Raw rubber: instructions for use. Making raw rubber with your own hands

reservoirs 12.06.2019

The mixture for obtaining a durable elastic material is called raw rubber. After heat treatment change molecular bonds rubber, forming an alloy with plasticizers. You can vulcanize with your own hands at home and make a small piece of rubber or simply seal a hole in a bicycle chamber, repair cuts on the slopes. On sale there is simple equipment for private workshops in which raw rubber is made by hand.

natural rubber

The sap of rubber trees was widely used by the natives for making waterproof shoes, covering boats, protecting huts from rain, and solving other household problems. They extract it from rubber plants in the same way as they collect birch sap in spring. Polyisoprene, the carbohydrate that makes up most of natural latex, combines with oxygen in heat and becomes brittle over time. After heating, molecular bonds become stable, and the substance does not react even to acidic solutions.

The value of rubber based on technical characteristics:

  • high resistance to abrasion;
  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • insoluble in water and most aggressive liquids;
  • plastic;
  • elasticity.

The addition of plasticizers and river sand allows you to create a material with the planned qualities and color. Raw rubber is transformed into a product that retains its shape for a long time through vulcanization - heating under pressure to a temperature of 150 degrees.

Raw rubber components

Natural and synthetic rubber, when heated to 50 degrees, turns into a soft mass, which mixes well with other components:

  • gray;
  • gas soot;
  • sand (silicon dioxide);
  • oils;
  • resins;
  • dyes;
  • softeners;
  • accelerators.

The composition of the components varies and depends on the qualities that the resulting raw rubber should have. Sulfur is included in molecular compounds, and the hardness of rubber depends on it. Accelerators reduce curing time. Soot and oil give plasticity finished product. Sand and others organic matter make it harder, reduce abrasion, increase the breaking force.

Types of rubber

There are three main groups according to hardness:

  • soft - latex;
  • average;
  • solid - ebonite.

The natural component has the best performance, so car tires are made from natural rubber. In small enterprises, the manufacture of rubber provides for cheaper synthetic material.

Latex is used to make gloves, toys, various insulating materials, waterproof clothing, shoe soles. Medium density rubber is widely used in everyday life and at work. These are all kinds of gaskets in taps, mats, couplings in cars and mechanisms. Parts are machined from ebonite, which require high hardness and resistance to abrasion. These are elements of bearings, wheels, bushings.

Rubber manufacturing

There are three main invariable stages if raw rubber is being prepared. Instructions and technology are simple, requiring simple equipment. Sequentially executed:

  • rubber heating;
  • mixing with additives;
  • molding.

Natural rubber, after standing for some time and fermenting, turns into a thick viscous mass. Artificial is immediately produced in this form. Before use, it is kneaded like dough and heated to 50 degrees. In this state, it loses its elasticity, becomes malleable and soft, and is able to mix with other substances.

The components of the future rubber are poured into a screw machine for mixing. Proportions and additives are taken depending on the planned qualities. All grades of raw rubber produced are standardized, and the amount of each material is given as a percentage. It remains only to recalculate in relation to the available mass of rubber.

The resulting homogeneous mass remains heated, since the friction of the machine parts and particles against each other occurs with the release of temperature. As a result of the process, raw rubber is formed. It is shaped into strips of given sizes (less often a cord) and packed between polyethylene.

Manufacturing of rubber products

For the manufacture of products, the raw mass after mixing is placed in special molds, pressurized and heated to 135-150 degrees. The process is called vulcanization. For small parts, these are closed dies. Products like rugs can be passed through hot drums with a figured surface.

With prolonged exposure to high temperatures, the rubber dries out and becomes brittle. Therefore, sulfur and other accelerators are introduced into the composition, which can significantly reduce the vulcanization process.

Homemade raw rubber

Rubber, especially artificial rubber, requires a lot of effort to knead. Knead it with your hands, like dough, a person does not have enough strength. For this, a special device is made. Mixing with additives is a laborious and lengthy process. Substances with different dispersion, specific gravity and physical condition must be turned into a homogeneous mass.

