I left my home.

Engineering systems 29.09.2019
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The image of "blue Russia" for the poet is closely connected with the village of Konstantinovka, where he was born, with peasant huts, folk songs, fairy tales and beautiful nature. It is this theme that is revealed in the poem "I left native home". brief analysis this article will be devoted to it.

History of creation

We will begin the analysis of Yesenin's poem "I left my dear home" with an appeal to the bibliographic component. The poet really left his beloved village early. This happened in 1912, when seventeen-year-old Sergei graduated from a teacher's school. He didn't want to teach. He was attracted by the capital, the poet dreamed of getting a job in a newspaper. However, the separation from native roots was difficult for Yesenin.

At first he was delirious at home, but there was no time to visit the village. The poet entered the university, worked in a printing house. Several years passed before he was able to visit his native Konstantinovka. In 1818, the lines "I left my dear home" were born. S. Yesenin managed to convey in them the unfading love for his parents, rural landscapes and his longing that did not let go.


Analysis of Yesenin's poem "I left my dear home" allows us to break it into two parts. The first of them is dedicated to the poet's small homeland, landscapes dear to the heart, memories of his father and mother. Everything here is permeated with warm sadness, regret that parents grow old without him.

The second part is more disturbing. The ringing blizzard comes to replace the village harmony. Nevertheless, the poet has a glimmer of hope that after a long time he will be able to return home. An image of a maple appears, with which the lyrical hero associates himself. The old tree becomes its extension, guarding the precious places. Relatives can console their longing next to the maple, as with its "head" it resembles the poet's curls.


"Blue Russia" is present in both parts of Yesenin's poem "I left my dear home." An analysis of the poet's work shows that this image is central to the entire early period. Then "Blue Russia" will be replaced by "Soviet", "steel" Russia. But Yesenin will not be able to get used to her.

The color blue is clear sky and the water surface, these are immense distances. For the poet, it is also a symbol of holiness, spirituality, peace. The image of Russia is inextricably linked with the rural way of life, rural landscapes. In the poem, nature and people are closely intertwined. The mother finds solace in the "birch forest over the pond", the father's gray hair is compared to apple blossom, the moon is spread out on the water surface like a "golden frog".

Leaving for the city, Yesenin is cut off from this harmony and his roots. Here man and nature are separated. The disturbing atmosphere is conveyed by the image of a "ringing blizzard". There is a strong sense of loneliness. Being in the distance, the lyrical hero worries about the safety of "Blue Russia". He leaves his Alter-ego in his small Motherland - an old one-legged maple tree, which is called upon to guard the world order in its unchanged form.

Expressive means

An analysis of Yesenin's poem "I left my dear home" shows that it was written in anapaest. Rhyming male, cross. From stylistic means exclamation and inversion are used in the third stanza, which gives these lines a special emotionality. The poet managed to express his bitterness from separation from his native places, his concern about the changes taking place in the country (the image of a snowstorm), the desire to protect the village dear to his heart from them.

From the lexical means of expression we find epithets ("native home", "old sadness", "Blue Russia"), metaphors ("golden frog moon", "rain leaves"). Present in the work and comparisons (gray hair with blossoming apple trees, maple with a lyrical hero). The closeness of man and nature is emphasized by personifications (the blizzard sings, the maple has a head and a leg, the birch forest "warms"). The poet comes up with his own forms of words in order to more accurately convey his thoughts and emotions: "apple", "warms".

Lyrical "I"

We can call autobiographical the lines "I left my dear home." The characterization of the lyrical hero allows us to understand the feelings of the poet himself, who is forced to live far from his native village. As in other works, inner world man is compared with natural phenomena. Yesenin acutely felt his "nodal ovary" with a harmonious surrounding world, trees, animals. Through the pictures of nature, the complexity of life, the vicissitudes of human fate were revealed to him.

Yesenin depicted the present in the form of a singing, ringing blizzard. The image of a snow whirlwind, a blizzard will dominate in his work of 1924-1925, conveying the state of a restless soul. But we are already hearing these echoes. Blizzard conveys a feeling of disorder, anxiety. The revolution, which changed everything, is compared with the elements, before which a person is powerless. Yesenin understands that the period of instability will last for a long time.

Salvation is the images of "Blue Russia", the "birthplace", which so vividly come to life in the poet's memoirs. In that fairy world inhabited by father and mother, the personification unconditional love, tenderness, protection. As long as parents exist, a person has two unshakable reliance on life path. But they are getting old. Yesenin anticipates the collapse of "Blue Russia", the fragility of the world of childhood. Therefore, he puts up guards: an old maple, so similar to himself with a golden head.

