The plastic zipper is tight. Repairing a zipper with no teeth

garden equipment 12.06.2019
garden equipment

Almost every person has at least one item with a zipper in their wardrobe. Compared with buttons or buttons, it is much more convenient. In addition, such fasteners are often used as a decor for clothes, since they look very stylish. A more expensive option is a metal “snake” in silver or gold. Often there is also a “tractor” plastic clasp. Unfortunately, it breaks down quite often. Let's try to figure it out: if the zipper on the jacket diverges - what to do, is it possible to fix it yourself?

Using pliers

The simplest and fast way solving the problem if the zipper on the jacket diverges:

  1. Lay out the product with the “snake” on a flat surface, straighten the sides of the fastener.
  2. Place one of its ends inside the slider and press with pliers.
  3. Now evaluate the result: try stretching the slider up and down.
  4. If the zipper is fastened, you can put on a thing and forget about a little trouble.
  5. If the lock diverges, place the slider in the pliers so that its outer and inner halves are inside the tool.
  6. Pull the pliers and slider a few more centimeters. The clasp will snap into place immediately.

Do-it-yourself repair of a zipper on a jacket with scissors

You can resort to it if an attempt to repair with pliers was unsuccessful. In this case, you will need scissors. Suppose the clasp is broken, and the slider is on one of the halves. In this case, proceed in this order:

  1. Pick up the second half of the castle.
  2. Find the lowest slider position you can.
  3. Using scissors, make a horizontal cut between the teeth.
  4. Put the slider over the incision and pull through.

Important! For greater effectiveness, glue the area around the incision with glue.

Screwdriver to help

This method can be used if the clasp is made of metal. So, if the lightning has broken, take a narrow screwdriver and stick it into the bosom of the slider.

The meaning of this manipulation is to slightly expand the device. After the hole has widened a little, insert the free half of the fastener into it, then fasten the slider with pliers. The lock should work almost like new.

Can the slider be rearranged?

In principle, it is possible, but this applies to things where it is not fundamentally important which way the lock opens (handbags, cosmetic bags, etc.). Repair of the “snake” in this case is extremely simple. Move the slider to opposite side, and sew the free ends together to prevent the slider from slipping.

If the “dog” is completely broken, do not waste time fixing it and get a new one in the sewing store. If you are unable to find the exact product, do the following:

  1. Unfold the restrictor.
  2. Insert slider.
  3. Rub the teeth of the lock with paraffin or a stearin candle.

All! You can use the lock.

How to fix a zipper on a jacket if the base of the castle is damaged?

This is one of the most common and easily repaired damage. Most often, the base of the castle fails in children's things, since children have not yet learned how to take care of clothes.

Apply any colorless glue to the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base and leave to dry completely. If necessary, repeat the manipulation again.

The zipper doesn't fasten well

This is not such a rare occurrence. The “dog” hardly slips through the lock, and additional difficulties arise with fastening and unfastening. How to fix the lock on the jacket in this case?

There are several ways to debug a zipper:

  • Lubricate the lock with lard along the entire length. This repair method is suitable for leather products. If the thing is made of textiles, greasy stains may appear on it.
  • Candle wax. The waxed clasp starts working normally.
  • Soft pencil lead. The use of graphite to lubricate the snake, as practice shows, is the most effective.

Care rules

These simple rules will help keep the zipper on long time, and questions on how to repair a zipper on a jacket will not arise:

  • If grains of sand get between the teeth, do not be too lazy to clean the lock with an old toothbrush.
  • If the zipper is plastic, be careful when ironing that the iron does not get on it. In this case, the hot iron can deform the teeth.
  • To keep the fastener longer, follow the rules for washing clothes. Wash the product inside out, with the zipper closed.

Solving the problem with lightning.

Today it is hard to imagine how we managed before without such a convenient and practical zipper, which has become an integral part of many items of our wardrobe. Clothing, bags, shoes - not the whole scope of such a useful invention. But what do you do if it breaks? This is what we will try to understand further.

Why the lightning lock diverges: reasons

The zipper is called differently:

  • "snake"
  • zipper
  • clasp

It is one of the types of fasteners, which is designed to quickly connect parts of clothing. Modern designers are developing new versions of zippers with improved latches to prevent possible breakdowns. However, a model that would never break, unfortunately, has not yet been created. And over time, most of the "snakes" begin to diverge.

