Assistance in opening a second hand store. How to open a second hand store

The buildings 30.09.2019
The buildings

Secondhand stores are incredibly popular. The secret of success - big choice quality and affordable clothing. The idea of ​​opening a second-hand store attracts aspiring entrepreneurs small investment at the start and a fairly quick payback.

You can open a store from scratch and with a minimum of funds, for which you need to understand clothes, feel calm in this area and be ready, at least at first, to work as a seller yourself.

Second hand translates from in English as second hand. Actually, the name of the stores explains the essence of their activities - second-hand stores sell clothes that have been in use, but are of such high quality and neat that thrift and cultural norms do not allow throwing them away.

If you break down the opening of such a business into stages, you get the following:

  • Stage 1. Drawing up a business plan. The project is being implemented "on paper". Calculated approximate cost equipment, premises and personnel. The image of the store is created - its name, target audience, choice of clothes.
  • Stage 2. Business registration. Opening a sole proprietorship or registration legal entity, registration in the Pension Fund, collection of necessary documents.
  • Stage 3. Choosing a room. Depends on available funds, product and future buyers. A family clothing store will pay off in a residential area, but youth or branded clothing is better sold in large shopping areas.

Sorting and preparing goods for a secondhand store.
  • Stage 4. Search for business partners and purchase of goods. Highly milestone, because if you do not immediately find good and reliable suppliers, you can bitterly regret it in the future. You need to check the goods personally, and it will not be superfluous to know from experience how to distinguish a quality item from a fake.
  • Stage 5. Search and recruitment of personnel. For a very small commercial premises staff may not be needed. But, as a rule, such stores require experienced salespeople who understand clothing and the many subtleties associated with it.
  • Stage 6. Promotion. Signboard, store design, its position. If an entrepreneur is talented, the advertising campaign he devised and launched, even if it is quiet, will play a big role.

Some stages can be swapped, depending on the situation. The most important thing is to correctly calculate when the store will start working - this will minimize losses and reduce time.

Even just an open IP, without additional costs, requires at least 40,000 rubles a year - as deductions to the FIU and taxes.

Start of work and delivery of goods

Where does the product come from, how to find a supplier, what will they buy? These points should be emphasized.

Products come to Russia, as a rule, from Europe. Large sales are usually carried out by weight. There will most likely be some amount of marriage and outdated clothes in the goods.

But the owner himself has the right to set a price for the product, so a small amount of really good things will help to stay afloat.

Second-hand clothes for young people are in equal demand among both sexes, and for children's clothes you can open a specialized store, especially if the premises are located near parks and kindergartens.

How to choose the right place for a second-hand store, see the tips in this video:

Business plan: income and expenses

Suppose you want to open a small clothing store "for everyone." As start-up capital- only 300,000 rubles.

  • Room rental. Let's say we need 30 square meters in the sleeping area. Considering average cost commercial real estate, the premises will cost about 30-40 thousand per month. If you're lucky to find a municipal square, the amount can be halved.
  • Equipment. Cash registers, security systems, mirrors, hangers, etc. About 70 thousand rubles.
  • Staff. A month of work of two people will require another 50 thousand.
  • Business registration. From 3 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising and design. About 20 thousand rubles.
  • The rest of the money is for the purchase of things for sale.

The first purchase of a product is the most important. If it is unsuccessful, then the discovery may turn into a failure. In such a case, it is always better to have an insurance amount.

What is the profit? With the right combination of circumstances, a store of this magnitude will earn about 50 thousand a month in net profit.

This means - taking into account the purchase of goods, wages and other costs. But at first, it will probably be much less until the store becomes quite popular.

  • Shop traffic should be higher than that of grocery outlets. Obviously, clothes are much less often bought just like that, on the way home - this is usually a purposeful action. The more the store is noticed, the more often they will look into it.
  • Quality is more important than quantity. Huge assortment no one needs rags unless it is sold at a very ridiculous price.
  • Stocks are business assistants. Real discounts, special offers, branded products promote the store and attract new customers.

Classification of second-hand by Russian wholesalers in terms of composition and price. Photo:
  • Don't skimp on safety. A store with expensive things needs cameras. By their presence, they already influence potential but indecisive shoplifters and reduce costs.
  • A large selection is needed even if there are few things. That is, alternatives are needed. A buyer may not like a thing of one type, and what will it give him if there are two dozen more similar things in addition to it?
  • Second hand without fitting rooms is a market stall. Fitting rooms should be clean, with washed mirrors.
  • And a little about mirrors. It may seem strange, but they have a very big influence to the success of the clothing store.
    People look different in different mirrors. AT a good mirror and with the right lighting, a person likes himself - which means that he will surely like the clothes that he tries on.


At quick payback second-hand stores and the seeming simplicity of launching a store, they quite often “burn out”.

