How to drill holes in tiles. How to drill a hole in a wall with different building materials Where to drill

Landscaping and planning 25.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

There are many reasons for the need to drill holes in a tile: from the banal installation of an outlet to the installation water pipe or ventilation. But the tile is a fragile material, so if you drill or cut a hole incorrectly, it can burst and crumble.

To gain knowledge on how to make a hole in a tile, just read this article. The process of drilling holes of any size is not difficult if you know how it is done. A video on how to drill a hole in a tile can be viewed on our website. To perform drilling, you must have a drill, masking tape, level, square, tape measure, marker and cutting tools. How to cut a hole in a tile? If small holes are needed, then the presence of the necessary drills is sufficient. Sometimes, for larger holes, it is necessary to use a cutting tool such as hole saws, "ballerinas".


How to drill a hole in a tile without damaging the canvas and without moving from the desired point? Before drilling, it is necessary to make markings. It is necessary to mark the point where the drilling will take place with a marker. It is advisable, when choosing a place for the hole, to step back from the edge of the canvas by 15 mm. If you plan to make more than one hole, but several, then you need to carry out additional markings using a square and a bubble level.

The surface of the ceramic plate is slippery, therefore, so that the drill does not “ride” over the surface, you need to glue masking tape or ordinary adhesive tape, electrical tape, adhesive plaster to the drilling site. These materials hold the drill and prevent it from slipping. They also use a core to mark the holes, where the drill is already inserted.

For drilling holes in ceramic tiles use special drills for tiles. Drills with pobedit or diamond tips are also suitable. Picking up the right drill, you need to insert it into the drill, then set the minimum rotation speed of the cartridge and turn off the shock mode (if any). Start drilling at low speed using a small diameter drill and then ream with a large diameter drill. We install the drill in the center of the marked mark perpendicular to the canvas and start drilling.

Using drills, a hole is made with a diameter of not more than 15 mm. How to drill a hole in ceramic tiles bigger size? To do this, use crowns for cutting holes and "ballerinas". These cutting tools create holes in the tiles for sockets. The crown is put on the pilot drill and then the drilling process is performed at low speed. Drilling should be done by laying the tile on a flat surface. The disadvantage of such cutting tool in its high cost.

A "ballerina" is a combination of a drill and one or two cutters that rotate with the drill. Drill at low speed to avoid chipping. In this case, it is necessary not to swing the drill, if possible, use a special tripod.

How to make a hole in a ceramic tile with a very large diameter? To drill these holes, you can use one drill, with which along the contour required hole many holes are drilled, and then the middle is carefully knocked out. First you need to make a markup - draw the contours of the hole and drill along it. The remnants of drilling are broken out with pliers, after which inner diameter polished with sandpaper.

At the beginning of the repair, it seems that the most difficult thing is laying tiles on the walls and floor in the bathroom. Therefore, when mounting decorative coating completed, you think that the problematic moments are already behind. However, the bathroom will have to be equipped with plumbing fixtures, cabinets, shelves, and sockets. To put in place each of the listed items in the wall, you need to make a hole, or even more than one.

The craftsman is faced with the question of how to drill tiles on the wall without damaging or damaging appearance. In this situation, there are only two options: trust the professionals or learn how to drill tiles yourself.

Difficulties when drilling tiles

Ceramic tiles are considered ideal option wall finishes, because it can withstand decades of ruthless use in the humid microclimate of the bathroom. These same qualities complicate the manufacture of holes in the tile. First of all, the difficulty is presented by the following features of this type of finish:

  • Hardness. Ceramic tiles have a dense, solid structure, as they are obtained by extrusion or pressing. Therefore, drilling a hole in it is not at all easy, you need a special tool, drills, the hardness of which is greater than the tile itself.
  • Smooth surface. outer surface tiles are covered with glaze so that it is less porous, does not absorb moisture and shines beautifully. So when you try to make a hole in tiled wall, the drill bit will slip, which may damage the tile.
  • Fragility. Despite the high hardness, it is quite easy to damage the tile during drilling. Especially if the glue was distributed unevenly during the laying process and there are air cavities under the tile. When hit in such an air pocket, the drill will almost certainly crack the tile.

