the need for royalties, franchise fees and other financial obligations, as well as the timing of these payments. Try to find out also about any hidden fees. Sometimes, maintaining franchise rights requires you to make more payments than you owe.

Stages of buying a business.

1. Research the company or franchise agreement.

The contract of sale or franchising must comply with established rules and conditions in accordance with the laws and regulations of the municipal government. Do not buy a company without first checking the documentation. Consult with the appropriate experts, especially a lawyer, on the most basic points of the contract.

2. Bargain.

If you think you can bring the company's asking price down a bit, try it. However, if you do not know how to conduct such negotiations, enlist your mediator to help. Saving a little here and there can help you win big in the end.

3. Make a payment.

If you have the necessary funding, then you just need to apply payment order and pay the cost in accordance with the agreed schedule. Loans for the purchase of companies can be obtained from the bank. It would be nice if you could talk to the bank while looking for a suitable company, so as to speed up the whole process.

4. Sign all required papers.

After you have made the payment and reached an agreement, both parties must complete the transaction by signing all the necessary papers. They need to be assembled accordingly, as they will be needed in the next step. It's best to have a lawyer around during the signing process to make sure everything is properly documented and you haven't missed anything.

5. Register a company under your name.

At the moment when you have received full rights to the company, you need to register all necessary changes with the appropriate authority. If you want to change the name, transfer ownership and renew the license, then this is the time to do it.

What you need to know when buying ready business? Is it worth choosing this option for those who start in the field of entrepreneurship, or is it better to abandon such an idea and create your own company from scratch on your own? For those who have never been in business, many experts recommend an already established, promising and successfully operating business "Full construction". This will allow you to learn from own mistakes but on a successful, revenue-generating and profitable model. Of course, this does not completely insure against mistakes, but a well-coordinated team will help to stay afloat and level out, smooth out all the flaws of inept management on the ground with their coordinated actions. initial stage.

What you need to know when buying a ready-made business

There are several options for purchasing it:

  1. The sale of his business by a businessman who decided to change his occupation, move abroad, or for some other reason “retire business”. Advantages of such an offer: it is usually the cheapest, since the seller most often wants to sell the enterprise in short time. Located in the same city where he lives (works) potential buyer, which means that it is possible to obtain complete and reliable information about the company's affairs, its reputation, difficulties and relations with the law. But sometimes such a firm is sold at the stage of the onset of problems, and this can lead to failure, additional investments, even bankruptcy. Investments in the acquisition of such a project range from 10 thousand rubles. Choosing this option, you should choose a type of activity similar to the profession, the interests of the new owner, in which he has experience, knowledge or a desire to thoroughly understand.
  2. Turnkey business implementation from companies that do this professionally. This is beneficial from the point of view of a preliminary market analysis. That is, such a business is initially created in promising, demanded industries. In addition, all legal, accounting issues of the initial stage have been successfully resolved here, which means that you can safely start a business in the literal sense "with clean slate". The cost of the project starts from 50 thousand rubles. As in the previous version, it is advisable to analyze your abilities and knowledge, since there will no longer be assistants in business at the development stage (at least free ones).
  3. Franchising. Unlike previous types of ready-made business, franchisees are ready to support their partners at all stages of their activities. Since responsibility for the result is part of the reputation of the entire network. In addition to assistance, financial, business, industrial, a franchise is:
    • search and selection of suitable premises;
    • consulting or actual selection of equipment;
    • supply of goods and products for the implementation of the case.

Ready business: Water delivery service

The downside is the price. Even the most inexpensive franchises will require significant initial costs (rubles / months):

  • Franchise "Orange Elephant" - 295,000/3;
  • Franchise "SpecTech" - rental of specialized machines and tools - 60,000/1;
  • Franchise "Lawyer 24" - legal support - 198,000/1;
  • Franchise "Space plastic sand" - toys - 150,000/2;
  • Franchise "Chocolate Dream" - holiday services - 200,000/3.

In addition to making the right choice, when buying a ready-made business, you should be prepared for the need to go through all legal procedures and processes. This is the registration of a company, registration with the Federal Tax Service and insurance, pension funds, statistical authorities. You also need to organize and maintain tax, and if you register as an LLC, then accounting.

