V.Markovsky: Life and creativity. The poem "An extraordinary adventure, former with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer

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"Always shine, shine everywhere, until the days of the last Donets ..."

Poetry Vladimir Mayakovsky can hardly be compared with folklore. But in his work there is a work that the unusual of his plot resembles a fairy tale. " An extraordinary adventure, former with Vladimir Mayakovsky summer at the cottage, "is a poem of magic.

Heroes of the work - the poet and the sun. In the gust of anger, the poet accuses daylight Light In the label and useless time: "Darmot! ... what is so without a business to go, to me on tea would go!" "Zlatolobo", as his poet calls, accepts a challenge, descends from heaven and, "Razing ray-steps", comes to the poet for tea: "Gony, poet, jam!" The very unusual situation gives the reader thinking: what can bind the poet and the sun? What a history of history is waiting ahead? However, the "comrades" told all night, replete to each other on her hard life. They agreed that everyone would pour on the world each way: the sun - rays, poet - verses. And under the "Suns doubles" will not be able to stand "the wall of the shadows, nights of the prison." Now the lyrical hero takes the slogan of the Sun: "Shining - and no nails!"

The image of two shining - shining lights and shone the words was submitted by the author so simple that the reader does not have doubts and confusion in their interpretation. Metaphors are one of the features of lyrics V. Markovsky, they have accurate and strong.

Under the fabulous plot, metaphoricity of images, hyperbolization is hidden one truth: what is the purpose of the poet's purpose. V. Mayakovsky suggests that the mission of the creator of the word to bear people light, by all means. And no matter how difficult there was a way, it is impossible to complain and angry, reproaching others that they are all much easier. The sun every day "the world upset up", and do not climb the sky, it could not - people waited for warmth and light. The poet may find another profession, so as not to go to the "sky of life" every day. But when people see the light? When will the heat wait? What do joy test? Therefore, in the poem and lies this life-affirming "The slogan of my and the Sun!" Two shops will do their job. And if everyone will do it well, the world will be lighter and joyful.

(Pushkino. Akulova Mountain, Dacha Rumyantsev,

27 miles on Yaroslavl jerk. Dor.)

In one hundred forty suns sunset gruel,

summer rolled in July

there was heat

the heat sailed -

at the cottage it was.

Pushkino Horbil

Shark pea

and the bottom of the mountain -

the village was

crumpled roofs.

And for the village -

and in that hole, probably

sun descended every time

slow and right.

mir foul

the sun rose Alo.

And day after day

awful angry

And so once angry,

that in fear, everything is opposed,

i felt shouted the sun:

pretty shoe in the hell! "

I shouted the sun:


sounded in the clouds you,

and here - do not know no winters or years,

sit, draw posters! "

I shouted the sun:

listen, Zlatolobo,

come out without

there would be a tea! "

What have I done!

by goodwill,

rasking ray-steps,

walks the sun in the field.

I want a fright not to show

and we retire the back.

Already in the garden of his eyes.

Already passes the garden.

In the windows

in the gap going

sun pulled mass,


spirit translating

spoke bass:

"I chase back I lights

for the first time with creation.

Did you call me?

Chases drive

gony, poet, jam! "

Tear from the eyes itself -

heat crazy

but I am him -

on samovar:


sit down, shine! "

Damn the devilment of my

yelling him -


i sat on the corner of the bench,

i'm afraid - it did not come worse!

But strange from the sun is

flowed, -

and stepie

i sit, talking

with lumina


talk about it

what delays of growth,

and the sun:

do not be sad,

look at things just!

And me, you think

Look, try! -

But you go -


you go - and shine in both! "

Chatted so to dark

before former night i.e.

What's the darkness here?

we with him, completely awake.

friendship is not tai

bring it on his shoulder.

And the sun too:

us, comrade, two!

Let's go, poet,

the world in gray trash.

I will pour my sun,

and you - your

verses. "

Shadow wall

nights prison

under the suns double fell.

Pychs and Lights Cute

shiai in what got!


and wants night

tupaya Sonnia.

in all the light of me -

and again the day sores.

Shine always

shine everywhere

until the days of the last Donets,


and no nails!

Here is my slogan

and the sun!

"An extraordinary adventure, former with Vladimir Mayakovsky summer at the cottage"

In the summer of 1920, Mayakovsky writes one of his bright poems (in fact

This is a little lyrical poem) about poetry - "an extraordinary adventure, formerly with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the cottage."

