Analysis of the work of the Nekrasov railway. Nikolai Nekrasov - Railway: Verse

Encyclopedia of Plants 01.10.2019

Vania(in a coachman's coat).
Dad! who built this road?

daddy(in a coat with a red lining),
Count Pyotr Andreyevich Kleinmichel, my dear!

Conversation in the car

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
The ice is fragile on the icy river
As if melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not faded yet,
Yellow and fresh lie like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! frosty nights,
Clear, quiet days...
There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi
And moss swamps, and stumps -

All is well under the moonlight
Everywhere I recognize my dear Russia ...
I quickly fly along cast-iron rails,
I think my mind...

Good papa! Why in charm
Keep Vanya smart?
You let me in the moonlight
Show him the truth.

This work, Vanya, was terribly huge
Not on the shoulder alone!
There is a king in the world: this king is merciless,
Hunger is his name.

He leads armies; at sea by ships
Rules; drives people to the artel,
Walks behind the plow, stands behind the shoulders
Stonecutters, weavers.

He drove the masses of the people here.
Many are in a terrible struggle,
Calling to life these barren wilds,
The coffin was found here.

Straight path: the mounds are narrow,
Poles, rails, bridges.
And on the sides, all the bones are Russian ...
How many of them! Vanya, do you know?

Chu! terrible exclamations were heard!
Stomp and gnashing of teeth;
A shadow ran over the frosty glass...
What's there? Crowd of the Dead!

They overtake the cast-iron road,
Then the sides run.
Do you hear the singing? .. "On this moonlit night
We love to see our work!

We tore ourselves under the heat, under the cold,
With an eternally bent back,
Lived in dugouts, fought hunger,
Were cold and wet, sick with scurvy.

We were robbed by literate foremen,
The bosses were crushed, the need was crushing ...
We have endured everything, God's warriors,
Peaceful children of labor!

Brothers! You are reaping our fruits!
We are destined to rot in the earth ...
Do you all remember us, the poor, with kindness
Or have you forgotten for a long time? .. "

Do not be horrified by their wild singing!
From Volkhov, from mother Volga, from Oka,
From different parts of the great state -
These are all your brothers - men!

It's a shame to be shy, to close with a glove,
You are no longer small! .. Russian hair,
You see, he is standing, exhausted by a fever,
Tall sick Belarusian:

Lips bloodless, eyelids fallen,
Ulcers on skinny arms
Forever knee-deep in water
The legs are swollen; tangle in hair;

I am pitting my chest, which is diligently on the spade
From day to day leaned all century ...
You look at him, Vanya, carefully:
It was difficult for a man to get his bread!

Didn't straighten his hunchbacked back
He is still: stupidly silent
And mechanically rusty shovel
Frozen ground hammering!

This noble habit of work
It would not be bad for us to adopt with you ...
Bless the work of the people
And learn to respect the man.

Do not be shy for the dear homeland ...
The Russian people carried enough
Carried out this railroad -
Will endure whatever the Lord sends!

Will endure everything - and wide, clear
He will pave the way for himself with his chest.
The only pity is to live in this beautiful time
You won't have to, neither me nor you.

At this moment the whistle is deafening
He squealed - the crowd of the dead disappeared!
"I saw, dad, I'm an amazing dream, -
Vanya said - five thousand men,

Russian tribes and breeds representatives
Suddenly appeared - and he he told me:
"Here they are - our road builders! .."
The general laughed!

“I was recently in the walls of the Vatican,
I wandered around the Colosseum for two nights,
I saw Saint Stephen in Vienna,
Well… did the people create all this?

Excuse me this impudent laugh,
Your logic is a bit wild.
Or for you Apollo Belvedere
Worse than an oven pot?

