The second people's militia. First, second militia

Decor elements 14.10.2019

The Second Militia of 1612 was headed by the Nizhny Novgorod zemstvo elder Kuzma Minin, who invited Prince Pozharsky to lead the military operations. important matter that Pozharsky and Minin were able to accomplish was the organization and rallying of all patriotic forces. In February 1612, the militia moved to Yaroslavl to take this important point, where many roads crossed. Yaroslavl was busy; the militia stood here for four months, because it was necessary to "build" not only the army, but also the "land". Pozharsky wanted to convene a “general zemstvo council” to discuss plans to combat the Polish-Lithuanian intervention and “how we should not be stateless in these evil times and choose a sovereign for us with all the earth.” The candidacy of the Swedish prince Karl-Philip was also proposed for discussion, who "wants to be baptized into our Orthodox faith of the Greek law." However, the Zemstvo Council did not take place.

Meanwhile, the first militia completely disintegrated. Ivan Zarutsky and his supporters went to Kolomna, and from there to Astrakhan. Following them, several hundred more Cossacks left, but the main part of them, led by Prince Trubetskoy, remained to hold the siege of Moscow.

In August 1612, the militia of Minin and Pozharsky entered Moscow and united with the remnants of the first militia. On August 22, Hetman Khodkevich tried to break through to help his besieged compatriots, but after three days of fighting he was forced to retreat with heavy losses.

On September 22, 1612, one of the bloodiest events of the Time of Troubles takes place - the city of Vologda was taken by the Poles and Cherkasy (Cossacks), who destroyed almost all of its population, including the monks of the Spaso-Prilutsky Monastery.

On October 22, 1612, the militia led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky stormed Kitay-gorod; The garrison of the Commonwealth retreated to the Kremlin. Prince Pozharsky entered Kitai-Gorod with Kazan icon Mother of God and vowed to build a temple in memory of this victory.

The Poles held out in the Kremlin for another month; to get rid of extra mouths, they ordered the boyars and all Russian people to send their wives out of the Kremlin. The boyars strongly entered and sent to Pozharsky Minin and all military people with a request to come, accept their wives without shame. Pozharsky ordered them to be told to let their wives out without fear, and he himself went to receive them, received everyone honestly and took each one to his friend, ordering everyone to please them.

Driven to extremes by starvation, the Poles finally entered into negotiations with the militia, demanding only one thing, that their lives be saved, which was promised. First, the boyars were released - Fedor Ivanovich Mstislavsky, Ivan Mikhailovich Vorotynsky, Ivan Nikitich Romanov with his nephew Mikhail Fedorovich and the mother of the latter Martha Ivanovna and all other Russian people. When the Cossacks saw that the boyars had gathered on the Stone Bridge leading from the Kremlin through Neglinnaya, they wanted to rush at them, but were held back by Pozharsky's militia and forced to return to the camps, after which the boyars were received with great honor. The next day, the Poles also surrendered: Strus with his regiment went to the Cossacks of Trubetskoy, who robbed and beat many prisoners; Budzilo with his regiment was taken to the warriors of Pozharsky, who did not touch a single Pole. Strus was interrogated, Andronov was tortured, how much royal treasure was lost, how much was left? They also found ancient royal hats, which were given as a pawn to the Sapezhins who remained in the Kremlin. On November 27, Trubetskoy's militia converged on the Church of the Kazan Mother of God outside the Pokrovsky Gates, Pozharsky's militia - to the Church of St. John the Merciful on the Arbat and, taking crosses and images, moved to Kitai-Gorod from two different sides, accompanied by all Moscow residents; the militias converged at the Execution Ground, where the Trinity Archimandrite Dionysius began to serve a prayer service, and from the Frolovsky (Spassky) Gates, from the Kremlin, another religious procession appeared: the Galasunsky (Arkhangelsk) Archbishop Arseny was walking with the Kremlin clergy and carried Vladimirskaya: a cry and sobs were heard in the people who had already lost the hope of ever seeing this image dear to Muscovites and all Russians. After the prayer service, the army and the people moved to the Kremlin, and here joy changed to sadness when they saw the state in which the embittered Gentiles left the churches: everywhere uncleanness, images were cut, eyes were twisted, thrones were stripped; terrible food is cooked in the vats - human corpses! Mass and a prayer service in the Assumption Cathedral ended a great national celebration similar to which our fathers saw exactly two centuries later.

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It was very hard. The siege of Smolensk continued for almost two years, which fell in June 1611. The Polish detachments that ended up in Moscow behaved like conquerors. Swedish mercenaries held Novgorod-rod. Detachments of Tushino people "walked" around the country; robber gangs appeared, which included both Russian "thieves" and Poles. They plundered lands, ravaged cities and monasteries.

The Boyar Duma did not enjoy authority and power, the boyars practically did not rule the country. In different parts of the state, different authorities were recognized: some - the Polish prince, others - the newly born baby Marina Mnishek as the legitimate son of Tsarevich Dmitry; the third - False Dmitry II.

The Russian kingdom was threatened with the loss of integrity and independence. The Troubles led to such a sad result. The question stood like this: either the people will “wake up” and defend their country themselves, or Russia will perish. We needed decisive and bold steps. The impasse political situation created by the egoism of the Seven Boyars and the stubbornness of King Sigismund could not remain forever.

The initiative to create a militia was shown by the elected authorities of the cities. They began to send letters to each other with a call to abandon the power of the "traitors" who had settled in the Kremlin. Only by rising "with all the earth" could Moscow be liberated and legally, at the Zemsky Sobor, choose a new tsar.

Patriarch Hermogenes initiated the rise of the people, the Zemsky Sobor was convened from service people - the “Council of the whole earth”. The first militia was headed by the voivode Prokopy Lyapunov, as well as Prince Dmitry Trubetskoy, Cossack ataman Ivan Zarutsky. The participants in the campaign pursued not only selfish goals. In their actions, patriotic sentiments are clearly visible: the desire to clear Moscow of interventionists and elevate an Orthodox tsar to the throne.

Composition of the First Militia

After the death of False Dmitry II, the Cossack ataman I. S. Zarutsky became his political heir, who proclaimed the newly born son of False Dmitry II and Marina Mnishek Ivan as king. Together with Prince D.T. Trubetskoy, Zarutsky led his regiments to Moscow. Simultaneously with the former Tushinians, detachments of the Ryazan nobles under the command of P.P. Lyapunov moved to Moscow.

From the beginning of 1611, detachments of the First Militia from different cities moved to the capital and in March 1611 approached Moscow.

The inhabitants of Moscow were burdened by the presence of foreigners. In March 1611, the citizens of the capital raised an uprising against the Poles. However, the Poles and their Russian henchmen managed to save the day by starting a fire. Fires started in the city. Forgetting about the rebellion, the townspeople rushed to save their property. The raging fire destroyed most of the Moscow suburb, almost all of Moscow burned out. material from the site

The army of Lyapunov, Trubetskoy and Zarutskoy approached Moscow a few days after the fire. The militia entered the burning city. They managed to capture the White City. The Poles took refuge behind the walls of Kitay-gorod and the Kremlin, which were not damaged by the fire. An attempt to storm the powerful city fortifications was repulsed by the besieged.

