The choice of corrugated board. Which decking is suitable for roofing? Roofing with corrugated board

Site arrangement 26.06.2020
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Most modern public and residential buildings are covered with metal roofing materials. These include metal tile and corrugated board. They are made using a similar technology, so the only difference is in the shape of the pattern. If the first one is made in the form of a tile, then the second one has the form of longitudinal ridges imitating slate. To better understand which corrugated board to choose for the roof, you need to study its varieties and understand the meaning of the marking.

Classification of profiled roofing sheet

Profiled roofing sheet is produced by cold-rolled sheet metal. The product has a comb surface. This stiffens and allows water to flow down the grooves formed by the ridges. Combs can have a cross section of various geometric shapes, ranging from a triangle to a trapezoid. This does not affect the mechanical properties in any way, but it creates variety when choosing a material. Therefore, it does not matter which corrugated board to choose for the roof: with triangular or rectangular ridges. It's just a matter of consumer taste.

Types of protective coatings

After the rolling mill, the profiled sheet enters the workshop, where it is electroplated protectively. Protection is of two types:

  • zinc coating involves the use of zinc salts as a working substance. As a result of electrolysis, metallic zinc settles on the sheet, covering it with a continuous layer. This metal does not interact well with oxygen, which guarantees excellent protection of steel from corrosion. The more zinc was spent, the stronger the protection;
  • aluminum-zinc coating is produced using the same technology, only aluminum salts are added to zinc salts. They are cheaper, so this coverage is more budgetary. In this case, the degree of protection is reduced, which makes it necessary to make another decorative coating of polymeric materials and dyes.

The top color coating is more of a decorative function, as it is not very durable. However, it can somewhat enhance the basic protection.

Types of decorative coatings

Decorative coating also comes in several types:

  • Glossy polyester is the easiest and cheapest coating option. During installation and operation, it quickly loses its appearance due to scratches and chips;
  • matte polyester has greater reliability and resistance to mechanical stress. Its structure is similar to velvet, and the thickness is greater, which allows it to retain color longer and not give glare;
  • pural is a polyurethane, with the addition of polyamide, a coating having a thickness of 50 microns. It has high reliability, immunity to low air temperatures and ultraviolet rays. Pural is best suited for application to roofing sheets;
  • plastisol is the most reliable of all types of coatings. The thickness of the PVC layer is 200 microns. Such a polymer coating has a relief embossing and a dashed notch. It is intended for operation in harsh climatic zones, has resistance to mechanical stress, and is very durable.

All these coatings are applied to a layer of paint, which can be of various colors. The name of the color may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, but the most common are shades of red, brown, blue and green. You can find bright orange, yellow and purple options for corrugated board. What kind of corrugated board to choose for the roof of your house, each owner decides according to his color preferences.

Types of corrugated board for the intended purpose

Based on the scope of the material, the following types of profiled sheet can be distinguished:

  • Roofing (PC) is used only for roofing. It has a profile height of over 20mm and a wave height of over 44mm.
  • Carrier (H) is used in the construction of frames for various stalls and trade pavilions, sandwich panels and ceilings. It has a wave height of 35 mm.
  • Wall and bearing (NS) has a universal purpose. Load-bearing structures are made from it, walls are lined. The wave has an even greater height (35×44 mm.).
  • Wall (C) is used only as a facing material for walls. Its profile is from 6 to 35 mm in height.

  • All types of corrugated board are cut into standard sheets with a length of 1.5 to 12 m. At the same time, at the request of the customer, manufacturers can cut sheets of any required length.

    How to read the marking of corrugated board

    As an example, you can take the marking: HC35-0.5-750-12000. It is easy to decipher it: HC35- means that this is a wall bearing sheet with a thickness of 35 mm. The second number is the thickness of the sheet - 0.5 mm, the third - the width of 750 mm, and the fourth - the length of 12000 mm. The allowable loads on the profiled sheet depend on these characteristics. There is a special load table for various types of corrugated board. The permissible load depends on the thickness of the sheet, the distance between the ridges, their height and varies from 50 to 960 kg/m².

    Taking into account that sheets with PC marking are used for the construction of the roof, it is necessary to decide which corrugated roof to choose.

    What decking to choose for the roof

    Before you start choosing a roofing material, you need to learn the following important things that you should pay attention to when buying:

    • a product marked - "State Standard" (GOST) is preferable to buy than - "Technical Specifications" (TU), since state requirements are always higher than the standards of the manufacturer itself;
    • when calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof, 200 mm tolerances must be taken into account;
    • you can not buy too cheap non-galvanized sheets, which will quickly rust and collapse under the influence of adverse environmental conditions.

    So which roof decking to choose from the options listed? Experts advise making a choice taking into account the region of residence, since climatic conditions are crucial in choosing.

    Among the main options for corrugated board, which can cover the roof, there are:

  • PK20 - used in roofing work in the zone of moderate precipitation. It is necessary to install a crate with a step of no more than 80 cm. The sheet has a working width of 110 cm.
  • Although C21 is a wall profile, it can be used for roofing in the temperate zone. The step of the crate is also no more than 80 cm.
  • NS-35, 44 are used in more severe climatic conditions, as they have a greater allowable load bearing.

  • In addition, H-57, 750 (900), H-60, 75 are used in roofing, depending on the required bearing load.

    If the question arises, which corrugated roof to choose, you should not discount such a parameter as colors and decorative properties. After all, a roof that harmonizes in color and texture with other buildings on the site looks much more attractive and creates the impression of the integrity of the entire architectural environment.

    Features of mounting corrugated board on different types of roofs

    The general rules for installing corrugated roofing on the roof are as follows:

    • the crate is made solid or in increments, but no more than prescribed for a particular brand of sheet;
    • a film or rolled vapor barrier is laid on the crate;
    • sheets are fastened with special roofing screws with rubber gaskets along the waves.

    For different types of roofs, the rules are slightly different. So, flat roofs begin to close from the right edge. The installation of tent-type roofs is carried out simultaneously from two sides, and they start from the highest place of the slope.

    If you decide correctly which corrugated roof to choose and lay it in accordance with the requirements, you will get a beautiful and reliable roof.

    Profiled sheeting is believed to have been invented by Henry Palmer, who designed the first British railway. This engineer, in the 1920s, pointed out the advantages of lightweight containers made from special metal sheets. The novelty was appreciated by builders, and since then the profiled sheet has become widespread in the construction of walls, roofs and fences. Roof decking has established itself as a reliable and functional material that allows you to get high-quality roofing.

    A proven method of arranging a roof Source

    Types and specifications

    Profiled sheet (profiled sheet, corrugated sheet) is a sheet of cold-rolled metal with a complex profile. Among other varieties, a sheet intended for roofing can be distinguished by the presence of a capillary groove (a groove pressed along the edge of the sheet and helping to remove moisture). The marking of such material begins with the index HC, PC or R, the number after the index indicates the height of the wave. Roofing corrugated board has the following set of characteristics:

      Material. The sheets are made of steel, they can only have a double-sided galvanized coating and an additional, protective and decorative one. The performance properties are affected by both the thickness of the sheet and the thickness of the zinc layer. There are expensive options made of chromium-nickel steel, aluminum or copper.

      Thickness. For a low profile, a minimum thickness of 0.4 mm is allowed, for a high profile - at least 0.7 mm.

      Structure. Decking is a composite (multilayer) material. For different brands, the number of layers varies from 3 to 10; thickness can also be different.


