Which icon to put a candle for the rest. Funeral candle: features, traditions and interesting facts

Decor elements 15.10.2019
Decor elements

Sometimes, standing in church, I understand: this Christian woman came here only to pray and “light a candle to God.” Why is it so noticeable? A woman stands in a church and looks around restlessly, clutching a candle she just bought to her chest, examines icons, candlesticks ... Yes, many people get lost here: how many candles to buy, where to put them, is it possible to bring candles with them, and most importantly, what will happen if the candle goes out ? And there is no one to ask or it is inconvenient ... In this article you will find answers to all your questions - even those that you have not thought about yet. Moreover, we did not collect popular superstitions, but made inquiries from the priests themselves. Here's what they can tell you and advise you...

In the Old and even the New Testament, one can find many stories about offering sacrifices to the Lord. Our ancestors brought fruits and ears, pigeons and lambs to the temples to express their respect, gratitude to Heaven or ask for something. modern church refused such offerings, and the only form of sacrifice (apart from money that can be left in the temple for charity) is lit candles.

They symbolize your burning heart, filled with Christian warmth and the light of love for the Lord, Christ, the Mother of God - and of course, neighbors.

How not to make a mistake - vowel and unspoken church rules

  • It is advisable not to push through to the candlestick during the service - this will only interfere with the priest and those who are praying. It is better to either come to the temple before the start of the service, or wait for it to end.
  • Install the candle evenly, it should not “bow” and interfere with other people.
  • Is it possible to pray with a burning candle in your hand? In some cases (say, at a wedding), this is done, but such a “ritual” is not suitable for ordinary congratulations or funeral prayers. He is only handsome in the movies or in the photo, but in reality wax will drip on his hands, and if there are a lot of people in the church, the likelihood of accidentally setting fire to the clothes of the person standing in front will increase. It is better to immediately use a candlestick.
  • How many candles can you buy? From one to ... In general, at your discretion.
  • It shouldn't be an automatic "show off" action. This must be done sincerely, with pure prayer (you can use your own words).
  • It is not necessary to bypass absolutely all the icons or choose only miraculous or beautiful ones. You can only stand near one, but “yours” (for example, in the image of your heavenly patron; “Assistant in childbirth”, if you are pregnant; Saint Panteleimon, if there is a patient in the house).
  • However, many parishioners adhere to this tradition: first they put a candle near miraculous icon Lord and Mother of God (located in the church) or another icon, which is most revered in this temple; further - near the relics of the Saint (although they are not in every temple); after that - to his "nominal" saint; and only at the very end - for health or peace.
  • Candles must be bought in this temple. Even if it is cheaper outside (say, at a funeral home), do not bring candles from there. You don't come to the temple to save money. In addition, the proceeds from the sale will go to good causes.
  • All the superstitions associated with this little action are nothing but human speculation. That is, the light can be lit not only with the right, but also with the left hand; the lower end of the candle is not only not prohibited, but it is also allowed to scorch (so it will become more stable); besides, do not be alarmed if the candle goes out - there is nothing to worry about, just light it a second time.
  • But if you light your candle from someone else's, try not to extinguish it - of course, you will not harm anyone by doing this, but you can upset the person who lit this candle.
  • It is possible to put candles for pregnant women, during menstruation. In general, women in "these days" are even allowed to take communion, confess, get married. The fact that during this period they cannot enter the church is very outdated information. Previously, before the invention of hygiene products, they really were not allowed to cross the church threshold ... But everything changed at least 50 years, or even 100 years ago.
  • If the entire candlestick is occupied, you should not put your candle in the same cell with someone else's, or throw away someone else's candle. Just put your candle next to the others. The maid who watches the candlesticks will light it when she sees that the other candles have burned out.
  • Is it possible to put a candle as a repentance, for the remission of sins? No. There is confession to cleanse the soul.
  • But you can pray for well-being in the family. There are even special icons for this: Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, Saints Samon, Aviva and Guria, Saints Peter and Fevronia, and of course, the Mother of God.
  • It is also not forbidden to pray for success in work (any saint), study (Saints Naum, Cyril and Methodius).
  • And finally, many put candles as a thank you to the Lord for help in a difficult matter, asking for blessings for a long journey, an expensive purchase, or some significant event.

Sometimes temple maids remove incompletely burnt candles from the candlestick. This is not scary: your sacrifice has already been accepted by the Lord, and other people also want to pray. So do not be upset because of the actions of servants.

