The best audiobooks rating. New audiobooks

Landscaping and planning 20.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

Imagine that Germany and Japan won World War II. They also divided the world between themselves and their allies. Dick's fantasy has a right to exist. Why not? He is not the only one thinking about this topic. There are no minor characters in the book, each of them is important. They are all links in the same chain. Pull one, others will follow. As such, there is no description of the world. We only know snippets...

A group of people, by chance, find themselves away from the world in an old mansion with a not very good reputation. By the way, such a plot has become a classic, thanks in large part to the “Ghost of Hill House”. And the house does not make the guests languish in anticipation for a long time - here you will find night rustles and knocks, and sinister laughter, and graveyards ...

The writer draws before us the world of the future, where everything is arranged to please a person and the house replaces him: a cook, a designer, a car, a friend, a psychologist, a security guard and much more. The day will come when a person will not need to go outside his dwelling, and all life will pass in comfortable conditions houses of the future that can even fly...

The Guilty Head is a novel that actively resists writing a review. Well, what, really, to write about? About mixing ingredients? About the pervasive cynicism of humanity in the face of travel agents? About the falsity of everything that is visible to the eyes (remember the advice to close your eyes?)? About the symbols of the Earthly Paradise and the constellation Canis? About the protest against the authorities? About rel...

Scene - different cities and villages in newly independent Nigeria, time - 1960s. The fate of two twin sisters Olanna and Kainene is in the center of attention. They seemed to have everything for a carefree life: money, fame, prospects. But the first connects life with a teacher and begins to teach herself, and ...

In 1962, Simak actually described the future (in 30 years) privatization of Russia according to Chubais (buying up!! but what about the people? but don't give a damn about them, the main thing is to distribute them as soon as possible). The invasion of aliens on Earth, and the invasion attempt is very unusual - the aliens are gradually seizing the earth by buying it. The protagonist, journalist Parker Gr...

Romain opens up here in a completely new way. He writes in 1967 a phantasmagoric novel, a farce, entirely consisting of allusions, symbols. Romain writes out schizophrenia in words - bright, flowery, hallucinogenic, delusional. "Dance of Genghis Khaim" is a delightful nonsense, a comedy, a game. What to do if you are a former performer...

Probably the best collection of Sorokin stories. The great and terrible symphony of food; a grotesque world that oozes food and consumes itself. None of the stories are like the others, and they all reveal the essence of "eating" from some new angle. Of course, Sorokin is largely true to himself in terms of outrageousness, and to "Feast" often ...

Imagine, in the picturesque hills of Iowa, either a human home is lost, or a galactic station where alien creatures make their transplants while traveling through the Universe. This "inn" has its own Overseer. A strange guy from local earthlings, who was given demon as a gift for his service...

In the third book of Yuri Slepukhin's cycle, the reader meets only one familiar heroine - Lyudmila Zemtsova, who was driven to Germany as an "eastern worker" shortly after the occupation of Ensk in the second book. They are somewhere out there, in the Soviet Union, most likely, their position is more secure than that of Lyuda, who continues ...

Five years of study have flown by high school. Tatyana and Sergey are making serious plans for the future. But the atmosphere in society is becoming more and more tense. Tanya feels it. It seems that everyone is standing at the turn, at the crossroads, and something significant is about to happen. But for now everything in life goes on as usual. Saturday, June 21st...

May the Lord protect everyone who is in the sea, and everyone who wants to go to the sea, and everyone who does not want to go to the sea. Anyway, sooner or later everyone will come to him. Here is such a short and strange prayer that the captain of the beautiful brigantine "Dream" had. It is quite expensive to maintain such a ship, and the captain decides to take on board several times a year ...

The heroes of this novel are the dark elves. They live underground, it is there that their cities were created and their dwellings were built. The main city described is Menzoberranzan. The mere fact that events mainly take place in the dungeon already attracts the reader. Following this, the author literally brings down on us the news that the main ...

Gary was born in Russian Empire in 1914, emigrated first to Poland, then to France, grew up without a father. The novel "Promise at Dawn" is entirely dedicated to his mother, Mina Ovchinskaya. And he will not leave you indifferent: you will either love this book with all your heart, or you will feel an irresistible rejection. How pr...

A good love story without any power struggle, intrigues and other things. Just a book about the fate of two people who ended up together against their will. The heroine comes from the boarding house to the house of the viscount, to whom her father gave her in marriage. And there is a man - seemingly stern, indifferent and very angry. And these two were brought together by the father of this ...

