How to cut ceiling plinths in corners without a miter box the first time. How to cut ceiling plinths in corners How to cut a 45 degree corner

Engineering systems 17.06.2019
Engineering systems

Presence of corners or bulges on the wall, various ways laying tiles, as well as non-standard sizes Rooms play a huge role in the cladding workflow, causing additional challenges. Therefore, you often have to deal with the need to grout tiles.

Right outer corners, which are sawn at 45 degrees, form a neat right angle with a smooth transition, so there is no need to resort to the use of overhead aluminum or plastic corners. However, to ensure that the cuts are accurate and match other parts of the tile, it is necessary to use special tools.

What is it for?

Basically, cutting down the corner edge of a tile at 45 degrees is carried out in the following cases:

  • to match the inner and outer corners of rectangular tiles when they are joined during the laying process;
  • to form a beautiful beveled edge;
  • at diagonal layout tiles

Trimming the edges of tile products at a special angular angle makes it possible to forever forget about the use of overhead corners.


You can make a high-quality and even cut without chips and cracks only with the help of special devices, each of which has its own advantages.

Electric machine

The main advantage of this tile cutter is a clear and high-quality cut on tiles, which is carried out in two directions: an ordinary straight cut and a special cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Thanks to the turns cutting wheel At a certain angle to the part of the tile being cut, it is easy to make a cut, ranging from 0 to 45 degrees. Electric machine may have a water supply function, due to which less dust is released, or may have a conventional design. However, both versions of the devices provide the same quality of work and guarantee cutting down a large volume of tiles in a short time.

When cutting tiles with concave shapes, the electric tile cutter does not follow the concave deflection of the product. Therefore, you can only cut off the back side so as not to touch the enamel on the front part. This especially applies to porcelain stoneware.

Required accessories:

  • special masking tape;
  • a simple pencil;
  • small ruler;
  • tile cutting machine;
  • grinder with adjustable speed.

You need to stick masking tape on the part of the tile where the cut will take place. Use a pencil and ruler to make the necessary markings. Then place the tile on a certain area of ​​the device at a 45 degree angle. According to principle circular saw The tiles are cut using a diamond strip. In some models, water is supplied during cutting, which protects the tiles from melting and washes away dust.

If the glaze on the outer part of the tile is damaged, the cut will turn out unsightly with the presence of cracks and chipped edges, which will have a sloppy appearance when laid next to each other. Therefore, when working with an electric tile cutter, you need to carefully remove only the clay layer.

Professional secrets of experienced tilers:

  • using a tile cutter it is necessary to achieve an even cut;
  • then form the required angle on the back side of the product;
  • the glaze that was touched during the work process is rubbed down with sandpaper.

Manual tile cutter

Manual tile cutter is popular not only among professional tilers, but also among amateurs. Many models of such tile cutters are equipped with a special rotating base and a built-in ruler, which allow you to make high-quality cuts of tiles at 45 degrees. After inserting the tile into the tile cutter at a certain degree, you need to align the mark on the tile and on the construction tool. Having lowered the handle down, you need to use slow movements at the same speed and even pressure to move it away from you.


Despite the fact that such a construction device is present in almost every home, you can independently cut the tiles at 45 degree angle grinder is very difficult.

To quickly and evenly cut down tiles, you need to install a diamond wheel on the device. The tile should be placed under the edge with the outer side facing down. Now you need to grind the back side with a grinder at an angle of 45 degrees. ceramic tiles.

It will not be possible to make an even and clean cut the first time. Therefore, after the corner has been formed, it is necessary to repeat the process and walk the grinder’s diamond wheel along the cut edge. This is the only way the angle will become even.

To form a corner on a tile, it is necessary to choose the right grinder, since not all models can perform the necessary functions. In this case, it is worth purchasing a construction tool whose speed can be adjusted.

At the beginning of work, you should set the minimum speed at which the edges of the tiles will be polished and not burnt.

Basic Rules

When installing tiles, you must remember that you can only cut off the clay, not reaching 0.5-1 mm of the glaze. In this case, the corner of the tile will be beautiful and smooth, without damage or nicks.