Candle for health

They are placed in front of one of these icons:

  • Jesus Christ
  • Mother of God (especially if the image is considered miraculous),
  • Great Martyr Panteleimon,
  • other holy healers (for example, the Matrona of Moscow, the Holy Doctors of the Unmercenary Cosmas and Damian),
  • patron saint (if you are praying for a child or godson).

Although you can pray for health near any icon.

First, go to the icon and cross yourself three times. After that, light a candle from a lamp (but carefully so that the wax does not drip and extinguish it), although it is also possible from other candles. It is believed that if candles are burning in the temple, you should not light your own with a match or lighter. Install it in any free space. After lighting the “little star”, you can start praying. At the end, make the sign of the cross, bow, and only then depart.

By the way, priests say: if a person is not baptized (this is a newborn), you can pray for his health and light candles. The only thing: you can not enter his worldly name (even spelled out in the birth certificate) in a church note.

They also pray for health if a person is overcome by such a “disease” as alcohol or drugs. Look for the image of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice", as well as the icons of the Righteous John of Kronstadt and St. Boniface.

For myself

It is customary to put such a candle at the very end, when the “lights” will already be lit for the health of relatives and even enemies. In this case, most often they read "Our Father". This candle can be placed near any icon - a healer-wonderworker, the Mother of God, your "nominal" saint.

For enemies

Traditionally, they pray for their health near the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (although, of course, this is not necessary). This is done in the same way as described above: make the sign of the cross three times, light and fasten the candle, and after prayer, remember your enemy, trying to sincerely forgive him for everything he offended you.

Candle for peace of mind

They are placed on the eve - a rectangular or square table with a crucifix (also known as a requiem table). Traditionally, it is placed to the left of the entrance.

  • Is it possible to put such a candle to a pregnant woman? Yes, such a prayer will not harm her baby in any way.
  • What if the person died unbaptized? You can pray and light candles for him, but you can’t submit notes.
  • When is it wrong to pray for the dead? For Easter. But the candles for health this Holy holiday setting is not allowed. And by the way, it can even be a candle that you removed from a consecrated Easter cake (unless, of course, it was bought in this very temple).

And if you made a mistake and put the candle in the wrong place?

Many non-churched believers are afraid to mistakenly stick a candle bought for health near the “dead” eve, asking a logical question: will this not harm the person whose health you have come to pray for? The priests answer this: no harm. After all, the main thing here is not to “put a tick” in the right place, but to pray. And if you turned to the Lord, asking Him for deliverance from illnesses, He will surely listen to you.

In addition, there is a superstition: unkind people, wanting to ruin someone, purposefully put a candle near the “mortuary” icon, praying for the death of this (still living) person. How does the church view this? It’s negative, and here’s why: such “magic” cannot harm a true believer, but the soul of a newly-minted “witch” may be in danger, because witchcraft is a sin.

Well, if you simply unknowingly mixed up the icons, God will not punish for this. But to prevent this from happening in the future, when you find yourself in an unfamiliar church, just in case, ask the servants again (after all, if in one church, for example, they put a candle for the repose only near one icon, then in another - near many). These women, or the priest will be happy to tell you where to put the candle correctly.

And in the end we offer you an informative video. You will learn how church candles are made in the monastery. No "China", everything is done by believers, with prayer and soul!

