Water magnetic impulse. electromagnetic pulse

reservoirs 20.09.2019

Publication date 28.01.2013 14:06

In the global network you can now find great amount information about what is electricity magnetic impulse. Many are afraid of him, sometimes not fully understanding what is at stake. Fuel is added to the fire by scientific television programs and articles in the yellow press. Isn't it time to look into this issue?

So, electromagnetic pulse (AMY) is an outrage electro magnetic field, which affects any material object located in the zone of its action. It acts not only on conductive objects, but also on dielectrics, only in a slightly different form. Usually the concept of "electromagnetic pulse" is adjacent to the term "nuclear weapon". Why? The answer is simple: it is during a nuclear explosion AMY reaches its the greatest value of all possible. Probably, in some experimental setups it is also possible to create powerful field disturbances, but they are of a local nature, but during a nuclear explosion they are affected large areas.

By its appearance electromagnetic pulse owes to several laws that every electrician faces in everyday work. As you know, directional movement elementary particles, which has electric charge, is inextricably linked with the magnetic field. If there is a conductor through which current flows, then a field is always registered around it. The reverse is also true: the effect of an electromagnetic field on a conductive material generates an EMF in it and, as a result, a current. It is usually specified that the conductor forms a circuit, although this is only partly true, since eddy currents create their own contours in the volume of the conductive substance. A nuclear explosion creates the movement of electrons, therefore, a field arises. Further, everything is simple: the tension lines, in turn, create induced currents in the surrounding conductors.

The mechanism of this phenomenon is as follows: due to the instantaneous release of energy, flows of elementary particles (gamma, alpha, x-rays, etc.) arise. During their passage through the air, electrons are “knocked out” of the molecules, which are oriented along the magnetic lines of the Earth. There is a directed movement (current) that generates an electromagnetic field. And since these processes proceed at lightning speed, we can talk about momentum. Further, in all conductors located in the field action zone (hundreds of kilometers), a current is induced, and since the field strength is huge, the current value is also large. This causes protection systems to operate, fuses to blow, up to fire and irreparable damage. action AMY Everything is affected: from integrated circuits to power lines, however, to varying degrees.

Defence from AMY is to prevent the inducing action of the field. This can be achieved in several ways:

– move away from the epicenter, since the field weakens with increasing distance;

– shield (with grounding) electronic equipment;

- "disassemble" the circuits, providing gaps, taking into account the high current.

One often encounters the question of how to create electromagnetic pulse with your own hands. In fact, every person encounters it on a daily basis, flipping a light bulb switch. At the moment of switching, the current briefly exceeds the rated current by tens of times, an electromagnetic field is generated around the wires, which induces an electromotive force in the surrounding conductors. It's just that the strength of this phenomenon is not sufficient to cause damage comparable to AMY nuclear explosion. Its more pronounced manifestation can be obtained by measuring the field level near the electric arc. In any case, the task is simple: it is necessary to organize the possibility of an instantaneous occurrence electric current great effective value.

shock wave

Shockwave (SW)- area sharply compressed air, propagating in all directions from the center of the explosion at supersonic speed.

Hot vapors and gases, seeking to expand, produce a sharp blow to the surrounding layers of air, compress them to high pressures and densities, and heat them to high temperatures (several tens of thousands of degrees). This layer of compressed air represents the shock wave. The front boundary of the compressed air layer is called the front of the shock wave. The SW front is followed by an area of ​​rarefaction, where the pressure is below atmospheric. Near the center of the explosion, the velocity of SW propagation is several times higher than the speed of sound. As the distance from the explosion increases, the wave propagation speed decreases rapidly. At large distances, its speed approaches the speed of sound in air.

The shock wave of an ammunition of medium power passes: the first kilometer in 1.4 s; the second - for 4 s; fifth - in 12 s.

The damaging effect of hydrocarbons on people, equipment, buildings and structures is characterized by: velocity pressure; overpressure in the shock front and the time of its impact on the object (compression phase).