Pitfalls when buying a ready-made business

For the first two options, these are hidden debts, the possible need to restore the reputation, the positive image of the company and assess the prospects of activities. In the absence of valuation practice, analytical skills and experience, it is recommended to contact specialists. For example, in audit companies. Auditing can be performed not only financial side business, but also other equally important and essential aspects of it:

  • ecological;
  • industrial;
  • labor relations and discipline;
  • legal and legal guarantees and problems.

Franchising carries the risk of bankruptcy. Although most franchise agreements involve a regular assessment of the performance of a new franchisee, it is difficult to calculate your strengths and skills at the initial stage. Or you will have to constantly seek help, which in some cases is associated with additional costs and payments.

Building your own business from scratch is not just an easy task. For many aspiring entrepreneurs, it is generally beyond the power. Some lack patience, others lack finances, and still others lack “useful” connections. In other words, everyone has their own reasons. In such cases, an acceptable option would be to consider the possibility of acquiring a ready-made, operating project (do not confuse with buying a franchise!). What is involved in buying a ready-made business, how to do it technically, and what "pitfalls" a new owner can expect - we will consider in today's publication.

Business purchase schemes

First of all, it should be noted that in Russian legislation there is no such thing as "buying a ready-made business." Any company is legal entity, and therefore quite an independent subject of legal relations.

For these reasons, it cannot act as an object of sale and purchase. Consequently, the very term “acquisition of a ready-made business” and any derivatives from it have no legal force, and its use will not be entirely correct. However, to simplify the perception, we will use this expression.

To date, there are two schemes for acquiring an existing business:

  1. Gradual or one-time purchase of company shares, entailing a change in the company's owners, and a change in the package of constituent documents with their subsequent registration;
  2. Appointment of the buyer of the existing business as its full head, which means giving him control over the company.

What are the reasons for selling a business?

The buyer of a ready-made business must clearly understand that no one will part with a successful enterprise that brings a solid, stable income without very good reasons. Therefore, the analysis and verification of the subject of sale and purchase should be the most thorough.

Finding out the reasons why the owner decides to sell his business is at the first place in a series of numerous enterprise research activities. The main selling points are:

  • complete rejection of entrepreneurial activity due to various personal reasons (moving to a new place of residence; legal division of property, which can include business, in case of divorce of spouses; change of worldview, etc.);
  • the work of the enterprise at a loss (and it’s good if this fact is not hidden!);
  • lack of interest in the business as a whole (let’s say an entrepreneur decides to go to work for public service, or he was offered a "warm place" in some company;
  • the desire to change the field of activity (this occurs at every step - a person created a business, and after some time he realized that this is not mine, and decided to do something else, but there is no money anymore, everything is invested in an existing business, which now needs to be sold ).

What should the buyer be guided by

Imagine a situation: there is a desire to start a business, there is finance, but there is not the slightest desire to build everything from scratch, to go through the difficult procedure of promoting your business. In this situation, the acquisition of a ready-made business will be the best option.

However, the catch is that almost always, when there is a choice, the buyer begins to doubt - what if I don’t pull it, and what if demand disappears in six months, and what if another direction is more profitable. Dozens of such “suddenly” will appear, you can be sure. In this case, you should conduct a small self-test by answering the following questions:

  1. What would you really like to do, while omitting such details as the level of profitability and financial expenses for business organization.
  2. What are you best at. Agree, it would be very reasonable to do exactly what you know how to do best? First, learning "as you go" as many "in the know" advise can cost you extra costs when doing business, and secondly, who will guarantee that in a year or two you will not understand that “this is not mine” and will not also put the business up for sale?
  3. What scale should your future business have? Imagine what kind of staff will work for you? How many outlets will be open? What volume of sales of products/services do you expect?
  4. Where should your business be located geographically? What audience coverage do you plan?

The answers to these questions will significantly narrow the search field for a business to buy. Most likely, after a thorough selection, no more than 2-3 options will remain, and you can choose among which after inspecting the enterprise and familiarizing yourself with the documentation, which will minimize the risks when buying a ready-made business.

