Information management. Tasks of information management

Encyclopedia of Plants 26.09.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher

vocational education

"Russian State University for the Humanities"

Branch of the Russian State Humanitarian University in Veliky Novgorod

Razinkov Savva Mikhailovich


Control work on the discipline "Information management"

student of the 2nd year of the correspondence department of the group 12.12c

Veliky Novgorod 2014


    The concept of information management………………………………..4

    Planning in an information system environment……………………..7

    The meaning and role of information management in modern society…………………………………………………………………………………………….8


List of used sources and literature………………………..……..12


Information management, having appeared as part of management theory, quickly acquired a completely independent meaning and took shape as a promising scientific direction in the era of the information society. The concept of information management combines the following approaches: economic, considering the issues of attracting new documented information, based on considerations of usefulness and financial costs; analytical, based on the analysis of user needs for information and communications; organizational, considering information technologies in their influence on organizational aspects; systemic, considering the processing of information on the basis of a holistic, system-oriented, all-encompassing process of information processing in an organization and giving Special attention optimization of communication channels, information, material resources and other costs, methods of work. Information management in an organization performs strategic, operational and administrative tasks. Strategic tasks include: creation of the organization's information infrastructure and information technology management. Operational and administrative tasks are narrower and more subordinate.

1. The concept of information management

Information management is understood as a special area of ​​management that has emerged as an independent direction in recent years and is increasingly acquiring specific features.

Information management covers all aspects of the problem of management in the field of creation and use of information resources.

The purpose of information management: improving the efficiency of the enterprise through the use of information systems(IS) and technology (IT).

The subject of information management: the processes of creation, operation and development of enterprise information systems.

The manager's area of ​​professional activity is providing effective management information resources and information systems at the organization level, ensuring the use of information as a strategic resource, organizing management systems in the information business industry, improving management in accordance with the trends of socio-economic development.

The objects of professional activity of a manager are various information resources and information systems of economic, industrial and social sphere, information resources and information systems of subdivisions of management systems of state enterprises, joint-stock companies and private firms, as well as various organizations in the field of information business. Professional activity manager also applies to information resources and information systems of research and production associations, scientific, design and design organizations, government bodies and the social infrastructure of the national economy.

The scope of information management is the totality of all management tasks related to the formation and use of information in all its forms and states to achieve the goals set for the enterprise.

At the same time, the tasks of determining the value and efficiency of using not only the actual information (data and knowledge), but also other enterprise resources that are in one way or another in contact with information should be solved: technological, personnel, financial, etc. In these tasks management, to one degree or another, information systems and the information technologies implemented in them are used.

The concept of information management combines the following approaches: economic, considering the issues of attracting new documented information, based on considerations of usefulness and financial costs; analytical, based on the analysis of user needs for information and communications; organizational, considering information technologies in their influence on organizational aspects; systemic, considering the processing of information on the basis of a holistic, system-oriented, all-encompassing process of information processing in an organization and paying special attention to the optimization of communication channels, information, material resources and other costs, methods of work.

The main directions of information management:

Information system (IS) management at all stages of its life cycle;

Strategic development of IP;

IP marketing.

Tasks of information management:

Formation of the technological environment of the information system;

Development of the information system and maintenance of its maintenance;

Planning in an information system environment;

Formation organizational structure in the field of informatization;

Use and operation of information systems;

Formation of innovation policy and implementation of innovation programs;

Personnel management in the field of informatization;

Investment management in the field of informatization;

Formation and maintenance of complex security of information resources.

Information management in an organization performs strategic, operational and administrative tasks. Strategic tasks include: creation of the organization's information infrastructure and information technology management. Operational and administrative tasks are narrower and more subordinate.

The main task of information management is information support for the main activities of the organization.

The next task of information management is to process the diverse “mass product” offered on the information market into information relevant to actions, the transition from external knowledge to knowledge relevant to internal decisions.

Vinogradova E.S.


by discipline

"Information Management"

for university students educational institutions, studying in absentia




    The concept of information management, its structure and types.

    Information resource as a basic component of information management.

    Information technology as a basic tool for information management.

    Information systems as a basic component.


1.1. The concept of information management, its structure and types

Information management - a set of methods and means of information management and management with the help of information by the activities of an enterprise (organization).