The impact of HC on people can be direct and indirect. With direct exposure, the cause of injury is an instantaneous increase in air pressure, which is perceived as a sharp blow leading to fractures, damage to internal organs, and rupture of blood vessels. With indirect impact, people are amazed by flying debris of buildings and structures, stones, trees, broken glass and other items. Indirect impact reaches 80% of all lesions.

At overpressure 20-40 kPa (0.2-0.4 kgf / cm 2) unprotected people can get light injuries (light bruises and concussions). The impact of SW with excess pressure of 40-60 kPa leads to lesions of moderate severity: loss of consciousness, damage to the hearing organs, severe dislocations of the limbs, damage to internal organs. Extremely severe lesions, often fatal, are observed at excess pressure over 100 kPa.

The degree of damage by a shock wave to various objects depends on the power and type of explosion, the mechanical strength (stability of the object), as well as on the distance at which the explosion occurred, the terrain and the position of objects on the ground.

To protect against the impact of hydrocarbons, one should use: trenches, cracks and trenches, which reduce its effect by 1.5-2 times; dugouts - 2-3 times; shelters - 3-5 times; basements of houses (buildings); terrain (forest, ravines, hollows, etc.).

electromagnetic pulse(AMY)- this is a combination of electric and magnetic fields resulting from the ionization of the atoms of the medium under the influence of gamma radiation. Its duration is a few milliseconds.

The main parameters of EMR are induced in wires and cable lines currents and voltages that can lead to damage and failure of electronic equipment, and sometimes to damage to people working with the equipment.

During ground and air explosions, the damaging effect of an electromagnetic pulse is observed at a distance of several kilometers from the center of a nuclear explosion.

The most effective protection against an electromagnetic pulse is the shielding of power supply and control lines, as well as radio and electrical equipment.

The situation that develops during the use of nuclear weapons in the centers of destruction.

The focus of nuclear destruction is the territory within which, as a result of the use of nuclear weapons, mass destruction and death of people, farm animals and plants, destruction and damage to buildings and structures, utilities, energy and technological networks and lines, transport communications and other facilities.

In the global network you can now find a huge amount of information about what an electromagnetic pulse is. Many are afraid of him, sometimes not fully understanding what is at stake. scientific television programs and articles in the yellow press. Isn't it time to look into this issue?

So, an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a perturbation that affects any material object located in its zone of action. It acts not only on conductive objects, but also on dielectrics, only in a slightly different form. Usually the concept of "electromagnetic pulse" is adjacent to the term "nuclear weapon". Why? The answer is simple: it is during a nuclear explosion that EMP reaches its greatest value of all possible. Probably, in some experimental setups it is also possible to create powerful field disturbances, but they are of a local nature, while large areas are affected in a nuclear explosion.

The electromagnetic pulse owes its appearance to several laws that every electrician encounters in everyday work. As is known, the directed movement of elementary particles, which has an electric charge, is inextricably linked with If there is a conductor through which current flows, then a field is always registered around it. The reverse is also true: the effect of an electromagnetic field on a conductive material generates an EMF in it and, as a result, a current. It is usually specified that the conductor forms a circuit, although this is only partly true, since they create their own contours in the volume of the conductive substance. creates the movement of electrons, therefore, a field arises. Further, everything is simple: the tension lines, in turn, create induced currents in the surrounding conductors.

The mechanism of this phenomenon is as follows: due to the instantaneous release of energy, flows of elementary particles (gamma, alpha, etc.) arise. During their passage through the air, electrons are “knocked out” of the molecules, which are oriented along the magnetic lines of the Earth. There is a directed movement (current) that generates an electromagnetic field. And since these processes proceed at lightning speed, we can talk about momentum. Further, in all conductors located in the field action zone (hundreds of kilometers), a current is induced, and since the field strength is huge, the current value is also large. This causes protection systems to operate, fuses to blow - up to fire and irreparable damage. Everything is subject to EMR action: from to power lines, however, to varying degrees.

EMP protection consists in preventing the inducing action of the field. This can be achieved in several ways:

Move away from the epicenter, as the field weakens with increasing distance;

Shield (with earth) electronic equipment;

- "disassemble" the circuits, providing gaps, taking into account the high current.