REMINDER HOW TO PUT CANDLES FOR REST!!! Any baptized person is interested in the question: how to put candles for the repose in the church? For this purpose, an eve or eve table is set in any Orthodox church. This design is a medium-sized table with a marble or metal board. It can be easily found: on the eve table there is a rectangular candlestick with the Crucifixion of the Lord set on it. In most cases, kanuns are installed in the temple to the left of the entrance. This is the very place where candles are placed in the church for the repose. If for some reason there is no icon of the Crucifixion of the Lord in the church, then a candle for the repose can be placed at any icon. The main thing is not to do it "on the machine", thoughtlessly and pointlessly. It is necessary to remember the image of each deceased, for whom a candle is lit and placed. How to put candles for the dead correctly: We figured out the question: where in the church to put candles for the dead. Now we need to give a complete algorithm further action. Here it is: Approach the icon of the Crucifixion of the Lord and cross yourself twice. Light a candle from a lamp or from other burning candles (but in no case from a lighter). Put the candle in a free cell and secure it in such a way that it does not fall and does not have any points of contact with the candles standing next to it. What to say when you put candles for the dead? In the process of installing the candle, you need to say a short prayer: "God rest, Lord, the soul of your deceased servant (name)." After that, without the fuss of haste, you need to cross yourself and bow. If you need to put more candles, then everything is done the same way. In cases where a candle for the repose is placed for one person, then after the completion of the ceremony, you need to quietly step aside. Is it possible to put candles for the repose of suicides? It is impossible to put candles for the repose of a suicide, just as it is impossible to pray for him in church, and even to bury him - and even more so. Moreover, in ancient times, suicides were not even buried in churchyards - only outside the cemetery fence. But times have changed, and now all those who have voluntarily gone to another world are buried in cemeteries, along with the ordinary dead. You can put candles for the repose of a suicidal person only at home, and then - with a special blessing. Only the closest relatives at home can pray for him. The funeral service is allowed only in very rare cases, but this is a special rite, and such issues should be resolved with the priest. Usually, a suicide is buried if he was mentally ill during his lifetime, and then one has to apply for permission to the bishop himself or his representative. Is it possible for pregnant women to put candles for the dead? If a woman is pregnant, then she can go to church, pray and light candles for the repose of the soul of the deceased. The fact is that carrying a child in your womb is God's blessing. After all, the unborn baby is the fruit of the joint creation of two loving people and our Lord. There is even a saying that says that a pregnant woman carries under her heart what belongs to God and herself. But not so long ago, a pregnant woman was not allowed anywhere: they were afraid of the evil eye. Now, church attendance by a woman in an interesting position is even welcomed, but with reservations: you cannot attend church for forty days if a miscarriage occurs, and during the same period after childbirth, until the bleeding stops completely. Then another question arises: if menstruation is coming, put candles for rest or not? In this not very pleasant, but inevitable period, it is better to refuse to go to church altogether. But there is another opinion. It is believed that the physiology of church attendance is not a hindrance. And in " critical days "You can perform any rituals, there is nothing indecent or unclean in this. Natural physiological processes cannot defile a person, for only sins defile him. Are candles placed for the repose of the unbaptized? There is such a rule: do not pray aloud for unbaptized people in church. And during the Liturgy, the unbaptized are not commemorated at all: neither aloud nor mentally. Therefore, they are prayed for only at home, or in church, but without mentioning the name out loud. Naturally, notes cannot be submitted either, but to the question: “is it possible to put candles for the repose of the unbaptized?” any parishioner will receive an affirmative answer. Why put candles for the repose of living people? If they put candles for the repose of a living person, then it can be said with certainty that they wish him harm or are trying to bring damage to him. In this case, the person will begin to dry, diseases that come from nowhere will fall on him, he will lose interest in life, and will soon die. There is another reason, psychological. When someone finds out that a funeral candle has been placed for him, this person becomes nervous and anxious. These experiences can easily drive him not only into depression, but also into the grave. Candles are placed for the repose of the living by sorcerers and other "well-wishers". But they don’t think at all that such acts harm not other people, but themselves. Yes, and it is very difficult to harm a living person in this way. Because God sees everything. But what if candles are placed for the repose of a living person? Nothing. Just remember that any evil is punishable and tends to return a hundredfold. And our Lord himself knows what's what. When to put candles for the repose after death? When do you need to put candles for the repose, if a person died today? In fact, candles can be started on the day of death, and so on for forty days. This is very important for the soul of the deceased and for his relatives. But, until the forty-day period, candles are placed for the newly deceased, and then already - for the repose of the soul. How often to put candles for the rest? Yes, as you wish. It won't do any good. In some homes, funeral candles burn until the fortieth day. It is clear that there is nothing wrong with this, but on the contrary. But in most cases, candles are lit on the day of death and burn until the removal of the body of the deceased, and at the memorial meal too. And then they are lit only on the ninth day and on the fortieth. At the same time, you need to know: how to put candles for the repose of the house, and whether it is possible to put candles for the repose in the evening. The funeral candle is lit at home in front of the icon. Be sure to pray for the soul of the deceased. But a candle placed in a temple is considered not only a sacrifice to God, but also a sign of a person's participation in collective prayer. In fact, a memorial service is performed in the church, at which they pray for all the dead. That's why, church candle has a number of advantages over a homemade candle. However, you can put it at home. By the way, in front of the icon, you can light not only a candle, but also a lamp. As for the second question, you can put a candle for the repose at any time of the day: even in the morning, even in the evening. You just need to know for sure that the person really died. Is it possible to put candles for the repose on Saturday? Yes, and on Sunday too, but this cannot be done in the period from Holy Easter to Trinity. Some subtleties to be aware of: Each person should know where to put candles for health and peace. Healthy candles are placed on round table, and the mortuary - on a rectangular (eve). If someone mixed up something, then there is nothing reprehensible in this. God already knows who and what the believer is praying for, and to whom and for what candles are lit. It doesn’t matter which icon they put candles for the rest. Any. Where in the temple candles are placed for the repose can be easily determined. If you see a rectangular table with a marble top and an installed Crucifixion of the Lord, then you need to go straight to it. It's eve. But when he is absent from the temple, then a funeral candle can be placed on any icon. How many candles are put for rest? Yes, as much as you need. Some put several candles for one person, and some - one candle for the souls of several dead. It is only important to remember them all in prayer. This is the answer to the question "how to put candles for the repose of many people?". It doesn’t matter at all: from which side they put a candle for the rest. With anyone.