Do-it-yourself raw rubber is being prepared in a machine with screw shafts. Screw protrusions grind everything that is in the container and mix. The production speed depends on the number of shafts. He is usually alone at home, and it takes a lot of time to bring the mixture to the desired state.

For molding into sheets and strips, two shafts are sufficient, one of which moves, changing the size of the gap, and hence the thickness of the finished raw rubber. The mass is put into the accumulator and goes to the moulding. When deformed, it cools down and loses its ability to flow, becoming tensile.

Equipment for a home workshop can be purchased at a store or made by yourself. For samples, take the equipment available in the kitchen. The engine will come from a broken washing machine or any other machine. Belts and pulleys for automobiles.

Raw rubber: application

At home, rubber is widely used to repair rubber products. These are tires and tubes of bicycles and cars, shoes. Vulcanization creates faucet gaskets and various small parts

For patches for punched wheels, sheet raw rubber is most often used. Instructions for use:

  1. Clean the edges of the chamber in the place of the cut with sandpaper so that they do not touch the ends. Trim torn protrusions.
  2. The place around the cut is degreased, processed with a file.
  3. It is cut out of raw rubber patch and superimposed on the camera.
  4. It is clamped with a clamp and heated.

A ready-made vulcanizer is used for heating, but you can make it yourself. In the case of an industrial installation, one millimeter of thickness should be heated for 4 minutes. AT homemade device the time increases to 10 minutes, more accurately it is determined in a practical way.

Making a device for vulcanization

Homemade vulcanizers are divided into electric and gasoline. They are made from parts that have served their time. Main knots:

  • fixed table;
  • heating element;
  • clamp.

The simplest electrical model comes from an old iron that has a working coil. This option has a regulator, which means it is more convenient than others. The working surface is the sole. It is better to remove the handle, turn the iron over, install it on a thick sheet bracket. The product to be repaired is laid on top and clamped with a clamp.

For the gasoline version, it is convenient to use the engine piston. Gasoline is poured into it and set on fire. For control, put paper on the patch. It begins to turn yellow at a critical temperature for rubber.

Rubber is used in many household structures: various hoses, seals, adapters, car parts. Over time, products made from this material fail, dry out, lose elasticity, and become inconvenient to use. You should not immediately buy new elements, you can try to soften the rubber at home.

Remanufactured rubber part using kerosene

Rubber elements under impact external factors lose their original properties, become less elastic, harden. Their further use will not bring the desired effect, seals, for example, will not be able to make the system completely sealed. The purchase of new rubber elements is sometimes difficult due to the lack of products the right sizes or their overpriced.

The following substances allow you to soften rubber:

  1. Kerosene. Lets do rubber parts soft, affecting the structure of the material. After processing, the rubber element becomes fully elastic. Recovery technology is as follows:
  • fill a small container with kerosene (choose the container size depending on the size of the product to be restored);
  • place the part in a container with kerosene for 3 hours;
  • after the specified time, check the product for softness, if the result is satisfactory: remove the material and rinse with warm running water;
  • dry the material in a natural way, without using a hair dryer or battery.
  1. Alcohol ammonia. The process of restoring old material is as follows:
  • dilute the indicated alcohol with water in a ratio of 1: 7;
  • place the rubber material in the resulting solution for half an hour;
  • after the specified time, remove the part and rinse with warm running water;
  • Allow the parts to dry completely before using them.

Please note: you can not keep rubber in a solution of ammonia and water for more than an hour. If the material does not become elastic after 30 minutes, use another recovery method.

  1. Medical alcohol followed by the use of glycerin. The technology of "reanimation" of rubber parts:
  • fill the container with medical alcohol;
  • put in alcohol a part that needs to be restored for several hours;
  • after the specified time, check the condition of the product, if it is soft enough, remove the element from the solution and wash it with warm soapy water;
  • rub glycerin into the surface of the part using a sponge (cloth);
  • remove any remaining glycerine from the surface of the product.

