Personal qualities of a civil servant. We indicate the necessary business qualities in the resume

Decor elements 14.10.2019
Decor elements

Discipline, accuracy, timely completion of tasks;

Readiness for additional work;

Ability to overcome difficulties;


Ability to make decisions;

Use your time rationally;

Attitude towards learning and self-learning;

sociability, sociability;

Potential for professional and career growth;

Organizational skills.

;3 Professionalism (the ability and inclination of a person to effectively perform a certain activity):

Level of intellectual development;

Ability to analyze and generalize;

Logic, clarity of thinking;

The desire to search;

Possession of theoretical and special knowledge, skills and abilities.

4 moral qualities:




Responsibility, integrity;



Motives to work.

5 Potential( characterizes the possibility of carrying out certain types of activities ), abilities and personal qualities, necessary for the performance of official duties :

Independence, determination;

Self-control, self-control;

Speed ​​of reaction;

Emotional and neuropsychic stability.

For managers, additional assessment factors are the ability to:

Plan activities;

Organize the work of subordinates;

Manage in critical situations;

Work with documents (develop, coordinate draft decisions, monitor their implementation);

Delegate authority (provide subordinates with clear instructions, rationally distribute responsibilities, determine and control deadlines, provide necessary assistance);

Develop subordinates (help in adapting, mastering new work organize training and advanced training);

Interact with other departments (coordinate activities, negotiate, build good relationships);

Maintain moral principles;

Innovate (look for new approaches to problem solving, be creative at work, overcome resistance).

Attestation assessment of personnel - activities in which the employee himself, his work and the result of his activity are evaluated. Attestation assessment of personnel is the basis of many management actions: internal relocations, layoffs, enrollment in the reserve for a higher position, material and moral incentives, retraining and advanced training, improvement of the organization, techniques and methods of managerial work. Preparation for certification includes the following activities:

Drawing up the necessary documents for the certified;

Development of certification schedules;

Determination of the composition of the attestation commissions;

Organization of explanatory work on the goals and procedure for certification.

The specific dates, as well as the schedule for the certification and the composition of the certification commissions are approved by the head of the organization and brought to the attention of the certified employees. The next certification does not include persons who have worked in organizations for less than a year, young professionals, pregnant women and women with children under the age of

Issues for discussion

1 Describe the methods of personnel assessment.

2 By what criteria is the work of the applicant evaluated?

3 Describe the personal means of assessing staff.

4 What is the essence of the expert assessment of personnel?

5 What are the main tasks to be solved when assessing the effectiveness of labor activity?

6 What indicators characterize the activities of employees in relation to advanced training?

7 How can personnel assessment affect production efficiency?

8 What is the significance of assessing different categories of workers?

      Staff development

Scientific and technological progress, which has covered all spheres of social production, constantly requires an increase in professionalism and a systematic change in the content and technology of labor. Changes in the goals of social development and ways to achieve them, functioning in market conditions dictate the need for retraining of personnel in terms of mastering market mechanisms, adapting to new social conditions, retraining in connection with structural changes in the development of production and the introduction of modern technologies and labor methods. The staff required high professionalism and at the same time the ability to quickly adapt to constant changes and fluctuations in the internal structure of the organization and in the external environment. However, the training of new personnel is not carried out in a short period, and the one-time release of workers with long work experience can develop into a major social problem. Therefore, each organization faces the task of training its staff along with the selection of new employees and their professional adaptation. Postgraduate professional education is carried out through postgraduate studies, doctoral studies organized at institutions of higher professional education and scientific institutions that have received the right to do so. The constant improvement of the educational standard, the complexity and responsibility of the work of personnel, changing working conditions and technologies require continuous additional education. It is carried out on the basis of a license for additional educational programs by institutions of advanced training, courses, vocational guidance centers.

Personnel development is a set of organizational and economic activities in the field of training, advanced training and professional skills of personnel, and stimulation of creativity. The possibility of development should be presented to everyone, because as a result, not only the person himself improves, but also the competitiveness of the organization where he works increases.

The need for professional development is driven by the need to adapt to change external environment, new models of equipment and technology, strategy and structure of the organization.

Training is a method of personnel training aimed at improving the efficiency of the organization. It allows:

Increase the efficiency and quality of work;

Reduce the need for control;

Solve the shortage problem faster;

Reduce turnover and the costs associated with it.

