The history of the development of ancient platforms East European platform.

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Most of the European territory of Russia, as well as some neighboring countries, is located on the continental part of the earth's crust, which is called the East European platform. The landform here is predominantly flat, although there are exceptions, which we will discuss below. This platform is one of the oldest geological formations on earth. Let's take a closer look at what the relief of the East European Platform is, what minerals lie in it, and also how the process of its formation took place.

Territorial location

First of all, let's find out exactly where this geological formation is located.

The East European ancient platform, or, as it is also called, the Russian platform, is located on the territory geographical areas Eastern and Northern Europe. It occupies most of the European part of Russia, as well as the territories of the following neighboring states: Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Moldova, Finland, Sweden, partly Poland, Romania, Kazakhstan and Norway.

In the northwest, the East European ancient platform extends to the formations of the Caledonian folding in Norway, in the east it is limited by the Ural Mountains, in the north by the Arctic Ocean, and in the south by the Black and Caspian Seas, as well as the foothills of the Carpathians, Crimea and the Caucasus (Scythian plate).

The total area of ​​the platform is about 5500 thousand square meters. km.

History of formation

The tectonic landforms of the East European Platform are among the oldest in the world geological formations. This is due to the fact that the platform arose in Precambrian times.

Before the formation of a single world territory, the Russian platform was a separate continent - the Baltic. After the collapse of Pangea, the platform became part of Laurasia, and after the separation of the latter, it became part of Eurasia, where it is still located.

Throughout this time, the formation was covered with sedimentary rocks, which thus formed the relief of the East European Platform.

Platform Composition

As with all ancient platforms, the East European one is based on a crystalline foundation. Over the course of millions of years, a layer of sedimentary rocks was created on top of it. However, in some places the foundation comes to the surface, forming crystalline shields.

There are two such shields in the indicated territory (in the south - the Ukrainian Shield, in the north-west - the Baltic Shield), which is shown on the tectonic map of the platform.

the East European Plain

What surface does the East European platform have? The landform here is predominantly hilly and flat. It is characterized by an alternation of low elevations (200-300 m) and lowlands. At the same time, the average plain, which is called the East European, is 170 m.

The East European (or Russian) Plain is the largest flat-type feature in Europe and one of the largest in the world. Its area occupies most of the territory of the Russian platform and is about 4,000 thousand square meters. km. It extends from Baltic Sea and Finland inclusive in the west to Ural mountains in the east for 2500 km, and from the seas of the Arctic Ocean in the north (Barents and White) to the Black, Caspian and Azov seas in the south for 2700 km. At the same time, it is part of an even larger object, which is commonly called the Great European plain stretching from the coast Atlantic Ocean and the Pyrenees in France to the Ural Mountains. As mentioned above, the average height of the Russian Plain is 170 meters, but its highest point reaches 479 meters above sea level. It is located in Russian Federation on the Bugulma-Belebeevskaya Upland, which is in the foothills of the Ural Mountains.

In addition, on the territory of the Ukrainian Shield, which is also located on the Russian Plain, there are uplifts, which are a form of outcropping of crystalline rocks of the base of the platform. These include, for example, the Azov Upland, the highest point of which (Belmak-Mogila) is 324 meters above sea level.

The basis of the Russian Plain is the East European platform, which is very ancient. This is the reason for the flat character of the area.

Other relief objects

But the Russian Plain is not the only geographical feature that contains the East European Platform. The landform here also takes on other forms. This is especially true at the boundaries of the platform.

For example, in the extreme northwest of the platform on the territory of Norway, Sweden and Finland, there is the Baltic Crystalline Shield. Here, in the south of Sweden, the Central Swedish Lowland is located. Its length from north to south and from west to east is 200 km and 500 km, respectively. The height above sea level here does not exceed 200 m.

But in the north of Sweden and Finland, the Norland plateau is located. Its maximum height is 800 meters above sea level.

Elevation is characterized by small plot Norway, which includes the East European Platform. The relief here acquires a mountainous character. Yes, this is not surprising, since the hill gradually in the west turns into real mountains, called Scandinavian. But these mountains are already derivatives that are not directly related to the platform described in this review, which is shown on the tectonic map.


Now let's take a look at the main reservoirs that are located on the territory of the platform we are studying. After all, they are also relief-forming factors.

The largest river of the East European Platform and Europe as a whole is the Volga. Its length is 3530 km, and the basin area is 1.36 million square meters. km. This river flows from north to south, while on the surrounding lands forming the corresponding floodplain landforms in Russia. The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea.

Another major river The Russian platform is the Dnieper. Its length is 2287 km. It, like the Volga, flows from north to south, but, unlike its longer sister, it does not flow into the Caspian Sea, but into the Black Sea. The river flows through the territory of three states at once: Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. At the same time, about half of its length falls on Ukraine.

Other large and well-known rivers of the Russian platform include the Don (1870 km), the Dniester (1352 km), the Southern Bug (806 km), the Neva (74 km), the Seversky Donets (1053 km), the tributaries of the Volga Oka (1499 km) and Kamu (2030 km).

In addition, in the southwestern part of the platform, the Danube River flows into the Black Sea. The length of this great river is 2960 km, but almost completely it flows beyond the boundaries of the platform we are studying, and only the mouth of the Danube is located on its territory.


There are on the territory of the Russian platform and the lake. The largest of them are located on Lake Ladoga, Europe's largest (area 17.9 thousand sq. km) and Lake Onega (9.7 thousand sq. km).

In addition, the Caspian Sea is located in the south of the Russian platform, which, in fact, is a salt lake. This is the largest body of water in the world that does not have access to the oceans. Its area is 371.0 thousand square meters. km.


Now let's study the minerals of the East European Platform. The bowels of this territory are very rich in gifts. So, in the east of Ukraine and south-west of Russia there is one of the world's largest coal basins - Donbass.

The Krivoy Rog iron ore and Nikopol manganese basins are also located on the territory of Ukraine. These deposits are associated with the outcrop of the Ukrainian shield. Even larger reserves of iron are located on the territory of the Kursk magnetic anomaly in Russia. True, the shield did not come out there, but it got very close to the surface.

