Memorial prayer for six months. Days of Special Remembrance of the Deceased

reservoirs 15.10.2019

When after death loved one passes certain time, relatives are wondering whether six months from the date of death? The rules for holding a commemoration exist not only in Orthodox tradition, but also refer to secular norms adopted in a particular culture.

How do Christians commemorate the dead?

There is no information in church books on how to organize a memorial table and whether it is worth going to the cemetery six months after the death of a relative. But church rites for the dead still exist.

According to tradition, a prayer service is ordered for the deceased person after six months. A variety of prayers for the repose are also read. In the church, on the memorial eve, a candle is placed for the deceased.

At home, the relatives of the deceased can pray for the repose of his soul in front of the icon. Sometimes during this prayer, a photo of the deceased is placed next to the face of the saint and a candle is lit.

A commemoration feast can be organized both at home and in a special restaurant, where there is a special menu for such occasions. On this day, you can take kutya and pancakes to the cemetery, which are left on the grave.

All relatives and close friends of the deceased are invited to the memorial table. Prayers are said before the start of the meal. Then stories from the life of the deceased person are told.

The menu for remembrance includes fish pies, salads, kutya, pancakes, pickles. If during this date there is a post, then the table should be set modestly. This is especially true for those people whose deceased relatives were deeply religious during their lifetime.

Whether to drink alcohol during the wake, everyone decides for himself. But use it in large quantities still not worth it. It is necessary to remember the deceased with a slight sadness. It is not advisable to indulge in strong grief, because he went to better world to God.

Wake with date transfer

How to commemorate six months from the date of death, if it is not possible to organize a commemoration on this particular date? According to the rules, it is possible to organize a commemoration three days before this date, and two days after it.

On the day of commemoration, you can distribute all the things of the deceased to those in need. Before this period, it is possible to perform such manipulations, but not everyone can do it. Sometimes it is advised to wait a year to give someone personal items and clothes of the deceased.

But if relatives cry a lot for their deceased, then it is necessary to take his things out of the house exactly after the onset of six months from the date of death.

On the morning of the day of remembrance, it is necessary to distribute alms to the poor and ask them to pray for the deceased person. In the evening, you can attend a service and submit a note there with the name of the deceased, so that they pray for him in the church.

What can not be done at the wake?

At the wake, you can not do the following things:

So, how to commemorate six months from the date of death, if emotional condition leaves much to be desired? It is necessary to drink a sedative. Ask family and friends to help organize the funeral. And try to understand that the pain of loss will someday subside, it will not always be so bad. Everything related to the commemoration must be organized with all care and attention. After all, according to beliefs, the soul of the deceased on such a date is nearby and observes the degree of respect that the living have for her.


Pray for the deceased in the morning on the day when it is six months from the date of death native person. This should be done at home in front of an icon, photograph, and a pre-lit candle. Check out the church before going to the grave. This should be done before the start of the church service. Put a donation and buy a candle (mandatory).

Submit a note with the name of the deceased in the appropriate window of the temple, ordering a special ceremony. It is best if you order a commemoration at the proskomedia. In this case, a small piece is taken out of a special prosphora for the deceased and subsequently lowered into a special bowl with holy water as a sign of the washing of his sins.

Light a lamp or just a candle bought in the church. Cover near the grave small table with food, in order, as they say, to eat with the dead. According to legend, it is believed that the spirit of the deceased is in the clouds and is nearby. You should also put a few pieces of food on the grave. At the same time, it is important to observe fasts, if there are any at the time of commemoration.

Pray for the repose of the soul of the deceased near the grave. Gather everyone who visited the grave of the deceased and invite them home to the memorial table. The food on the table should only be allowed by the church at the time of the commemoration (fasting - fasting, and also depending on the day of the week on which the commemoration takes place).

It is necessary to make lithium before the meal. This can be done by a layman by reciting a prayer accordingly.

