Corridor from mirrors with candles. How can I open a mirror corridor? Why you can not watch the mirror in the mirror - a mirror corridor

Encyclopedia plants 15.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants

The mirror surface is in itself a lot of riddles even in our age of high technologies. Mirrors still walked, if the deceased house in the house. Broken mirror Supports superstitious horror and threatens with many troubles who will look at him. Mysterious mirror corridors not only increase the space, but also multiplies the items that have fallen into this corridor. As well as a mirror corridor created in a certain timemay cause the appearance of images from the castorcall, than successfully used in ancient girl, guessing on the narrowed. All this suggests that the mirrors are connected with the other world most directly! To level the negative vibrations of the mirror surface, the candles put the mirrors. The ban on why you can not look through the mirror to another mirror, has ancient roots.

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Why it is impossible to watch the mirror in the mirror - a mirror corridor.

If you put the mirrors opposite each other, they form a mirror corridor, which makes a lot of incomprehensible. What can be seen in the mirror corridor? It can see your past and the future! What will happen if you look at yourself in a mirror reflected by another mirror? And why can not look mirror in the mirror? The mirror is a point of intersection of several reality, in which the essence is completely unfriendly inhabitant. And if you make a corridor from the mirrors, then you put in your space a certain portal in other measurements through which other worlds can penetrate. In the worst case, your soul can be stolen if you get into such a corridor into a spontaneous hour, or some essence set into your body and will manage consciousness.

So think why you can not watch the mirror in the mirror, and what it threatens to man. Especially dangerous is the time for Halloween. At this time, the mirror corridor is especially dangerous, and the mirrors need to be clown dark matterTo reflect the unfavorable moments associated with the other world. If you look at yourself in a mirror through another mirror standing behind your back, then your soul will fall into the trap of other measurements, of which you can simply do not get out. No wonder mighty magicians decide through such a mirror system, many issues related to a slowdown time or discharge of negative measurements. But the usual person is better not to fall into this funnel distorted vibrations of interchange.

Why can not sleep opposite the mirror?

Passed the times of disbelief into the existence of the soul. Now science recognized that it exists, and even weighed the soul (that is, the weight of a person to death and after it). How to tie everything with mirrors in the bedroom? Esoterica claims that during sleep, the Astral body of a person is separated from physical and travels through the subtle worlds (we are partly visible to these travels as a dream). And we already know that the mirror is the point of intersection of other worlds, a portal in a different reality. That is, the astral body can get lost in other worlds, disroached by a mirror, and not return to physical body. Here is the answer to the question " why you can not sleep opposite the mirror". Death in a dream is a bad phenomenon in the life of people, often difficult to attribute. And how to explain the incomprehensible mortality of newborn? It is better not to experiment and remove the mirrors from the bedroom - they will find enough space in other rooms at home.

You can skeptically refer to what has been said, motivating the fact that every day we reflect in many mirror surfaces, and at the same time nothing externally happens. This is true. But there is an explanation like this: the portal in other measurements is not easy to open. But with a certain argument of temporary layers and mental vibrations, it can suddenly open. Better not to wonder " why you can not eat or sleep opposite mirror surfaces? ", And just not to do it and that's it. One thousand successful experiments one may turn out to be fatal.

What will happen if you scan the mirror?

Many are interested in this question. Many conducted a similar experiment and invariably received a simple spot spot. If you explain from a scientific point of view, it will be a very difficult answer consisting of physical termsdescribing the reflectivity of the mirror surface and the features of the scanning system. In practice, the answer to the question "What will happen if you scan the mirror" looks very prosaic and uninteresting - white or black spot. You can't find any images and otherworldly miracles. The world of the Zasomrikal is not going towards the world of people - he can dictate only its conditions to us. We want to know what it will be if through the printer to scribble a mirror surface, but the mintages of the mirrors are so incomprehensible for the mind that no matter how much we placed the mirrors in the printer, we will not know anything and see, except for the Black Square Malevich.

