How to change Russian on English keyboard. How to switch to English on your computer

Decor elements 15.10.2019
Decor elements

On the keyboard keys, as a rule, there are two letters: in our case, from the Russian alphabet and English. This is done so that the user can type words in both Russian and English. This results in two layouts. In order to use them, it is possible to switch between layouts. How does this happen? Let's show it using the Windows operating system as an example.

First way

If you prefer to use a mouse when working, you can change the layout using the special icon located on the taskbar. Typically, the taskbar is located at the bottom of the screen, which means you need to lower your eyes a little and look for an icon that says RU or EN.

Click on the icon, after which a menu appears in which you select the second available language.

The layout has changed, as evidenced by the changed icon.

Second way

This method is convenient if you type and you cannot be distracted by switching the mouse, especially if you need to periodically switch the layout. For this purpose, a key combination was invented, pressing which changes English language into Russian and vice versa. There are two keyboard shortcuts.

The first one is Ctrl+Shift.

The second is Alt+Shift.

There is also a third option, but it is extremely rare - pressing the E (`) key.

The process is simple: press both keys at the same time or hold down one first, then press the other, after which the layout changes. It may not be very convenient to use this option at first, but you will quickly get used to it.

By the way, if the option of pressing Ctrl+Shift works for you, but it is more convenient for you to use Alt+Shift or vice versa, you can change the keyboard shortcut. To do this, open the control panel: press Win+R on your keyboard, enter control and click OK.

In Control Panel, select the large icons, then click on Regional and Language Options.

A window will open. In it, select the “Languages ​​and Keyboards” tab, then click on the “Change Keyboard” button.

Another window will open. In it, select the “Switch keyboard” tab and click on the “Change keyboard shortcut” button.

Change the keyboard shortcut and click OK.

Automatic layout change

There are programs that, based on special algorithms, automatically change the layout when entering text. These are convenient, although they sometimes cause errors. One of the most popular such programs is Punto Switcher.

You can download it for free.


While typing, it is not always convenient to switch the input language using the mouse. Extra time is wasted on putting your hand on the mouse, determining where the cursor is, moving it to the “Language Bar” icon, clicking on it, waiting for the menu to appear and placing a marker opposite it desired language.

Switching from Russian to English and back is faster. You just need to enter a combination of two keys. Depending on your specific computer's settings, you will need to press either the Alt and Shift keys or the Ctrl and Shift keys simultaneously.

To customize the keys that make it easier for you to switch, access Region and Language Options. To do this, click the "Start" button and select "Control Panel" from the menu. In the "Date, Time, Language and Regional Options" category, click on the "Regional and Language Options" icon.

A new dialog box will open. Go to the “Languages” tab and click on the “More details” button in the “Languages ​​and text input services” group. Another window will open. Open the “Options” tab in it and click on the “Keyboard Options” button.

In the new “Advanced keyboard settings” window, click on the “Change keyboard shortcuts” button - the following window will open. Make sure that the "Switch input languages" box is checked.

The Shift key is the main one when switching the text input language. It cannot be changed to another key. You need to choose which key will be an additional one – Ctrl or Alt. Place a marker in the field corresponding to the additional key you selected and click the OK button.

Consistently press the OK button in the windows until you close all the opened windows. In those windows where there is an “Apply” button, click it to confirm the new settings. Close the last window by clicking OK or the [x] icon.


  • how to switch the key
  • I can’t switch languages ​​from Russian to English and disappeared

On operating systems with a Unix-like architecture, there is usually an account with an ID of zero. By default, its login is root. A user who has access to such an account has unlimited privileges in the system. Many administrative tasks can only be solved if you can switch to root.

You will need

  • - a computer with a Unix-like operating system;
  • - root credentials.


When working in a text console or a graphical terminal emulator, if you need to execute multiple commands with root privileges, use the su command. Get information about how this program works by requesting internal help using the --help option:
su --help
You can also read the man or info documentation:
man su
info su
Switch to root by running the su command and entering the password. When finished, issue the exit command to end the session.

To switch to root for the purpose of executing a single command, it is advisable to use the sudo command. Before using it, it is also advisable to read the man, info documentation or built-in help, since it accepts quite a lot of options, and many of them may be useful (for example, -H, -S). However, to execute a command as root, it will be enough to run sudo with a single parameter, which is a string containing the command. For example:
sudo env | grep SUDO
You may need to enter a password for your own account. Please note that to be able to use sudo, your user must be in the permission lists defined by the /etc/sudoers file.