In order to understand the causes of the trouble that happened, you need to understand how such a clasp is arranged and what is the principle of its operation. "Snake" consists of two textile tapes with links (cloves) attached to them. These links are located in checkerboard pattern and may be:

  • plastic
  • metal
  • kapron (flexible, on a thin fabric basis with spiral staples)

The teeth are connected to each other using a lock, which has different names:

  • slider
  • "dog"
  • slider
  • carriage

The principle of operation of such a fastener is as follows:

  • the slider slides along the tape, connecting the links together, like puzzles
  • each link is fixed by two links on the opposite side

Possible reasons why the teeth on the zipper do not connect:

  • the slider is unclenched and does not fit snugly to the braid
  • the shape of one of the elements is broken
  • runner has broken
  • the teeth on the clasp are broken or deformed
  • thread or fabric stuck in the clasp
  • dirt has accumulated between the links (often this problem happens with shoes)

How to unzip a zipper if it has come apart, what to do so that the lock does not diverge: tips

Sometimes on a zipper that has come apart, the slider gets stuck at the top or in the middle. What can be done in such a case?

The technology depends on the type of zipper.

Detachable (used on sweaters, jackets or other outerwear):

  • insert the lower ends of the fastener into the square retainer
  • take the dog by its base, not by its decorative keychain
  • pressing the slider to the links, smoothly and slowly, lead it down
  • Hold the clasp with your other hand
  • reaching the latch, carefully hook it with the slider
  • unzip

One-piece (sewn into jeans, skirts, trousers, bags, wallets):

  • release the tabs on the top of the clasp
  • smoothly slide the slider to the edge of the braid
  • try not to get the fabric between the teeth and the dog
  • remove the carriage from the zipper

Now check if the clasp can be repaired. For this:

  • manually connect the lower ends of the fastener
  • with the other hand, grasp the base of the slider
  • holding the lower end, slowly move the "dog" up the zipper
  • if during this action the links of the lightning did not connect, it must be replaced

In the event that adhesion between the links of the fastener does occur, there are chances to repair the zipper yourself. It happens that lightning diverges from above. Especially often this problem occurs with jeans or skirts.

In an emergency, this can help:

  • thread a rubber band or wire ring into the dog
  • fasten the "snake"
  • put an elastic band (ring) on ​​a button
  • thread the button through the buttonhole

In order for the zipper to serve you for a long time and not break, use it correctly:

  • do not pull the “dog” with all your strength and do not pull it back when fastening / unfastening
  • before fastening the zipper, straighten the sides of the product so that there are no stretched areas
  • in cases where the lock is too tight, lubricate it with a suitable product or rub the teeth with a graphite pencil
  • avoid putting too much pressure on the clasp (buy clothes that aren't too tight, don't carry too many things in your bag)
  • periodically clean the clasp from dirt with a brush
  • always zip up before washing and turn garment inside out
  • fold things in such a way that the zipper does not bend
  • when ironing clothes, avoid touching the fastener with a hot iron

How to quickly fix a metal zipper if it diverges or the slider has fallen off?

A metal zipper is considered the most reliable and durable, since its teeth (brass or nickel) are located on a fairly dense material and are connected to each other especially firmly.

However, it also has a number of disadvantages:

  • scratches fingers
  • runner often gets stuck
  • clings to fabric threads

In order to repair a broken clasp, you first need to determine the cause of the breakdown. In the case when the slider is to blame, do quick repair it is possible like this:

  • prepare thin pliers (pliers) or non-sharp tongs
  • carefully examine the slider to determine the location of the voids and partitions inside it
  • using pliers, carefully press both sides of the pawl against the links of the fastener
  • do it top and bottom
  • fasten the "snake"
  • squeeze the base of the slider slightly towards the center
  • do not overdo it, press lightly so as not to break the lock and not make it unnecessarily tight

Sometimes metal lightning begins to diverge due to the deformation of the links. On the initial stage fixing the situation is easy:

  • lay the item on a hard surface
  • lightly tap with a hammer along the entire length
  • do it with the outside and inside
  • go through this a few times

If the “snake” diverges in only one place, this means that the teeth are especially damaged in this area. You can fix it like this:

  • zip up the zipper
  • in the area where the links diverge, connect them with your hands
  • lightly pressing with pliers, align the problem teeth

In the event that the links are damaged or missing at the bottom of the "snake", you can do the following:

  • on one-piece - make a few stitches over the missing teeth. In this case, the fastener will only open up to this sewn section. Check if this length will be enough for you for comfortable use.
  • on a detachable one - change the lower limiter on which the slider rests. To do this, remove it, helping yourself with pliers. Replace it with a limiter that is larger. It will close the hole from the missing link.

Sometimes a dog flies off the zipper, and it becomes impossible to use the thing. This problem is also fixable.

