Summary of the lesson "Automation of sound in syllables and words." Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson on automation of sound l

landscaping 10.10.2019

TO No. 10 "Alma"

Speech therapist: Balmagambetova.G.K.

Abstract of an individual lesson
"Sound Automation [L]"

Purpose: to automate the sound [l] in syllables, words, phrases.

Correction - training:

Develop the correct articulation pattern when pronouncing the sound [l].

Exercise in a clear pronunciation of the sound [l] in syllables, words,

Correction - developing:

Develop phonemic awareness

Develop smooth exhalation

Develop auditory and visual attention,

Develop fine motor skills.

Correctional - educating:

Cultivate perseverance, self-control.

Equipment: a cube with articulation exercises, a container with water, a colored table tennis ball, a box, sticks, flower details (white and colored), flamingos, a cage, a lock, a box in the form of a pit.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time.

- Hello. Sit down on a chair. Today we will go to a fairy tale. To get into it - close your eyes (Speech therapist puts a lock on the table, a cage with a bird). Open your eyes and listen to the beginning of the tale. once upon a time beautiful bird. She did not pronounce the sound L. And they told her that a wizard lives in the castle who will help her pronounce this sound. And the bird went to him. But it turned out to be an evil sorcerer. He imprisoned her in a cage. Flamingos need to be saved.

Lesson topic message.

- Can we help? Let's save her from the sorcerer, shall we? You and I will learn how to pronounce the sound L. At the same time, we will teach the bird. But the road to the castle is not easy. The sorcerer has set traps for us and in order to get around them, you need to complete tasks. But I'm sure you can handle them easily.

Main part.

Articulation gymnastics.

“The first trap is on our way. Stone. You see that the stone is not simple. Having completed all these tasks, we will roll him out of the way.

On each side of the cube there is a picture corresponding to articulation exercise:

small fence

The driver is coming
Well, there is a fence ahead.
Brakes and back.
And so eight times in a row.

Open your mouth wide

Hold one, two, three, four.

If the tongue jumps

We sing “Ah-ah-ah”, and he lies!

We baked some pancakes

Cooled down on the window

We will eat them with sour cream,

Let's invite Mom to dinner.

I will raise my tongue

And paint the ceiling

Move back and forth

Our tongue is very happy!

Well done, you did well. We removed the stone.

Development of a smooth exhalation.

And they came to the river. But the sorcerer broke the bridge, and now we cannot cross to the other side. It's good that the boat stayed.

(There is a rectangular container with water in front of the child, a colored tennis ball is on the water. The child blows on the ball).

Development of phonemic hearing. Game "Catch the sound"

“Now we come to the next trap. This is a hole dug by a sorcerer so that various animals fall into it. Let's put it to sleep with you. I'm going to say words to you now. Listen carefully. If the word has an L sound, you throw a stone into the pit.

Varnish, poppy, table, stop, bark, wax, sofa, window, chalk, chair, house, paw.

You're doing great work. Now the animals will definitely not fall into the trap.

Su-Jok therapy "Gnomes"

Look, here's another hurdle. An evil sorcerer blocked the passage on the road, let's deal with it.

Once upon a time there were gnomes

In a wonderful house.

Dwarf dad chopped wood

The dwarf son carried them to the house,

Dwarf mom cooked soup

Dwarf daughter salted him,

Gnome-grandmother knitted,

The gnome-aunt was washing,

Grandfather opened the window

Invited all my friends

The game "Colorless flowers".

- You and I ended up in a clearing, but look: the flowers are colorless. Apparently, here the sorcerer tried. But I know how we can add color to the flowers. To get a colored petal, you need to pronounce correctly two syllables with the sound L:

al-ol, ol-ul, ul-al, al-al, la-lo, lo-lu, lu-ly, ly-la,

(The child repeats the syllables after the speech therapist and changes the white petal to a colored one).


– I think that we are a little tired with you bypassing the sorcerer's traps. Let's get some rest.

