Computer keyboard decoding. Assigning computer keyboard keys

Encyclopedia of Plants 21.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The keyboard is the main computer control tool. Its development is a priority for any user. And having mastered the purpose of special keys and their combinations, you will be able to speed up and facilitate your work.

The main blocks of keyboard keys

A typical keyboard consists of 5 blocks of keys:

  1. Symbolic (with the image of letters of the Russian and English alphabets, numbers and punctuation marks). To type characters instead of numbers, press and hold the Shift key.
  2. Additional block of numeric keys (on the right side of the keyboard). The Num Lock button is also located here, which turns this block on and off.
  3. Special keys:
    • Caps Lock - Changes the keyboard case (uppercase to lowercase). By default, most computers are configured to print in lowercase letters, after pressing the Caps Lock button once, capital letters are printed;
    • Enter - usually used to move the blinking cursor one line below;
    • Tab - indents, "red" line;
    • Alt, Ctrl - expand the capabilities of the keyboard, when pressed simultaneously with other characters, they give specific commands to the computer.
  4. Cursor keys in graphics and text editors with the image of arrows that move the cursor up, down, left, right. Also buttons:
    • Insert - allows you to activate the mode of inserting/replacing text on the page;
    • Delete - deletes the character to the right of the text cursor or the selected text;
    • Backspace - deletes the character before the cursor;
    • Home - move the blinking cursor to the beginning of the text/paragraph;
    • End - move the cursor to the end of the page;
    • Page up - page up;
    • Page Down - page down.
  5. In addition, there are other keys:
    • Esc - closes some programs (browser windows, computer games, and others);
    • long empty button - space;
    • Print Screen - takes a "photo" of the screen, saves it to the clipboard.
  6. Function keys (the top row, signed with the Latin F and numbers from 1 to 12) - together with the previous block, allow you to use the keyboard without a mouse.
    • F1 - call Windows help;
    • F2 - editing the selected object (renaming files, folders);
    • F3 - search activation. Calls up a search box in the system or enables text search in the browser;
    • F4 - activates the address bar in Windows Explorer and opens the address bar history in Internet Explorer;
    • F5 - executes the "update" command, for example, a page on the Internet or the operation of the system;
    • F6 - transfers the blinking cursor to the address bar of browsers or is used in computer games to save the achieved level;
    • F7 - F9 - do not have standard functions, their purpose varies depending on applications. In games, F9 usually causes the F6 quicksave to load;
    • F10 - call the program menu;
    • F11 - translates windowed mode work in full screen and vice versa, it is convenient, for example, when watching movies;
    • F12 - in text editor Microsoft Word allows you to save the current document.

In general, when getting acquainted with any application, it makes sense to figure out what functions the function keys perform. This can help you make your work easier and faster.


Simultaneous pressing of some keys allows the computer to quickly execute more more commands. Such keyboard shortcuts are called "hot keys". The most common ones are:

  • Alt+Shift - switch keyboard layout (changes input language);
  • Alt+F4 - close the current window;
  • Alt + Ctrl + Del - opens the "Task Manager";
  • Ctrl+A - executes the "select all" command;
  • Ctrl+X - cut to clipboard;
  • Ctrl+C - copy to clipboard;
  • Ctrl+V - paste from clipboard;
  • Ctrl+P - document printing;
  • Ctrl+S - save the current document.

Features of working with a laptop keyboard

Those who had to work on a laptop keyboard must have noticed that some of the symbols and pictograms differ in color or are framed. Also highlighted is the Fn button on the bottom row to the left of the space bar. When you press Fn and keys of the same color at the same time, special tasks are performed.

Thus, you can change the sound volume and screen backlight, turn on / off the touchpad (touchpad), put the laptop into sleep mode and perform other actions. Which keys are responsible for a particular function depends on the laptop model and manufacturer, this information can be found in the accompanying documents for the computer or by deciphering the icons.

One of the most important hardware components in a computer is the keyboard. Exists big choice models and designs. There are also quite unusual products. But, despite the many proposals of designers, the purpose and functions of the keys are made according to the same principle.

Modern computer keyboards have 101 buttons (sometimes there can be 102). All of them are divided into groups and are function keys, numeric, alphabetic, control, service. There are also modifiers.

What is the purpose of the keys in each type of keyboard?

What are function keys?