Soon strife broke out in the militia camp, enmity broke out between the nobles and the Cossacks. It was skillfully inflated by the Poles and supporters of the Seven Boyars. The leader of the Lyapunov movement was summoned to the Cossack circle, suspected and accused of treason and killed by the Cossacks. After that, the nobles, who had lost their leader, went home. The militia as a single force ceased to exist. However, the Cossack troops continued to stand near Moscow and from time to time attempt to storm it.

Thus, the First Militia broke up, without liberating the capital from the Poles. The situation in the country became almost hopeless.

THE FIRST MILITARY OF 1611 - military and political formation, created to liberate Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian troops, and further fight against them.

Tra-di-tion of the name-no-va-niya of the os-bo-dating militias (see also the Second militia of 1611-1612) conditions, restoration goes to S.M. So-catch-e-woo and more than once-de-la-et-sya next to the house is-after-to-va-te-lei: lo-kal-nye good-ro-free-com-one-not -niya in-in-sky people, dei-st-in-vav-shie in co-hundred-ve of various state-po-ly-tich. la-ge-ray in the Time of Troubles, from the West and earlier - in 1604-1606 and especially at the end of 1608 - 1609.

For-mi-ro-va-nie of the first militia in Jan-va-re - on-cha-le March 1611, in a non-small step-pe-no sti-hy-noe, became from -ve-tom on a sharp out-of-me-non-situation in the Russian state. From the end of August 1610, there were two processes going on par-ral-lel-but. On the one hand, pro-is-ho-di-lo in more-shin-st-ve cases of good-ro-free-noe at-not-se-nie at-sya- gi ko-ro-le-vi-chu Vla-di-sla-vu (future Polish king Vla-di-glory IV) as a Russian tsar-ryu on os-no-va-nii do-go-vo -ra dated August 17 (27), 1610, under-pi-san-no-go get-ma-nom S. Zhol-kevsky with “Se-mi-bo-yar-schi-noy”, you-stu -deceased on behalf of "all ranks" of the Russian state. The agreement should have been ut-ver-zhde-but on the re-go-in-rachs of the Russian "ve-li-ki" words and the Polish co-ro-la and pre-la-ha-lo, in particular, the re-move of ko-ro-le-vi-cha to the right-of-glory, his quickest arrival in Russia, withdrawal from the country of the ko-ro-left from-rows. On the other hand, the father of Vla-di-slav-va, the Polish king Si-giz-mund III, sought to establish personal power in the Russian state. He did not intend to recognize the agreement either as a whole, or from his separate articles (with the exception of the ty about the selection of a son by the Russian tsar), considered it necessary to pro-ve-de-nie in a second pri-sya-gi one-but-time-men-but on his name and in the name of Vla-di-sla-va. To fight against the forces of False Dmitry II and establish control over the faiths of False Dmitry II of the city-ro-da-mi-ko- ro-lu would-la not-ob-ho-di-ma free from other military actions-st-viy arm-miya, keep-to-keep someone-ruyu he is on-me-re -val-Xia on the medium-st-va from the Russian treasury. From-here-yes you-te-ka-lo to-stand-chi-voe tre-bo-va-nie Si-giz-mun-da III about ka-pi-tu-la-tion gar-ni-zo- on Smo-len-ska (with pri-not-se-ni-em pri-sya-gi only in his name). Ka-pi-tu-la-tion and further fate Smo-len-ska became on the ini-tsia-ti-ve of the Polish se-na-to-ditch from November 1610, practiced ti-che-ski is the only-st-ven-noy te-mine in pe-re-go-vo-ra with the Russian "ve-li-kim in salt-st-vom." “Se-mi-bo-yar-shchi-na” under-der-ji-va-la in the main points on-zi-tsu Si-giz-mun-da III in their letters to by slam and to Smolensk (November 1610 - January 1611). She actually recognized the pre-ro-ha-ti-you of the supreme authority for governing the country (August before -the thief did not give a shaft for this-th right-in-os-no-va-ny).

Separate appointments for various posts (including in pri-ka-zy) in Mo-sk-ve on behalf of ko-ro-la began from the end of August 1610 years, mas-co-vye - from se-re-di-ny september-rya. On-chi-naya from September 1610, Si-giz-mund III began to osu-sche-st-in-lyat many-numbered p-s-lo-va-niya in-places and yes, here- a rank without re-al-no-go accounting for layers-living-shih-sya in a land-of-the-she-ny in one county or another. At the end of the year, in the Ko-ro-Left headquarters near Smo-Len-sk, on-know-cha-whether for order-state duties is already middle and bottom -th-levels, both in a hundred-person and in a place (then, after-after-to-wa-whether separate po-lo-va-nia in the city-ro- to-vye-vo-vo-dy of the Polish and Lithuanian ways-ty-whose).

Under the pretext of fighting against the ot-ry-da-mi False Dmitry II S. Zhol-kevsky on the ini-tsia-ti-ve “Se-mi-bo-yar-schi-ny "introduced the ko-ro-lev-sky gar-ni-zon into Mo-sk-va on the night of September 21 (October 1), 1610 (in ok-tyab-re-but-yab-re took the key -vye-zi-tion in the Kremlin, Ki-tai-go-ro-de and Bel-scrap go-ro-de). The decision of “Se-mi-bo-yar-schi-ny” and the activity of the call from the se-re-di-ny no-yab-rya - December 1610, control whether-ro-wa-lissed by the commanding king-ro-left gar-ni-zo-nom A.K. Gon-sev-skim and sent-slan-ny-mi Si-giz-mun-dom III of his becoming-len-ni-ka-mi. Kill the False Dmitry II on December 11 (21), 1610, causing a crisis in the troops of the self-title and on the territories under his control ri-to-ri-yah, po-zvo-li-lo Si-giz-mun-du III uk-re-drink and there your influence.

In-for-ma-tion about na-me-re-ni-yah and dey-st-vi-yah of the Polish co-ro-la in-stu-pa-la in the cities of the Russian state as from Mo- sk-you, and from “ve-whether-to-go in-sol-st-va” from near Smolensk (in December 1610, the eye-for-elk fak-ti-che-ski under the are- stoma).

Po-dav-le-resurrection in Mo-sk-ve prin-qi-pi-al-but from me-ni-lo lo-zung-gi and po-lytic program-mu first militia. In the April cross-country-ce-lo-val-nyh gra-mo-tah, races-sy-lav-shih-sya on behalf of P.P. La-pu-no-va in the city-ro-dames, sfor-mu-li-ro-va-ny refrain from bringing in-not-se-niya with-sya-gi and Si-giz-mun-du III , and ko-ro-le-vi-chu Vla-di-slav-vu, ban on the eye-for-them any help, any service, tre-bo-va - armed struggle with the goal of expelling the Russian state from the territory of the Russian state (pre-zh-de everything from Mo-sk-you and from under Smol-len-ska) all military for-mi-ro-va-nia Re-chi Po-spo-li-toy. In the ideo-logical plan, this is a track-and-wa-elk as a re-stand-new-le-nie su-ve-re-ni-te-ta royal power and not-for-vi -si-mo-sti of the Russian state, as the preservation of the official status of the Russian right-of-glorious church. About-su-zh-de-niye in-pro-owls about no-si-te-le of the supreme power, deadlines, possible can-di-da-tah and us- lo-vi-yah from-bra-niya but-in-go mo-nar-ha from-kla-dy-va-moose.