All human household items are quite suitable for the performance of rituals, but among them is hardly a thing more mysterious than the mirror. There is always a feeling that on the other side of the mirror there is its own, different from the life known to us. Many writers appealed to this topic, but no one has revealed this topic to the end. The magic of the mirror is built on this duality of the world. On the one hand, this is an ordinary material subject, and on the other - the intangible reflection, phantom, the world of the casting card. Since man is aware of himself and everything that has come to us from a long time and has been preserved in my certificates of mysterious phenomena, connected with mirrors. Esoterica argue that the mirror has a dual, dual nature: half of his aura is located next to the observer, and the second goes right on the other side of the world.

Mirror - great way See the past, present and future in space or in time and remotely from you or approximately to us. It is necessary to enjoy the gift of vision to work with mirrors in order to easily achieve the changed states of consciousness and be able to form the intention without spreading the thought of associations and parallel chains.

The mirror is:
- a tool introducing a person in amended consciousness,
- optical device, tool to be able to see images of a subtle world,
- A device transmitting images arising in the consciousness of one person and makes it possible to become accessible to others.
The mirrors remember the events recorded in them, can "revive" the dead man, can form or rejuvenate on the contrary. The mirror is impregnated with energy. Magic practices are used as a portal between worlds.
Imagination generates images of the world mirror reflection How it would materialize.
Human reflection in the mirror in some nations was considered the existence of the soul. That is why people whose reflection in the mirror cannot be visible, attributed the name damned or soul to the Devil.
The mystical connection of the mirror image and its object is always identified. In addition, the mirror has the ability to concentrate, maintain and transform energy into spiritual power. Time is just a contractual unit of measurement and there is no way at all points at once. The human consciousness crushes him to the present, past and future. The mirror is the tool that allows a person to combine middle gaps, creating the continuity of the process. In all scientific experiments, the mirror allows you to see the past and the future.
The ritual or practice of a "mirror corridor" is extremely dangerous, the mirror can open the path for the urgent, which is not subject to our world. If you still decided through this ritual to see your future chosen one, be prepared to see in a mirror tunnel terrible monsterwhich will try to break out of the trap. The tunnel is not an optical deception, it is a certain form of space and time that produces information available on a curved arc.
Mirrors "remember" all the events that occurred in front of them. Vintage mirrors with a rich history keep a lot of memories. Do not take other people's mirrors in the house, especially old. The mirrors who have kept the souls of the dead, are doubly dangerous. If you have taken such a mirror, then good night You do not see! In your dreams, some obsessive and unfamiliar images will be started to regularly break through, the missing desires, inexplicable fears, etc. It is possible that these are the tricks of your mirror. It is necessary to check the mirror of the candles. If the lost spirit stuck in the mirror, you need to bring a candle to it. Ideally, the candle burns for a long time and smoothly, but if the candle goes out or starts to make sure, it means immediately get rid of the mirror.
Holding all mirrors in the house when someone is dying from the family.
We have already talked about these unusual properties of the mirror: everyone who reflected in it continue to live there and after cleaning the main image from him. The soul of the deceased can get lost in a mirror labyrinte and remain in him forever, not finding the right path to the otherworldly world. So, it cannot calm down and find repentance. Not wounded mirrors open this soul many roads in the otherworldly world. He who contributes to the conclusion of the soul in the mirror, albeit involuntarily, makes a serious sin that can lead you to big troubles.
The new fashion of sexual design reforms has created another form of negative energies in physical world. Install the mirror in the bedroom on the ceiling or opposite the bed so that the sleeping reflect in it. The mirror is able to reflect the dangerous energies, the so-called low astral. And if it is drawn to bed, these energies will actively irradiate sleeping. The result is nightmares, chronic lack of sleep, drierness, fatigue.
It is not recommended for a long time to spend time in front of a mirror, looking into my eyes for a long time. Fatigue and worsening memory is the most harmless that you will feel. Mirrors accumulate human energy, vampire her. Experimentally proved, this process begins approximately three minutes later. Hence all the anecdotes about blondes who are believed to love to admire their reflection for a long time. But it would still be anything. It turned out that the more often you look into the mirror, the faster age. From the standpoint of modern bioenergy, this effect is scientifically explained. The energy emitted by us and the mirror reflected from the mirror is partially neutralized and destroys the protective energy layer, that is, "aura".
However, it is appropriate to describe the "Mirror Corridor" ritual for a deeper understanding of the process.
Ritual "Mirror Corridor"