There are 12 of them in total. They have been used in a computer keyboard for a very long time. And their description and purpose can be seen in many information technology textbooks that were published even before the invention of computers in its present form. As a rule, the function keys are located at the top of the keyboard and are arranged in one row. What are their features? To a greater extent, the purpose of these keys is due to the traditional software and by no means rigid standards.

There are generally accepted principles where the buttons of this group are associated with certain actions. Even here, however, there are exceptions. And individual manufacturers assign function keys to the assignment that they consider more correct. You can consider options where you will need to press the function buttons when you work in Windows. Let it be the 7th version. Then the F1 key is responsible for the OS help system. Many programs that run on Windows also activate help using the F1 key. As for the F2 key, its purpose is to rename folders and files in Windows.

When working with some file managers, a similar function is assigned to it. The F3 key in a Windows program is responsible for a separate folder, search engine - OS or a similar interface that most programs have. For example, if the text is open in the editor, then by pressing F3, it is possible to find the desired word or phrases. The F4 button in the Windows system was endowed with two functions. By pressing this key, you can go to the address bar in the OS manager or display the history. By pressing the F5 key, it is possible to update the display of objects in the folder on the desktop or in the browser window. The F6 button has a certain similarity with F4.

With its help, you can translate the text cursor into the address bar in the built-in Windows file manager. But it doesn't show history. If you take the keys F7 - F9 and F12 on the keyboard in the Windows system, then their purpose is not strictly defined. Here everything will be subject to the specific application in which you are working. Here, you can use a specialized program to assign keys. The F10 button in the program interface is used if you need to get to the menu item located on the far left.

For example, you have a page open in a Word window. If you press F10, you can get to the File menu. Using the F11 button, it is possible to make a quick transition to full screen mode or do it vice versa.
To the control keys K, usually mean keys - arrows - left, right, down and up. They are used to perform actions to move objects on the screen, control characters in various games, and other actions. Among other things, they are used to position the cursor in the text.

The central place in the keyboard space is occupied by letter keys. Usually there are 47 such buttons and the largest number of them. As a rule, in English keyboard alphabetic characters are denoted in their pure form. This means that on the keys, apart from them, nothing is shown. As for the Russian keyboard, the simultaneous use of some alphabetic keys is allowed here to make them "carriers" of punctuation marks. If they are not combined with other modifiers, then the main letters will be displayed. If you make a certain combination, punctuation marks will be introduced. In addition, sometimes, using the letter keys, you can control an object on the screen, if it is provided computer game or directly by the program. Then the letter keys will be "control".

Depending on the keyboard model, the numeric buttons may be on top of the alphabetic characters or be supplemented by keys on the right side of it. This usually happens on laptops and program computers, on "big" keyboards where they don't fit. Often these keys are used in calculations. There are also auxiliary buttons with which you can perform division, multiplication, addition, subtraction. There is an Enter key.

There are keys on the keyboard - modifiers that are able, with the help of alphabetic, function or number buttons, to change the input commands when pressed simultaneously. These include ALT, CTRL, SHIFT. The modifier also includes the INSERT, CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, SCROLL LOCK keys. Some of these four keys are allocated to a separate group and are called "mode" buttons. To better understand their action, you can give some examples where these keys are used. On a computer, the keyboard is designed so that data can be entered using only single button presses and their combinations. Thanks to this feature, the functions of most "modifiers" are performed. Often, users combine buttons with the ALT key.

For example, by pressing a combination of TAB and ALT, you can switch windows of different programs. With a combination of ALT and F4. You can close the active application. Popular on the keyboard, there are also keyboard shortcuts with CTRL. For example, if you press the "C" button with this key, you can make a copy of an object or copy a data area - a folder, file, picture, text, and so on to the clipboard. By pressing CTRL + V, you can instantly paste a "copy". If "X" is substituted for "C", then the selected data will be "cut" from the original place, and after using CTRL + V, they will move to a new one. SHIFT is the most commonly used modifier button. Thanks to her, many users type in capital letters in the text.

Buttons - modifiers, some experts call hot keys. After all, with their help, you can quickly perform a specific action, which would take more time if you use the mouse. The above are examples that can be used using hotkeys. This is copying text with a combination of CTRL, X, C and V, when the work is faster than using the context menu with the mouse. Quite often they combine "modifiers" with each other. For example, you have enabled the "Russian" keyboard on your computer. You can change the layout to "English" by pressing the ALT and SHIFT buttons on the keyboard at the same time. Or if you do the combination the other way around.