A person is brought to church by religion or life circumstances. It also happens that the parents were not believers or simply did not teach the person church rules. If you do not know where to put candles in the church and how to pray, our article will introduce you to the basic rules.

During the persecution of Christians, they were forced to gather for prayer in secret rooms or underground catacombs. The meetings usually took place at night. The entire procession was illuminated by lamps and candles. The flame of the candle is a symbol of connection with the Lord, since Jesus called himself the Light. The fire directed upward helps to convey your prayers to God. Also, buying a candle helps the temple get money for charitable purposes.

Who put candles for health

  • Relatives
  • Friends who need prayer for health
  • Enemies, if you want to forgive them and leave all their deeds and thoughts for God's judgment

What to say when you put a candle for health

What saint put a candle for health

Place next to one of the icons:

  • Healer Panteleimon
  • Our Lady
  • Jesus Christ
  • Saint Nicholas

Is it possible to light candles for Easter

Candles can be placed.

Where to put a candle for peace

The candle "for the repose" is left at the icon of the Crucifixion of the Lord. The candle is placed on a rectangular table near this icon, it is also called eve. If there is no such icon in the church, anyone can put it.

What to say when you light a candle for peace

"Lord, rest the soul of your deceased servant (name)."

Is it possible to light a candle for an unbaptized

You can put a candle, you can’t write the name of an unbaptized person in a church note.

When can I light a candle for repose

  • Candles for the repose can be started on the day of the death of a relative and for 40 days.
  • Any day you want to pray for a deceased relative.

When to light a candle after death

From the moment of death and for 40 days. The exception is suicides, here the permission of the church is required.

Can Muslims light a candle?

The Orthodox Church does not forbid Muslims to light candles and pray.

Do they put candles for the repose on Easter

Allowed. Just on Easter, prayers for the dead are not performed, this action is transferred to Radonitsa.

Which icon to put candles for the repose

Candles are placed at the icon of the Crucifixion of the Lord. If it is missing, then you can put it on any other.

What kind of candle to put enemies

A candle is placed for enemies “for health”, you mentally have to forgive them and let go of your feelings. God will judge. Before the candle, you must say:

Is it possible to light a candle for the health of oneself

Can. For your health, a candle is placed at the end. Before that, you must list all relatives and friends in prayer.

Is it possible to light a candle for a suicide

The church forbids lighting candles for suicides. The mentally ill are an exception. Upon request, the church may allow close relatives to light a candle in the temple. Mostly about suicides they pray at home.

What prayers are read when a candle is lit

How many candles are placed in the church

  1. First, a candle is placed "for the holiday" at the central lectern. If there are no holiday icons, then to a revered temple icon.
  2. Then, if there are relics of a saint in the temple, candles are placed to the relics.
  3. For health.
  4. For peace.

You can also put a candle at the icon of a saint with your name or at individual icons if you want to ask the blessings of the saints for something.

Do not be afraid of church rules. Nobody will judge you. Do not be afraid to ask for help in the temple, but do not distract people from prayers. It is better to put candles before the start of the service, so that later you do not get distracted yourself and do not interfere with other parishioners.

Nowadays, many attend churches only when absolutely necessary. And very often the question arises, which saint to turn to in order to get help.

