How to open your pickup point. How to open your own pick-up point for online stores

landscaping 16.10.2019

The growing popularity of online shopping creates good soil to open own business. Namely, the creation of a point of issue of orders for online stores

What is such an item?

Internet shops buy a large number of loyal customers every year, in many respects this state of affairs has developed due to the fact that the goods in them are represented by a large assortment and are much cheaper than their counterparts in supermarkets. With more choice, the buyer is given the opportunity to make a purchase while sitting at home or from his smartphone anywhere. Just at the stage of delivery, the soil for the future business is covered.

The problem for a medium and small online store is the delivery of goods to the buyer. After all, not everyone wants to pay for expensive courier services, as well as spend extra money on the provision of services. transport companies. The way out of this situation will be self-delivery. But what if there is no representative office of this store in the city of the buyer? This is where the ground for a business idea is based. It consists in the fact that the entrepreneur offers his services to this store. And if he agrees to all the conditions, then the point of issue of orders opens.

The implementation of such an idea will be an excellent start-up, because it does not require fairly small investments and resources. In addition, profits can be increased if you simultaneously conclude contracts with several online stores.

To arrange such an item, you will need not large room, which will contain furniture and racks for storing parcels. For starters, a room of 15 square meters will be enough. m. In addition, it will need to be equipped with a computer or laptop connected to the Internet. The customer should be given the right to inspect the goods, if requested. A cash register is required for payment. Also, in the conditions of the great popularity of bank cards, a terminal is also needed that allows you to pay with them.

An employee working at such a point must be very responsible, since quite often very expensive goods can come to the point, damage to which will negatively affect both cooperation with the store and the mood of the client. If it is not possible to store the goods for a long time, then you can hire a courier, or at the initial stage, perform this function yourself.

You need to understand that the main income from such an item is the difference in shipping costs. Therefore, its profitability depends on the volume of incoming goods. They must be supplied daily in large quantities, otherwise the project may fail.

What shops can you work with?

Perhaps this is the most important question, since your future profit will depend on its correct study. Its salt lies in the fact that by choosing an online store with rather slow-moving goods or highly specialized ones, you yourself will bury your business. So an important key in this case will be to analyze which products are in greater demand, especially in your area.

As a basis, you can take into account the data of the most popular online stores, using which you can conclude that the right choice would be a store specializing in:

  • Women's clothing;
  • Goods intended for children;
  • Various cosmetic items;
  • Electrical devices.

It should also be noted that not every store wants to have its own representation. They may have their own reasons for this. Therefore, if the specialization of the store suits you, ask the administration if they are interested given city. Also great idea will be cooperation with foreign sites. Especially if their product is cheaper and in demand analogue in the country. In this case, you can get even more profit.

Location selection

Important in opening this paragraph will be the right approach to the choice of future location. After all, this factor will also directly affect profitability. For example, if you have placed your point in an office on the outskirts of the city, then your customers will most likely be people who live near this area. And this means that you yourself limit the number of visitors.

In such a matter, you do not need to focus on the financial component and look for the most cheap option rent. It is better to increase the costs and choose the most suitable place. It should be located in the central part of the city. So that a good transport interchange runs near it, this is perhaps one of the important factors. Since the convenience with which you can come to the point for the goods plays in your favor.

In the central areas of the city, rent will be more expensive, but there are several ways to reduce it and still not lose potential customers. So, you can offer cooperation to stores selling goods from a similar category. Under the terms of the contract, they will provide you with a room for the issuance and storage of products, and you, in turn, through your activities, will provide them with a greater influx potential buyers. In addition, you can offer a percentage of the profits.

If you like the idea of ​​an agreement with a store, it is better to choose it so that the assortment provided by it complements your products. For example, if you sell skis or skates, then it is better to choose a store that sells winter clothes or equipment.

Adjustment of supplies

The first thing that will need to be done is the conclusion of an agreement with networks that carry out large deliveries. Pickpoint is an excellent example of such a company. With the help of such a company, you can get a large customer base. Which in the future will allow you to cooperate with the online store without intermediaries.

To start working with the network, it will be enough to go to its website and fill out a special questionnaire. After sending it, your IP is checked by the company and, if approved, all orders will automatically be sent to the address specified in the application. At the same time, all customers who use the services of the websites of online stores that are a partner of the company will be notified of the opening of a pickup point in their city. Customers will also be informed that using your services is much cheaper than using Russian mail.