You can often meet the question of how to create an electromagnetic pulse with your own hands. In fact, every person encounters it on a daily basis, flipping a light bulb switch. At the moment of switching, the current briefly exceeds the rated current by tens of times, an electromagnetic field is generated around the wires, which induces an electromotive force in the surrounding conductors. The force of this phenomenon is simply not strong enough to cause damage comparable to the EMP of a nuclear explosion. Its more pronounced manifestation can be obtained by measuring the field level near the electric arc. In any case, the task is simple: it is necessary to organize the possibility of the instantaneous occurrence of an electric current of large effective value.


Take an unnecessary pocket film camera with a flash. Take the batteries out of it. put on rubber gloves and disassemble the device.

Discharge the flash storage capacitor. To do this, take a resistance of about 1 kOhm and a power of 0.5 W, bend its terminals, clamp it in small pliers with insulated handles, and then, holding the resistor only with pliers, close the capacitor with it for several tens of seconds. After that, finally discharge the capacitor , locking it with a screwdriver blade with an insulated handle for a few more tens of seconds.

Measure the voltage - it should not exceed a few volts. If necessary, discharge the capacitor again. Solder a jumper wire to the capacitor leads.

Now discharge the capacitor in the sync contact circuit. It has a low capacitance, so to discharge it, it is enough to briefly close the sync contact. At the same time, keep your hands away from the flash lamp, because when the sync contact is triggered, it receives from a special step-up pulse high voltage.

Turn on the coil in series with the flash storage capacitor. If the camera does not have a flash test button, connect a button with good insulation, for example, a bell, in parallel with the sync contact.

Make small notches in the body of the device for the output of wires from the button and the coil. They are so that when assembling the case, these wires are not pinched, which threatens to break them. Remove the jumper from the flash storage capacitor. Reassemble the apparatus, then remove the rubber gloves.

Insert batteries into the device. Turn it on by turning the flash away from you, wait for the capacitor to charge, then insert a screwdriver blade into the coil. While holding the screwdriver by the handle so that it does not fly out, press the button. Simultaneously with the flash, an electromagnetic pulse, which will magnetize the screwdriver.

If the screwdriver is not magnetized well enough, you can repeat the operation a few more times. As you use a screwdriver, it will lose magnetism. You should not worry about this - after all, you have a device with which you can always restore it. Please note that not all home craftsmen like magnetized screwdrivers. Some find them very comfortable, others - on the contrary, very uncomfortable.


Be careful when working with any high voltage appliances.

Skeptical people at answering the question about actions in case of vigorous explosion they will say that you need to wrap yourself in a sheet, go out into the street and line up. to accept death for what it is. But experts have developed a number of recommendations that will help to survive a nuclear explosion.


When receiving information about a possible nuclear explosion in the area where you are, you must, if possible, go down to an underground shelter (bomb shelter) and do not leave until you receive other instructions. If this is not possible, you are outside and there is no way to get into the room, take cover behind any object that can represent protection, in extreme cases, lie flat on the ground and cover your head with your hands.

If you are so close to the epicenter of the explosion that the outbreak itself is visible, remember that you need to take cover from radioactive fallout, which will appear in this case within 20 minutes, it all depends on the distance from the epicenter. It is important to remember that radioactive particles are carried by the wind for hundreds of kilometers.

Do not leave your hiding place without an official statement from the authorities that it is safe to do so. Try to make your stay in the shelter as comfortable as possible, maintain proper sanitary conditions, use water and food sparingly, give more food and drink to children, the sick and the elderly. If possible, provide assistance to the managers of the bomb shelter, because being in a confined space a large number people may turn out to be unpleasant, and the duration of such forced cohabitation
can vary from one day to a month.

When returning to your home, it is important to remember and follow a few rules. Before entering the house, make sure that it is intact, damaged, and that there is no partial collapse of structures. When entering the apartment, first of all remove all flammable liquids, medicines and any other potentially dangerous substances. Water, gas and electricity can only be turned on when you have an accurate confirmation that all systems are functioning normally.

When moving around the area, do not approach the areas damaged by the explosion and areas marked with signs "hazardous materials" and "danger of radiation".