In the region of the Caspian basin, as well as in Tatarstan, there are quite large deposits of oil. They are also found on the territory of the southern oil and gas region in Ukraine.

Apatite mining on an industrial scale has been established on the territory of the Kola Peninsula.

Actually, these are the main minerals of the East European platform.

Soils of the Russian platform

Are the soils of the East European Platform fertile? Yes, this region has some of the most fertile soils in the world. Especially valuable types of soils are located in the south and in the center of Ukraine, as well as in the black earth region of Russia. They are called blacks. These are the most fertile soils in the world.

Fertility forest soils, in particular gray ones, which are located north of the chernozems, are much lower.

General characteristics of the platform

The forms are quite varied. Among them, a special place is occupied by the plains. Just the East European platform forms the largest flat complex in Europe. Only on its periphery can one find relatively high uplands. This is due to the antiquity of this platform, on which mountain-forming processes have not been going on for a long time, and weathering has smoothed out the hills that existed here millions of years ago.

Nature endowed the region with huge reserves of minerals. Of particular note are the deposits hard coal and iron ore, in terms of which the Russian platform is one of the world leaders. There are also reserves of oil and some other minerals.

This is what it looks like general characteristics East European platform, its topography, minerals stored in the subsoil, as well as geographical features this locality. Of course, this is a fertile land that provides its inhabitants with all the necessary resources, which correct use will be the key to prosperity.

East European platform, Russian platform

East European Platform

East European Platform, Russian platform, European platform, one of the largest relatively stable areas of the earth's crust, one of the ancient (pre-Riphean) platforms. It occupies a significant part of Eastern and Northern Europe, from the Scandinavian mountains to the Urals and from the Barents to the Black and Caspian Seas. The border of the platform on the N.-E. and S. runs along the Timan Ridge and along the coast of the Kola Peninsula, and in the southwest. - along the line crossing the Central European Plain near Warsaw and then going to S.-3. across the Baltic Sea and the northern part of the Jutland peninsula.

Until the last decade, to V. p. in the north-east. attributed the area of ​​the Pechora lowland, the Timan ridge, the Kanin and Rybachy peninsulas, as well as the adjacent part of the bottom Barents Sea; on S.-Z. the platform included the northern part of Central Europe (the Central European Plain, the territory of Denmark, the eastern part of Great Britain and the bottom of the North Sea). AT last years The interpretation of the tectonic nature of these areas has changed due to the fact that the age of the basement within them was determined as Late Proterozoic. Some researchers (M.V. Muratov and others) began to attribute these areas to the area of ​​the Baikal folding of the adjacent folded belts and thereby exclude them from the boundaries of the ancient (pre-Riphean) platform. According to another opinion (A. A. Bogdanov and others), the same pre-Riphean foundation of the platform was only partially reworked by the Baikal folding, and on this basis, the named areas continue to be considered as part of the V. p.

The ancient, pre-Riphean (Karelian, more than 1600 million years) folded crystalline basement and the sedimentary (Epikarelian) cover quietly overlying it stand out in the structure of the V. p. The foundation protrudes only on the northwest. ( Baltic Shield) and Yu.-Z. (Ukrainian shield) platforms. On the rest of the larger area, allocated under the name of the Russian Plate, the foundation is covered with a cover of sedimentary deposits.

In the western and central parts of the Russian plate, lying between the Baltic and Ukrainian shields, the basement is relatively elevated and shallow, forming the Belorussian and Voronezh anteclises. They are separated from the Baltic shield by the Baltic syneclise (stretching from Riga in a southwestern direction), and from the Ukrainian shield by a system of graben-like depressions of the Dnieper-Donetsk aulacogen, including the Pripyat and Dnieper grabens and ending in the V. Donetsk folded structure. To the southwest of the Belorussian anteclise and to the west of the Ukrainian Shield, along the southwestern boundary of the platform, the marginal Bug-Podolsk depression extends.

The eastern part of the Russian Plate is characterized by a deeper basement and a thick sedimentary cover. Here stand out two syneclises - Moscow, stretching to the north-east. almost to Timan, and the Caspian Sea bordered by faults (in the southeast). They are separated by the complexly constructed Volga-Ural anteclise. Its foundation is divided into ledges (Tokmovsky, Tatarsky, etc.), separated by aulacogene grabens (Kazan-Sergievsky, Verkhnekamsky). From the east, the Volga-Ural anteclise is framed by the marginal deep Kama-Ufimskaya depression. Between the Volga-Ural and Voronezh anteclises is the large and deep Pachelma aulacogen, which merges with the Moscow syneclise in the north. Within the latter at a depth found whole system graben-shaped depressions with a northeast and northwest strike. The largest of them are the Central Russian and Moscow aulacogenes. Here, the foundation of the Russian plate is submerged to a depth of 3-4 km, and in the Caspian depression, the foundation has the deepest occurrence (16-18 km).

The structure of the basement of the V. p. includes highly metamorphosed sedimentary and igneous rocks crumpled into folds, which in large areas have been transformed into gneisses and crystalline schists. Areas are distinguished within which these rocks are of very ancient Archean age, older than 2500 million years (massifs of the Belomorsky, Ukrainian-Voronezh, southwestern Sweden, etc.). Between them are the Karelian fold systems, composed of rocks of the Lower and Middle Proterozoic age (2600-1600 Ma). In Finland and Sweden, they correspond to the Svecofennian fold systems, and in western Sweden and southern Norway, a slightly younger one, the Dalslandian. On the whole, the foundation of the platform, with the exception of the western margin (the Dalslandian and Gothic fold systems), was formed by the beginning of the Late Proterozoic (previously 1600 Ma).