Take two desktop rectangular bulk mirrors - with one should be about a third more than another. Put the mirrors on the table so that one completely fit in the other, creating an infinite chain of reflections. This system of mirrors should be in front of you so that the reflection corridor (infinitely decreasing a series of multiplied reflections) was completely viewed. It is clear to watch you will be in big mirrorBut that you don't bother you. Install twist two candles on both sides of the mirror. It is necessary for their lighting, but the light of candles should not blind eyes and distract. Prepare candles specifically for the ritual of divination.
Condition: Performance is needed in the dark (not counting the light of candles), alone and silence. I recommend to build a magic circle, you never know that from there break!?.
And so, for the ritual everything is ready. Sit in front of the mirrors, relax and focus on as deeply as possible inside the corridor. Now try to "leave" as deep as possible, not forgetting to fix all the smallest and unclear reflections. And now, attention, the question. Address it in a mirror alley. Do not be afraid and not interrupt the ritual for the middle, for your room will be filled with those energies that will later be very difficult to expel. If you are sufficiently focused on your question, in the depths of the alley will begin to overtake the image of what you ask. Once again I warn you at the moment of vision do not relax and do not be distracted (inexperienced magician can lose a concentration from surprise or fright). Carefully consider the one who saw. Sometimes he can even file you some kind of sign, and can show the item, or try to say something. Rarely vision is accompanied by sound, but the message is easy to read on her lips or it sounds in your head. Do not look from the mirrors until the maintenance disappears!

Now complete the ritual. Be sure to leave the magic circle, thank the strength that helped you and tear the circle.

As you know, the mirror corridor is created using two mirrors opposite each other. Peering in mirror infinity, it may seem that consciousness flies into the castomicular abyss ...

Reception of the mirror corridor is often used in magic rituals black magicians. Mirror, water, and any other reflective surfaces from ancient times were considered windows to the other world for communication with dead souls. By the way, in our time, increasingly and more often, this reception is made using the camera and the TV, it is believed that the optics of the camera can catch even more otherworldly signals.

What danger is able to carry a mirror corridor? Experts for paranormal phenomena argue that any reflective surface is the place of connection of our and otherworldly reality. If used, the mirror portal can carry out other entities through itself. A person who does not have enough energy can be attacked by them. This connection is not recommended to have a mirror in your home opposite each other.

Mirror corridor. Essential Story Mary Alexandrovna

I work as a commandant in a student hostel. In 2009, in the last few days of August, as usual resettled freshmen in the room. In one of the rooms in which two freshmen settled, each of the girls hung over the mirror near the bed. The beds stood opposite each other, respectively, the mirrors "watched" each other. From where the girls quit these mirrors, I do not know: old and tortured time. No, not antiques, but the speech of Brezhnev both mirrors have accurately heard.

From the moment, young, ruddy rustic girls began to lose weight and dry. They walked sluggish, with huge bags under the eyes, as if they were not poured. It could be written off that girls were litter, but I have seen that in their room is always quiet, and later nine in the evening they never returned to the hostel. Then the girls are increasingly and more often began to skip couples, they could sit in a locked room before lunch.

In one day I noticed that it was already eight o'clock in the evening, and the freshmen had never come out of the room. I have duplicate keys from all rooms. I opened the door, and I almost lost consciousness from what did dozens of students gathered from my shouts at the room in a matter of seconds. The girls were in the room are dead. They hanged himself opposite each other in the very center of the room, on the line of location of the mirrors, and in the mirror corridor the infinite number of dead tel was reflected. What could make two young first-grandmothers do this, I will never get the answer to this question.

After the case of those who want to live in this room, of course, it was not found. From the room made a storage room. However, students who live in neighboring rooms still complain that some steps, screens and voices are heard in the damned room. Although who knows him, youth loves to joke!

Vintage things, furniture elements, musical instruments, paintings, and especially the mirrors possess their biopole, which is developing for many centuries, collecting information. In most cases, this energy does not bear any harm.

But it happens that the old thing begins to radiate not the best energy. Scientists say that a mirror saturated with energy can be the entrance to the parallel world.

