How to protect kitchen furniture from chipboard from water. How to extend the life of the countertop and protect it from moisture, damage and scratches? How to process a pine countertop for the kitchen

Encyclopedia of Plants 17.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Good afternoon, dear Shareholders!

I turn to you with a request for help - how to process a table from pine shield? We have a table. made for my son's birthday.

Now it stands untreated and over time, of course, dirt spots and so on will appear on it. I want to process the table, but the question is with what. In addition to the load, my son is allergic, so I'm afraid of varnishes.

I want something natural, but at the same time resistant and able to withstand at least a small amount of water when my son draws with paints. And, of course, so that you can erase the traces of the felt-tip pen and pencil. And, and yet, I want the tree not to go into yellowness, but to have an ashy shade or just the tree becomes lighter, but be sure to avoid yellowness.
I read about oils with wax, but the price bites. Although if I don’t find a worthy substitute, I’ll splurge on him.

Then I read about the fact that you can make oil with wax yourself. But my friend treated her homemade beds in this way and we were not satisfied with the result. Firstly, after several rubbing with a rag in problem areas, this composition began to peel off, and secondly, the tree turned yellow.

Maybe try varnish on water based, but he still needs to weather for a few days, right?

In stores, we do not have a great choice - stains and varnishes, they have not heard of any oils with wax there.
I would like to hear the opinion of those who have experienced this. Maybe someone can recommend a brand. Most likely we will go to the regional center, but I would like to go for something specific, and not just at random.
Thank you all in advance!

The kitchen is the place in the house where the furniture is constantly in contact with water to a greater or lesser extent. Based on this fact, the question will be quite obvious: how to protect your beloved furniture set from moisture. After all, everyone knows the sad consequences of contact between water and chipboard (even waterproof ones): bumps, swelling, mold, and with a long “union”, all this beauty, on which so much effort and money was spent, will simply rot.

So, let's define the places most at risk:

  1. washing
  2. built-in drying cabinet
  3. plinth
  4. furniture above the stove and located in close proximity to it
  5. table top edges

And now let's decide what measures need to be taken to protect your kitchen and enjoy its "commodity" appearance for many years.

Proper installation of sink and faucet

As for the sink, I would recommend not to embed the faucet directly into the countertop, as the faucet may start to leak. An exception, perhaps, can be made for small taps from filters with drinking water, since they are still used less often, and the water pressure is not so powerful, the gasket will last much longer. However, if you still decide to ignore my advice ( different situations there are, in IKEA, for example, sinks without holes for the mixer are sold) be sure to process the cut of the countertop! First, all dust must be carefully removed from the cut, and then it must be dried well with a hairdryer. Then apply a layer of diluted PVA glue, and after it dries, silicone. If its performance is possible, then it is better to choose transparent.

It is especially worthwhile to dwell on the processing of the cut of the countertop when installing the sink. It also needs to be protected as much as possible from water ingress. I must say that this is one of the weakest points of any kitchen, unless, of course, your countertop is not made of of stainless steel. So, from the cut, as well as when installing the mixer, you need to remove all the dust, then dry it thoroughly with a hairdryer. Then apply a sealant, it is better to choose a construction silicone sealant, which is designed specifically for waterproofing joints. It is a waterproof, non-aging silicone mass. It is used for sealing seams, cracks, sealing windows, doors. It colors well. Such sealants can be white, gray color or transparent. And here comes the most important rule: DO NOT spare the sealant, it directly depends on how long the countertop will last you. The inner radius of the seal, which is attached to the sink, should also be treated with silicone. Yes, and do not forget, before gluing the sealant, degrease the surface of the sink.

Among the people, there are several more ways to process sections: apply several layers of paraffin, PVA glue or varnish - until the countertop stops absorbing more and more layers of the substance you have chosen. Some "craftsmen" glue the cut with a self-adhesive film or wide adhesive tape. In any case, it is up to you which method to choose, but I would stop at progress.

If the countertop is swollen, then there is only one way to get rid of this flaw: change it under warranty for a new one. That is why if you bought ready kitchen, use the service assembly. Otherwise, the company will disclaim any warranty liability.


To avoid water droplets on chipboard in a cabinet with a dryer, when buying the latter, pay attention to whether a special tray is attached to it. If this is not observed, then it is better to refuse to buy such drying, since water, draining from the plates and falling to the bottom of the cabinet, will inevitably cause damage to it. In addition, here it is necessary good ventilation. It can be provided either by placing "leaky" facades, or by making a small through hole at the top of the cabinet, which can be given a noble look with a wire socket (these are quite often used in the manufacture of computer desks).