When the slider flew off completely:

  • slightly support the seam with which the fastener is sewn to the product
  • pull out the ends on one side
  • using tweezers, an awl or small scissors, open the stoppers at the top or bottom of the zipper (where it is more convenient) and remove them from the fabric base
  • thread the ends of the ribbon inside the slider
  • move it a little along the zipper
  • put the fasteners back in place

When the slider flew off only on one side:

  • from the edge that is not attached to the braid, slightly open the slider with tongs to increase the gap between its walls
  • put it down
  • carefully thread the teeth of the fastener into the slider
  • make sure that they are evenly spaced, without tension and bends
  • lightly press the edges of the slider
  • in the case when it is impossible to unclench the walls of the "dog":
  • remove the stopper on one side of the clasp
  • put on a doggy
  • put the limiter back

In the event that the slider is broken and cannot be replaced, it must be replaced. When buying a new one, please note that its shape and size must match the configuration of the fastener. On the reverse side of the "dog" are the dimensions in millimeters. If the lock is lost, then it is better to take the zipper with you to the store to avoid the wrong purchase.

Please note that it will be much easier to insert the slider onto the “snake” if you pre-lubricate it:

  • vegetable oil
  • paraffin candles
  • unsalted lard
  • toilet soap

Use literally a drop of the selected product so as not to clog the slider and links, and also not to stain the product.

How to quickly fix a plastic zipper if it diverges or the slider has fallen off?

Manufacturers most often use for their products a zipper made of plastic, which is sometimes called "tractor". It is not as strong as metal, but it has, in comparison with it, a number of advantages:

  • does not cling
  • easier to fasten
  • weighs less
  • has a variety of colors

However, the disadvantages of a plastic fastener are that it breaks faster and the slider “flies” from it more often.

When the plastic zipper has just started to come apart, do the following:

  • unfasten the clasp
  • treat the cloves with a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution of rosin
  • let dry for several hours

If this method did not help to correct the situation, then the slider is most likely damaged. It is unlikely that it will be possible to press it with pliers, since the plastic can simply burst. Therefore, the best way out is to replace the "dog". This is done in the same way as in the case of a metal lightning, taking into account some points:

  • latches that are removed from the clasp to replace the "dog", simply glue to the original place
  • in cases where this cannot be done, make a few stitches in place of the limiters with threads of a suitable color, which will hold the slider
  • if the base on a one-piece zipper is damaged, lubricate this place with a colorless varnish and let it dry completely
  • in the case when several teeth fell out on the nylon “snake” or they are badly damaged, sew this area with fishing line, winding the turns
  • it is usually not possible to insert a "dog" into thin nylon zippers, since it is too small. Therefore, it is better to take clothes with such locks to the studio, where you can easily replace the fastener with a new one.

In emergency cases, when there is no possibility of buying a new slider, and there is nothing to replace the thing on which the clasp has broken, you can try the following:

  • use a lighter to heat the slider
  • under the influence of heat, its walls will become a little softer
  • firmly squeeze the edges of the slider

However, it must be said that this method is not very reliable due to the risk of damaging the fabric of the thing or the zipper itself.

How to quickly fix a hidden zipper if it diverges or the slider has fallen off?

The hidden zipper is a relatively recent invention that is used for flowing and light fabrics or hidden pockets. It does not bulge the fabric on clothes and therefore is almost imperceptible to the eye. The main problem with this type of fastener is that the fabric often gets between the halves of the snake.

If a hidden zipper has broken or a slider has flown off it, then in most cases it, unfortunately, cannot be repaired. You can try the fixes above, but the best option- Sew on a new zipper.

Video: What to do with broken lightning?

How to grease a metal zipper on a jacket

How to fix a zipper with your own hands

Lightning has become an integral part of many things from our wardrobe. Thin and thick, long and short, with metal and plastic teeth.

We use zippers on clothes of all seasons. And how insulting it sometimes happens when at the wrong moment it breaks down. If the button came off, then you can simply sew it back in place and continue to wear the thing. How to fix lightning? Of course, you can take the spoiled thing to the studio. If you want to leave the house in this outfit today, then you can try to fix it at home with your own hands.

How to fix a zipper that diverges with your own hands

If the zipper on things diverges after fastening it or does not want to fasten at all when the slider moves along it, then most likely the reason is that its slider is unclenched, so the runners on the slider do not fasten the zipper. This lightning can be repaired.

The slider can simply be clamped with pliers. Clamp lightly, from each edge of the slider, in the middle of the slider, where the tongue is attached, it is not necessary to clamp the slider.

If you squeeze the halves of the slider too hard, then it will not be able to move along the lightning at all.

If everything is done correctly, then the slider should begin to cope with the fastening of the zipper, and it will not diverge. Only the first time the slider will be a little harder to walk on the lightning, but it's not scary.

If, after all the efforts, it still diverges, then you can only fix the lightning by changing the slider altogether.

To do this, remove the limiters from the zipper by bending their spikes with an awl or a thick needle and remove the slider. When choosing a new slider, pay attention to its size, it is indicated on the slider itself. Put the new slider back on the zipper and insert the stops.