Rising in Moscow and the arrival of the first militia to the hundred of sti-mu-li-ro-va-li you-stu-p-le-niya and in other regions nah. So, in ap-re-le, there was a riot of Russian noblemen from the western counties (Smo-len-sko-go, Do-ro-go-buzh-sko-go, Bel -sko-go, To-ro-pets-ko-go, Vya-zem-sko-go, etc.) led by I.N. Sal-you-ko-vym (earlier active side-ron-no-one-ko-ro-la), on-right-len-ny Si-giz-mun-dome III with not-pain- shim from-near-the-house of the Lithuanian ways-ti-chey on the way for the uk-re-p-le-niya of the ko-ro-lev-sky gar-ni-zo-nov along the road to Mo -sk-ve. Already in na-cha-le, in-ho-yes, but-whose way-ti-chi would you kill, and Sal-you-kov letters-men-but in-tre-bo-val from ko-ro- for you-in-yes his troops from the Russian state. This step-le-nie was in many ways connected with mas-so-you-mi con-fi-ska-tion-mi in-place and ra-zo-rit. re-press-si-mi against the Smolensk nobles, un-ver-nuv-shi-mi-sya by the spring of 1611. Soon, Sal-you-kov, together with other persons, undertook to torture the formation of an army in Bryansk for military operations against ko-ro-left troops near Smolensk. As a result, most of the nobles of the western counties appeared to be in the first militia near Moscow by the end of June.

Prak-ti-che-ski one-but-time-men-but with the movement of the first militia to Mo-sk-ve, no later than cha-la March 1611; Sal-you-ko-va, fak-ti-che-ski is-full-nyav-she-th function of the 1st military-vo-da (arrived in the city in early October 1610; For example, in se-re-di-not March, the 1st war-in-yes New-go-ro-yes, Prince I.N. Odo-ev-sky Bol-shoi and new-go-rod-tsy in-both-scha-li on behalf of the “New-go-rod-go-su-dar-st-va” military help the first militia. Rat-ni-ki from-pra-vi-lied from Nov-go-ro-da to Mo-sk-ve on April 21 (May 1), 1611, but it is unlikely to the camps of the first militia, the New-go-rod-sky authorities are not the first-you-mi in the country to recognize in se-re-di-not ap-re-la not-for-con-us-mi all ze-mel-nye-s-lo-va-niya on behalf of Vla-di-slav-va, and pre-zh-de all-time-yes-chi in the estate of the palace lands. At the beginning of May, in Novy-go-rod, there would have been half-a-wee before-hundreds of the first militia - so-nickname V.I. Bu-tur-lin (from ok-ru-zhe-niya La-pu-no-va), Prince S.G. Zve-ni-go-rod-sky and others.

In May 1611, the formation of the military and state administration in the first militia continued.

Sooner than all, according to the order of “Co-ve-ta of the whole earth,” P.P. La-pu-nov (played the leading role), as well as Tu-shin-sky battles-re Prince D.T. Tru-bets-koy and I.M. Za-ruts-cue; no later than May 22 (June 1), 1611, all the ra-ditious letters began to be issued on behalf of these persons. There was a deadline for arrival [no later than May 25 (June 4)] to serve in the first militia of the nobles and children of the boyar-skys from under-con- troll-nyh county-dov. For example, but then, when was there a decision about the restoration of the state-administrative activity in the first militia of the state-administrative activity of the pri-ka-call (already in se-re-di-not May - ju-not action-st-in-shaft Po-me-st-order and one of the orders-call-four-vert-tey). This is the way of the fact that in the course and after the resurrection in Moscow, the ranks of the first militia were more than in the lo-vi-noy of the Moscow deacons and the pain-shin-st-vom in the dea-sneezes. In the capacity of the official seal of the first militia from March to the end of July-la 1611, the personal seal of La-pu-no-was used va. In the first militia, along with half-ka-mi (by the end of June there were at least five of them), with a hundred-yav-shi-mi from the nobles, archers, servants, ka-za-kov, pro-du-whether su-shche-st-vo-vat separate from-rows of county children of bo-yar-skys, “ serving ta-tars, ”as well as one hundred ka-za-kov led by ata-ma-na-mi. By June-nu-July-lu 1611, the first militia on-count-you-va-lo, for example, 12-14 thousand warriors with strong, but different, niv-shim-xia in terms of quality -woo-ru-the same-no-em, not-one-on-your-military experience and so-s-st-ven-but different-whether-chav-shi-mi-sya or- ha-ni-rational and dis-qi-p-li-nar-ny-mi ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ka-mi. The artillery park of the first militia was og-ra-ni-chen and practically did not have siege weapons of large ka-lib-ditches.

From June 1611, the strategic situation began to change not in favor of the first militia. On June 3 (13), 1611, the army of Si-giz-mun-da III took Smolensk. New-re-re-go-in-ry 15-16 (25-26) June before-hundred-vi-te-lei sk-ve 7(17) June Ya.P. Sa-pe-goy (on-lu-chil fi-nan-so-vye gar-ran-tii from the commander of the ko-ro-lev-gar-ni-zo-nom in Mo-sk-ve A.K . Gon-sev-sko-go) about-va-li-lis. Sa-pe-ga window-cha-tel-but re-went one hundred-ro-well ko-ro-la (in his day-st-vie “ko-lo” of his cor-pu-sa at -nya-lo decision about this back in May 1611) and on June 23 (July 3) began active actions against the first militia. In battles with a foreign-earth gar-ni-zo-nom in Mo-sk-ve and sa-pe-zhin-tsa-mi from the ranks of the first militia, ut-ra-ti-li part of nya-tyh ra-her in-zi-tsy.

At the same time, from the beginning of June, there were in-ten-siv-nye-re-go-in-ry of new-go-rod-vo-vo-vods and pre-sta- vi-te-ley co-words with the active participation of V.I. Bu-tour-li-na with the commander of the Swedish corps Ya.P. De la garde; Bu-tur-lin mentioned-my-null about the possibility of marrying by the Russian tsar one of the two Swedish princes, sons of Carl IX - Gus-ta -va Adol-fa or Kar-la Phi-lip-pa. The Swedes pre-lo-ji-whether to take Gus-ta-va Adol-fa, to conclude the Russian-Swedish military alliance against Re-chi Po-spo-li-toy and to provide military assistance in the fight against ko-ro-lev-ski-mi howl-ska-mi, etc. After a few days about-su-zh-de-ny in “Co-ve-those of the whole earth” of the Swedish pre-lo-s-s-stand-elk from the marriage of Gus-ta-va Adol-fa by the Russian tsar. The official text of the pri-go-vo-ra “So-ve-ta ...”, for-ve-ren-ny under-pi-s-mi and pe-cha-cha-mi teaching-st-ni-kov for-se -da-nia, was accepted on June 22 (July 2) or June 23 (July 3) (on this day in Nov-go-rod, it was-la on-right-le-on-gra-mo-ta from the first militia and co-pia with-go-in-ra).