There are quite a few service keys on the keyboard. These include PAGE UP, ESC, PRTSC, PAGE DOWN, PAUSE, DEL, HOME, BACKSPACE, WIN, END, TAB, ENTER. Very often, the consumer uses the SPACE button, which means a space. There is an opinion that “modifiers” and control keys are considered “utility”, since it would be more expedient to classify buttons differently. However, at the same time, there are no uniform standards here.
Among the most popular keys is SPACE, which makes a space when typing.

By combining this key with INSERT, this key will erase the typed letters. The second most popular is - ENTER, which has many functions. Moreover, it will be difficult to single out the main one. This is a group of key ones: launching the program, opening a folder, file and translating this text to a new line. Keyboards with separate number buttons on the right side usually have an ENTER key. Quite often, the ESC button is used, which cancels various actions. For example, the user has opened an image viewer. You can close it by pressing ESC. This is only possible if the corresponding key association is set in the application. There are times when when you press ESC , no action occurs and the program does not respond to them.

Many do not know the use of the PRTSC key. Use it to take screenshots. In other words, graphic images in this moment time. If you want to save an image in a separate file, you need to run a specific program to process pictures. It could be Photoshop or Paint. Then place (whatever you want) in the editable area. An option could be a combination of CTRL and V. Then leave a convenient format in the file.
The keyboard also provided for keys that we rarely use. However, they are also necessary and belong to the category of service buttons. These are the PAUSE and SCROLL LOCK keys.

With the help of the second button, we can change the mode of the control arrows. For example, pressing the "left" or "right" buttons in the corresponding direction will move the active window. If you have a process or program running on your computer that has a pause feature, the PAUSE key may come in handy. For example, on the screen before it was loaded Windows program, various system information was displayed, which is of interest to the user, but he does not have time to familiarize himself with it due to fast switching. By pressing the PAUSE button, you can “slow down” the process. All this is possible if the programming interface allows it. Its algorithms are initially laid down by the manufacturer motherboard or the computer itself. To continue the program, as a rule, you need to press any key on the keyboard.

Every year, everything in the world is improved and modernized. This also applies to the computer keyboard. The description and purpose of the keys may change over time. However, in the technological revolution, this is not the only aspect. New keys are added, which then become generally accepted standards. Among the new buttons can be called - WIN and "menu". On keyboards, they, as a rule, are indicated by drawings. The WIN button looks like a Microsoft branded flag. The context menu key is drawn with a mouse arrow. Today, any modern computer keyboard adapted for Windows contains the WIN key. It is believed that the appearance of these two buttons led to the release of the Windows system to the world market.

In principle, the WIN key is considered a “hot” key, since many actions are carried out with it, both in combination with other keys, and when performed quickly. various activities held with the mouse. It must be said that when the WIN button is pressed separately, the Start menu opens.
What can be "hot" combinations when using WIN.

By pressing WIN+D, you can collapse or expand in applications open windows. If the user needs to quickly launch a program, they use the WIN and R keys together. By combining the WIN and PAUSE buttons, you can open the My Computer page. What is the use of the Menu key? The principle of its operation is the same as when you press the right mouse button when the cursor is hovering over a folder or file. In other words, with this button you can open a context menu that consists of different options. For many users, this feature is more convenient to use, just using the keyboard.

As noted above, the assignment of keys is a set of rules that are dictated by tradition. But software and computer manufacturers are reluctant to experiment with key associations. After all, many users are already accustomed to the keyboard used, the description of its functions and the purpose of the keys. And they might just not like an unusual keyboard.

Most PC owners prefer the familiar "hot" service or function buttons that they use in most applications. The patterns that relate to the assignment of various keys and which were outlined above are suitable, basically, for all keyboard models. Software vendors, in turn, try to associate applications in algorithms that are more familiar to the market.

Other operating systems (such as Linux) that are different from Windows have similar key behavior to the above. Many competing operating systems originally targeted at Windows have the same key assignments that display the same features as the Microsoft system. This also applies to the WIN key, which is typical for Windows. In some cases in other operating systems, its functions are similar to the original spectrum of assignments. The same can be said about the "modifiers" of the computer keyboard. Using the combination of SHIFT and ALT, not only in Windows, the layout changes between languages.

And when writing a letter, and calculating digital data, can't do without a keyboard- the main means of entering information into a computer. This section covers the basics of keyboarding and introduces keyboard commands.