Second hand - things that were in use and sold again. On the shelves of Russian stores, goods pre-treated with disinfectants chemicals, comes from Europe and the Baltic States. Second-hand trade is profitable - buyers who do not want to overpay for clothes go to the store famous brands, and those who are not able to buy new things. To open a business, a detailed business plan is required, including financial calculations and information about possible risks. All this and also step by step instructions starting a business, you will find in our article.

Features of the business of selling second-hand: is it profitable?

Sale of second-hand - profitable business. In Russia, 70% of the population are middle-income people, for whom buying a thing in a boutique or a branded store means a gap in the budget. They go to secondhand stores to save money.

The remaining 30% of the upper-middle-income population are also happy to visit second-hand stores in search of exclusive goods from famous manufacturers.

Second hand is a great option for those who do not want to overpay and love quality

Features of business in Russia are determined by the psychology of consumers who are embarrassed to buy used items. They are accustomed to wearing out their clothes “to the last” and consider second-hand clothes to be worthless rags that are embarrassing to wear. Therefore, a secondary goods store should be located in a residential area, out of sight of passers-by. In this case, the place must be passable. Perfect option- a quiet lane adjacent to a busy avenue.

The store should not be large - up to 10 kg of clothes per 1 sq. m, so that things can be conveniently sorted out. Experienced owners of second-hand stores advise not to hang the goods on hangers, but to lay them out on tables and shelves. They argue that having found a decent thing in a pile of others, the buyer will surely take it away, regretting the time spent searching.

There is a chance to “burn out” in business, but it can be minimized if, at the planning stage, we foresee the specifics of demand and the level of competition in the region, calculate financial expenses and evaluate market potential.

Which store to open in Russia

The first second-hand stores disgusted Russians - basements, shabby clothes thrown into baskets in a shapeless heap, and the nasty smell of disinfectants repelled buyers. Today, second-hand clothing sales are perceived differently. Buyers understand that it is better to buy a used original branded item than a new low-quality Chinese copy.

A quality item from a second-hand store is better than a cheap fake

Types of second-hand shops that can be opened in Russia:

  • discount store with low prices;
  • a boutique selling vintage wardrobe items;
  • seasonal - for work during periods of peak demand;
  • male, female or children's;
  • wholesale warehouse selling clothes by weight;
  • commission shop.

Boutiques and wholesalers will be successful in cities with a population of over a million people, discounts in the provinces and countryside. Seasonal shops are optimally opened in resort areas.

Getting Started: Store Registration

Second hand, acting in accordance with the law, must be registered with the tax office. Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC by collecting Required documents and paying the state fee.

Table: required documents for registration of IP and LLC

After picking up the registration documents from the tax office, by the time the store opens, collect a set of papers:

  • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • trade permit;
  • a lease agreement for premises or a certificate of ownership;
  • expert opinion of the sanitary and epidemiological service (SES);
  • goods accounting logs;
  • certificates confirming the chemical treatment of things.

Work permits are issued by fire authorities and SES based on the results of examinations of the premises. Find out in advance the requirements of both authorities and prepare for scheduled inspections.

Choice of location and premises

Both a metropolis and a small village are suitable for placing a second-hand store - success depends on the location of the store. Rent spacious room in a passable or residential area of ​​the city and install advertising structures - signs, banners, racks.

Attractive signage provides recognizability of second-hand

Requirements for a second-hand store:

  • minimum area - 40 sq. m;
  • availability of space for fitting booths;
  • lack of grocery stores near (SanPin requirements);
  • lack of competitors in the area

Shop floor equipment

Do it indoors redecorating in light colors, equip racks and fitting rooms, fix mirrors on the walls. Install a ventilation and air conditioning system.

After repairing the premises, purchase equipment:

Second-hand goods are located along the walls and in baskets in the center of the hall. For shoes, install separate shelves with sides, and for accessories - showcases. Equip workplace seller - buy cash register and computer with software accounting, set up a table for packing goods.

Prepare the store for sanitary and epidemiological station checks - provide volume drinking water more than two liters, technical - more than 20 liters. Equip a room for rest and eating, purchase disinfectants for cleaning.

In the process of work, ventilate the room and do daily wet cleaning so that a repulsive chemical odor does not accumulate.

How to choose a product and guess with quality

Second-hand clothes are conditionally divided into five categories by quality:

  1. Eurostock - branded items with branded labels, not previously worn. They come from boutiques and fashion houses that did not manage to sell out their collections.
  2. Cream - new clothes without tags, with no obvious signs of wear. At least 20% of "cream" - new things, often exclusive models.
  3. Luxury or extra - a product with minimal wear, collected from the population.
  4. The first, second and third grades are things that are significantly worn out. The kit may include clothes with stains and holes, as well as rags that are unsuitable for sale.
  5. Original (mix) - unsorted bags with clothes and shoes from the previous categories.