After the goods are delivered to your point, the client himself will be interested in picking him up as soon as possible.

This means that large storage facilities are not required. One nuance is possible, namely that the notification of the arrival of the order will, under the terms of the contract, be the responsibility of the owner of the item. In this case, it would be better to use programs for SMS alerts to clients. It is also necessary to take into account that there will be unclaimed goods. In this case, a refund will be required.

What is the work of the point of issue of orders for online stores?

The work of the point of issue of online orders is as follows:

  1. The supplier delivers the goods. At this stage, it is important to know its quantity, and what kind of product it is;
  2. If the goods arrived in a wholesale quantity, it will need to be disassembled into individual orders;
  3. In order to collect an individual order, you will need not very expensive packaging. It is needed in order not to scare away customers by raising prices;
  4. Actually, what the IP was created for - issuing orders to customers;
  5. The most important thing is further development its point by increasing the number of customers and online stores.

Total costs and profits of the project

If we take the average cost indicator for the initial opening of an item, then it will exceed 90,000 rubles. But this amount can be much more, since it is directly affected by rent and possible repair premises. It will also be necessary to think carefully about placing advertising and signage in such a way that you can be easily found by a client. In addition, the amount of initial costs will include the purchase of a computer, Internet connection and its further payment.

AT fixed costs will be included and wage for employees involved in the issuance of goods and courier delivery. In addition, depending on the location, it may be necessary to conclude an agreement with a security company, as well as install video surveillance. This business the idea may well pay for itself in six months. Its profitability mainly depends on the size of the city in which it is implemented and the number of citizens using the services of online stores.

The main competition for you is Russian Post, so take note that it would be better to make the opening hours of your point much more convenient for customers. You can also add other features not available in regular mail.

Take note that women make the bulk of their purchases in online stores that sell clothes and cosmetics. Men are much more willing to purchase various automotive parts and electronics. Try to find out which goods are the most popular in your city, and in the area where the item is located. In addition, learn about the presence of competitors and their location.

And most importantly, you need to understand that the main advantage of your item is the lower cost of shipping the goods. This indicator must always be maintained at the desired level. Since customers will contact your services much more willingly. The important role and ability of staff to provide customers with professional service. High quality of service should become the rule. Only under such conditions will you be able to recoup the project in record time.

In contact with

At present great amount people in various parts of our planet prefer to make purchases in absentia. For example, with the help of some online store. Finding the e-shop you are interested in on the pages of the World Wide Web and ordering the product you like is not difficult at all. You just need to have an electronic device: a computer, laptop, netbook, tablet or regular mobile phone with Internet access - and spend a lot of time searching and placing an order. Experienced people in this business claim that this method of purchase saves a lot of energy and, of course, time. It is in view of the fact that the popularity of virtual stores is very wide, opening a pick-up point for orders made will be a very profitable business.

By starting a remote order delivery business, you get the opportunity to work with customers who have already placed an order, as well as with those who could potentially become a customer of your point. After all, in it you will be able to offer customers also those goods that you yourself will order, having previously assessed the situation on the market.

Conditions for opening a pickup point

In order to open one or another point of issue of goods, you need to decide on the list of stores whose customers will become your customers. To do this, it is important to familiarize yourself with the sales data of a particular online store in your locality. And choose those that have the highest sales levels. The most popular products are known to be cosmetic companies, which the client can order on a special website or directly at your point using the product catalog. Good levels of profit are brought by those items that deliver to customers, for example, clothes from abroad from global manufacturers. In general, if you open a pick-up point for orders made mainly on women's sites, you will never go bust. Issuance of remotely ordered electronics and household appliances will also be very beneficial.

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Choosing the right space

Further, in order for your business to work and develop, you need to find the area where your point will operate. If you work in a large regional city, then it is advisable to find a room closer to its center. Not only do you not want to go to the outskirts, but sometimes it is quite difficult, because the traffic flow in remote areas is not as busy as in the center. But, on the other hand, you can attract large quantity customers who may not have known about the existence of a pick-up point in your city. Otherwise, when the city is not so big, it is not necessary to look for the central building in which it would be possible to organize a point of issue of goods purchased in an online store.