Instead of glycerin, it is allowed to use automobile oil, it is rubbed into the surface of the product, then the part is kept for half an hour before use. Per specified period rubber becomes quite elastic.

  1. Castor oil and silicone. Let's make a reservation right away - this method allows you to quickly "reanimate" the old rubber, but the recovery effect will not last long, after a few days the product will become solid. For this method, follow the sequence:
  • smear the part with silicone;
  • wait 10 minutes;
  • after the specified time, the part can be used.

Note: a similar effect is achieved by using castor oil. It is rubbed into the surface of the part, after which it becomes soft and elastic.

Heating is an effective method

Container with prepared water for boiling rubber products

There are situations when the rubber element is difficult to remove from structural parts due to its hardening. You can achieve the desired result by heating the rubber with a stream of hot air using a hair dryer. When exposed to high temperature, the material will become softer, it can be pulled out of the part.

Too "hardened" element is softened by boiling in salted water. The technology is as follows:

  • fill the container with salted water;
  • let the liquid boil;
  • place the rubber element in boiling water for 10 minutes;
  • remove the rubber and quickly use it for its intended purpose.

This method is quite effective, but has a short-term effect. When it cools down, the rubber becomes stiff again.


You can soften the rubber in the above ways. In this case, it is necessary to take into account: a long-term effect after restoration, has a method with kerosene. Rubber, after its application, remains soft and elastic for a long time, because the structure of the material changes. Other methods do not allow to achieve such a result.

Every year, thousands of tires go to landfills and landfills, despite the fact that for an enterprising person they are free resource from which crumb rubber can be produced.

If you need it only once, you can buy it in the right amount from manufacturers.

But where can you get crumb rubber if you need it on an ongoing basis and in large quantities?

It is worth thinking about buying your own.

However full installation is not affordable for everyone, and not everyone will be profitable such an investment. The way out is to create equipment with your own hands, and use it to produce crumb rubber from tires at home.

If you need very little raw materials, you can do without equipment at all.

This will only require scissors and cutter.

The metal cord is first removed from the tire, then it is divided into ribbons and crushed into smaller fractions to the required size.

At this point, the process is considered complete.

Material for the design of paths, flower beds or a separate playground is ready to use.

But to get more raw materials or have an income from tire recycling at home, you need the right equipment.

Tire crusher construction

Three main methods of crumb production are used:

  1. Tire crushing after cooling with liquid nitrogen to -190 degrees.
  2. Getting crumbs on industrial equipment full cycle with the removal and subsequent grinding of rubber.
  3. Recycling using universal crushers, which you can do yourself at home.

The first two methods require large investments. Third option available to everyone who has the ability and desire to make a crusher at home.

Required units can be make it yourself in the workshop or on the production site- where there are metal-cutting machines (turning, milling) and welding machine for the manufacture of components.

If it is impossible to perform the machining of blanks on your own and you have to order them according to your drawings, the cost of tire recycling machines will still be several times cheaper than similar purchased units.

The main component of the tire recycling line is a shredder (rubber grinder). Let us consider in more detail the purpose of the nodes of this machine.

Unit device

The machine consists of the following main units:

  • electric motor 5 kW - 2 pcs;
  • housing with disc shafts;
  • lattice;
  • worm gearbox - 2 pcs;
  • shredder frame;
  • loading bunker;
  • guide tray;
  • control cabinet.

Details of the installation are mounted on a powerful frame welded from channels.

Box with cutting discs

The main unit of the crusher for rubber is the body with milling rolls.

At the same time, the cutting knives are made of high-strength steel and heat-treated, which significantly reduces their wear. They are practically do not require sharpening during operation.

The calculation of the openings of the box, shafts and cutting elements must be accurate, so it must be done by a specialist in this field (designer).

Grid for crumb calibration

In order to obtain a calibrated fraction of tire raw materials, shredders are equipped with a special grate, which is installed under the rolls.

Worm gear

Shaft rotation with disc cutters carried out separately, directly from worm gears connected to electric motors through couplings.

The gear ratio is selected from 25 to 35 in such a way that so that the cutting is free of sticking and at a sufficient speed.