The sedimentary cover includes sediments from the Upper Proterozoic (Riphean) to Anthropogenic. The oldest rocks of the cover (Lower and Middle Riphean), represented by compacted clays and sandy quartzites, are present in the Bug-Podolsk and Kama-Ufimsk depressions, as well as in Finland (Iotnium), Sweden and Norway (sparagmite) and other regions. In most deep depressions and aulacogenes, sedimentary strata begin with Middle or Upper Riphean deposits (clays, sandstones, diabase lavas, tuffs); rock salt), in the Caspian syneclise, the age of the lower parts of the sedimentary cover is unknown. The sedimentary strata of the cover are disturbed in places by gentle bends, dome-shaped (vaults) and elongated (swells) uplifts, as well as normal faults.

There are two major periods in the history of VP. During the first of them, which covered the entire Archaean, Early and Middle Proterozoic (3500-1600 Ma), the formation of a crystalline basement took place, during the second - the actual platform development, the formation of a sedimentary cover and modern structure (from the beginning of the Late Proterozoic to the Anthropogen) .

Foundation Minerals: iron ore(Krivoy Rog basin, Kursk magnetic anomaly, Kiruna), ores of nickel, copper, titanium, mica, pegmatites, apatite, etc. The sedimentary cover contains deposits of combustible gas and oil (Volga-Ural anteclise, Pripyat depression, potassium salts (Kama Urals, Pripyat depression, etc.), fossil coal (Lvov, Donetsk, Moscow basin), phosphorites, bauxites, deposits of building materials (limestone, dolomite, clay, etc.), as well as deposits of fresh and mineral waters.

Lit.: Shatsky N.S., The main features of the structure and development of the East European platform, “Izv. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Geological Series, 1946, No. 1; European tectonics. Explanatory note to the International tectonic map of Europe, M., 1964; Tectonics of Eurasia. (Explanatory note to the tectonic map of Eurasia, scale 1:5000000), M., 1966; Bogdanov A. A., Tectonic history of the territory of the USSR and neighboring countries, Bulletin of Moscow State University. Series IV. Geology, 1968, No. 1; Nalivkin D.V., Geology of the USSR, M., 1962.

M. V. Muratov.

East European platform. Tectonic scheme.

source: Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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Yearbook 1973 - the seventeenth issue in the series of Yearbooks of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Like the issues preceding it, it is dedicated to the events of the past year: changes in politics and the economy of all countries of the world, cultural life, recent achievements science and technology, etc. Being thus a chronicle of the year, the Yearbook can serve as a kind of guide in the rapidly changing modern world.

In the Yearbook of 1973, all the sections that have become permanent in this book are preserved: about the Soviet Union, the union and autonomous Soviet republics; about foreign countries; about international organizations; reviews of the economy of the socialist countries and countries of the capitalist world; a review of the mass movement of working people in capitalist countries; a section on the development of ties between communist and workers' parties; sections on science and technology; information about international sports life; biographical information and etc.

The information reported in the 1973 Yearbook is limited, as a rule, to the chronological framework of 1972. Some figures published in previous editions have been changed as they have been refined. The data for 1972 are in some cases preliminary. The basis economic indicators for the USSR and the union republics, materials of the Central Statistical Offices under the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Councils of Ministers of the union republics are laid down; for foreign countries, official national statistical and other reference publications, as well as UN publications. Information about health care, public education, the press and transport in the Union Soviet republics is placed in the relevant sections of the article "USSR".

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In the Yearbook of 1961, all sections that have become permanent in this book are preserved: about the Soviet Union, union and autonomous Soviet republics; about foreign countries; about international organizations; reviews of the economy of the socialist countries, developed capitalist and developing countries; a review of the mass movement of working people in capitalist states; a section on the development of ties between communist and workers' parties; sections on science and technology; about international sports life; biographical information, etc.
The information reported in the Yearbook is limited, as a rule, to the chronological framework of 1961. Some figures published in previous editions have been changed as they have been refined. The data for 1960 are in some cases preliminary. The economic indicators for the USSR and the union republics are based on the materials of the Central Statistical Offices of the USSR and the union republics, for foreign countries - official national statistical and other reference publications, as well as UN publications. Information about health care, public education, the press and transport in the Union Soviet republics is placed in the relevant sections of the article "USSR". New Russian Encyclopedia. In 12 volumes. Volume 5(1). Golovin-Dargomyzhsky

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The East European Platform corresponds to one of the largest continental blocks of Eurasia and belongs to the belt of ancient Laurasian platforms, which also includes the Siberian and North American platforms. It is a diamond-shaped continental block about 3000 km across, the base of which was formed about 1.6 billion years ago.

Two main types can be distinguished in relations with the uneven-aged fold-and-thrust structures surrounding the platform. So the Urals, the Carpathians are separated from the platform by their forward troughs superimposed on the lowered edges of the platform, and the Scandinavian Caledonides and the Baikal folded structures of the Timan directly overlap the autochthonous complexes of the platform along the thrust system, and the ridges can reach more than 200 km. However, traditionally, in both cases, it is customary to consider the front of the thrusts beyond the boundaries of the platform. In the remaining parts of its perimeter, the East European Platform borders on young plates - the Central European in the west, the Scythian-Turan in the south, and these limits are also represented by faults, partly subvertical, partly thrust. The southeastern corner of the platform is occupied by the Caspian Basin with a suboceanic type of crust, which is traditionally included in the platform. The boundary in this section of the platform is usually drawn along the buried South Emben dislocation zone. The depression is a relic oceanic basin filled with sediments up to 20 km thick. and its inclusion in the East European Platform, in this case, is very conditional. To the west, the modern boundary of the platform acquires a clearer character - it runs along the Paleozoic thrust of the Donetsk-Caspian fold zone, goes around the Donetsk Ridge and, turning to the west, crosses the Sea of ​​Azov and the Black Sea and docks with the Teyser-Tornquist strike-slip zone.