Main idea

Analysis of Yesenin's poem "I left my dear home" allows you to understand it main idea. Man cannot exist without roots. The places where we grew up, native people, traditions familiar from childhood become our spiritual support in adulthood. Without them, we find ourselves alone and defenseless in the face of life's vicissitudes. Therefore, it is so important to preserve these values, not to allow anything and no one to destroy them.

The poem is filled with sadness, but at the same time very beautiful, lyrical. Reading it, we are transported to the colorful world of Russian nature, admiring the vivid images and the quiet melodiousness of the lines.

February 17, 2016

In the work of Yesenin, the leitmotif was longing for a small homeland. In his youth, he left Konstantinovo. And a little later he created a work in which he expressed sadness and loneliness, experienced far from his home. Analysis of the poem "I left my dear home" by Yesenin is the topic of this article.

The poet created the work at the age of twenty-three. His work is striking in that it is almost not based on life experience. In this poem, he conveyed the feelings that a person usually experiences at the end of his life, rethinking the past years.

The work is a prime example lyric poem. It was created in the unique style of the poet. Analysis of the poem "I left my dear home" by Yesenin should begin with a study of his manner of presentation. He, like no one else, knew how to create a sincere quiet atmosphere in his work, while maintaining a fairly deep meaning. In the poem discussed in this article, Yesenin managed to achieve a similar effect with the help of memories that he indulges in, thereby expressing his longing. The poet depicts his own thoughts and feelings, talking about his parents and about the constant longing for his native land.

The lyrical hero and the image of the poet are inseparable. This feature is inherent in all of Yesenin's work. And here he also talks about himself, his life, experiences and torments, remembers his relatives.

Analyzing the poem “I left my dear home” by Yesenin, it should be noted that the work uses bright colorful images, peculiar symbols, and extremely expressive definitions. The presence of all these artistic means allows us to confidently attribute the poem to one of the poetic trends. It is difficult not to notice in it the original imagery inherent in the work of the Imagists. Such symbolism instantly makes the poetic language recognizable, and the poem - memorable and unique.

In the first years of his stay in Moscow, Yesenin was influenced by Imagism. However, his talent is unique. And although he separated from this literary school much later, even in this poem one can detect the originality of Yesenin's skill.

Theme and plot

Making an analysis of the poem "I left my dear home" by Yesenin, it is important to name main topic works. And it was not only nostalgia for Konstantinovo. For Yesenin, the Motherland in all its manifestations is one. Meadows, birches, old maple - images that are inseparable from Russia. In the reflection of the moon on calm water, in a birch forest, in an apple blossom - in all this the poet sees his homeland.

The plot of the poem is developed from the memoirs of the author. There is no story line as such. But a certain sequence, of course, is observed.

Starts with the words “I left my home” S. Yesenin, then mentions the sadness of his mother. The poet remembers his father, who is growing old without him. In the third stanza, the author says that he will not soon be able to see motherland. After all, the blizzard must be ringing for a long time.

It should be noted that Yesenin compares the tree, which is called upon to “guard Russia”, with himself. The unity of man with nature is a feature that is inherent in almost all the works of the Russian poet.

The plot develops quite logically: the reader sees that the Motherland and nature are inseparable for the poet, just like nature and man. He left his native land, but retained in his soul the image of a maple tree, which guards his native home and so resembles the author himself.

Artistic media

An analysis of S. Yesenin's poem "I left my dear home" is, first of all, a definition of size. The work is written in anapaest. It also uses cross rhyme. Everything is presented quite consistently, which speaks of a linear composition. The author draws parallels: he compares his native land with his parents, the Motherland with nature, trees with people.

The poem, despite its small size, contains an abundance of artistic means. Yesenin writes in a style that is unique to him. Distinctive features - vivid images and original style.

Undoubtedly, the analysis of the poem by S. A. Yesenin “I left my dear home” involves consideration of the main means of representation. In their use the poet was always unsurpassed. Here he called Russia "blue". This shade is associated with purity, with the color of the sky.

Yesenin compared the moon to a frog that sprawled on the water. This image allows not only to vividly and colorfully imagine an evening landscape with a pond, but also gives the poem an unusual dynamism. In the depiction of the gray hair in his father's beard, the author uses the expression "apple blossom".