Machine frame

The frame is welded from profile elements, ensures the reliability and stability of the unit during operation, as well as loading and unloading operations.

loading hopper

The tire recycling plant is equipped with a tire loading hopper and a tray for removing finished crumb rubber.

Due to its design, the bunker eliminates the formation of blockages from raw materials and guarantees the directed movement of the mass towards the rotating rolls.

Tire cutter

Tire cutting and cord removal plant consists of a supporting frame and a rack.

On the carcass is a tire clamping mechanism that rotates with the tire during cutting. The engine speed is reduced due to the different diameter of the pulleys. There is a built-in wedge-shaped cutter on the stand, which is adjusted to a certain size by moving the quill.

How to grind tires?

The technological chain is several preparatory stages before producing the required fraction.

This procedure includes:

  1. Inspection and removal of foreign objects from the cavity of the tire.
  2. Cord cutting.
  3. Tire cutting on tapes measuring 50-80 mm.
  4. Grinding raw materials through a shredder.
  5. Separation and separating metal from textile parts.
  6. Calibration crumbs into fractions using a vibrating sieve.

Equipment performance

The work of these two main units in the processing of tires done in semi-automatic mode.

For the normal operation of this line, a room of about 150-200 square meters is required. meters. This is due to the fact that you need a place for the location of not only equipment, but also for storing worn tires, finished tire products and metal waste.

The output of crumb rubber on this equipment per hour will be approximately 200-800 kg and up to 100 kg of scrap metal, 2-3 unskilled workers will be needed to service the machines.

In addition to tires, this equipment can process other rubber (conveyor belt, cameras, gas masks). The output is a crumb with sizes from 0.7 to 4 mm, while it is 65-85% of the total mass of raw materials.

Waterproofing is one of the most milestones in construction. Waterproofing materials protect the structures of buildings and structures from moisture, ground water and weather influences. First of all, the complex of works on waterproofing includes the correct protection of the foundation, which is most susceptible to the influence of adverse factors. Waterproofing with liquid rubber, as well as other materials designed for this, ensures the reliability, strength and durability of the bearing part of the building.

Currently, there are several methods of waterproofing that have been used for many years. Some of the work can be done by hand.

Foundation and roof waterproofing with liquid rubber

Waterproofing with rubber is a reliable, durable and high-tech method that is rapidly gaining popularity among builders. According to its composition, it is a two-component water-based polymer-bitumen colloidal emulsion with the addition of modifiers. It does not lose its qualities at temperatures from -50 to +90 degrees Celsius.

As a result of spraying onto the surface, waterproofing with liquid rubber forms a film with a thickness of only 2 mm. But in terms of its qualities, it corresponds to waterproofing with at least 4 layers of roofing material.

Liquid rubber for waterproofing has many advantages over other existing waterproofing systems.

  • It has excellent adhesive properties and easily adheres to any surface - concrete, stone, brick, blocks, wood.
  • The protective film obtained after application is highly elastic in a wide temperature range, which is important when the foundation shrinks. The material can be stretched by 1600% and then bounce back by 90-95%.
  • Cover provides quality protection from deep penetration of moisture.
  • Another plus is easy and quick application.
  • The coating has a perfect flat surface.
  • The film is characterized by high resistance to abrasion and mechanical stress.
  • Applying liquid rubber in cold form facilitates the process of waterproofing itself - it is enough to have a spraying machine and a motor with a compressor. On small objects, work can be done by hand.
  • Liquid rubber is completely vapor-tight without penetrating deep into the material.
  • Long service life of the coating - at least 20 years.
  • Liquid rubber materials are non-toxic and do not pollute the environment.
  • Liquid rubber for waterproofing is presented in a variety of colors.
  • This material is absolutely safe for work and during operation, odorless, fumes, resistant to UV rays and various chemical reagents.