Specific objectives of staff training:

Raising the general level of qualification;

Obtaining new knowledge and skills, if the nature of work changes or becomes more complicated, new areas of activity are opened;

Preparation for a new position;

Acceleration of the adaptation process;

Improving the moral and psychological climate.

first step in the organization of training is the analysis of work (a list of special knowledge and skills required for its implementation).

Second step. Comparison of the job specification with the level of training of the employee, which allows you to identify the problems he has

(lack of skills, experience, ignorance of methods, etc.) and formulate learning objectives.

Third step- determination of how the learning process can solve these problems, where and in what form it should be carried out - in the workplace on the job, in the organization; with a break from production (all kinds of centers, schools, other organizations).

The current labor legislation provides for the following forms of training for employees of enterprises: vocational training, retraining, advanced training, training in second professions.

Training of new employees initial vocational and economic training of persons hired by the enterprise and who previously had no profession, their acquisition of the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for occupying a position.

Retraining (retraining) is organized for the development of new professions by the released workers who cannot be used in their existing specialties, as well as by persons expressing a desire to change their profession, taking into account the needs of production.

Training - training after receiving basic education, aimed at consistently maintaining and improving professional and economic knowledge, skills, and increasing mastery in the existing profession.

briefing It is an explanation and demonstration of working methods directly at the workplace and can be carried out both by an employee who has been performing these functions for a long time, and by a specially trained instructor.

Work - is the use of mental and physical abilities of people, their skills and experience in the form of goods and services necessary for the production of economic and social benefits. Stimulation of labor is the central link in the management system. One of its most important areas is the regulation of wages. Wage is the price of labour, or the price of labour. It should reflect its volume, quality, physical and moral-psychological, intellectual costs, the complexity of the process, the degree of risk, etc. Wages in any socio-political and socio-economic system are regulated by the state. Forms of remuneration - piecework and time. To optimize personnel management, if conditions permit, incentive types of remuneration are selected. Material incentives for personnel must meet certain requirements. These include:

Simplicity and clarity of the incentive system for each employee;

Efficiency to encourage positive results;

Formation among employees of a sense of a fair system of incentives;

Increasing interest in the overall results of the activities of the unit, organization;

Striving to improve individual performance.

Issues for discussion

1 Certification of personnel.

2 Stages of the certification process.

3 Explain what is meant by staff development.

4List the main areas of professional training and advanced training of personnel.

    Head in the personnel management system

Management style social production - a set of methods and techniques that make it possible to exert a targeted impact on the labor activity of people.

To determine the style, the following parameters of interaction between the leader and subordinates are usually used: decision-making techniques, the method of bringing decisions to the executors, distribution of responsibility, attitude to the initiative, recruitment, own knowledge, communication style, nature of relations with subordinates, attitude to discipline, moral influence on subordinates.

The style a leader uses is determined by two factors: tricks with which he encourages employees to perform their duties, and methods , which controls the results of the activities of their subordinates.

Authoritarian style leadership is based on the absolute will of the leader within the institution, the idea of ​​his infallibility and the consideration of the team as the executor of orders. The authoritarian style leader makes decisions alone, commands, orders them to be carried out, assumes primary responsibility, suppresses initiative, selects workers who cannot become his rivals, keeps a distance from subordinates, resorts to punishments as a powerful method of stimulating work.

Democratic style (from Greek demos - people and kratos - power) is based on the active participation of the entire team in solving management problems, observing the rights and freedoms of participants labor process, development of their creativity and initiative with the leading role of the leader in making decisions and ensuring their implementation. The head of the democratic style in his activities always relies on public organizations and middle managers, encourages initiative from below, emphasizes its respect for subordinates and gives instructions not in the form of prescriptions, but in the form of suggestions, advice or even requests. Listens to the opinion of subordinates and takes it into account. Control over the activities of his employees is carried out by him not alone, but with the involvement of other members of the team. The head of the democratic style manages people without brute pressure, encourages the creative activity of subordinates, and contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation in the team.

liberal style (from lat. Liberalis - free) is based on providing the team with maximum freedom of activity, regulated only by the ultimate goal, without active interference in the methods of achieving it. A leader adhering to this style makes decisions at the direction of superior employees or based on the decision of the team. He relieves himself of responsibility for the progress of work and transfers the initiative into the hands of subordinates. In relations with subordinates, the liberal leader is polite and friendly, treats them with respect, tries to help in resolving their requests. But the inability of such a leader to direct the actions of employees can lead to the fact that freedom will be mistaken for permissiveness.

