How to open a profitable dumpling shop. All about opening a dumpling shop at home: features of the production of homemade dumplings

Landscaping and planning 16.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Pelmeni production as a business: where to start, profitability, reviews. Today, these questions are of interest to many.

Key benefits

Like all other business areas, the production of dumplings has its advantages and disadvantages. Briefly about the first:

  1. Lack of seasonality - they are equally in demand at any time of the year.
  2. High business payback - with proper planning, it turns out to recapture all costs after 3 months of work.
  3. Undemanding to investments - on initial stage a fairly modest amount is required.
  4. Undemanding to hire staff, at least at the initial stage. Also, you do not have to buy expensive equipment, rent a workshop or office.
  5. Availability of ingredients and ease of manufacture.
  6. Good prospects for small businesses.

Among the disadvantages include high competition. This is especially true for major cities. The only alternative is to increase the quality of the molded dumplings. Save on meat or spices in this case is a path to failure.

Beginning of work

So where to start? Any business production requires a certain amount of time to prepare. In the case of the dumpling business, it usually takes about 2 months to resolve a number of organizational and related issues.

At the first stage, analyze the market and collect as much information as possible about the activities of competitors. Necessary step is to analyze the niche in your city.

The first step is to register a business. Only this often takes a lot of time, up to 2 weeks, and the associated expenses can reach 10 thousand rubles.

Finally, if we are talking about large-scale production, you will need to find a room for which you need to obtain permits from the SES.

At the final stages, personnel are hired, raw materials are purchased, contracts are concluded with suppliers and buyers.


If you plan to sell ready-made dumplings only to relatives, friends and colleagues at the initial stage, you can do without legal registration. However, in this case, it makes no sense to count on a large income - the clientele will be too limited.

In addition to opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you will need to collect a number of permits from various organizations. Among them are papers from Rospotrebnadzor and the conclusion of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. To obtain the latter, you will have to provide the exact recipe.

If at some point you move to work in separate room or even a workshop, you will have to take care of permission from the fire inspectorate. Also, the building must comply with all necessary requirements and specifications. The product must be labeled with the name and brief description.

In the case of hiring additional personnel, each person must have a sanitary book, which will have to be updated periodically. otherwise, there is a risk of receiving a very large fine.

Making dumplings as a business

Today, the market presents the products of many manufacturers, but at the same time, finding a niche for yourself is quite simple - everything here depends only on the quality of the products.

The business idea itself gained popularity in our country only a few years ago. In a short period, she was able to take one of the leading positions among other areas entrepreneurial activity.

Two options

In this business, there are two main options for doing business: creating a small workshop and working from home.

Let's look at both in detail.

Workshop work

For this option, you will need to find and rent a room. Small in area, but sufficient for the free movement of equipment and workers. According to experts, at first you can get by with a room of 50 square meters.

The main requirement: the availability of water, lighting and good ventilation. Walls and floors should be finished with easy-to-clean materials, such as glossy tiles. It is equally important to bring the room in line with all sanitary standards.

The main machine will be a special machine for the formation of dumplings. When choosing a specific model, you should pay attention to the list of device features. Be sure to have several interchangeable frames for different product forms in the kit. In addition to it, you will need the following devices:

  • Flour sifter - it is used to purify flour from all extraneous slightest impurities. In parallel, the device helps to saturate it with oxygen. in demand desktop options, which are actively used at the initial stages of business development.
  • The so-called complex for making dough - there are two main varieties on the market: floor (they are more popular) and desktop. Preference should be given to those that are able to knead as steep a dough as possible.
  • Meat grinders - grinding all the main components of minced meat. It is important that the device can work constantly, without interruption. It is worth paying attention to the presence of a reverse, which will help to avoid the need for cleaning films and cores, although this is a matter of personal preference.
  • Mixers - with the help of such devices, high-quality mixing of minced meat is carried out. Of the main options, floor and desktop options. They are set in motion manually or connected to the power supply. It is better to give preference to the latter. It allows you to achieve the perfect consistency of minced meat for subsequent production.
  • Packaging devices - are divided into fully automatic and semi-automatic. Features of the device allow you to pre-program the production date and weight. Automatic devices make it possible to completely remove people at this stage of production. As practice shows, completely transparent packaging should be preferred, as it allows buyers to see the product in advance, but if you want, you can imagine more original version;
  • Refrigeration equipment for raw materials and finished products.