Ost-paradise not-grab-ka ma-te-ri-al-no-go obes-pe-che-niya rat-nik-kov of the first militia, not-ure-gu-li-ro-vanity full -my and functions of the military pre-di-te-lei and at-task-of-the-no-th level pri-ve-whether to the yes-che-dv-rya-on -mi, as well as part of the ka-za-kov of collectives of people-lo-bits with the need to resolve these problems . The result of their consideration of the “Co-ve-th of the whole earth” was the adoption of the “Pri-go-in-ra-of the whole earth” of June 30 (July 10) 1611, someone confirmed that P.P. La-pu-no-va, Prince D.T. Tru-bets-ko-go and I.M. For-ruts-ko-go "in all zem-sky and military de-lehs." However, “Pri-go-thief ...” og-ra-ni-chil their half-but-mo-chia with the right of “Co-ve-ta of the whole earth” to recall these persons if not over-le-zha-shchem is-full-of-not-nii-their-their-duties-no-stay and from-to-take new ru-ko-vo-di-te-lei, as well as not- about-ho-di-mo-stu co-gla-co-you-vat with “Co-ve-that ...” death warrants and decisions on land -lams of general sovereignty. The same “Pri-go-in-rum ...” must-ta-nav-li-va-moose, that fi-nan-with-you-mi, pro-do-vols. and others-mi in-stu-p-le-niya-mi in the general kaz-well of the first militia should-we center-tra-li-zo-van-but ve-give orders, and not howl -water and half-ki. At-ka-zy, we should also issue new ones or return the former places-of-places (and from-hour -ty and that's the rank) to the court-rya-to us and the children of the bo-yar-skim, who arrived at the service in the first militia. Were you-ra-bo-ta-ny clear principles-qi-py of con-fi-ska-tion of land vla-de-niy parties-ron-ni-kov ko-ro-la in Mo-sk-ve, pre-zh-de of all-go-beam-ny from him or “Se-mi-bo-yar-schi-ny” (named Vla-di-sla-va ); ut-ver-zhde-on the norm-ma about the return of all the palace-ts-vyh and black-but-solid lands as os-but-you de-tender-nyh and on-tu-ral th fees. Recognized-wa-lis-for-con-us-mi lands in-zh-lo-va-niya tsar Va-si-liya Iva-no-vi-cha Shui-sko-go and False -dmitry II, but "in the measure" of pro-is-ho-zh-de-niya, service-services-pe-hov and in-lo-zhe-niya in the county cor-po -ra-tion. Confirmed-waiting-moose action of the April-th decree-for 1610 of the tsar Vasi-liya Shui-sko-go about re-re-vo-de 1/5 on- me-st-no-go ok-la-yes de-tey bo-yar-sky for military service for the status of "you-served-wife here-ranks." “Pri-go-thief ...” for-kre-drank in-higher-so-qi-al-no-go sta-tu-sa ka-za-kov: hour-ka-za-kov would- la ga-ran-ti-ro-va-on-the-opportunity with the same-la-ni and you-full-not-ni not-many-conditions-lo-viy enter-ti among the living people “according to the father-of-st-vu” (that is, the city-ro-to-y children of the bo-yar-skys) with the use of the lu-che-no-eat de-nezh-no-go zha-lo-va-nya. The rest of the ka-za-kov so-storage-nya-la general status of service people “according to pri-bo-ru” (in my-mo- ro-do-vy ka-za-kov, their composition-la-whether archers, push-ka-ri, etc.) with ga-ran-ti-her de-nezh-no-go and pro- do-vols. providing-pe-che-niya, moreover, in both cases, it’s not pre-la-ha-elk the restoration of their former hundred-tu-sa on-dat-no-go or for-vi-si-mo-go che-lo-ve-ka. Price-tra-li-for-tion on-logs, other payments and on-tu-ral-ny-stu-p-le-ni-ties with the same-st- kim for-pre-that and su-ro-vym on-ka-for-ni-eat sa-mo-free-ditch otd. from-rya-da-mi ka-za-kov (such a practice-ti-ka would have been ordinary in Tu-shin-sky la-ge-re).

During the on-ho-yes forces Ya.P. Sa-pe-gi for pro-free-st-we-em from-a-row-ladies of the first militia managed to regain control over uk-re-p-le-niya-mi Be- lo-go-ro-yes and again beat No-vo-de-vi-chiy monastery. On-chi-naya from 5 (15) July, from the ranks of the first militia, continue to put up ost-rozh-ki and other for-ti-fi-kats. co-equipment in Za-mo-sk-in-the-river, on-against-the-Kremlin (the first air-ve-de-us back in May). One-on-a-chav-shie-sya in accordance with the norms of “Pri-go-in-ra ...” on-ka-za-niya ka-za-kov you- did they call for a sharp increase in their not-to-vol-st-va (on-right-len-no-go per-so-nal-but against P.P. La-pu-no-va as before -sta-vi-te-la serving the nobility and ini-tsia-to-ra acceptance “Pri-go-vo-ra ...”) and different -gla-this ka-za-kov with the servant of the nobility. One-but-time-men-but both-st-ri-lied from-no-she-niya me-zh-du before-in-di-te-la-mi of the first militia, as it became from the West secret plans of I.M. For-ruts-ko-go about re-re-da-che tro-na sy-nu False Dmitry II and M. Mni-shek “tsa-re-vi-chu” Iva-nu Dmitri-rie-vi -chu Wo-ryong-ku. On-ras-tav-neck pro-ti-in-standing serving-zh-lo-go nobility-st-va and ka-za-kov, mustache-lip-len-noe practice-ti-koy at - me-not-niya of the article “Pri-go-vo-ra ...” about on-ka-for-nii for self-free collection of fodder ka-for-ka-mi and pro-vo -ka-qi-ey A.K. Gon-sev-sko-go (in ka-for-whose ta-bo-ry under-bro-si-li under-del-ku - gra-mo-tu "in all cities-ro-yes" supposedly from the name of La-pu-no-va with the call “to-be-vat ka-za-kov”), led to a political explosion. On ka-zach-em circle July 22 (August 1) -sti gra-mo-you "to all cities-ro-yes", was for-rub-len. Not-for-horse-ra-pra-va over him in-lo-zhi-la na-cha-lo so-qi-al-no-mu, and in the end, and in a lytic race-ko -lu in the ranks of the first militia. Fact-ti-che-ski, the leadership of the first militia went to Za-ruts-ko-mu. Departure for a met hour of the county of the nobility (mostly self-free, and also under the pre-log of servicemen on -significantly and from the official permission to go to the estate) and change of order in more-shin-st-ve at-ka- call (now their voz-glav-vi-li dia-ki Tu-shin-sko-go-la-ge-rya) brought to the effort-le-niyu ro-li ka-za-kov in the first militias, which became the first step in the for-mi-ro-va-nii of serving as a leading military officer -slovia in the country. Since 1611, from the West, the facts have been captured by them in the districts of the districts of the children of the Bo-Yar-skys and foreign zem-tsev in the Russian service, is-me -shche-ny ot. ka-za-kov with the change of so-qi-al-no-go sta-tu-sa, the composition of the official ros-pi-this de-tender and food. collections from draft-lykh hair and mo-on-styr-sky here-ranks in the central region in favor of one or another Cossack-their villages.