In real life, no leadership style is found in its purest form. In the behavior of almost every leader, there are traits inherent in different styles with the dominant role of any one of them. The success of choosing a management style is determined to a decisive extent by the extent to which the manager takes into account the abilities of subordinates and their readiness to implement his decisions, the traditions of the team, as well as his own capabilities, due to the level of education, work experience and psychological qualities. The style of work chosen by the leader depends not only on himself, but also to a large extent on the preparation and behavior of his subordinates.

In a team managed by democratic style, organization and performance indicators are stable regardless of whether the head is in the position or on a business trip, vacation, etc. authoritarian In the same style of work, the absence of a leader leads to a significant deterioration in activity, which is activated again with his return. In the presence of a liberal leader, workers tend to be less active than when he is outside the team. It should also be noted that leadership style is not set once and for all, it can and should change depending on conditions. It is necessary to take into account the composition of the team, the level of knowledge and skills of its members, the time frame of work, the urgency of the tasks, the degree of responsibility depending on the needs that are dictated by the prevailing conditions. An important condition that determines the effectiveness of management is the authority of the personality of the leader . If it is high, then both democratic and authoritarian methods of government are acceptable. But great authority can bring not only benefits, but also harm. On the one hand, the leader makes it easy to achieve the fulfillment of his instructions and subjugate people, and on the other hand, it helps to suppress the independence and initiative, creative thinking of subordinates. A modern leader needs to be aware of the demands of the time and be flexible, and in case of change external conditions and the emergence of new needs - to change outdated styles and methods of leadership.

Special tact has to be shown when it is necessary to show the shortcomings of the work of people who are older in age, occupying positions in their time and having a high status.

Any leader has hours of reception of employees on personal issues, in the solution of which he takes an active part. An employee must be sure that the organization will support him in a difficult situation, and this will not be done in the form of handouts, but as recognition of merit and respect for his personality.

Issues for discussion

1 The nature and content of managerial work.

2 Psychological problems of leadership.

3 Restrictions that prevent the effective work of the team.

4 Biographical characteristics of the leader.

5 Abilities.

6 Personality traits.

7 Factors of successful activity of the head.

8 Describe leadership styles.

    Motivation labor activity

Attitude towards work - the degree of use of human capabilities, how a person uses his capabilities for highly effective activities.

In this way, motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that motivate a person to activity.

Need - the primary source - the need for what is necessary for a normal existence: food, housing, procreation.

Needs: spiritual, intellectual, cultural and social.

Interest - a conscious need for goods, objects, activities. Interest induces a person to certain social actions.

motive - conscious attitude to their activities.

Value Orientations - this is a more rigorous concept that characterizes a stable attitude towards ideals (the highest goal).

Incentives - the provision of external influence on a person in order to induce him to certain labor actions (certain labor behavior).

Incentives are influenced by a large group of objective and subjective factors shaping a person's attitude to work.

Objective factors - socio-political situation, economic compliance of regions, working conditions at the enterprise, level of organization and culture at the enterprise, demographic structure of the team, moral and psychological climate.

Currently, either a recruitment agency or a personnel management service is engaged in personnel assessment. And for each of them motivational criteria are different.

Subjective factors - personal characteristics of the employee himself (gender, age, education, upbringing, profession, length of service, personal experience, professional culture, job orientations).

Through objective factors, the level of task management by positions, the discipline of labor activity, the degree of initiative, creative search, and ways to improve performance are determined.

Through subjective factors, the degree of satisfaction with the work of an employee, individual work capacity, and the mood of an employee are determined.

There are always different social groups in the team.

social group - employees with common features that unite them (profession, level of education, work experience). Social groups form the social structure of the team, which is essential component affecting efficient work department (organization).

Personnel management should influence the motivation of people so that the employee has a desire to work, a desire to prove himself with better side. Worker models are extremely important. In his work, the manager must create integrity, he must be aware of what result of the work will be the final one. At the same time, his subordinates must see the importance of work (have material incentives), be able to participate in decision-making and, of course, there must be a connection between the manager and the employee. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the employee's work depends only on the manager. Therefore, it must be objective and fair. Designed on the basis of these principles, the work ensures the internal satisfaction of each participant. It was on the basis of these data that a model of job characteristics in terms of motivation was developed.