(The child repeats the words and movements of the speech therapist)

Look carefully at the screen and name those pictures where there is an “L” sound.

Pictures appear on the screen. The child answers.

Game white "Color"

The game "What did Allah do"

- Well, here we are with you to the castle of the evil sorcerer. (The cage has been removed, the baby elephant is standing in front of the castle). He watched us all this time, looked at how you deftly bypass his traps, that he got scared and ran away.

Summary of the lesson.

- What a great guy you are. And he did not fall into the traps, and drove the sorcerer away, and freed the Bird. Did you enjoy the lesson? What task did you like? What was difficult to do?

Individual lesson

Topic: "Automation of sound [l] in words, phrases"

Lesson objectives:

Correctional and educational:

To consolidate the concept of the mechanism of sound formation [L].

To teach the child to give an acoustic-articulatory characteristic of sound.

To consolidate the skill of the correct pronunciation of the sound L in syllables, phrases.


Develop fine, articulatory motor skills.

Develop mental processes - memory, attention, visual perception.

Develop the ability to coordinate a noun with a numeral.

Correctional and educational:

Raise interest in speech therapy classes.

Cards, articulation profile - sound scheme L, word cards, mirror.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

    Alternate execution "Smiles" and "Tubes";

    "Shovel" - smile, open your mouth, put the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip, hold at the expense of 1-5, 1-10.

    "Punish a naughty tongue" - the position of the tongue as in the "Scapula" exercise, - the tongue lies on the lower lip, slapping it with your lips to say "PYa-PYA-PYA-PYA." The tongue should not tense at this time or “run away” into the mouth.

    « delicious jam» - slightly open your mouth, the tongue moves along the upper lip from bottom to top, but not from side to side (as if licking jam). The lower jaw must be immobile.

    "Swing" - smile, show teeth, open your mouth, put a wide tongue behind your lower teeth (with inside) and hold in this position under a count from 1 to 5, then raise a wide tongue by the upper teeth and also hold under a count from 1 to 5. Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw and lips remain motionless.

    "Horse" - smile, show teeth, open your mouth and click the tip of your tongue (like a horse chirps).

    "Click silently" - the same tongue movements as in the Horse exercise, but silently.

    « The steamer is buzzing" Open your mouth and pronounce the sound [s] for a long time (like a steamer is buzzing). Make sure that the tip of the tongue is lowered and is in the depths of the mouth, and the back is raised to the palate.

    Exercise for the development of correct speech exhalation.

We open our eyes

Inhale - and pull for a long time: A-A-A ...

The sun rose in the morning

From the bottom up we pull: Oh-Oh-Oh...

In the afternoon we ride on the hills: S-S-S ...

At night we look at the star - Flies down from above: U-U-U ...

Howling blizzard

And you can’t see a single thing: I-I-I ...

Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

Guess a riddle:

The grandfather is sitting

Dressed in a hundred fur coats

Who undresses him

He sheds tears (BOW)

What is the first sound in the word BOW (L)

Can you name the items in the pictures? (SHOVEL, LAMP, SPOON)

What do these words have in common? (begins with L sound)

Today in the lesson we will continue to learn how to pronounce the sound L correctly.

3. Analysis of the articulation of sound L. (art. profile)

To correctly pronounce the sound L, what should lips, teeth, tongue do?

Lips- with a slight smile

Teeth- are close.

Tip of the tongue- rests on the upper teeth.

Middle part of the tongue and lateral edges omitted.

Rear end language raised.

air jet runs along the sides of the tongue.

Tell the diagram yourself.

Say the sound L repeatedly, abruptly.

Check if your lips, teeth, tongue work correctly when you pronounce the sound L.

4.Sound automation.

1. Remember and repeat the syllables:






I will say the words, and you clap your hands when you hear a word with an L sound:






2). Read the words, inserting the missing letter L:


AK KRY ... O B ... UZKA





3) The game "1-2-5-7-9-10"



4) - Tell me, please, what is between the apple and the onion?