Not-bla-go-pleasant for the first militia from-me-not-niya pro-isosh-whether and in the se-ve-ro-for-pa-de-country, where with a grip cor-pu-som Ya.P. De-la-gar-di New-go-ro-da 16-17 (26-27) July continued the active phase of the Swedish Intervention na-cha-la of the 17th century. Soon, De-la-gar-di us-ta-no-vil control practically-ti-che-ski over the entire Nov-go-rod-sky land. After this, on July 25 (August 4), 1611, the Russian New City authorities (the 1st Military Command, Prince I.N. Odo-evsky Bolshoi and others ), Metropolitan Isi-dor, local church council and local co-words, opi-ra-yas on the co-ot-vet-st-vuyu-shchy when -go-thief of the first militia, under-pi-sa-li from the name of “all-of-the-go-go-rod-go-su-dar-st-va” to-go-thief from De-la -gar-di about from-bringing one of the two sons of the Swedish co-ro-la Kar-la IX go-su-da-rem New-go-ro-da with per-spec -ti-howl ras-pro-stra-thread dey-st-vie do-go-vo-ra for everything “Mo-s-kov-go-su-dar-st-vo”. One-on-ko before-in-di-te-li of the first militia in August 1611 of the year fak-ti-che-ski de-non-si-ro-va-li the former pri-go-thief “So-ve -that of the whole earth" about the selection of Gus-ta-va Adol-fa to the Russian throne.

At the end of the summer - in the autumn of 1611, the possibilities of the first militia of the weight of the active and effective military actions of the for-lying for-met-but og-ra-ni-chen-ny-mi. Three-day battles in Moscow on 4-5 (14-15) and 7 (17) August did not bring -one of the sides, one-to-one part of the uk-re-p-le-ny in the southern part of the Be-lo-go-ro-yes again came under the control of ko-ro -left-wing troops, and most importantly - foreign-earth-no-mu gar-ni-zo-well in the Kremlin was-lo-becoming-le-but pro-free-st-vie. From av-gu-hundred began-la-to-beautify-sya ter-ri-to-riya, con-tro-li-rue-may before-in-di-te-la-mi and at-ka-za -mi of the first militia. So, for example, the cities of the Volga region (Nizhny Novy-go-rod, Kazan, etc.) did not let them into their territory to-ryu under-mos-kov-nyh ka-za-kov and on-sign-chen-nyh "Co-ve-th of the whole earth" vo-vod. Oka-hall-sya ma-lo-ef-fektiv-nym collection of fur coats in all counties-ladies in the winter for the militias, big pro-ble-we-would-whether with pack-la- that on-log-gov, with the delivery of pro-to-vol-st-via, bo-e-at-pa-owls, additional forces. At the end of August-gu-hundred and September 15 (25) after art-ob-st-re-la for-zhi-ga-tel-ny-mi yad-ra-mi from-row-dy of the first militia before-pri-nya-whether two not-successful-shie-to-torture navigators-ma Ki-tai-go-ro-da. Ko-ro-left-sky troops in August-September on-count-you-va-li from 5-6 to 8-9 thousand people, professional-sio-nal-but under-go-to-flax -nyh to a long military campaign -lem and his pre-hundred-vi-te-la-mi because of not-you-payments sting-lo-va-nya). On September 24 (October 4), the cor-pus of the great het-ma-on the Lithuanian Ya.K. Hod-ke-vi-cha, what are you-well-di-lo militia-chen-tsev to-ki-nut But-in-de-vi-chiy monastery and burn it, os-ta-vit not-someone -rye other uk-re-p-le-niya. In the battle on September 25 (October 5), 1611, from-ry-ladies Hod-ke-vi-cha and sa-pe-zhin-tsam failed to win a re-shi-tel-noy troubles, at the same time, pro-to-vol-st-vie to-ro-left-to-mu gar-ni-zo-well in the Kremlin again was-lo-dos-tav-le-no, and he himself intensified from-rya-yes-mi died-she-go Ya.P. Sa-pe-gi. Ko-ro-left-sky troops outside the Kremlin-la zi-mo-va-li and co-bi-ra-li pro-do-vol-st-vie on Tver, Suz-Dal and Rus -tov-sky lands, not being afraid of the military actions from the side of the militia.

In September 1611, in the Lower New-go-ro-de on-cha-lo for-mi-ro-vat-sya Second militia of 1611-1612 with the same in-li- tic purposes, but on more wi-ro-kih so-qi-al-nyh wasps-no-va-ni-yah and with greater fi-nan-so-vyh possible -tyah. Despite the gradual strengthening of the crisis in the first militia, his power in the autumn of 1611 recognized about 50 cities, and in Russia, half of Prince D.T. Tru-bets-ko-go (but-November) would you represent-le-we-practice-ti-che-ski all the chi-ns go-su-da-re-va dvor-ra and serve- lye court-rya-not 13 county cor-po-ra-tions.

In December 1611 - January 1612, the military actions of the first militia were involved in attempts to stop the delivery of pro-freedom and fur-ra- Ms. Polish-Lithuanian gar-ni-zo-well in the Kremlin, some-rye-eyes-were-dos-that-precise-but good luck-mi in the 1st de-ka- de de cab-ra. Disintegration of the first militia with a pro-tsi-ro-va-lo recognition of his in-sla-mi - K.D. Be-gi-che-vym and N.V. Lo-pu-hi-nym in January 1612 in Psko-ve False Dmitry III saved-shim-sya tsar-rem "Di-mit-ri-em Iva-no-vi-chem", what are you calling -lo sharp re-action of the ru-ko-vo-di-te-lei of the Second militia. They are because of a me-ne-i-strategy of action and instead of a not-for-slow-go-yes to Mo-sk-ve along a direct route that p-stu-pi-whether to the for-mi-ro-va-niyu pain-sho-go-how-ska and plan-no-mer-no-mu you-tes-non-niyu ka-zach-them from- ranks of the first militia from the cities of the Upper and Middle Volga regions, central and border districts with Novy-go-ro-dom, to co-zy-vu in Yaro-slav-le “Co-ve-ta of the whole earth-whether” with shi-ro-kim pre-sta-vi-tel-st-vom ter-ri-to-riy and co-words groups, the creation of the sys-te-we of the most important pri-ka-call. Pri-not-se-nie pri-sya-gi in the camps of the first militia to False Dmitry III in March 1612 (according to some data, I.M. Za-rutsky according to others, he and D.T. Tru-bets-koy “do-lo-va-whether the cross is not-in-lei”, about which they pi- sa-whether in June-not in gra-mo-te to ru-ko-vo-di-te-lyam of the Second militia) with-ve-lo to new-in-mu mass-so -to-mu-de-ez-du from under Mo-sk-you voo-waters, noble-ryan-s-ranks and more-shin-st-va pri-kaz-nyh (mainly in Yaro- slavl) and to the open-thing-th-time-ry-vu with the Second-eye army-che-no-eat. In the April neighborhoods of the Second militia of the pre-vo-di-te-li of the first militia, pre-zh-de of all Za-ruts- cue, about-vi-nya-lis "in many wrongs": kill-st-ve P.P. La-pu-no-va, ka-zach-their gra-be-zhah and kill-st-wah "on the roads", unauthorized times-yes-che-great vla-de- ny "his-so-vet-no-kam", in the confession of False Dmitry III. From-me-not-nie-zi-tion before-vo-di-te-lei of the first militia in relation to self-title (at the end of May, his are-sto- va-li in Gdo-ve, then dos-ta-vi-li in Mo-sk-va and in-sa-di-li in prison), public-personal recognition by them was mistaken -koy kre-sto-tse-lo-va-niya to him, their June-salt-st-in in Yaroslavl (attempt to save your influence and find com -pro-miss with whether-de-ra-mi of the Second militia) didn’t come to how-to-be-be-significant re-zul-ta-tam. On the whole, the un-successful-we-we-eyes-were-were the military actions of the first militia in na-cha-le - se-re-di-not June 1612. Ho-cha militias managed to keep the pain-shin-st-in their own positions, Ya. K. Hod-ke-vich again delivered dos-ta-vil to the Polish-Lithuanian gar-ni-zo-well, food and fodder, led the change of the troops of the gar-ni- zone, provided-ne-chil leaving for Speech Po-whether-to-change-niv-she-go-sya half-ka.