Here are your people - these terms and baths,
A miracle of art - he pulled everything away! ”-
“I’m not talking for you, but for Vanya…”
But the general did not object:

"Your Slav, Anglo-Saxon and German
Do not create - destroy the master,
Barbarians! a wild crowd of drunkards! ..
However, it's time to take care of Vanyusha;

You know, the spectacle of death, sadness
It is a sin to revolt a child's heart.
Would you show the child now
The bright side…

Happy to show!
Listen, my dear: fatal works
It's over - the German is already laying the rails.
The dead are buried in the ground; sick
Hidden in dugouts; working people

Gathered in a close crowd at the office ...
They scratched their heads hard:
Each contractor must remain,
Truant days have become a penny!

Everything was entered by ten's men in a book -
Did he take a bath, was the patient lying:
“Maybe there is now a surplus here,
Yes, come on! .. ”They waved their hands ...

In a blue caftan - a venerable meadowsweet,
Fat, squat, red as copper,
A contractor is walking along the line on a holiday,
He goes to see his work.

The idle people make way dignifiedly...
Sweat wipes the merchant from the face
And he says, akimbo pictorially:
“Okay… not something about… well done a!.. well done a!..

With God, now home - congratulations!
(Hats off - if I say!)
I expose a barrel of wine to workers
AND - donate arrears!..»

Someone cheered. Picked up
Louder, friendlier, longer... Look:
With a song, the foremen rolled a barrel ...
Here even the lazy could not resist!

Unharnessed the people of the horses - and the merchant
With a cry of "Hurrah!" sped along the road...
Seems hard to cheer up the picture
Draw, General?

Analysis of the poem "Railway" by Nekrasov

The vast majority of Nekrasov's work is devoted to the simple Russian people, describing their troubles and suffering. He believed that a true poet should not stray from reality into romantic illusions. Poem " Railway"- a vivid example of the poet's civil lyrics. It was written in 1864 and is dedicated to the construction of the Nikolaev railway (1843-1851).

The railway between St. Petersburg and Moscow has become a grandiose project. It significantly raised the authority of Russia, reduced the gap from the developed European countries.

At the same time, the construction was carried out by backward methods. The labor of the state and serfs was actually slave labor. The state did not take into account the victims, on a difficult physical work many people died in unbearable conditions.

The introduction to the work is the subtle irony of Nekrasov. The general calls the builder of the railway not a disenfranchised mass of workers, but Count Kleinmichel, who became famous for his cruelty.

The first part of the poem is a lyrical description of the beautiful view that opens before the eyes of the passengers of the train. Nekrasov lovingly depicts the landscape of "dear Russia". In the second part there is a drastic change. The narrator shows the general's son a terrible picture of the construction of the railway, which high society prefers not to see. Thousands of peasant lives stand behind the movement towards progress. From all over the vast Russia, the peasants were gathered here by the "real king" - hunger. Titanic work, like many large-scale Russian projects, literally strewn with the bones of people.

The third part is the opinion of a self-confident general, symbolizing the stupidity and narrow-mindedness of high society. He believes that illiterate and always drunk men have no value. Only the highest creations of human art are important. In this thought, opponents of Nekrasov's views on the role of the creator in the life of society are easily guessed.

At the General's request, the narrator shows Vanya the "bright side" of construction. The work is finished, the dead are buried, it's time to take stock. Russia proves to the world its progressive development. The emperor and high society triumph. The heads of construction sites and merchants received significant profits. The workers were rewarded with... a barrel of wine and forgiveness of accumulated fines. A timid exclamation of "Hurrah!" taken over by the crowd.

The picture of the general final rejoicing is incredibly bitter and sad. The long-suffering Russian people have been deceived again. The symbolic price of a grandiose construction site (a third of the annual budget of the Russian Empire), which claimed thousands of lives, was expressed for ordinary workers in a barrel of vodka. They cannot appreciate the true value of their work, and therefore are grateful and happy.

An excerpt from the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Railway"

Good papa! Why in charm
Keep Vanya smart?
You let me in the moonlight
Show him the truth.

This work, Vanya, was terribly huge
Not on the shoulder alone!
There is a king in the world: this king is merciless,
Hunger is his name.

He leads armies; at sea by ships
Rules; drives people to the artel,
Walks behind the plow, stands behind the shoulders
Stonecutters, weavers.