    One of the differences between the roofing profiled sheet Source

      Coating type. The coating has a protective and decorative function, it can be polymeric or paint-and-lacquer and have several layers. The warranty provided by the manufacturer depends on the number and thickness of the coating layers. Most often, the polymer coating (colored, matte or glossy) is acrylic, polyester, polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride.

      Additional coverage. An additional film is applied to some types of profiled sheet (lamination is carried out). Additional protection against mechanical damage increases the price (sometimes by 8-10%), but is considered necessary for complex polymer coatings.

      Comb type(corrugations, waves). Products are produced with a wavy or trapezoidal (European standard) profile. The profiled sheet for the roof has a wave height of 20 to 100 mm; ridge and wall can be reinforced.

      Additional elements. These include components used to design roof units: end and cornice strips covering cornices, edges and joints of two slopes; a skate that protects the place of convergence of the slopes.

    Varieties of corrugations Source

    On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer roof repair services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

    Geometric dimensions and weight

    The maximum length of a profiled sheet is limited by the technological capabilities of production and is 12 m. Typically, manufacturers cut such a blank in multiples of 1 m or 0.5 m; accuracy depends on the quality of the equipment. The calculation of the required amount of material is carried out taking into account the transverse overlap of individual sheets. The size of the longitudinal overlap depends on the angle of the roof - the smaller the angle (lower the slope), the greater this parameter is set (for an angle of 15 °, the overlap is 20 cm). The width of the side overlap is half the width of the wave.

    Manufacturers indicate two sheet widths - overall (standard, total) and useful (working, mounting). The overall width is the initial sheet parameter (from 1 to 1.25 m), the useful width is the one that is obtained after the formation of the wave, it is always slightly smaller and depends on the height of the wave.

    It is important to understand that when selling material, calculations are made using the total width. But builders, when calculating corrugated roofing, operate (which is quite natural) with the concept of working width. To calculate the useful width, the size of the overlap (the width of one wave) is subtracted from the total.

    Difference between overall and installation width Source

    The thickness of roofing sheets from 0.45 to 1.2 mm is regulated by GOST 24045-2010 and, despite its seeming insignificance, is quite sufficient for the construction of a strong roof. The profiling procedure gives the sheet additional strength (stiffness). Builders move along the stacked sheets without deforming them, thanks to the complex shape of the profile that redistributes the load.

    The weight of a sheet is a derivative of its dimensions: length, width and thickness. The weight of corrugated roofing is also affected by the distance between the waves and the structure of the protective and decorative coating.


    The successful combination of operational characteristics does a professional flooring to one of the most applied roofing materials. Among its advantages are the following parameters:

      Durability. The guarantee for various types of material can reach 20-25 years; the term depends on the thickness and type of polymer coating. In terms of service life, corrugated roofing is comparable to bituminous and metal tiles (the guarantee for slate is 15 years).

    Weight of roofing materials in comparison Source

      Affordable cost. An excellent price / quality ratio contributes to the popularity of corrugated roofing. The material is cheaper than bituminous and metal tiles.

      Strength(reliability). Thanks to the profile, the material can easily withstand significant mechanical and snow loads.

      Corrosion resistance. Thanks to the layers of zinc, primer and polymers, the sheet is protected from the damaging effects of moisture.

      Minor weight. The roof does not exert significant pressure on the supporting structures. It also makes transport and installation much easier.

      Resistance to natural phenomena. The material is resistant to temperature extremes, solar ultraviolet and atmospheric moisture.

      fire safety.

      Range of design solutions. Polymer coatings make it possible to produce sheets in a wide color palette, comparable to the palette of metal tiles and superior to other roofing materials.

      Minimum care. The metal profile during operation does not need regular maintenance.

    Line of colors of one of the brands of corrugated board Source

    Disadvantages of a profiled sheet and ways to minimize them

    Despite a solid list of positive qualities, roofing corrugated board also has disadvantages that are revealed during operation. Understanding the weaknesses of the material makes it possible to reduce their influence at the stage of roof installation. The disadvantages of a profiled sheet include its following features:

      Low sound insulation. The slight thickness of the metal sheet leads to the appearance of a drum effect - an increase in sound during rain. Someone likes to fall asleep to the sound of falling drops, while someone slowly begins to get annoyed by the monotonous fraction. In order not to experience discomfort during each, even a little rain (and in some regions there are a lot of them), they use a proven method - strengthening the roofing pie with an additional layer of sound insulation. The role of the insulating layer is most often performed by mineral wool with a parallel effect of warming.

    Video description

    How to choose the right corrugated board in the following video:

      Loss of corrosion resistance. If the protective layer of the profiled sheet was damaged during transportation or installation, the corrosion process will most likely begin. They try to stop it by staining the damaged area, which is not always effective and almost always unaesthetic. To prevent the occurrence of corrosion, it is worth buying material from well-known manufacturers. Their products are protected from accidental damage by individual packaging and get to the construction site without scratches and chips. No less important in the fight against corrosion is the correct installation (according to the instructions). The result of the advice of some sites about the ease of self-assembly are numerous pockets of corrosion in places of non-professional fastening.

      Roof leakage. This, rather, is not a feature of the material, but the low professionalism of roofers. In order for the roof to be moisture resistant, a set of measures is needed: a sufficient size of the overlap of the joints, high-quality sealant treatment of the seams and fastening points on self-tapping screws.

      Overheating attic space. A high-quality roofing cake with a sufficient layer of thermal insulation saves from it.

    Proper installation is the key to the tightness of the roof Source

    Factors affecting the cost of corrugated board

    The cost of a profiled roofing material consists of three components: the thickness of the metal, the type of protective coating and the shape of the profile.

    1. Thickness

    A company producing corrugated board buys raw materials - rolled steel with a polymer coating. The metal from which the profile is rolled can be of Russian, Finnish, English, Chinese production. Raw materials can be of different thicknesses, with different zinc content and with different types of coating. The country of origin, of course, affects the cost of the roll, but the determining component of the price is the technical parameters, the main of which is the thickness.

    Rolled raw materials are bought by weight. From this it follows that from two rolls with the same weight, but with different thicknesses of rolled products, it is possible to stamp a different number of profiled sheets. The thinner the rolled product, the longer the roll and the more finished products at the exit; therefore, the price of corrugated roofing depends mainly on the thickness (the difference in price between sheets of the same type with a thickness of 0.7 and 0.4 mm reaches 50%).

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    About the intricacies of choosing corrugated board in the following video:

    2. Protective coating

    The roofing profiled sheet is divided into several price categories depending on the type of anti-corrosion protection:

      Galvanized corrugated board. The most budgetary and therefore popular option. For the roof, they try to choose a galvanized metal profile of maximum thickness and with a high zinc content. But it is not recommended for installing the roof of a residential building, since the material without a protective layer does not tolerate temperature and humidity changes; this affects the service life in a bad way.

      Paintwork. A thin layer of varnish and paint serves as a reliable protection against corrosion; if necessary, it is easy to update.

      Plastisol. A common polymer coating resistant to mechanical, chemical and natural factors. Plastisol does not like sudden temperature changes and direct sunlight, from which it begins to fade.

      Polyester. The most budgetary corrugated board is covered with polyester; the difference in price with similar sheets (of equal thickness and profile, but with a different protective layer) is 30%. Polyester coating is quite reliable and durable; a sheet with a matte finish looks especially advantageous.