Ilf and Petrov - these names are known to almost every inhabitant of our vast Motherland. But still, most of them know as the authors of "12 chairs" and "Golden Calf". Some are also familiar with One-Storied America. But the book "Unusual stories from the life of the city of Kolokolamsk", unfortunately, is known to a very narrow circle ...

Vadim Georgievich Reshilov led the usual measured life of a former representative of power, until phone call did not take him out of the ordinary. Unfortunately (or fortunately for all romantics and computer game lovers), the Zone is slowly spreading beyond the perimeter through the efforts of poachers and smugglers.
What is happening with the world? Or are unprecedented adventures a figment of Vadim's imagination? Literary and film characters, like fragments of images of consciousness, made up a mosaic of a strange reality, where a stalker's secret is to be discovered. But won't reality turn out to be an illusion of a fanatic?
The zone can choose you, even if you are far from the stalker lifestyle. life path unexpectedly turned out, and Vadim Reshilov was drawn into the Svyatogor project. The rapid change of events, the hurricane alternation of mise en scenes creates the impression of the unreality of what is happening.
What are we faced with: the absurdity of life or a phantasmagoria reminiscent of computer game? You decide, listener!

Yes ... those who did not serve in the army lost a lot.
But this is recoverable, since all this is in Seregin's books: it is written beautifully
and most importantly true.
Someone will say - IT CANNOT BE, but maybe, and even not like that!

NEW sci-fi action thriller from the bestselling author of Replay the War!, Time Eaters and Blow Up the Past! Abandoned in 1941, where they don’t know the word “popadanets”, and the aliens from the future are called “Wanderers”, our contemporaries are replaying the history of the Great Patriotic War. On their raids on the German rear, State Security Major Sudoplatov reports to Stalin himself. Their tank destroyers and reconnaissance and sabotage groups inflict irreparable losses on the Nazis. Having fallen into their ambush, the Reichsführer SS Himmler was liquidated. The investigation into the circumstances of his death was entrusted to the head of the V Department of the RSHA (Gestapo) Müller. And Stalin transfers the case of the "Wanderers" under the personal control of Beria ... Will the "victims" manage to escape persecution and break through to their own through the front line? Will the Soviet leadership believe their information? And what price are they willing to pay for the Victory not only over the "rotten fascist evil spirits", but also over the merciless Time?

Twenty years ago, the English archaeologist and millionaire Reginald Kensington disappeared without a trace in the legendary city of Ubar, lost in the Arabian desert. After a mysterious explosion in a gallery founded by Kensington, where treasures from Ubar are collected, scientists discover inside a stone statue, split during the explosion, a strange metal detail - an exact copy of a human heart. The daughter of an archaeologist sets out a scientific expedition to unravel the mysteries of the desert. However, this explosion attracts the attention of not only scientists, but also an international criminal group seeking to take possession of some mysterious power hidden somewhere in the dungeons of Ubar.

Yegor Razin is a mercenary pilot. He kills because it pays, but now it's his turn to die. And the only salvation is a dangerous experiment, because of which he ends up in the epicenter of the war in an unknown place, in an incomprehensible time and with an unknown enemy - necrosis that destroys reality itself.
"Password: "Eternity"" is the first novel of the science fiction project "Tekhnotma" in the "post-apocalyptic" genre from the authors of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series.

"Death on Brotherhood" is the title of a cycle of 10 stories in the experimental genre of "novel-film", designed to combine literary text with the visuality of cinema.
The story "Maria, Maria ..." (the seventh film) sheds light on the mysterious death of the famous battleship.

Now you can use free time to study English language with the program "English in 1 hour"! And it doesn't matter if you are going on a business trip or just on vacation, or communicate with native speakers at your workplace - our program of only 60 minutes is the necessary practical minimum that will allow you to feel confident in any situation in the future.
Short lessons, convenient format, high digital quality of recording, pocket phrasebook - all this is the new course "English in 1 hour".

A new fantastic action movie from the best-selling author of Replay the War and Sudoplatov's Wanderers! Having broken through the time line and found themselves in 1941, our contemporaries set out on a reconnaissance and sabotage raid on the rear of the Wehrmacht. They will cut the enemy's most important communications. They will disrupt the transfer German troops to Leningrad and Kyiv. They attack the headquarters of Army Group Center. But not everyone will return from this desperate raid...
Which of the “popadans” is not destined to “survive until dawn”? Who will receive a funeral from the past? And can the missing be resurrected from the dead?

“Death on Brotherhood” is the title of a cycle of 10 stories in the experimental genre of “novel-film”, designed to combine literary text with the visuality of cinema.
The story Operation Transit (the ninth film) tells about the departure from Switzerland in the famous sealed carriage of a person who is called to change the course of Russian history.