Kitchen plinth protection

Use a plastic kitchen plinth. This element performs the function decorative design the bottom of the kitchen furniture, closing the gap between the cabinet and the floor. Plastic plinths have a groove for fastening to the supports and a seal that protects against water and dirt. The plinth has a number of advantageous characteristics: light weight, ease of installation, wide range of colors, aesthetic appearance, heights of 100, 120 and 150 mm, and is completely resistant to moisture.

Natural wood in the kitchen? Yes, and this article will blow your doubts to smithereens! The wooden countertop is one of the most good decisions for the kitchen, practical and convenient. You just need to know these 6 professional secrets.

Should there be a wooden countertop in the kitchen? We asked real professionals: qualified designers, craftsmen, technologists and wood specialists - those whose opinion can be trusted.

1. Why is a wooden tabletop not scary?

On the one hand, smooth, warm wood with a beautiful natural structure is an excellent material for furniture production. Easy to use, eco-friendly, always fashionable and up-to-date. Moreover, the countertop is not a heavy wooden sideboard for you, which is impossible to move. It is not necessary to make all the furniture out of wood, it is perfectly reasonable modern solution only countertops and, perhaps, some other individual parts will be made from this material.

But many are afraid of how wood can behave, they are afraid of fungus, cracked varnish ...

But professionals think differently: “A wooden countertop is not a problem if you apply reasonable adequate care to it. There are not many materials used for countertops in non-professional kitchens that are not afraid of any impact and do not require maintenance - says Andrey Lyamin-Borodin, builder, general manager online repair service PriceRemont. “All materials age during operation, but the peculiarity of wood is that it can age beautifully.”

So what are we dealing with? Mikhail Vychuzhanin, Wood Finishing Specialist, North House, determines the advantages and disadvantages of wooden countertops so.

  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • beauty and variety of wood texture;
  • unlimited parameters of the product: you can make almost anything and anything from wood;
  • easily updated;
  • the ability to perform any milling of the edge of the tabletop.
  • more careful care is required;
  • will need restoration after some time;
  • the relative high cost of the material and work with it.

2. Which wood for the countertop should I choose?

And here is the answer to the question, what types of wood and wood characteristics are worth paying attention to.

"Determining to wooden table top in the kitchen, please forget about MDF, chipboard and veneer. Only natural wood, - advises Artyom Lepeshkin, General Director of Dynasty House of Interior Solutions. It's not about harm, but about the properties of the material. The countertop is exposed to human aggression every day: crumbling, cutting, whipping, spilling and spilling is a common thing in the kitchen. The surface must be durable, smooth, resistant to cuts, moisture and temperatures.

The classic option is oak or beech: strong and durable wood species. Some choose teak and mebrow. More democratic options: pine, walnut, ash, birch. We prefer larch: you will have to pay more, but it will also last longer. The peculiarity of larch is very high density wood, annual rings are located along the trunk at small intervals. It easily tolerates mechanical damage and deformation, withstands high loads in compression and pressure. It contains gum - a natural antiseptic that protects against decay and mold damage. Ideal for the kitchen. Larch gives and absorbs moisture when humidity changes.

The method of manufacture also affects durability. A solid wood tabletop is more prone to warping than a glued one assembled from several plates. This method increases flexibility and resilience.

“You should pay attention to such points as: the age of the wood, the method of its extraction, storage conditions, the region where the material was brought from,” adds Mikhail Vychuzhanin. most best breed wood for the manufacture of countertops, he considers oak. - The stronger and harder the wood, the longer your countertop will serve you. There are countertops made from solid birch, cherry, walnut.

3. How to cover a wooden countertop in the kitchen: Belinka

With the question of how to protect the wood of the countertop, we turned to Chief Technologist TM Belinka Valery Ermakov.

“The ideal option for protecting a wooden countertop is a bio-impregnation based on natural vegetable oils and beeswax- that is, oil-wax for wood. Natural oils for wood can make its surface waterproof, which means that wood is not afraid of fungus and mold. By the way, the countertop, impregnated with high-quality oil and wax, becomes resistant to standard detergents for the kitchen - nothing bad will happen to wood from diluted household chemicals. It is even better and more reliable to treat the kitchen work surface with a special oil for wood in contact with food. And of course, no one canceled the more familiar coatings - interior varnish for wood or a combination of colored azure with subsequent application of varnish.