The Precambrian crystalline basement is exposed mainly along the northwestern periphery of the East European Platform - the Baltic Shield, and also in the south - within the Ukrainian Shield. In addition, the structures of the crystalline basement of the platform include submerged massifs - the Voronezh and Volga-Urals, most of which are covered by platform sediments up to 1.5 km thick. These tectonic units have a pronounced large-block structure. So in the structure of the Ukrainian shield, five are distinguished, and the Baltic - six blocks, separated by deep faults or seams along which they were soldered. Each of the blocks has an individual internal structure, and often a material composition that is disharmonious with adjacent tectonic units. On the Baltic Shield stand out: Murmansk, Kola, Belomorsky, Karelian, Svekofensky and Svekonorwegian blocks. The Ukrainian shield is also formed by several blocks: Volyn-Podolsky, Odessa-Belotserkovsky, Kirovograd, Prydniprovsky, Pryazovsky. It can be assumed that similar blocks form the structure of the Voronezh and Volga-Ural massifs.

The oldest (AR 1) basement formations are granulite-gneiss areas composed mainly of rocks of the granulite facies of metamorphism. Apparently, among them there are protocontinental massifs formed on the original crust of the oceanic type, the relics of which are tonalites, ultramafic rocks and other rocks with an isotope age of 3700 to 3100 Ma. The Murmansk and White Sea blocks of the Baltic Shield should be included in the group of essentially granulite blocks. The most typical rocks of their constituents are high-alumina biotite gneisses; metamorphosed "mature" sedimentary rocks, and metamorphosed volcanics of mafic composition, including amphibolites and charnockites (hypersthene gneisses). The development fields of the described metamorphites are characterized by large granite-gneiss domes. They are rounded or elongated in one direction, tens of kilometers in diameter. Plagiogranite-gneisses and migmatites are exposed in the cores of the domes.

On the territory of the Kola and Karelian blocks of the Baltic Shield, as well as on most of the Ukrainian Shield, greenstone belts are "squeezed" between similar granite-gneiss domes. The composition of greenstone belts is fairly similar for most ancient platforms. The lower parts, as a rule, are composed of strata of basic effusives of spilite-diabase composition, sometimes significantly metamorphosed. The pillow structure indicates the outpouring of these mafic rocks under underwater conditions. The upper parts of the section are often represented by acid effusives - keratophyres, felsite, with interlayers of quartzite sandstones and gravelstones. In terms of petrochemical characteristics, these metavolcanites in most cases correspond to MOR basalts and basaltic komatiites, however, sometimes metamorphosed calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of basalt-andesite-dacite composition are widely manifested in the greenstone belts. The structural position of the greenstone belts unequivocally testifies in favor of the fact that they are nothing more than the seams of the collision of various blocks. ancient bark. Stratigraphic contacts with the surrounding granulite-gneiss complexes are not observed anywhere, they are either shaded during later joint metamorphism, granitization and deformation of both complexes, or tectonic. In the latter case, the greenstone belts are either narrow, highly compressed synclines bounded by faults, or fairly isometric remnants of tectonic nappes thrust over the granulite-gneiss base, which are preserved in the spaces between the domes. Isotope-geochronological dating allows us to consider that the formation of granite-greenstone areas on the territory of the East European Platform occurred in the interval of 3100 - 2600 million years. There is no unambiguous point of view on the geodynamic nature of greenstone belts. They are associated with the subsidence and reworking of the primary sialic crust above the rising mantle diapira, or they see an analogy with modern rifts that "cracked" the protocontinental granulite-gneiss crust, or they compare with modern system island arcs and marginal seas.

The Svecofennian block has absolutely individual structural features in the composite structure of the Baltic Shield. It is a typical representative of gneiss-shale areas. The most significant distinguishing features are: the absence of an Archean foundation; wide development of shale and gneiss-shale strata of the Early Proterozoic age, as well as large granitoid plutons, intruded in the range of 1850-1700 million years ago. A significant role in shale sections belongs to metavolcanics of both basic and felsic composition. In their structure, the complexes that make up the Svecofennian block are similar to the gravuaco-volcanic series of Phanerozoic folded belts that formed in marginal seas separated by island arcs. Thus, the Svecofennian block can be interpreted as being formed as a result of accretionary tectonics. Granites, ubiquitous in the territory of the block, are an indicator of collisional processes, as a result of which svecophenides were obducted and thrust onto the Karelian basement with the formation of an extended (almost 1500 km long) West Karelian thrust zone, "cutting off" the contours of the Kola-Karelian Archean-Proterozoic superterrane. The outcrops of the Lower Proterozoic (1.9 Ga) ophiolite complex gravitate to the zone of this thrust, indicating the formation of the Svecofennian belt on the oceanic-type crust. On the western periphery of the Svecofennian block, the Gotha (Trans-Scandinavian) volcano-plutonic belt is developed, composed of magmatites of mantle origin. Most notable in the belt are terrestrial felsic lavas, including rhyolites, dacites, ignimbrites, as well as lavas of increased alkalinity interspersed with agglomerates and arkoses. The effusives are associated with granite batholiths. The age of lavas and granites breaking through them is estimated at 1750-1540 million years. The composition and structure of this Proterozoic volcanic-plutonic belt is very similar to the continental marginal belts of the Andean type. Taking into account this analogy, it can be assumed that the Gothic belt in the Proterozoic occupied a marginal position and was formed above the subduction zone.

The composition and structure of the westernmost tectonic unit of the Baltic Shield, the Svekonorwegian block, is also highly individual. In terms of its structure, history of development, and time of final cratonization, this tectonic element is close to the Grenville orogenic belt of North America and is considered as its eastern extension. The time of formation of the most ancient rocks of the Svekonorwegian zone corresponds to the interval of 1.75-1.9 billion years. They underwent significant reworking during the epoch of the Gothic (at the level of 1.7-1.6 billion years) and Dalsladian - Sveconovergian (1.2-0.9 billion years) orogeny. The internal structure of the block is notable for its considerable complexity and actually represents a collage of cratonic, island-arc, etc. terranes. The metamorphosed volcanic-sedimentary and terrigenous sequences of the Early-Middle Proterozoic are most widely developed in varying degrees.

In general, the outcrops of the Early Proterozoic complexes of the Baltic and Ukrainian shields gravitate towards the suture zones delimiting the Archean blocks and, in contrast to the latter, have a more diverse composition and structure.