In the last century, the French specialist in abnormal phenomena Gi Dupre did the assumption that if one ritual is constantly carried out before the same mirror, then the mirror will absorb certain energy. Communication with the otherworldly world does not open immediately and not even ten years, but perseverance will necessarily bring their fruits.

Using the mirror, you can make the most incredible things, and even go to the castorgal yourself. Soviet historian Alexander Nodovsky described one case from his life.

In March 1924, in a single high-rise residential building in Leningrad, a sullen, non-trial and lonely guy named Nikita settled. He was an invalid of the First World War, so no one paid attention to his oddities. He lived only on retirement, he had no work, but Nikita came home only to spend the night.

But one day, late at night, Nikita neighbors noticed a strange thing in their room: from a mirror that hung on the wall began to proceed strange flickering on the wall. Later in the mirror there was a blurred figure of a person. First blurry, and then it is clearly distinguishable. And after a few seconds, in this figure it was possible to distinguish between Nikita's neighbor! Another instant, the figure disappeared, and the mirror crashed into the same time.

Something similar happened in other apartments. The communal rose a stir. All rushed to Nikita. The door was locked from the inside. Hacking the door, the neighbors saw in the chair of his dead neighbor. He was immobile, and in front of him - a mirror cracked in the middle.

The next morning it turned out that that night the mirrors crashed in many apartments at home. And in one of the apartments, a small merchant Ivan Sannikov was discovered with a cut throat. The door and two windows were locked from the inside, and the mirror hanging in the room is smashed to smash.

What happened in the spring of 1924 in that house, no one can explain. Maybe it was a massive psychosis, and maybe really all the case in the mirrors?

The consequences and dangers of a mirror corridor Updated: October 4, 2016 by the author: kross.

Mirror corridor It is formed from two mirrors, delivered opposite each other in such a way as to reflect one in the other. From these reflections and a mirror corridor is formed, which can be used for various purposes.

Mirrors and reflection They were always considered a phenomenon of a magical nature, it was believed that the creatures of other measurements could be penetrated from the mirror.

It's not for nothing in vain when a man was died in the house, all the mirrors were drunk for three days so that from the world of the dead into the world of alive could not get anything.

It often happened that from mirrors on man looked not he himself, and something or someone, only remotely on it similar. It is also common sign that with using the mirror you can steal someone else's soul.

Candle like the element of fire, on the contrary protects a person from all misfortunesBy burning all the infection sticking to it and burning the sticky web of the threads stretching to it, sucking energy. Therefore, to protect yourself when working with mirrors, use candles, they will not cause you harm, extinguish any negative impact.

With the help of a mirror corridor, depending on what you will be tiered, you can successfully look into the past, future insideor other, inaccessible to the usual view of the measurement.

Put two mirrors, preferably large enough, somewhere around 60-70 centimeters high. One in front of him, one behind. Light a candle.You can take it in hand or not to distract and do not drop, on the table or the floor next to you. Look in the mirror. You will see many of your reflections that go into infinity that decrease in size as deleted from the original. The further reflection, the smaller it remains from you, because each reflection is no longer an accurate copy of the original, but even in something, even in invisible trivia, different from it. The next reflection will be different from the first, third of the second, and who knows who will be the last.

I think before starting work, you decided what you want from working with a mirror corridor. If not, now it's time to decide. Ask yourself a question - What do you want to know what you want to pull out of the Earth from your subconscious or information field.

Focusing on this question or desire to see something defined throw away all other thoughts out of my head. Leave fears, anxiety and pressing concerns outside and enter the mirror corridor. Not alive, of course, it is not necessary to move for this, but by making a mental effort, a volitional desire.

AND relax. Your subconscious, using a mirror corridor, will make everything for you. AND you will see the answer. Let not immediately, not from the first attempt, perhaps first images will be blurred and fuzzy, but everything solves the practice.

After you finish work, learn what I wanted to know it is necessary to close the mirror corridor. Do not leave the mirror corridor, so you can leave part of yourself in it. Candle will protect you from much, but still it is worth following security measures.