4. How practical is a wooden countertop?

How to save a tree besides using wood products?

“If you want your countertop to last longer and look better, follow simple rules: do not cut anything directly on the tree (perhaps only oak will endure such violence), do not check the surface for fire resistance and heat resistance, - continues Artem Lepeshkin. - Wood can darken from very hot objects, ash is especially sensitive. But if wine or juice is spilled on the surface, it is enough to wipe it with a damp microfiber cloth. Do not use wet rags, this will swell the wood."

Andrey Lyamin-Borodin advised not to use aggressive household chemicals for washing the countertop: “It happens that drops of such a product fall on the countertop when cleaning the sink or hob. If this product contains, for example, a solvent, it can change the color of the wood, bleach it. An important rule when any stains get on the countertop is not to allow them to be deeply absorbed, and therefore, to clean them immediately. A stain that cannot be washed off can be removed by walking over the area with a fine-grained sandpaper, after which it will be necessary to renew the protective coating.

To the question of choosing a sink - it is in this case must be mortise or, in other words, invoice. An undermount sink will create a constant exposure to water on the edge of the countertop, from which it will inevitably deteriorate. However, lovers of country style or owners of countertops made of especially waterproof wood may not be confused by this.

5. Will this countertop fit my design?

Wooden surfaces in the kitchen are also wide design possibilities, a current trend. Here's what the designers think about it.

“The world is becoming more and more urbanized, and a person is stressed due to the lack of communication with nature. natural materials in the interior, such as wood, stone, clay help modern man feel comfortable in the "stone jungle", - comments Valentina Konstantinova, creative designer at Kashirsky Dvor.

The designer gives examples of the use of a wooden countertop in "star" interiors: "Jake Gyllenhaal, the star of the movie Source Code, uses a wooden countertop in a Provence-style interior. The apron for the kitchen is trimmed with small “boar” tiles, and the furniture is exactly like in the south of France: a delicate blue color with a bevel and retro handles.

Since wood is not a moisture-resistant material, the part of the countertop adjacent to the sink can be replaced with a surface made of artificial stone like in Sarah Jessica Parker's kitchen. The wooden countertop fits perfectly into the modern urban interior of the actress's kitchen, built on contrasts of textures and colors - white stone and dark brown wood.

Designer of the LOFT & HOME interior studio Anastasia Yarysheva believes that you can find a place for a tree in the kitchen in any style, it is only important to approach the matter correctly. “So, a solid wood countertop with knots, uneven texture, aging effects will suit a rustic or loft style kitchen. But smooth wooden surfaces will look great in modern interiors, hi-tech, especially tinted in white, black or graphite - such a countertop will be effectively combined with chrome and glass surfaces. It is worth paying attention to the options from glued - perhaps even from different breeds- wood: the rhythmic pattern of the elements can emphasize the beautiful geometry of the room.

6. How to update wood countertops?

Sooner or later, the surface of the wooden tabletop will have to be updated - to re-saturate the tree with oil. How often should this be done?

“It is difficult to name a specific period, a lot depends on the specific operating conditions,” answers technologist trademark Belinka. - To understand if it's time to renew the countertop, put a few drops of water on the surface and watch - if the wood quickly absorbs them, it's time to get out the jar of oil. However, do not worry, applying oil is a simple task, each housewife can handle it on her own.

More about that, we wrote in our blog.


Wooden countertop is the perfect solution for modern kitchens, and you should not be afraid to use wood in the kitchen. A little care for the tree - and your kitchen will delight you for many years!

A wooden countertop is great, it's the natural beauty and warmth of the material. But, like all surfaces, especially those in working area kitchens, wooden quickly fail. Of course, manufacturers try to carry out certain protective measures during the production process, but, as practice shows, this does not save them for long. Therefore, the question of how to cover a wooden countertop in the kitchen in order to somehow extend its service life sounds quite often today. But the most important thing is that home craftsmen are trying to do it on their own, but it is clear that not everyone succeeds in doing it qualitatively. Therefore, let's first understand the topic of how to cover a wooden countertop, what protective materials are best used for this. And, of course, we will discuss how to apply them.

Features of wooden countertops

The kitchen is a zone of great activity, here high humidity, sudden changes in temperature, open fire, mechanical loads, poured different type liquids, so the countertop must be durable. So, for it, wood from durable species should be used. These include oak, maple, cherry, walnut and others. From exotic rosewood, teak and so on. True, exotic wood species are not cheap pleasure, so lovers of the exotic will have to fork out.