As a rule, the acquisition of a ready-made business is carried out in 7 stages:

  1. Evaluation of your financial condition. The prices in the offers for the sale of existing projects are quite high, often much higher than the amount that it will cost to create a business from scratch (taking into account various bonuses in the form of an established client base, supply chains, etc.), so there will be the necessary money to buy a ready-made business not everyone.
  2. Search for business proposals. You can use the self-test option above, or use the services of a business broker.
  3. Contact with the business owner to clarify the reasons and other details of the sale, request all necessary information to make a decision.
  4. Studying the proposal. Self analysis, especially if you are new to business environment, will not give anything sensible. It is better to resort to the help of specialists in order to reduce the risks when buying a ready-made business. Yes, you will have to pay, but later you can be sure that you have not slipped a "pig in a poke".
  5. Internal business valuation. With the permission of the owner of the enterprise, try to spend 1 to 3 days in the business, see it "from the inside", pretend to be a manager, evaluate current operations.
  6. If necessary, consideration various options lending for the purchase and selection of the best.
  7. Make a deal. If your desires coincide with your capabilities, you can sign a contract of sale.

What documents should a business put up for sale have?

As already said, specialists should check the finished business before buying. But in order to avoid extra expenses You can do your own pre-assessment. First of all, this concerns the availability of a complete package of documents that any legal entity should have:

  • certificate of state registration as a legal entity;
  • certificate of registration with the tax service;
  • decision to establish a company;
  • articles of association;
  • seal;
  • a letter from Roskomstat indicating the assignment of the relevant OKVED codes;
  • internal orders on the appointment of the director of the company and the chief accountant;
  • documents confirming the right to locate the company at the specified legal address;
  • all notices from off-budget funds(pension, social insurance, compulsory medical insurance, road, environmental, etc.).

The main nuance of concluding a transaction for the purchase and sale of a business is that the buyer will have to trust the seller. The new owner will be able to become the full owner of the enterprise only after the corresponding entry is made in the state register.

And this can be done only on the basis of documents confirming the conduct of all necessary calculations under the transaction and the complete absence of claims of the parties to each other. The temptation to simply “throw” the seller in this “situation” is very strong for the seller. Therefore, when concluding such transactions, as a rule, resort to the services of a third party - an intermediary company, which will assume the obligation to organize the sale, or act as a guarantor of honesty.

Benefits of a ready-made business

What exactly does the buyer receive as a result of the transaction? The advantages of such an acquisition are obvious:

  • obtaining a fully realized business idea, eliminating the time spent on creating and promoting a business;
  • availability of the necessary package of documents;
  • formed staff of qualified, experienced employees;
  • the presence of an established production / provision of services;
  • its place in the chosen niche of the market;
  • promoted brand/trademark;
  • the presence of a permanent client base;
  • certain tax, financial, and credit history of the enterprise;
  • a certain reputation and connections, which often pass from the previous owner to the new one;
  • availability of supply channels for the necessary raw materials;
  • availability of a license, certificate for certain work;
  • the presence of a certain, tested marketing policy of the enterprise.

And, finally, the most important plus is that profit will occur immediately after the conclusion of the transaction (unless, of course, the business does not require serious reorganization, or even “resuscitation”). When creating a business from scratch, profits will have to wait at least a year, or even longer.

Disadvantages of a ready-made business

Its disadvantages are also inevitable when acquiring an existing project. Of course, each direction will have its own negative nuances, but the general points include:

  • the complexity of the purchase and sale procedure itself;
  • possible mass layoffs of employees due to a change in the company's management;
  • the presence of "hidden" debts and fines, which are not always possible to identify during a preliminary audit of the business.

Another important point, which requires special attention when making a deal - the business should in no way be connected with the personality of the previous owner!

Often, the seller often agrees at the first time agreed with the buyer to help him with the conduct of business, for example, advice, providing the necessary contacts, etc. Usually this period is up to 1 year.