Before choosing one or another model, you should calculate the approximate production volume and potential sales level. For example, if we are talking about a relatively small workshop, then you should focus on a productivity of about 100-200 kilograms per hour.

Technological process line in this case will consist of the following steps:

  1. Test preparation.
  2. Minced meat preparation.
  3. Formation of finished products.
  4. Freeze.
  5. Packing.

Work at home

You can also make dumplings at home. The main thing is to constantly improve the production process and keep product quality at the highest level. the highest level. At the beginning of work, the products are distributed among acquaintances and friends, and then sales can be started to a wider range of customers. It is very important to build a reputation here. The notorious "word of mouth" will be a significant help.

Sculpting has many benefits. First of all, you do not need to rent a room. In addition, you do not have to hire employees, all the equipment can be found right in the kitchen. Most likely, you will not even need to open an IP. Unfortunately, it will be impossible to achieve large volumes and, accordingly, earnings by this method, but valuable experience can be gained.


As production expands and in the process of finding a new clientele, it is possible to move away from a fairly close community of friends and acquaintances. In this case, you can try to sell goods through social networks and special forums.

In the future, it makes sense to try to conclude a contract with networks of cafes, dumplings and restaurants - such semi-finished products are in great demand in them. Finally, through them you can reach larger buyers. Of course, all this is possible only if the quality of the dumplings is up to par.

Another development option is the delivery of ready-made hot meals. Dumplings, dumplings and khinkali have already established themselves in this market. Such lunches are well-deservedly popular at enterprises, markets and offices. Finally, you can offer products to small retail outlets.


On average, the cost of 1 kg of dumplings is about 70 rubles, while the price in stores is around 100 rubles. In this case, the profit will be 30 rubles per 1 kg. If we multiply this by the scale of about 800 kg of products and subtract all related costs, we get a net profit of about 250 thousand rubles a month.

The production of dumplings pays for itself in less than a year, which indicates high profitability. Alternatively, you can use chicken meat - this will reduce the cost.

As for home-based production, it all depends on the final price of the product. Most often, revenue is about 20%. In some cases, if the product has already managed to establish itself and there is a base of regular customers, the amount may increase up to 50%.

As for the costs of opening a workshop, the line alone will cost about 300 thousand rubles or even less. But it will be able to produce up to 650 kg of goods per day. However, more big business It will also require spending on advertising and wages for employees.

Video: secrets industrial production dumplings.

Business plan

As already mentioned, one of the components of the success of any enterprise is a well-written business plan that will allow you to assess the profitability of the enterprise. It includes all expenses. An example of the cost of raw materials per 800 kg of products:

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  • How much can you earn
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According to some data, every year the average Russian, including infants, vegetarians and residents countryside, traditionally eating homemade dumplings, eats about 2 kilograms of dumplings. Almost every city family buys dumplings at least once a month. The most active consumers of dumplings are pensioners and students. The first consume dumplings 3-4 times more than the average, the second - 5-6 times.

To be more precise, according to a survey conducted by SynovateRussia, almost 88% of Russians eat dumplings in Russia. The capacity of this market is about 70 billion rubles a year.

Due to the current high competition in this market, the entry for new players into the dumpling business is becoming more and more difficult from year to year. In the segment of the market for the production of dumplings, leading enterprises have already been formed that work with most food retail chains. To push them out of the market will require large investments, which will not always be justified.

But, there is another part of the “pelmeni market”, which may show significant growth in the near future. It's about points. Catering, the so-called dumplings. Any unconventional solution in this direction can be a very successful idea. For example, latest technology express preparation of dumplings on special equipment of the Pelmyash company and the sale of the product directly at the place of preparation - great idea to organize their own dumpling business.