How keyboard keys are arranged

Keyboard keys computers can be divided into several groups according to their functions:

  • Letters (letters and numbers). These are the keys of letters, numbers, punctuation marks and symbols, just like on a conventional typewriter.
  • Service keys. These keys are used alone or in combination with other keys to perform certain actions. The most commonly used service keys are Ctrl, Alt, Esc, and the Windows logo key.
  • Function keys. Function keys are used to perform special tasks. They are labeled F1, F2, F3 and so on up to F12. Depending on the program, the functionality of these keys may vary.
  • Navigation keys. These keys are used to navigate documents, web pages, and edit text. These include arrow keys, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down, Delete, and Insert.
  • Numeric keypad. The numeric keypad makes it easy to quickly enter numbers. The keys are grouped into a block, like on a regular calculator.

The figure below shows how these keys are located on a typical keyboard. You may have a different keyboard layout.

Keyboard entry

When you need to enter something into the program, into the message Email or in a field, a vertical bar (|) flashes on the screen. This is the cursor, which is also called the input position. It shows where the input will start. You can move the cursor by clicking on the desired location or by using the navigation keys (see point in this section).

In addition to letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols, the enter keys also include the tab key, Shift, Caps Lock, Enter, space, and backspace.

Key name

Using a key


To enter an uppercase letter, press that letter in combination with the Shift key. If you press the Shift key in combination with another key, you can enter the character shown on the top of the key.

cap lock

To enter only capital letters, press Caps Lock once. If you press the Caps Lock key again, this feature will be disabled. Your keyboard may have an indicator light that indicates that Caps Lock is on.

If you press the Tab key, the cursor will move forward a few spaces. You can also use the tab key to move to the next field in the form.


If you press the Enter key, the cursor will move to the beginning of the next line. Pressing the Enter key in allows you to select the highlighted button.


Pressing the Space key moves the cursor one space forward.


By pressing the Backspace key, you can delete the character before the cursor or the selected text.

Using keyboard shortcuts in Windows


Windows logo key

Open Start Menu

Alt + Tab

switch between open applications or windows


Close the active object or exit the active program



Copy selected object

Ctrl + X

Cut selected object


Paste selected object

Ctrl + Z

Undo action


Select all objects in a document or window

Open program or Windows help

Windows logo key + F1

Open Windows Help and Support

Cancel current job

Context key

Open the context menu of commands associated with the selected object or objects in the program. Equivalent to pressing the right mouse button.

Using navigation keys

Navigation keys allow you to move the cursor, navigate documents and web pages, and edit text. The following table contains a list of the main functions of such keys.

To perform such an action

Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down Arrow

Move the cursor or selection one space or line in the direction of the arrow, or scroll the web page in the direction of the arrow


Move the cursor to the beginning of a line or web page

Move cursor to end of line or web page


Go to the beginning of the document


Skip to end of document

Page Up

Move the cursor or jump to a page one screen up

Page Down

Move the cursor or go to the page screen below


Delete the character before the cursor or the selected text, for Windows - delete the selected object and move it to the "Trash"


Enable or disable insert mode. When insert mode is enabled, the text you type appears at the cursor position. When insert mode is off, the text you type replaces existing characters.

Using the numeric keypad

The numeric keypad contains numbers from 0 to 9, arithmetic symbols + (addition), − (subtraction), * (multiplication) and / (division), as well as a decimal point, like on a calculator. These characters are duplicated on other keys, but their location on the numeric keypad allows you to quickly enter numerical data or signs of mathematical operations with one hand.

To use the numeric keypad to enter numbers, press the Num Lock key. Most keyboards have an indicator light that shows if Num Lock is on or off. When Num Lock is disabled, the numeric keypad functions as a second set of navigation keys (these functions are shown on the keys next to numbers and signs).

You can also use the numeric keypad to perform simple calculations in the Calculator program.

Controlling the Calculator program from the numeric keypad

  1. Open the Calculator program.
  2. Look at the keyboard indicator to see if Num Lock is enabled. If Num Lock is disabled, press the key.
  3. Using the numeric keypad, enter the first number of the count.
  4. On the numeric keypad, press the + button to add, − to subtract, * to multiply, or / to divide
  5. Enter the next number in the count.
  6. To complete the count, press the Enter key.

Three additional keyboard keys

We have already examined almost all the keys that you can use. But for the curious, let's take a look at three of the most cryptic keys on the keyboard: PrtScn , Scroll Lock and Pause/Break .