Ready-to-use liquid rubber materials are as follows:

  1. KIM TEC - compositions of 4 colors;
  2. Vodipren 90 - suitable for underground and roofing work;
  3. Rubber Dip Spray - to protect the bottom of cars;
  4. ELASTIKOR (Elastikor) - ready-made waterproofing material in white;
  5. Roller Grade - very high quality insulation for foundations, supports, and underground utilities;
  6. Prime Rubbe - can be used to protect wooden houses.

How to make liquid rubber yourself

Self-preparation of liquid rubber is quite simple. This will require the following materials: one package of borax, two bottles of PVA glue, 100 ml of water, dye if necessary, dishes for mixing the components and an object for mixing. We combine borax with water in one bowl, in another container we mix the dye and glue. Add colored glue to the borax solution and mix thoroughly. The finished material should not harden, so it is placed in a cold place. Do-it-yourself liquid rubber for waterproofing will be much cheaper than purchased material, but the quality and properties are the same.

Video: liquid rubber waterproofing

Liquid rubber application technology

If it is possible to rent a compressor, then in one day you can process up to 300 m2 of the surface of any complex terrain. If this is not possible, then waterproofing with liquid rubber can be done by hand - using an ordinary paint roller or brush. It is desirable to carry out work at an air temperature of +5 to + 25 degrees, in dry, calm weather. The process consists of the following steps:

  1. Thoroughly clean the surface, restore damaged areas, remove oil and grease stains.
  2. It is advisable to even wash with water and dry completely.
  3. Cold application is carried out in sections of 2-3 m2. Coating thickness - 3 mm.
  4. The second layer is applied after 15 minutes - when the liquid rubber polymerizes. Layers need to be done 2-3.
  5. Slots, joints, voids are filled with a spatula.

There is also a technology for hot application of this composition. In this case, a small volume (how much can be worked out) of the composition is heated to 200-220 degrees, stirred, cooled in air to 150 degrees and quickly applied. It takes about 45-60 minutes to completely dry the liquid rubber coating (the time is indicated on the package).

Waterproofing from bituminous mastic

This is the simplest, cheapest and most common method, which has many advantages, but is not without drawbacks.

Bituminous waterproofing mastic is a viscous resinous composition based on bitumen with the addition of modifying substances - polymers, quartz, talc, asbestos or dolomite flour. According to the method of preparation, bituminous mastic is hot and cold.

Mastic based on bituminous resin is used not only for protection various surfaces from moisture, but also for their connection. In addition, this construction material widely used in the manufacture of wall slabs, for waterproofing flat roofs, basements, swimming pools, in the arrangement of above-ground and underground facilities, pipelines, engineering and communication networks, for gluing gaskets roll materials between foundation and walls.

Bituminous rubber waterproofing

Waterproofing bituminous mastic has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • High level of protection of various surfaces from moisture and mold.
  • Resistant to deformation under the influence of steam.
  • Bituminous mastic creates a dense protective film against deep penetration of moisture.
  • Crack resistance.
  • Bituminous materials are quite easy to apply, no special skills and knowledge are required to perform the work.

Bitumen waterproofing mastic has some disadvantages: fragility, instability to mechanical damage. Bituminous waterproofing is advisable to use as additional material to more reliable waterproofing systems.

Available for sale bituminous materials, ready to use, in buckets or briquettes. For example:

  • for foundations, one of the best is AquaMast waterproofing bituminous resin;
  • for floors in bathrooms and swimming pools - excellent material - one-component mastic Ceresit CL 51;
  • also for internal works fit waterproofing materials FIBERGUM;
  • waterproofing roofing membrane based on bituminous resin Siolit P1K - a fully prepared composition for processing flat roof, as well as, floors of closed terraces, etc.

How to make waterproofing mastic yourself

Preparing waterproofing mastic on your own will significantly save cash. This will require the following materials: pure bitumen in pieces, plasticizers and fillers. To get 5 kg of the finished mixture, it is necessary to mix bitumen - 4.2 kg with a filler - 0.5 kg and a plasticizer - 0.3 kg. As a filler, you can use peat, asbestos, rubber chips or sawdust.

Waterproofing mastic is prepared in special thick-walled boilers. In such containers, bitumen does not burn during the cooking process, but ready mix obtained uniform and high quality.