Issues for discussion

1 What is motivation?

2 What is included in the structure of the motive?

3 Tell us about the mechanism of labor motivation.

4 In what groups can needs be combined according to the theory of A. Maslow?

5What are the main functions of staff incentives?

6 How do the theories of A. Maslow and F. Herzberg compare?

7 What is the most important point V. Vroom's theory?

Why do employers pay so much attention to the business qualities of applicants? Because professionalism in the business sphere decides everything: whether the work will be done in due quality and completed on time, whether the organization will have new clients and partners, etc. The business and moral qualities of each person working in the company are essential condition growth and development of any enterprise.

What are business qualities? This is a synthesis of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, multiplied by self-discipline. So, for example, the professional ability to organize people will be of little effectiveness if you do not learn how to organize yourself and come to meetings on time, or if you forget about the planned things.

What are business qualities?

The list of business qualities of a person is quite large. However, it includes such items that may be useful to one category of workers and be completely unnecessary for another. So, for example, a manager will need good oratory skills in order to motivate ordinary employees to new achievements or to captivate partners and investors with their ideas. But for a system administrator, this kind of business qualities, most likely, will not be useful.

In general, if we talk about the most popular types of business qualities, the list will be as follows:

  • teamwork skills;
  • organizational skills;
  • skills independent work, without outside control;
  • the ability to clearly express their thoughts orally and in writing;
  • the ability to convince;
  • the ability to speak in front of an audience;
  • the ability to find a language with other people;
  • professional integrity;
  • accuracy in working with documentation;
  • speed of reaction;
  • ability to lead business correspondence;
  • the ability to plan a working day, highlight the main and secondary tasks;
  • ability to make a decision;
  • the ability to follow instructions clearly;
  • politeness and tact;
  • maximalism.

It is clear that professionals are not born. The development of business qualities occurs in employees in the course of work, but not only. The owners of large companies today invest huge amounts of money in the education of their employees. Trainings in business communication, communicative competence, creativity, self-confidence, etc. - all this helps the company's employees develop positive business qualities and become professionals. Any company needs just such people, therefore, in some organizations, the position of a business coach is even introduced to the staff - a person who will “pull up” the manager and other employees in terms of developing business qualities.

The business qualities of a person directly affect his career. It is practically impossible today to achieve a promotion without certain professional knowledge and management skills. That is why for business people it is so important to study, attend specialized trainings, read specialized books and develop business skills.

The characteristic of your business qualities is an integral part of any resume. When you decide to apply for a position in a particular company, do not forget to make a list of your professional strengths and describe them in your resume. At the same time, having decided to include in the document even the most standard ones: "learning", "dutifulness", "responsibility", etc., do not forget that all this will have to be demonstrated to the employer when you are hired.

Doing business is a process along the way, which an entrepreneur faces a million different nuances and issues not directly related to his main activity. Especially when it comes to small businesses, where you have to do everything yourself. There are many examples of such a combination, one of them is the preparation of a characteristic for an employee.

Let's take a look at what a characteristic for an employee is, why it is needed, and most importantly, how to draw it up correctly? To look like a worthy employer in the eyes of the surrounding business community.

What is an employee characteristic

Feature is short review(in our case the employer) o specific person(employee) with clarification of his professional, business, personal qualities, as well as a description of his work experience at a particular workplace.

It should be noted that the description from the place of work does not indicate the general biography or achievements and stages of labor activity outside the given enterprise. That is, we write only about work in a particular company, other stages of life are indicated in a resume or individual characteristics. A similar situation with indication of marital status or the presence of education.

In most cases, a characteristic is issued to an employee on the company's letterhead, if there is none, then the full details of the company or entrepreneur in the first section must be indicated. Such a paper is signed either directly by the head or by an authorized person with a wet seal.

How to write a job description for an employee

This document is in without fail should consist of three main parts (minimum).

The first part is general

We indicate in it:

  • - surname, name, patronymic,
  • - date of birth
  • – in the absence of a letterhead, indicate the full details of the company
  • - work experience in a particular company of the employee

The second part - work experience

We paint in it

  • - stages of labor activity. Transfers, promotions, demotions, etc.
  • - we paint promotions, awards, reprimands (with the obligatory indication of the reasons)
  • - indicate the passage of advanced training courses, professional trainings, trainings.