Modern capabilities and the skill of specialists make it possible to cut tiles at 45 degrees not only from the edge, but also in the middle of the product. To do this, the tiles need to be measured and cut in accordance with required size, and then cut at 45 degrees. To get a quality result, you should seal the cut edge with sandpaper.

How to correctly form an acute angle?

The next step after the process of cutting down the tiles at a certain angle is its proper use, as well as the organization right angle. To do this, the following points must be observed:

  • using a special building level It is necessary to glue the first part of the tile evenly. Its trimmed edge should protrude slightly beyond the base of the right angle;
  • the second tile should be glued in the same way opposite, the period of fixation of the glue allows you to move and adjust the touching tiles to achieve tight contact.

Before you start facing the corner, you should check the consistency of the vertical wall. Even with the lowest elevation changes, the angle at the top may not converge and may not turn out smooth. It will be impossible to disguise or repair this flaw in the future.

The scope of use of tiles cut at an angle of forty-five degrees has certain limitations. As a result of the clay being cut from the back, the narrowed edges of the tiles become thin and fragile, so they can easily break off.

It is not recommended to form right angles from cut tiles in areas where there is heavy traffic.

Cutting without special tools

The installation of tiles does not have to be carried out using special devices. At home, you can easily manually cut the tiles at 45 degrees. To do this you need to proceed as follows:

  • A line is drawn along the outer part of the tile (glaze) with a glass cutter;
  • using a grinder, a small groove is formed on the back side of the tile in the form English letter“V”, which is positioned across the width of the entire tile;
  • then you need to carefully break the bend of the cut and sand it with sandpaper.

How to cut a mosaic?

Today, many modern designers use mosaics when decorating rooms - small ceramic tiles that are no different from ordinary tiles, except for their size. Therefore, when using this tile, it is often necessary to cut it at an angle of 45 degrees.

To cut small tiles, it will be most convenient to use an electric tile cutter, in which you need to place the movable small parts of the mosaic with the glaze down. Having conveniently fixed them on the back side of the cutting disc, you can begin to cut while simultaneously holding the tiles with your hand. Just like when installing regular ceramic tiles, When cutting down a mosaic, you should remember the outer layer of glaze, which is not recommended to reach.

No less difficult process washed down the mosaics - an ordinary grinder, which is accompanied big amount dust. In this case, the tiles should also be fixed with the outer side down. Only during work you need to find a suitable object and hold small parts of the tile that are constantly moving.

The grinder should work at the lowest speed. Use a diamond wheel to remove the back layer of clay using slow movements. However, it will not be possible to carefully file down the cut edge of the tile with a grinder, so upon completion of the process it is necessary to seal it with sandpaper.

Trimming and filing should ideally be done by a professional.

Today, the use of aluminum or plastic corners has decreased due to the ability to cut tiles at 45 degrees. This method, like joining tiles at right angles, has been known for a long time. Previously, such methods were used for cladding the facades of various buildings. Now such options for laying ceramic tiles can be found in almost every home.

However, with all positive characteristics washing down the tiles, this process also has negative sides. This corner of the tile becomes too thin and vulnerable, so it can easily crumble, which will lead to unnecessary hassle and waste.

For information on how to cut the end of a mosaic at 45 degrees, see below.

Sometimes you need to cut a particular part or product at a certain angle. As a rule, you need to cut baguettes, fillets, platbands, baseboards and other similar interior elements at an angle of 45 degrees. Anyone can cope with this task. The main thing is not to rush, don’t be nervous and everything will work out.

Buy ready-made corner elements

Of course, the easiest way is not to bother with trimming this or that part, but to buy a ready-made one that does not need processing or trimming. Such parts and elements are sold today everywhere in large supermarkets or smaller stores.

For example, as for baguettes or fillets, special corner elements are sold for them that fit perfectly into the corner and do not need to be trimmed. They just need to be glued into place and pressed well.

Method of joining platbands without trimming

Today, platbands are often not cut at an angle and then joined together, but the joints are made at right angles. This method of connecting platbands does not require any special trimming, which is very convenient. In addition, this method looks more modern and attractive.

Cutting at an angle using a miter box

If you still need to cut this or that part at an angle, then you should stock up on a miter box - a simple device that looks like a small box. The miter box has slots that are designed for a saw or a long sharp knife. Of course, these slots are made to form a smooth and precise 45 degree angle.