Not knowing how to drill a tile correctly, you can make a lot of annoying oversights that will lead to the need to replace one or more tiles, increase repair costs, and simply shake the master's nerves.

Tool selection

To make in a tiled wall, a hole will be required quality tool. You can rent what you need, borrow it from friends or buy it, because it will come in handy many more times during the repair process. One way or another, you need to get a good drill and hammer. They must meet the following requirements:

  1. The drill must support various modes drilling, be able to work at low speeds, sufficient power. Pay attention to battery models that are easy to use due to their low weight, they are not “tied” to a power outlet.
  2. It is undesirable to process a tile with a perforator, since this percussion instrument creates vibration that can lead to cracks in the tile surface. It is useful for drilling the wall under the tiles.
  3. The master must be able to control the pressing force and the speed of rotation of the drill. It is advisable to start work with low speed, gradually bringing the rotation to 200 rpm.

Worth paying attention! A little trick: if an old hand drill is lying around, do not rush to get rid of it, because hand tool ideal for drilling tiles, since it is driven by muscles, and therefore does not vibrate.

Choice of drill and drill

You need to take care of buying a special drill and drill suitable for working with tiles. They need to be very hard and sharp, usually professional finishers use:

Very important! The diameter of the drill is selected according to the size of the dowel, and the diameter of the drill for the perforator should be a few mm smaller so as not to touch the edge of the tile during operation, otherwise the vibration will damage it.

The purchase of a low-quality, unsuitable drill is a dubious savings that can come back to haunt you with chips, cracks and much higher costs.

Tile drilling technique

In addition to a power tool, to drill a hole, you will need building level, masking tape, marker, tape measure or ruler. Having prepared everything you need, follow the steps in the following order:

Be careful! The drill should not overheat during operation, the smoke that appears is a sure sign that it is necessary to stop and cool it.

Large diameter holes

Sometimes it becomes necessary to drill a large hole in the tile. For example, to mount a socket or connect plumbing. To accomplish this task, use other nozzles:

If you have planned in advance the places for mounting sockets and connecting communications, it is easier to drill the tiles before laying them on the wall, as they say, on the shore. Since it is more difficult to work with holes of a large diameter.

Knowing how to drill tile into a wall won't be intimidated by a request to hang a mirror or a shelf in the bathroom. After all main secret success - a quality tool, accuracy and consistency!

Video instruction

The repair process in the apartment includes a lot of work related to creating holes in the walls: a tool can be used for this various designs and power. Many craftsmen and those who are going to do the repair themselves want to know how to drill through a concrete wall with a conventional drill and whether it is even possible. For such work, a puncher is usually used, but it is not always suitable for this, moreover, if the tool has to be bought, then its cost is much higher than that of a drill.

Features of choosing a tool

In most cases, it is better to use a hammer drill: it has increased power, is designed for punching hard surfaces, and allows you to make large holes in diameter. The use of the tool is inappropriate in the following cases:

  • the need to drill a wall to a depth of 10-12 mm;
  • working with, which crumbles when processed with a perforator;
  • in the work it is required to make no more than 10-15 holes.

Before drilling a wall, it is important to choose the drill itself: it should not be unstressed, since this variety is ineffective when drilling concrete, the nozzle and cartridge become unusable almost immediately. The nozzles themselves must be victorious, designed for concrete work, the tip - with a hard-alloy coating.

In some cases good decision there will be a purchase of a perforator drill: the device is more expensive than the classic model, but it has increased power that can be adjusted.

What nozzles to choose?