How to start a dumpling business

The device for cooking dumplings VM-10-1, developed by Pelmyash, allows you to cook a portion of dumplings in just 2 minutes. The most interesting thing is that the equipment is very compact, occupies only 0.25 sq.m. and weighs 25 kg. A small catering point, in the style of "hot pies" or "hot dogs" can be placed anywhere: bus and railway stations, office buildings, buffets, service stations, bars, gas stations, mini-parks, educational establishments etc. That is, in any public places where people spend time.

Mobile counter "Pelmyash" - ideal for placement in enclosed spaces and in protected areas in the open air. Counter equipment fits all necessary requirements SanEpidnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor.

How much money do you need to organize your own dumpling business

The cost of organizing one point is 120 thousand rubles, in fact, this is the cost of one device for cooking dumplings VM-10-1. The package includes everything you need to open an express dumpling shop (a fully equipped module):

  • Connectors for power supply connection;
  • External electrical panel for installing an electric meter;
  • Two built-in freezers for storing frozen semi-finished products;
  • Built-in cash drawer with lock;
  • Built-in washbasin with electric water supply;
  • Autonomous water supply system (two containers of 20 liters each).

How much can you earn on dumpling products

The average cost of one serving of dumplings, including delivery and disposable tableware- 55 - 60 rubles, recommended retail price - from 95 to 125 rubles. for 1 serving depending on the name. The device can sell dumplings, khinkali, manti and dumplings.

The number of sales of express dumplings directly depends on the patency of the outlet. On average, one point located near the university can sell 70-100 portions per day. Revenue, with an average retail price of 100 rubles per serving, will be from 7 to 10 thousand rubles per day. Per month, taking into account 22 working days (on average) and minus the cost of ingredients and utensils, the income from one outlet will be from 77 to 110 thousand rubles.

Subtract from this amount: the cost of wages personnel (2 people) ~ 30 thousand rubles, insurance deductions ~ 10 thousand rubles, rent ~ 5 thousand rubles, transportation costs ~ 7 thousand rubles, tax (UTII) ~ 5 thousand rubles. and other expenses ~ 8 thousand rubles. The profit of the entrepreneur, in this case, will be from 12 to 45 thousand rubles from one outlet. Accordingly, the income from five outlets will be from 60 to 225 thousand rubles.

How to start a business - express dumplings

Before you open an express dumpling shop, you must go through the registration procedures as individual entrepreneur or legal entity. The first option is the most preferable, since it requires less financial costs and takes the minimum amount of time. After that, you need to purchase equipment.

The best thing suitable device brand "VM-10-1" for making dumplings. This equipment is distinguished by its compactness and allows you to open a small outlet, following the example of "hot pies" or "hot dogs". Rent a marketplace. There is no need to build or buy a structure, since the device occupies 0.25 square meters and weighs 25 kg, which allows it to be installed anywhere. Such equipment fully complies with the requirements of the sanitary station and Rospotrebnadzor.

How much can you earn

Daily income from one shopping facility depends on the number of visitors. Consider the example of placement near the university. The daily sale of one express dumpling will be from 70 to 100 servings. The cost of one serving is 100 rubles. Daily revenue 7 - 10 thousand rubles.

Monthly income will be from 154 to 220 thousand rubles with 22 day work during the month. From this amount we subtract the cost of dishes, the purchase of an ingredient, rent trading platform, transportation costs, staff salaries, etc. As a result, one outlet brings in a month an income of 12 - 45 thousand rubles.

How much money do you need to start a business

It takes 120,000 rubles to open one express dumpling shop. For the most part, these are the costs of purchasing a device for making dumplings. You will also need to spend cash on the:

  • registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  • purchase of a device for making dumplings;
  • employee salaries;
  • insurance premiums;
  • rent;
  • fare;
  • the cost of purchasing the necessary ingredients for making dumplings;
  • purchase of disposable tableware;
  • additional expenses.

The production and sale of semi-finished products is one of the most promising directions catering business. High interest of the consumer audience, relevance market demand, low cost and other factors provide this area with high profitability. To open a dumpling shop, you need to purchase expensive equipment, come up with a strategy to promote your business and hire qualified personnel. A business plan for such a production should include many different aspects. It is necessary to create financial and organizational model future company in order to be able to identify all possible negative factors. Below, we propose to talk about how to open a dumpling shop from scratch and determine the required level of investment to enter the market.