However, a miter box can have many slots at once, at different angles. This is convenient because with the help of one device you can trim any parts at different angles.

There are adjustable miter boxes on sale. The slots in such a miter box can be adjusted, which allows the master to set exactly the angle required in the this moment. In particular, it is quite simple to move the slits of such a miter box to a position of 45 degrees.

Now you can trim the workpiece simply. A baguette, platband or plinth is placed in the miter box, after which a saw is inserted into the slots and the excess is simply cut off. The angle ends up being perfect, exactly 45 degrees.

What to do if there is no miter box? Very simple. You need to make a template according to which it will not be difficult to transfer the necessary markings to the workpieces. As a template, you can choose thick cardboard or anything else that will be appropriate for your project. in this case.

Cutting parts at an angle using a protractor

You can cut the part at an angle using a protractor. This is a measuring tool that is easy to use, and which is designed specifically for measuring angles or making the necessary markings on certain parts. The protractor is applied to the part, the angle is marked and the markings are made with a pencil. Using these markings, cutting the workpiece at the desired angle will not be difficult.

Using Templates

If you don’t have a protractor, miter box or ready-made corner elements, you’ll have to look for a suitable template. Of course, the template must have the desired angle. It is applied to the workpiece and the workpiece is marked with a pencil. This is one of the most simple ways achieve the desired result.

Trimming "on the spot"

The walls, floor and ceiling will not always be perfectly flat in practice. Most often they have irregularities. For this reason, there is no need to cut the workpieces at clear and precise angles, because anyway they will not fit perfectly.

Instead, it is sometimes convenient to trim the same ceiling plinth local. That is, first they glue one strip of the plinth, trim it in the corner, and cut the second strip under it.

Of course, it is hardly possible to cut the workpiece perfectly. However, if a small gap appears in the corner, it can always be covered with putty or gypsum plaster. Nothing special.

Video: How to cut the corner of a plinth or baguette without a miter box

The ceiling plinth not only performs a decorative function, visually separating the walls from the ceiling, but can also hide the joints of various finishing materials ceiling and walls. Not every interior design involves the use of ceiling plinths, but most often general form the room seems incomplete without it. There is nothing complicated in attaching this element - fillets - almost all types of skirting boards are attached with glue. But the question of how to properly trim ceiling plinths in the corners of rooms can confuse many. After all, even in the simplest room there are internal corners where the ceiling plinth strips must be joined precisely and beautifully. And in a more complex room configuration, you will also have to join the plinths, performing external corner. In this article we will look at various options, how to cut a ceiling plinth using available tools and without them.

First, you need to figure out the question of how to cut the ceiling plinth; the answer to it depends on the material from which the fillet is made. At the moment, ceiling plinths made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), expanded polystyrene (foam), polyurethane and wood are sold.

PVC ceiling skirting boards are the cheapest. They easily form dents and creases that cannot be removed, so the product has to be thrown away. Also, their disadvantage is electrostaticity - the ability to attract dust. You can cut them with a sharp knife construction knife or a hacksaw.

Ceiling plinths made of polystyrene foam are also considered cheap. This material is very fragile and easily crumbles during processing, so it is necessary to cut polystyrene foam with a sharp knife or a hacksaw, without applying too much pressure.

Ceiling plinths made of extruded polystyrene foam A little more expensive than polystyrene foam, they are denser and more difficult to cut. However, they crumble less, so they are easier and more convenient to work with. Cut with a construction knife and a hacksaw for metal.

Ceiling plinths made of polyurethane are the most expensive at the moment. They are durable, elastic and moisture-resistant, easy to cut with a construction knife and do not crumble. The disadvantage of polyurethane skirting boards is their dependence on temperature changes. For example, over gas stove the polyurethane baseboard will acquire residual deformation and begin to crack slightly. If you try to process or cut such a skirting board, it may bend or deform in other ways.

Wooden ceiling plinths They are dense, heavy products that can only be cut with a hacksaw, preferably with small, frequent teeth. You can also use a metal blade.

