What is the difference between female poetry and male poetry? What is the difference between a verse and a poem.

Decor elements 23.09.2019
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Poetry is a special world in which even a quiet word sounds with such force that it can stir up the depths of the human soul, shock, make you empathize with the lyrical hero. The poet is a creator in the highest sense of the word, and the poems that are born thanks to his talent are the pinnacle of skill, equal to the divine principle. A poem is not just rhyming lines, but the process of creating harmony of sound, poetic image and spiritual vibrations.

But in philology, the attitude to the poetic word is devoid of emotional overtones. Versification is a branch of literary criticism that studies the theory of verse and the genre features of poetic texts. In this regard, verse and poem are different concepts, although they have a common linguistic nature.


Poem in the terminological sense - a rhythmically ordered fragment of poetic speech, constituting one line of poetic text with regularly alternating stressed and unstressed syllables, the number of which depends poetic size.

Poem- a small poetic work written in verse, structurally combining rhythmically organized stanzas with stress fixed on certain syllables.


There is no poetic multidimensionality and ambiguity in the strict scientific definition of these concepts. A verse, from the point of view of literary critics, is a line of poetic text organized according to a certain rhythmic pattern. The alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables determines the division of a poetic line into feet. The number of syllables in the foot and the fixation of stress on one of them determine the size of the verse. For example, two-syllable sizes include trochaic and iambic, three-syllable sizes include dactyl, amphibrach and anapaest.

A poem consists of stanzas, each of which can include from two to fourteen lines, or verses. In some cases, there may be no division into stanzas.

It is customary to call a poem any lyrical work of small poetic genres: elegy, sonnet, canzone, haiku.

However, in common speech, differences in meanings poem and poem practically absent. These words are used as close synonyms that do not have pronounced semantic and stylistic restrictions in speech use. The following expressions are considered equal: poetry collection and collection of poems; poems by Mandelstam and poems by Mandelstam; to learn a poem and learn poem. Of course, in such variants of word usage, the meaning of the word poem how poetic line is supplanted by the value poetic work.

In a narrower sense, it is customary to use the word poem to indicate the method of versification: white verse, antique verse, Pushkin's verse.

Findings site

  1. verse like literary term denotes a poetic line with an ordered division into feet and a fixed stress in each foot. A poem is considered a small, most often lyrical work written in verse.
  2. A verse, unlike a poem, can denote a method of versification: blank verse, accent verse.
  3. In common usage poem and poem are synonymous words.

How is a verse different from a poem?

The content of the article:
What is a verse and a poem
-Comparison of verse and poem
- The difference between a verse and a poem
Poetry is a special world in which even a quiet word sounds with such force that it can stir up the depths of the human soul, shock, make you empathize with the lyrical hero. The poet is a creator in the highest sense of the word, and the poems that are born thanks to his talent are the pinnacle of skill, equal to the divine principle. A poem is not just rhyming lines, but the process of creating harmony of sound, poetic image and spiritual vibrations.
But in philology, the attitude to the poetic word is devoid of emotional overtones. Versification is a branch of literary criticism that studies the theory of verse and the genre features of poetic texts. In this regard, verse and poem are different concepts, although they have a common linguistic nature.
A verse in the terminological sense is a rhythmically ordered fragment of poetic speech, constituting one line of poetic text with regularly alternating stressed and unstressed syllables, the number of which determines the poetic meter.
A poem is a small poetic work written in verse, structurally uniting rhythmically organized stanzas with stress fixed on certain syllables.
What is the difference between a verse and a poem?

There is no poetic multidimensionality and ambiguity in the strict scientific definition of these concepts. A verse, from the point of view of literary critics, is a line of poetic text organized according to a certain rhythmic pattern. The alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables determines the division of a poetic line into feet. The number of syllables in the foot and the fixation of stress on one of them determine the size of the verse. For example, two-syllable sizes include trochaic and iambic, three-syllable sizes include dactyl, amphibrach and anapaest.
A poem consists of stanzas, each of which can include from two to fourteen lines, or verses. In some cases, there may be no division into stanzas.
It is customary to call a poem any lyrical work of small poetic genres: elegy, sonnet, canzone, haiku.
However, in common speech, there are practically no differences in the meanings of verse and poem. These words are used as close synonyms that do not have pronounced semantic and stylistic restrictions in speech use. The following formulations are considered equal in rights: a collection of poems and a collection of poems; poems by Mandelstam and poems by Mandelstam; learn the verse and learn the poem. Of course, in such variants of word usage, the meaning of the word verse as a line of poetry is supplanted by the meaning of a poetic work.
In a narrower sense, it is customary to use the word verse to denote the method of versification: white verse, antique verse, Pushkin's verse.
Verse as a literary term denotes a poetic line with an ordered division into feet and a fixed stress in each foot. A poem is considered a small, most often lyrical work written in verse.
A verse, unlike a poem, can denote a method of versification: blank verse, accent verse.
In common usage, verse and poem are synonymous words.