The final disintegration of the first militia took place after that, as on July 28 (August 7), 1612, I.M. For-ruts-ki, at the head of ka-zach-them-ranks (2.5-3 thousand people), left the camps of the first militia near Moscow when approaching -nii avant-gard-yes Second militia. Regiment of Prince D.T. Tru-bets-koy remained on their own in-zi-qi-yah (mainly in Za-mo-sk-in-re-whose) and active-but learning-st-in-val in decisive battles with the detachment of Ya.K. Hod-ke-wi-cha August 22-24 (September 1-3). At the end of September 1612, there was a merger of the administrative structures of both their militias.

The first militia became the first torturing sa-mo-or-ga-ni-za-tion of co-words and co-word groups (mainly different layers of "cases" living people in the-in-sko-go-chi-on "headed by the county nobility) for the solution of general-na-tsio-nal-nyh tasks of the state-po-lytic ha-rak-te-ra, for-mi-ro-va-niya war-ska on the good-ro-free-base-no-va-nii, re-sta- new-le-niya in-sti-tu-tov management with shi-ro-kim with-me-no-no-em choice-bor-no-go on-cha-la.

IV. Third militia

The origin of this movement is still little known.

In Moscow, on large area in front of the Kremlin, a bronze group is now striking, amazing foreign travelers. She depicts two Roman soldiers in theatrical poses. The inscription on the granite plinth brings together in a common apotheosis the names of Minin and Pozharsky, the heroes of the 1612 War of Liberation, which saved Moscow and paved the way for the restoration of national unity under the rule of a new dynasty. Truly, there was no monument more deserved; only the style of this monument is sheer absurdity. Here two such figures are absurdly dressed up, which the history of the people can and should be proud of; but in appearance they did not bear the slightest sign of either classical antiquity, or romance, or a cothurn, or a helmet with feathers. They were - and this is their peculiar personal attraction and special greatness - simply honest people who, timidly and as if not even quite willingly, stepped out of the ranks to do the work that was required of them by a combination of circumstances; they quite simply, never letting themselves in the slightest importance, bore the brunt of the enormous responsibility and, having done their work to the end, after they held the fate of a great people in their hands, without the slightest effort, imperceptibly disappeared, without noticeable regrets returned to their former position: one - to his petty trade, the other - to the ranks of the service nobility.

At the beginning of October 1611, in the zemstvo hut of Nizhny Novgorod, they gathered to talk about the troubled times. The message of Hermogenes, which arrived the day before, struck the minds with despondency. It notified of a new danger threatening the Orthodox faith: Zarutsky and the Cossacks planned to put on the throne a "Vorenok", the son of a damned wicked one. Already from the beginning of the year, in several receptions, by written messages and verbal instructions, the patriarch called the people of Nizhny Novgorod to arms. But then he called for help to the Cossacks against the Poles and Moscow traitors. Now betrayal was in another place, under a different banner - it had to be sought not in the besieged capital, but under its walls! Wholesaler of livestock and fish, headman Kozma Minin Sukhoruk stood up and spoke. He was known for an active and dexterous person, not very discriminating in the conduct of his own and public affairs, who, as was suspected, did not refuse handouts, but without extremes and temptation; conscientious person in the spirit of that time and country. And now he showed disinterested concern for the common cause. Like others, he had visions. The Rev. appeared to him three times. Sergius, calling to serve the motherland, surrounded by dangers. At first, Minin was distrustful of these heavenly suggestions, but for this he was punished with illness. Then he did not know how to begin to carry out the orders he had received in a vision, but the saint appeared again and taught him what to do. While Minin was talking about this, one lawyer, Ivan Birkin, interrupted the visionary:

You lie! You haven't seen anything!

One look from Minin made the insolent man disappear unnoticed.

In the annals from which we borrow this naive scene, the picture is probably not very far from the truth, as one might think at first glance. Minin's active and rude nature was hardly disposed to fits of religious frenzy; nevertheless, together with some like-minded people, he considered it necessary to give his story this form, because it served, as it were, as a guarantee for the plans arising from a correct assessment of common dangers and duties. The ease with which they silenced Birkin, a man, however, with a bad reputation, also indicates a preliminary agreement; and since, on the other hand, Rev. Sergius and the patriarch spoke in agreement, then the meeting immediately outlined a defense plan at the meeting Orthodox faith and national treasure against all enemies, external and internal.

Minin and his comrades had no military experience, so they decided to turn to service people; but all agreed that all citizens should share in the expenses; the first collection was made among the members of the community.

Defenders of the glory of the Trinity Lavra insist on her participation in this wonderful meeting, the outcome of which was determined as if thanks to her message. But this letter, marked on October 6, 1611, could not reach Nizhny Novgorod before the end of the month, and there at that time the organizational work was already in full swing. Moreover, like all the then political messages of the monks of St. Sergius, this appeal went against what was part of the task of Minin and his comrades: Dionysius and Palitsyn were still praising the exploits of Zarutsky and Trubetskoy! In this country of endemic illiteracy, writing was highly respected, and this message of October 6, coming from a source highly respected in all respects, must have made an impression. However, it did not prompt the Nizhny Novgorod residents to change their minds and retreat from decisions taken. Thanks to the activities of Minin, the movement initiated at his initiative was already spreading in breadth. This butcher carried on quite extensive relations; one document ascribes to him even acquaintance with the citizens of Moscow. It could happen, however, that the dissenting opinions of the representatives of the Lavra, having provoked heated debate in a wide circle of patriots hostile to the turmoil, only helped them clarify their own views and establish themselves in their plans. The chronicler says that the message was read in the voivodship house at a meeting of eminent persons of the city, all secular and spiritual authorities. The next day they gathered again, according to custom, in the Transfiguration Cathedral, and the enterprise was finally arranged.

Decided how to collect warriors and taxes on military affairs; in the chiefs Minin pointed to Prince. Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky, who, after an unsuccessful skirmish with the Poles on the streets of Moscow, healed his wounds in his fiefdom of the Suzdal district.

Now let's get acquainted with these heroes among their activities.