Catering with national flavor is a great idea to start your own business

Organizational moments

To date, there are several basic methods for implementing the business project under consideration. The first method is the organization of our own production workshop, with the aim of manufacturing semi-finished products, for subsequent sale to small grocery stores. The organization of this enterprise requires much less effort compared to opening your own catering point. It should also be said that this direction brings less profit in comparison with its own dumplings.

If you want to get an increased financial return from the business, it is recommended to consider the option of opening your own outlet.

The second method is to create your own dumplings, where dishes made from your own preparations will be offered. It should be noted that high-quality dumplings are an excellent competitor to outlets selling hot dogs and hamburgers. In the case of this method of organizing your own business, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the quality of the proposed range and the development pricing policy. Increased demand public catering points with a low cost of dishes are used among the population.

At the stage of drawing up a business plan, it is very important to choose The right way production of blanks. Choice of option hand made semi-finished products is appropriate when organizing a point in a residential area. When a cafe is located in an area with high traffic, it is best to purchase an automatic production line.

Calculation of initial investment

How much money do you need to open a dumpling shop? This issue is highly relevant at the stage of implementing a business idea. Opening a dumpling shop allows an entrepreneur to set a margin on semi-finished products several times higher than the cost of production. As a rule, the price of an average check in small cafes is about four hundred rubles. The profit level of an entrepreneur depends on the number of visitors. It is important to note that when organizing own production, the entrepreneur gets the opportunity to sell the goods not only through his own cafe, but also small shops.

Approximate investment in this business is three million rubles. This amount will be enough to open a small restaurant, where the main menu will consist of various kinds dumplings and dumplings. It should be noted separately that if you want to sell alcoholic drinks, the entrepreneur will need to obtain an appropriate license, which will significantly increase the cost item. To open a middle-class institution, capital in the amount of 7 million rubles is required.

Opening a dumpling shop in a metropolis or in small town has its own nuances and features that must be considered when drawing up a business plan

Registration moments and choice of point location

D to open own business, the entrepreneur should collect a solid amount of documents. First you need to contact the tax service, in order to register individual entrepreneurship. At the second stage, you should obtain a permit (license) to conduct activities in the field of catering. One of important steps is the acquisition and registration of cash registers.

The next step is to interact with the fire inspectorate and sanitary control authorities. Cafe owners need to familiarize themselves with all the requirements of these institutions in relation to premises used both for cooking and as a hall where food will be served. According to established rules, manufacturing facility must be equipped with heaters. You will also need to carry out all engineering communications and a separate water supply. You can start the workshop only after the inspection by representatives of the above services.

In order to get regular customers, it is necessary to approach the issue of interior design with due attention. The use of beautiful tableware, the installation of durable and practical furniture and unobtrusive design will help attract visitors. The use of disposable plastic plates can only scare away customers, which will affect the amount of income. A special role in this issue is assigned lighting fixtures. Dim light in the room can cause customer dissatisfaction, which will affect the "passability" of the point.

Pelmennaya is a catering establishment that is an alternative to modern fast food. In Soviet times, there were quite a lot of such eateries in all cities. Dumplings - a traditional dish Russian cuisine, which has not lost its popularity for many centuries. Today profitable business is the manufacture of frozen semi-finished products, according to representatives trade enterprises, they almost never lie down and are invariably used in high demand. Moreover, buyers often prefer quality products. handmade despite its higher cost.

Market trends

There are not too many eateries like dumplings today, and people are starting to get tired of various foreign types of fast food. 'Cause dumpling like business can get enough profitable direction for an individual entrepreneur. Hot dumplings with various fillings and sauces, served in an attractive setting, can seriously compete with french fries, various hamburgers or shawarma. It is important to think through all the details before opening a dumpling, a business plan should include the following items:

  • selection and preparation of premises;
  • registration of necessary documents;
  • marketing strategy;
  • organization of supply;
  • production (automated line or manual work);
  • menu development and preparation of technological maps for each dish;
  • selection and organization of work of personnel;
  • economic justification.