The most common mistakes and risks when acquiring a ready-made business

Acquisition of a ready-made business is not only difficult process but also associated with a high degree of risk. Often beginners, and even experienced entrepreneurs, make mistakes, the most common of which we have tried to identify in this list:

  • the belief that there is no need to take part in the development of a ready-made business, and that it can be managed from anywhere in the world. This is not true. Until you have delved into the process of work, until you have figured out all the subtleties, you can forget about rest;
  • buying a business in a completely unfamiliar business area;
  • acquisition of a business as a gift (to wife, beloved, etc.). Will it not happen that, having lost control, your loved ones will not put a heavy burden on your shoulders?
  • insufficient attention when checking the company's documentation. There are situations when, acquiring a ready-made business, the new owner also received a bunch of unpaid debts of the enterprise due to his carelessness;
  • rapid replacement of personnel of the enterprise.

List of main risks as follows:

  • overestimated profitability of the enterprise by the seller;
  • lack of prospects for business development;
  • negative attitude of the staff towards the new management.

Continuation of the analysis after the transaction

It is possible that after the transition of the enterprise to a new owner, either production volumes, or the level of income, or all together will fall. In order to minimize such losses, it is necessary at first to listen more to the advice of not only the previous owner, but also employees who have worked in the company for more than one year.

Nowadays, there are two options for starting a business. Classic - that is, starting a business from scratch, coming up with an idea, drawing up a business plan, accumulating initial capital, registering, etc. There is a second option, much less problematic - to acquire a business. The second option with buying a case saves time, nerves and effort. There is no need to “reinvent the wheel”, the organization is already in place, there is also a job profile, recruited staff, a place in the entrepreneurial market, a client base, well-established relationships with suppliers or business colleagues, i.e. The firm is operating and making money.

But in this case, there are difficulties - and who, in fact, will sell you a ready-made and successful business, or at least accept you as a share? Moreover, your logic works in the following direction: if the seller sells his successful business to you, then not everything is clean and there is a catch. Moreover, a successful business requires a good economic education, work experience, and special training. After all, even a small company in terms of turnover of funds can turn out to be a very complex organization with its own specifics of work, attitudes in the team, etc., i.e. with its pitfalls, which are not visible at first glance and become apparent only when you get in the know and the business is bought.

Therefore, before acquiring a business, you yourself must learn one truth: do not buy a pig in a poke, but buy a business that is close to your occupation.

The easiest option for buying a business is to buy a business online. This is easier than acquiring a "classic" company. It is enough to buy a franchise that allows you to run your business under a popular brand.

One of the main questions that a buyer of a business asks himself is what prompted the previous owner to sell his business, what is the reason for this. If you are sure that the sale is not related to commercial activities the company you are buying - due to illness, family circumstances, then consider yourself lucky. Because the commercial profitability of the company is the main condition for its purchase. The firm may have undisclosed debts, complex and damaged relationships with suppliers, outstanding loans, problems with tax office, formidable complications in the market. Those. the company may turn out to be with a damaged reputation or associated with criminals, which will put a heavy burden on your shoulders.

Immediately you need to decide: what funds are you willing to give for the purchase. Please note that after the purchase, most likely, you will have to make additional investments. And also calculate the cost of a finished business, i.e. his net income.

Another nuance is the prospects of the purchased enterprise. For example, you need to understand that in the area in which the company operates, there may be another competitive company that may well force you out of the market. There is one more subtlety: it is quite possible that in the age of scientific and technological progress there will be new technology, which will make your business either unprofitable, or even unnecessary.

When all the details of the case are clarified and the conditions suit you, you can buy this ready-made business. The most simple thing is to advertise in the press - “I will buy a business”, or, on the contrary, look at the ads “I will sell a business”. But it is best to contact special companies involved in the sale of business organizations. Then you will be insured against the pitfalls that have already been mentioned above. In addition, reputable entrepreneurs want to make such transactions without advertising them in advance - confidentially.

Nowadays, people want to invest their money. Let it be small money, but if they are invested wisely, they will bring their income. Buying a ready-made business should be approached very responsibly. Therefore, our article will tell you how to buy a ready-made business. We will also tell you what you need to know in such a case. In addition, we will give an algorithm of your possible actions when buying a ready-made business.