We fix the lightning if the teeth break out

If the teeth on the zipper break out, then it is not always possible to fix it. But still, you should try. If the teeth of a nylon or plastic zipper have broken out, then you can restore them with a thick fishing line. It is only necessary to fix the fishing line so that its ends do not interfere with the slider.

If the teeth on a metal zipper break out, then you can fix it by inserting teeth taken from the same old one in their place, if they fit. But this is quite difficult to do. Therefore, it may be necessary to take the product to the studio and change the zipper completely.

If the lightning slider walks tight

New items or items that have not been worn for a long time may have a tight runner. In order for the slider to move like clockwork, the zipper must be lubricated.

Some home craftsmen recommend lubricating the teeth by running a piece of lard over them. But this method can help when it comes to leather clothes or shoes. Grease stains may appear on products from other fabrics when the product is stored or used.

The lead of a soft pencil can serve as a universal lubricant for a zipper. Run the pencil a few times over the teeth, and then try to open and close it a few times.

You can also wax it stearin candle or soap on the inside, too effective way.

If the teeth of the lightning are uneven

Most often, on metal zippers, the teeth go out of “common order”, and this makes it difficult for the slider to move through the zipper. To set the prong at the correct level, lightly tap it with a hammer in the place where this prong is located. For prevention, you can walk with a hammer along the entire length of the zipper.

If the zipper opens on its own

Most often, it unzips itself on trousers after you sit down and stand up. Such a zipper should be repaired so as not to be in an uncomfortable situation. To do this, you need to take a paper clip, from which make a ring. Or take a ring from a keychain. Put this ring on the slider together with the tongue or on it. After you fasten the zipper, put this ring on the button of the trousers belt, and it will not unfasten itself.

In order not to face the problem of how to fix the zipper with your own hands, you need to use it correctly. Here are some tips to make it last longer:

  • For thick fabrics and shoes, a thicker and more secure zipper should be used.
  • Iron things with a plastic or nylon zipper sewn in so that the teeth do not melt with an iron.
  • Folding things with a zipper for storage should be done so that it does not bend.
  • If the tongue has fallen off the slider, it can be replaced with some small ring or paper clip. If, when unfastening, you pinch the slider with your fingers, then over time you can damage it.
  • If the slider flies off after fastening, then you need to thicken the limiters at its end. To do this, put the slider back on, take the threads to match the lightning and make a few turns in place of the limiters.

The metal zipper sticks. What can be done?

To make the lightning immediately become obedient, rub it with a pencil.

If a candle and soap do not help, then we expand the dog with a zipper with nail scissors to make it freer. We pass through the lightning several times and if everything closes normally, we flatten again with pliers. Strongly do not flatten back, otherwise the zipper teeth will not fit into the lock dog

Earlier, in childhood, there was such a problem very often, after haste and not fastening correctly, the zipper began to stick, the problem was usually that the material wore out, the threads began to stick out. Mom usually solved the problem by smearing the lightning with a candle or soap.

In this case, since the school bench I have been using a proven method. First you need to carefully unzip the zipper, then start fastening it, and in the place where it sticks, carefully, but with force, squeeze it with pliers.

I remember having this problem often as a child. Then almost all lightning bolts were made of iron, they often jammed, stumbled and therefore broke. We got out of this situation as follows: we lubricated the lightning with a candle, after such a procedure it worked like new.

That's right, unbend and bend the dog, I would not advise, it can just break. You just need to gently lubricate with any oil, including sunflower oil, since it is always at hand. You just need to do this carefully with a pipette.

Lubricate with a candle or soap. I think it should help. As for me, this is the first aid to new and too old zippers. Try it - it should work. With soap or a candle like clockwork) Your lightning will be repaired!

if it just stops, grease it with what you were advised, and if it doesn’t close the links or diverges, replace the dog unambiguously.

The most popular old-fashioned option is to rub the zipper with a candle. To do this, first you need to unzip it and lightly walk along the entire length of the zipper. Then fasten and do the same thing, only buttoned up. You can also try a bar of soap instead of a candle.

Even in some shoe repair shops, you can contact the specialists and they tighten or unclench the lock a little.

The exit is simple. If something sticks - it is necessary to lubricate it with something. It is for the zipper that paraffin is suitable. Candlestick is fine. Take a candle and grind it into a clasp. And you will immediately feel the result!

I also often had a zipper on my jacket. One old, kind method helped a lot in this trouble: I carefully smeared the teeth of the lightning with paraffin from a candle and it began to close easily, as it should. I would not recommend using oil for these purposes, as it can stain clothes, paraffin is more practical.