AT modern world we simply do not have enough time to study all the church traditions. Therefore, when we come to the temple, it can be very difficult for us to orient ourselves and decide who to put the candles on. Of course, there is a common prayer, to the Lord God or the Holy Trinity, which can be addressed in any situation. But there are also other saints who can help in a particular case.

To whom and in what situations to put candles

Of course, each situation is individual. However, they can be divided into several general themes.

Family life and love issues arise in almost every one of us. Moreover, situations can be completely different and sometimes practically unsolvable.

In such cases, it is customary to pray Saint Matrona, which most often responds to requests for marriage and pregnancy. Getting to her is pretty simple. The main thing is that your desire is sincere and comes from the heart: “Matronushka, mother. Hear my request and help to establish a personal life. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Another strong helper in love affairs is Saint Xenia of Petersburg. Mostly young girls and wives whose marriage is on the verge of breaking up turn to her. This saint helps quite quickly, and after turning to her, everything is safely resolved in the most as soon as possible: “Blessed Xenia, I stand before you and pray for help. Send sincere, pure and mutual love into my life. So that happiness and harmony reign in the family. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Also with their miraculous powers famous icon Murom Saints Peter and Fevroniya. It is they who are an example to follow for a happy and harmonious relationship and also fulfill requests for marriage: “Saints Peter and Fevronia, I trust in your mercy and ask for help in a happy marriage. Send me mutual love and let me experience happiness family life. Amen. Amen. Amen".

For many, the question of monetary abundance and wealth very often arises. For financial situations, please contact Saint Spyridon Trimifutsky, who, during his lifetime, dealt with monetary issues and financially helped those in need. But even after death, his support is felt, and the relics of the saint do not cease to amaze and work wonders.

“Oh, Wonderworker Spiridon of Trimifutsky. You were famous for your kindness and generosity during your life and after death you do not stop helping everyone who needs you. I pray you, deliver me from poverty and poverty, help me improve my situation and attract wealth into my life. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If you came to church with a request for your recovery or for your loved ones, then you need to contact Saint Panteleimon the Healer. It is he who is the patron saint of all doctors and heals even the most serious illnesses.

“I appeal to you, Saint Panteleimon, for help. Please send health to me and all my loved ones. Protect us from sickness and disease and give us strength and joy. Amen".

If you do not have the opportunity to attend church often, then you can pray at home. It is enough to light a candle and turn to a saint who can help you. There are also universal prayers that help in all areas of life. Be open to the world and for love and do not forget to press the buttons and

18.05.2016 05:57

On February 6, 2017, Christians celebrate the day of memory of St. Xenia of Petersburg. Her veneration was lifetime ...

Article under revision

In church, you can often hear the question of whom to light a candle for health, for travelers, for children, so that they do well in exams, and so on and so forth. One of my acquaintances, a deacon, told how he began to talk in front of a tourist who entered the temple about the temple as a projection of the universe created by God in the church microcosm, but the visitor rudely cut him off: “Yes, you tell me where to put the candle, but keep all these conjectures to yourself! ".

The reality is that many simply don’t want to delve into theological subtleties: I’ll just light a candle, stand for a minute and hope that the exam will be passed, the journey will be completed without difficulty, and my health will not fail. The whole Ecumenical Council in 787 in Nika was devoted to the theology of icons, as a result of which the “triumph of Orthodoxy” took place in the sense that Christian church formulated theological dogmas on all the most important points of her doctrine. And with regard to icons, in particular, I concluded that the icon is an image painted with colors, through which it is easier for our limited nature to ascend in prayer to the Archetype - God. And it is wrong to make an idol out of an icon that requires a candle as a sacrifice. On the other hand, is it right to forbid a person to turn to God through the depicted saint, if this way is easier and more understandable for this person? Well, let's try to list which saints in Orthodox Church it is customary to put candles and for what. And for the most patient at the end of the article, we will give a brief cut on the theology of the icon.

Icon of the Lord Jesus Christ

Orthodox Christians believe that God, Trinity in Persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), was incarnated (that is, became bodily, took on a human form) in the second Person - the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In this sense, the Christian religion is unique: the Lord, by His immeasurable love for us, became human, and as a result of this we got the opportunity to depict the Savior on the icon. Therefore, the icon of the Savior is, so to speak, a universal image that can be contacted for any questions.