Before moving on to listing the ways to correctly cut a ceiling plinth, I would like to note that it is possible not to cut the plinth with particular precision. Available for sale special corner elements, into which the edges of the plinth are inserted. In this case, it is enough to cut the plinth strip at an angle of 90 °, and the corner element will hide all the flaws. But this method is not always used, since the dimensions of the corner elements are slightly larger than the baseboards themselves, so the corners in the room will stand out against the general background. Sometimes it can look clumsy. However, if the design of the room allows the use of corner elements for ceiling plinths, it makes sense to use them. Further instructions will be useful for those who still decide to precisely cut the baseboards to a given angle.

A miter box is a simple carpentry tool that allows you to cut the workpiece at the required angle. Most often it is a tray made of plastic, wood or metal with vertical slots for cutting at an angle of 90° and 45°. There are also more complex miter box designs - for cutting at angles of 90, 60 and 45 degrees. For more professional work, use a miter box with rotating mechanism, where the hacksaw can be fixed at any angle to the workpiece.

How to cut ceiling plinth using a miter box - inner corner:

  • We apply the plinth to the ceiling and measure the required length.
  • Then we install the plinth strip in the miter box so that the position coincides with the position of the plinth on the ceiling.
  • The plinth strip should be pressed against the far wall of the miter box.
  • We hold the plinth with our left hand.
  • We choose the position of the hacksaw when the angle is 45 degrees and at the same time the handle of the hacksaw is as close as possible to the left hand.
  • We cut the workpiece without putting excessive pressure on the saw.
  • The next step is cutting the baseboard striker. We also install it to the far wall of the miter box.
  • Press and hold with your right hand.
  • We choose a position for the hacksaw when the angle is 45 degrees and the handle of the hacksaw approaches the right hand.
  • Cut off the baseboard.

Next, we join the cut plinth strips and check the cutting accuracy. For more precise orientation, they also say that to perform internal corner It is necessary to start cutting from the front part of the baseboard. Wooden skirting boards After trimming, you will most likely have to adjust it with a file.

How to cut a ceiling plinth using a miter box - outer corner:

  • In order not to make a mistake with the dimensions, it is better to start by marking the inner corner, and then cut out the outer corner. Otherwise, there may be a situation where the bar may not be long enough.
  • It is necessary to attach the plank to the ceiling and outline the dimensions.
  • We install the ceiling plinth strip and press it against the nearest wall.
  • We hold with our left hand and select a position for the hacksaw at an angle of 45 degrees, when the handle approaches the left hand.
  • We cut off the workpiece.
  • We install the counter plate to the nearest wall and hold it with our right hand.
  • We install the hacksaw at an angle of 45 degrees, when the handle approaches the right hand.
  • We cut off the workpiece and join the corner.

Trimming the workpiece using a miter box is only suitable if the angle between the walls is even - 90 degrees. If the accuracy leaves much to be desired, you will have to use other methods.

How to cut the corner of a ceiling plinth using markings on the ceiling

Marking the plinth on the ceiling also allows you to cut the corner smoothly and accurately. The only drawback of this method is that it is difficult and inconvenient to hold the plinth strip suspended during the cutting process. Otherwise, you can mark the angle for cutting in this way even more accurately than in other ways. When applying the plinth to the installation site, all flaws in the walls and deviations in the size of the angle are immediately taken into account.

Cutting the corner of the ceiling plinth:

  • First of all, two blanks need to be cut at an angle of 90 degrees.

  • Then we first apply one plank, resting its end against a perpendicular wall. We draw a line on the ceiling outlining the contour of the plinth.

  • We remove this plank and attach a counter plank, also resting its end against the wall. We draw a line.

  • The intersection point of the outlined lines will be the mark at which it is necessary to cut the baseboard.
  • Again we apply each strip one by one and mark the cutting point on them.
  • Draw a line from this point to the other edge of the plinth.

We cut the skirting boards along the marked lines, join them and apply them to the installation site. Please note that using this method it is more convenient to cut internal corners.

Something resembling a miter box can be made by applying the required cutting angles to paper, cardboard or wood. You need to draw two parallel lines, determine the center, and then mark the necessary angles using a protractor. The advantage of this method is that you can set any angle, including more than 90 degrees. Of course, before cutting the corners of the ceiling plinth, you must first check the angle between the walls using a corner and measure it with a protractor.