Straight path: the mounds are narrow,
Poles, rails, bridges.
And on the sides, all the bones are Russian ...
How many of them! Vanya, do you know?

Chu! terrible exclamations were heard!
Stomp and gnashing of teeth;
A shadow ran over the frosty glass...
What's there? Crowd of the Dead!

They overtake the cast-iron road,
Then the sides run.
Do you hear the singing? .. "On this moonlit night
We love to see our work!

We tore ourselves under the heat, under the cold,
With an eternally bent back,
Lived in dugouts, fought hunger,
Were cold and wet, sick with scurvy.

We were robbed by literate foremen,
The bosses were crushed, the need was crushing ...
We have endured everything, God's warriors,
Peaceful children of labor!

Brothers! You are reaping our fruits!
We are destined to rot in the earth ...
Do all of us, the poor, remember kindly
Or have you forgotten a long time ago? .. "

Do not be horrified by their wild singing!
From Volkhov, from mother Volga, from Oka,
From different parts of the great state -
It's all your brothers - men!

It's a shame to be shy, to close with a glove,
You are no longer small! .. Russian hair,
You see, he stands, exhausted by a fever,
Tall sick Belarusian:

Lips bloodless, eyelids fallen,
Ulcers on skinny arms
Forever knee-deep in water
The legs are swollen; tangle in hair;

I am pitting my chest, which is diligently on the spade
From day to day leaned all century ...
You look at him, Vanya, carefully:
It was difficult for a man to get his bread!

Didn't straighten his hunchbacked back
He is still: stupidly silent
And mechanically rusty shovel
Frozen ground hammering!

This noble habit of work
We would not be bad to adopt with you ...
Bless the work of the people
And learn to respect the man.

Do not be shy for the dear homeland ...
The Russian people carried enough
Carried out this railroad -
Will endure whatever the Lord sends!

Will endure everything - and wide, clear
He will pave the way for himself with his chest.
The only pity is to live in this beautiful time
You won't have to, neither me nor you.

Analysis of an excerpt from the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Railway"

Nekrasov in the poem "Railway" described the work and suffering of the Russian people, the oppression and losses that he endured. One of the worst disasters was, of course, hunger. The poet creates extended metaphor of the “king-hunger”, where the latter appears before us as creature that rules the world. It is he who makes the peasants work day and night, take on overwork, losing physical and mental strength. In order to show all the hardships of the life of workers driven to the construction of the railway, the author constructs a poem like an eyewitness account perhaps even a participant in these events. This, as well as permanent appeals(to “daddy”, “Vanya”) give the text more authenticity, and besides, liveliness and emotionality.
People worked and died while they were building the railway (“And on the sides, all the bones are Russian ...”). Fantastic image of the "crowd of the dead" helps to better understand the fate of the peasant builder. For their slave labor, people did not receive any gratitude; those who forced the common people to build the railway did not help in any way, but only exploited the unfortunate people. To emphasize this, Nekrasov uses short, often uncommon offers, as well as vocabulary with negative semantics(“They were cold and wet, they were ill with scurvy”, “We were robbed by the literate foremen, / The bosses were falling, the need was crushing ...”).
The theme of social injustice is revealed in portrait sick Belarusian. Nekrasov, using bright epithets, as well as colloquial vocabulary, creates the image of a downtrodden, humiliated, sick railroad builder (“Bloodless lips, fallen eyelids<…>/ Feet swollen; A tangle in the hair;", "humped back", "ulcers", "chest pit"). His face shows all the suffering of the people and the indifference of the upper strata of society.
But Nekrasov emphasizes that, despite the humiliation and poverty, hunger and cold, the Russian people “endure everything” (“The Russian people have endured enough, / Will endure everything that the Lord sends!”). In this praise of the Russian people, as well as in an open call to struggle, lies the main ideological pathos of the passage.

Below you will find 2 analysis options

N. Nekrasov is one of the founders of the civil direction in Russian art. There are no exaggerations in his works, and they are written quite realistically. Somewhere it can cause a smile, but basically it is a great reason to think about what surrounds us around.