By the way, it should be noted that a wooden tabletop can be made of solid wood, or maybe from boards that are knocked into one structure, and are finished with expensive wood veneer on top. It is clear that the first option is stronger than the second, but the second is cheaper than the first. At the same time, the shape of the tabletop can be varied: from standard rectangular, round and oval, to polygonal and with wavy bends.

In addition to the fact that wood countertops are a natural beauty, it is necessary to add other advantages of this material.

  • Wood is an environmentally friendly material.
  • It is easy to process.
  • Products from it are easily amenable to restoration work.

True, the tree has its drawbacks.

  • It burns well.
  • Gets dirty quickly.
  • It doesn't take much effort to scratch the countertop.

How to protect your countertop

We turn to the main issue of the article, how to cover the countertop, what materials should be used for this. Let's start with the countertop, which is located in the working area of ​​​​the kitchen set. For obvious reasons, this is the most loaded place, plus a high probability of ingress of water and other liquids.

There are two main protection options.

  1. With help special oil, which is used to process wooden products. It penetrates the material and binds the wood fibers together. First, it has a repellent effect of water. Secondly, even with the penetration of moisture inside the product does not swell. A good option, cheap, but with one drawback - this procedure will have to be done quite often. Of course, compared to other methods of protection. Currently, a large number of manufacturers produce such oils, so there are no problems with their acquisition. Experts recommend adding wax to the oil, which will increase the resistance to moisture.
  2. Application of varnish in several layers. This processing option is better, because the wood is covered with a protective layer, which is much stronger than oil protection. At the same time, it is very important to observe one important rule concerning the technology of applying the material. The next layer of varnish is applied to the well-dried previous one. And one more thing - you can add a pigment to the varnish, which will make the surface of the countertop more expressive.

oil coating

Returning to the question of how to cover a wooden tabletop, it is necessary to understand that in the model line of the proposed materials there are various modifications that differ from each other technical properties. For example, wood countertop oils can be vegetable, synthetic, or mineral. However, they are mostly colorless liquids.

There is another classification of oil coatings, which is based on the speed and degree of drying of the material.

  • Oils that dry out completely. They harden gradually, such a coating cannot be washed off with water, the protection withstands its qualities for a long time. In fact, it is somewhat reminiscent of varnish.
  • Oils that dry partially or do not dry at all. They penetrate well into the body of the wood, filling upper layer countertops. It is almost impossible to wash off such a coating. And if you are faced with the task of changing the protection option, then you will have to remove this very layer. And this can only be done by deep grinding with a grinder.

The technology for applying oil is very simple. But the most important thing is to properly prepare the surface of the kitchen countertop. To do this, you will have to sand it, removing the remnants of paint or varnish. After which she is de-dusted. If defects were found on the surface, then you will have to get rid of them with a special putty for wooden products, which is leveled after drying. sandpaper.

Apply oil coating You need either a brush or a rag. It is important to apply the material evenly over the entire plane. Depending on the brand of oil, it is applied in two or more layers, it all depends on its specifications. In this case, it is necessary to wait for the applied layer to dry well, after which you can apply the next one. It usually takes at least 12 hours to dry the material. If a brush is used for application, then the material can be applied in two layers, if a rag, then at least three.

After completing all the work, it is necessary to leave the countertop for a day in order to oil impregnation penetrated deeply into the body of the product and dried well. After that, the surface is treated with a clean and soft lint-free cloth.

What is the advantage of this security technology.

  • Oil is a thin substance, so neither the pattern of wood nor its color change over many years of operation.
  • On the surface treated with this impregnation, colonies of microorganisms never form.
  • Holds up great negative impact a large number water, not to mention humidity.
  • When exposed to high temperatures protective layer does not flow or melt.
  • This type of furniture protection is environmentally friendly. Therefore, on a countertop treated with oil, you can safely put food and be sure that they will not subsequently harm the body.
  • This liquid material hides scratches, areas with traces of hot dishes and other minor defects well.
  • If traces of pollution appear on the countertop that cannot be dealt with, then you can remove it precisely in a certain area and carry out new processing. That is, it makes no sense to grind the entire plane.
  • By the way, many masters use oils to update old furniture, in which cracks, pores and chips were formed. It penetrates deep into the body of the furniture, preventing its further drying.

Table Care

If properly cared for wooden furniture in the kitchen, then there would be no question of how and with what to cover the wooden countertop. It is clear that this piece of furniture is one of the most loaded. Imagine what is happening in the work area when dinner is being prepared.