The third part is a personal characteristic

We paint in it

  • - the presence of professional qualities;
  • – experience and skills of a specialist, quality and quickly perform tasks;
  • - communication skills;
  • - the relationship of the employee in the team;
  • - ability to work, etc.

Of course, this is a general layout for writing a description of an employee from the place of work and no one bothers to make adjustments or add information on their own, for example, about additional skills or knowledge (not related to professional activity but used in the workplace)

Examples of characteristics per employee

Example one

Form for organizations (firms, enterprises, data of an individual entrepreneur)

Ref. No. ____ "______" _______________ 20___


Issued to Ivanov Sergey Ivanovich

(Last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, position)

Ivanov Sergey Ivanovich has been working at Sell Everything LLC since January 01, 2006. By ___________ (fill in if issued to a non-working employee)

The work experience at the enterprise is 10 years.

He was hired on January 1, 2006 as a sales consultant.

From 01.01.2010 he was transferred to the position of senior sales consultant.

On January 1, 2015, he was transferred to the position of head of the sales department.

10/10/2012 received the title of seller of the year, for the most high level sales.

During his work, he was repeatedly sent to advanced training courses, which he successfully completed, in marketing and management programs.

Ivanov S.I. possesses a large amount of knowledge in the specialty, systematically improves his professional knowledge through self-study, uses the latest developments in the field of sales in his work. Possesses excellent business negotiation skills.

Personal qualities - punctuality, delicacy in dealing with clients, subordinates, respected in the team, has leadership qualities. Demanding of himself.

Position Full name Surname Signature

Example two

"______" _______________ twenty___


This characteristic is issued by full name, date of birth: ___________________________, working in ______________________________________________.

(name of the organization and its details)

from "______" _______________ 20___ to the present in the position of _________________.

The employee is a professional with ___ work experience. During the time I did not go to advanced courses, I conducted advanced training on my own. Disciplinary sanctions never been exposed.

With colleagues is on friendly terms, without bright leadership qualities. Friendly and restrained, always ready for a peaceful solution to the conflict, conflict-free. There are no bad habits. Life priorities and guidelines correspond to generally accepted moral principles. Systematically participates in the social life of the team.

This characteristic is issued for submission to ___________________.

___________________ ___________________

Position Full name Surname Signature

Sample characteristics from the place of work

positive sample

You can be an incredibly cool specialist and even a guru in some narrow field, but what's the point if the personal qualities for the resume were chosen incorrectly or completely forgotten about? It would seem: they should look at work experience, and the business qualities of an employee for a resume are already secondary. In fact, how you present yourself in the “personal qualities” column can become life-changing.

Before proceeding to the consideration of the qualities that the employer needs, a little advice: forget in the templates in the form of the words "purposefulness", "quick learner", "work for the result". This is great, but so old. Even if you want to write such qualities, let them not be the only ones on the honorary list. From the scarcity and stereotyped presentation, your characterization, as a future employee, will definitely not benefit.

Let's start with the general advice of professional HR specialists. In order not to waste their precious time on an interview not “Toy” or not “Togo”, they will definitely pay attention not only to work experience, but also to personal qualities. And here is what the HRs themselves advise:

  • You can really appreciate yourself as a specialist, but you don’t need to indicate more than 5 personal qualities
  • The qualities of an employee for a resume are indicated based on the position. We will write about this in more detail. But first, the employee food warehouse in the performance of their direct duties, charisma is not useful
  • You can humor, but only if you are not applying for a leadership position. You can most often find out about the preferences of the employer in the job description.

The positive qualities of a person for a resume must match official duties. That is why we have prepared a list of positions and personal characteristics for them.

Examples of business qualities for employees by specialty

Example #1: accountant. A lot depends on this person. Sometimes, even the life of the company depends on him and his ability to properly manage money.

Strong professional qualities of an accountant, which are important to indicate: stress resistance, perseverance, learning ability, loyalty, responsibility, non-conflict. And not just because we put stress resistance in the first place. Carrying out cash transactions of a company with a turnover of a million - why not a cause for stress? If the turnover is smaller, the nerves are safer and the sleep is stronger.

Example #2: Sales manager. The more you can sell, the better. The more new customers it attracts, the more confident the company will develop. Yes, the life of the company largely depends on the sales manager. True, not always the representatives of this position are rewarded with decent wages. But we will only talk about the good, and only about professional sales managers, for whom it is important to indicate the following qualities of an employee for a resume:

Communication skills, stress resistance, presentable appearance, well-delivered speech, learning, responsibility. In the case of the sales manager, we put communication skills in the first place. True, after all, what kind of sales can there be if the manager does not know how to start a conversation, and even more so, “lead” a conversation with a potential client to the result necessary for the company?