In the east of the Kola block, near the suture zone, the Lower Proterozoic deposits fill the Keivsky synclinorium and are represented by a series of the same name, unconformably overlying Archean gneisses. The Keivy Series is filled with sediments typical of a passive continental margin: at the base there are conglomerates with fragments of Archean rocks, then a thick sequence of high-clay shales and paragneisses, and at the top - arkose sandstones, as well as interlayers of dolomites, including stramotalites. The age of the granites breaking through the series is 1900-2000 million years.

The Proterozoic of the suture zone of the Kola and White Sea blocks (Pechenga and Imadra-Varzug zones) is similar in structure and composition to the Phanerozoic ophiolite belts. The bulk of the section is made up of effusives of basic, to a lesser extent intermediate and ultrabasic compositions. Many lavas have a cushion structure. Among the lavas there are horizons of conglomerates, arkoses, and quartzites containing fragments of Archean gneisses and granites. The section is saturated with ultramafic, gabbro, gabbronorite, and anorthosite bodies. The probable age of the rocks is 1900-1800 million years, the age of metamorphism is 1800-1700 million years.

The Early Proterozoic complexes of the East Karelian suture zone located between the Karelian and White Sea blocks are geodynamically associated with subduction processes. These formations are described as part of the Sumian complex. The age of the deposits is 2400 million years. In general, the complex is formed by two types of deposits - volcanogenic (Tungut series), which are characterized by a continuous series from basalts through andesites to rhyolites, and detrital (Sarioli series). The Sumium of the Karelian Block was subject to folding, metamorphism, and was intruded by plagiogranites with an age of ~2000 Ma.

In the inner parts of the Archean blocks from the turn of ~ 2.3 Ga (Seletska folding), the appearance of essentially terrigenous sediments of the protoplatform cover is noted. The section of this complex is represented by three strata: jatulium - quartz conglomerates, gravelstones, sandstones interbedded with rare covers of basalts; suisariy - clay shales, phyllites, dolomites with interlayers of tholeiitic basalts; Vepsian - conglomerates and sandstones with gabbro-diabase sills.

On the Ukrainian Shield, the famous Krivoy Rog series, containing rich deposits of jespelite ores, belongs to the Early Proterozoic. It is localized mainly along the Krivoy Rog zone on the border between the Dnieper and Kirovograd blocks, as well as along the Orekhovo-Pavlograd zone, which limits the Dnieper and Azov blocks, forming narrow fault synclinoria. A complete analogue of the Krivoi Rog series is the well-known Kursk series of the Voronezh massif. The absolute age of these deposits falls within the range of 2500-1880 Ma. The section is represented by three strata from bottom to top: essentially detrital (quartzite-sandstone, conglomerate, phyllite, graphite schist); flysch-like (rhythmic alternation of jespelites and cherts); terrigenous (conglomerates, gravelstones, quartzites). general power 7-8 km, all deposits are intruded by granites with an age of 2.1 - 1.8 billion years

The foundation of the East European Platform is broken by narrow, deep (up to 3 km or more) graben-like troughs (aulacogens) - dead rays of ancient rift systems. In the history of the development of the platform, three main epochs of graben-formation are outlined: Riphean, Devonian and Permian (Oslo graben).

Riphean aulacogens are the most numerous. They form an almost rectangular network of northeast and northwest directions and break the foundation of the platform into a series of blocks roughly corresponding to shields and submerged massifs. The longest (at least 2000 km) is the system of northeastern grabens, extending from the western end of the Ukrainian shield to the junction of the Timan with the Urals and consists of two independent aulacogens: Orsha-Volyn-Kresttsovsky in the west and Sredne-Russian in the east. From the place of their junction to the southeast, the Pachelma paleorift departs, and to the northwest, less clearly defined, the Ladoga. The Kandalaksha and Mezen grabens approach the Middle Russian aulacogen almost at a right angle from the north. In the very east of the platform, on the Volga-Ural arch, there is the Kaltasinsky aulacogen. The grabens-filling complexes are dominated by Middle Riphean red-colored coarse clastic strata formed due to erosion of nearby uplifts. Often, thick (up to 400 m) lava covers of basalts, tuffs, volcanic breccias, and dolerite sills appear at the base of the section. Of the igneous complexes, bimodal alkaline-ultrabasic series with carbonatites are characteristic. Higher in the section, the Riphean volcanic-terrigenous formations are replaced by Vendian shallow-marine sediments, the strata of which pass from the grabens to the adjacent basement blocks, which indicates the involvement of large areas of the platform in the subsidence, the formation of sedimentary basins, and, as a result, the beginning of the accumulation of the platform cover.

The second epoch of continental rifting is associated with the emergence of the Pripyat-Dnieper-Donetsk aulacogen, as well as a series of grabens along the eastern margin of the platform. The formation of the Dnieper-Donetsk rift separating the Ukrainian and Voronezh massifs occurred at the end of the Middle - Late Devonian and was accompanied by intense magmatism: outpourings of alkaline basalts, the intrusion of alkaline-ultrabasic intrusions. The Upper Devonian is characterized by evaporites, which mark the subsidence of the paleorift and its connection with the sea basin. In the Carboniferous, this region was a place of accumulation of thick strata of parallic coals (Donbass), and at the end of the Permian, its eastern part underwent intense deformations as a result of the convergence of the Ukrainian and Voronezh shields. Terrigenous sedimentation within the aulacogen continued throughout the Late Paleozoic and into the Mesozoic.

Most of the platform, with the exception of the shields, is covered by the Phanerozoic sedimentary cover. Its formation took place in three stages, directly related to the stretching of the basement and the development of the surrounding oceans.

The Vendian-Lower Paleozoic complex composes: a strip that crosses but diagonally the East European Platform and separates the Baltic Shield from the southern crystalline massifs (Moscow syneclise); a strip along the Teiseira-Tornquist line (Baltic syneclise) and a strip stretching along the Timan (Mezen syneclise). Sedimentary basins of this time formed either above the Riphean aulacogenes or along the passive margins of the East European continent. The composition of the Vendian-Lower Paleozoic platform complex is represented by shallow sandy-clayey, and in the upper (Ordovician-Silurian) - carbonate sediments with evaporites. Of no small importance is the wide development of tillites, characteristic of the early Vendian, which indicates a sheet glaciation.