Of course, you have to be careful, of course, you have to feel sorry for the money that was invested in the headset itself. But what to do if the case goes well, if a masterpiece of culinary or cooking art is created in the kitchen? But often the hostess has to prepare several dishes in just half an hour, since our modern time driven by the speed of life. Therefore, scratches from knives, marks from hot dishes, chips from a dropped pan, and so on, can appear on the kitchen worktop. This means that the time is approaching when given surface ceases to shine with novelty. That is, it will have to be repaired.

What can be advised. First of all, do not cut anything on the countertop, use cutting boards, since today this product is presented on the market in huge assortment. Under hot dishes, use special coasters. In general, do not put them aside, let her or two always be present in the working area. Do not hang large dishes on the rails, they are not intended for this.

Even all these tips cannot solve the problem in question. Therefore, small defects in a wooden tabletop are a reality that you will have to deal with constantly. But they can be corrected with small means. Here are just a few useful tips than to cover a wooden countertop in the kitchen if minor flaws have formed on it.

  • If small scratches appear, then they can be veiled, for example, by soaking them with cotton wool, which is soaked in strongly brewed black tea. Can be used Walnut, wiping the scratch with the nucleolus from it. You can even use machine oil for this.
  • If the scratches are deep, then this area will first need to be treated with coarse-grained sandpaper, then sanded with fine-grained sandpaper, and finally polished with felt.
  • The most difficult thing to deal with is small scuffs on the surface of a wooden table. They stand out strongly on the surface with their pale appearance. If the flaw is not strong, then you can use the same black tea. But if the wear has reached the wood itself, having passed all the protective layers, then this area will have to be cleaned and a new layer of oil or varnish applied.


The easiest way to answer the question of how to cover a wooden countertop is to paint it. That is, you remove all old coatings, fill up surface defects with putty, polish it, and the last stage is paint application.

You can paste over a wooden plane with a self-adhesive vinyl film. The benefit of the options for its decorative design is huge: the structure of wood, stone, leather, plain films, and so on. Most importantly, all preliminary operations are carried out according to the technology described above. And the sticker process itself is not very complicated.

It is important here that wrinkles and bubbles do not form on the surface of the new table, so you need to carefully smooth the laid material, using, for example, a plastic spatula or a paint roller.

I would like to remind you of such an option for finishing an old countertop as decoupage. In fact, this is an application that is made either from paper or fabric. Drawings are applied to the surface of the table, gluing with PVA glue or a special composition. And a colorless varnish is applied on top in several layers.

As you can see, there are not so few ways to update countertops in the kitchen. What material to choose for this, everyone decides for himself. But, as practice shows, the majority of home craftsmen usually stop their choice on varnish. This is a simple application, plus long-term operation of the wooden product itself.

kirsan_kaifat 25-12-2014 12:16

Hello. gathered from furniture board make a beech countertop (or oak) for the kitchen. Unfortunately, we do not find birch

3. Maybe someone has birch shields?

sergVs 25-12-2014 12:38

1. How to change the color of steamed beech towards a lighter natural one?

quote: Originally posted by kirsan_kaifat:

2. How to cover. impregnation or varnish?

solid wood better impregnation, soft (pine, birch) - lacquer.

kirsan_kaifat 25-12-2014 12:59

Beech, oak, ash. I also tend to soak food flaxseed

Shyr3000 25-12-2014 14:35

Vladimir Boroda 25-12-2014 15:36

Osmo oil with flax, especially for kitchen worktops

alex-wolf 25-12-2014 17:06

quote: Originally posted by kirsan_kaifat:

2. How to cover. impregnation or varnish?

super unique, in three layers.

vvik 25-12-2014 17:30

That's why parquets used to be rubbed with mastic, and not with varnish ....

vvik 25-12-2014 17:31

and as for the beech - do not be discouraged. In terms of performance, it is much better than birch

DocBB 25-12-2014 23:18

I suffocated from the linen. You will spend months looking for a forgotten jar of canned fish. It stinks for a long time, thin but smelly, I'm for varnish.

walther 25-12-2014 23:31

Siny Borod 25-12-2014 23:54

Wood is bleached with oxalic acid...

kirsan_kaifat 26-12-2014 10:14

quote: Originally posted by alex-wolff:

super unique, in three layers.

with this I just cover self-made furniture.

because the kitchen is scheduled for spring, I have time to use any impregnation. and away from home)

kirsan_kaifat 26-12-2014 10:17

quote: Originally posted by sergVs:

There was a recipe for lightening a tree by processing it in peroxide with ammonia. Haven't tried it myself.