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Recruitment problem

Numerous experienced entrepreneurs who have already encountered similar problems more than once often warn that it is not profitable to engage in such a business. What does it reflect?

First, you have to look for an employee who must be a very responsible and reliable person. And if you can still find such people in small settlements, then in million-plus cities it is almost impossible. Therefore, before opening an order pick-up point, think several times about whether you are ready to trust to a stranger goods, the cost of which is several tens, or even hundreds of thousands of rubles.

But if we discard all the negative conditions, then the advice of experienced entrepreneurs boils down to the fact that such a business is profitable only if the turnover of your (or any other online store) exceeds the amount of several dozen goods per day. In the event that you have not abandoned your idea, then rent not very spacious room. It will be enough 3-4 sq.m. In such a small space, both an employee of the issuing point and several dozen parcels will be completely free to accommodate. In order for the goods not to be stale, it is better to allocate one more workplace- courier. Then there will be enough space for all newly arriving goods, and you will not have to rent a larger room (which, accordingly, will save your costs).

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Next steps to open a pickup point

After you have selected a room that meets all your requirements, you need to repair it (if necessary) and purchase the necessary furniture. Usually enough table and chair for the employee who will be responsible for issuing orders. For all this you will need no more than 50,000 rubles. The employee's salary will be 15,000 (plus a bonus from revenue), and the rent of such small room also will not be more than 15,000 rubles.

Next, we need to think about how to attract not only those customers who have never tried to deal with an online store, but also those who, for some reason, refused our services. This is only possible by lowering the price or improving the quality. It should be said in advance that it is not recommended to save on the quality of the delivered goods. Therefore, if you are counting on long-term and successful cooperation with potential customers, then be sure to ensure that the quality of the received goods does not differ for the worse from the goods on the "showcase" of the online store. That is why you must provide your customers with a lower cost of delivery of goods than it would be organized by the Russian Post.

Usually, when receiving goods at the point of issue of orders, customers pay 200-300 rubles less. This is not such a small amount to be neglected. Therefore, if you open a pick-up point in the city, you not only offer customers more comfortable, but also more profitable terms purchasing the goods you like. In order for your item to operate constantly and successfully, you need to take care of advertising. It should be not only external (next to your establishment), but also internal - on the website of your online store.

So, if you open your own pick-up point for orders made in your online store, you will be able to attract a huge number of visitors to it. It's no secret that the majority of visitors to online stores do not dare to purchase the goods they like there. They simply walk through the pages of the site and consider the offer. As for purchases, they are not always sure that this or that model will suit them, that the size will match, and in many other ways.

The point of issue of orders for online stores is an integral element of the business implemented on the Web. For its organization and successful functioning, large financial investments are not required. This type of activity can be a good start for a young entrepreneur.

Business Relevance

Self-delivery points for online stores are an additional source of income, increase attractiveness for customers, stimulating them to purchase here, as they are given a choice of how to receive goods. In connection with the development of online shopping, the relevance of points where customers could pick up goods on their own is constantly increasing. Opening a point today is beneficial not only in a large settlement, but also in a small town.

This segment is also in demand because the client wants to see real opportunities for choosing a delivery method. Self-export helps save personal time, reduce the cost of goods - all this increases the attractiveness of this direction entrepreneurial activity.

Financial costs at the opening stage

Calculating how to organize a point of issue of orders for online stores, you can not do without compiling financial plan. The main investment will be (based on one point) - about 180 thousand rubles. This cost includes:

  • Rent for the premises (from 20 m2) - 15,000 rubles;
  • Repair work ( redecorating) - about 30,000 rubles;
  • Internet connection and payment for the first month - 5000-10000 rubles (depending on the region);
  • Furniture and cash register - 50,000 rubles;
  • Promotion costs - 50,000 rubles (includes the creation of a website).

You should also allocate money to pay for utilities, taxes and pay for the activities of employees (at the first stage, 1 person is enough, since the business owner can temporarily perform part of the duties on his own).

Business features

This type of business, as the point of issue of goods from online stores, has its own characteristics that should be taken into account in order to avoid difficulties with its opening and subsequent development. Sales via the Internet allow you to reach a larger target audience than a regular stationary store - this is one of the main features of entrepreneurial activity in this direction.