Serve first, before you start the meal, kutya (porridge) made from wheat or rice with raisins and honey.

Proceed to the meal, each time remembering the good deeds and deeds of the deceased. It is from here that the name "Commemoration" - means.
Attention! Remembering the deceased, one should refrain from alcohol even if the deceased himself liked to drink.

In the Christian tradition, the commemoration of the dead symbolizes faith in eternal life and in the fact that after the “biological” life another life begins, not known to earthly people, but no less real for this. Remembering, we try to help the person who has left us in eternal life. And since the commemoration of the dead is primarily based on faith, all customs are somehow connected with the church.

You will need

  • * prayer book;
  • * church candles.


First, pray. Since the world that we turn to when we are dead is non-material for us, the basis of interaction with it is precisely prayer. Despite the fact that prayer is almost always possible, there are special days: after - the third, ninth, fortieth, as well as birthday, death day, etc. Bring a prayer at home or in the temple. At the same time, it is believed that prayer has a greater grace-filled power. At a church commemoration, the priest pronounces the names that you transfer to the church kiosk before the service by writing on. Also light a candle.

The funeral meal is also one of the important components memorial tradition. Meals are arranged for relatives and friends of the deceased on the third, ninth, fortieth day and anniversary. Traditionally, before a candle or lamp, one of the relatives reads the 17th kathisma from the Psalter, after which all those present read "Our Father".

A few words about the memorial table. Serve kutia first, having previously consecrated it in the church or sprinkled it with holy water. Pancakes are also traditional. Alcohol, contrary to popular belief, should be excluded.

Please note that if it falls on Wednesday or Friday or time, the table should be fast. A with weekday Lent move them to the next Saturday or Sunday.

The custom of visiting the graves of deceased relatives on Radonitsa is widespread. Believers not only clean the graves after the winter, but also pray. Usually the Easter troparion "Christ is Risen" is read or sung three times. Then you can read the 90th psalm. Instead of the usual funeral kontakion "God rest with the saints," it is customary to read or sing the Pascha kontakion "Once and into the grave, thou hast descended immortal." Also, special funeral troparia from the requiems and litia "From the spirits of the righteous who have died" can be read or sung. Some believers in cemeteries on the day of Radonitsa read (sing) the canon of Easter.

The commemoration of the dead on Radonitsa can also be performed at home after visiting the liturgy and burial places. At home, the above Easter hymns can also be sung.

Radonitsa serves as a special remembrance of the fact that Christ descended into hell, brought out people who believed in him, delivering them from spiritual death.

How to commemorate the dead: questions and answers ...

How to commemorate the dead: questions and answers

What days are the dead remembered? Is it possible to bury suicides? How to pray for deceased parents? Archpriest Igor FOMIN answered the most common questions about how to properly commemorate the dead.

What prayer to commemorate the dead? How often do we commemorate the dead?

The dead Christians are commemorated every day. In every prayer book you can find a prayer for the departed, it is an integral part of the home prayer rule. You can also commemorate the dead by reading the Psalter. Every day, Christians read one kathisma from the Psalter. And in one of the chapters we commemorate our relatives (relatives), friends who have departed to the Lord.

Why commemorate the dead?

The fact is that life continues even after death. Moreover, the final fate of a person is decided not after death, but after the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, which we are all waiting for. Therefore, before the second coming, we can still change this fate. When we are alive, we can do it ourselves, doing good deeds and believing in Christ. Having died, we can no longer influence our own afterlife, but this can be done by people who remember us, who have a heartache. The best way to change the posthumous fate of the deceased is a prayer for him.

When are the dead remembered? What days are the dead remembered? What time of day can you remember?