When I had small children, I often had to change zippers on jackets, which sometimes cost insanely expensive, now inserting this very zipper in the studio is more expensive than buying a new jacket. Once my friend's husband did a simple manipulation after which the lightning became like new, I was shocked. Since then, I have been fixing it myself, is it just pliers and a little effort - press the slider a little and everything will be in order, this is the most main reason the fact that the zippers stop working, the slider just became wide.

How to develop iron lightning! Help!!

Good day to all!!! girls my dear husband gave me a headache! he was given overalls at work (he is a military man), not only is he winter, and on top of everything, he is in such a state !!! I have the impression that it has been in storage since the beginning of the last century !!! wash it I washed it!!! but there the iron zippers and the buttons are all rusted, and they all have to be fastened and unfastened well, the buttons can be changed, that’s what to do with the zippers, I won’t try to change them, my car just won’t take such a thickness! they won’t give him another !!! maybe you can grease it with something? let the rust remain, but the main thing is to fasten !!! Help, please Thank you all in advance!!!

Dear moderators, if I got in the wrong place, please move the topic !!!

if I'm not mistaken, you can smear the cloves with a candle, and then with the dog back and forth several times. Of course, you can still drop a drop of oil on the cloves, but in this case, the likelihood of oil stains appears.

rub with wax)

Thanks!!! when this monster dries, I will definitely try it with wax, I also thought about oil, but stains can go !!!

Found in tips:

The "lightning" lock on the jacket diverges. What can be done?

The "lightning" lock on the jacket diverges. What can be done?

I usually in these cases, if it is not possible to change the zipper lock, I simply squeeze the two lower ends of the dog with pliers, after which it is enough to close the zipper normally for several times, then I repeat this procedure again if the lock begins to diverge.

Yes, there are many answers, and they are almost all relevant, but about a lightning bolt with a plastic dog, the answers, let's say, are not particularly acceptable. Of course, it’s better to change it and no problems, but I had a case in the taiga, such a plastic lock broke down, and it was necessary to fasten the wind, the cold was overcome and I had to look for a way out. They thought and thought and came up with a lighter, heated up a plastic dog and squeezed it with force, and you know it has been working for a couple of years.

To change the lock either in the studio, or by yourself, or you can just tighten it a little with pliers, if the lock is metal everywhere, you will have to press it long and hard, if it is plastic, quickly. But it's better, of course, to buy another one and paste it.

To do this, you need to hold the lock a little, or change the zipper

Most often, this problem remains a problem, you can repair it, press the slider with pliers, smear the lock with soap or a candle, all this is not enough for a long time. Sooner or later, you still have to change the lock, it's just a pity for the effort and money spent. I advise you to immediately put a new lock, especially since this is not a problem now, it can be done in any sewing workshop.

The most optimal and reliable option is to go to the repair of clothes with this problem, but if you need it urgently, then heavy artillery is used: pliers, press the dog a little and your problem is solved ..

if the lock (zipper) on the jacket diverges

it means the lock is tightly fastened and you are putting more effort than usual

it means that you strongly pull the dog when you use the lock, fasten and unfasten

the dog gradually bends down, its course becomes freer and it stops locking the lock

as written above, you either need to change the lock, sew in a new one, or replace the dog, or bend the dog a little if you bend it too much, then the dog will not move freely, and this is another reason why your dog will break again

it will either erase the walls that ride on lightning

or unbend at the same time the gap will increase.

If it works out, I'll post a video on how to fasten and unfasten the lock correctly

You can try to squeeze the dog a little (this can be done with the help of small wire cutters, for example), you can lubricate the zipper and see if something is preventing the dog. The zipper can also diverge when the links (teeth) are broken - then it's better to just change the zipper.

As a rule, if the lightning on the lock began to diverge, the problem lies in the dog (runner). In this case, it is not necessary to change the entire lightning.

As a temporary option, you can slightly press the dog from the sides with pliers.

To completely solve the problem, you need to replace the dog. We turn to the atelier to repair clothes or even shoes, in five minutes they change this part for you (sometimes even sellers in stores for those who sew) do this.

You can do this operation yourself. We select among the available houses or buy a dog that is suitable in size or color (we determine the size by the number on the dog). In the upper part of the zipper on the side on which the slider hangs, remove the latch, remove the old slider, put on a new one, put it in place and clamp the latch (if it is metal). If it is plastic, then you can glue it to the old place. If it is impossible to put the latch, you can simply make a few stitches with threads suitable color so that the slider does not jump off the zipper.

Clothing, zippers, buttons (part 2)

When cutting a tulle curtain, it is not so easy to achieve smooth edges. Nylon tulle can be cut like this: stretch the wire and throw a curtain over it so that the wire runs along the cut line. Then run a hot iron over the top. You will get a very clear melted line.