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People's militia The generally accepted function of the local administration in partisan-controlled areas was to create auxiliary forces from the local population. These forces are called differently by both German and Soviet sources, which, apparently, was caused by

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Chapter 6 The second militia Servants flocked under the banner of Pozharsky. They needed funds to keep them. Previously raised money quickly dispersed. Finding new ones in a devastated country turned out to be difficult, almost impossible. Financial system has long been in

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11. A huge professional army of the aggressor and inferior to him in numbers civil uprising However, the people's militia brilliantly defeated the professionals. As we have already noted, the army of Khan Mamai, who opposed Dmitry Donskoy, WAS BIG AND

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The Stolen Militia Concluding an agreement with Hetman Zholkevsky in August 1610, the Moscow government sought thereby to disavow the February agreement between the Poles and the Tushinians, to seize the initiative from the latter. But the thieves' boyars have long settled down in

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Militia The national militia was formed as follows. The king needs to mobilize the population; he signs instructions for the county sheriffs: such and such a quota for the recruitment of the militia is needed. After that, the distribution of quotas - the graphs divide them between their

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Militia Minister of Foreign Affairs Yu. G. Mare (Duke Bassano) "in the name of the emperor" announced on November 18 (December 1) the "common collapse" of the Lithuanian gentry aged 18 to 45 years. They expected to collect at least 15 thousand soldiers. Each member of the militia had to have his own

From the book of Minin and Pozharsky author Shishov Alexey Vasilievich

The first zemstvo militia On March 21, the forward detachments of the zemstvo militia, who approached the capital, opened up a terrible picture. On the site of Moscow, a conflagration was still smoking, only chimneys remained from the houses, The Kremlin, Kitaigorod walls and the walls of the Bely

author Belyaev Leonid Andreevich

The first militia The people had only one way out: to respond by force to the oppression of the Poles, impostors and traitors - after all, the question arose about the very existence of the Muscovite state. Civil War entered a decisive and tragic phase. At the beginning of 1611, those who did not want

From the book Moscow Russia: from the Middle Ages to the New Age author Belyaev Leonid Andreevich

Second militia The second militia was created by residents of commercial urban settlements (the very “two percent” of the population on which the tsar relied in governing the country), the peasantry of the north-east of the country who did not know the landlord landownership, remained loyal to the boyars and

author Eskin Yuri Moiseevich

The first militia The beginning of the Zemstvo movement to organize the First Militia, also called Lyapunov (after its main organizer Prokofy Petrovich Lyapunov), coincided with the events in Kaluga, where on December 11, 1610, False Dmitry II died. long held back

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The second militia The Nizhny Novgorod region has always remained a territory free from Tushino power, its inhabitants successfully fought off gangs of thieves and even large enemy detachments, for example, in the summer of 1609 they did not allow A. Lisovsky to cross the Volga and invade their borders

From the book Three False Dmitry author Skrynnikov Ruslan Grigorievich

Zemstvo militia The few boyars who remained in Kaluga intended, without a moment's delay, to go to Moscow with confession. Ataman Zarutsky tried to escape from the prison in order to hide in the steppes. But the people of Kaluga did not let him out of the city. Hetman Sapega, who returned to the royal camp,

From the book Russian explorers - the glory and pride of Russia author Glazyrin Maxim Yurievich

St. George's Militia 1937, April. By order of General B.F. Franko, the creation of a separate Russian volunteer unit with a Russian charter and Russian command, the “St. George Militia” (“Gverilla San Jorge”), began. Created Russian

From the book The Great Russian Troubles. Causes of emergence and exit from the state crisis in the XVI-XVII centuries. author Strizhova Irina Mikhailovna

The second militia At the end of 1611, the Muscovite state presented a spectacle of complete visible destruction. The Poles took Smolensk; the Polish detachment burned Moscow and fortified behind the surviving walls of the Kremlin and Kitai-gorod; the Swedes occupied Novgorod and put one of their

Summary of the lesson on the history of Russia in the 7th grade.

Lesson topic: The role of the militia in the events of the Time of Troubles.

Lesson type: Combined.


-Educational: trace the process of the formation of militias in Russia during the period of unrest. Find out the goals of the militias, the result of their actions. Assess the role of the leaders of the militias and their contribution to the liberation of the state from the Polish-Lithuanian interventionists of 1611–1612; to focus students' attention on the role of the people in the fate of Russia in the 17th century.

-Developing: to teach a comparative analysis of facts and phenomena with the establishment of their relationship; determination of cause-and-effect relationships, formation of conclusions based on the results of the analysis; translating information from an audiovisual series into a table, text, etc.

To develop analytical thinking, speech, the ability to work with text, generalize, draw conclusions.

-Educational: educate patriotic feelings, through the disclosure of the decisive role of the masses in the struggle against intervention and in the liberation of the country, on the examples of K. Minin, D. Pozharsky and I. Susanin.

Basic concepts: militia, patriot, patriotism, Zemsky Sobor.

Names: P.P. Lyapunov, D.T. Trubetskoy, I.M. Zarutsky, K. Minin, D. Pozharsky and I. Susanin.

Lesson equipment: multimedia video projector, textbook by A.A. Danilov, L.G. Kosulina “History of Russia at the end of the 16th – 18th centuries”, handout.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizing time.

II. Statement of the topic, problem of the lesson and its goals and objectives.

III. Learning new material.

    Updating knowledge on the material covered.

    The militia is the army of the people.

    Formation of I and II people's militia. Comparative analysis their activities.

    The result and significance of the activities of the militia.

IV. Consolidation of the studied material.

V. The results of the lesson.

During the classes.

I. Organizing time.

Teacher: Hello guys! Sit down. My name is Yulia Vladimirovna.

At the beginning of the lesson, I will tell you how we will work today. Pay attention to the fact that each of you has a worksheet on your desk in which you will work during today's lesson and a lesson plan that will help you if you have listened to the task or are a little behind all the guys. In addition, you will need textbooks and a blue and red pen. Today, each of you will be able to get a grade for the lesson, receiving points for the correct completion of tasks, which you will put in the boxes next to the tasks. Please sign your worksheets.

II. Statement of the topic, problem of the lesson and its goals and objectives.

Teacher: Today in the lesson we will talk about the events of the late 16th - early 17th centuries, this period went down in history under the name Time of Troubles- this is a fairly long period of time, which you already talked about in your history lessons, so today we will study one of the issues related to this period in more detail.

What is the topic of the lesson?

Do you want to know about it?

Then try fast

Solve this test.

To learn the topic of today's lesson you have to do test task number 1 in your worksheets. If you complete the task correctly, then you will get the words from which you will compose the topic of the lesson.

Students solve the test in the worksheets by options. As a result, each option has its own word.

If the task is completed correctly, the student puts 1 point on the assessment sheet.

Option 1 - ROLE

Option 2 - SMOOT

Option 3 - MILITIA

Teacher: Who will be able to formulate the topic of the lesson from these words?

Lesson topic: The role of the People's Militia in the events of the Time of Troubles.

Task: compare the activities of I and II people's militia and answer the question:

- Why I II

III. Studying the topic of the lesson.

1.Updating knowledge on the material covered.

Teacher: The Time of Troubles or "hard times" are turning events in the history of Russia, since then its fate, its future was decided. This is a time of severe trials that have befallen our people. Let's find out what difficult trials our ancestors had to overcome during this period.