Constant demand is the key to a stable and growing, in proportion to the number of requests, income. The point of issue of online orders attracts the attention of not only potential customers, but also suppliers of goods, as it is also beneficial for them that their products are purchased by more people. Respectively, business is profitable.

The features include the organization of activities directly at the point of issue of purchases made on the Internet. In 70% of cases, it is costed according to the principle: pick up the goods from the seller, pack or prepack, then issue directly to the buyer. In turn, this type of activity can be organized in two directions:

  • Independent pickup points for online stores;
  • Points working in cooperation with companies.

The features should also include working conditions and initial investments, which directly depend on such indicators as the fame and popularity of the company. A “promoted” franchise of an online store pick-up point will generate income almost immediately after the opening of a pick-up point, while an unknown one will require investments in marketing, which will reduce the salary rate for employees.

If a line of business is selected under famous name companies, then the influx of customers will be stable, but it will be almost impossible to implement their own developments and ideas. At the same time, an independent pick-up point may not pay off, which will lead to losses - this should also be attributed to the features of the business. Working with a reliable and well-known outlet will allow you to quickly develop by opening new points.

Search for partners

Points of issue of goods for online stores belong to this type of entrepreneurial activity, where it is very difficult to organize profitable and cost-effective work without partners. To search for companies that agree to work together, you can contact directly (in the section on cooperation, find contacts and forms that you can fill out).

It is also possible to jointly carry out activities with other services for the delivery of goods. In this case, it is more profitable for each of the parties that the point of issue of the online store is opened under the brand of the delivery service.

Another way to find business partners is to cooperate with large (and well-known) companies, whose services include the provision of logistics. In this case, they are essentially intermediaries, and the subagent is the owner of the point of issue - a businessman.

Choice of direction

Self-delivery points for online stores mean that this object cooperates with an outlet that sells goods. Before opening such a business, you should decide on the direction in which the work will be carried out, as well as with a list of those sites whose interests (financial and advertising) will be represented by the directly opening point of export of purchases.

The modern market offers a wide variety of trade directions, so it is important to carefully study them all, and only then choose the most suitable direction for yourself. A good, stable income is guaranteed by stores that work with the following products:

  • Sale of children's and women's clothing;
  • Realization of goods for children and newborns;
  • Sale of cosmetics and perfumery;
  • Sale of electronics.

When thinking about how to open a pick-up point, you need to carefully study the terms of cooperation offered by those sites that the entrepreneur initially liked. This is also necessary for the reason that delivery and organization of a pickup point is not possible in every region.

Point of issue of orders for online stores Ya

Registration of necessary documents

Legal business is possible only in case of timely execution of documents. The existence of a point where you can receive an order ordered on the Internet will require the future businessman to register with the relevant authorities. It is necessary to assign the OKVED code - for this area of ​​​​work it will be 47.91 - “services for retail". It allows you to send by mail, work via the Internet.

The optimal form is the opening of IP. For this, it is necessary to apply in tax office certificate, obtain the chosen form of taxation. Since this type of entrepreneurial activity is closely related to finance, you will need to open a bank account for further work. This will help make business-format payments. Experienced entrepreneurs do not recommend choosing the form of OJSC, since in this case the package of documents required for registering a business will increase significantly. In addition, such an organizational legal form result in an increase in tax payments. Also, to register a business, you will need to obtain permits from the SES and the fire department. When thinking about how to open an online order pick-up point, it is important to remember that the building will need to be serviced by cleaning companies, solid waste removal, and security. Before starting work, you will need to draw up all the relevant contracts.

Advertising and marketing

A pick-up franchise or a self-employed company is equally in need of advertising and promotion. That is why the issue of marketing will need to devote a significant amount of time. Investments in advertising depend on the chosen direction of work, the availability of partners, the region, as well as the capabilities of the businessman himself. Advertising is necessary to attract new customers, since the profit of an online store, which is represented by a pickup point, directly depends on their number.

Customers prefer to pick up the purchase themselves, as this will help them save from 200 to 1000 rubles, depending on the dimensions of the goods and their quantity. Marketing policy should be built in such a way as to cover the maximum audience. Accordingly, advertising is present:

  • In the Internet ( social networks, sites of online stores that are partners);
  • On banners and flyers;
  • On own or friendly sites that describe the benefits of such a service or are ready for further cooperation.