This kind of “vacuum cleaner” uses the property of plastic to become electrified when rubbed against a fabric. And its device is extremely simple. In the lid of a conventional soap dish, cut several transverse grooves 4-5 mm wide. A few movements on the fabric - and electrified dust particles will gather inside the box.

A strip of foam glued on wooden block EDP ​​glue, will successfully serve as a brush for cleaning clothes. Instead of a bar, you can take a pen from old brush.

Sew buttons forever to the work or sportswear You can use fishing line with a diameter of 0.4 mm. For sewing, you need to pick up a needle with a wide eye. The distance from the button to the fabric should not be small and not large - medium. Then the loop will not wear out for a long time.

A small bevel removed from the sharp edges of the buttonholes with a drill, screwdriver or penknife prevents the thread from fraying quickly and extends the life of the sewn button.

A broken button can sometimes cause a lot of grief. It is not always possible to find exactly the same in stores. Meanwhile, repairing a plastic button is a matter of minutes. Having bent the horseshoe ear from the wire, use a heated soldering iron to put it in place.

You can restore a seam in a hard-to-reach place with a darning needle and a needle from a syringe. The needle from the syringe is inserted into the hole from the outside, and the darning needle rests against its bevel from the inside. With a darning needle, the needle is squeezed out of the syringe and the thread is easily pulled.

For the same purpose, instead of a needle from a syringe, you can take a thick needle from a sewing machine. She has longitudinal groove, which will serve as a guide for the needle and thread.

To restore machine stitching when repairing belts, straps, bags, you need a small hook. We suggest using an awl with a miniature hook from sewing machine. With a thin grinding stone or diamond file, make a side cut up to the eye, as shown in the figure. To make it more convenient to work, carve a handle-holder with an M3 clamping screw from a duralumin bar.

Stitching previously stitched materials with such a tool is very simple: the minimum dimensions of the hook will allow you to easily go into any hole. However, to connect new parts made of dense or thick materials, so as not to break the hook, first pierce them with a thin awl or using the same handle with a regular machine needle.

Here is another option for repairing seams: in order not to stray from the old holes and start piercing new ones, you need to use a blunt needle. To do this, the tip of an ordinary needle breaks off and rounds off on a bar.

The loop pulled out of the sweater is easy to remove inside with a needle and a thin thread. The thread is threaded so that a loop is formed near the eye, a loop of fabric is inserted into it and pulled down.

It is convenient to use a device for threading a needle for the same purpose. The tip of the device must be threaded from the wrong side, thread the dangling thread into the wire loop and pull the thread to the wrong side.

When sewing gloves, use the plastic or metal handle of a table knife as a detangler.

It is not easy to sew a bodice on the belt of a skirt or trousers so that the folds are evenly distributed. We advise you to make a spacer out of plywood or strong cardboard, on which you tightly pull the belt (inside out). Sew the elastic into a ring, put it on over the belt, after which it can be sewn on - the folds will lie completely evenly.

After washing lavsan shirts, many small knots remain on the fabric. You can quickly remove them with an electric razor.

A piece of rubber tubing (suitable for an eyedropper), put on a cufflink, will not let it unfasten and get lost.

If the metal zipper comes apart, don't rush to change it. In order for it to function properly, it is necessary to forge it along the entire length from the outer and inner sides with light blows of a hammer, making 2-3 passes. Then slightly reduce the gap between the upper and lower parts of the castle.

The zipper sometimes has to be cut off. So that the slider does not bounce after that, you can use a paper clip from a school notebook as a travel limiter.

You can restore the performance of the zipper in the following way: unzip the zipper, moisten its teeth with a solution of rosin in alcohol (soldering flux) and let it dry for two hours. The clasp will work securely. Over time, the operation can be repeated.

If the zipper constantly diverges, it can be dealt with with a simple trick. A loop of a harsh thread is tied to the tongue of the lock, when the “zipper” is fastened, the loop is thrown over a button sewn to the belt of trousers or a skirt.

Lightning, like any mechanism, must be lubricated. True, not with machine oil, but with paraffin or simple soap. With a piece of candle or remnant, rub the halves of the unbuttoned zipper and open and close it several times. The movement of the lock will become softer, and the clasp will last longer.

For plastic zippers, detachable halves last longer than a metal lock. After about 800-1000 “buttoned-unbuttoned” cycles, it loosens up, and the zipper begins to diverge by itself. To put it in order, it is necessary to carefully, as indicated in the figure, squeeze the restrictive sides.

Restoration prolongs the life of lightning cycles by five hundred. Repeated operation will give another three hundred cycles. For the third time, no one managed to fix the lightning. By this time, it is usually already falling apart completely.