PrtScn (or Print Screen) key

Once upon a time, this key actually performed the function that its name denotes (i.e. "Print screen") - it sent the text of the current screen to the printer. Now pressing PrtScn captures an image of the entire screen (takes a "screenshot") and copies it to the clipboard in the computer's memory. From there, it can be pasted (by pressing the Ctrl + V keys) into Microsoft Paint or another program, and optionally printed from that program.

On some keyboards, the SYS RQ command is also marked on the PrtScn key - it is even more mysterious. Once upon a time, SYS RQ meant "system request" - "system request", but this command is not available on Windows.

For more information about the Print Screen key, see Taking a Screenshot (Print Screen Key) .

Reference: To capture the image of not the entire screen, but only the active window, press Alt + PrtScn .

ScrLk (or Scroll Lock) key

In most programs, pressing Scroll Lock has no effect. In some programs, pressing Scroll Lock changes the behavior of the arrow keys and the Page Up and Page Down keys: pressing these keys scrolls the document without changing the cursor position or selection. The keyboard may have an indicator light that indicates that Scroll Lock is enabled.

Pause/Break key

This key is rarely used. In some ancient programs, pressing Pause/Break can pause the program, and pressing Ctrl + Pause/Break can stop the program from running.

Other keys

Some modern keyboards also have "hot keys" or buttons that provide quick, one-touch access to programs, files, or commands. Other models have volume control, scroll and zoom wheels, and other gadgets.

For more information about these features, see the instructions for your keyboard or computer, or visit the manufacturer's website.

Proper use of the keyboard can prevent pain or damage to the wrist and hand, especially when using the computer for a long time.

Here are some tips to help prevent problems:

  • Place the keyboard at elbow level. Your forearms should be relaxed to the sides.
  • Center the keyboard in front of you. If the keyboard has a separate group of number keys, you can consider the spacebar as the center point.
  • Keep your hands and wrists above the keyboard while typing so that far-lying keys can be reached with the movement of the whole hand, and not by stretching out the fingers.
  • Do not place your palms or wrists on any surface while typing. If your keyboard has a wrist rest, use it only during breaks in typing.
  • While entering text press the keys lightly, your wrists should be straight.
  • If you do not enter text, relax your hands.
  • Make it short breaks at the computer every 15-20 minutes.

In this lesson, I want to tell you about the purpose of the keys, when looking at which it is not immediately clear what should happen when they are pressed. These, of course, are not alphanumeric keys, everything is clear with them - what is drawn will be displayed when pressed. True, on some alphanumeric keys, three characters are drawn, and it is also not immediately clear how to display one of them. About how, with what keys and in what mode to display each of the characters drawn on the key, I will also tell in this lesson.

Let's take a look at a regular keyboard.

In red, I highlighted the keys with which everything is more or less clear, these are symbolic keys (letters, numbers, signs). The only thing I will dwell on in more detail, in terms of these keys, is how to display all the characters drawn on these keys, but a little lower.

But the meanings of the keys highlighted in blue are most likely not clear to beginners. And so now I will describe the meaning of each such key separately.

I'll start from the top left corner.

Esc key. It reads like "Escape".

This key usually CANCELS an action. For example, if you right-click on the desktop and open the display properties window, then pressing the Esc key will instantly close this window. In any game, pressing the "Esc" key will most likely exit the game menu, and if you press this key again, the game will continue. In any browser (Internet Explorer, Opera, FireFox, etc.), when entering the address of a site, by pressing the "Esc" key, you will return to the original value of the address, to the home page address. Well, and so on.


Keys "F1-F12".

These are function keys, i.e. when you press these keys


In different programs, these actions are different. Usually these keys are used as "hot keys" or in combination with other keys. For example, In most programs, the "F1" key is a call for help, help.

The key combination "Alt + F4" in Windows is to close the current window. In any browser, the "F5" key is a page refresh.

Print Screen/SysRq key. It reads like "Print Screen".

With this key, you can


Those. in fact, when you click on this button, no visible actions occur, but in fact the picture of the photographed screen goes into memory (clipboard), from where you can then get it by inserting it in any graphic editor, for example "Paint" or "Photoshop". By the way, if you press this key together with the "Alt" key (highlighted in green), i.e. "Alt + PrintScreen", then not the entire screen will be photographed, but only the active window!

Scroll Lock key. It reads like "Scroll Lock".