Yesenin endows natural phenomena almost human qualities. The blizzard in the poem recalls creature that sings and rings. The maple, protecting Russia, stands on only one leg and is more of a thinking being than an ordinary tree.

The poet and his homeland

The one-legged maple in the last stanza is suddenly transformed. Now he has amazing features, full of something high and lyrical. And most importantly, the poet claims that the tree resembles his own head. It is maple that becomes a kind of connecting link that will not allow the poet to be alienated from his native land.

This poem is small, but surprisingly bright. Therefore, it is able to give the reader an idea of ​​the unique skill of Sergei Yesenin. The theme of Russia has always been the main one for him. It is quite extensive. It begins with an expression of longing for the native village and results in a more significant form - in feelings about the fate of the entire Russian land.

Yesenin's verse I left my dear home

"I left my dear home ...", analysis of Yesenin's poem

The poem "I left my dear home ..." was written by Sergei Yesenin in 1918. In this work, the poet talks about his feelings for his native land, draws images of longing, sadness, loneliness. The author easily draws parallels, telling readers about his inseparable connection with Russia. The poem was first published in 1920.

Genre and literary direction

Theme and plot of the poem "I left my dear home ..."

The main theme of the poem was the parting of the poet with his native land, mother and father. For Sergei Yesenin, the Motherland is one in all its manifestations. Birches, moon, old maple - all this is inseparable from the image of the native land. In every branch, leaf, reflection of the moon in the water, the poet sees his Russia.

The plot of the poem develops in the area of ​​the author's memoirs. There is no actual storyline here. However, a certain sequence is certainly observed. First, the poet notes that he left his native home, left Russia, speaks of his mother's sadness. Then Yesenin remembers his father, who turns gray without him. In the third stanza, the author writes that he will not return soon, the blizzard will sing over his house for a long time. But the old maple remained in the homeland of the poet. Interestingly, Yesenin directly associates the tree that "guards" Russia with himself. In the final stanza, the poet writes that the rain of its leaves, the "head" of the maple tree looks like it.

Composition, artistic means

Sergei Yesenin's poem "I left my dear home ..." is written in anapaest. The stress falls on the last syllable of the three-syllable foot. Cross rhyme is used. The composition is linear, since everything is presented sequentially in the poem. The author draws parallels between his native land and his parents, the Motherland and nature, trees and people. At the end of the poem, he compares himself with a maple tree left to "guard" Russia.

Consider the main means of representation. The poet calls Russia "blue". This definition also becomes artistic medium, symbolizing the blueness of the sky, purity. The moon in the work "spread out like a golden frog." Bright image not only allows you to vividly imagine the moon, but also gives the work a unique dynamism. Yesenin compares the gray hair in his father's beard with apple blossom, while the gray hair "sheds" in his hair.

The blizzard appears in the poem as a living being. The personification here allows us to better imagine a blizzard that sings and rings. The maple guarding Russia, standing on one leg, certainly looks more like a thinking being than an ordinary tree.

An old one-legged maple suddenly transforms right before the eyes of readers. He is already given amazing features, full of something sublime and romantic. Yesenin writes that there is joy in the maple for those who kiss the "rain" of the leaves of the tree. It turns out that the maple looks like a head on the lyrical hero of the poem. It is this tree that becomes a kind of connecting thread that does not allow the ties between the poet and his native land to be broken.

I left my home
Blue left Russia.

The mother's old sadness warms.

golden frog moon
Spread out on still water.
Like apple blossom, gray hair
My father spilled in his beard.

I won't be back soon!
For a long time to sing and ring the blizzard.
Guards blue Russia
Old maple on one leg.

And I know there's joy in it

Because that old maple
Head looks like me.

Analysis of the poem by Sergei Yesenin "I left my home"

This poem was created by the author in 1918. Here we are talking about the attitude to the earth, but at the same time there are notes of melancholy, loneliness. This work was published in 1920. It became a model lyrical genre, which is written in a manner that is unique to Yesenin. In it, the author expresses his thoughts about what his parents are like, how he loves his land.

The poem uses various images, symbols, definitions of expression. This poem is more related to the direction of the Imagists. This gives the whole piece a catchy style. The main idea is the separation of the poet from his native side, relatives. He believes that the Motherland is one: birches, the moon, an old tree, every leaf.

The plot is based on the memories of the poet. First, Yesenin says that he left his home, left Russia, his mother. Then he talks about the graying father. In the third part of the poem, the author talks about the future. And he will not return home quickly, but the memories of his native side will never disappear.