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Usually we perceive the language of poetry and prose as a kind of antipodes, one might say, two different languages, each of which has its own scope, means of expression, style, etc. Is this difference so great, and is it a matter of language at all? How does poetry differ from prose, is it only in language? We can say that language, as a sign of the difference between prose and poetry, is discussed only because it is most often the only physically tangible factor on the basis of which it is possible to build certain conclusions, draw parallels, identify differences, etc. Indeed, it turns out that language is far from being the most important determining criterion. Let's try to find other factors, say, the effect of influence (aesthetic, spiritual, etc.) on the reader, on the human soul. And here the first thing that catches your eye is the difference in the perception of poetry and prose, obviously due to different size and the rhythm of poetic and prose language. And again, we seem to have locked ourselves in the language. After all, both the size and the rhythm are inseparable from the language.

Is it so? But what about the music? After all, music affects the soul without the mediation of language at all, but only with the help of sounds that form certain harmonic combinations, melodies, with their own rhythm and size. And not only music. The artist also captures the rhythms of the surrounding world on his canvases with line and color, just as the sculptor and even the architect perform the same task using plastic forms. art speaks in its own language, music in its own, literature in its own. In other words, visual techniques and means of any kind of art are the same language of human communication as literary or everyday colloquial language, as its simplified form. If you look even more broadly, it is easy to see that the entire universe, with all its phenomena, both simple and complex, also speaks its own language, has its own unique rhythms, one might say “melodies of life”, with a certain tempo, dimensionality and rhymes, set for the entire universe by the Supreme Creator.

What is interesting here is that whether it is conscious or not, we somehow feel and perceive these universal rhythms and melodies of the universe, contained in that eternal, original WORD of God, and with greater or lesser success we convey them with our human language. After all, we sometimes talk about the “music of the spheres” or the “song of the stars,” etc., because this “music” of the WORD of God is contained in all of His Creation, from small to great. Feeling this “music of the world” with our soul, we try to convey it by means of language. That is probably why the language of poetry, which is more dimensional, rhythmic and musical, and at the same time less verbose, has a stronger and more subtle effect on the human soul, in comparison with the language of prose, and is capable of literally a few words to plunge our heart into sacred awe, to inspire to high accomplishments, feat or selfless self-sacrifice. But the language of prose is also possible no less, and sometimes even more, than the poetic style. Prose has its own rhythm, no less powerful and effective than rhyme and poetic meter, its own dynamics and means of influencing our soul, you just need to learn how to use them skillfully, feel and distinguish them. After all, it is not for nothing that both Pushkin and Lermontov, the great poets, created prose works of the greatest beauty and inner strength of words, which are difficult to find equal in all of Russian literature.

It can be said that poets and writers, like composers, also compose their own "music", although the word "compose" may not be very suitable in this context. After all, we are not talking, in fact, about writing (although it often takes place), but only about a more or less successful transmission of what sounds around us in God's world and is contained in the WORD of Creation. Let's listen to Him carefully! In Him is everything, absolutely everything, and therefore it is possible to hear the WORD of God only in silence, in the silence of one’s own heart, inner being, so that nothing could drown out His sound in us. After all, His rhythms, His “music” are quite quiet and unobtrusive, and it is audible only to a sensitive, responsive and pure heart.

How is Real Poetry different from beautiful, rhymed words
Andrey Aranyshev Poetic mood

Sergei Aleinik, poet and philosopher:

True art is always polished inaccuracies. And hints. And a fairy tale. And music. And some weirdness. A poet (artist, musician, etc.) is a tightrope walker. He always balances between dick and rose. A little to the left - and the vulgarity of everyday life. A little to the right - and the vulgarity of sweet molasses. V real poetry there is always a fabulous understatement.

I always give this example, and now I will. In 1907, at a party brilliant poet Alexander Blok met and talked with a lady. On her shoulder she had a brooch in the form of a snake (this is important).

Well, it would seem - what nonsense, well, we will describe in verse - like “she is so beautiful, like in a fairy tale, she has a mask on, I see only her eyes, we talk to her, her eyes sparkle, she has thin waist, on the shoulder a brooch in the form of a snake.

As Block writes:

Andrey Aranyshev. Glass of wine

In a long story
secretly hiding,
The hour strikes.
In a dark mask
Bright eyes.
There is no sadder cover
There is no thinner...
You are kinder than I knew
Mr Poet!
- You do not know Russian,
My lady...
On the shoulder behind a dull cloth,
At the end of the shoes are narrow
A silent snake slumbers.

This is true poetry. A real event is taken - and described in such a way that everything becomes a fairy tale (even a real brooch has acquired some kind of mystical shade from Blok). And this is not just a brooch - but a symbol. This is the very thing ... And, by the way, this cannot be taught. It is either given or not. And technology can be distinguished from dactyl, such as iambs. But if "it is" - and you cannot distinguish a dactyl from an anapaest - this is bad.