    Sheets with a polymer coating (glossy and matte) Source

      Pural coating(Pural and Pural Matt). It is a more durable coating suitable for use in areas close to highways. It easily withstands temperature changes, exposure to moisture and ultraviolet radiation.

      PVDF coating(Polydifluorionad, PVDF). One of the best options for roofing corrugated board. The coating reliably protects against all weather surprises of the Russian climate, as well as from scratches and chips; it can be used near highways and industrial sites. PVDF coated sheets boast one of the most interesting color ranges (with metallic undertones).

    3. Profile shape

    The profile shape also affects pricing. The higher the profile height, the smaller the width of the finished sheet will be and the more such sheets will be required for your roof. On the other hand, with an increase in the height and thickness of the corrugations (stiffening ribs), the strength of the material increases, and, therefore, the ability of the finished structure to withstand the load.

    Video description

    About what affects the price of corrugated board in the following video:

    For the installation of the roof, not only the roofing profile is used: certain brands of wall (C20, C35) or bearing (H60, H75) are often used; the final choice depends on the needs of the customer.


    The cost of corrugated board

    The choice of roofing corrugated board only for the price can lead to a sad result - the sheet will not be suitable for your specific conditions (for example, for an area with snowy winters). Before buying, it is worth studying the offers of different manufacturers and the characteristics of the products offered; The advice of a specialist will also be useful. If you choose the right profiled sheet parameters, after installation you can forget about the roof for several decades.

    Wall profile is often used for roofing Source

    Many manufacturers, in order to facilitate the choice, develop the so-called price matrix - detailed tables indicating the brand of material and the main technical characteristics (thickness, profile height, type of coating). Many resources also offer the calculation of corrugated roofing (both on an online calculator and on site). The price for some types of profiled sheet (with an average overall and useful width) in Moscow and the region is as follows:

      profiled sheet C8(polyester, profile height 8 mm): from 185-190 rub./m 2.

      Sheet C20(polyester, profile 20 mm): from 190-195 RUB/m 2 .

      Sheet MP18(zinc, profile 18 mm): from 207 rub./m 2.

      Sheet C21(polyester, profile 21 mm): from 212 rub./m 2.

      Sheet C44(zinc, profile 44 mm): from 269 rub./m 2.

    • C8 Norman MP: from 345 rub./m 2.
    • C21 Grand Line Optima Satin 0.5 mm (brown-red): from 450 rub./m 2.

      C21 Grand Line Optima Zn 0.7 mm (galvanized): from 499 rub./m 2.

      C21 Grand Line Optima Pe 0.7mm (Graphite Grey): from 602 rub./m 2.

    Good alternative to slate Source


    The use of corrugated board makes it possible to equip the roof of a country house in a short time. Knowing the features and basic parameters of the material allows you to make an informed choice, which will result in a beautiful roof with high performance.

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    Among numerous roof coverings the professional flooring enjoys the greatest popularity. If until recently metal and bituminous tiles were somewhat ahead of it, now, thanks to the most successful combination of quality and cost, corrugated board has confidently come out on top.

    Due to the fact that the technology for the production of roofing material is very simple, corrugated board is produced by a huge number of companies, both very well-known and very small. Not all of them are honest, there are those who violate existing regulations. To make the right choice of corrugated board, you should know what criteria are regulated by state standards.

    This is one of the most important criteria for choosing a corrugated roof. If its profile meets the regulatory provisions of GOST 24045-94, then you can be sure that the roof will withstand all the calculated loads without problems, its service life will not be less than planned.

    GOST 24045-94. Bent steel sheet profiles with trapezoidal corrugations for construction. Specifications.

    By what parameters are the technical conditions of the sheet profile controlled?


    The state standard classifies profiled sheets according to several parameters. Consumers are advised to buy profiled sheets for the roof only if their characteristics fully meet the existing operating conditions of the building and its architectural features.


    Depending on the purpose, sheets can be for roofing, for decking and railings, and only for wall railings.

    The first are marked with the letter H, have the highest flexural strength. They have thick sheet steel, they have a high profile, which increases the mechanical bending strength, they are also made of alloy steel, which is characterized by high ductility values ​​and makes it possible to draw profiles with complex geometry without microcracks and loss of original properties.

    Sheets for decking and fencing are designated by the letters HC, are used both for covering roofs and for wall fencing. If you buy them for the roof, then you need to know that such material has insufficient strength, to increase the reliability of the roof, you need to reduce the step of the truss system.

    Wall profiled sheets are designated by the letter C, they are recommended to be used during the arrangement of fences. They have a low profile and a small thickness.

    Some developers, in order to save money, try to use such profiles for roofs, but professionals do not recommend doing this. The fact is that in this case it is necessary to make a continuous crate of OSB, and this is very expensive and inefficient from a material point of view. All savings are leveled, but the risks of critical wetting of the wooden elements of the roof truss system increase. Wet wooden elements create many problems during the operation of the building.

    Production material

    Profiled sheets should be made of thin-sheet galvanized rolled products GOST 14918 with a zinc coating, having a protective coating with aluminum zinc TU 14-11-247-88, rolled products with aluminosilicon and electrolytic zinc coating. For each type of anti-corrosion coating, its own requirements for the thickness and quality of the layers are set, it is these values ​​that affect the life of the roof from the metal profile.

    Prices for corrugated board


    Video - Raw materials for the production of corrugated board

    Technical data of the decorative coating

    Depending on the type of profiled sheets, they can be without decorative surface coating and with such a coating. Paints and varnishes, coating technology and technical parameters must comply with the provisions of GOST 30246.

    Rolled thin-sheet rolled products with a protective and decorative paint coating for building structures. Specifications. GOST 30246-94.

    If the sheet is made of high-quality materials that meet all the requirements of current technical standards, then it is marked.

    For example, H57-750-0.8 AD ML-1202/ML-1203 GOST 24045-94.

    The symbols indicate that this is a roofing sheet with a profile height of 57 mm, a width of 750 mm and a metal thickness of 0.8 mm.

    Keep in mind that the indicated metal thickness is given without protective and corrosion coatings. Enamel ML-1202 on surface C and enamel ML-1203 on surface D were used for decorative and additional anti-corrosion coating. Products meet the technical requirements of GOST 24045-94. For each batch of goods there must be an official document from the manufacturer with the same marking.

    Technical requirements

    The metal profile must meet the existing classes of zinc coating in terms of thickness and uniformity of the layer, type of crystallization and mass per square meter. If imported rolled metal is used for the manufacture of coatings, then its quality indicators must not be lower than domestic standards. Particular attention should be paid to this position when buying products from their Chinese or Turkish rolled products. Some domestic manufacturers also cannot fulfill all the provisions of the standard and sell substandard products. The thickness, composition and technology of applying paint and varnish coatings are controlled separately.

    Important. Unfortunately, unscrupulous distributors take advantage of the ignorance of buyers and very often sell low-quality sheets at inflated prices. Developers cannot independently check the quality of galvanizing, measure the thickness of the paintwork and find out the composition of dyes. And it is very often impossible to find out the actual data, there are no official documents of compliance with technical requirements, you have to rely on the honesty of the sellers.

    What determines the durability and reliability of corrugated roofing

    They have loads of different intensity and nature, the better they resist them, the more durable and reliable the coating.