Step 1: Selecting and preparing a room

For any catering establishment, especially snack bars, it is important to choose the right room. It should be located in a place with high traffic: near the metro, shopping centers, markets, parks, entertainment complexes etc. All engineering communications necessary for the operation of the enterprise must be present in the room, these are: gas, water, electricity of sufficient capacity, ventilation, sewerage, etc. Catering establishments are subject to increased requirements in terms of fire and sanitary safety, so the premises must be able to provide all the necessary conditions for this.

Another important point is the development and design of an attractive interior space. It is worth choosing it already taking into account the fact that it will house a snack bar. For example, rooms without windows will not be suitable for these purposes, and the intricate layout will not allow you to comfortably arrange tables for visitors. It is appropriate to use national motifs in the design, and the interior itself must correspond to the corporate identity of the brand, which will be developed within the framework of marketing strategy. Another important point is the creation of a comfortable microclimate in the room, for which it may be necessary to improve the heating and air conditioning systems.

Step 2: Paperwork

Pelmennaya as a business must have all the registration and permits required for catering establishments. At the stage of registration of IP, it is important to provide OKVED codes not only to organize a diner, but also to sell convenience foods in case your dumplings become popular and you decide to expand the scope of the business. Depending on the supply scheme, the cost of rent and other factors, it is necessary to select and issue the appropriate taxation system, as well as register cash register(if necessary). In addition, you will need to obtain permission from the SES, ATC and fire authorities. The dumpling menu will also need to be approved by the SES.

Important! After receiving all permits and concluding a lease or sale of premises, you will need to receive a positive response to the request to open a catering establishment from the city council.

Step 3: Marketing Strategy

Perhaps the most important moment when opening a dumplings is the preparation and implementation of a competent marketing strategy. It should include:

  • name development trademark, logo and corporate identity;
  • development and order of a sign;
  • development of uniforms for service personnel in accordance with the corporate identity;
  • organization of an advertising company with the help of the media, outdoor advertising, organization of promotional events, etc.

Step 4: Sourcing, menu design and production

Before you open a dumplings business plan, you need to include raw material supply channels up to the indication of specific suppliers. For your potential visitors, of course, those products will be more attractive, which will be based on natural products from private farms. However, the important point here is that your supplier has the appropriate permits and conclusions of regulatory authorities on the food safety of his products. Supply should be regular and continuous, ideally with minimal logistics costs.

The production of dumplings can be carried out manually or using an automatic line. Equipment for the latter will include:

  • flour sifter;
  • mixer;
  • sculpting machine;
  • meat grinders;
  • meat mixer;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • crockery and kitchen utensils.

Imported equipment (Chinese, Italian) will cost about 5-10 thousand dollars on average, domestic or Ukrainian cars will cost half as much. Most a budget option automatic line will cost at least 200 thousand rubles. If you plan to make dumplings by hand, then you will need to hire additional staff (based on daily production volumes). And, nevertheless, it will be necessary to purchase meat grinders, a flour sifter, a dough mixer, which will make it easier for people to work.

Depending on the flow of visitors you are counting on and how you will position the establishment, you will need to create an appropriate menu. For a small diner in a crowded place, it may consist of several options for dumplings (with minced pork, beef, chicken and fish), dumplings (with potatoes and mushrooms, with meat, with cottage cheese, with cherries, etc.), sauces for them , several salads, tea and. For a more serious institution, you can add several first and second courses, side dishes, pastries and drinks (juice, compote, fruit drink, etc.) to the menu.

Important! For each dish, make technological map, where the consumption of products per serving and the volume of the serving itself will be indicated. This is necessary to obtain permission from the SES, as well as to calculate the need for raw materials and prevent theft.


The need for staff will be determined by the density of the flow of customers, the features of the technology and the variety of the menu. If you sell several types of dumplings with a couple of salads and sauces, then you will not need a highly qualified chef. At the same time, a more varied menu provides for the hiring of several specialists with relevant education and experience.

The minimum need for a dumpling business as a staffing business is as follows:

  • people making dumplings - 2-5 people;
  • cook - 1-2 people;
  • waiters - 1-2 people;
  • person involved in cleaning and washing dishes;
  • production manager and/or administrator;
  • accountant (his functions can be shared by the business owner and the production manager);
  • security guard.