The technique for cutting a ceiling plinth using a painted miter box is exactly the same as using the miter box itself. We press the plinth strip against one of the parallel lines, then set the hacksaw at the desired angle, which has already been outlined, and cut it off.

Makeshift miter box tray with your own hands

Making a miter box with your own hands is also not difficult.

Method 1. You will need three wooden planks or boards, which must be knocked together into a U-shaped box. Then the necessary angles are marked on the walls of the box, and the cut is made with a hacksaw. The result should be a wooden miter box with grooves cut out in it.

Method 2. A combination of a makeshift miter box and a template with outlined lines. For ease of cutting, it is necessary to build something that will conveniently hold the ceiling plinth strip, since it is difficult to hold it suspended. It is enough to put together a corner from two wooden planks or boards. On paper you need to draw lines with angles for cutting at 45 degrees or any other. Then we apply the plinth blank to the corner, press it with our hand, as described in the technology for using a miter box, move the paper with the template under the edge where we are going to make the cut, and cut it off. During the cutting process, we focus on the line drawn on the paper.

Method 3. You can use anything as an improvised miter box, anything that forms a corner. For example, a table pushed against the wall.

Important! Please note the rule for taking measurements for cutting ceiling plinths. To mark an internal corner, you need to measure the length directly from the corner itself. To mark the outer corner, you need to be aware that the baseboard will protrude into the room at a distance equal to its width.

You should not fix the ceiling plinth strips before you have cut the counter strip and tried out their location. Only after the two strikers meet perfectly in the corner can you begin to attach them to the ceiling. Small flaws can be corrected with a file or nail file in the case of wooden and polyurethane skirting boards. To adjust the foam products, you will have to use a sharp knife.

If suddenly, even after adjusting the baseboards, a small gap remains between them, do not despair, it can be repaired with putty. Cutting the ceiling plinth yourself is not difficult. But in order not to spoil a lot of products, it is better to first practice on small pieces.

Ceiling plinth is a product that in appearance is no different from its analogue floor coverings. It is also called fillet. This detail serves to mask the joints between the wall and ceiling. It is installed at the very end of the finishing work, since the element does not carry any functional load, but plays only a decorative role. The process of installing the product is not at all complicated, but many are faced with the dilemma of how to make a corner of the ceiling plinth. Depending on the selected materials and tools that are available, the fillet corners are cut in different ways.


Modern construction market offers the following options for these products:

  • Polyurethane. They are considered the highest quality and most reliable. In addition, they are moisture resistant and elastic. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the high cost and exposure to temperature changes. Because of this feature, the corners of the ceiling plinth are made of of this material may crack if a stove is installed underneath. It is also important to remember that inaccurate trimming may cause slight deformations, which can ultimately lead to significant curvatures.
  • Polystyrene. They are practically no different from the previous material, but they have a lower level of strength and therefore break easily due to mechanical stress. Also, polystyrene products cost a little less.
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This is the most cheap option material. The low cost has left its mark on the quality: the products are difficult to work with and are prone to dents. To make the outer or inner corner of a PVC ceiling plinth, you need a lot of experience and special tools. But the manufacturers of these products do not stand still, and today for these purposes you can purchase special fittings - corners for ceiling plinths, thanks to which installation plastic parts Even a novice home craftsman can do it.
  • Wooden. These skirting boards look impressive. Unlike all other products, wooden materials are installed with screws or nails, and not with glue.

The above options can be produced in various sizes, have a textured coating or be completely smooth. Usually the color of the products is white, but if desired, you can find or order any other color.

Creating fillet corners

To connect two planks, you can use decorative corners for ceiling skirting boards. But in the absence of such, the material will have to be processed. Next we will talk about how to correctly cut a corner on a ceiling plinth.

How to use a miter box for processing

A miter box is one of the simplest carpentry tools, which is used to trim various products at different angles. It is usually a plastic, metal or wooden tray with several slots in the walls. IN simple version There are slots for 45 and 90 degree angles only. In more complex ones, there are more angles, and a professional tool is equipped with a rotating mechanism that allows you to direct the cutting element at any angle. The principle of operation is simple: before cutting off the corner of the plinth, the workpiece is secured in a tray and then processed cutting tool(knife, saw, etc.), lowering it into the slots.