This poem was written in anapaest, so the emphasis falls on the last combinations of sounds of the trisyllabic iambic. Since everything is in sequence, its composition has a linearity. There are many means of expression in the work. And the author himself writes his works in a high style, which can be guessed everywhere. It contains many comparisons, allegories and epithets.

Russia began to be called "blue". The moon in the poem "spread out like a golden frog." Yesenin compares the gray hair of his father with apple blossoms. The blizzard is presented in a living way. It is better to imagine a snowstorm helps impersonation. The sprawling maple, as it were, guards Russia, it resembles a creature that thinks and experiences.

And already before the eyes of readers, the old tree is changing, it has unique features sublime and romantic. And this maple just looks like the author himself. And he is a link for a bunch of the poet and his family. The poem is written in a unique bright genre, which speaks of the good skill of the poet. Yesenin was always a patriot, so he loved Russia for what it is: with its disorder, constant changes in life.

“I left my dear home ...” S. Yesenin

“I left my dear home ...” Sergei Yesenin

I left my home
Blue left Russia.
Three-star birch forest over the pond
The mother's old sadness warms.

golden frog moon
Spread out on still water.
Like apple blossom, gray hair
My father spilled in his beard.

I won't be back soon!
For a long time to sing and ring the blizzard.
Guards blue Russia
Old maple on one leg.

And I know there's joy in it
To those who kiss the leaves of the rain,
Because that old maple
Head looks like me.

Analysis of Yesenin's poem "I left my dear home ..."

In 1912, 17-year-old Sergei Yesenin, who received a diploma from a rural teacher, turned down the opportunity to teach at his native school and went to Moscow to try to get a job in a newspaper. The future poet did not yet suspect that he was leaving the village of Konstantinovo forever. From now on, he will always be a stranger here due to various circumstances.

In the first years of life in the capital, Yesenin literally raved about his home, but because of his work in a printing house and studying at the university, he did not have the opportunity to see his father and mother. And after the revolution, he realized that he could never be truly happy in Konstantinovo, where, like in many Russian villages, the way of life had completely changed. In 1918, he wrote the poem "I left my dear home ...", filled with sadness and pain because fate played a cruel joke on him, depriving him of his homeland, which he idolized. In this work, the author for the first time tried to convey to readers the idea of ​​how easy it is to become an outcast in your own country, which can destroy the children's illusions of any person.

The first lines of this poem tell that the poet not only left his small homeland, but also "left blue Russia." However, during this period, Yesenin was in Russia and could not even imagine that he would ever be able to visit abroad. Then why does he claim otherwise? The thing is that that "blue Russia", which the poet loved so much, has forever remained in the past, and now only exists in the author's memoirs. Therefore, Yesenin, who nevertheless stopped by for a few days to visit his parents, notes that even they have changed. So, “like an apple blossom, the father’s gray hair spilled into his beard,” and the mother, exhausted by rumors about the unlucky son and worried about his fate, continues to be sad even when meeting him.

Realizing that the world of children's dreams is destroyed completely and irrevocably, the poet notes: "I won't be back soon, I won't be back soon!". Indeed, it will take almost five years before Yesenin visits Konstantinovo again and can hardly recognize his native village. Not because it has changed so much, but because the people themselves have become different, and in their new world there is simply no place for a poet, even such a famous and talented one. But at the moment when these lines were written, Yesenin meant something completely different. He was sure that he would not soon be able to see his homeland as it was before the revolution. The author did not even imagine that the changes taking place in the country would be so global and large-scale, but he believed that sooner or later everything would fall into place, and his "blue Russia", which was guarded by "an old maple on one leg", still open her arms to him.

Yesenin also compares himself with an old maple. since the new government for him is little better than the previous one. As a peasant son, the poet understands that now his fellow villagers have much more possibilities for self-realization. However, the poet cannot forgive the fact that the very spirit of the village with its originality is being destroyed, people are being forced to change their traditions and views that have been created by generations. Therefore, drawing a parallel between himself and the maple tree, the author wants to thereby emphasize that he also stands guard over that old Russia, since it was in its origins that people from time immemorial drew their mental strength. Now, when this source has dried up, Yesenin simply does not recognize his homeland, mired in civil war. And it hurts him to realize that after this bloody massacre, people will never be the same again - open, reasonable and living according to their conscience, and not at the behest of the party, which is not so much concerned with the needs of the people as strengthening their own positions and distributing spheres of influence in society.