This poem is fairly compared with Derzhavinskaya ("Hymn of the Sun"), with Pushkinskaya ("swollen song") tradition. Pushkin lost the anthem to the light sun of the creative human mind; Mayakovsky liked the Sun, the source of light and life, poetry.

Developing classical traditions, Mayakovsky in this poem acts as a poet of a new historical era that determined the new, special system of feelings and thoughts, new figurative associations. The new content is filled and the image of the Sun. In the post-beater works of Mayakovsky, this image usually personifies the bright (communist) future. In the "Lev Marsh" is the "Sunbound Edge". In the "Growth windows", the bright future is graphically depicted in the form of a rising from the sun horizon. In the revolutionary poetry of those years (for example, Poets-Polychtovtsev, the motif of the Sun usually serves as a means of transferring actions to the "Space", "Universal" plan. In the "extraordinary adventure ..." All of these allegories do not have such a clear, certain severity. They appear only as a literary and historical context, a common cultural "background" of works. The topic of poem develops in a deeply lyrical plan. Although the event itself is really "extraordinary", fantastic, its accuracy is confirmed by many real parts reported, starting with the title, from the subtitle. Dan accurate address of the event ("Pushkino, Akulova Mountain, Dacha Rumyantseva" ...), furnishings in the country (field, garden, "jam", "samovar", "teas" ...), many psychological details ("Razing" , "PERSON", "RETURN YOU", "SKONFUE" ...). The July heat characterized, which "sailed" - "a hundred forty suns sunset grew" (surprisingly "accurate" counting of sunset brightness - hyperbole in the style of Gogol).

As the lyrical plot is developing, there is a gradual personification of the sun from an inanimate heavenly spotted to the Hero-Guest hero, who herself, who drinks "teas" with the lyrical hero, moving with him to "you", calling him a "comrade". True, the lyrical hero himself is already at the beginning of the poem, "angry", turns to the sun on "you". But it is rudeness. By the end of the poem, this is already mutual friendly "you". As a result of the "extraordinary adventure", the friendly conversation becomes clear the deep community of the roles of the "Poet of Vladimir Mayakovsky" and "Sun":

I will pour my sun, and you are yours, verses.

Both comrants, the Sun and the poet, firing the "double-banes" rays and poems hostile forces of the darkness - "The wall of the shadows, nights prison" - and defeat. So a matter of joint participation in the struggle is confirmed by unity, coincidence of their tasks:

Always shine, shining everywhere.

Here is my slogan - and the Sun!

The final slogan "shining" is always and everywhere, illustrated so bright and witty, such a "extraordinary" history - no longer distracted allegory. This is an ordinary poet case, an artist who defeats the darkness, which bears beauty, joy, light.

Updated: 2011-05-09


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The history of the creation of the poem "An unusual adventure, formerly with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the country".

The poem "An extraordinary adventure, formerly with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer" was written in 1920. The first post-revolutionary years went, in the country still continued civil War, Daughter reigned, hunger began. The young state was in dire need of supporting and promoting his ideas, and for this purpose, in Moscow, the Russian telegraph Agency was created "Growth": in the center of the city in the showcase of the former store posters were posted on the evil the day.

In 1919-1922, Muakovsky worked a lot in the "Growth" windows, creating a total of more than five hundred posters. This difficult, daily work of the poster and slogans writer, very necessary for the young country, tired Mayakovsky and caused doubt: does he not waste himself as a poet, giving his talent and time? The answer to this traditional question about the appointment of the poet and poetry Mayakovsky gives the "extraordinary adventure ..." poem. The theme of the poet and poetry in the poem "An extraordinary adventure, formerly with Vladimir Mayakovsky summer at the cottage."

In the poem "An extraordinary adventure, former with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the country" is created by the image of a master who is comparable to the Mayakovsky with the Sun, sublime and everyday. Following the traditions of Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, the poet resorts to the comparison of the role of the poet with the action of natural forces supporting life on Earth. So, Pushkin compares the power of the human mind and talent with the radiance of the Sun and exclaims: Long live muses, everyone lives! You, the sun holy, burn! As this lampada pale is a clear sweating of dawn. So false wisdom flickes and smolders the sun of the immortal mind.

Long live the sun, then the darkness will hide! ("Scaffolding Song", 1825) Features of the composition of the poem. Composite poem is divided into two parts: the image of the usual (landscape, the poet behind the work), the hillock of Pushkino hubbed a shark mountain, and the bottom of the mountain - the village was, the roofs were shouted. And for the village - the hole, and the sun, probably descended the sun every time, slowly and right. And tomorrow again the world to fill over the sun Alo. And the day after day, terribly angry me here.