To get out of the mirror corridor correctly, take the mirror that stands behind you, transfer in front of yourself and connect its surface with the surface of the first mirror. The mirror corridor thus closes himself and collapses.

If you have a mirror corridor in a dream, you should not walk on it. Sleep is deceptive and does not obey the laws of reality. Whatever you see in a dream - you should not perceive it literally, since dreams are usually filled with symbols and have a delicacy value. To find out what your sleep means, you can look into

The mirror corridor since ancient times fascinated people with his infinity, mysterious dark depths, caught the view of the averages, and caused interest among researchers of the magical world. The mirror corridor is created using the two each other opposite each other. It is best when turned a little bit at an angle, then you can look into such a mirror corridor, and your image will not interfere with the contemplation of infinitely running away the reflections. Looking into a suction mirror valley, it begins to seem like your consciousness flies from the body, and his mystical mirror corridor is captured in his power ...

The mirror corridor in magic is used quite wide. , water, any reflective surfaces have always been considered windows in another world, and were used to communicate with, to obtain information through meditation, etc. In, for example, there was such a relic, as the atmosphere, in which, as it was believed, the truth was reflected.
Basically, the magic of the Zasterkalo is used in the invoking of the other world, the opening of astral portals, as well as a mirror corridor apply in some cleaner rites. For example, in rites for removing the crown of celibacy, damage, curses. Apply a mirror corridor is needed with extreme care and preferably under the guidance of experienced. What danger carries a mirror corridor? First of all, it is a place for connecting two or more reality. And the mirror corridor can be a multiple portal, and with incorrectly spent rituals, or a large internal force, a mirror corridor can carry out themselves with various lubricant creatures, other entities. And if a person working with a mirror corridor does not have enough strength, protection, it can be attacked by entities.
Apply the mirror corridor to remove the curse is needed as follows. Time of the rite - midnight, between Tuesday and the medium, between 17 and 30 lunar days. On Monday, before the day when you gathered to make a rite for a mirror corridor, you need to read the akathist angel to the guardian. For the rite you will need 3 candles and church water. Create a mirror corridor, and stand up between and closed candles. You must have new underwear. Look in your eyes in, read the conspiracy of the memory: "Night, dark, reflecting the word evil, curse people, the hello sign - I ask the first time. Night, dark, reflecting my word evil, curse people, the hell's sign - please On the second time. The night, dark, reflect the word evil, to curse people, the hell sign - I ask the third time. Amen. " After that, in the same place, standing where the mirror corridor, smear the holy water and wipe the T-shirt without removing it. Look at the mirror corridor as long as you want. Candles leave to get drove. On the first Sunday, after you conducted a rite on a mirror corridor, put in the church for 3 candles to the Virgin, Jesus Christ, the Holy, Panteleimon Healer. Thank them for your help.
To call entities from the other world to use a mirror corridor. Attention! Rite spend only after make sure you have enough strong protection! So, at night, from 11 to 3 hours, turn off the whole light, put the mirror corridor to the floor. Sit in the lotus pose, circles around yourself with a chalk circle. Light two candles on the sides, outside the circle. Say a spell (by memory), looking straight into the mirror corridor: "The Spirit of the Mirror, from the worlds of the distant, come to me, on Java, not in a dream. The name Adona, I spell, come, mirror! Omno!" After that, carefully look at the mirror corridor, in its dark depths. Seeing, or any movement, ask a question about the name. The answer can come telepathic or sound. Try not to leave the circle. Continue to look into a mirror corridor, not a gaze. Asking everything you wanted to leave. To do this, still looking into the mirror corridor, say: "By the name Adona, go there, where came from. Mouse!" And then immediately, without leaving the circle, threw on both prepared black fabric. In the morning, put the mirror corridor for rite, in the sun, drawing crosses on both incense coal. Let them lay so three days. At night, close their cloth. Use these in the future can only be called, but in no case for ordinary needs.
Due to the fact that the mirror corridor can be a portal in other worlds, should not be placed in the house so that they create a mirror corridor. If nevertheless, by ignorance, you in the house are posted in a similar way, and there is no possibility to remove them, you can neutralize a mirror corridor by drawing a cross in a circle on both the index finger. And on the night of October 31 to November 1, in Halloween, curturn

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