The Orthodox Church teaches that when addressing any saints, we must ascend with the mind from their bodily image to the Archetype - God. Praying to the saints, we turn to them as intercessors and intercessors for us before God. But prayer, ultimately, must be directed to God. Asking for the health of loved ones is fine, but the most important goal communion is a change own life, spiritual transformation, not execution specific desire or requests. Magizm is completely alien to Orthodoxy, coins under the heels contradict the very spirit of the Christian faith.

However, the fact remains that over time, many saints became famous for certain miracles. Therefore, they began to be treated with quite narrowly focused problems. In the following list, we will try to present the main concerns and hardships of the human race, which help to overcome certain saints.

The mechanism of formation of "zones of responsibility"

Thanks to what this or that saint became "responsible" for the cure of a certain ailment - this interesting topic, which allows us to understand the mechanism of formation of "areas of intercession", let's call them that. Moreover, the connection between the saint and the healing “staken out” for him is often very specific. Here is an example.

Saint John the Baptist, the Forerunner of Christ, condemned King Herod Antipas of adultery: he took Herodias, his brother's wife, as his wife. Salome, daughter of Herodias and stepdaughter of Herod, asked for the head of John the Baptist as a gift. The order of the king was carried out: the head of the saint was brought to the palace on a platter. Since then, John the Baptist has been praying for deliverance from migraines. Agree, the logic is creepy.

Or here's another example. The Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria, by order of the pagan emperor Maximinus, whose wife the saint brought to Christianity, was executed in 305 by beheading. Therefore, those suffering from headaches also pray to St. Catherine.

By the same principle:

- the Magi, who fell at the feet of the infant Christ, became the patrons of epileptics, that is, patients with epilepsy;

- Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called - healer of gout, an occupational disease of fishermen

Below are the intercessors "responsible" for certain diseases and ailments.

Infertility - Saint Anna

The mother of the Virgin Mary, Saint Anna, lived in marriage with Saint Joachim for 50 years, but they could not conceive children. An angel appeared to Saint Joachim, announcing that his wife would conceive and give birth to a daughter. And so it happened.

Since that time, Saint Anna has been prayed for infertility and before IVF procedures.

Blindness - Jerome of Stridon and Thekla of Iconium

Blessed Jerome of Stridon is known as a learned ascetic. He completed the Latin translation of the Bible. While working, he ruined his eyesight, so they pray to the blessed before an eye operation.

Another saint who is also prayed to and candles are lit in case of eye disease is the early Christian saint Thekla of Iconium. During her lifetime, she did not perform miracles, but after the death of the saint, healing took place. According to legend, a rock parted before Saint Thekla when the pagans pursued her. Subsequently, a spring gushed out of this rock, to which a blind man sailed from Cyprus. He wiped his eyes with water from the spring and received his sight. And the oil from the lamp of St. Thekla was considered an excellent remedy for eye diseases.

Deaf-mute - Saints Theodosius, Cosmas and Damian

The first martyr of the era of iconoclasm, Saint Theodosia, during her lifetime, also did not have the gift of miracles. However, many centuries after her death, in 1306, a deaf-mute blacksmith gained hearing and speech at her grave. Moreover, this happened so imperceptibly that he continued to scold, using the most nasty words, but did not suspect it.

And the other woman, also struck by deafness, was, on the contrary, a devout believer. She prayed to the holy unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian and did not notice how during the liturgy, together with the choir, she sang aloud “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us!”.

It is no coincidence that Cosmas and Damian are mentioned together. Once they healed two people at once - a man and a woman. The first suffered from paralysis, the second from dumbness, and both stopped as pilgrims at the tomb of the saints. In a dream, the intercessors appeared to the man and ordered him to lie down with the woman. He was quite puzzled, because he did not know her, but he obeyed the order of the saints. When the sleeping woman saw the approaching one, she screamed out of fear and found her voice. And the man, accordingly, got rid of paralysis.

Men's problems - St. Artemy

Saint Artemy appeared to one of the men in a dream with a firm order to go to the local blacksmith, who would cure him of his problems, in medical terms, genitourinary system. However, the blacksmith was extremely surprised when he heard about the possibility of healing from such diseases, and refused. But St. Artemy appeared to the sufferer in a dream for the second and third time, after which the blacksmith got angry, ordered the guest to put the center of the male inheritance on the anvil and gave them a good blow with a hammer. As a result of this blow, the patient had a hernia, which was the cause of his problems.