The Middle-Upper Paleozoic complex in places inherits earlier depressions, as in the Moscow syneclise, but the main volume of the cover is concentrated on the eastern and southeastern margins of the platform and in the region of the Dnieper-Donetsk aulacogen. In the south and southeast of the platform, the complex mostly begins with the Middle Devonian. FROM initial periods its formation is associated with the formation of extension structures - Devonian grabens. The most complete section (from the middle Ordovician to the Lower Carboniferous) is characteristic of the eastern margin of the platform, where it is involved in the nappe-thrust dislocations of the western slope of the Urals. In its composition, it can be confidently compared with the sediments of passive continental margins. Most notable for the complex under consideration are carbonate sediments, including reef facies, numerous in the Early and Late Devonian, Carboniferous, and Early Permian. The Late Devonian is characterized by the distribution of clay facies saturated with organic carbon. Their accumulation is associated with stagnant waters. In the Permian, due to the growth of the Urals and the thrusting of the ridges onto the platform, the sedimentary basin gradually dried up and salt-bearing strata formed. The result of this process was the formation of the Cis-Ural marginal foredeep, filled with a powerful red-colored molasse, a product of the destruction of the Ural Mountains.

The Meso-Cenozoic complex is developed only along the southern periphery of the platform: in the Caspian basin, in the Pripyat-Dnieper trough and the Black Sea basin. The sea penetrated beyond this strip only in narrow tongues in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, forming thin strata of sediments. The complex is dominated by terrigenous strata; writing chalk accumulated only during the period of maximum transgression in the Late Cretaceous. The thickness of the complex is small, only occasionally exceeding 500 m.

East European Platform

Russian platform, European platform, one of the largest relatively stable areas of the earth's crust, one of the ancient (pre-Riphean) platforms. It occupies a significant part of Eastern and Northern Europe, from the Scandinavian mountains to the Urals and from the Barents to the Black and Caspian Seas. The border of the platform on the N.-E. and S. runs along the Timan Ridge and along the coast of the Kola Peninsula, and in the southwest. - along the line crossing the Central European Plain near Warsaw and then going to S.-3. across the Baltic Sea and the northern part of the Jutland peninsula.

Until the last decade, to V. p. in the north-east. attributed the area of ​​the Pechora lowland, the Timan ridge, the Kanin and Rybachy peninsulas, as well as the adjacent part of the bottom of the Barents Sea; on S.-Z. the platform included the northern part of Central Europe (the Central European Plain, the territory of Denmark, the eastern part of Great Britain and the bottom of the North Sea). In recent years, the interpretation of the tectonic nature of these areas has changed due to the fact that the age of the basement within them was determined as Late Proterozoic. Some researchers (M.V. Muratov and others) began to attribute these areas to the area of ​​the Baikal folding of the adjacent folded belts and thereby exclude them from the boundaries of the ancient (pre-Riphean) platform. According to another opinion (A. A. Bogdanov and others), the same pre-Riphean foundation of the platform was only partially reworked by the Baikal folding, and on this basis, the named areas continue to be considered as part of the V. p.

The ancient, pre-Riphean (Karelian, more than 1600 million years) folded crystalline basement and the sedimentary (Epikarelian) cover quietly overlying it stand out in the structure of the V. p. The foundation protrudes only on the northwest. (Baltic Shield) and Yu.-Z. (Ukrainian shield) platforms. On the rest of the larger area, allocated under the name of the Russian Plate, the foundation is covered with a cover of sedimentary deposits.

In the western and central parts of the Russian plate, lying between the Baltic and Ukrainian shields, the basement is relatively elevated and shallow, forming the Belorussian and Voronezh anteclises. They are separated from the Baltic Shield by the Baltic syneclise (stretching from Riga in a southwestern direction), and from the Ukrainian shield by a system of graben-like depressions of the Dnieper-Donetsk Avlakogena, including the Pripyat and Dnieper grabens and ending in the V. Donetsk folded structure. To the southwest of the Belorussian anteclise and to the west of the Ukrainian Shield, along the southwestern boundary of the platform, the marginal Bug-Podolsk depression extends.

The eastern part of the Russian Plate is characterized by a deeper basement and a thick sedimentary cover. Two syneclises stand out here (See Syneclise) - Moscow, stretching to the north-east. almost to Timan, and the Caspian Sea bordered by faults (in the southeast). They are separated by the complexly constructed Volga-Ural anteclise. Its foundation is divided into ledges (Tokmovsky, Tatarsky, etc.), separated by aulacogene grabens (Kazan-Sergievsky, Verkhnekamsky). From the east, the Volga-Ural anteclise is framed by the marginal deep Kama-Ufimskaya depression. Between the Volga-Ural and Voronezh anteclises is the large and deep Pachelma aulacogen, which merges with the Moscow syneclise in the north. Within the latter, at a depth, a whole system of graben-like depressions was found, with a northeast and northwest strike. The largest of them are the Central Russian and Moscow aulacogenes. Here, the foundation of the Russian plate is submerged to a depth of 3-4 km, and in the Caspian depression, the foundation has the deepest occurrence (16-18 km).

The structure of the basement of the V. p. includes highly metamorphosed sedimentary and igneous rocks crumpled into folds, which in large areas have been transformed into gneisses and crystalline schists. Areas are distinguished within which these rocks are of very ancient Archean age, older than 2500 million years (massifs of the Belomorsky, Ukrainian-Voronezh, southwestern Sweden, etc.). Between them are the Karelian fold systems, composed of rocks of the Lower and Middle Proterozoic age (2600-1600 Ma). In Finland and Sweden, they correspond to the Svecofennian fold systems, and in western Sweden and southern Norway, a slightly younger one, the Dalslandian. On the whole, the foundation of the platform, with the exception of the western margin (the Dalslandian and Gothic fold systems), was formed by the beginning of the Late Proterozoic (previously 1600 Ma).