The purpose of information management is ensuring the effective development of the organization by regulating various types of its information activities.

Tasks of information management:

1. high-quality information support of management processes in the organization;

2. implementation of information resource management;

3. ensuring the management of information processing at all levels;

4. ensuring communication management.

The object of control in information management are:

    information in different forms her existence;

    information systems and information technologies;

    information industry and information market;

    personnel implementing the functions of production, use and storage of information.

Subjects of management there are special federal and regional bodies that implement the state policy in the field of information management and information resource management services of institutions, organizations and enterprises.

The place and structure of information management are presented in fig. one.

Created AIS Environment for the formation of an information resource

Management Information Systems

Information Management Technologies

Figure 1 - Place and structure of information management

Allocate three types of information management(Fig. 2.):

    enterprise (organization) management;

    management of internal documentation;

    publication management.

Enterprise management includes issues of organizing information sources, means of transmission, creating databases, data processing technologies, and ensuring data security.

Figure 2 - Types of information management

In accordance with the extent of management tasks, there are strategic information management (SIM) and operational information management (OIM).

concept "strategic" in a relationship information management suggests one side , systematic determination of long-term goals in all areas (for a period of 3-5 years), on the other hand - choice of the way to achieve the goal and the definition of a set of tasks, the solution of which leads to the goal. Such tasks are solved at the level of the top management of the organization.

The selected solutions of long-term tasks form sets of initial data (tasks) for operational , i.e. the shortest-term level (in the field of information processing, this is a period of time up to one year).

The range of management tasks includes the development, implementation, operation and development of automated information systems and networks that support the activities of an enterprise (organization). In these networks, management of information resources must be provided.

So, information management is turning into a basic technology for organizing management activities in all areas of the information society.

Information management is a set of methods and means of managing information and managing the activities of an enterprise (organization) with the help of information.

The purpose of information management is to ensure the effective development of the organization by regulating various types of its information activities. Tasks of information management: 1. high-quality information support of management processes in the organization; 2. implementation of information resource management; 3. ensuring the management of information processing at all levels; 4. ensuring communication management.

The object of management in information management are:

Information in various forms of its existence;

information systems and information technologies;

· information industry and information market;

Personnel implementing the functions of production, use and storage of information.

The subjects of management are special federal and regional bodies that implement state policy in the field of information management and information resource management services of institutions, organizations and enterprises.

The place and structure of information management are presented in fig. one.

Figure 1 - Place and structure of information management

There are three types of information management (Fig. 2.):

management of an enterprise (organization);

management of internal documentation;

management of publications.

Enterprise management includes issues of organizing information sources, means of transmission, creating databases, data processing technologies, and ensuring data security.

Figure 2 - Types of information management

In accordance with the extent of management tasks, strategic information management (SIM) and operational information management (OIM) are distinguished.

The concept of "strategic" in relation to information management implies, on the one hand, the systematic determination of long-term goals in all areas (for a period of 3-5 years), on the other hand, the choice of a way to achieve the goal and the definition of a set of tasks, the solution of which leads to the goal. Such tasks are solved at the level of the top management of the organization.

The selected solutions of long-term tasks form sets of initial data (tasks) for operational, i.e. the shortest-term level (in the field of information processing, this is a period of time up to one year).

The range of management tasks includes the development, implementation, operation and development of automated information systems and networks that support the activities of an enterprise (organization). In these networks, management of information resources must be provided.

So, information management becomes the basic technology of the organization management activities in all areas of the information society.

Information resource as a basic component of information management

The information society is the concept of a post-industrial society in which information and knowledge are the main products of production.

Distinctive features of the information society:

· increasing the role of information and knowledge in the life of society;

· increasing role of information communications, products and services in the gross domestic product;

Creation of a global information space that provides:

Effective information interaction of people;

Their access to world information resources;

Meeting their needs for information products and services.

The target direction of information management is the creation of a new information society.

The creation of a new information society is possible today only on the basis of information management technologies, including automated information systems as a basic component of information management and the information society.

An information resource is an organized set of documented information, including databases and knowledge bases, other information arrays and information systems (libraries, archives, office work, etc.).

These include handwritten, printed and electronic publications containing regulatory, administrative and other information on various areas of public activity.