Poisoning - Saint Theodore the Studite

Theodore Studite (759 - 826) - one of the greatest theologians of the era of iconoclasm, ascetic, church writer and activist. Saint Theodore received his nickname from the Studian monastery of Constantinople, which he headed in 798.

From the oil from the lamp in front of the icon of the saint, one person was healed, who had tasted poisoned food. Therefore, before Theodore the Studite they pray in case of poisoning.

Nicholas the Wonderworker - patron of travelers and children

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker (270-345) is one of the most revered saints in the Orthodox Church. Archbishop of the World of Lycia, he is known as the patron of children, travelers, prisoners and orphans. Sailors turn to Nikolai Ugodnik, especially in case of a shipwreck and the threat of sinking. According to the life of the saint, while still a young man, Nicholas resurrected a sailor during a sea voyage from Mira to Alexandria.

In Western tradition, the saint is known as Santa Claus, that is, literally, "Saint Nicholas." The emergence of the tradition of Christmas gifts for children is connected with his miracle. Once the saint learned that the father of one family did not have a dowry for his three daughters and that, for this reason, he wanted to marry them off for the sake of enrichment. Then St. Nicholas imperceptibly threw a bag of gold into their house and returned home. Catholic tradition reports that the bag thrown to the saints got stuck in linen drying in front of the hearth, so in Catholic countries it is customary to put gifts for Christmas not under the tree, but in special bags in the form of socks.

Healer Panteleimon

The Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon was born in 275 in Asia Minor and from a young age became a disciple of the famous physician Euphrosynus. Over time, Panteleimon became so skillful in matters of healing that Emperor Maximilian brought him closer to the court. Learning about the Christian faith, Maximilian, a pagan by upbringing and reigning in the empire religious tradition, ordered the execution of Panteleimon, who endured all the tortures and received a martyr's crown with the name of Christ on his lips. Panteleimon was famous for serving gratuitously and often visiting the sick in prisons and places where other doctors refused to go. On the icons, Panteleimon is depicted with a small box with compartments for drugs.

Unsolvable problems - Saint Tryphon

There are moments in life when truly insoluble problems arise in front of a person. In these cases, it is customary in the Orthodox Church to pray to God through the patron saint Tryphon. He lived in Phrygia in the III century and became famous for his love for the disadvantaged and the gift of healing. As a 17-year-old boy, he became famous for exorcising a demon from the daughter of Emperor Gordian. The saint was brutally tortured by order of the prefect Aquilinus in 250.

Saint Tryphon is especially revered in Russia and is always depicted on Russian icons with a falcon on his hand. And this is connected with the story that took place thirteen centuries after the martyrdom of Tryphon. His namesake, the falconer Tryphon, once missed a falcon, for which he fell out of favor with Tsar Ivan the Terrible. For three days he unsuccessfully searched for the falcon, but could not find it. Then he began to earnestly pray to his heavenly intercessor in order to avoid the royal wrath. In a dream, Saint Tryphon appeared to the falconer, and he, waking up, saw a falcon on his hand. In memory of the miraculous deliverance from imminent death, the falconer promised to build a church on the site of the accomplished miracle. This temple still stands now - not far from the Rizhskaya metro station on Trifonovskaya Street. Since then, with insoluble difficulties, it has been customary to turn to Saint Tryphon with prayer. Although logic suggests that the main intercessor for a person in a similar case should be a heavenly intercessor, in whose name the believer is baptized.

The personality of St. Luke, Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea, is truly unique in the Russian Church. In the world, Valentin Feliksovich Voyno-Yasenetsky, in the future glorified as the new martyrs and confessors of Russia, was an outstanding doctor. In 1904, he graduated from the medical faculty of Kyiv University, after which he worked as a surgeon for decades and managed to save, without exaggeration, thousands of lives. According to him scientific work"Essays on Purulent Surgery" are still taught in medical universities and carry out operations.

But Valentin Feliksovich was steadily drawn to a different career: he took the priesthood and monastic vows with the name Luka. Already in the rank of archbishop, he was entrusted with heading first the Tambov and then the Crimean diocese. Repressions for religious beliefs and 11 years in the camps did not break the spirit of a Christian ascetic in him. And all the years until his death, he served in the field of healing. In 2000, for his asceticism and healing of the sick, he was canonized as a saint of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is customary to put candles in front of his icon for healing from illnesses.

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