The essence of this button is that when this button is on (this is indicated by the corresponding indicator light), using the cursor keys (arrows, Page Up, Page Down) you can move the screen image, not the cursor. In general, I found the use of this button only in ExcelE, where it really works.

Pause/Break key.

Usually, from the moment you turn on the computer until Windows boots up, you have time to see on the screen only the splash screen about loading Windows. But in fact, at the time of loading, some information about the system is displayed on the screen (the presence random access memory, the volume of the hard drive, etc.), so that


this information, you must press the "PAUSE" button, to continue, you can press any button. In general, this button in combination with the "Ctrl" key was actively used at one time in DOS applications for


program work. Now the function of this button is performed by the TASK MANAGER.

Num lock key.

This key


Located on the right side of the keyboard. If this key is on (as indicated by the indicator light), then the numeric keypad will work like a calculator, i.e. when pressed, the numbers will be displayed.

If this key is off (the indicator is off), then the number keys will work in a different mode. The keys "1" and "7" will work as the keys "End" and "Home" - moving the cursor to the end and beginning of the line. The "3" and "9" keys will work as the "Page Up" and "Page Down" keys - moving the cursor one screen up and down. Keys "2", "4", "8", "6" will work as arrow keys, i.e. in cursor control mode.

In addition, if you set SPECIAL FEATURES for the mouse in the CONTROL PANEL, then when the Num look key mode is off, you can control the mouse cursor using the keys "4" - left, "6" - right, "8" - up, "2" - way down.

Keys "Page Up" and "Page Down".

Use these keys to scroll up and down the screen. The keys highlighted in blue only work if the Num Lock key is off (the LED is off). You can and should use these keys in any text editors, any browsers, in general, wherever information does not fit on one screen in height.

"Home" and "End" keys.

These keys move the cursor to the beginning (Home key) and the end (End key) of the line. Or to the beginning and end of the list (in Explorer). The keys highlighted in blue only work if the Num Lock key is off (the LED is off).

By the way, if you press the "Home" key together with the "Ctrl" key (highlighted in green), then the transition will be carried out immediately to the first (topmost) page. And if you press the "End" key together with the "Ctrl" key, the transition will be carried out immediately to the last (lowest) page.

"Insert" or "Ins" key.

The "Insert" key switches between INSERT and REPLACE modes. In mode


If you type between two words, the right word will move to the right and new text will be inserted after the left word. Like this: "left" "center" "right" - I inserted the word "center" between the words "left" and "right". And in the mode


the right word will be overwritten - replaced by the inserted word.

Like this: "left" "center", i.e. the word "right" will be completely erased.

Sometimes you just want to turn off this key, because. when typing text in WordE, you can accidentally press this button and turn on the replacement mode, and at the time of editing the already typed text, you don’t notice how what you typed is overwritten. Therefore, I recommend that you sometimes pay attention to the status bar in WordE, there is an indication of the "Insert" key. In addition, in WordE you can generally disable this key, but this is not the subject of this lesson.

This key is also used in combination with the "Ctrl" and "Shift" keys (highlighted in green).

The key combination "Ctrl + Insert" - copy the selected text. Same as "Ctrl+C".

The key combination "Shift + Insert" - insert the selected text. Same as "Ctrl+V".

Delete or Del key.

With the "Delete" key, you can


one character to the right in any text. Or delete all selected text. Or delete a file or folder. By the way, if you delete a file using the key combination “Shift + Delete” (the “Shift” keys are highlighted in green), then the file will be deleted bypassing the trash, i.e. it will no longer be possible to restore it from the trash.

The key highlighted in blue works only when the Num Lock key is off (the LED is off).

In addition, the "Del" key is used in combination with the "Ctrl" and "Alt" keys (highlighted in green). Pressing the key combination "Ctrl + Alt + Del" will open the "Task Manager".

Cursor keys - arrows.

With these keys


The cursor is a blinking vertical bar in text editors or a highlighted rectangle in any file manager.

The keys highlighted in blue only work if the Num Lock key is off (the LED is off).

The cursor keys can be used in combination with the Shift and Ctrl keys (highlighted in green). This is especially useful in text editors.

The combination of keys "Shift + arrow right / left" - selection of one character to the right / left.

The key combination "Ctrl + arrow right / left" - move the cursor one word to the right / left.

The key combination "Shift + up / down arrow" - select one line up / down.

The key combination "Ctrl + up / down arrow" - moves the cursor one paragraph / line up / down.