Guys, please read the text of the textbook on page 12 and using the reference data in task number 2 words, give a detailed answer to the question:

- Why early XVII centuries are called difficult years, that is, "hard times" or Troubles?

Student responses.

Teacher: In 1598 Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich dies without leaving an heir. With his death, the ruling Rurik dynasty ended. The royal crown for 15 years passed from hand to hand several times. Let's remember who was at the head of our state in this difficult period.

For this you need to execute task number 3: correlate the name of the ruler and the date of his reign, textbooks cannot be used.

Checking assignment number 3. Scoring.

2. Militia - people's army.

Teacher: In August 1610, the "Seven Boyars" agreed with Hetman Zholkiewski to invite the son of the Polish king, Prince Vladislav, to the Russian throne, with the obligatory adoption of Orthodoxy by him. The boyars secretly let the Poles into Moscow.

Question to the class:

- What could this fact mean?

Sample answer: Loss of nationality, submission to the Poles, Catholicism.

Teacher: It seemed that the end of the Russian state had come. There was no supreme power, no strong army, no common treasury - there was nothing. But the people remained with their indestructible will to defend the Fatherland. The Russians, who realized that their homeland was in danger, rose to its defense. Such people are called "patriots".

- What is patriotism?

Approximate answer: Patriotism is a civil feeling of love and devotion to the Motherland, the awareness of one's duty to it.

Teacher: Patriots began to form people's militias.

Questions to the class:

- What is a militia?

-When and where did the militias participate in historical events?

Approximate answer: The militia is an army temporarily recruited from the civilian population. The princely squads were enough only for small campaigns. But when attacked by huge hordes of the enemy, the squad was only the combat core of the army, while the main force was made up of peasants and artisans who stood up to defend their land.

In the Battle of the Ice in 1242, Novgorod merchants, fishermen, and lumberjacks crushed the German conquering knights clad in iron. With the development of military affairs, more and more often the militia was assigned a supporting role. Almost last battle, in which the foot militia acted as the main force, was the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380. Usually, the "road army" was engaged in the construction of fortifications, the transportation of military goods, and only at certain moments took part in the battles, as was the case during the capture of Kazan. In the Patriotic War of 1812, in the Second World War.

3. ShapingIandIIpeople's militia. Comparative analysis of their activities.

Teacher: The first detachments of the people's militia during the period of unrest appeared as early as 1608, but they were created spontaneously and acted separately, and only in the spring of 1611 did the First People's Militia begin to form.

Guys, now you will watch a video about the formation of the First Militia. As you browse, you need to complete the table that is in your worksheets.

Watching the video and filling in the table according to the viewed material.

First militia Table #1

date of creation

Spring 1611

Center (city)


Lyapunov, Trubetskoy, Zarutsky.


Peasants, Cossacks


Expel the Pole from Moscow and stand at the head of the state.

Reasons for failure

There was no clear plan and no leader.

Discord among the leaders, each set a goal to become a leader, did not think about the Motherland.

Small coverage of the population (illiteracy, there were no funds)

Teacher: Unable to achieve their goals, the militia disintegrated. The situation in the country escalated: Polish and Swedish troops occupied a number of cities Russian state.

Let's turn to the map and see which cities were captured by the invaders.

Map work.

- The blue arrows show the cities captured by the Swedes, name them:

Answers: Korela, Vyborg, Ladoga, Novgorod, Pskov .

-Black arrows show the cities captured by the Polish-Lithuanian troops, name them.

Answers: Smolensk, Vyazma, Mozhaisk, approached Moscow (the capital of our Motherland)

Teacher: Russia was threatened with the loss of national independence. During this difficult period, the Second Militia was created in the Russian land, headed by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and Zemsky headman Kuzma Minin.

In the autumn of 1611, Zemsky headman Kuzma Minin appealed to his people with an appeal to help with all their might to gather the militia. K. Minin himself donated one third of his fortune for the benefit of the Motherland.

Now you need to fill in a similar table on the activities of the II militia using the text of the textbook on pages 27-28.

Filling in the table.

Second militia Table number 2

date of creation

Autumn 1611 - autumn 1612

Center (city)

Nizhny Novgorod


Minin, Pozharsky


All segments of the population


Liberate Moscow, choose a tsar.

Teacher: Let's trace the movement of the troops of the II militia.

Fill in the diagram: The movement of the troops of the II People's Militia.

Using the map on page 25 and textbook pages 28-29, insert

missing words.

The movement of the troops of the Second People's Militia.

March 1612 - the performance of the militia troops from Nizhny Novgorod

Moved to the city of Yaroslavl, then Rostov

July 1612 approached Moscow

Troops of the People's Militia troops of the Poles at the head

hetman Khodkiewicz

Defeat of the Polish-Lithuanian troops

Bottom line: Moscow, the heart of all Russia, was liberated by the efforts of the people, who, in a difficult hour for Russia, showed endurance, steadfastness, courage, and saved the whole country from a national catastrophe.

Teacher: The liberation of Moscow caused a powerful patriotic upsurge in the nationwide struggle against the interventionists who remained on the territory. The feat of the Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin is known.

The student's story about the feat of I. Susanin.

4.Itog and the significance of the activities of the militia.


- What is the role of the people's militia in the events of the Time of Troubles?

Student responses.

Teacher addition: Russian Orthodox Church established in honor of the liberation of Moscow and Russia from the Poles in 1612, the celebration of the icon of the Mother of God. (The story is accompanied by a display of a reproduction of the icon).

The feat of Kuzma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky and the militia led by them entered the history of Russia forever as an example of selfless and disinterested service to the Fatherland. In memory and edification of the descendants of Minin and Pozharsky, a monument was erected in Moscow on Red Square. An exact copy of this monument was opened on November 4, 2005 in Nizhny Novgorod, the city where the militia was created that saved the country.

November 4, 2005, since this day was proclaimed a national holiday by the Russian government and President of Russia V.V. Putin Unity and Consent. This holiday of national unity is dedicated to the revival of the historical memory of our people, the restoration of shrines.

A nation that does not remember the past has no future

IV. Consolidation of the studied material.

Now let's return to the question that was raised at the beginning of the lesson.

- Why I the militia failed, and II did the militia achieve its goals?

Let's try to answer the question by filling in the table given in task number 7. You are given the reasons for the failure of the 1st militia and the reasons for the victory of the 2nd militia.

Sort these reasons into the appropriate columns, but be careful as Not all reasons given are correct.

Reasons for the defeat of the I militia

Reasons for victoryIImilitia

There was no clear plan and no leader.

Discord among the leaders, each set a goal to become a leader, did not think about the Motherland.

Small population coverage

clear organization, good preparation.

skillful management.

Fiery appeal of the leaders of the militia.

A clear goal, unified and very relevant.

The presence in the troops of the icon of the Mother of God.

A noble and disinterested goal, which made it possible to enlist the support of the population.

IV. Lesson results.

The assignment of points for the work in the lesson according to the specified criteria.

Grading based on the number of points scored.


Express your attitude to the lesson by ending the phrase, the beginning of which I will offer you:

“At the lesson, I learned that ....”;

“I liked the lesson…”;

“It was new for me…”;

“I see the benefit in…”

I am satisfied with our lesson, its results and got satisfaction from our joint work.

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