Trimming ceiling plinth using a miter box

How to properly cut the ceiling plinth for the inner corner on a miter box:

  1. The first step is to attach the plinth to the surface and mark the required length with a pencil.
  2. Then the part is placed in the tray so that its current position coincides with the position on the surface.
  3. Using a clamping mechanism, the plinth is fixed to the far wall of the tool container.
  4. The product is taken with the left hand. After which you need to select correct position cutting element (angle 45 degrees). In this case, the handle of the tool should be as close as possible to the left hand.
  5. Applying light pressure on the part, begin trimming. It is important not to press the product too hard, otherwise you may deform it.
  6. The same manipulations, only in mirror image, must be done with the second baseboard.

Then the cut strips must be checked for correct processing. To do this, it is enough to connect the ceiling plinth by simply attaching the strips to the surface. If a wooden product is used, it will most likely have to be further processed with a file.

On a note! First of all, it is necessary to design the internal corners on the ceiling plinths, only after that proceed to the external ones. Otherwise, the length of the purchased strips may not be enough.

How to properly cut a ceiling plinth for an outer corner:

  1. Before cutting the corners, you need to attach the fillet to the edge of the wall so that the product extends slightly beyond the boundaries of the surface, and make a mark.
  2. Then perform the same operations as in the previous instructions.
  3. At the end, make a fitting and, if necessary, further process the edges with a stationery knife or file.

Important! To cut the corners of skirting boards using a miter box, you need a perfectly even surface angle of 90 degrees. If there are any unevenness on the walls, due to which there will be deviations of more than 2 degrees, you will have to use other tools.

Processing fillets using markings

Most often, the final alignment results in straight corners. But in some cases, the deviations are so large that even after fitting and filing the fillets, gaps remain. And then the question of how to correctly cut the ceiling plinth using a miter box will be meaningless, since in this situation it is better to cut the planks with preliminary fitting on the spot. To carry out this procedure you will need the following:

  • A thin hard pencil or marker (such a tool leaves sharp lines, so you don’t have to look closely).
  • A small fragment of a fillet.
  • Ruler or tape measure.
  • A special construction or stationery knife for processing polystyrene, polyurethane or PVC baguettes.
  • Saw or hacksaw for processing wooden baseboards.

Before cutting the ceiling plinth, you need to lean the strip against the corner and draw a line along the outer edge of the product on the ceiling surface. Then attach the same fillet fragment to opposite wall and draw the same line.

As a result, there will be an intersection on the ceiling surface, where the cut products will need to be joined. The resulting mark is alternately transferred to the parts that will be joined.

Then you need to take a ruler and connect the edge of the fillet with the markings. After which the product is placed on the table and cut along the line.

This method is quite simple, but it comes with some risks. As a result, the inside of the baseboard can interfere with the connection of the parts on the surface. To prevent this from happening, you can do the following: before cutting the ceiling plinth in the corners, it must be placed on the table in the same position in which it will be glued to the wall. Then cut the outer corner or inner corner at a 45 degree angle. The next plank should be processed in the same way. In this way, lengthy processing after fitting can be avoided.

Next, you need to adjust the joint, but already at the place where the fillet is installed. That is, before gluing the ceiling plinth in the corners, it is necessary to check the internal joint without applying adhesive or fasteners. Then carry out the same manipulations for the outer corner planks. After preliminary fitting and bringing the corners to perfect condition, you can glue the products.

Now the question of how to join ceiling skirting boards at uneven corners should not arise.

Trimming with a square

Now let's look at how to cut the ceiling plinth using standard set tools. For this you will need:

  • ruler or tape measure;
  • square;
  • construction, stationery knife or hacksaw.

How can you cut off a corner of a ceiling plinth if the surfaces are perfectly flat:

  1. A ruler is applied to the fillet at an angle of 45 degrees. Using a knife, cut off the unnecessary fragment with one movement of the hand.
  2. In the presence of wooden product, markings are first applied to the plinth with a pencil, and then sawed off with a saw or hacksaw.

If the surfaces of the walls have unevenness, then the first thing you need to do is measure the degree of the angle, and then divide it by two. Let's say the angle is 80 degrees, which means that each product needs to be cut at an angle of 40 degrees.