You can switch to root by simply logging in with that user's credentials in a text console. Go to the free console by pressing Alt+Fx (or Ctrl+Alt+Fx when working in a graphical environment), where Fx is one of the twelve function keys. For username, enter root. Then enter your password.

When working in a graphical environment, you cannot switch to root in the same way that in Windows you can switch to administrator (by changing the user). However, you can unload the X server and restart it as root. Try shutting down the X server by exiting the graphical environment. If it starts again or reboots, select the console login option from the login screen.

Log in with root credentials in the text console. Run the startx command to start the graphical shell.


  • how to switch to video in 2019

Almost every PC user at the stage of mastering a computer was worried about the question: how to print in English letters or how to switch the font from Russian to English and back? This is very easy to do; you can use several methods:


First way. On the taskbar, in the lower right corner there is a . Click on it and in the window that opens, use the mouse to select the desired language. If the panel is not displayed on the taskbar, you can find it by right-clicking on the panel itself, in the window that appears, select “toolbars” and then check the “language bar” box.

Second way. The most common. Press the Ctrl + Shift or Alt + Shift key combination on your keyboard. Usually in Windows the default language is Russian, so this method should work.

Third way. Self-configuration buttons to change the language. To do this, go to the Start menu - Toolbar - Regional and Language Options (for those who use Windows XP). Select the “Languages” tab; to view or change the language, click on the “Details” button. In the window that opens, you can make changes to (enable or disable from the taskbar, change default languages), as well as change the keyboard settings.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

If none of the above methods help. It is most likely that some application malfunctioned due to malware. Use an antivirus program or seek help from a specialist.

Tip 4: How to switch the keyboard from Russian to English

Operating systems support many languages. In Windows, switching between Russian and English layouts is implemented by default. As you work with the system, input settings may change and you may need to edit some options to enable the English layout.

Any user has to switch the keyboard layout from Russian to English and vice versa. There may be others, but these are the main ones. They have to be changed both when typing texts and when generating queries for search engines, and when commenting on posts.

An experienced user performs such a change without thinking. There are no tricks here. But if a person is just starting to master a computer, then the following tips will help him switch to another language. On laptops and computers, there are several options for changing it.

Letter designation, displaying the system language, is located at the bottom of the screen, in the right corner next to the clock. Changing the computer layout is done using a manipulator: just click the left button on the panel to go to a pop-up window in which you can tick the desired one.

The language bar appears when the system uses more than one language. For example, if only English is specified, it will not be visible. To turn it on, you need at least two.

Using the keyboard

This method is most often used as the most convenient. Therefore, let's look at it in detail.

Switching from Russian to English and vice versa occurs using “fast keys”. These are combinations of buttons, pressing which activates a sequential change of system languages, making it possible to switch from one to another.
The required keys must be pressed simultaneously. “Hot” buttons are selected during Windows installation.

Use combinations:

  • Ctrl+Shift;
  • Alt +Shift (Alt, which is located on the left);

If you don’t know which option is set for your computer or laptop, go through the combination options, so you will understand which one you can use to switch from Russian to English or to another.

Using a specially configured keyboard

If for some reason you are not comfortable making the switch, it is easy to make a convenient combination of buttons yourself. To do this you need:

The described algorithm is suitable for all versions of the operating system; the names of the panels may differ slightly. But it makes sense to find desired menu quite simple.

If for some reason the required language is not available, it is not difficult to add it. English is usually the default. If you need to add, for example, Russian, you need to go to the same menu as to change the layout. But in the “General” tab.

After selecting the “Add” button, a list of languages ​​available for use will become available. After confirming the selection of the desired one, it will be displayed in the panel and will be available for switching from the keyboard.


Sometimes they use it to change the layout special programs, which determine what language is being typed in and automatically switch to it. This is convenient if you often forget about switching layouts, and discover this when some of the text has already been typed. The best programs Punto Switcher, Key Switcher, Anetto Layout, Keyboard Ninja are recognized.

Your keyboard layout can have as many languages ​​as you like. The operating system allows you to type in any language, and the symbols on the keys themselves can be easily changed manually. You can change the keyboard language in several ways: using hot keys on it or in operating system. You can also download the languages ​​you need through system settings without using third-party programs. In this article, you will learn how to change the input language using the keys on the keyboard, learn how to download new languages, and how to change the characters on the keys yourself.

How to change the language on the keyboard using hot keys

First of all, pay attention to the lower right corner on your computer. Here, on a special panel, there is data about the date, time, running applications and the language of your keyboard. As a rule, all users have only two language modes, if you have not changed the settings: RU - Russian and EN - English.

Look at what language you currently have.