Evaluation of the pros and cons of a ready-made business

Decide on funds

First you need to decide how much money from your budget you are willing to spend on buying a new business. Next, decide how much money you can borrow or borrow from a bank. You should also study all aspects of liquidity and real estate both in you and in the business you are acquiring.

What you need to know when buying a ready-made business: Choose options that are suitable for the cost

If you want to find the answer to the question of what you need to know when buying a ready-made business, then you have come to the right place. After all, it is in our article that you can see the best recommendations.

Businessmen who want to sell their business place advertisements on the Internet, newspapers, etc. It is worth remembering that not all sellers of a business announce their sale “publicly”. Usually the reason is that they want to maintain confidentiality so as not to cause disturbance among suppliers, employees and customers. That is why it is also very important to make inquiries about selling a business among friends, colleagues, lawyers and consultants.

Find out the reasons for selling the business

The seller may have several of them:

  • inability to control and manage the process due to a change of residence;
  • all sorts of disagreements between the owners;
  • loss of interest in own business. Sometimes this happens if a previously favorite activity ceases to bring pleasure and satisfaction;
  • the previous owner does not have a worthy successor, and the age is already old;
  • the owner wants to invest his funds in a more profitable project.

All of the above reasons can be combined in the following way:

  1. The business has ceased to bring good profits (the company may be in danger of bankruptcy).
  2. The owner wants to start another business, lack of funds for further development companies, there are personal motives for which a businessman should retire.
  3. When buying a company, it is advisable to be guided by the second point. But the choice is still yours.

Estimate the rest of the business

It is impossible to estimate the value of a company only on the basis of the value of shares in the market. That is why it is worth evaluating small and medium business in three ways:

income approach. In this approach, the price of a company will be determined by the income that is expected from it. The buyer will never pay more for the business than it can bring in for the period of interest to the buyer. Using this option, the buyer calculates several options for business development, but still the risk is very high. If the company's income is good and stable, then this method can be applied without fear of going bankrupt.

Market approach. The value of a business can be determined by comparing the sales of companies over a short recent period of time. The characteristics of the company, both qualitative and quantitative, should be approximately equal.

Cost approach. This approach is most effective when the buyer compares the cost of buying a business with the cost of starting the exact same business.

It is up to you to decide which approach to choose, because there is no unambiguous answer which one is better. All yours further actions will depend on what kind of company you want to acquire. You should also pay attention to the fact that contacting consultants at this stage will only help you better understand this matter.

Study your chosen business in great detail

If your funds allow you to contact specialists, then you should do it immediately. The specialist will check the seller for "good faith", as well as shed light on the information provided by the seller. Checks the correctness of all documents, etc. If you have no particular doubts about the purchase, and the purchase and sale amount is small, then you can try to do all the verification procedures yourself. It is worth paying attention to the fact that if the seller hides or conceals any information, this is the first danger signal. The following points will be quite serious reasons for concern:

  • Very little time to buy a business;
  • Some information on the object is missing;
  • It is difficult to obtain any information on the purchased business;
  • There is no confidence in the reason for the sale of the object or the reason is unclear;
  • The seller misrepresents or misinterprets information.

Minimize your risks

  1. You need to make inquiries about anything that could harm the business.
  2. Find out the condition of the property, location.
  3. Never take a word. Rely only on facts.
  4. Suggest that the seller draw up a guarantee that the business has no debts that do not pass through the accounting records.
  5. Contact a lawyer to draft detailed plan transfer of all powers.
  6. In the contract of sale, it is necessary to indicate that only those shares that are directly related to the activities of the enterprise are transferred to you. The debts of the past owner of the enterprise do not pass to the current one.

Start buying negotiations

If all questions have been discussed and doubts have dissipated, then we can proceed to negotiations.

We draw your attention to the fact that the seller may ask for a deposit, because no one wants to deal with a frivolous buyer. You will decide in advance on the price and terms on which you are ready to purchase the business. Each of you will bargain, do not be afraid and do not give up everything that you have already achieved. You will definitely come to a result that will suit both. After all, that's what bargaining is all about.

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