Before you open a pickup point for online stores, it is very important to think over a system of special offers, discounts and bonuses for new and regular customers. This will keep active customers and attract new ones, thereby replenishing the customer base and increasing income. It is important to remember that in addition to customers, it is required to attract new partners to cooperation. In order to avoid stagnation in the movement of goods, it is recommended to create a courier delivery service.

Thus, the answer to the question of whether it is profitable to open an order pick-up point will be the opinion of experienced entrepreneurs who claim that the key to success lies in the ability to find demanded sites. In this case, the profit from the activities carried out will be high. The level and possibility of a gradual increase in profits and income that the owner of the enterprise provides for himself will depend on the number of goods (parcels) delivered, processed and transferred using the point.

Gradually, you can develop your business by increasing the number of outlets with the ability to independently pick up purchases, which will help create a recognizable brand. You can combine several points (in the future) by creating your own courier service, with which new businessmen will conclude an agreement.

The main task is to choose the right partners at the start so that the investments begin to work and generate income for the owner of the self-pickup business of the purchased goods.

Every year people use the Internet more and more, trust it more and make more purchases. In this article, we will understand how profitable it is to open a pick-up point for online stores.


We won’t rant a lot, it’s better to immediately calculate the expenses and incomes based on the facts and see how profitable the whole thing is in general.

So, let’s say we don’t have any business and we want to organize a pick-up point for some Ozon, Wildberries or Boxberry in general.

Opening costs

1) Computer, monitor, keyboard, router, phone - 30.000r
2) 5 racks - 25.000r
3) Cash machine— 10.000r
4) Printer - 4.000r
5) Surveillance camera - 10.000r
6) Mirror and fitting room - 1.500r
7) Furniture - 10.000r
8) Signboard - 20.000r

Total opening costs: 110.500r

fixed costs

1) Renting a room - in the province about 20.000r
2) Salary for 2 employees - 30.000r
3) Internet - 500r
4) Light, heating, water - 5.000r

Total fixed costs: 55.500r

We assume that for such a business one employee may be enough, then the total: 40.500r

So, we have three numbers: 110.500r - opening costs, 55.500r or 40.500r fixed costs depending on the number of employees.

Income and profit

Now let's calculate how much profit we can get from this.


Boxberry is a delivery service for intervention stores that allows entrepreneurs to open their own pickup points.

They pay 30r for one order, plus 0.8% of the payment received.
From 100.000r we will get 800r, since 0.8% of the payment acceptance. Suppose there were 50 orders in this hundred, then 50 * 30 will turn out to be 1.500 rubles. As a result, from one hundred thousand, our income will be 2.300 rubles.

To get to zero with at least one employee, we need orders for 1,800,000 rubles and about 900 orders. 14.400r is 0.8% of the payment and 27.000r is 30r for each order. 14.400+27.000=41.400r is our income, which allows us to pay fixed expenses.

We divide 900 by 31 and get 30 orders per day.

Based on all these calculations, a question arises. Is it realistic to find such a place in the city where 30 people will pick up orders a day? It depends on the population of the city and the convenience of the location of your pickup point.

To reach a profit of 20.000 rubles, we need orders for 2.600.000 rubles and about 1300 orders per month.

Other online stores and delivery services

You can say that Boxberry does not have the best conditions. Ok, other online stores and delivery services pay a little more. Approximately 1% or 2%. For calculations, we will take a maximum of 3% of payments and 50 rubles for the issuance of an order, although such conditions still need to be looked for ...

From a hundred thousand rubles, approximately 5,500 rubles will be obtained. To passively earn 20,000 rubles, you need 1,100,000 rubles and 550 orders per month.

Who benefits from opening a PVZ?

If you already have some kind of business, for example, a small warehouse that works for your own online store, then opening a pickup point will be profitable. This will be an additional income to your business.

If you do not have any business at all, then we do not recommend starting with opening a pickup point.

How to get maximum profit?

Ideally, you need to rent one large room and create a pickup point in it for several delivery services and several large intervention stores at once. Only in this case you will be able to reach a good profit.

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