The time of the day when you can commemorate the deceased is not regulated by the Church. There is folk traditions, which go back to paganism and clearly prescribe how and at what hour to remember the dead - but they have nothing to do with Christian prayer. God lives in space without time, and we can reach heaven at any moment of the day or night.
The Church has established special days of commemoration of those who are dear to us and have departed to another world, the so-called Saturdays. There are several of them in a year, and all but one (May 9 - Commemoration of the Dead Warriors) have a rolling date:
Saturday meat-and-fat (Universal Parental Saturday) March 5, 2016.
Saturday of the 2nd Week of Great Lent March 26, 2016.
Saturday of the 3rd week of Great Lent, April 2, 2016.
Saturday of the 4th week of Great Lent, April 9, 2016.
Radonitsa May 10, 2016
May 9 - Commemoration of the deceased soldiers
Saturday Trinity (Saturday before the feast of the Trinity). June 18, 2016.
Saturday Dimitrievskaya (Saturday before the day of memory of Dmitry Solunsky, which is celebrated on November 8). November 5, 2016.
In addition to Parental Saturdays, the departed are commemorated in the church at every divine service - at the proskomidia, the part of the Divine Liturgy that precedes it. Before the Liturgy, you can submit notes "about commemoration." The note writes the name with which the person was baptized, in the genitive case.

How is it remembered for 9 days? How do they remember for 40 days? How to remember for six months? How to remember for a year?

The ninth and fortieth days from the day of death are special milestones on the way from earthly life to eternal life. This transition does not occur immediately, but gradually. During this period (until the fortieth day), the deceased person gives an answer to the Lord. This moment is extremely important for the deceased, it is akin to childbirth, the birth of a little man. Therefore, during this period, the deceased needs our help. Prayer, good deeds, changing yourself in better side in honor and memory of those close to us.
Six months - such a church commemoration does not exist. But there will be nothing wrong if you remember for six months, for example, when you come to the temple to pray.
An anniversary is a day of remembrance when we - those who loved a person - gather together. The Lord commanded us: Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them (Matt. 18:20). And joint commemoration, when we read a prayer for relatives and friends who are no longer with us, is a bright, sonorous testimony before the Lord that the dead are not forgotten, that they are loved.

Should I celebrate my birthday?

Yes, I think that a person should be commemorated on his birthday. The moment of birth is one of the most significant, great stages in everyone's life, so it will be good if you go to the temple, pray at home, go to the cemetery to commemorate a person.

Is it possible to bury suicides? How to remember suicides?

The question of the funeral service and church commemoration of suicides is a very controversial one. The fact is that the sin of suicide is one of the most serious. This is a sign of a person's distrust of God.
Each such case must be considered separately, because suicides are different - conscious or unconscious, that is, in a state of severe mental disorder. The question of whether it is possible to bury and commemorate in the church a baptized person who committed suicide lies entirely with the responsibility of the ruling bishop. If a tragedy happened to one of your loved ones, you need to come to the ruling bishop of the area where the deceased lived and ask permission for the funeral. The bishop will consider this question and give you an answer.

As for home prayer, you can certainly remember the person who committed suicide. But the most important thing is to do good deeds in his honor and memory.

What can be remembered? Is it possible to change vodka? Why are they commemorated with pancakes?

Funeral feasts, memorial meals, came to us from time immemorial. But in ancient times they looked different. It was a treat, a feast not for the relatives of the deceased, but for the poor, crippled, orphans, that is, those who need help and will never be able to arrange such a meal for themselves.
Unfortunately, over time, feast turned from a work of mercy into an ordinary home feast, and often with heavy drinking ...
Of course, such libations have nothing to do with a real Christian commemoration and cannot affect the posthumous fate of the deceased in any way.

How to remember the unbaptized?

A person who did not want to unite himself with the Church of Christ, of course, cannot be commemorated in the temple. His posthumous fate remains at the discretion of the Lord, and we cannot influence the situation here.
Unbaptized relatives can be remembered by praying for them at home and doing good deeds in their honor and memory. Try to change your life for the better, be faithful to Christ, remembering all the good things that the one who died unbaptized did in his life.

How are Muslims remembered? How are Jews remembered? How are Catholics remembered?