If adjacent walls do not form a right angle, then to cut the baseboard you will have to make some calculations

Decoration with decorative corners

The easiest way to join ceiling plinths in the corners is to use special products. They are sold in hardware stores and are immediately ready for use. The fillets are simply glued to the surface, and the joint is closed decorative element. In this case, the question of how to properly cut the baseboard does not make sense. Even if the joint turns out to be uneven, this defect will be hidden by a decorative corner.

How to replace a miter box with improvised means

How to make the corners of a ceiling plinth using improvised means? There are several ways:

  • First way. It is necessary to prepare three wooden boards the same thickness and width. Using nails or self-tapping screws, connect them into a U-shaped structure. Mark the 45 and 90 degree angles (you'll need a square or protractor for this) and then make the cuts using a wood saw. The result will be a homemade miter box. How to trim ceiling skirting boards using this tool is indicated above.

  • Second way. In this case, before cutting out the ceiling plinth, you should build simple design to hold the fillet. To do this, you need to take two boards and put together a corner from them. Then take paper and draw lines on it going at different angles. Now let's look at how to cut corners using the resulting tool:
    • the fillet is laid on a wooden corner;
    • in the marked place - a template with drawn lines is applied to the product and trimming is carried out.

  • Third way. This method is the simplest, but it requires some experience and a steady hand. In this case, you can use any structure that has a right angle, for example, a table.

On a note! Before cutting the corner, measurements should be taken at the fixation site. To mark the inner corner, start measuring from the joint of the walls. Before cutting the outer corner, it is necessary to apply markings taking into account that the product will extend beyond the boundaries of the surface by its thickness.

The video demonstrates the process of making a miter box at home:

Installation of skirting boards

This operation will be successful if you follow several recommendations:

  1. The installation of ceiling fillets begins with the design of the corners. After completing this operation, you can begin installing the remaining parts.
  2. When fixing the products, it is necessary to press their edges so that there are no gaps left. In this case, excess glue should be removed immediately so that it does not have time to dry.
  3. If you purchased a PVC skirting board, then to fix it you can use finishing putty, which may have remained after finishing work.
  4. Before gluing the skirting boards to the ceiling, it is necessary to treat the surfaces with a special primer or just water. Then the fillets are put in place and wait until the surface underneath them dries. At the end, the seams and cracks are sealed with sealant or other material with a similar composition. It is better to use sealants containing acrylic.

Installing ceiling skirting boards is quite simple procedure, which even a novice master can handle. The main thing is to follow the above recommendations and regularly check the correct installation using a level, even if the fillets look perfectly even by eye. It is also important to remember that this element is purely decorative, so even the smallest mistakes are unacceptable.

This tool is a profile in the form of an inverted letter P. There are slots on the sides for sawing at an angle of 45, 60 and 90 degrees. More complex corner templates or miter boxes have devices for setting different cutting angles.

For an inexperienced master the best option would be to purchase a ready-made miter box at a hardware store. At home, it can be made from three planed boards or plywood.

The tool can be assembled by fastening pre-prepared parts together. The corner template box must be secured using wood glue or screws. The side walls of the miter box must be strictly parallel to one another. The horizontal beam should create a strict perpendicular to the side beams.

Step 3: we mark slots at different angles to cut laminate, trim, etc.

The application of the slots will affect the accuracy of the work performed in the future. Therefore, this process must be approached with special care. It is advisable to make cuts using the same hacksaw that will be used to perform the work.

Step 4: preparing the material to be cut at an angle of 45 degrees

It is necessary to secure the finished corner template on the desktop using a clamp. Next, markings for the future cut should be applied to the workpiece. Next, you need to align the workpiece with the 45-degree slot inside the miter box and press firmly.

The hacksaw must be inserted into the corresponding grooves of the corner template and cut the workpiece. The grooves will limit the movements of the saw and the cut will be carried out in the desired direction.

Subtleties of working with a miter box and various materials

When sawing elements such as baseboards, it is not always necessary to make a 90-degree cut. After all, the walls in the room may be uneven. Before sawing the baseboard, it is necessary to adjust the angle of the cut.

Thus, the article described and characterized the sawing process wooden materials using a miter box.

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