It will be invaluable help to have a radio with you to listen to official messages from local authorities. Always follow what you have received, as the authorities always have more information than those around them.

Electromagnetic low power is not capable of causing gigantic destruction, demolishing everything in its path, such as the one that results from a nuclear explosion. You can generate a low-power impulse at home.


To get started, get a film camera you don’t need in the future, preferably with a flash.


In order to understand the complexity of the problems of the threat of EMP and measures to protect against it, it is necessary to briefly consider the history of the study of this physical phenomenon and state of the art knowledge in this area.

The fact that a nuclear explosion would necessarily be accompanied by electromagnetic radiation was clear to theoretical physicists even before the first test of a nuclear device in 1945. During the nuclear explosions carried out in the late 50s and early 60s in the atmosphere and outer space the presence of EMR was recorded experimentally.

However, the quantitative characteristics of the pulse were insufficiently measured, firstly, because there was no control and measuring equipment capable of registering an extremely powerful electromagnetic radiation, which exists extremely a short time(millionths of a second), and secondly, because in those years only electrovacuum devices were used in radio-electronic equipment, which were little affected by EMR, which reduced interest in its study. The creation of semiconductor devices, and then integrated circuits, especially digital technology devices based on them, and the widespread introduction of funds into radio-electronic military equipment forced military specialists to assess the EMP threat differently.

Description of the physics of EMP.

The EMP generation mechanism is as follows. In a nuclear explosion, gamma and x-rays are produced and a stream of neutrons is formed. Gamma radiation interacting with molecules atmospheric gases, knocks out of them the so-called Compton electrons. If the explosion is carried out at a height of 20-40 km, then these electrons are captured by the Earth's magnetic field and, rotating relative to the lines of force of this field, create currents that generate EMP. In this case, the EMP field is coherently summed towards the earth's surface, i.e. Earth's magnetic field plays a role similar to a phased antenna array. As a result of this, the field strength sharply increases, and, consequently, the EMP amplitude in the areas to the south and north of the explosion epicenter. The duration of this process from the moment of explosion is from 1 - 3 to 100 ns.

At the next stage, lasting approximately from 1 μs to 1 s, EMR is created by Compton electrons knocked out of molecules by multiply reflected gamma radiation and due to the inelastic collision of these electrons with the neutron flux emitted during the explosion. In this case, the EMR intensity turns out to be approximately three orders of magnitude lower than in the first stage.

At the final stage, which takes a period of time after the explosion from 1 s to several minutes, EMP is generated by the magnetohydrodynamic effect generated by disturbances of the Earth's magnetic field by the conductive fireball of the explosion. The EMR intensity at this stage is very small and amounts to several tens of volts per kilometer.

The greatest danger for radio-electronic means is the first stage of EMP generation, in which, in accordance with the law of electromagnetic induction, due to the extremely rapid increase in the amplitude of the pulse (the maximum is reached at 3–5 ns after the explosion), the induced voltage can reach tens of kilovolts per meter at the level of the earth's surface. , gradually decreasing with distance from the epicenter of the explosion. In addition to a temporary disruption of the functioning (functional suppression) of the RES, allowing the subsequent restoration of their performance, EMP weapons can physically destroy (functional defeat) the semiconductor elements of the RES, including those in the off state.

It should also be noted the possibility of a damaging effect of powerful radiation from EMP weapons on electrical and electrical energy systems weapons and military equipment(VVT), electronic ignition systems for internal combustion engines (Fig. 1). The currents excited by the electromagnetic field in the circuits of electric or radio fuses mounted on ammunition can reach levels sufficient to trigger them. High-energy streams are able to initiate the detonation of explosives (HE) of missile warheads, bombs and artillery shells, as well as non-contact detonation of mines within a radius of 50-60 m from the point of detonation of medium-caliber EMP ammunition (100-120 mm).

Fig. 1. Forced stop of the car with electronic system ignition.