Example #3: Secretary. For some reason, there is a stereotyped opinion that the secretary is an exceptionally attractive appearance. And she, including, but on the shoulders of the secretary, depending on the needs of the company, lies a lot of complex routine tasks.

Personal qualities in a resume for a secretary: competent speech, attractive appearance, diligence, responsibility, perseverance, ability to work in a team, non-conflict. And here is the destruction of the pattern: the primacy of "literate speech."

Secretaries must be able to win over every visitor, whether it is an applicant for some position in the company or a potential business partner. The secretary is the first to create a general impression of the company. Have you met secretaries who could not say two words? If you met, you understand exactly why competent speech is so important.

Here we “walked” through one of the most common vacancies that appear daily on the Internet in the amount of several tens and even hundreds.

And why not pay special attention to IT-specialists?

The professional skills of IT specialists are especially valuable today. Many companies need unrealistically cool specialists who can catch up and overtake competitors, while increasing the company's income by several times.

Here is what IT professionals most often write about themselves in their resumes:

  • Analytic mind
  • industriousness
  • Teamwork skills
  • Ability to work with a large amount of information

Diligence, as it seems to us, is approximately the same pattern as “commitment” with “the ability to work for results. Not diligence want to see potential employers in the column of personal qualities of your future IT specialist. Do you want to know what they want to see?

And here's what:

  • Independence
  • Initiative
  • Stress tolerance
  • Energy
  • A responsibility
  • Teamwork skills
  • Attentiveness
  • Mobility
  • Creativity

Here's a to-do list.

Business qualities for an IT specialist resume, as you can see, absolutely do not matter. In the first positions: independence and initiative.

True, what employer wants to get an IT specialist into their team, who will have to be constantly monitored or adjusted and reminded of something? Moreover, the IT-sphere is one of the few where narrow specialization does not allow the management to influence the result in any way.

So it turns out that an IT specialist should be independent, enterprising (where without it), creative, etc. Stress resistance is a plus for the karma not only of the IT specialist, but of the entire company. Without stressful situations this work is rarely costly, and deadlines cannot be missed, it is undesirable to demonstrate one's emotions and lose a client - like the collapse of one's own and corporate reputation.

And here is a list of qualities that IT professionals rarely indicate in their resumes:

  • Charm
  • Bravery
  • Eloquence
  • forethought
  • Strength of character
  • Skepticism

It seems to us that most of this list is very important personal characteristics for a resume. Especially if you want to get into the creative team. Why not indicate courage and charm? In dealing with customers and employees, these qualities will not be superfluous. True, everything should be in moderation.

Universal positive qualities for any resume

And finally, about the universal qualities that HR specialists recommend indicating in their resume without reference to the position and its requirements:

  • Fast learner
  • Honesty
  • Initiative
  • Stress tolerance
  • No bad habits

This is such a small but versatile set. You can take note of it, but do not forget to indicate the personal qualities that the future employer expects from you.

And writing the right one is very simple: put yourself in the place of this employer. Think about what kind of specialist you would like to see in your team? The right qualities of an employee for a resume are not templates. Do you want to be paid attention to you? Then pay special attention to the column "personal qualities", and the position will be yours, we are sure.

Are personal hundred important on admission to any job? Or same professional skills are paramount a priori? On the actually - always depends on the specifics of the intended work in first turn. But it is important for the head of the enterprise only that the worker copes with tasks, but how it works and the whole team of the company lives. Therefore, it is worth considering a person more closely when choosing a candidate and refers to to all its parties judiciously.

Business and personal qualities

Business includes, first of all, the capabilities and abilities of a person according to certain professional criteria and specific tasks. An important role is played by the level of general education, as well as work experience in a similar position. When evaluating business qualities, attention is always paid to what benefits they can bring to the company itself.

Personal qualities are more important in assessing the behavior of an employee within the company. Or, if the employer chooses between two applicants whose professional qualities do not give an advantage to either the first or the second. In addition, the very attitude to the work process, the ability to obey, or vice versa, lead the team - all these are the personal aspects of a person, which play an equally important role in certain types of work. For example, independence. If the employee knows the business, will not do it without constant supervision and prompts, then it may be worth hiring that guy with a lower level of knowledge, but more independence.