What is above the apple?

What is under the bow?

What is above the glass?

5)Game Say the opposite. Remember to answer with a full sentence, and pronounce the sound [l] correctly.

The birch has a thin trunk, and the oak ... ..

The hare is cowardly, and the lion .......

The soup is hot and the ice cream...

The dog is full, and the wolf .......

Balloon light, but a kettlebell…….

The giant is strong, Thumbelina……

Nastenka is kind, but Marfusha ......

Coal is black, and chalk ...

6). Connect words-objects with words-signs that are suitable in meaning. Read the resulting phrases





7). Game "Fix an adult"

A hose leaked from the water.

Michael ate at the barbecue in the dining room.

Klava went to the store for oil.

Lusha went to school.

5. Bottom line.

The correct pronunciation of what sound did we fix in class?

What should the organs of articulation do in order to correctly pronounce the sound L.

(independent analysis)


Well done, today you correctly pronounced the sound L, followed the organs of articulation and coped with all the exercises.

Homework. Learn the tongue twister: Klava put the bow on the shelf and called Nikolka to her.


Task number 1.Read the words, inserting the missing letter L:


AK KRY ... O B ... UZKA






- What is between an apple and an onion?

What is above the apple?

What is under the bow?

What is above the glass?

What is under the top and above the fork?

What's on the bottom shelf?











private lesson in sound pronunciation


sound L in syllables and

in words

Target: pronounce the sound correctly and clearly L in syllables and words.



  1. To form the concept of "consonant sound", to clarify the features of the articulation of sound L ;
  2. To form the skills of forming past tense verbs;
  3. Strengthen the skills to use them. noun in the genitive form.


  1. Automate Sound L in syllables and words.


  1. Develop articulation and fine motor skills;
  2. Develop phonemic perception, hearing control;
  3. Develop attention, memory, thinking.


  1. Cultivate self-control over speech, the ability to listen to speech

Speech therapist.

Methodical methods:

  1. game motivation;
  2. imitative-performing and speech exercises;
  3. games;
  4. encouragement.

Materials and equipment:

Mila doll, ball, sound position cards L in a word

subject pictures: glass, ball, chalk, ball, pencil case, fork, cup, pencil.

Preliminary work:

  1. Formation of articulation skills and skills necessary for the correct pronunciation of sound L .
  2. Practicing fine motor skills.
  3. Working out of basic sounds.
  4. Sound staging L .

Subsequent work:

Sound Automation L in pure phrases, in phrases, in coherent speech.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

Prepared for the job. Listen to me carefully, try to do all the tasks correctly.

II. Main part.

1. Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist: We will do exercises for the tongue so that it moves well and correctly, clearly pronounces sounds and words.

Repetition of articulation exercises:

for lips: alternation "Fence" - "Tube";

for language: “A cup”, “Delicious jam”, “The steamer is buzzing”.

The child does exercises according to the instructions of the speech therapist.

2. Finger gymnastics.

Speech therapist: Do what you call it without mistakes.

Legs, backs and seat - Left palm vertically up.

Here's a chair for you. A cam is attached to its lower part.

The table has four legs Left hand in the cam, on top of the cam

Top cover, like a palm. palm goes down.

3. Communication of the purpose of the lesson.

Speech therapist: Mila doll came to our lesson. Today, together with her, we will repeat syllables and words with sound L .

4. Acoustic-articulatory image of sound.

Speech therapist : Recall when we make a sound L, what do sponges do?

They smile.

Speech therapist : What does the tongue do?

It rises by the upper teeth to the tubercles (if the tooth articulation is being worked out). Or:

The tip of the tongue is pressed between the teeth.

Speech therapist: Let's describe the sound L .

Sound L consonant, voiced, firm.