The sedimentary cover includes sediments from the Upper Proterozoic (Riphean) to Anthropogenic. The oldest rocks of the cover (Lower and Middle Riphean), represented by compacted clays and sandy quartzites, are present in the Bug-Podolsk and Kama-Ufimsk depressions, as well as in Finland (Iotnium), Sweden and Norway (sparagmite) and other regions. In most deep depressions and aulacogenes, sedimentary strata begin with Middle or Upper Riphean deposits (clays, sandstones, diabase lavas, tuffs), in the Dnieper-Donetsk aulacogen - with Middle Devonian rocks (clays, sandstones, lavas, rock salt), in the Caspian syneclise, the age of the lower parts sedimentary cover is unknown. The sedimentary strata of the cover are disturbed in places by gentle bends, dome-shaped (vaults) and elongated (swells) uplifts, as well as normal faults.

There are two major periods in the history of VP. During the first of them, which covered the entire Archean, Early and Middle Proterozoic (3500-1600 Ma), the formation of a crystalline basement took place, during the second - the actual platform development, the formation of a sedimentary cover and modern structure(from the beginning of the Late Proterozoic to the Anthropogenic).

Basement minerals: iron ores (Krivoy Rog basin, Kursk magnetic anomaly, Kiruna), nickel, copper, titanium, mica, pegmatites, apatite, etc. The sedimentary cover contains deposits of combustible gas and oil (Volga-Ural anteclise, Pripyat depression, Caspian syneclise), deposits of rock and potassium salts (Kama Cis-Urals, Pripyat depression, etc.), fossil coal (Lviv, Donetsk, Moscow basin), phosphorites, bauxites, deposits of building materials (limestone, dolomite, clay, etc.), as well as deposits of fresh and mineral waters.

Lit.: Shatsky N.S., The main features of the structure and development of the East European platform, “Izv. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Geological Series, 1946, No. 1; European tectonics. Explanatory note to the International tectonic map of Europe, M., 1964; Tectonics of Eurasia. (Explanatory note to the tectonic map of Eurasia, scale 1:5000000), M., 1966; Bogdanov A. A., Tectonic history of the territory of the USSR and neighboring countries, “Bulletin of Moscow State University. Series IV. Geology, 1968, No. 1; Nalivkin D.V., Geology of the USSR, M., 1962.

M. V. Muratov.

East European platform. Tectonic scheme.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what the "East European Platform" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Russian platform) Precambrian platform, occupying most of the East. and part of the Zap. Europe. The foundation protrudes to the surface on the Baltic Shield and the Ukrainian massif; the most important structures are also anteclises (Belarusian, Voronezh ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Russian platform), pre-Cambrian platform, occupying b. h. Eastern and parts of Northern and Western Europe. The foundation protrudes to the surface on the Baltic Shield and the Ukrainian massif; the most important structures are also anteclises (Belarusian ... Russian history

    The Russian platform, the European platform, is one of the largest, relatively stable sections of the continental crust, one of the ancient (pre-Riphean) platforms. Takes means. part of the East. and Sev. Europe, from Scandinavian ... ... Geological Encyclopedia

    - (Russian platform) one of the largest relatively stable areas of the earth's crust. Occupies territory of Eastern Europe between the Caledonian folded structures of Norway in the northwest, the Hercynian folds of the Urals in the east and the Alpine ones ... ... Wikipedia - see East European platform. Mountain Encyclopedia. Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by E. A. Kozlovsky. 1984 1991 ... Geological Encyclopedia

    Russian Plain, one of the largest plains the globe located in the greater, eastern part of Europe. In the north it is washed by the waters of the White and Barents Seas, and in the south by the Black, Azov, and Caspian Seas. In the northwest it is bounded by the Scandinavian mountains ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (Russian Plain), one of the largest plains in the world, occupying most of Eastern Europe. In the north it is washed by the waters of the White and Barents Seas, in the south by the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas. In the southwest it is bounded by the Carpathians, in the south ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (geological), a large structure of the earth's crust, with low mobility, flat or plateau-like relief. The structure is two-tiered: at the base lies an intensely deformed, crystalline foundation, overlapped by sedimentary ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

In Eastern and Northern Europe. It occupies most of the European territory of Russia, the territory of Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Moldova, as well as Finland, Sweden and Denmark. The area is about 5.5 million km2. In the northeast and east it borders on the South Barents-Timan and Ural fold systems, in the south - on the Donetsk-Caspian fold zone and the Scythian young platform, in the southwest - on the Carpathian fold system and the West European young platform, in the north -west - with folded structures of the northwestern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. Almost along the entire perimeter, folded structures are pushed onto the platform.

The East European Platform has an Archean-Early Proterozoic basement (more than 1.6 billion years old) composed of intensely deformed and metamorphosed primary sedimentary and volcanic rocks intruded by granites. The foundation protrudes to the surface in the northeast and southwest within the Baltic Shield and the Ukrainian Shield (for its structure, see the article Ukraine), in the rest, larger territory, called the Russian Plate, it is covered with a cover of horizontally or non-metamorphosed sediments of the Riphean - Phanerozoic. Within the Russian Plate, there are areas with a deeply submerged foundation and a platform cover thickness of 3-5 km or more (syneclises, or sedimentary basins, in the peripheral parts of the platform - pericratonic depressions), which are separated by basement uplifts (anteclises) with a cover thickness of several hundred meters. up to 2 km, stretching north of the Ukrainian Shield. In the Belorussian and Voronezh regions, the anteclise lies at shallow depths; comes to the surface in the quarries of the Kursk magnetic anomaly and in the Don river valley. Most of the Ukrainian shield and the anteclise in the late Proterozoic - early Paleozoic were part of a vast basement ledge called the Sarmatian shield. Starting from the middle Devonian, the Sarmatian shield experienced a differentiated subsidence, especially in the northeast, where the Volga-Ural anteclise formed, consisting of several arches (Tokmovsky, Tatarsky, Sysolsky, Komi-Permyatsky, Bashkirsky, Zhigulevsky-Pugachevsky, Orenburgsky), separated by saddles and deflections.