And the unusual, fantastic (meeting and conversation of the poet with the Sun, awareness of the poet of the kinship of their activities and the community of tasks): what I did! I died! To me, by goodwill, itself, spreading ray-steps, walks the sun in the field. I want a fright not to show - and we retire the back. Already in the garden of his eyes. Already passes the garden. In the windows, in the door, in the cracker, the sun was falling, poured; I transferred the Spirit, spoke to Bas: "I chase back I lights for the first time with creation. Did you call me?

Chai Goney, Goni, Poet, Jam! " Such a structure clearly reveals one of the thoughts of the poem: the greatness of a truly poetic everyday work, carrying the truth and revelation, the meaning of which expresses the verb to "shine", the child's "burn verb" in the "Prophet": And he picks me a breasts with a sword, and the heart rose , And coal, flaming fire. In the chest, the hole was irrigated. As a corpse in the desert I lay, and the god of the voice appeared to me: "We are upful, the prophet, and everyone, and hurt. Fight of my will, and, by commodity and land. Glagol Loggy hearts of people. "

The usual meaning of the verb "shining" gradually develops into a symbolic, receiving moral and aesthetic and social and political sound: always shine, shine everywhere, until the days of the last Donets, shining - and niokih nails! Here is my slogan - and the Sun! Artistic features The poem "An extraordinary adventure, formerly with Vladimir Mayakovsky summer at the cottage." The main in the poem is to receive fiction - the lyrical hero calls the sun to her tea, and it responds to the invitation: and so once he was glad that in fear, everything was faded, I shouted the sun: "Slantia! Pretty shoe in the hell! " I shouted the sun: "Darmot! You are in the clouds you, and here - do not know any winters or years, sit, draw posters! " I shouted the sun: "Wait!

Listen, Zlatolobo, than so, to go without a case, I would go to my tea! " The poet does not just use a fantastic assumption, he does it so masterfully that the situation seems almost plausible. At first, Mayakovsky unites two stable speech expressions: "The sun comes" and "a person comes to visit." Thus, the sunset loses its heavenly value, and the sun easily comes to the man to the ground.

The sun first violated his eternal circle of rotation for the sake of man, which is shown due to the admission of personification: it walked around the sky with his rays, goes to the garden, illuminating him with a hot look, his huge body - the mass is seeping into all the gaps and holes at home and talks, as it should Completion, bass. The connection of two plans is ordinary and unusual - and their transition to each other is underlined by Kalambar - the "game" of meaningful words: what so, to go to me, go to my tea!

The poem is a dialogue. Hence the inevitable personification of the "interlocutor". The Sun is given a human appearance: it says, talks, says, drinks tea: "Already in the garden of his eyes," "Spirit is transferred, / spoke to the bass", "I beat his shoulder." "An extraordinary adventure ...", like the whole unusual poetry of Mayakovsky, demanded from the poet to search for new artistic means To express poetic ideas.

Not only the way of writing poems, was a distinctive feature of the work of the Poet Mayakovsky. Special metaphoricity gives the imagery of Mayakovsky's works. They want to quote, tell in his manner. Analysis of the poem "An extraordinary adventure, formerly with Vladimir Mayakovsky summer in the country" is necessary to learn the idea, the idea and position of the author.

Genre and plot poem

We can safely attribute this poem to the National Epos. The main character - Sun, but it is not depicted in the familiar image: a source of light, warmth, joy, life. Mayakovsky has invested another meaning in him: the sun is only engaged in what is traveling and does not know how to take himself.

Somehow the sun was descended for the horizon, behind the village and saw Mayakovsky. He was angry with him in idleness and asked to visit, but did not think that it would really come. The sun came, labeling the poet and spent the whole night with him. They devoted this period of time to what they were told to each other, which of them lives worse, what kind of troubles and difficulties. And here it was an illness to Mayakovsky: he could always change his activity, and there is no sun. Every day it rises, filling this world with light, heging it, and then sits down the horizon. After such a frank dialogue, Mayakovsky understood that he was wrong about the sun and that the work of the Sun work is important - it benefits and joy to people, makes the world better, lighter and more.