5. Syllabic gymnastics.

The child reproduces a series of syllables after a speech therapist, accompanying the pronunciation with finger gymnastics “Fingers say hello” (the fingers of the leading hand alternately touch the thumb).

al-ol yal-el al-ol-ul-il

ol-st el-yul st-il-al-ol

st-il yul-yol il-ul-ol-al

6. Pronunciation of words for a speech therapist.

Ball, small, shaft, hall, gave, chair, chalk, sat down, sang, goal, shaft, floor, was, washed, whined, chalked, led, donkey, goat, beat, drank, pitchfork, glass, pencil case, injection, football.

7. Game for the development of phonemic perception.

Speech therapist: Raise the flag if you hear a sound in a word L .

Words: shovel, machine, saw, bucket, hammer, scoop, needle, scissors, awl,

Broom, brush.

8. Selection of pictures for a given sound.

Game "Choose and name".

Speech therapist: Mila went to the store. Help Mila buy things that have a sound in their name L.

Subject Pictures:glass, ball, chalk, ball, pencil case, pencil, chair.

Speech therapist: Well done, you made the right choice. Mila is happy.

9. The game "What's gone?". Their use. noun in R.p.

The pictures selected in the previous game are put on a type-setting canvas. The child remembers them, closes his eyes, the speech therapist removes one picture.

Speech therapist: See what's missing?

Child: No ... (noun in the genitive form).

10. Physical education.

Speech therapist: I will show and name what I do, and you repeat my actions, and tell me what you did.

Speech therapist: Child:

I get up. I wake up.

I put up a chair. I set up a chair.

I raise my hand. I raised my hand.

I'm jumping. I jumped.

I sit down on a chair. I sat down on a chair.

I take a pen. I took the pen.

I write. I wrote.

11. The game "Many - one"(with a ball).

Speech therapist: Change the word, remember the sound L at the end of a word.

Speech therapist: Child:

tables - table

injection - injections

floors - floor

halls - hall

pencil cases - pencil case

goals - goal

goblets - glass

woodpeckers - woodpecker

12. Determination of the position of the sound L in the word.

Speech therapist: Where is the sound hidden in the word L (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of a word). Working with audio line.

The words: hall, lamp, baby, shop, shelf, prick.

III. Outcome of the lesson and evaluation of the child's activity.

Speech therapist: Our lesson is over. What sound did we learn to pronounce correctly today? You did well today. Mila also liked the way you said you completed tasks.

Target: automate the sound [l] in syllables, words, phrases.


Correction - training:

Develop the correct articulation pattern when pronouncing the sound [l].

Exercise in a clear pronunciation of the sound [l] in syllables, words,

Correction - developing:

Develop phonemic awareness

Develop smooth exhalation

Develop auditory and visual attention,

Develop fine motor skills.

Correctional - educating:

Cultivate perseverance, self-control.

Equipment : a cube with articulation exercises, a container with water, a colored table tennis ball, a box, balls for creativity, paired pictures, flower details (white and colored), an elephant, a cage, a castle, a box in the form of a pit, small animals: a lion, a zebra , hippopotamus, monkey, tiger.

preliminary work : learning the warm-up "Sorcerer" /

Lesson progress:

I. Organizing time.

- Hello. Sit down on a chair. Today we will go to a fairy tale. To get into it - close your eyes ( The speech therapist puts a castle on the table, a cage with an elephant). Open your eyes and listen to the beginning of the tale. There lived an elephant. He did not pronounce the sound L. And they told him that a wizard lives in the castle who will help him pronounce this sound. And the elephant went to him. But it turned out to be an evil sorcerer. He imprisoned him in a cage. The baby elephant needs to be saved.

II. Lesson topic message.

Can we help the elephant? Let's save him from the sorcerer, shall we? You and I will learn how to pronounce the sound L. At the same time, we will teach the baby elephant. But the road to the castle is not easy. The sorcerer has set traps for us and in order to get around them, you need to complete tasks. But I'm sure you can handle them easily.

III. Main part.

1. Articulation gymnastics.

“The first trap is on our way. Stone. You see that the stone is not simple. Having completed all these tasks, we will roll him out of the way.