To the north of the band of uplifts of the basement, the Baltic, Moscow and Mezen syneclises are located, on different stages formations of the platform cover that were part of the Vendian-Early Paleozoic Paleo-Baltic, Middle-Late Devonian Russian-Baltic and Late Paleozoic East Russian basins. The Polish-Lithuanian, Brest, Lvov, and Black Sea pericratonic depressions extend along the southwestern and southern margins of the platform. In the southeast of the East European Platform, there is an ultra-deep Caspian syneclise, which subsided throughout the entire Phanerozoic; the thickness of the platform cover in its central part reaches 20–22 km. The youngest and smallest Ulyanovsk-Saratov syneclise is superimposed on the Tokmovsky arch in the southwestern part of the Volga-Ural anteclise. At the base of many syneclises are aulacogenes (paleorifts) filled with sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Some of them have a northwestern strike (Dnieper-Donetsk, Pachelmsky, Kamsko-Belsky aulacogenes), others - northeast (Volynsky, Orsha, Moscow, aulacogenes of the Central Russian system), some extend submeridional (Vyatsky, Dono-Medveditsky) or sublatitudinally ( Abdulinsky). Aulacogens are mainly of Riphean (1.6-0.6 billion years), less often of Middle Late Devonian (390-360 million years) age. The largest Devonian paleorifts are the Vyatka and Dnieper-Donetsk with its northwestern continuation - the Pripyat paleorift. At the base of the Caspian syneclise, there may be a large Paleozoic paleorift with a torn or strongly thinned (up to 27-35 km) continental crust. Over the Dnieper-Donetsk aulacogen in the Mesozoic - Cenozoic, the Ukrainian syneclise was formed. At the end of the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic, swell-like structures arose over some aulacogenes (over the northern part of the Pachelmsky aulacogen - the Oksko-Tsninsky swell, over Vyatsky - the swell of the same name, over the Dono-Medveditsky - a chain of swell-like uplifts), as well as discontinuous faults (faults, reverse thrusts) , flexures.

The following stages are distinguished in the history of the formation of the platform cover of the East European Platform.

Riphean - Early Vendian (1600-570 million years ago) - multi-phase formation of paleorift systems with their filling with sediments and volcanic material (aulacogenic mega-stage).

Late Vendian - Early Devonian (570-392 million years ago) - accumulation of sedimentary cover in the central, northeastern, western and southeastern parts of the East European Platform with a predominance of shallow-marine sediments, maximum transgression (sea advance) was noted in the late Vendian - Ordovician, the maximum drainage of the platform - in the early Devonian.

Middle Devonian - Permian (392-251 million years ago) - the stage began with the era of the Middle Late Devonian rifting and alkaline-basalt volcanism (in the area of ​​the Pripyat-Dnieper-Donetsk paleorift system, the Vyatka paleorift), a sedimentary cover was formed in the rest of the platform with a predominance of shallow water marine sediments, the maximum transgressions took place in the Middle - Late Devonian (formation of the Russian-Baltic sublatitudinal, branched in the east of the basin) and Carboniferous (the sea moved mainly from the east to the East Russian and Donets basins), the stage ended with the regression (retreat) of the sea in the Late Permian.

Triassic - Eocene (251-34 million years ago) - the formation of a sedimentary cover mainly in the southern half of the East European Platform and in the Moscow-Mezen basin, maximum transgressions occurred in the Early Triassic, in the Middle - Late Jurassic and in the Late Cretaceous, maximum drainage platforms took place at the end of the Triassic - the beginning of the Jurassic, in the early Cretaceous. Oligocene-Quaternary time (34 million years ago - until now) - the formation of a sedimentary cover mainly along the southern edge of the platform. In the Quaternary period, the northern half of the East European Platform was repeatedly covered by glaciers, which left a cover of glacial deposits during the retreat.

The Vendian - Phanerozoic corresponds to the plate mega-stage of the development of the East European Platform.

Magmatism on the East European Platform was manifested in the Devonian in the areas of rifting, in the Late Paleozoic in the northern part of the Baltic Shield (Khibiny and Lovozero ring massifs of alkaline rocks), as well as on the northern slope of the Mezen syneclise (diamond-bearing kimberlite pipes). Areas of salt tectonics - Caspian and Ukrainian syneclises.

On the East European Platform, basement rocks are associated with deposits of iron ores (Kursk magnetic anomaly, Olenegorskoe, Kovdorskoe, Kostomuksha - in Russia, Krivoy Rog iron ore basin - in Ukraine, Kiruna - in Sweden), copper and nickel (Pechengskoe - in Russia), and also mica and ceramic raw materials (in Karelia, Russia). With igneous rocks of the era of the Late Paleozoic activation of the East European Platform - deposits of apatite, nepheline, rare earth elements (Khibiny deposits in Russia), diamonds (Arkhangelsk diamondiferous region in Russia). are confined to the sedimentary cover large deposits oil and natural combustible gas (the Volga-Ural oil and gas province and the Caspian oil and gas province in Russia, the Dnieper-Pripyat gas and oil province in Belarus and Ukraine), coal (the Moscow coal basin in Russia, the Donetsk coal basin, the Dnieper and Lvov-Volyn basins in Ukraine ), manganese ores (Nikopol manganese-ore basin in Ukraine), rock and potassium salts (Verkhnekamsk salt-bearing basin in Russia, Caspian potassium-bearing basin in Russia and Kazakhstan, Pripyat potassium-bearing basin in Belarus), bauxites (Tikhvinskoe, Severoonezhskoe deposits in Russia) , phosphorites (Vyatsko-Kamskoye, Egoryevskoye deposits in Russia), as well as various natural building materials(writing chalk, marl, limestone, dolomite, clay, sand, etc.).

Lit.: Precambrian continents. Ancient platforms of Eurasia. Novosib., 1977; Milanovsky E.E. Geology of Russia and neighboring countries ( Northern Eurasia). M., 1996; Khain V. E. Tectonics of continents and oceans (year 2000). M., 2001.

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