The choice of qualities

Oddly enough, but even if a potential employee puts too many of his positive qualities, then this can talk about one negative - that it is difficult for him to choose (5 characteristics are recognized as the standard).

At the same time, banal phrases like “high performance” may not say anything. Therefore, clarify what the person meant - to work with large quantity tasks, information, or work more than a standard working day.

Or, for example, "motivation to work", "self-control" - too vague definitions. All this, if desired, can be described in detail, revealing the essence of their qualities, and not lazily sorting through the options that are found in every resume.

If you interview the applicant, always ask for examples of how he himself understands what he wrote, this will greatly help to reveal personal qualities. Well, of course, pay attention to the fact that some parties may simply not be compatible with each other, but the person, reflecting himself in the resume, simply did not think about it.

Negative sides

Sometimes, a person enters in a resume not only his best qualities but also the cons. Such honesty is captivating. Therefore, draw conclusions according to the situation. The qualities can be anything:

  • Hyperactivity (some, by the way, not understand that it is not positive side).
  • Emotionality (also almost always not best quality).
  • impudence (A here the applicant most likely wanted to show the negative side as his plus, because in some areas of that same trade quality can be applied with benefit).
  • Inability to lie (Alas, but in in many areas, excessive openness and honestly recognized as a minus).
  • Inability to work in a team.
  • Lack of experience or education (this is not a minus, but critical for some vacancies).
  • Bad habits (specify which ones).
  • self-confidence.
  • Modesty.

Again, we repeat, if you see negative qualities reflected in the resume, then this can indicate both the honesty of the applicant and his near recklessness. So act carefully and according to the situation.

It is also helpful to ask to list your weaknesses in an oral interview. And be prepared to assess the negative sides adequately. If a person admits that he has problems with something, then most likely he is ready to work on it. And not all bad sides are just a problem. From them, you can identify advantages in another area. So, for example, restlessness will be rather a plus in certain modes, because it will allow you to quickly switch to another task.

Qualities for different professions

Almost every profession implies the need for some professional qualities or skills. In order not to confuse people, you can designate yourself the right skills in information about open vacancies. However, if you also write banal and vague definitions, expect that people will respond who also have everything vague and general in their resumes. Or, focus on revealing these skills directly in the interview.

  • If you are busy in areas of product promotion, or an entertainment niche, then and key skills will be communication skills, teamwork, conducive to quality itself.
  • AT more common than the rest of the field of trade, you need to find a person with communication skills, charm and the ability to get to know people. response, courtesy and stress resistance will certainly also affect.
  • If the goal - Hire a person leadership positions, and professional quality must meet this. AT first of all is the ability to lead mutual language and understanding, responsiveness and decision making.
  • On the accounting jobs should look for a person who will calmly relate to a large number information, documents and will be meticulous and responsibility.
  • Secretary positions include business conversation, literacy, multitasking. Good external data, although they do not apply to professional values ​​also play a big role. Because the person will interact directly with important people and represent you.

But remember, whatever was written on the resume, when compiling it, the person might not take the identified skills seriously. Therefore, as already mentioned, focus on personal communication.

Assessment of professional qualities

Many firms are focused on probationary period to understand what qualities of a professional character a person possesses. This approach saves money and time. Although it does not mean that it will be possible to determine absolutely everything.

In order to identify these aspects of a future employee, firms arrange one of the stages of hiring in the form of testing. In general, there are many ways to assess the suitability of an applicant. Here is some of them:

  1. Letters from recommendations from past employers.
  2. Testing. To may not apply to him only a test for professional knowledge, but also personality tests.
  3. Interview. A well-structured conversation can also make it clear what a person is, both personally and professional plan.
  4. Skills exam.
  5. Cases and role-playing situations.

The latter option often allows you to see what an employee is capable of in different work situations. First of all, this tactic is used when applying for a job in the field of customer interaction. You can set a specific goal for the participant, or just observe from the side and evaluate.

In order to most effectively conduct an assessment, you will need to decide which qualities are of paramount importance for the position.

And remember that professional qualities in isolation from personal ones in most cases will not give you an idea of ​​​​who you will then have to work with for a long time.

Both the head himself, or the personnel department, and specialized recruitment agencies that undertake the search under the contract can search and evaluate applicants.

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