Information resource is a basic component of information management.

The formation and use of information resources is one of the key problems of creating a single information space of any state.

Information resources are created in the process of functioning of automated information systems in all spheres of the life of the state:

authorities and administrations;

local government bodies;

· legal entities;


Information technology as a basic information management tool

Information technology - a set of methods, methods, techniques and means of processing documented information, including application software, and the regulated procedure for their application.

Information technology - a set of methods, techniques and tools that implement the information process in accordance with the specified requirements.

Information technology is the basic tool of information management.

IT is divided into two classes:

basic IT

applied IT.

Basic IT are technologies that are implemented at the level of interaction between elements of computing systems.

The composition of basic IT:

1. Operating systems.

2. Programming languages.

3. Technologies of "client-server" architecture.

4. Technologies of multiprocessor processing.

5. Technologies of neurocomputing.

6. Technologies of computer-aided design (CASE - technologies).

7. Telecommunication technologies.

8. Basic technologies Internet.

9. Intranet - technologies.

10. Text processing technologies.

11. Database management systems.

12. Information storage technologies.

13. Expert systems.

14. Geoinformation technologies.

15. Multimedia - technologies and technologies for creating virtual reality.

16. Technologies of digital-analog transformations.

17. Technologies of cryptoprotection.

18. Human-machine interface technologies.

Applied IT is a technology that implements standard information processing procedures in specific subject areas.

Applied IT classification:

on the implementation of information resources;

· in systems of mass service of the population;

in the processes of eco-informatization;

in the field organizational management;

in the field of intellectual potential;

· in production processes;

· to support management decisions in the social, political, economic spheres and state security.

Thus, information technologies make it possible to form software and hardware solutions for the creation of automated information systems of subjects, the implementation of a telecommunications environment that ensures the interaction of these systems, and, therefore, contribute to the creation of a single information space.

Information systems as a basic component of information management

An information system is an organized set of information technologies, objects and relations between them, forming a single whole (STB 982 - 94).

Information System: An information processing system, together with its associated organizational resources, such as people, technical and financial resources, which provides and distributes information (GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99).

Information systems are the basis for the productive work of a manager at any level and in all subject areas, i.e. basic component of information management.

In accordance with the presence of different areas of activity of the organization, features and levels of structure, certain types of information systems are distinguished. On fig. 3 shows the management pyramid of the organization, the management levels (horizontal) - strategic, managerial, knowledge level and operational - and functional areas (vertical): sales and marketing, production, finance, accounting and human resources. To meet the needs of all these organizational levels and areas, there are appropriate information systems.

Figure 3 - Management pyramid of the organization

Organizational levels serve four main types of information systems:

operational level systems,

knowledge level systems,

control level systems

strategic level systems.

Operational level systems support operations managers, monitor elementary activities of an organization such as sales, payments, cashing out deposits, preparing payroll, lending, and material flows.

The main function of this level is to provide answers to common questions and conduct transaction flows through the organization, for which information must be available, prompt and accurate.

Knowledge level systems are designed to support knowledge workers and operators. The main function of systems of this level is to integrate new knowledge for the successful conduct of business by the company and manage the flow of documents.

Management level systems are designed to control, manage, make decisions and administrative actions of middle managers (middle managers). The main function of the system is to give a timely answer, are the objects working well? Control plane systems typically provide periodic reports promptly. For example, a motion control system informs about the movement personnel organizations, on the uniformity of the work of the sales and finance departments, while reporting the excess of actual costs over the budget.

Strategic-level systems are a tool to help senior managers and are designed to prepare strategic research and long-term trends, both in the firm itself and in its environment.

The main function of the system is to accommodate changes in operating conditions to an existing organizational capability.

Information systems can be differentiated functionally. The main functional areas such as sales and marketing, manufacturing, finance, accounting and human resources are served by their own information systems.