To change this language, use the most in a fast way– hot keys on the keyboard. This is any key combination that allows you to quickly perform an action in the system. There are two ways to change the language, it differs on different computers. Try both.

  • The first involves holding down the Shift and Ctrl keys simultaneously. Press both keys together and see if anything changes on the switch on your screen.

  • The second option is more common: hold down Shift and Alt at the same time.

Using either the first or second option, you will definitely change the keyboard layout language.

This is what the screen looks like when the language layout is English. Practice and you will succeed.

How to change the keyboard language if it is not selected in the system

It also happens that you want to write a letter to a friend in German, Chinese or Armenian language, but in the operating system you have only two selected: English and Russian. You will have to add the language to the panel yourself. This is quite fast and will not cause you any problems if you follow these instructions carefully.

  • Click on the language symbol in the panel below. A small window with a list will immediately pop up. In it you need to select the “Display language bar” section.

  • A small panel will appear on the screen, usually at the very top of the screen. Find her.

  • Here you can also select the keyboard language, but using the mouse. You need to expand the menu by clicking on the small triangle on the right side of the panel.

  • Select the “Options” section from the drop-down list.

  • Wait until a new window appears on the screen. It will display all the languages ​​that are on this moment available to you. Click on the “Add” button to add new languages ​​to this list.

  • You will see a really large list of languages, from which you can definitely choose the one that interests you. Find it and click “Ok”.

You can also change the hotkey combination in the “Keyboard Switching” tab, changing it to something more familiar to you.

After adding new languages, you will be able to type in any new layout, but your keys will still have English and Russian letters. This problem is easily solved by purchasing stickers in the store. You can find the stickers you need and carefully stick them on the keys. This makes it much easier to navigate.

We mainly use Russian input language and change it to English when we need to enter a name mailbox, password and more. To perform this operation, a keyboard shortcut is often used, but sometimes the keyboard does not switch to English; we will discuss what to do with this problem in the lesson.

Reasons for not switching languages:

  1. 1 input language is enabled - if , 8 in the tray, it is most likely that one language is set in the settings.
  2. Hotkeys are not assigned or disabled - traditionally, the change occurs by pressing the Shift + Alt or Shift + Ctrl keys, but other keyboard buttons can be assigned in the options.
  3. The switch keys do not work - the functionality of the buttons is damaged, in this case you will need to set other combinations or switch the input language with the mouse through the language bar.

Before following the instructions, restart your PC. This may be a failure due to a software installation or update. If the problem remains, then go ahead and fix it.

Adding a language

If you see a language bar on the taskbar in the system tray, then feel free to skip following the instructions in this section. Otherwise, follow these steps:

1. . Switch to large or small icons in the viewing area. Among the components, find and select "Region and Language".

2. Go to the “languages ​​and keyboards” tab. Then click the “change keyboard” button.

3. Pay attention to the number of languages. If one is “Russian”, then click the “add” button.

4. In the huge list, find the “English (USA)” language and click the plus sign in front of it. There are 2 items available here.

  • Keyboard
  • Other

Click on the plus sign of 1 item. Select the US checkbox to assign the classic English layout. If you use manual touch input, expand section 2 and check the handwriting recognition option - Ink Correction. Next, click OK.

5. Now English should appear next to Russian. From the list above, select the default language that will be in effect after Windows starts. Click the “apply” button and check the changes. If even now the keyboard does not switch from Russian to English, then take the steps below.

Setting hotkeys

Go to the “languages ​​and text input services” window, which you will reach by following steps 1 and 2 above. Go to the “keyboard switching” tab. Look at what actions you have and whether keyboard shortcuts are assigned to them. I have “no” everywhere, because of this the keyboard does not switch and the input language does not change.

To assign buttons, click on “switch language”, then “change keyboard shortcut”. In the window, set the input language to change from the 3 available options:

  1. Ctrl + Shift
  2. Alt (left) + Shift
  3. E, accent mark (above Tab)

I chose option 2, it is more convenient for me. Select your combination, click OK in this and the previous window.

You can also set hotkeys for a specific language. Select, for example, English and click “change keyboard shortcut”. The image has the Ctrl + 1 buttons assigned, assign your values ​​and click OK.

If the input language does not change after the steps taken, check the functionality of the buttons. and click the destination buttons sequentially. A change in the color of a key indicates its serviceability.

In the language settings in the tab language bar Make sure the pin to option is checked. This will help you switch the language from Russian to English using your mouse. Click OK.

Now you know why the keyboard does not switch to English, and what to do in this situation. Recommendations work 90% of the time, with the exception of faulty keys and damage to the text service.

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