The metal zipper does not fasten well - How to lubricate the zipper on the jacket so that it does not move around ??? - 22 answers

In the Home Economics section, to the question How to lubricate the zipper on the jacket so that it does not move around ??? given by the author of Jovetlan, the best answer is with a candle or soap

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to lubricate the zipper on the jacket so that it does not move around ???

Answer from Yoash Schindler[guru] wax.

Answer from Gerta521[guru] In order not to move around, you need to press the dog a little with pliers.

Answer from Viktor Kozhevnikov[newbie] solid oil, haha

Answer from Katrin W[guru] Squeeze the slider with pliers...

Answer from Toad Lyagushinsky[guru] No need to smear it! 🙂 It is necessary to slightly squeeze the slider with pliers so that it does not slip.

Answer from Starpom[guru] Read the question carefully - so that it does not move around, and does not fasten well. In order for the lightning not to move around, you need to press the edges of the lock inward, this will help for some time, but it is better to replace such a lock, and the lightning itself lasts much longer than the lock.

Answer from Gennady Medvedev[guru] Replace the dog

Answer from Yovetlan Pavlov[guru] On the contrary, if the lightning is weak, then you need to press the lightning locks with pliers.

Answer from Lee Lu[guru] kirdyk of your lightning, you need to change. but while you are buying a new one and are going to sew it in, do something - wipe the zipper itself with a candle, and gently press the slider with pliers. just don't overdo it! ! otherwise it won't move.

Answer from Alexey martynov[guru] Yes, with any cream

Answer from Nelya[guru] You can take a simple wax candle and run it around the castle several times... . and squeeze the dog a little... good luck...

Answer from Anna Vasilyeva[guru] it is better to replace it, and for the future ... and then you will walk .. how ...

Answer from Vladimir Kuzyukin[guru] Lightning is moving around because the lock is worn out. Either a stopper (protrusion on the tongue) - then the lock goes down, or the edges of the lock - then the lightning moves below the lock. The following options from my answer are suitable for you: 4. You can slightly tighten the sides of the lock with pliers (brass bends, silumin breaks almost immediately - an incentive to buy new trousers 🙂 Brass locks yellow color, silumin - an alloy of aluminum and silicon, for casting - gray color. Most often, silumin locks have paintwork. Treat such locks very carefully - they are very fragile. When compressed, they often break.) and replace the tongue - the protrusion-stopper is worn out on the old one. Please note that there is often a number on the tongue - this is a number indicating the size of the lock. You need to look for a lock with the same number.5. New zipper.6...Or new jeans|trousers.Last option is the best! 🙂 In your case, not jeans, but a jacket. If you do not know how to change the lightning yourself (for sewing machines there are special paws), then contact the workshop or look for clothing repair somewhere in the market. 200-300 rubles are not worth the trouble with lightning. It is useless to lubricate. Lubricate if the zipper lock moves with difficulty. Options - the most harmless - soap. After every wash. If you run a cloth moistened with soapy water over the zipper, the water will soon dry up, and a thin soapy film will remain on the zipper, invisible to the eye, but lubricating the rubbing parts. Paraffin from a candle, petroleum jelly, oil - require accuracy because they can leave marks on clothes.

Answer from Alyoshka =)) [guru] Vaseline

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Answer the question:

Plastic zipper - how to lubricate the zipper on the jacket7 - 22 answers

how to grease a metal zipper on a jacket

In the Welcome section to the question of how to lubricate the zipper on the jacket7, given by the author Olga Khalimova, the best answer is to rub it with soap. or a candle

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how to grease a zipper on a jacket7

Answer from Vera[guru] LightningYes, yes, this clasp sometimes needs to be cleaned regardless of the thing to which it is sewn. First of all, this applies to zippers on tents, sleeping bags, suitcases, diving suits, fishing equipment, warm jackets and boots. To clean the zippers on washed items, zip them up and send them to washing machine with water and detergent suitable for the fabric. When ironing, the zipper must remain closed. Cover nylon, plastic and polyester with a cloth, otherwise the hot iron will melt it. To make the lock move more freely, move it several times up and down the teeth rubbed with a candle, smearing it with wax as a result. A white candle is naturally better - the dye can stain the fabric. Wipe off excess wax on the zipper with a cloth. This treatment protects against detergents and bleaches the factory coating on the fastener, which improves the sliding of the lock. To clean the zippers on large items such as tents, backpacks, suitcases, boots, diving suits, first unzip them. Remove any debris stuck between the teeth. Guess what. Of course, with a toothbrush. Then soak it in warm water with a little dishwashing liquid and wash the zipper. After that, rinse the clasp with clean water and leave it open until it dries. Finally, lubricate the teeth with a candle. Sold a special cleaner for zippers complete with a brush. It is suitable for nylon and metal fasteners, and both cleans and lubricates them.