Before drilling a hole in a concrete wall, you need to select a nozzle of the appropriate design. The following types are used for work:

  1. Tooth crowns impact type, designed for drilling. When working with concrete, it is recommended to use varieties from the teeth of a separate soldering, made from the most durable metal alloys. Many hole saws are equipped with SDS tails for installation in drills with keyless chucks. Drills are well suited for concrete walls, however, upon contact with metal, they can begin to collapse, so before drilling reinforced concrete wall, it is required to check that there are no reinforcements used for reinforcement in the place of work.
  2. Diamond crowns, which are designed for non-impact drilling of holes. Such nozzles are more modern, with their help it is easier to make a hole in a concrete wall. The edge of the crowns has an abrasive structure and special cutouts; during production, it is processed by spraying diamond grit or corundum. Before you make a hole in the wall, you just need to choose the right length of the nozzle: in everyday life, varieties with a diameter of up to 100-120 mm are used, in professional work larger crowns are used. Distinctive feature is the possibility of drilling without the risk of damaging the fixture with fittings.
  3. KS-crowns, which have a cutting edge with crystalline diamond particles. Such nozzles are used for most solid walls, including drilling with them. concrete plates, external walls and stone structures.

Before drilling or a partition, you need to make sure that during the work the wires or cables will not be touched, if any are laid inside.

How to drill concrete with a drill?

Typically, such work is performed in the following cases:

  • rough finishing of premises;
  • installation of built-in furniture and appliances;
  • installation of wiring and plumbing, when communications need to be concreted.

When using a pobedite nozzle in the course of work, it is required from time to time to use a metal punch, which is selected according to the size of the hole being formed. Such a tool allows the drill not to jam when the drill is deeply immersed: the punch is placed in concrete and deepened by hammer blows to make a hole in the wall, destroying the seal.

This process is quite long, the use of diamond crowns can serve as an alternative: a drill equipped with such nozzles will not get stuck in concrete.

Action algorithm:

  1. Before drilling a hole in the wall, you need to install desired nozzle, after making sure that the tool and the integrity of the drill are in good condition.
  2. Drilling concrete is required carefully; when using low-power equipment, the duration of continuous operation of the drill should not be more than 10-12 minutes. If drilling is delayed in time, you need to take breaks so that the motor of the device cools down.
  3. After it became clear to drill a concrete wall, in addition it is worth considering that for each new hole it is required to process the nozzle. You can moisten the surface with water to facilitate the procedure and save the metal from deformation.

The whole process of work can be seen on the video:

If you encounter a stuck drill, you can not remove it by force: this leads to breakage of the fixture, as a result of which the tip will remain in the concrete. The nozzle needs to be disconnected, select a crown of reduced diameter and use it to pull out the stuck element.

Before you decide how to drill concrete walls and start work, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • if the hole diameter exceeds 12 mm and the depth is 10-11 cm, it is better to use a hammer drill or a hybrid device (hammer drill);
  • if holes are made for plastic dowels, the depth should be 7-10 mm larger than the size of the fastener, since concrete dust and small particles of stone remain inside;
  • it is recommended to start work at low speeds so that the nozzle does not move due to increased torque, and the impact mode is turned on when the drill goes 2-4 mm deep;
  • the dust that appeared during the drilling process can be removed with a vacuum cleaner, it is advisable to do this in the process, periodically stopping the drill and cleaning the hole from concrete particles;
  • it is imperative to observe safety precautions during work: it is required to wear gloves to eliminate the risk of slipping of the handle and goggles so that the crumb does not get into the eyes and does not damage the mucous membrane.

In most cases, a concrete wall is drilled with a hammer drill, without a drill. If, as part of the repair, you need to make no more than 15-20 holes or the wall is made of foam concrete, using a drill is the best choice that will save time and money.

Before punching a hole, you need to make sure that there is no wiring in this place, and check whether the nozzle is suitable for such work (the duration and efficiency of work depends on which drill the drill is equipped with). When deciding how to drill a wall, you should pay attention to victorious crowns: with such a drill, using a drill, you can easily punch a hole up to 10-12 cm deep.

In the process of renovation in the kitchen, bathroom, bathroom and other utility rooms often the question arises of how to drill a hole in a tile. Of course, this must be done in such a way that it does not burst and does not lose its external attractiveness.