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1. The concept of information management

2. Planning in an information system environment

3. The meaning and role of information management in modern society


List of used literature


Information management, having appeared as part of management theory, quickly acquired a completely independent meaning and took shape as a promising scientific direction in the era of the information society. The concept of information management combines the following approaches: economic, considering the issues of attracting new documented information, based on considerations of usefulness and financial costs; analytical, based on the analysis of user needs for information and communications; organizational, considering information technologies in their influence on organizational aspects; systemic, considering the processing of information on the basis of a holistic, system-oriented, all-encompassing process of information processing in an organization and paying special attention to the optimization of communication channels, information, material resources and other costs, methods of work. Information management in an organization performs strategic, operational and administrative tasks. Strategic tasks include: creation of the organization's information infrastructure and information technology management. Operational and administrative tasks are narrower and more subordinate.

1. The concept of information management

Information management is understood as a special area of ​​management that has emerged as an independent direction in last years and increasingly acquiring specific features.

Information management covers all aspects of the problem of management in the field of creation and use of information resources.

The purpose of information management is to increase the efficiency of an enterprise through the use of information systems (IS) and technologies (IT).

The subject of information management: the processes of creation, operation and development of enterprise information systems.

The manager's area of ​​professional activity is ensuring the effective management of information resources and information systems at the organization level, ensuring the use of information as a strategic resource, organizing management systems in the information business industry, improving management in accordance with the trends of socio-economic development.

The objects of the manager's professional activity are various information resources and information systems of organizations in the economic, industrial and social spheres, information resources and information systems of management systems units. state enterprises, joint-stock companies and private firms, as well as various organizations in the field of information business. The professional activity of a manager also extends to information resources and information systems of research and production associations, scientific, design and design organizations, bodies government controlled and social infrastructure of the national economy.

The scope of information management is the totality of all management tasks related to the formation and use of information in all its forms and states to achieve the goals set for the enterprise.

At the same time, the tasks of determining the value and efficiency of using not only the actual information (data and knowledge), but also other enterprise resources that are in one way or another in contact with information should be solved: technological, personnel, financial, etc. In these tasks management, to one degree or another, information systems and the information technologies implemented in them are used.

The concept of information management combines the following approaches: economic, considering the issues of attracting new documented information, based on considerations of usefulness and financial costs; analytical, based on the analysis of user needs for information and communications; organizational, considering information technologies in their influence on organizational aspects; systemic, considering the processing of information on the basis of a holistic, system-oriented, all-encompassing process of information processing in an organization and paying special attention to the optimization of communication channels, information, material resources and other costs, methods of work.

The main directions of information management:

Information system (IS) management at all stages of its life cycle;

Strategic development of IP;

IP marketing.

Tasks of information management:

Formation of the technological environment of the information system;

Development of the information system and maintenance of its maintenance;

Planning in an information system environment;

Formation of the organizational structure in the field of informatization;

Use and operation of information systems;

Formation of innovation policy and implementation of innovation programs;

Personnel management in the field of informatization;

Investment management in the field of informatization;

Formation and maintenance of complex security of information resources.

Information management in an organization performs strategic, operational and administrative tasks. Strategic tasks include: creation of the organization's information infrastructure and information technology management. Operational and administrative tasks are narrower and more subordinate.

The main task of information management is information support for the main activities of the organization.

The next task of information management is to process the diverse “mass product” offered on the information market into information relevant to actions, the transition from external knowledge to knowledge relevant internal solutions.

2. Planning in an information system environment

The purpose of planning in an information system environment is to increase the efficiency of an enterprise through the effective use of information resources and technologies.

The planning and management system of any organization is hierarchical and includes different kinds plans that differ from each other in terms of the planning horizon and, as a result, in the degree of detail.

In accordance with the length of management tasks in time, strategic information management (SIM) and operational information management (OIM) are distinguished. At the same time, goals defined at the strategic level are implemented at the operational level. The global strategic goal of information management in information systems should be to ensure the greatest possible contribution of IP to the goals of the enterprise for its core business through the use of information technology; in accordance with this goal, specific tasks are also assigned for the organization of information management itself.

The concept of "strategic" in relation to IM implies, on the one hand, the systematic determination of long-term - for a period of 3-5 years - goals in all areas, and on the other hand, the choice of a way to achieve the goal and the definition of a set of tasks, the solution of which leads to the goal. Such tasks are solved at the level of the top management of the organization. Decisions made long-term objectives are the input to the operational level.

The tasks of operational information management are guided by the corresponding strategic objectives and goals. The planning interval for AMI tasks is up to one year. These tasks are usually handled at the management level of the organization's information processing service.