And this work, it was created in 1864, shortly before serfdom was abolished. The poet strives to show a different situation when creating an overpass between the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, because for many masters this was the end of his life, his personal grave.

The work is presented in four parts. The first - with a touch of romanticism, with a certain appeasement. Here the poet talks about his journey by rail, not forgetting to note the beauty of Russia, and admires the landscapes that are visible outside the window of his train. Being delighted, N. Nekrasov accidentally heard a dialogue between his father - a general and his son - a teenager. The child wonders who made this road. It should be noted that such a topic is very relevant for the nineteenth century and burning, because thanks to the new railway, new opportunities for wandering appeared. If by carriage it was possible to get from Moscow to St. Petersburg in a week, then here the time was reduced to as much as one day.

But rarely did anyone think about the cost put forward for being able to get there so quickly. And Russia was able to become a developed European power. Main character- the railway, which was able to acquire a new status for Russia. It was put forward by former serfs, having finally acquired their freedom, they did not know what to do with it. And they were drawn to this work not so much by interest as by hunger and poverty. As a result, a lot of people suffered during the construction, more than a thousand people.

Analysis of the poem Railway Nekrasov

Nikolai Nekrasov is a very talented person. It was he who wrote the work, which was called "Railway". This work was created by the author in 1864. No wonder it bears that name. Indeed, the poem has a very deep meaning.

Nikolai Nekrasov is very famous not only for his beautiful and good works, but also the fact that he became the first who laid a civic direction in Russian literature. It makes a lot of sense, because it all started with his works. The writer is a man of principles who will not fall into invented romance, just to live well and joyfully. This is a realist who, even in his literature, adhered to precisely these standards. Everything in his works was always very realistic. Sometimes readers had smiles, how well and qualitatively all this was described - our real life and its processes everyday.

That is why the poem "Railway" does not surprise anyone, since it is also realistic, kK and other works of Nekrasov. The poem was written a little later after the abolition of krepatstvo. Serfdom was abolished in 1861. But it was only a formal term, only after a few years - something really began to happen. It was on this occasion that such a poem was written by the poet. In his work, he describes the events of those years. And especially - 1864. Since it was in that year that the construction of the overpass between big cities Petersburg and Moscow.

The reason for Nekrasov's indignation was the fact that this rash decision to the end caused the death of many people. And that's just putting it mildly. In fact, thousands, and even millions of people died - ordinary people although no one cared about it then. Nikolai Nekrasov was angry and outraged that the state of that time could not fully figure out what they had planned. After all, they considered, as they say, only one side of the coin. And it was precisely this thoughtlessness that served as the death of many ordinary peasants.

The poem itself is, as it were, divided into four symmetrical parts. Oddly enough, but nevertheless, in the works of Nekrasov, in addition to everyday striking reality, there is also romance, at least a little - but it is still inherent. And it is the first part of Nekrasov's work that has romantic impressions. The writer tells how he saw all the beauties of nature while riding the train. Rail travel - and even that has its own pleasant sensations, in addition to fatigue. And, as a realist, he understood this all the more.

Russian nature is simply unforgettable, and even more so in those days. When there were still corners of the wild nature, not inhabited by people. The author becomes an involuntary listener to the conversation between the son of the general and the father himself. The teenager begins to wonder who built such a road for trains. Further, you can see a deeper meaning, which is more revealed than at the beginning. After all, no one then really thought at what cost such a huge line was created. railway tracks for huge titan trains. And how many lives were lost then, in 1864, because many have forgotten about it, enjoying only the result.

Analysis of the poem Railroad according to plan

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“Railway” is a poem by N. A. Nekrasov. It was written in 1864 and became the embodiment of the poet's reflections on the plight of the Russian people, injustice and the conditions in which the people who built the railways found themselves. You can check out brief analysis"Railway" according to plan. This analysis can be used when studying a work in a literature lesson in grade 6.

Brief analysis

History of creation- the poem appeared in 1864 and became one of the works of Nekrasov, dedicated to the people, telling about their difficult life.

Topic- a poem about the suffering of people during the construction of railways in Russia in the 19th century, the recklessness of bureaucracy, the cruel exploitation of the people.