On each side of the cube there is a picture corresponding to the articulation exercise:

small fence

The driver is coming
Well, there is a fence ahead.
Brakes and back.
And so eight times in a row.


Open your mouth wide

Hold one, two, three, four.

If the tongue jumps

We sing “Ah-ah-ah”, and he lies!


We baked some pancakes

Cooled down on the window

We will eat them with sour cream,

Let's invite Mom to dinner.


I will raise my tongue

And paint the ceiling

Move back and forth

Our tongue is very happy!

Well done, you did well. We removed the stone.

2. Development of a smooth exhalation.

And they came to the river. But the sorcerer broke the bridge, and now the animals cannot cross to the other side. Let's move them with you. It's good that the boat stayed.

(In front of the child is a rectangular container with water, a colored tennis ball is on the water. The child blows on the ball, the speech therapist rearranges the animals in turn).

Moved everyone, well done.

3. Development of phonemic hearing. Game "Catch the Sound"

“Now we come to the next trap. This is a hole dug by a sorcerer so that various animals fall into it. Let's put it to sleep with you. I'm going to say words to you now. Listen carefully. If the word has an L sound, you throw a stone into the pit.

Varnish, poppy, table, stop, bark, wax, sofa, window, chalk, chair, house, paw.

You're doing great work. Now the animals will definitely not fall into the trap.

4. The game "Colorless flowers".

- You and I ended up in a clearing, but look: the flowers are colorless. Apparently, here the sorcerer tried. But I know how we can add color to the flowers. To get a colored petal, you need to pronounce correctly two syllables with the sound L:

al-ol, ol-ul, ul-al, al-al, la-lo, lo-lu, lu-ly, ly-la,

(The child repeats the syllables after the speech therapist and changes the white petal to a colored one).

5. Physical minutes.

– I think that we are a little tired with you bypassing the sorcerer's traps. Let's get some rest.

(The child repeats words and movements after a speech therapist)

An evil wizard has come to the forest.
It's terrible and big.

He waved his hands
And he bewitched the animals.
But my friends came,
naughty rascals,
Began to think and decide
How to complete assignments.
Finally they decided
And the animals were released.
And now, friends, dance,
We don't have to be discouraged.

Walking in place

Showing anger on their face and circling their hands in a big circle

Waving their hands like they're doing magic

Joyfully hopping

Show what they think

Show that they have solved the problem

Hold hands and dance

6. Didactic game"One-Many".

- Well, here we are with you to the castle of the evil sorcerer. ( The cage has been removed, the baby elephant is standing in front of the castle). He watched us all this time, looked at how you deftly bypass his traps, that he got scared and ran away. And when he ran, he brushed the pictures off his desk and they all got mixed up ( Speech therapist uploads paired pictures on the topic of the profession). Of course, we helped the baby elephant with you, he thanks you for your help. But we can't leave such a mess here. Let's clean up, and let all the animals of the forest live in the sorcerer's castle.

(Find paired professions and name one-many).

IV. Summary of the lesson.

- What a great guy you are. And he did not fall into the traps, and drove the sorcerer away, and freed the baby elephant. Did you enjoy the lesson? What task did you like? What was difficult to do?

(Child responses.)

Developed by a teacher - speech therapist

Ilyukhina Olga Vasilievna

MBDOU " Kindergarten"Teremok" of combined type"

Target: automate the sound [l] in syllables, words, sentences.



fasten correct pronunciation sound [l] in syllables, words, sentences.

To form the skills of coordinating the numeral with the noun;


Develop holistic perception, memory, fine motor skills, attention, phonemic hearing;

Enrichment and expansion of vocabulary;

To consolidate the skills of sound analysis and synthesis;


Cultivate independence, interest in the lesson.