Planning is the main task of MI at the strategic level. It is due both to the need to timely eliminate possible obstacles, and to the need to identify the maximum chances for the enterprise created by IS and IT.

The information system has great importance for an enterprise, when the tasks of competition in the market are solved on its basis, as well as when the information intensity technological process the core business of the enterprise and maintain the performance of this process is high. This is the case, for example, for banks, stock exchanges and insurance companies, a number of public institutions and etc.

3. The meaning and role of information managementin modern society

information management strategic planning

The development of civilized countries is taking place in the direction of creating an information society, i.e. a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, collection, storage, processing and use of information, primarily in its highest form - the form of knowledge.

In this regard, the need to ensure effective management of informatization means - management - at all stages of their life cycle becomes obvious: it is the effectiveness of management in the field of informatization that largely determines the pace of scientific and technological progress.

Availability of more powerful and efficient information systems that allow efficient creation, accumulation and use of operational and full information, gives companies an advantage over competitors, and inattention to the quality and efficiency of information systems leads to a loss of positions.

In the 1960s, the first essentially strategic information systems appeared - such information systems, through which enterprises try to secure an advantage in the competitive struggle. A classic example is the creation and implementation of systems for ordering and selling tickets by American aviation companies, which, thanks to these systems, were able to change the situation in the air transportation market in their favor. To be able to identify such chances by means of information management is the goal of many enterprises. And many of them are already using these tools in practice.

The best and necessary means of successful management in any field of activity is information technology. For their implementation, the production of informatization tools is developing.

Nowadays, information has become one of the most important resources of an enterprise. Both the efficiency and the viability of the enterprise as a whole largely depend on the quality of this resource and the efficiency of its use. This is the reason for the importance of the role of information management in modern conditions.

Another point is related to the problems that arise in the implementation of information systems. The main ones are the following:

1) additional burden for staff in the process of implementation, since for some time it is necessary to maintain both new and old information technologies;

2) change functional duties decision makers in the management system due to the introduction of information technology. As a result, they either have additional responsibilities (optimistic) or they are reduced, which causes the dismissal of employees (pessimistic).

The distribution of powers and functional responsibilities of employees affects, on the one hand, the creation of jobs, and on the other hand, the development of the IS structure and its compliance with the management structure. These issues are inextricably linked with the solution of the strategic task of choosing the selection criterion structural elements IP and the depth of their detail. This problem has existed throughout the history of automation of control objects and remains relevant at the present time.


The main task of information management is information support for the main activities of the organization. The task of information management from this point of view should be seen in integrating the individual information elements of the system (documents, cases, technologies) created by employees on the basis of a unifying search program. The next task of information management is to process the diverse “mass product” offered on the information market into information relevant to actions, the transition from external knowledge to knowledge relevant to internal decisions. Information management solves the problems of planning, directing, controlling and organizing documentary support for managing an organization according to certain target criteria to support coordinated organizational and information actions of members of the organization.

An important task of information management is the choice of rational forms of communication, technology and information technology, as well as the characteristics of information resources necessary to achieve the goals of the organization. A specialist of an organization, an employee, a manager are not just consumers to whom information is supplied, but direct participants in the information process, the most important integral part structures of information management. The practical implementation of communication processes in the management apparatus is carried out by information management institutions (service) in the form of organizing document circulation, documentless communications, circulation of document flows within the framework of the internal information management system, the functioning of information systems and networks. The organizational structures of information management are designed to bring together top management, specialists, managers, information providers and the information management unit itself and thereby create the prerequisites for document management across the organization based on modern methodological approaches, organizational and technological solutions.

Strategic and operational information management involves the definition of long-term goals in the use of information resources, the choice of the best way to achieve these goals and the definition of a set of tasks, the solution of which leads to the achievement of the goal.

The tree of goals obtained as a result of this has at the lowest level specific work, the implementation of which is carried out in the process of implementing the tasks of operational information management and is a condition for achieving a goal of a higher level.

Thus, the scope of information management extends from nationwide regulation information processes to the operation of information systems within individual organizations.

FROMlist of used literature

1. Grinberg A.S. Information management: account. allowance for universities / A. S. Grinberg, I. A. Korol. - M.: UNITI. 2003. - 415 p.