BackSpace or Left Arrow key. It reads like "Backspace".

With this key you can


one character to the left, or all selected text.

In file managers, this button is used to move up one level (one folder). In photo viewers, go back one photo.

The key combination "Alt + BackSpacr" - cancel the previous action. Same as "Ctrl+Z".

Enter key. It reads like "Enter".

There are two "Enter" keys on the keyboard. If you often work with numbers on the numeric keypad, then I recommend that you use the "Enter" key, which is located on the right, lower part of the keyboard.

The Enter key is used to


any actions, to open files, to run programs, to move to a new line.

Shift keys. It reads like "Shift".

"Shift" key is used


characters. Those. if the "Shift" key is pressed, then the letters will be printed in capitals. Like this: SHIFT KEY.

In addition, the "Shift" key is often used in combination with the "Ctrl" and "Alt" keys. For example, the key combinations "Ctrl + Shift" or "Alt + Shift" are switching keyboard layouts.

"Ctrl" keys. It reads like "Control".
Alt keys. It reads like "alto".

I combined the values ​​of these keys, because. they are really the same. These keys are used


other keys, i.e. "Ctrl" and "Alt" keys are used


with other keys to perform any action.

Key "Context menu".

With this key


Exactly the same as if you pressed the RIGHT mouse button. The menu will correspond to the program in which you are working, i.e. active program. Or if you press this button while on the "Desktop", the menu corresponding to the active element of the Desktop will open.

Windows or Win key.

Pressing this key opens the main Windows menu, the Start button menu.

In addition, this key is used in Windows in combination with other keys, making it easier and faster to launch any programs or perform any actions.

For example, the key combination "Win + D" is the minimization of all windows.

The key combination "Win + E" - launch "Explorer". Well, and so on. I will make a separate lesson about keyboard shortcuts.

Space key.

This key is used


among themselves symbols, words, i.e. to insert a space character - indent.

By the way, if the replace mode is enabled (using the "Insert" key), the "Space" key works like the "Delete" key, i.e. erases the character on the right.

Sometimes the "Space" key is used to confirm any action, i.e. like the Enter key.

Key "Caps Lock". It reads like "Caps Lock".

The "Caps Lock" key, in the same way as "Shift" is used


characters. Those. if the "Caps Lock" key is on (the corresponding indicator is on), then the letters will be printed in capitals. Like this: KEY "CAPS LOCK".

Tab key. Reads like "Tab".

With this key, you can create a "red line" in text editors, i.e. pressing this button inserts several space characters at once.

With this button, you can bypass all contextual elements of the active window. This is useful when the mouse suddenly stops working or it doesn’t exist at all for some reason. To make it clearer, go to Explorer and press the "Tab" key, you will see how the cursor jumps from one contextual element to another.

The Tab key is also used in combination with the Alt key to switch tasks in Windows.

Now, as I promised, I'll tell you how to display all the characters drawn on the key.

For example, I will take the “?” key located near the right “Shift” key.

There are already four characters per key. The secret is in the shift key and keyboard layout.

Those. to display "." (dots) the Russian keyboard layout must be enabled.

To display "," (comma), you must press this key together with the "Shift" key in the Russian keyboard layout.

To display "/" (slash), you must switch to the English layout and press this key. To display "?" (question mark) you must press this key together with the "Shift" key in the English layout. That's the whole secret.

Similarly, with other keys on which several characters are drawn. For some special national characters, you need to switch to the national layout accordingly.

Description of all keys to make life easier for computer users.

For a hint, click on the key you are interested in.

Detailed description of keyboard keys

F1-F12 - the functions assigned to these keys depend on the properties of a particular program running at the moment, and in some cases on the properties operating system. It is a common convention for most programs that the F1 key calls up the help system, where you can find help about other keys.

F1 - Call "Help" Windows. When pressed from the window of any program - call the help of this program.

F2 - Rename the selected object on the desktop or in Explorer.

F3 - Open a search window for a file or folder (on the desktop and in Explorer).

F4 - Open a drop-down list (for example, the list of the address bar in the "My Computer" window or in File Explorer).

F5 - Refresh the active window (open web page, desktop, explorer).

F6 - Switch between screen elements in a window or on the desktop. In File Explorer and Internet Explorer, move between the main part of the window and the address bar.

F7 - Spell check (in Word, Excel).