We will continue the analysis of the poem "An extraordinary adventure, formerly with Vladimir Mayakovsky summer at the cottage." The final part is devoted to the call for people. It is necessary to approach the fulfillment of any case, even the most trifle, the most responsible and show a good result, to invest all the forces in it. Otherwise, why work mediocre. Each person has its own mission and needs to be performed not only for himself for himself, and thinking about other people, as it does this sun.

Mayakovsky made for himself the conclusion that no need to complain about his life, work, because someone can live worse than you and engage in more responsible business.

Tools of artistic expressiveness

It seems that may be unusual in the description of the sun? But Mayakovsky with the help of hyperboles managed to make it fantastic - "Sunset stunned in the sun". The metaphorical image of the Sun allows the reader to believe that this is something alive. Especially when the sun comes to visit the poet. Colorful details are added to the poem of expressiveness: "Put, the Spirit of Puting, spoke to the bass ...", "Skonphus, I sat on the corner of the bench ...", "and soon, in Friendship, I'm banging on my shoulder."

When we read the dialogue with the Sun, it seems that they are old friends. Mayakovsky managed to convey a relaxed atmosphere due to the simple vocabulary and the presence of exclamation purposes.

Making an analysis of the poem "An extraordinary adventure, formerly with Vladimir Mayakovsky summer at the cottage" it becomes clear that the heroes are peculiar by their nature: the sun is both strong and gentle, and the poet is tired, angry, but loving his creativity.

The originality of these images is in simple terms to each other. Poet and sun - comrades. But after a warm meeting, they proceed to a serious conversation. Mixed the theme of the poem: the appointment of the poet and poetry. The sun and the poet have a certain similarity: the sun warms people with their rays, and Mayakovsky - words.

The work is indeed very interesting both by its structure, and in meaning, and by quantity bright images. You have read the analysis of the poem "An extraordinary adventure, formerly with Vladimir Mayakovsky summer at the cottage." Read other articles on literature on our website in the section

"An extraordinary adventure, former with Vladimir Mayakovsky summer at the cottage"

The poem "An extraordinary adventure, formerly with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the country" is devoted to the topic of difficult, but noble poetic labor. Like most works V.V. Mayakovsky, it is built on a dialogue and carries a pronounced publicistic start. The main artistic technique in this work - parallelism: the life of the Sun and creative way poet.

Pretty the long name of the poem, equipped with another detailed subtitle, clearly concretizing the scene, aims to a detailed story about the events that have occurred.

The poem opens with a country scenery, which is also unusual, as an unusually declared in the title adventure of the poet.

It opens up expressive hyperbole "One hundred forty sun sunset gruel", emphasizing strength summer heat and at the same time specifying the dynamics of the entire subsequent action:

And tomorrow
mir foul
the sun rose Alo.
And day after day
awful angry
it became.

So it is planned in the work of an imaginary conflict. Next, a loose lyrical hero throws a desperate challenge to heavenly shining:

I felt shouted the sun:
pretty shoe in the hell! "

In the replicas of the hero, a lot of conversational and spacious phrases. This gives his speech Panibrate character. Initially daring to talk with the Sun, the man seems to sick with his fearlessness. Then the sun still responded to the abandoned call, the mood of the hero is changing:

Damn the devilment of my
yelling him -
i sat on the corner of the bench,
i'm afraid - it did not come worse!

In the poem (as in Lyrika V.V. Mayakovsky as a whole) an extremely strongly dramaturgical principle. Fantastic action unfolds like an ordinary drinking scene: we have two close comrade, leading to a sore everyday life. They (poet and the sun) complain to each other on everyday problems and eventually agree to unite their efforts in general matter:

You yes i
us, comrade, two!
Let's go, poet,
we ride
the world in gray trash.
I will pour my sun,
and you - your

At the same time, the "Zlatoloboy Sun" finally acquires the human image: it does not only lead to an unhurried conversation, but it can even be patted on the shoulder.

In the final of the poem, the abstract image of the general enemy is destroyed:

Shadow wall
nights prison
under the suns double fell.

The work ends with an optimistic picture of the celebration of poems and light, the most beautiful on earth.

Poetic metaphors help V.V. Mayakovsky combine fantastic and realistic plans of the artistic reflection of reality:

To me,
by goodwill,
raskin in a ray-steps,
walks the sun in the field.

The lyrical hero perceives the heavenly luminaries as a certain real being - assistant poet. Both of them do one general business - they carry the world.

V.V. Mayakovsky sought to be consistent in his views on art. This poem of the poet echoes the problem with a number of other works devoted to the topic of the poet and poetry.

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