    Professionals recommend not buying sheets less than 0.5 mm thick for roofing. The fact is that roofing sheets will always have areas completely devoid of protective anti-corrosion coatings. These are holes for self-tapping screws, cutting points, mechanical damage during installation, etc. These areas are small in area, but they can bring a lot of trouble. The thicker the metal, the more time it can resist the appearance of through corrosion. Of course, the indicators of mechanical bending strength directly depend on the thickness of the sheet, but this parameter can be adjusted in other, cheaper ways. The fact is that in the structure of the price of metal profiles, the cost of steel is approximately 65%.

    Profiles are rolled on flat sheets while passing through special machine shafts. For roofing, the profile height must be at least 25 mm, the optimal range is 40–50 mm. The higher the profile, the more ductility the steel should have. Otherwise, critical internal stresses inevitably appear in the stretching areas, and the thickness of the sheet decreases markedly. State standards prescribe for the manufacture of profiled sheets to use only high-quality alloy steels of special grades. This is a rather expensive metal, which significantly increases the cost of roofing production.

    It is due to this parameter that the resistance of the profiled sheet to bending increases. Accordingly, it is possible to increase the distance between the laths of the crate and thereby slightly reduce the estimated cost of the roof. But experienced roofers do not advise to increase the step of the crate too much, let it be better to have a margin of safety. The roof must not be operated beyond the maximum allowable load. Most often, a profile with a height of 20 mm is bought for roofs, this is at the limit of possibilities. A roof with a profile height of 30-40 mm is operated much more reliably. As for geometry, modern types of corrugated board have additional grooves for condensate drainage. Additional grooves do not have a noticeable effect on performance, due to this technology, companies have the opportunity to increase the cost of their products, while there is no need to make any investments in production technology.

    The weight of a square meter of a profile, depending on the thickness of the sheet, ranges from 5–7 kg. For a roof with a total area of ​​100 m2, the difference can be approximately 200 kg. Such loads are considered negligible and are not taken into account during the calculation of the truss system.

    It must be borne in mind that all of the listed characteristics can deteriorate much if the laying technology is violated. Even the most expensive profiled sheets will have leaks, they do not appear due to their physical wear or mechanical damage. The cause of the problems is incorrect overlap, errors during sheet fixing, careless attitude to building codes and regulations.

    Characteristics of decorative coatings

    Modern paints have a significant impact not only on design, but also on operational properties - they protect the zinc layer from oxidation and scratches. The highest quality topcoats can increase the life of roofs by about 20-25%. What types of paints are used to cover the outer surfaces of profiled sheets?


    The most popular protective coating among users. The reason is good performance at a relatively low price. The surface can be matte or glossy. Suitable for all climatic zones, not afraid of heating and low temperatures. Does not fade under the influence of sunlight. The coating is plastic, not afraid of bending, has excellent adhesion to metal surfaces. The thickness of the paint layer is not less than 35 microns. The disadvantage is low mechanical strength, it is easily scratched, the lower layers of the protective anti-corrosion coating open.


    The thickness of the paint is 50 microns, the composition is modified with polyamide in order to increase physical strength. It retains its original characteristics when heated to a temperature of +120°C. The disadvantage is that sharp bends are not recommended. Microcracks may appear in these places, over time they tend to expand. It is used quite often, at a cost slightly more expensive than polyester.


    The thickness of the coating, depending on the type of metal profile, can be 200 microns, due to which the surface is embossed. The coating is very resistant to mechanical damage, has special additives that protect against the negative effects of UV rays.


    The most modern, high-quality and expensive coating. It is rarely used for metal profiles due to the high cost. Coating thickness up to 30 microns. The composition includes 20% acrylic and 80% polyvinyl chloride. Practically does not react to ultra-violet radiation. It tolerates high temperatures of heating and cooling. It is characterized by the highest mechanical strength, has good ductility.

    Color influence

    When choosing the type of paint and varnish coatings, you need to pay attention to their color. It should correspond to the architectural style of the building and look harmoniously with adjacent structures. Depending on the country where the manufacturer is located, the color scheme of roofing can be systematized according to RR, RAL and HTS standards. We most often use the RAL system, it has the most easy-to-remember designation and takes into account a large number of colors.

    Each coating is indicated by a four-digit code, in total there are more than a thousand options in the palette, but in practice profiled sheets have about ten varieties. The rest are almost never used, in housing construction there is no need to use such a wide variety of color schemes.

    1. Appointment of professional sheets. The ideal option is to choose a material with the letter H, these sheets have the highest bending strength.

      If there is a desire to buy universal roofs of the HC type, then the slope angle cannot be less than 35 °. Otherwise, there is a possibility of formation of critical deflections or fractures. The risks increase if the rafter system and the crate do not take into account wind and snow loads, the structure is not resistant to dynamic and static loads.

    2. Profile height and sheet thickness. The smaller the angle of inclination of the slopes, the thicker the sheet metal should be and the higher its profile. On shed roofs with an angle of inclination of ≈20°, the thickness of the metal is at least 0.5 mm, the height of the profile is more than 30 mm.

      You need to know that if the thickness of the metal has a great influence on the price of the roof, then the height of the profile increases the cost slightly, but the strength increases markedly. It is recommended to test the sheet for bending before installation, estimate its weight. But only professionals can do such a quality check, they have experience comparing different types of profiled sheets.

    3. Name of manufacturers. You should not pay attention to the guarantee, in practice there have not yet been recorded cases of applying to the judicial authorities with claims against manufacturers due to the appearance of leaks in the roof. Companies will always be able to find any violations during installation, indicate the wrong choice of sheet type depending on the climatic conditions of the location of the structure, etc. In addition, most stores that sold building materials will no longer exist in 20-30 years, will not to whom will file material claims.

    Visual determination of the best corrugated roof

    It is advisable to go to the store with an experienced proven builder, he often has to meet with various types of corrugated board, which allows you to quickly distinguish counterfeit goods from high-quality ones.

    What details should be paid attention to?

    1. On the reverse side of the sheet there should be a designation of the type of profile. Such designations are not applied by sheet steel suppliers, but by coating manufacturers. On bending machines there is a special apparatus for marking with resistant paints. The absence of designations indicates outdated production lines or a reluctance to indicate product data and contact details of the manufacturer. In both cases, this should alert potential buyers.

    2. The surface of the sheets should be inspected. They may or may not have a special protective film. Many consumers, in order to save money, order sheets without a protective film.

      If there are deep scratches, dents, dirt, etc. on the surface, this indicates a low production discipline at the enterprise, unprofessional employees, faulty bending lines and violations of the recommended manufacturing technology. Damage can occur during production, storage and transport.

      Particular attention should be paid to the presence of foreign inclusions on the surface of the paintwork. A metal profile with such defects is categorically not recommended for use. A poor-quality finish indicates that the rolled sheets were prepared at unlicensed enterprises, but in China or Turkey. European goods never have the above described defects.

    3. Try to bend the profile with your fingers. The appearance of a bend line even at large radii indicates a low quality of the metal. The profile is made not from expensive alloy steels, but from the cheapest structural ones. Their physical and operational characteristics are insufficient for use as roofing materials.

    4. Price. This setting should be treated very carefully. If earlier low-quality profiled sheets were sold only at very low prices, then at present there is no such obvious difference. Unscrupulous sellers know that domestic buyers automatically consider expensive professional sheets to be of high quality and set high prices on purpose. If the product is expensive, then all documents on quality compliance, designations, addresses and company names are always present, this is an additional advertisement for responsible manufacturers, they always designate their products.

    Important. Always try to match the color of the protected areas of the sheets with the exposed areas. If there is a large difference in color shades, then this is direct evidence of poor quality.