Answer from Igor sagun [guru] with paraffin, a candle ..

Answer from [guru] You can use dry soap!

Answer from Max @@@[guru]Paraffin.

Answer from Alexander Kanataev[guru] Try it with a pencil lead...

Answer from AIRAT GARIPOV [guru] do not try to smear sunflower oil with engine oil

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here are some other threads with relevant answers:

Sometimes things happen in life Unexpected situations. Of course, this happens at the most inopportune moment. And of course, every person faces a similar problem sooner or later. It is even worse if this did not happen at home, but, for example, in transport, the zipper on your jeans broke, but what if on a dress? In such cases, it would be good to know how to quickly fix the lightning. This skill will come in handy, suddenly it will disperse on a fur coat in winter, in the very frost. That's when you seriously think about how to fix a broken lightning. So there are just a few things you need to know. simple rules and repairing lightning will cease to be a mystery for you.

There are two options: either the carriage has flown off the zipper, or the zipper has broken and the carriage is still on it. It should be said right away that the zipper on jeans or on a jacket is much easier to fix than, for example, on a dress. It all depends on its size.

What to do if the slider flew off

In the first case, when the carriage (a mechanism that makes rectilinear movements by connecting the teeth of the fastener) has fallen off the zipper, you should unclench the carriage (or as it is sometimes called a “dog” or “slider”) so that there is more space for the zipper to enter and carefully, Starting from the bottom of the zipper, insert the carriage. The main thing is the uniform hit of the teeth in the dog. Next, try to fasten and unfasten several times. If the zipper works - great, if not - you need to fix it tighter by pressing your fingers or two hard objects on the carriage.

What to do if lightning diverges

In the second case (if the carriage remains on the zipper), you should first try to fasten and unfasten it several times - sometimes this is enough, with some effort. If it doesn't help, try to squeeze hard upper part carriages and incoming teeth, "as if to help them hold together." This, of course, will not completely solve the problem, but for several days it will still work fully, albeit rather tightly.

home methods

Consider the case if you are at home and have enough free time. If you have the tools, it will not be difficult to fix the zipper. Just take the pliers and press the carriage. Be careful not to damage the teeth, otherwise the zipper will have to be changed. So, pressing the dog with pliers, pull the zipper in the direction of closing. This is already a proven method.

Naturally, all these options are appropriate if there is no one nearby and you are alone at home. And if not? Go up to your man and make beautiful eyes, asking "Don't you know how to fix a zipper lock?" After clapping your eyes several times, not a single man will refuse you. And now the problem is solved!

Still, it's worth having a few useful options solving such a problem, especially for a woman. If you need such help, anyone will be very grateful to you. And for the help of any person you will definitely repay the same.

Probably, everyone at least once got into a situation when the zipper on a jacket or boot broke at the wrong time, and it is not known how to fix it if it diverges. Of course, you can give the thing for repair and pick it up in a couple of days, but this is not at all relevant if these are the only boots, and you have to leave after 10 minutes.

How to fix a zipper lock?

If we are dealing with a dispersed lock, then most likely the reason for its divergence is in an unbent dog. It can deteriorate if the lock is fastened too tightly, is constantly in a taut state, or the thing has been used for more than one year. First, the castle will need to be leveled, that is, put the slider at the very beginning, and only after proceeding with its resuscitation.

In order to remedy the situation, we need pliers. With their help, you need to press the dog on both sides, while applying a little effort. If the slider is squeezed too hard, it will stop moving altogether, and in the worst case, it will burst.

But if the slider still does not align the teeth in a certain place, then the reason may be in them. Having carefully looked at the place where the lightning begins to diverge, you can find that the nylon teeth have straightened out, and the metal ones can stand crooked. You can try to fix this situation.

You can try to carefully hem the plastic cloves with a thick fishing line and such a zipper will still last for some time. And if the lock is metal, then it is even easier to deal with its breakdown - just take the tweezers-clip and put the “tooth” in place with a simple twist. It diverges, lightning can also be due to the tight running of the slider. To make it easier and smoother, the lock in the closed state is rubbed on both sides with a paraffin candle and unfastened several times and fasten the zipper. Excess paraffin is brushed off.

The zipper is unfastened - how to fix it?

It is not always possible to "agree" with lightning. She is especially problematic on and constantly strives to unbutton. In this case, you can resort to a little trick. To do this, you need a small ring, which is slightly larger than the diameter of a button on jeans - this can be found on a keychain.

The ring is inserted into the loop of the slider and when the zipper is fastened to the very top, they are thrown over the button. Thus, this design remains invisible to the eyes of others and protects you from trouble in the form of an unbuttoned fly.

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