F8 - When booting the OS - select the boot mode. Enable rich text selection in Word. Selection of a fragment from the initial to the final position of the cursor occurs without holding down the Shift key. A second press of the F8 key selects the word closest to the cursor. The third is the sentence containing it. Fourth paragraph. Fifth - document. The easiest way to remove the last selection is to press the Shift+F8 key combination. You can disable the mode with the Esc key.

F9 - In some programs, update selected fields.

F10 - Call the window menu.

F11 - Switch to full screen mode and back (for example, in Internet Explorer).

F12 - Go to the selection of file saving options (File - Save As).

Esc - cancel the last entered command, exit the window menu (remove focus) or close an open dialog.

Tab - Enter tab stops when typing. Move focus through elements. For example, moving between the desktop, the Start button, the Quick Launch bar, the taskbar, and the system tray. Move through elements (including links) open document. Alt+Tab - switching between windows.

Shift - uppercase key (non-fixed switching). Used simultaneously with other keys to type capital letters, as well as uppercase characters.

The Ctrl+Shift or Alt+Shift shortcuts are commonly used to switch keyboard layouts.

Capslock - upper case (fixed switch). Used when typing in CAPITAL letters. Pressing the key again cancels this mode.

Alt - used in conjunction with other keys, modifying their action.

For example, Alt+letter - call a menu command or open a menu column. The corresponding letters in the menu are usually underlined (either initially or become underlined after pressing Alt). If the menu column is already open, then to call a specific command, you can press the key with the letter that is underlined in this command. The same applies to the open context menu.

Ctrl - used in combination with other keys. For example, Ctrl+C - copy, Ctrl+V - paste, Ctrl+Alt+Del - open Windows Task Manager.

Win("start") - Opens the start menu.

AppsKey - call the context menu for the selected object (equivalent to clicking the right mouse button).

Enter - Confirmation of the choice. Same as double clicking on an object. Pressing the currently active button in the dialog. Often - clicking on the "default" button in the dialog. When entering commands from the keyboard - completion of command input and transition to its execution. When typing - jump to a new paragraph.

Backspace - View the folder one level up in the "My Computer" window or in the Windows Explorer window. In text editing mode, delete the character to the left of the input cursor).

Delete - Delete the selected object, selected text fragment or character to the right of the input cursor.

Up, Down, Right and Left Arrows - Allows you to move through the menu items. Move the input cursor to the corresponding side by one position. The action of these keys in many programs can be modified using utility keys, primarily SHIFT and CTRL.

Home - move the cursor to the beginning of the current line of the document or to the beginning of the list of files.

End - move the cursor to the end of the current line of the document or to the end of the list of files.

PageUp/PageDown - move the cursor one page up or down. The concept of "page" usually refers to a fragment of the document, visible on the screen. Used to "scroll" the content in the current window.

Insert - Switch between insert and replace modes when editing text. If the text cursor is inside the existing text, then in the insert mode, new characters are entered without replacing existing characters (the text seems to be moved apart). In replace mode, new characters replace the text that was previously in the input position.

PrtScn (print screen) - Takes a screenshot and places it on the clipboard. Alt+PrtScn - copy a screenshot of the current active window (application) to the clipboard.

ScrLk (Scroll Lock) - refers to the service keys. Its short decoding is scroll blocking. Designed for such a mode of displaying on the screen, in which pressing the cursor keys leads to a shift not of the cursor as such, but of the entire contents of the screen. Now this key is used for this purpose very rarely, but, for example, it works in Excel. This is very handy when editing large tables.

Pause/Break - pauses the computer (in DOS it worked everywhere, in modern OS - only during computer boot).

Numlock - Changes the numeric keypad mode. When enabled, it puts the digital block into the numeric input mode; when disabled, the additional keyboard can be used to control the cursor.

Additional numeric keypad.

These keys are very popular with bank employees with nimble fingers and anyone who has to dial a lot of numbers. The numeric keypad resembles a calculator and is located on the right side of the keyboard. (However, for it to work, you need to press the Num Lock key. If you don't, you'll be dealing with the cursor keys.)

When Num Lock is off, the keys on the optional numeric keypad will work as cursor keys. They show small arrows showing the direction of the cursor movement on the screen. (The key with the number 5, which the arrow did not get, does nothing, but only fights with low self-esteem.) In addition, the keys with the words "Home", "End", "PgUp" and "PgDn" control the cursor.

I hope you find it useful!

Info from Ergo Solo

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