    It is best to buy goods from manufacturers, and not from intermediaries, they have all the accompanying documents that allow you to objectively evaluate the actual quality of the roof. Today this is no problem. There is a convenient delivery system, it is possible not only to choose the appropriate version of the metal profile, but also to get professional advice on how to use it.

    Most major manufacturers provide services for. For this, special departments with professional employees are created. They have extensive practical experience in solving various problems that arise during the production of works. No theoretical articles can provide for all situations that arise in practice. Experienced roofers are able to independently make the only right decisions in each case. The advice of such masters helps developers avoid annoying mistakes.

    You should never be guided only by price when choosing a coating. The roof is a very important architectural element of any structure; not only durability, but also comfort of living and safety of operation depend on its reliability. It is not recommended to build a cheap roof, repair work will always cost much more than saving on the quality of building materials.

    Prices for metal tiles

    metal tile

    If you have already chosen corrugated board, it's time to do the calculations. It is important to correctly calculate the amount of corrugated board on the roof so that you do not have to buy additional material or there is not too much left over. You can learn how to do calculations. And it is easy to find out the required amount of materials for the crate using our construction calculator.

    The metal coating of the roofs of private houses is becoming more and more popular, especially since the material is produced in various variations and, thanks to modern technologies, is constantly being upgraded. Therefore, many consumers have a fair question - which corrugated roof to choose? This one has excellent aesthetic and operational characteristics, it is able not only to reliably shelter the building from rain and wind, but also to transform its appearance.

    Decking is produced in different colors, and can also have different thicknesses and configurations of sheets. Due to the fact that roofing sheets are given dimensions that allow you to completely cover the length of the roof slope, from the ridge to the overhang, they are much easier to mount on the truss system than, for example, the familiar traditional slate. In addition, the material is not too heavy, and thanks to special protective coatings and a polymer film applied on top, it will last a fairly long time.

    What are the advantages of corrugated board over other roofing materials?

    High-quality corrugated board is increasingly preferred when choosing a material for roofing residential buildings, as it has a large number of positive qualities that other coatings cannot “boast”. These advantages include:

    • The first thing that always worries many buyers is the price of the material. Precisely because corrugated board is available for almost any family, it is increasingly the choice when choosing a roofing material.
    • The extensive color range of produced sheets allows you to choose exactly the shade of the coating that will be perfect for the harmonious design of the exterior of a private house.
    • The corrugated board is produced in sheets up to twelve meters long, which allows, when mounting it on the roof, to make a minimum number of joints along the slope or even completely abandon the transverse joint.
    • The small specific gravity of the material, the simplicity and clarity of installation allows you to do roofing work yourself with the involvement of just one assistant who will feed the sheets to the height of the roof.
    • The consumer is given the opportunity to choose the height of the relief of the sheet - depending on the planned slope angle of the slope.
    • In addition, it is possible to choose a finish coating of corrugated board with a different composition. The coating can be applied using different technologies, and, accordingly, differ in quality, service life and, of course, the cost of the material.
    • Another important advantage of corrugated board is the environmental friendliness of the entire range of materials used in its production. Roofs made of corrugated board, regardless of the duration of operation, are not capable of harming the environment. It is also important that the material is non-combustible.

    Classification of corrugated board

    Nowadays, manufacturers offer various types of corrugated board, designed for specific areas of application in construction practice. However, some of the types, due to their qualities, can be considered almost universal and used for a variety of purposes.

    To determine the choice of material that is well suited for roofing, it is necessary to consider all the main types of corrugated board, as they are very often interchangeable.

    When considering a specific type of profiled sheet, you should pay attention to its marking - it consists of several numeric and alphabetic characters indicating its purpose and main parameters.

    Letter designations in marking

    The first letter in the marking determines the strength properties of the material and its main area of ​​application:

    • "H" - these are the most durable profiled sheets. In this case, the letter "H" indicates that this is a bearing type of corrugated board. This material has the highest wave height (corrugations) with additional grooves in its lower part - they give the sheets increased rigidity.

    In addition, the bearing corrugated board differs from other varieties in the largest thickness of the metal sheet. Therefore, it is used for residential buildings, the construction of walls and roofs of large hangars, fences, the manufacture of heavy containers, the construction of production workshops, warehouses, garages, gates and other structures that must have high mechanical strength, reliability, and durability.

    • "NS" is a "bearing-wall" profile material, and it can be safely called almost universal, as it is used for a variety of purposes. This type of corrugated board is distinguished by an average level of metal thickness and wave height.

    Such material is used for the construction and cladding of walls, for roofing, fences, sheds, other household, industrial and ancillary buildings are erected from it, wickets and gates are made. According to its performance characteristics, this type of corrugated board can be called intermediate between the carrier and wall material, but its cost is much lower than that of the carrier.

    • "C" - wall corrugated board. It is used for the construction of light outbuildings, wall cladding of residential buildings on top of the thermal insulation layer, for the manufacture of frame gates, fences and other structures.

    Its wave height is low, therefore, the strength qualities for transverse bending are also small. For the manufacture of many models, the thinnest steel is used, and it is not surprising that the cost of such a material is also small.

    However, many of the models of corrugated board of their category “C” are also quite suitable for roofing.

    • "MP" is another common type of corrugated board, which is characterized by good versatility and is ideal for both roofs and walls of outbuildings, and besides, it is used in the production of sandwich panels. What each of its modifications is intended for can be found from the digital and letter markings.

    Galvanized sheeting MP is used to cover pitched roofs, partitions in industrial premises, as well as for suspended ceilings. This type of material is produced not only in galvanized form, but also with a polymer coating.

    "MP"-profiled sheet is produced in three variations - these are types "A", "B" and "R".

    So, for example, "MP-R" corrugated board is designed specifically for roofing, and types "A" and "B" are more suitable for fences and wall cladding. Type "R" differs from "A" and "B" in the size of the corrugations, in particular, in that the base of the wave to it is smaller, and the distance between the waves is wider, while the opposite is true for wall sheets. This profile will make it easier for storm water to flow down.

    In addition, thanks to such parameters, the roofing type "R" surpasses the wall profiled sheet in terms of bending strength, and is able to withstand high static loads. Types "A" and "B", in turn, better resist wind dynamic effects.

    The wall types of this corrugated board differ from each other in that "A" is produced with a protective coating only on the front side, and the type "B" coating is specified at the time of order. Therefore, in the second variant, color layers may be completely absent, or they may be applied on one or both sides of the sheet.

    Decking "MP" - the difference between wall ("A" and "B") and roofing "R") profile

    Profiled "MP" is manufactured with a corrugation wave height of 18 or 20 mm.

    Numerical designations in marking

    So, in the product labeling, the letter designation is followed by numerical values ​​that provide the necessary information:

    • The first number indicates the height of the wave in millimeters.
    • The second digital value indicates the thickness of the sheet steel from which the corrugated board is made - this parameter is also given in millimeters.
    • The third group of numbers gives information about the useful width of the sheet in millimeters, that is, taking into account the overlap of the waves when laying the coating. This parameter is always somewhat smaller than the actual dimensions of the sheets, which should be remembered, for example, when organizing the transportation or storage of material.
    • The length of the sheet may not be indicated, since when ordering material for certain needs, it can be any, at the request of the customer and according to the capabilities of the manufacturer. However, often in the price lists, the limit value of the length is still given, also in millimeters. For example, the last group of numbers might be 12000.