Equipment: pictures-symbols for articulation gymnastics, pictures depicting flowers (lily of the valley, rose, iris, bell, gladiolus, violet, poppy, chamomile, tulip, forget-me-not, phloxes); pictures depicting birds: nightingale, oriole, woodpecker, goldfinch, nightingale; split picture with the image of Stella "; a set of subject pictures: bast shoes, fork, horse, bicycle, donkey, football, swallow, saw, hammer, wolf, stick, chalk, flippers, roll, violet, table, hanger, bow, boat.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Today we have a new guest in class. Listen to the riddle and try to guess who it is?

Above the flower she buzzes,

It flies so fast to the hive,

I gave my honey to the honeycombs;

What do I call her? ... (bee).

That's right, this is a cheerful and kind bee. named Stella. She loves to collect flower pollen and make honey from them. She flew in to listen to you pronounce the sound [l] and play different games with you.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

But first, let's do exercises for the tongue. And "funny pictures" will help you with this. Look at them and do the same.


Put the tongue with a spatula

And hold on a little.

The tongue needs to be relaxed

And keep it under the account.


I pull my tongue with a needle.

Don't come! I'll prick!


Left - right, left - right,

My tongue slips slyly:

Like a clock pendulum

He is ready to swing.


I'm swinging on the swings.

I fly up and go down.

"Steamboat hums"

small steamboat,

But he is brave!

He is not afraid of the waves

He hums merrily: "Y-Y-Y."

" Smile"

Our Tanya is a mischievous one,

Pulls lips to ears.

Look at me -

I am now a frog!

"Delicious jam"

Damn we ate with pleasure -

Soaked in jam.

To remove the jam from the lips,

The mouth needs to be licked.

3. Automation of sound [L] in syllables.

The bee loves to fly on the lawn and sing songs. And she wants you to sing along with her too.

la la la la la la

lu-lu-lu oo-oo-oo

ly-ly-ly ly-ly-ly

lo-lo-lo olo-olo-olo

4. Automation of sound [L] in words.

The bee invites you to learn how to compose poetry. Think of a rhyming word and repeat the entire poem. Do not forget to clearly and correctly pronounce [L].

La-la-la, delicious honey carries ... (bee).

Lu-lu-lu, we saw ... (a bee).

Ly-ly-ly, we got scared ... (bees).

5. Finger gymnastics.


Small house on the Christmas tree

Home for bees, but where are the bees?

Gotta knock on the house

One, two, three, four, five.

I knock, knock on the tree,

Where, where are these bees?

They suddenly began to fly:

One, two, three, four, five!

One of the hands is on the table, leaning on the elbow, the fingers are spread out (Christmas tree). On the second hand, the fingers close into a ring (beehive). The “hive” is pressed against the “tree”, the child looks into the “hive”.

Clenches his fists. Knocks fists against each other, alternating hands. He spreads his arms, spreads his fingers and moves them (the bees fly.)

6. Formation of the skill of sound analysis.

How many flowers grow on the lawn. Stella flies from one flower to another and does not know which ones to choose in order to collect flower juice. Let's help her choose those flowers that have the sound [L] in their names.

(lily of the valley, rose, iris, bluebell, gladiolus, violet, poppy, chamomile, tulip, forget-me-not, phlox).

7. Physical Minute.

The bee is a little tired. Let's take a break with her.

Here is the bee charger.

Do it in order.

Get up quickly and smile.

Higher, stretch higher.

Well, straighten your shoulders

Pick up and drop.

Turn left, turn right

Touch your hands with your knees.

8. The game "Where the sound is hidden."

Stella brought a beautiful box with her. Look what's in it. Yes, there are a lot of pictures, in the name of which each object has hidden the sound [L]. Determine the place of sound in words: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word.

(Sand shoes, fork, horse, bicycle, donkey, football, swallow, saw, hammer, wolf, stick, chalk, flippers, roll, violet, table, hanger, bow, boat).

9. The game "Count".

Look how many birds have flown to the lawn! Let's count them. And tell me: which birds are more, and which are fewer.

We recommend reading