At first glance, it may seem that everything is simple, but it is not so at all. Tiles are quite slippery and brittle, so if you're not a professional builder, drilling tiles can be a real challenge. So how to drill a tile without loss?

In fact, everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first. You just need to listen to some tips:

  • First of all, choose right tool. It should fit comfortably in your hand. You need to hold it firmly and confidently.
  • The working speed of the selected tool should not exceed 1000, and even better 800 rpm.
  • Hold the drill or screwdriver in one position, do not push or change the angle of inclination. This can lead to the appearance of a "cobweb".
  • If you need to drill a hole at the junction of two tiles, use an extremely thin drill, even if it is not "tiled", but in concrete.
  • If possible, retreat at least 1.5 cm from the edge of the tile, the corners and edges of the tile are very fragile.
  • It is best to drill holes before laying tiles on the wall. Soak the material in water for at least 40 minutes. So the tile will become more viscous, and there will be no cracks.
  • If you don't know how to drill through a tile so it doesn't crack and you've never done it, it's best to practice on the bits you don't need beforehand. So you can feel the tool and understand how hard you need to press on the drill.

Choosing a tool

So, how to drill First you need to choose the drill itself. The model should not be either high-speed or shock, because you need to work with very fragile material.

Suitable for tiling:

  • ordinary electric drill, turned on at the lowest speed;
  • low-speed screwdriver connected to a power outlet;
  • cordless screwdriver with a rotation speed of not more than 800 rpm;
  • hand drill.

Some details of work

To understand how to drill a tile, you need to consider some subtleties:

  • In no case do not allow the drill or the tile itself to overheat, otherwise the entire upper layer covered with a "cobweb" and the material will crack.
  • To cool the work surface, regularly wet the drilling site with cold water.
  • Try to correctly determine the force of pressure. If you press too lightly on the drill, the hole will not work. If squeezed, the tile will crack.
  • When in a tile, never use the reverse mode. Only slow clockwise rotation of the drill is allowed.
  • Be especially careful at the joints. There is no tile protective coating and crumbles easily.

Choosing drills

The science of how to drill a hole in a tile is not too complicated, but it has its own peculiarities. For example, the right drill.

If you are even slightly familiar with construction work, then you know that drills are different: for wood, concrete, metal, and so on. So "tiled" drills have their own characteristics. The process here is based on the friction of abrasives. So for drilling tile or porcelain tiles, you will need a Pobedite or diamond drill. Most often they are in the form of a crown or an arrowhead.

If you are not too tight on funds, then it is better to give preference to diamond-coated consumables. They are, of course, more expensive, but they do better with ceramics. Pobedite spear drills are also designed to work with tiles. Due to the shape of the tip and the special angle of the cutting edge, the contact surface is significantly reduced. You will have to make less effort, which means that the tile will not crack.

Drilling all the way

  • Before drilling into the tile, seal the intended work area with several layers. This will prevent the tool from slipping and slightly strengthen the edges of the potential hole. You can also use electrical tape or regular medical plaster.
  • Mark with a bright marker.
  • Insert a special "tiled" drill and install on drills smallest number revolutions.
  • If the device has an impact mode, be sure to turn it off. Failure to comply with this condition will necessarily lead to a split of the tile.

In cases where it is necessary to drill a deep hole in the wall along with the tile, the work is carried out in two stages. First drill the tile itself. Then they change the drill to a thinner one and continue to “gnaw” the wall itself to the desired depth. This is done in order not to damage the fragile edges of the tile during the drilling of concrete.

How to make a large hole

And or a tile, if you need to start a pipe or insert a socket? For such work, there are also special devices:

  • circular drill - "ballerina";
  • crown with abrasive edge.

The ideal option in this case is a special diamond-coated bit on the cutting edge. It is quite expensive, and if you are not a professional builder, it does not make much sense to buy one. In order to make just a few holes, more a budget option- crown with victorious teeth. This consumable has several disadvantages:

  • one piece is enough to drill about 20 holes, after which the fixture can be safely thrown away;
  • no matter how carefully you try to act, the edges of the hole will never be perfectly even, they will definitely remain chipped.