    Thus, the marking of corrugated board may look, for example, like this:

    C10-0.5-1100- this suggests that the wall-type corrugated board, having a wave height of 10 mm, is made of a sheet 0.5 mm thick, with a useful width of 1100 mm.

    Another marking example:

    MP-18-0.7-1000V- this is a corrugated board with a wave height of 18 mm, made of steel sheet 0.7 mm thick, useful width 1000 mm, made of uncoated galvanized steel, but it can be applied at the request of the customer on one or both sides.

    Sheet thickness, wave height, corrugated board weight

    It is necessary to highlight the question of what the minimum and maximum thickness of the metal sheet from which the corrugated board is made can be, as well as what mass the sheets of roofing material can have - this is extremely important for the roof structure.

    • The thickness of the metal sheet is:

    - in varieties "H", "NS" and "C" can vary from 0.4 mm to 1.2 mm;

    - "MP-R" - from 0.4 to 0.8 mm;

    - "MP-A" and "MP-V" - about 0.4 to 0.7 mm.

    The strength of the material, its resistance to the loads characteristic of the roof - wind and snow - directly depend on this parameter.

    • It is necessary to choose the correct wave height of the corrugated board, since this parameter also determines the rigidity of the material and the reliability of its fit and fastening to the crate of the roofing system. Usually, corrugated board with a wave height of at least 18 mm and up to 60 ÷ 75 mm is used for roofing. True, the upper value cannot be considered the limit; higher material can be used, but the only question is the expediency of such an approach.

    The height of the wave affects not only the strength of the material, but also the quality of water drainage from the roof during rain. Profiled sheets "NS" and "H", having grooves in the lower part of the wave, are more resistant to various loads, therefore, when choosing a roofing material, it is recommended to give preference to them.

    We must not forget that in winter, accumulations of snow can form on the roof, which the coating must withstand. In addition, the roof must withstand the weight of a person, since it will have to be climbed more than once for various reasons.

    The table below shows the main types of corrugated board with an indication of the characteristic areas of their application:

    Type of corrugated boardTypical applications of the material
    Wall covering Roofing Bearing wall structures Fixed formwork fence construction
    C8˅ - - - ˅
    MP18 (A)- ˅ - - ˅
    MP18 (V)˅ - - - ˅
    MP20 (A, B)˅ - - - ˅
    MP20 (R)- ˅ - - -
    C21 (A)- ˅ - - ˅
    C21 (B)˅ - - - ˅
    HC35 (A)- ˅ - - ˅
    HC35 (B)- - - - ˅
    MP35 (A)˅ - - - ˅
    MP35 (B)- ˅ - - ˅
    MP40 (A)˅ - - - ˅
    C44 (A)- ˅ - - ˅
    C44 (B)˅ - - - ˅
    H60 (A)- ˅ - - ˅
    H60 (B)- - ˅ ˅ ˅
    H75 (A, B)- - ˅ ˅ ˅
    H114 (A, B)- - ˅ ˅ -

    The design of the crate created under the roofing also depends on the type of material and the height of the wave. Approximate values ​​for the step of the transverse crate are indicated in the following table:

    Type of corrugated boardRoofing pitch
    C8For roofing it is better not to use. In exceptional cases - only with the use of a continuous crate
    C10For roofing it is better not to use. It is allowed to use with a lathing step of not more than 300 mm
    S18 (MP18)no more than 400 mm
    MP20400 - 500 mm
    C21350 - 600 mm, depending on the steepness of the roof slope
    HC351200 - 1500 mm
    C44500 - 1000 mm, depending on the steepness of the roof slope
    HC44up to 2600 mm
    H57up to 3000 mm
    H60up to 3000 mm
    H75up to 4000 mm

    corrugated board

    • An important parameter, both for organizing the delivery of material to the construction site, and for assessing the possibility of performing roofing work manually, without the use of special lifting equipment, is the mass of sheets of corrugated board, which depends on the thickness of the metal, the configuration features of the profile and its coating. This parameter can vary significantly - in the range from 5.4 to 17.2 kg / m².

    The table of weight parameters of the bearing "H" corrugated board is given below:

    Profile markingThickness of a metal sheet, mm.Weight of 1 m² of coating, kg
    H57-7500.7 6.5 8.67
    H57-7500.8 7.4 9.87
    H60-8450.7 7.4 8.76
    H60-8450.8 8.4 9.94
    H60-8450.9 9.3 11.01
    H75-7500.7 7.4 9.87
    H75-7500.8 8.4 11.2
    H75-7500.9 9.3 12.4
    H114-6000.8 8.4 14
    H114-6000.9 9.3 15.5
    H114-6001.0 10.3 17.17

    And another table showing similar parameters, but for universal sheets of the "NS" type:

    Profile markingThickness of metal sheet, mmWeight of 1 linear meter of material, kgWeight of 1 m² of coating, kg
    NS35-10000.5 5.4 5.4
    NS35-10000.55 5.9 5.9
    NS35-10000.7 7.4 7.4
    NS44-10000.5 5.4 5.4
    NS44-10000.55 5.9 5.9
    NS44-10000.7 7.4 7.4

    What type of protective and decorative coating of corrugated board to choose?

    The durability of the operation of the roofing material largely depends on what kind of coating is applied to it, and how high quality it is. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the main varieties of such coatings.

    Galvanized corrugated board

    Galvanized is made from cold-rolled steel with a zinc coating, sheet thickness 0.4 ÷ 1.3 mm.

    • The first step is zinc coating of "black" steel - this layer is the main barrier in protecting the metal from corrosion.
    • After galvanizing, the zinc layer is passivated, that is, it is covered with an oxide film, which also effectively prevents the development of corrosion.

    • Further, the sheets enter the roll forming machine, where they are given a trapezoidal or wavy profile with a wave height of 8 to 180 mm, depending on the purpose of the corrugated board. The result is a finished sheet made in accordance with GOST. After that, the material can be sent for sale, or a protective polymer coating is applied to it.

    Today it is possible to purchase roofing material coated with a modified anti-corrosion compound - aluminozinc or aluzinc, consisting of 43% zinc, 55% aluminum and 1.6% silicon. The corrugated board with such a coating does not differ much in price from the usual one, coated only with zinc, however, it has much greater resistance to various aggressive influences, and therefore is more durable.

    Simple galvanized corrugated board is rarely used for - as a rule, it is used for garages and various outbuildings, since in these cases economy issues usually come to the fore, prevailing over decorative effect. For houses and cottages, material with protective polymer coatings is more often chosen.

    Previously, many owners, when purchasing a galvanized profiled sheet, tried to apply coloring compositions to it on their own. Today there is no need for this - you can choose its color for every taste, depending on the general facade design of the house.

    Decking with a protective and decorative polymer coating

    Roofing material, protected by one of the high-quality polymer coatings, dramatically adds to the "longevity" - its service life is from 25 to 60 years or more.

    Polymer coating technology

    The polymer coating is designed to protect the roofing material from external natural, chemical and mechanical influences.

    The maximum duration of operation is ensured by a protective coating consisting of several layers and applied using modern technological processes.

    The performance of the corrugated board will directly depend on the method by which one of the polymer coatings is applied to the metal. Polymers can be applied in various ways, but the stages of such a process are approximately the same:

    • Galvanized sheets are degreased and dried.
    • Further, the metal is subjected to a priming process, which significantly increases the adhesion of the galvanized layer to the polymer.
    • Then, a polymeric color coating is applied. Its thickness can vary from 25 to 200 microns. This layer is usually applied to the front side of the profiled sheet, and its lower side is often covered only with a layer of protective varnish.
    • At the next stage, the sheets enter special chambers, where, under the influence of high temperatures, the processes of final polymerization and strengthening of the protective coating take place.