Rubber is a well-known material that is used in almost all spheres of human life. Medicine, agriculture, industry cannot do without this polymer. Many manufacturing processes also use rubber. What this material is made of and what are its features are described in the article.

What is rubber

Rubber is a polymer with high elasticity. Its structure is represented by randomly arranged carbon chains held together by sulfur atoms.

In the normal state, carbon chains have a twisted appearance. If the rubber is stretched, the carbon chains will unwind. The ability to stretch and quickly return to its original shape has made such material as rubber indispensable in many areas.

What is it made from? Typically, rubber is made by mixing rubber with a vulcanizing agent. After heating to desired temperature the mixture thickens.

The difference between rubber and rubber

Rubber and rubber are high molecular weight polymers obtained naturally or synthetically. These materials differ in physical and chemical properties and production methods. Natural rubber is a substance made from the sap of tropical trees - latex. It flows out of the cortex when it is damaged. Synthetic rubber is obtained by polymerization of styrene, neoprene, butadiene, isobutylene, chloroprene, nitrile. During the vulcanization of artificial rubber, rubber is formed.

What are they made of different types rubbers? For certain types synthetic materials organic substances are used to obtain a material identical to natural rubber.

Rubber properties

Rubber is a versatile material that has the following properties:

  1. High elasticity - the ability to large reverse deformations in a wide temperature range.
  2. Elasticity and stability of forms at small deformations.
  3. Amorphous - easily deformed with slight pressure.
  4. relative softness.
  5. Does not absorb water well.
  6. Strength and wear resistance.
  7. Depending on the type of rubber, rubber can be characterized by water, oil, gasoline, heat resistance and resistance to action. chemical substances, ionizing and light radiation.

Rubber eventually loses its properties and loses its shape, which is manifested by destruction and a decrease in strength. The service life of rubber products depends on the conditions of use and can range from several days to several years. Even with prolonged storage, rubber ages and becomes unusable.

Rubber production

Rubber is made by vulcanizing rubber with the addition of mixtures. Typically, 20-60% of the processed mass is rubber. Other components of the rubber compound - fillers, vulcanizing agents, accelerators, plasticizers, antioxidants. Dyes, fragrances, modifiers, fire retardants and other components can also be added to the composition of the mass. The set of components is determined by the required properties, operating conditions, the technology of using the finished rubber product and economic calculations. In this way, high-quality rubber is created.

What are rubber semi-finished products made of? For this purpose, the production uses the technology of mixing rubber with other components in special mixers or rollers designed for the manufacture of semi-finished products, followed by cutting and cutting. AT production cycle presses, autoclaves, drum and tunnel vulcanizers are used. The rubber compound is given high plasticity, due to which the future product acquires the necessary shape.

Rubber products

Today, rubber is used in sports, medicine, construction, agriculture, in production. The total number of products made from rubber exceeds more than 60 thousand varieties. The most popular of them are seals, shock absorbers, tubes, oil seals, sealants, rubberized coatings, and facing materials.

Rubber products are widely used in manufacturing processes. This material is also indispensable in the production of gloves, shoes, belts, waterproof fabrics, transport tapes.

Most of the rubber produced is used to make tires.

Rubber in the tire industry

Rubber is the main material in the production car tires. This process begins with the preparation of a rubber compound from natural and synthetic rubber. Then silica, soot and other chemical components are added to the rubber mass. After thorough mixing, the mixture is sent to the oven. The output is rubber bands of a certain length.

The next step is rubberizing the cord. Textile and metal cord is filled with hot rubber mass. In this way, the inner, textile and belt layer of the tire is made.

What is tire rubber made of? All tire manufacturers use different formulations and rubber manufacturing technologies. To give the finished product strength and reliability, various plasticizers and reinforcing fillers can be added.

Tires are made from natural rubber. Its addition to the rubber compound reduces tire heating. Most The rubber compound is occupied by synthetic rubber. This component gives the tires elasticity and the ability to withstand heavy loads.

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