There are also advantages to the victorious crown:

  • low cost;
  • there are many diameter options, up to 15 cm.

There is another option, how to drill a tile, if you need to cut a hole of a significant diameter. This is the so-called ballerina drill. It is a construction in the form of a spear, in the tail section of which there is a special bracket. Another one is inserted into the latter - a “tiled” drill. If you have ever seen a compass, you will easily understand what's what. Such a device is inexpensive and quite suitable for home work. However, there is a slight nuance here. To work with tiles, try to choose such a “ballerina”, the central drill of which has the shape of a hexagon, and not a spear. This design is more stable.

Drilling tiles with a drill bit

  • Determine the location of the future hole and seal the surface with masking tape.
  • If you are not too confident in your abilities, you can make a plywood stencil and press it firmly against the wall in the right place.
  • Install the hole saw of the required diameter and start drilling at the lowest possible speed.
  • Try to keep the tool perpendicular to the wall. So the crown can evenly “bite” into the tile along the entire circumference of the cut.
  • If you are using a diamond-tipped bit, the RPM can be slightly increased. And to avoid excessive heating of the surface, pour water over it while drilling.

The "wet" method of drilling is generally much more preferable. Especially if the tile has a glossy glass coating. In this case, any drill will last much longer, and the risk of overheating and splitting the tile is minimized.

Working as a ballerina

In order to use the ballerina drill, you need to correctly set the dimensions. Please note that between the side and central drills, you need to set not the diameter, but the radius of the future hole.

Set the main hex drill to the center and start work at low speed. Try to hold the drill firmly and evenly, otherwise it will come off and you will not be able to achieve the desired result. One of the advantages of the "ballerina" is that it can be used to drill a hole with a diameter much larger than 15 cm. But a larger crown simply does not exist.


At the end of our conversation, let's remember once again how to drill a tile so that it does not crack and spoil the impression of a brand new repair:

  • Be sure to wet the work area with water, for example, from a spray bottle. This way you can avoid overheating.
  • Try not to place holes along the edge of the tile, this creates an additional burden.
  • If you need to get deep holes, change the drill to a thinner one after you have gone through the thickness of the tile. This will protect the edges of the hole from damage.
  • When drilling, be sure to use only low speed and do not push the drill too hard.
  • Try to use only special drills for work. Believe me, they are much cheaper than replacing a cracked tile.

Imagine that you are faced with the task of hanging a toilet paper holder. The toilet is tiled, which greatly complicates the task. What to do to carefully drill a hole and not split the tile? I will show you how to do it simply, and even conventional drill on concrete.
Of course the toilet paper holder is just an example. With this method, you can hang anything: a shelf, a mirror, a towel holder, etc.

How to drill a hole in ceramic tiles with a regular drill

Without a doubt, if you have a special drill for glass and tiles, then of course it is better to drill with it. I do not have such a tool, in view of the fact that I do not often do repair work. Housekeeping history.
Therefore, all I have is a set of drill bits for concrete.
So let's get started. We try on the place where there will be a holder for further installation. We glue pieces of electrical tape or masking tape to the drilling sites.

Now we mark the exact places for drilling. All I need to do is four holes.

We do everything exactly.

Sticker tape is not only for marking. It prevents the spread of microcracks during drilling and protects the tile from breaking.

Now the most important operation. We take a drill for concrete and put it on the mark. With light blows of the hammer, we begin to hit the drill, periodically turning the drill with our hand. The time for one hole is approximately one minute. As a result, a small groove should appear in the tile.

You need to do everything carefully, without haste. As a result, we perform actions for all four holes.

The tape can now be removed. We take a screwdriver and clamp the drill in the chuck.

At low speeds, we drill a hole in both the tile and the wall to the desired depth.

Install plastic dowels.

For all four holes.

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