Real poets (as I said above) - after all, they don’t write “right on the forehead”. For example, also Blokovskoe:

Gone, but the hyacinths were waiting.
And the day did not wake the windows.
And in the dark folds of a delicate shawl
The silence of the night bloomed...

It's about love! (not only, of course, since in a good poem there are not one, but several layers, worlds, call it what you want). But it's also about love. Or from Brodsky:

I woke up twice this night
and wandered to the window, and the lights in the window,
snippet of a phrase said in a dream,
nullifying, like an ellipsis
brought no comfort to me.

If it weren’t for the name of the poem: “Love” - for an amateur, try to understand what it’s about ... (there, the truth goes further, but still there is no word “love” in the verse itself).

Or the same Blok collections "Snow Mask" and "Faina" - he was madly in love with N.N.V. And these two collections are about love. But the main themes in them are storm, blizzard, wind, masks, voices in the clouds, impulse, freedom, delight...

Or “The Gray-Eyed King” by Anna Akhmatova - after all, this is about love too ..

They ruthlessly shove love into every verse (thus vulgarizing it) - only mediocre poets. Well, or crooks - to show off in front of fragile girlish souls ...

What is your main poetic message?

Guys, write. And, having written, ask yourself - but if Blok (this is how I do it - you choose at your discretion) - would write such a thing, would he be ashamed? - And if not - you have made a masterpiece.

Here is my poem, I think he would like it:

Russia is even more likely not
country, and part of the world ...

G. Green.

Long road.
Rainy day.
Trembling dog.
House. At the threshold
crooked willow dumb question.
We drove.
More and more...
Charon-driver crumples the pedal.
...a huge expanse of land...
And there is no prophet in him.
It's a pity.
Screaming: “Where are you, messiah?
The one whose soul is as pure as snow?!”
... Downcast horse Russia
looks out from the red bush.

S. Aleinik

Andrey Aranyshev. blue yard


Andrey Aranyshev. House under the red roof

Andrey Aranyshev. Embrace

Donkeys at the pier. Greece

Andrey Aranyshev. Beach

Andrey Aranyshev.Rybak

Andrey Aranyshev. northern spring

Andrey Aranyshev. Violinist

old yard

Andrey Aranyshev. Portrait with red wine

Andrey Aranyshev. Artist, painter, restorer. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia. Born in 1956 in Yaroslavl.
Exhibitions were held in Russia, USA, Belgium, Finland, Luxembourg, England, Greece, Czech Republic.
A. Aranyshev extremely convincingly combines the methods of creating conditional decorativeness, color surface and figurative-spatial reality. His objects are visual and elegant, his figures are not bodily, but emotional, the artist is fundamentally static, and not narrative, intuitive and visibly artistically cultured.
Sergei Aleinik

Although poetry is in decline at the present time, one cannot live without it at all. It reflects the spiritual side of our life and will certainly be reborn in new trends, with new names. But if you now ask an adult who is not engaged in literature: "Name features poetic work", he is unlikely to answer. Although this is necessarily studied in schools.

Where did it all begin?

A huge number of texts have been written about images in literature and the semantics of the text. But the very first analyst of poetry who tried to create a theory of versification was Aristotle. In that unfinished work that has come down to us under the name Poetics, he mentioned that poetry is one of the arts designed to give pleasure to a person.

Aristotle's poetic work is: observance of meter, harmony, order and the art of the word. Speaking modern language, the art of the word meant the figurativeness of speech.

Without what there will be no poem? Distinctive features of a poetic work

So, what features of a poetic work can be distinguished as absolute, without which the poem will be a faded parody?

  1. Image. Fiction differs in figurativeness, which is achieved by various comparisons and other figurative and expressive means.
  2. Rhyme and rhythm. Poetry is based on the ability to alternate stressed and unstressed syllables. The melodic pattern of the verse depends on this. Rhyme can be rich or poor, but it is an obligatory link. Of course, free verse is also written without rhyme. But they are dominated by meaningful, expressive artistic images that hold the reader's attention.
  3. Emotionality. A work of art is intended to influence the feelings of the reader, the deep impulses of his soul.
  4. The syntactic integrity of the whole poem. Moreover, the poem is short work, it is not written in sheets, like a story. Therefore, it is desirable to express all ideas in such a way that they are syntactically capacious.

Also for good poem harmony is important. A work that is too emotional or saturated with visual means is more likely to cause antipathy. Hence the conclusion that in classical theory the distinctive features of a poetic work are, first of all, a sense of harmony of images, sounds and emotions and the observance of rhythm.

Modern views on versification

Poetry is also a science. This was insisted on by Yuri Lotman, an art and literary critic who received Nobel Prize. He was the teacher of the new age.

But in our time, all the great schools are gradually disappearing. Gone is symbolism, romanticism, modernism, even postmodernism in literature is already at sunset. But still, many people write their poems without trying to conform to any school, and therefore poetry lives on.

What are the hallmarks of a poetic work now? Now avant-gardism is making itself known more and more loudly. guided by the muse, intuition. And the only feature is the denial of dogma, freedom of expression.

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