2. Titorenko G.A. Information systems and management technologies: a textbook for university students studying in the areas of "Management" and "Economics", specialties "Finance and credit", "Accounting, analysis and audit" / ed. G.A. Titorenko. - 3rd ed., revised and additional. - M.: UNITY-DANA. - 591 p.

3. Shanchenko N. I. Information management: tutorial for students of the specialty "Applied Informatics (in Economics)". - Ulyanovsk: - UlGTU. 2006. - 95 p.

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From the position systems approach information management should cover the planning, organization, coordination and control of information activities and processes, as well as communication within the enterprise in order to improve its work. This assumes the purposeful use of information as a resource.

Information management- this is:

The set of rules technical means and systems that define the information and communication structure of the enterprise;

A set of management tasks at all stages of the life cycle of an enterprise, including all actions and operations related both to information in all its forms and states, and to the enterprise as a whole based on this information.

Conditions for occurrence and practical application information management:

■ The number of computers and their peripherals installed in information systems around the world is very large, and their global production is a large and powerful industry. its products have formed a broad market for informatization tools and services. It is possible to navigate this market and quickly respond to all its changes only with the help of information management.

■ Many areas of activity have become international and will require the cooperation of information systems and, accordingly, the solution of information management problems.

■ development and operation of information systems depends on the solution of information management problems. The resources of the systems are limited, and the number of tasks to be solved is large; accordingly, it is necessary to ensure the efficiency of information systems and the adequacy of the tasks to be solved.

■ A powerful factor in the development of information systems is competition, which requires the most prompt and comprehensive information and provides advantages over a competitor. Therefore, the development and improvement of information systems is the leading task of information management.

■ The amount of information is constantly growing (doubling the amount of information all over the world is now happening within 2.5-3 years), its internal connections are weighed down, its search and effective use become more complicated (especially when making decisions in the financial sphere). And this can only be done with the help of information management.

The task of the information management:

Analysis of information needs and searches possible solutions for her satisfaction;

Strategic planning of information activities;

Establishment of work with information in all departments of the organization;

Control of the entire information process.

Given the high degree of relationship between the success of the enterprise and information technology, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of developing information management. Both the process of developing a strategic plan for an enterprise and its constituent blocks must take into account the possibilities of information technology.

Today, enterprises can no longer afford a technology strategy designed by technical managers who do not know the essence economic activity. IT architecture selection strategy and related equipment, software and means of communication should be based on the following factors:

The size of the organization;

Direction of the main activity;

Characteristics of consumers;

Orientation to the domestic and / or international market;

IT requirements in the organization;

Existing IT capabilities in the organization;

The degree of readiness of senior management for functional risks.

These factors directly determine the required amount of investment in IT, management decisions in the field of planning, budgeting and building the organizational structure of information management. In general, they determine such important decisions:

Choice of system architecture;

Preference for the purchase of a finished product or the development of an application system;

Orientation to use your own system or use the services or rent the system in other companies;

Choice of tools and methods;

A course on the implementation and investment strategy. Application of methods and techniques of information management

at the enterprise allows to increase the efficiency of existing information systems, avoid unnecessary costs and increase competitiveness.

Criteria for the effectiveness of the organization of information management:

sh Saturation with computers. This most commonly used evaluation criterion reflects only one of the components of information systems. But saturation with computers in itself will not lead to a qualitative change in the activities of both the enterprise and the whole society as a whole. Only the introduction of new information technologies, which are implemented with the help of computers, can lead to a qualitative change.

■ Integration of information technologies. Integration is a system of approvals and a set of functions that are implemented. Distinguish functional and information integration. Information integration and communications based on it are conditionally divided into: corporate, IP-oriented public sector and structures of mixed ownership; common use, are formed gradually and independently in the bowels of small business, the private market and the information technology market.

■ Networks of public information banks. This criterion characterizes the integration and communication of information systems in a public network, provides for a heterogeneous distribution of the database system, a friendly interface, public and cheap communication networks. The main component of such networks is a database supported by its manufacturers. The integration of information systems into such databases depends on confidentiality requirements, the security of one's own information, and parameters such as the cost of accessing heterogeneous databases and the time they are updated.

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