In this matter, it makes no difference whether the deceased was a Muslim, a Catholic or a Jew. They are not in the womb Orthodox Church therefore they are commemorated as unbaptized. Their names cannot be written in notes for the proskomedia (the proskomedia is part of the Divine Liturgy that precedes it), but you can do good deeds in their memory and pray at home.

How to commemorate the dead in the temple?

All those dead who combined themselves with the Church of Christ in the Sacrament of Baptism are commemorated in the temple. Even if a person for some reason did not go to church during his life, but was baptized, he can and should be commemorated. Before the Divine Liturgy, you can submit a note “for proskomedia”.
The proskomedia is part of the Divine Liturgy that precedes it. At the proskomedia, bread and wine are prepared for the future Sacrament of Communion - the transfer of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. It not only prepares the future Body of Christ (the Lamb - a large prosphora) and the future Blood of Christ for the Sacrament (wine), but also reads a prayer for Christians - living or dead. For the Mother of God, the saints and us, ordinary believers, particles are taken out of the prosphora. Pay attention when they give you a small prosphora after Communion - it’s as if “someone dug out a piece” from it. This priest takes out particles from the prosphora for each name written in the note "for the proskomedia".
At the end of the Liturgy, pieces of bread, symbolizing the souls of living or dead Christians, are immersed in a bowl of Christ's Blood. The priest at this moment reads the prayer “Wash, O Lord, the sins of those who are remembered here by Thy Blood by the honest prayers of Thy saints.”
Also in the temples are special memorial services - requiems. You can submit a separate note for a memorial service. But it is important not only to submit a note, but also to try to personally attend the service where it will be read. You can find out about the time of this service from the servants of the temple, to whom a note is submitted.

How to commemorate the dead at home?

In every prayer book you can find a prayer for the departed, it is an integral part of the home prayer rule. You can also commemorate the dead by reading the Psalter. Every day, Christians read one kathisma from the Psalter. And in one of the chapters we commemorate our relatives (relatives), friends who have departed to the Lord.

How to commemorate in a post?

During fasting, there are special days of commemoration of the dead - Parental Saturdays and Sundays, when full days are served (as opposed to shortened on other days of fasting) Divine Liturgies. During these divine services, a proskomedia commemoration of the dead is performed, when for each person a piece is taken out of a large prosphora, symbolizing his soul.

How to commemorate the newly deceased?

From the first day of the repose of a person, the Psalter is read over his body. If the deceased is a priest, then the Gospel is read. The Psalter must continue to be read even after the funeral, until the fortieth day.
The newly deceased is also commemorated at the funeral service. The funeral service is supposed to be performed on the third day after death, and it is important that it is carried out not in absentia, but over the body of the deceased. The fact is that all those who loved a person come to the funeral, and their prayer is special, conciliar.
You can also commemorate the newly deceased with a sacrifice. For example, to distribute to those in need his good, solid things - clothes, household items. You can do this from the first day after the death of a person.

When to remember your parents?

special days when it is necessary to commemorate precisely the parents, those who gave us life, are not in the Church. Parents can always be remembered. And on Parental Saturdays in the temple, and daily at home, and submitting notes “for proskomedia”. You can turn to the Lord at any day and hour, He will definitely hear you.

How to remember animals?

Animals are not accepted in Christianity. The teaching of the Church says that eternal life is prepared only for man, since only man has a soul for which we pray.

The man didn't die, he just walked out...

The man didn't die, he just walked out...
He left everything in the house as it is...
He just can't see or hear
He no longer eats the bread of the earth...

He just became not like people,
He opened another... astral way...
Where is another life... other wisdom
Where is a different salt ... a different essence ...

There will be a bookmark in the book
On the page about his love...
There is a note on the table... very briefly:
“Remember, but only ... do not call in and ...”

The man didn't die... just walked out
And spread the air bridges
Between the shores past life
And another invisible line...
Elena Gromtseva.

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