    The most common method of applying a polymer layer is powder. The coloring process takes place in a special chamber. At this stage, a positive charge of a direct electric current is passed through the metal, after which a fine powder of a certain color is sprayed onto its surface, which is given a negative charge. Under the influence of the created electromagnetic field, the powder particles are attracted to the metal sheets. Then, the sheets enter the thermal chambers for the final polymerization of the coating.

    This coating method contributes to the creation of a more resistant layer on the metal surface compared to liquid coloring. This is due to the fact that the coloring composition is very evenly distributed on the metal surface, which significantly reduces the risk of defective corrugated board.

    Profiled sheets with a polymer-powder coating are highly resistant to all kinds of negative influences, so their service life is much longer than that of corrugated board coated with liquid compositions.

    By the way, another fact speaks about the strength of the polymer coating.

    galvanized corrugated board

    Sheets after painting are usually immediately shipped to consumers - companies that are already engaged in the manufacture of corrugated board on the ground. Of course, shipping protective packaging is usually provided for this.

    But already in the process of corrugated board production, the material is passed through the rolls of machines that form the desired profile, that is, the metal experiences considerable loads and internal stresses. However, a high-quality protective coating from such exposure is not damaged at all.

    Varieties of polymer coatings

    Since polymeric decorative and protective coatings can be different, it makes sense to consider their features. So, what are they, and what qualities do they have

    So, the following polymer coatings can be applied to the roofing corrugated board: polyester, pural, matte polyester, PVDF and plastisol.

    • Polyester

    A profiled sheet with a similar coating has the most affordable price, so it has become the most popular material, both for roofing and for the construction of fences and gates. Polyester is resistant to ultraviolet rays, so it practically does not change its original color for many years. The material is resistant to corrosion processes and temperature extremes, but its disadvantage is the small thickness of the applied polyester, which is easily damaged by mechanical action - the same scratching.

    Before buying this material, it is recommended to conduct an experiment to check the quality of the coating. To do this, you can try to bend the edge of the corrugated sheet - from such an impact, polyester should not be covered with cracks or small folds.

    • Matte polyester

    Matte polyester is slightly different in composition from the glossy version. Since the coating is rough, it scatters light and does not give glare. The technology is such that the composition is applied unevenly, so it is quite difficult to determine the exact thickness of the layer. But in any case, it turns out to be quite large, and such a coating significantly exceeds the glossy counterpart in terms of surface and anti-abrasive strength.

    This quality of a covering allows to hope for longer term of operation of a roofing covering.

    Quite often, it is with the use of matte polyester on the surface of corrugated board that they imitate textured patterns of stone, wood or brickwork.

    • Pural

    Pural is a protective multipolymer composite that is made from a polyurethane-based composition with the addition of polyamide and acrylic. It makes the roofing material more durable, serviceable for 50 years without losing its basic protective and decorative qualities.

    Pural is applied with a thickness of 50 microns and has excellent adhesion to metal, so it is quite difficult to damage it, as it is resistant not only to mechanical stress, but also to chemicals, temperature extremes, and diverse external influences of a natural or man-made plan. Therefore, it is well suited for use in environments where metal is corrosive, such as high humidity or air pollution from industrial emissions.

    Decking with a wear-resistant polymer coating - pural

    The disadvantage of corrugated board with pural coating is its high price, which is several times higher than the cost of sheets protected with ordinary or matte polyester. Most often, a profiled sheet covered with pural is used specifically for roofing or facade decoration of residential buildings.

    There are two options for the pural finish - smooth glossy and matte.

    • Plastisol coating

    Plastisol is made from polyvinyl chloride with the addition of plasticizers. It is applied with a layer of about 200 microns. Due to this thickness, this material is highly resistant to mechanical and chemical influences, as well as to some natural phenomena.

    However, plastisol has a significant drawback - it does not respond well to elevated temperatures, so it is not recommended to use it in climatic zones with a hot summer climate. In addition, this protective coating is not resistant to ultraviolet rays, therefore, being under their influence, it quickly loses its original color. If corrugated board with this coating is purchased, then it is recommended to choose light colors, since they fade less in the sun under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and do not heat up so much.

    Many choose corrugated board with this protective coating because it is produced with a relief surface that imitates the textured pattern of various natural materials, such as wood, stone cut or leather surface. Such a design usually has a matte surface that does not give glare, so the color seems deeper and richer, which gives the material a respectable appearance.

    Plastisol-coated corrugated board is most often used in cold regions with an aggressive climate or in industrial areas, as well as where there is a high probability of mechanical damage to the roof from natural phenomena, for example, in areas where dust storms or hail often occur.

    • PVDF coating

    PVDF is also a composite coating, as it consists of 20% acrylic and 80% polyvinyl fluoride. Thanks to the complex of these materials, the metal is provided with the highest degree of protection against any kind of influences, including ultraviolet rays. Such corrugated board is used for finishing facades and roofing, as it retains its original appearance for 45–50 years. Metal sheet coated with PVDF can be used in areas with any climate, regardless of environmental conditions, as it is inert to industrial air pollution, as well as to humid, including "salty" maritime climate.

    As is clear from the presentation, all types of coatings mentioned above are capable of performing the functions of protecting the metal sheet, but to varying degrees. The table below allows you to more clearly compare the qualities of protective and decorative coatings, so that it is easier for the consumer to make a choice:

    Coating PropertiesPolyesterMatte polyesterPuralPlastisol (PVC)PVDF (PVDF)
    Nominal coating thickness, µm.25 35 50 200 27
    The thickness of the polymer coating of the metal, microns19 23 30 192 20
    Primer thickness, microns6 12 20 8 7
    Maximum operating temperature, °С90 90 100 70 110
    Service life, years20-30 30-40 40-50 30-50 30-40
    Compositions of polymer coatingsPolyesterPolyesterPolyurethane, polyamide and acrylicPolyvinyl chloride and various plasticizersPolyvinyl fluoride - 80%,
    acrylic - 20%
    The table below shows comparative estimates of the resistance of coatings to various influences (ratings are indicated on a 5-point system). The scores are based on the results of testing in the laboratories of manufacturing companies of such material.
    UV resistance3 3 4 1 5
    Mechanical resistance2 3 4 5 3
    Chemical resistance2 3 4 4 5
    Resistant to aggressive climatic conditions3 4 5 5 4

    The main criteria for choosing corrugated board

    As a generalization of all of the above, it makes sense to highlight the points that you need to pay special attention to when choosing a corrugated board for arranging the roof of your home.

    sheeting with protective coating

    • The material must be marked "H", "NS" or "MP-R", and if it is selected for a residential building, then an average sheet thickness of 0.5 ÷ 0.8 mm will be sufficient.
    • It is recommended to purchase roofing material with a powder coating. The polymer with which the coating is made is chosen independently, taking into account the features that were emphasized above, taking into account the climatic and other conditions of the region or even a specific locality.
    • Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the corrugated board coating:

    - the surface of the roofing sheets must be smooth, without dents and scratches;

    - the edges of the sheets should have even cuts, without burrs;

    - the protective colored polymer layer must be uniform, without chips and sagging;

    - when the profiled sheet is bent, its coating should not crack, break or gather in folds, and the sheet itself should easily take its original shape when unbent.