Important! All employees who work with products and serve customers in the hall must have sanitary books and undergo regular medical examinations.

Economic justification

For those who are interested in the idea of ​​opening a dumpling shop, a business plan should be developed with an indication of the planned profitability. It should take into account all possible costs and plan the sales volume necessary to ensure a return on investment and then profitability. The calculation of expenses should include the following items:

  • capital investments for the purchase and / or repair of premises, the purchase of equipment, obtaining appropriate permits, etc.;
  • cost of raw materials;
  • regular expenses for utilities and maintenance of the diner (garbage removal, etc.);
  • security costs;
  • salaries to employees and payment for their medical examination;
  • rental of premises;
  • taxes;
  • advertising expenses;
  • other expenses.

The amount of certain costs will depend on the region (for example, rent in small town will cost 50 thousand rubles, and in a crowded place in a metropolis - from 1.5 million rubles or more), technology features and many other factors. According to experts, the profitability of dumplings can be 45% -50% or more. In order to protect yourself from possible errors It is worth opening such an institution, having behind you experience in catering. Or you can attract a qualified specialist at least at the stage of the initial organization of business processes.

The number of entrepreneurs who want to learn how to open a dumpling shop from scratch has increased significantly in last years. Increasing consumer interest in national cuisine and a good profitability of production encourage businessmen to closely study the prospects for this type of activity. Our article proposes to get acquainted with the main stages of creating a "dumpling business" and assess the degree of its profitability.

Like any modern business idea, organizing a dumpling has its advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits include: the popularity of dumplings among the population and a small number of competitors specializing in offering the product.

Cons look like this: large investments in production and significant payback periods of the institution.

Business planning and registration

Since opening a dumpling shop involves investing a fairly large sum of money, the preparation of a business plan must be given Special attention. It should describe in detail all the stages of creating an enterprise and its development, as well as specify the specific amounts of expected expenses and income.

Before starting an activity, you need to register with the MIFNS as an entrepreneur or organization. And then get work permits from the authorities of the SES and the fire inspection.

Choice of premises and equipment

When choosing a room for a cafe, you need to focus on two main points:

  • it must comply with the standards, SES and firefighters;
  • it should be easy to visit.

To fulfill the first requirement, you will have to select a room of a certain area (at least 50 square meters), with all the required communications and power supply of the required power.

From the point of view of attractiveness for customers, cafes are best located on the first floors of residential buildings or in separate buildings that stand out from the standard background. Geographically, it is desirable to place dumplings in areas of work or recreation for people. It would also be a good idea to open a dumpling cafe on a highway with a busy stream.

The choice of equipment depends on the planned volumes and the method of making dumplings. If the volumes are not very large or handmade products will be offered to visitors, the equipment may be limited: dough mixer, meat grinder, microwave oven and stove. For sculpting dumplings in large volumes, it is worth purchasing automatic apparatus. AT industrial premises must have a fridge and freezer.

Staff and menu

As in any business, employees in dumplings can be recruited in two ways:

  • inviting professionals is expensive, but effective from the first days.
  • Recruiting people without experience and training them for your specific work is cheaper, but takes more time.

The attendance of the institution and its payback largely depend on the variety and originality of the menu. Despite the narrow focus, the dumpling menu can be quite diverse. Offer your customers different dumpling dishes (plain, fried, soup), as well as their variations: manti, dumplings, ears, khinkali, etc. The dumpling menu should be supplemented with salads, drinks and desserts.

Business Profitability

The cost of opening a dumpling cafe depends on many facts: the planned volumes, the capacity of the equipment chosen for the location of the place, the number of employees, etc. An institution of medium level and size, located not in the most prestigious area, will cost a businessman 1.5-2 million rubles.

With small sales volumes and monthly revenue of 300-350 thousand rubles, the net profit of the institution at the initial stage will be about 60-80 thousand rubles.

It will take 2-3 months for the enterprise to reach maximum productivity and fullness of visitors. During these months, you need to intensively attract customers with advertising and original marketing activities: streamers and posters by the road, ads in printed publications, banners on the Internet, etc. With the right organization and calculation of the business, dumplings will become a stable and reliable source of income for many years to come.

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