With regard to the damaging effect of EMP weapons on personnel As a rule, we are talking about the effects of a temporary violation of an adequate sensorimotor system of a person, the occurrence of erroneous actions in his behavior, and even disability. It is essential that the negative manifestations of the impact of powerful ultrashort microwave pulses are not necessarily associated with thermal destruction of living cells of biological objects. The damaging factor is often the high intensity of the electric field induced on the membranes of cells, comparable with the natural quasi-static intensity of the intrinsic electric field of intracellular charges. place a significant change in the electrical potentials of the brain. Activity nerve cells changes under the action of a single microwave pulse with a duration of 0.1 to 100 ms, if the energy density in it reaches 100 mJ/cm2. The consequences of such an influence on a person are still little studied, however, it is known that exposure to microwave pulses sometimes gives rise to sound hallucinations, and when the power is increased, even loss of consciousness is possible.

The amplitude of the voltage induced by EMR in conductors is proportional to the length of the conductor located in its field, and depends on its orientation relative to the electric field strength vector.

Thus, the EMR field strength in high-voltage power lines can reach 50 kV / m, which will lead to the appearance of currents in them with a power of up to 12 thousand amperes.

EMP is also generated during other types of nuclear explosions - air and ground. It has been theoretically established that in these cases its intensity depends on the degree of asymmetry of the spatial parameters of the explosion. Therefore, an air explosion is the least effective in terms of EMP generation. The EMP of a ground explosion will have a high intensity, but it will decrease rapidly as you move away from the epicenter.

Since the collection of experimental data during underground nuclear testing is technically very complex and expensive, the solution of the data set is achieved by methods and means of physical modeling.

Sources of EMP (non-lethal weapons). EMP weapons can be created both in the form of stationary and mobile electronic systems of directed radiation, and in the form of electromagnetic munitions (EMB) delivered to the target using artillery shells, mines, guided missiles (Fig. 2), aerial bombs, etc.

A stationary generator allows you to reproduce EMR with a horizontal polarization of the electric field. It includes a high-voltage electrical pulse generator (4 MV), a symmetrical dipole radiating antenna on two masts, and an open concrete test area. The installation ensures the formation of EMP over the test site (at heights of 3 and 10 m) with a field strength of 35 and 50 kV/m, respectively.

The mobile (transportable) HPDII generator is designed to simulate horizontally polarized EMR. It includes a high-voltage pulse generator and a symmetrical vibrator antenna mounted on a trailer platform, as well as data acquisition and processing equipment located in a separate van.

EMB is based on methods for converting the chemical energy of explosion, combustion, and direct current electrical energy into the energy of a high-power electromagnetic field. The solution to the problem of creating EMP ammunition is primarily associated with the presence of compact radiation sources that could be located in the compartments of the warhead of guided missiles, as well as in artillery shells.

The most compact sources of energy for EMB today are spiral explosive magnetic generators (VMG), or generators with explosive compression of the magnetic field, which have the best performance specific gravity energy in terms of mass (100 kJ/kg) and volume (10 kJ/cm3), as well as explosive magnetodynamic generators (EMDG). In the VMG, with the help of an explosive, the energy of the explosion is converted

into the energy of the magnetic field with an efficiency of up to 10%, and when optimal choice VMG parameters - even up to 20%. This type of device is capable of generating pulses with an energy of tens of mega joules and a duration of up to 100 μs. The peak radiation power can reach 10 TW. VMGs can be used autonomously or as one of the cascades for pumping microwave generators. The limited spectral band of EMG radiation (up to several megahertz) makes their effect on the RES rather selective.

Fig.2. Design (a) and principle (b) of the combat use of a typical EMB.

As a result, the problem arises of creating compact antenna systems that are consistent with the parameters of the generated EMR. In VMDG, explosives or rocket fuel are used to form a plasma stream, the rapid movement of which in a magnetic field leads to the appearance of super-powerful currents by accompanying electromagnetic radiation.

The main advantage of VMDG is reusability, since cartridges with explosives or rocket fuel can be loaded into the generator repeatedly. However, its specific weight and size characteristics are 50 times lower than those of VMG, and, in addition, the technology of VMDG has not yet been sufficiently developed to rely on these energy sources in the near future.

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