    • In addition, you should pay attention to the warranty provided by the manufacturer. For example, a certificate may indicate a service life of corrugated board of 30 years or more, and a guarantee is given for only a year or even completely absent - in this case, it is recommended to refuse to purchase such products.
    • If such an opportunity is given, then the best option is to purchase corrugated board directly from its manufacturer or from authorized dealers - this moment will significantly reduce the likelihood of purchasing low-quality material.
    • In addition, it is worth considering the reputation of the manufacturer and seller. You should not purchase corrugated roofing in a small store on the construction market, since in this case the risk of running into the products of an unscrupulous manufacturer is quite high.
    • According to the rating of manufacturers, several domestic and foreign companies can be distinguished that have earned positive reviews - these are Russian enterprises that produce high-quality sheet steel, such as Novolipetsk NLMK, Severstal and Magnitogorsk MMK, as well as European manufacturers of roofing materials that represent its products on the Russian market - RUUKKI, Thyssen Krupp, Arcelor, Galvex.

    When choosing corrugated board, it must be remembered that roofing is a rather laborious and expensive process, and they are usually carried out once every few decades. Therefore, it will be very unpleasant if you have to do this again and spend a lot of money in a year or two due to poor-quality corrugated flooring, which can crack and peel off under the influence of natural or other factors.

    At the end of the article - an informative video about the types of corrugated board and its installation as a roofing:

    Video: corrugated board - an excellent solution for roofing a house

    Increasingly, when choosing a roofing material, preference is given to inexpensive, but very high-quality coatings, including corrugated board. This is a fairly strong and very durable product, which is a profiled sheet of metal that has undergone a cold-rolled procedure.

    A corrugated roof is suitable for any roof structures.

    As a result, such a coating turns out to be quite attractive, the polymer layer of paint allows you to choose it in full accordance with the general style of the house. such material will not be difficult.

    However, it is important to decide which corrugated board is better, since today a large number of its varieties are produced. Some can be used not only for roofing, but also for the construction of fences, others - for decorating ceilings, walls, canopies, and when installing floors.

    In our article, we will consider what types of corrugated board are suitable for roofing, how to make the right choice.

    General characteristics of corrugated board

    Before proceeding to the choice of corrugated board, you need to decide on its general characteristics. We will find out what exactly makes it so durable, reliable, attractive in the eyes of not only builders, but also ordinary consumers.

    Manufacturers offer us a wide variety of profiled sheets, each type has its own properties and performance characteristics. Among the types of corrugated board that can be used as a roofing material, we can distinguish the following:

    1. Plain galvanized profile, which does not have a polymer coating. It has a low cost, about forty percent lower than corrugated board with a paint layer. Most often needed in the construction of sheds for outbuildings, garages, fences.
    2. Steel corrugated board made of ferrous metal, uncoated.
    3. Decking from non-ferrous metals: aluminum or copper.
    4. Special . It can be: rolled, bent, perforated, with textured embossing.

    Each of these has its own characteristics. This is the height, useful and full width of the sheet, thickness (be sure to take into account the moment of inertia).

    In order to cover the roof of a house with a durable material, we pay attention to the thickness, type of the outer covering and the appearance of the profile itself. It can be a bearing profile, facade and ceiling, wall, special, formwork.

    The production of corrugated board includes the process of cold profiling of strong steel.

    As a roofing material, corrugated wall, facade, load-bearing, which has the necessary characteristics, is excellent.

    The sheets of the bearing corrugated board themselves have a special capillary groove, which, when overlapping, perfectly drains rainwater, but the facade profile does not have such a groove.

    When choosing a corrugated board that can cover the roof of a house without any problems, you should definitely pay attention to this feature. Such a capillary groove should not bend. As a rule, it starts from the ridge and ends at the drain of the eaves. In cheap versions, such a groove is flattened, which makes its presence simply useless; it is not worth buying such a profile, even despite the attractive, enticing price.

    Immediately it is necessary to note the following point: only the corrugated board that has this specification can be used as a roofing material, it can also be used for finishing the facade.

    But it is not recommended to take a purely facade profile for roofing work!

    Roof decking types

    Types of corrugated board differ in the width between the ridges and the thickness of the metal.

    Among the main options for corrugated board, which can cover the roof, there are:

    1. RN-20 is a corrugated board that can be used for roofing, fence construction, exterior and interior cladding. It has a special groove that provides water flow; during installation, it requires a crate in increments of up to eighty centimeters. The working width of such a sheet is one hundred and ten centimeters.
    2. C-21 is a profile with sufficient rigidity for its installation on the roof. When laying, it provides protection from precipitation, the step of the crate should be up to eighty centimeters.
    3. NS-35, 44 are used for roof decking and for enclosing structures. Differ in the big rigidity and durability. C-44 has additional stiffening ribs, which makes it a higher quality roofing material.

    For roofing, types such as H-57, 750 (900), H-60, 75 can also be used.

    The choice of corrugated board with which you can cover the roof of the house is a very important, responsible matter. It must be taken seriously enough.

    The main selection criteria are:

    • marking (indicated by a capital letter and numbers, shows the purpose of the flooring, data on the thickness, wave height, its type),
    • appearance (a high-quality sheet should be even, not have dents, defects; the paint coating is even, of one shade, there are no traces of sagging, chips),
    • price (good material will not be very cheap, although the corrugated board itself has an affordable and attractive price),
    • type of polymer coating (the paint layer can be very different, some of its performance characteristics depend on it).

    Let's consider these criteria in more detail.

    1. Marking. As a material that can cover the roof of a house, it is worth using a profile marked C and H (this is also a carrier). The latter is preferable, since it has the necessary rigidity for roofing. The order of the numbers in the marking shows the height of the wave of the sheet, its useful width. As a roofing material, it is necessary to take a profile whose wave height is at least twenty millimeters. We also look at TU (technical specifications) or GOST (state standard, considered to be of higher quality), according to which the corrugated board was made. The product must have a certificate.
    2. The appearance of the corrugated board. In order not to overpay for the dismantling and replacement of roofing later, you should initially choose high-quality material. You can tell a lot about the quality by looking at it. A bad profile not only cracks quickly, but noticeable flaws and defects appear on it. If peeling of the paint, dents, chips, burrs on the cuts are observed - all this suggests that you do not need to buy such a profile. Try it lightly - high-quality material will immediately take its shape without breaking. Small efforts will not leave any marks on its surface at all.
    3. Price. The price of corrugated board depends on the thickness of the sheet, the presence of a polymer or plastisol coating, the purpose of the material. Before buying, study the price lists of several stores, as the same material from the same manufacturer may cost differently. It is best (if possible) to order sheets directly from the manufacturer, who will not only cut the profile to the required length, but also ensure that it is painted in the desired shade. The cost of such a coating will be much lower, and experts will help you correctly calculate the amount of roofing material, tell you what additional accessories, strips, roofing profiles can be ordered.
    4. External covering of a professional flooring for a roof. Any corrugated board that covers the roof of a house has a hot-dip galvanized coating. Zinc performs protective functions, protecting the sheet from corrosion. The thickness of this layer depends on the expected aggressive loads on the material, but it should not be too thin. In addition, a layer of polymer is applied to the galvanization after passivation and priming. One of the highest quality coatings are polyester (matte), ordinary polyester, plastisol.

    As you can see, choosing a quality roofing material to cover the roof is not so difficult. A few simple but important factors above will help you with this.

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