"I left my dear home ...", analysis of Yesenin's poem

Poem "I left my home..." was written by Sergei Yesenin in 1918. In this work, the poet talks about his feelings for his native land, draws images of longing, sadness, loneliness. The author easily draws parallels, telling readers about his inseparable connection with Russia. The poem was first published in 1920.

Genre and literary direction

This poem is a vivid example of a work of the lyrical genre, written in a unique manner characteristic of Sergei Yesenin. Here the poet shares his own thoughts and feelings with readers, talks about his parents, talks about love for his native land.

The lyrical hero of the poem and author's image in this work are united, it is almost impossible to separate them. Sergei Yesenin tells us about himself, his fate, personal experiences and memories.

It is important to note that the poem uses vivid images, original symbols, expressive definitions. All these artistic means make it possible to confidently attribute the work to one direction to which the poet belonged. The poem clearly shows the original imagery inherent in the works of the Imagists. It is this unique symbolism that instantly makes the style recognizable, and the poem more memorable, non-trivial.

Theme and plot of the poem "I left my dear home ..."

main theme poem was the parting of the poet with his native land, mother and father. For Sergei Yesenin, the Motherland is one in all its manifestations. Birches, moon, old maple - all this is inseparable from image of native land. In every branch, leaf, reflection of the moon in the water, the poet sees his Russia.

Plot The poem develops in the area of ​​the author's memories. There is no actual storyline here. However, a certain sequence is certainly observed. First, the poet notes that he left his native home, left Russia, speaks of his mother's sadness. Then Yesenin remembers his father, who turns gray without him. In the third stanza, the author writes that he will not return soon, the blizzard will sing over his house for a long time. But the old maple remained in the homeland of the poet. Interestingly, the tree "Guards" Russia, Yesenin directly associates with himself. In the final stanza, the poet writes that with the rain of his leaves, "head" maple looks like it.

We can say that the plot develops logically: readers see that nature and the Motherland are one for the poet, like man and nature. He left his lands, but left a memory of himself in the form of a maple, which resembles him with the gold of its leaves.

Composition, artistic means

Sergei Yesenin's poem "I left my dear home ..." is written anapaest. The stress falls on the last syllable of the three-syllable foot. Cross rhyme is used. Composition linear, since everything is presented sequentially in the poem. The author draws parallels between his native land and his parents, the Motherland and nature, trees and people. At the end of the poem, he compares himself to a maple tree left "guard" Rus.

Consider the main means of representation. The poet calls Russia "blue". This definition also becomes an artistic tool, symbolizing the blueness of the sky, purity. Moon in the work "spread like a golden frog". A vivid image not only allows you to vividly imagine the moon, but also gives the work a unique dynamism. Yesenin compares gray hair in his father's beard with apple blossom, while gray hair "spills" in the hair.

The blizzard appears in the poem as a living being. personification allows here to better imagine a blizzard that sings and rings. The maple guarding Russia, standing on one leg, certainly looks more like a thinking being than an ordinary tree.

An old one-legged maple suddenly transforms right before the eyes of readers. He is already given amazing features, full of something sublime and romantic. Yesenin writes that there is joy in the maple for those who kiss "rain" tree leaves. It turns out that the maple looks like a head on the lyrical hero of the poem. It is this tree that becomes a kind of connecting thread that does not allow the ties between the poet and his native land to be broken.

A surprisingly vivid poem gives readers an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skill of Sergei Yesenin.

Listen to Yesenin's poem I left my home

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Picture for composition analysis of the poem I left my home

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Presentation author: Pechkazova Svetlana Petrovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU "Lyceum No. 1", Chamzinka village of the Republic of Mordovia Didactic material for a literature lesson in grade 5 Analysis of S.A.

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to check the level of knowledge of S.A. Yesenin’s creativity, the degree of understanding of the poem “I left my dear home ...”, its themes, ideas, features of the figurative and expressive means of the poetic language Purpose:

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Description of the slide:

In the work of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin in his mature years, the leitmotif was longing for a small homeland. In his youth, he left the village of Konstantinovo, and a little later he created a work in which he expressed sadness and loneliness, experienced far from his home. The history of the creation of the poem The poet created the work at the age of twenty three years. His work is striking in that it is almost not based on life experience. In this poem, he conveyed the feelings that a person usually experiences at the end of his life, rethinking the past years.