Maxim Sukhanov, Daria Moroz and Alexander Klyukvin performed the immortal work of the Master so easily, ironically and provocatively that it is literally impossible to tear yourself away from the audio version of the novel. You haven't heard this before! An excellent cast, excellent author's music - all the epithets for this audiobook can only be in superlatives. Rate it yourself!

The most basic English course in the line of courses of the largest American publishing house Living Language. It will help you learn to speak, read and write in English, laying the foundation on which you can further improve your knowledge. The modern course "English without problems" is based on effective method, which has been used to train students at the US Diplomatic Academy since 1960. The first fourteen chapters have selected the most important and basic elements for beginners to learn English. If you can devote only 30 minutes a day to the course, then in a few weeks you will be able to speak on the main topics and understand what is written.

Audiobooks are exactly what you can pass the time for. You can listen to such a piece while traveling, lying in a hospital, in a place with poor lighting, and simply in any situation when you have free time. To make it easier to figure out what is worth listening to, we have compiled a rating of audiobooks.

Game of Thrones

First up is the Game of Thrones series. George Martin's books are about heroes and lords, mages, warriors and assassins, strange creatures that turn their enemies into terror, and swords made of unusual material that can hit anyone. In this legend, you can learn a lot of interesting things, here tragedy and betrayal, intrigues and bloody battles go side by side - This is an excellent example of modern literature.


In second place is the classic work of Venedikt Erofeev "Moscow-Petushki", travel alcoholic on the train. This impressive work did not just get into our rating, the best readers of audio books can envy S. Shnurov, who reads it very emotionally.

People who play games

The genre of psychology is also in great demand, the modern reader is trying to understand the features of his mind with enviable persistence. "People who play games" is a book by Eric Berne, a famous American psychoanalyst. This man is the creator of the theory of transactional analysis.

Warranty men

Even fairy tales make it into our ranking of the best audiobooks. As you know, for any item there is a guarantee - that is, it should not fail. According to Eduard Uspensky, small creatures that hide in household appliances. In his “Guarantee Little Men” Kholodilin lives in the refrigerator, and Vacuum Cleaner lives in the vacuum cleaner, and on the radio there is a character whose name is News of the Day. This kind story will give children a lot of pleasant impressions.

By the great river

When it comes to such a thing as audiobook ratings, fantasy is always in the lead. In Andrey Cruz's book "At great river"It is about the intersection of worlds, where the ordinary and familiar to us collided with magic and sorcery. In the center of the book is the story of an evil hunter who is faced with serious problems.

Harry Potter

Yes, seven books from JK Rowling are still popular, and listening to the story of a young wizard performed by A. V. Klyukvin is doubly interesting. Throughout the saga, a little boy, who suddenly finds out that he is a magician with a difficult fate, grows into a warrior who has nothing less to do - to save the world.

Flowers for Algernon

Another classic by Daniel Keyes. Tragic story the protagonist which is a person with developmental delays, who, as a result of the experiments of scientists, becomes a supergenius. But the effect of the drug is not permanent - and smartest person on the planet again returns to its previous state, having only had time to know happiness for a very short time. In the performance of Semyon Yanishevsky, the story becomes especially interesting.


Concludes our rating of audiobooks "Shantaram" by Gregory David Roberts. Read by Ivan Litvinov, this story is about a man whose life suddenly went downhill. He commits robberies, goes to prison, escapes from it, becomes a smuggler, meets and loses love - this is a very eventful piece that can be listened to in one breath. Nobody is surprised by the fact that she succeeded in short term get on the bestseller lists and get a lot of comparisons with the best works of modern authors.

What unites a businessman driving a car, a student in the morning subway and a housewife cleaning? The answer is simple - the ability to read a book. Today, even for the busiest person, it is accessible and simple: listen to your favorite work in audio format. In addition to a headset or speakers, you will, of course, need the book itself. The rating of the best audiobooks presented in the article will help you understand all their diversity. It describes the genres, titles and names of those who bring the work to life.