Composition- linear, the poem consists of four parts: the first is a description of nature, and the following are a vivid description of the terrible pictures that took place during the construction of the railway.

Genre- civil lyrics.

Poetic size- the poem is written in dactyl, exact and inexact, feminine and masculine rhyme, cross rhyming method ABAB is used.

epithetsHealthy, vigorous air”, “glorious autumn”.

Comparisons- “Ice… like melting sugar lies”, “Near the forest, as in a soft bed, you can sleep”, “Leaves… are yellow and fresh like a carpet”, “... venerable meadowsweet, fat, crotchety, red as copper”.

Hyperbolas“This work, Vanya, was terribly huge”.

Metonymy“And on the sides, all the bones are Russian”.

personification“A deafening whistle screeched”.

History of creation

The poem "Railroad" was written in 1864. The history of the creation of this work is connected with the construction in Russian Empire railways. The peasants who worked on the tracks were in difficult conditions, starving, sick. Their lives were not thought or cared about, the only goal was to finish the work soon. The poet, who was worried about ordinary people, striving to reflect reality as it is, was hurt and offended to see this. His experiences were embodied in the studied poem.


The main idea that Nekrasov tried to convey to the general public in many of his works is the plight of the common people in Russia. The theme of the life of peasants and workers, the unbearable conditions of their work and life during the construction of communication lines, was clearly reflected in the poem "Railway". Also here, the poet's condemnation of those people who stood at the head of these works runs like a red thread. They did not care about how to facilitate the work of people and save their lives, but used them only as a means to achieve their goals.


The poem consists of four distinct parts. All of them are interconnected and represent a combination of several images of people sitting in a train car: a lyrical hero, a general and his son Vanya.

The description is completely built on the antithesis: in the first part we see autumn landscapes, thin ice on the river, forest, yellow leaves, Moonlight. The author says that "there is no ugliness in nature". Further, we are presented with completely different pictures: this is hunger, and death, and terrible working conditions for people. There "stands, exhausted by a fever ... a sick Belarusian: bloodless lips, fallen eyelids, ulcers on skinny arms ...". Here we also see the leaders of the work: “in a blue caftan ... a fat, stocky ... contractor.”


The genre of the verse is determined by the topic to which it is dedicated - this is civil lyrics. Confirmation of this is a reflection of reality, not embellished in anything. The poet worries about the Russian people, people forced to work in unimaginably difficult conditions, condemns the leadership, seeking to achieve its goals at any cost.

The poem is written in three-syllable meter - dactyl. Are used different kinds rhymes: exact (beds - managed, nights - kochi), inaccurate (space - carpet, one - to him), male (people - weavers), female (huge - merciless), rhyming method - cross.

means of expression

In the poem "Railway" various artistic means. Among them are often comparisons: “Ice ... as if it lies like melting sugar”, “Near the forest, as in a soft bed, you can sleep”, “Leaves ... are yellow and fresh like a carpet”, “... venerable meadowsweet, fat, squat, red like copper” .

In addition, other means can be observed, for example, metonymy: “And on the sides, all the bones are Russian”, personification: "A deafening whistle screeched."

The abundance of means of expression helps to recreate a bright, living picture the reality of that time, which appears before us when reading the poem.

About the poetry of N.A. Nekrasov "Railway"

Nekrasov's work is poetic not only because of the brightness of the paintings, the charm of the landscapes; it is poetic primarily because it is, so to speak, nervous system Poetry of poetry is an internal measure by which everything in poetry is measured and evaluated.

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous

The air invigorates tired forces;

The ice is fragile on the icy river

As if melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,

You can sleep - peace and space! -

Yellow and fresh lie like a carpet.

Clear, quiet days...

There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi

And moss swamps, and stumps -

All is well under the moonlight
Everywhere I recognize my dear Russia ...

I quickly fly along cast-iron rails,

I think my mind...