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Description of the slide:

S.A. Yesenin “I left my dear home ...” I left my dear home, I left Blue Russia. The three-star birch forest above the pond Warms the old mother's sadness. Like a golden frog, the moon Spread itself on still water. Like apple blossom, my father's gray hair spilled into his beard. I won't be back soon. For a long time to sing and ring the blizzard. The old maple tree on one leg guards the blue Russia, And I know there is joy in it Those who kiss the leaves of the rain, Because that old maple tree Its head looks like me.

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Description of the slide:

Teplit - that is, it softens with warmth Birch - that is, birch forests that can grow on poor soils. Flower - i.e. unpretentious, finely flowering plants. Howling is a dialect word. Howling in Ryazan dialects means arable land, a plowed field. S.A. Yesenin "I left my dear home ..."

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Description of the slide:

What pictures appear before the inner eye while reading a poem? Through what images does the poet convey the feelings of a person who has parted with his native places? What image is the guard of the native hearth? S.A. Yesenin "I left my dear home ..." What mood is imbued with Yesenin's poem?

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Description of the slide:

For Yesenin, the Motherland is a mother, a father, birches, an old maple, images that are inseparable from Russia. In the reflection of the moon on calm water, in a birch forest, in apple blossoms - in all this the poet sees his homeland. The plot of the poem is developed from the personal memoirs of the author. S.A. Yesenin “I left my dear home ...” Remembering the time when he “left his dear home”, S.A. Yesenin then draws his mother’s sadness and imagines his father, who is growing old without him. In the third stanza, the author says that he will not soon see his native land. After all, the blizzard must be ringing for a long time. It should be noted that Yesenin compares the tree, which is called upon to “guard Russia”, with himself.

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Description of the slide:

The unity of man with nature is a feature that is inherent in almost all the works of the Russian poet. The plot develops quite logically: the reader sees that the Motherland and nature are inseparable for the poet, just like nature and man. The poet left his native land, but retained in his soul the image of a maple that guards his native home and so reminds the author S.A. Yesenin himself “I left my native home ...” The poem “I left my native home” is a reminder that everyone a person has roots, a house where we were born and grew up, and without it, nowhere. And it is very important to appreciate these memories as a bright and radiant moment in our lives. After all, without a home where you want to return, it will be difficult for a person to live in this world.

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Description of the slide:

What figurative and expressive means of language does the poet use in this poem? EPITHETS OF COMPARISON METAPHORS dear home blue Russia old mother quiet water warms sadness the moon has spread out gray hair has spilled singing and ringing a snowstorm like a golden frog the moon has spread out ... like an apple blossom, gray hair ... S.A. Yesenin "I left my dear home ..."

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The poet called Russia "blue". This shade is associated with purity, with the color of the sky. Yesenin compared the moon to a frog that sprawled on the water. This image allows not only to vividly and colorfully imagine an evening landscape with a reservoir, but also gives the poem an unusual dynamism. In the depiction of the gray hair in his father's beard, the author uses the expression "apple blossom". S.A. Yesenin “I left my dear home ...” Yesenin endows natural phenomena with almost human qualities. The blizzard in the poem resembles a living creature that sings and rings. The maple, protecting Russia, stands on only one leg and is more of a thinking being than an ordinary tree.

13 slide

The verse "I left my dear home ..." Yesenin tells about the poet's sadness in his small homeland. Having become a certified rural teacher, in 1912 Sergei Yesenin went to Moscow. He did not yet know that he was leaving his native Konstantinovo almost forever. He did not have the opportunity to go to see his family. Only five years later he was able to visit his native village. But it was not the Konstantinovo that the author remembered from childhood. After the revolution, changes took place in the villages, and they did not please Yesenin very much. In 1918, yearning for his relatives and his former homeland, he wrote this poem. The author left "Rus" for a long time, the "blue dreams" of childhood collapsed. Sergei Yesenin also notices changes in his parents: his father has gray hair in his beard, his mother has aged. Stories about an unlucky son haunted his mother, even when he is around, she continues to be sad. He cannot be near them, but the old maple, which looks like the author, guards the parental peace.

You can read the text filled with sadness about the homeland that Yesenin idolized on our website. Yesenin's poem "I left my dear home ..." will be close to everyone who is away from their relatives and their homeland, who is lonely and sad.

I left my home
Blue left Russia.
Three-star birch forest over the pond
The mother's old sadness warms.

golden frog moon
Spread out on still water.
Like apple blossom, gray hair
My father spilled in his beard.

I won't be back soon!
For a long time to sing and ring the blizzard.
Guards blue Russia
Old maple on one leg.

And I know there's joy in it
To those who kiss the leaves of the rain,
Because that old maple
Head looks like me.

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