Best Audiobooks: Fantastic Ranking

Fantastic works are perhaps the most popular among readers of books in audio format. There are no long artistic descriptions in the plot, the narration is dynamic and intriguing. Therefore, the effect of listening to such a book can be compared with watching an action movie. But it depends, of course, on the quality of the presentation. The following works can boast of this:

  1. The works of the Strugatsky brothers "Inhabited Island", "Monday Starts on Saturday", "It's Hard to Be God" and others occupy a leading position in the list of "Best Audiobooks: Fantastic" rating. They were voiced by L. Yarmolnik, A. Rezalin or M. Chernyak. But each of them is a separate fascinating story about a fictional, but so familiar to everyone world.
  2. Audiobooks by Max Fry rightfully deserved the second position: "Debut in Echo", "The Outsider", "Nests of Chimeras". The voice acting of D. Verovoy perfectly conveys the atmosphere of a detective story, science fiction, illusions, unusual irony or harsh humor.
  3. The works of S. Lukyanenko "Clean" and "Nedotep" voiced by A. Andrienok are light, fascinating prose about a fictional world and a lonely hero who fights in it and writes his own story.
  4. The fantasy world described in the work of D. Glukhovsky "Metro 2033" combines best traditions genre - fictional monster characters, saving the world and a modern hero. The voice acting belongs to E. Kamenetsky.

Audiobooks: modern prose

  1. "Flowers for Algernon" by D. Keyes is a heartfelt story that combines elements of psychology, fantasy and romanticism. It is read in one breath, and in the voice acting of S. Yanishevsky, it rightfully becomes the leader of the rating.
  2. The rating of the best audiobooks continues "Bury me behind the plinth" by P. Sanaev in his own voice acting. Who, if not the author, better conveys what is described - the atmosphere of Soviet childhood through the eyes of a child, love, betrayal and the world as a whole?
  3. "Fight Club" by C. Palahniuk is a cult work that acquires a special coloring in the performance of D. Zemtsov. Read or listen, but don't tell anyone about fight club!
  4. "The house in which ..." M. Petrosyan is a magically real, artistic, but from the real world, fascinating book voiced by I. Knyazev.
  5. "Game of Thrones" by J. Martin shocked the world not only with a literary presentation, but also with a high-quality film adaptation. It's time to evaluate the work in the audio version performed by Dmitry and Elena Polonetsky.

Classics: Audiobook Ranking

  1. "The Master and Margarita" - the ageless book of M. Bulgakov received new life thanks to the work of A. Klyukvin, M. Sukhanov and D. Moroz.
  2. The dubbing of the works of father and son Dumas "The Three Musketeers" and "The Count of Monte Cristo" by V. Gerasimov brings them an honorable 2nd place.
  3. "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" by Gogol came to life with the voice of A. Klyukvin and continues to delight lovers of life-affirming and kind works.
  4. The performer of the book "Three Comrades" Remarque V. Antonik will plunge into the world of true friendship, love and humanity.
  5. Melville's "Moby Dick" has become even more charming and captivating thanks to the voice of V. Gemasimov.
  6. "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky is rightfully included in the list of all best books. No exception - and audio, which also belongs to V. Gerasimov.

Educational and scientific literature: rating

Popular literature also has the best audiobooks. The rating of readers in this genre can be represented as follows:

  1. "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by R. Kiyosaki and S. Lecter - an original guide to the relationship between the material condition of the family and the upbringing of children.
  2. A. Carr, " easy way quit smoking" is a book with a title that speaks for itself. Reader reviews indicate that the method proposed by the author really works.
  3. "The Subconscious Can Do Anything" by J. Kehoe is a popular book about activating the brain and self-programming for a happy life.
  4. "The Psychology of Influence" by R. Cialdini is a work not only for specialists. A collection of effective practices that will help you influence people and protect yourself from unwanted attention.
  5. "How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You" by L. Landes is another witty guide with a flashy title. Talks about 6 components of romantic love.

Audiobooks for children

  1. "The Little Prince" Exupery is deservedly considered a textbook of goodness and universal values. The book is a must-read not only for children, but also for adults who are mired in pressing issues. The voice acting is presented by K. Khabensky and M. Efremov.
  2. The cycle of stories about Harry Potter is a whole culture today. Joanne Rowling and her brainchild are voiced for the audio book format by the talented performer A. Klyukvin.
  3. Children's literature is impossible to imagine without Tom Sawyer and his avid friend Huck Finn. The performer of the book A. Kotov can let the heroes of Mark Twain into the world of boyish adventures.
  4. A whole audio performance is dedicated to the adventures of the girl Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass - fairy worlds created by L. Carroll. The actions of the book were voiced by V. Abdulov and G. Ivanova, as well as by V. Bondarev, M. Khvorostova and O. Dolonina.