Nekrasov's landscape is poetic, but it is poetry of a special kind. The season is named - autumn, and immediately rolled - vigorous, "vigorous air" - a daring statement that seems to cut off any connection with the poetic tradition of describing, conveying the feeling of autumn in Russian poetry. What is nature worth, calling to sleep, not to sleep, namely to sleep. Like a peasant, a tired person wants to go into nature, to rest not in order to “find bliss in the truth”, but simply ... to sleep.

But the sphere of the poetic not only does not disappear, it has expanded. In nature itself, everything that is traditionally not poeticized is poetized: stumps and moss kochi, ice, like melting sugar. Nekrasov's verse is thrown open into nature. We are not only in the car, but already outside it, we took a breath of air - "the air invigorates tired forces." “Near the forest, as in a soft bed, you can sleep” - an almost physical feeling of familiarization with nature is conveyed here, not in a high philosophical, Tyutchevian, but also in its own high, but most direct sense. Nekrasov does not prose the poetic, but poetizes the prosaic. Two words at the end of this part - “dear Russia” (“I recognize my dear Russia everywhere”) - as if suddenly they reduce everything to themselves, absorb it into themselves and immediately, even somewhat unexpectedly, give the verse a high sound. Like a musician with one note, so a great poet with one word can determine the nature and height of our perception. After all, Pushkin's "Winter Morning" is not an idyll at the fireside, not only a winter landscape, it is a moment in the development of a mighty spirit, expressed in the form of a truly Beethoven sonata: the struggle of two principles and allowing the exit into the world, into the harmony of the finale. And already in the first Pushkin chords

Towards the north. Aurora Be the star of the north!

given this height, this scale, by which, voluntarily or involuntarily, we will determine the entire development of the theme.

Such is Nekrasov’s “dear Russia” in the last line of the first part, which in no way exhausts, of course, the significance of the work, but which tunes in to such significance. In the introduction, the intonations and motives of the folk song: "Rus" - "darling", and "river" - "cold". The people who will appear immediately later have already been revealed here. In the poet and through the poet he declared himself, and declared himself poetically.

The first and second parts of Nekrasov's work are internally united, and this is not a unity of contrasts. Both are poetic. The picture of the amazing dream that Vanya saw is, first of all, a poetic picture. Liberating convention - a dream that makes it possible to see many things that you will not see in ordinary life, - a motif that was widely used in Russian literature before Nekrasov. Suffice it to recall Radishchev and Chernyshevsky, if we talk about a tradition close to Nekrasov. With Nekrasov, a dream ceases to be just a conditional motive. A dream in Nekrasov's poem is a striking phenomenon in which realistic images are boldly and unusually combined with a kind of poetic impressionism. Sleep does not serve to reveal vague subconscious states, the soul, but it does not cease to be such a subconscious state, and what happens, happens precisely in a dream, or rather, not even in a dream, but in an atmosphere of strange half-drowsiness. The narrator tells something all the time, the disturbed children's imagination sees something, and what Vanya saw is much more than what he was told. The interlocutor spoke about the bones, and they came to life, as in a romantic fairy tale, about the hard life of people, and they sang their terrible song to Vanya. And where was the dream, where was the reality, the story, the awakened, coming to his senses boy cannot understand:

"I saw, dad, I'm an amazing dream, -

Vanya said: - five thousand men,

Russian tribes and breeds representatives

Suddenly appeared - and he he told me:

These are the builders of our road! .. "

Ostensibly he - narrator, and this, as Mayakovsky later joked in a similar case, "eliminates all suspicions about the author's belief in all the afterlife nonsense." But for Vanya there was not only a story, there was a dream, strange and fantastic. He Nekrasov has italicised:

And he he told me.

He no longer just a narrator, but someone or something elusive. Like a number of other elements of Nekrasov's verse, such he, perhaps it came from romantic poetry, and, apparently, directly from Zhukovsky’s poems, where it is often found, for example, in the Ballad translated by Zhukovsky from Southy, which describes how one old woman rode a black horse together and who was sitting in front:

No one is mature, how he raced with her he...

Only a terrible trace was found on the ashes;

Only, listening to the cry, all night through a heavy dream

The babies shuddered in fear.