I bought a poison based on chlorine for testing. I will torture the stool
quote: Originally posted by Shyr3000:

Kiryuh, but shellac no longer rolls ??? True, the color will drive a little into red-yellowness, but it will overflow as it will ....... And forget the flax, it kills the beauty of the tree
Z.Y. Specify the size of the countertop required .... in the store there was something similar from birch, I'll look - I'll unsubscribe.

the maximum size is 1500x600x40. there I will have to do a couple more smaller pieces
quote: Originally posted by vvik:

European pros have been using linen and only linen for centuries. The reason is that any damage to the countertop is easily sanded, sanded and impregnated with linen. No trace. No other coating can be restored on a small piece of surface without traces.
That's why parquets used to be rubbed with mastic, and not with varnish ....

Thank you
quote: Originally posted by Siniy Borod:

Wood is bleached with oxalic acid...

quote: Originally posted by Walther:

I have kitchen countertop oak overall length 8 meters. Finished in IKEA countertop oil. Both in the tail and in the mane. Super! Lasts 5 years, hasn't been refinished yet.

Looked at their impregnation. the same Danish) they only write without a desiccant.

Max_CM 26-12-2014 10:51

Linen, Danish, oil from IKEA (simple and affordable)
Lucky and especially Shellac are not suitable at all.
because how they create a film coating, about the water resistance of shellac - fairy tales, even on a film of yacht varnish, if you accidentally pick a kitchen knife, a trace will remain.

Now there are many different parquet oils, they have a natural base, they are perfectly absorbed, they do not create a film, in case of damage it is easy to restore it, in addition, they can be tinted, that is, when applied, the tone will remain in looser places of the texture, emphasize it.
Beech for countertops is much better than birch, birch can be very warped.

arcuda 27-12-2014 02:03

I would be careful with beech - it doesn’t like moisture very much (unless it has gone through some tricky processing), it tears it. And oak will be more reliable, and ash too.

kirsan_kaifat 28-12-2014 22:24

will be impregnated before installation. there is time)

bigdad 13-01-2015 13:21

For twenty years he worked as a kitchen assembler. For impregnating worktops natural wood oil like Danish was attached to them (I don’t remember the name). The tabletop was impregnated twice: the first layer was rubbed over the surface and after 2 hours of drying, the second layer was applied, which was left to dry overnight. The beech pattern became a little darker and more saturated, but not by much.
I used a piece of such a countertop for five years for chopping frozen meat and bones, there were no delaminations until I chopped it too hard and broke it.

kirsan_kaifat 13-01-2015 13:49

Thank you. I also found an all-lamella birch shield. maybe I can make it

PavelTsirkach 14-01-2015 04:00

quote: I suffocated from the linen. You will spend months looking for a forgotten jar of canned fish.

Yongert 14-01-2015 04:38

the most important thing is to cover equally from all sides - for example, 3 layers on top - also three layers on the bottom

kirsan_kaifat 14-01-2015 11:20

quote: Originally posted by Pavel Tsirkach:

Now in shops for artists, REFINED linseed oil is sold, absolutely odorless.

I even saw it at the grocery store.
quote: Originally posted by Yongert:

the most important thing is to cover equally from all sides - for example, 3 layers on top - also three layers on the bottom

What is it connected with?

Yongert 14-01-2015 12:08

so that if the sides have different vapor-water permeability, then the shield can lead during operation

kirsan_kaifat 15-01-2015 11:29

RMCKursk 19-03-2015 13:17

Google Rubio Monokot. Linseed oil, Naturel color (lightens the countertop), apply in one layer, after 10 minutes wipe off the oil to dry wood. For two days it will smell linseed oil. But then at least put a hot pot, there will be no trace. Banks 0.275 is enough for 12 squares. So if damaged, washed, polished, rubbed and like new.

demonis 19-03-2015 19:50

I will give one more vote for OSMO. I have a desktop covered with them. the table is entirely made of solid oak.
I tried ZAP, Tikkurila - not that. the effect is not the same, it also stinks.
OSMO is just a thrill. that when applying, that according to the result.
I spent more money while looking for an acceptable result than OSMO cost.

Zmeyuka 19-03-2015 23:39

If OSMO is expensive, then Borma (premier coating) has oils for countertops or even floors. Doesn't smell like anything.
And better - white oil, two layers according to the instructions, and grundieroil then two more layers.
Tomorrow I will add a photo of my kitchen under construction under this composition

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