Top Audiobook Artists: Ranking

The quality of an audiobook depends not so much on its genre, but on the quality of performance. After all, the first means exclusively the personal literary preferences of a person, and there will be as many opinions here as there are people. The audio format involves the transformation of visual information into auditory. The same book will be perceived in completely different ways if it is read aloud. different people. Therefore, there are those who manage it better than others. The timbre of their voice, intonation, emotional involvement and make it possible to create a rating of the best audiobooks.

Often this kind of activity is carried out by theater and film actors. In addition to dubbing foreign films, they are also trusted to read the plot of books. But these are quite rare cases. There are those people who do this more often and are professionals in their field. about them and will be discussed farther.

  1. Alexei Borzunov is the voice of such well-known works as "Perfume", "The Picture of Dorian Gray", "The White Guard", "The Humiliated and Insulted" and other books in which it is important to convey the tragedy and realism of life.
  2. Alexander Klyukvin. He owns the voice acting of fundamental classical works, such as "War and Peace", "The Inspector General", "The Master and Margarita", as well as more modern ones - stories about Harry Potter. The voice of this man is also familiar to fans of the cult series about Alpha. A distinctive feature is the ability to convey the character and mood of very different, dissimilar characters.
  3. Vyacheslav Gerasimov - an announcer with 30 years of experience, a master of intonation and the author of voice acting for many cult works of classical and modern prose: " Dead Souls", "Idiot", "Black Stones", "Wheel of Happiness" and many others.
  4. Maxim Pinsker - the owner of a charming low timbre of voice, which gave readers the opportunity to hear such classical works, as " Captain's daughter"," Three Comrades "," Lolita "and many others.
  5. Alexander Kotov is the voice of tragicomic works, who managed to dub stories about Tom Sawyer, "Ivanhoe", "Notre Dame Cathedral", "Red and Black".
  6. Alexander Bordukov, who owns the voice of characters from stories about Sherlock Holmes, Madame Bovary, The Great Gatsby.
  7. Ivan Litvinov, a talent for a very accurate transfer of the characters' characters and the atmosphere of the work. The works of Bulgakov, Orwell, King, Dostoevsky and many others, beloved by many, have been read in his voice.
  8. Alexander Khorlin is a true master in the verbal depiction of exciting journeys, adventures and heroes with out-of-the-box thinking. These are "Gulliver's Adventures", and "Crime and Punishment", and "Lord of the Flies", and "Collector".
  9. Oleg Buldakov is a diverse personality who has tried himself in many professions, his main instrument is his voice. He went from a radio DJ to a TV presenter and, of course, a performer of audio versions of books. Many of King's works, "Wasp Factory", "Truth" are his best audio books.

The rating of the works and the people who voiced them can be supplemented. It can change every year. One thing is constant - even with the development of technology, the number of readers does not change. On the contrary, progress makes it possible to read favorite works in conditions that are not intended for this. And this trend can not but rejoice.

Our free resource contains a huge number of fascinating and useful audiobooks, among which even the most demanding reader will definitely find something interesting for himself.

It is worth noting that in our library we have collected only high-quality audiobooks, distinguished by good recording, and voiced by professional announcers and actors. Thanks to this, you can get maximum pleasure while listening to the book, and also immerse yourself in its plot.

How to choose a book to listen to?

On the site, the site without registration in free online access, you can listen to many wonderful works of art of a wide variety of genres: popular science, business, children's books, as well as a lot of other literature.

If you want to find a specific book or author, you can use the convenient search on the site or go to the section. If you are interested in works of a particular direction, you can visit the section.

But what if you just want to read something interesting, but you don't have any specific preferences? Especially for this occasion, we have collected the most popular and popular books among readers in this section of our extensive audio library.

What is in the "Top 100" section?

When selecting books in the "Top 100" we proceeded from the preferences of our readers. In this category, we have collected only relevant books of the most diverse genres. For example, fans will be able to listen to such popular audiobooks as:

There are many wonderful works here, which won the hearts of not only domestic book lovers, but readers around the world:

Naturally, we do not forget about our young book lovers. In the section "Top 100" you can find a lot of wonderful works, from which the kids will be simply delighted:

Benefits of an audio library site

There are a wide variety of audiobook sites on the Internet today. But our resource compares favorably with many similar portals. First, here you can read books absolutely free. It is also worth noting that, unlike most of these free sites, we provide full versions audiobooks.

Secondly, in order to enjoy your favorite works, you do not need to register. You just go to our page and listen online to your favorite book.

You can listen to our audiobooks at home from a computer or laptop, as well as almost anywhere else from your phone and tablet, because virtually any modern person has access to the Internet.

So don't waste your time and visit our audio library right now, here we have collected all the best for book lovers!

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