However, what Zhukovsky looks like, although not a real, but easily identifiable element (he- simply devilry), Nekrasov appears as a real, but difficult to define psychological state. There is not real, but definitely and rude; here vaguely and subtly, but real.

Wani's dream is already partly prepared by the scenery of the introduction, the painting moonlit night. An element of this landscape appears in the second part. intro verse

All is well under moonlight

will repeat exactly, anticipating the picture of sleep:

You let me at moonlight

Show him the truth.

Nekrasov the poet does not allow Nekrasov the painter to add a single extra color, striving for an almost hypnotic concentration of poetry.

Together with Vanya, we are immersed in an atmosphere of half sleep, half slumber. The story is told as a story about the truth, but also as a fairy tale addressed to the boy. From here

amazing artlessness and fabulous scale of the very first images:

This work, Vanya, was terribly huge -

Not on the shoulder alone! There is a king in the world; this

the king is merciless, Famine is his name.

No sleep yet. A story goes on, a train goes on, a road goes on, a boy dozes off, and the poet, who for the first and only time parted ways with the narrator, interrupting the story, gives another dose of poetic anesthesia. To the rhythm of the story, he connects the lulling rhythm of the road:

Straight path: the mounds are narrow,

Poles, rails, bridges.

And the story continues again:

And on the sides, all the bones are Russian ...

How many of them! Vanya, do you know?

Aren't we put to sleep together with Vanya? And Vanya's dream began;

Chu! Terrible exclamations were heard!

Stomp and gnashing of teeth;

A shadow ran over the frosty glass...

What's there? Crowd of the Dead!

They overtake the cast-iron road,

Then the sides run.

Do you hear the singing? .. "On this moonlit night

We love to see our work! .. "

The dream began like a ballad. The moon, the dead with gnashing of teeth, their strange song - the characteristic accessories of ballad poetics are condensed in the first stanzas and enhance the feeling of sleep. The ballade is emphasized, as if a tradition is declared, romantic and high, within which the story about the people will go. But the story about the people does not remain a ballad, but turns into

In Nekrasov's work, there are two peoples and two different attitudes towards them. There is indignation, but, if you like, there is tenderness. There is a people in its poetic and moral essence, worthy of a poetic definition, and a people in its slavish passivity, which evokes bitter irony.

The image of the people, as he appeared in a dream, is a tragic and unusually large-scale image. Appeared as if

all "dear Russia". Originally Nekrasov's line

From the Neman, from Mother Volga, from the Oka

is replaced by another

From Volkhov, from mother Volga, from Oka

not only because, however, very successfully, Volkhov is phonetically associated with the Volga by an internal rhyme." | Geography becomes more national both in its present and even in its appeal to the past.

The people of this part are highly poetic, there can be no question of any reproof. Sometimes suddenly the story becomes restrained, almost dry: not a single "image", not a single lyrical note. The narrative acquires the character and strength of documentary evidence, as in the song of the peasants:

We tore ourselves under the heat, under the cold,

Lived in dugouts, fought hunger,

Were cold and wet, sick with scurvy.

We were robbed by literate foremen,

The bosses were crushed, the need was crushing ...

And suddenly an explosion, a sob breaking into the story:

We have endured everything, God's warriors,

Peaceful children of labor!

Brothers! You are reaping our fruits!

This sob could not obey the strophic division of the verses and begin with a new stanza. It broke in where, as they say, came up to the throat. The same is in the description of the Belarusian, already by the author:

You see, he is standing, exhausted by a fever,

Tall, sick Belarusian:

Lips bloodless, eyelids fallen,

Ulcers on thin arms.

Forever knee-deep in water

The legs are swollen; tangle in hair...

The story has acquired the dispassionate dryness of a protocol testimony, but it contains both the premise and the justification of a new explosion, high lyrical pathos. The story about the Belarusian ends with the words:

Didn't straighten his hunchbacked back

He is still: stupidly silent

And mechanically rusty shovel

Frozen ground hammering!

And these words are replaced by an appeal?

It would not be bad for us to adopt this noble habit of work with you ...

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