Second hand mix class

For secondary sale, goods are collected in several ways:

  • in stores - leftovers after sales;
  • in families - by holding campaigns to collect clothes;
  • among the population - by installing containers for collection near gas stations and supermarkets;
  • in schools - organized among students.

Collection companies in Europe leave containers for families to collect clothes, then pick them up a week later

Collecting companies sort the items received:

  • by country of origin - England, Germany and Canada are popular;
  • by category and type of product - for example, women's items are cream or men's luxury trousers;
  • according to the season - winter and summer clothes;
  • specialized things - military, for sports and recreation.

An unsorted product is called a "mix", and it is possible to find the best quality items and accessories in it.

Shoes, bed linen and household items are only sorted by country of origin.

To buy a wholesale batch of second-hand to the store, think over the assortment and find "your" supplier. Companies specializing in the trade of branded products:

Verified suppliers offer customers bonuses and discounts that help strengthen trust and long-term cooperation. To conclude a supply agreement, you will need the following documents:

  • OGRN and TIN with copies;
  • copy of the passport;
  • power of attorney (if necessary).

Upon receipt of the goods, ask the supplier for an invoice, waybill, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion and a certificate of disinfection of clothing, as well as a cash receipt.

Second hand is sold in bags that weigh about a hundred kilograms. Approximately 50% of the items in the bag are different good quality and only 10% go to waste.

Rospotrebnadzor can routinely or upon a complaint from buyers check second-hand stores for certificates and trade permits.


When disassembling the bags received from the supplier, carefully inspect each item for scuffs, small holes, spots. Set individual or group prices depending on the class of goods and the purchase price. Include the following costs in your prices:

  • for renting premises;
  • to pay taxes;
  • on the salaries of sellers;
  • transport.

For products of well-known brands, the markup can be up to 500%, for middle-class items - up to 200%. Economy is sold almost at cost.

Common variant pricing policy second-hand - trade by weight, when the price is formed based on the cost of a kilogram of clothing.

Organize weekly sales and promotions, make discounts on seasonal products. Set a price reduction system, for example, by day of the week. On Monday, the item is sold without a discount, on Tuesday 10% is deducted from the price, on Wednesday - 20%, on Thursday - 30%, and so on until Sunday. In the middle of the week, update the assortment. Post the price reduction chart in a prominent place to distribute customer traffic. At the beginning of the week, lovers will come to "snatch" an exclusive thing, regardless of the cost, in the middle - the middle class, at the end - those who want to buy the leftovers cheaper. Don't be intimidated by "Sunday" customers. They are the key carrier of advertising - those who will tell their friends about the opportunity to make a bargain in your store.


Choose secondhand employees. For successful trading in a room up to 50 sq.m. Enough to hire two salesmen. large area should serve three or four people. Responsibilities of sellers include: merchandising, selling clothes, sorting new arrivals.

Vendors sort clothes by quality, discarding rags, then by gender, and finally by type - underwear, outerwear, blouses, skirts, etc.

Criteria for selecting employees of the trading floor:

  • brand awareness;
  • Experience with a cash register
  • careful attitude to clothes, the ability to give things a marketable appearance.

In addition to the vendors, hire a security guard and a cleaning lady to maintain order in the premises. Order services from an accounting firm or engage a specialist on a contractual basis.

Install staffing and wage system.

Advertising strategy

Second hand is a specific business, but traditional marketing principles apply to it. During the advertising campaign, use the available resources:

  • social media;
  • outdoor structures;
  • local newspapers and television;
  • public bulletin boards.

Schedule promotional messages in such a way that you constantly remind potential customers about the store's work. Build a database of regular customers and find a way to get their contacts. For example, offer to fill out a questionnaire to receive a discount card. Send newsletters with great deals to your contact list.

Create a company information website with the possibility of online booking of goods. Post photos of products, add attractive descriptions, set prices. Update your stock regularly. Most likely, buyers will not dare to buy a thing online, but will come to the store to see it live. The site successfully solves the problem of attracting new customers via the Internet.

second hand financial plan

An example plan is shown in the tables below.

Starting investments (table)

Monthly costs (table)

Projected income and payback (table)

Possible risks

Aspiring entrepreneurs, when opening a second-hand store, make typical mistakes:

  1. Purchase of "cream" or "extra" class clothes in the first batch. Without preliminary promotion of the store, expensive goods cannot be sold.
  2. Incorrectly chosen location of the premises, renting a small trading floor in the basement.
  3. Rent of retail space at a high price.
  4. Illiterate work with the staff, as a result - theft. To avoid theft, it is enough to install a monitoring and video surveillance system.
  5. Passion for promotions and sales. Stocks attract customers, but don't kill business by abusing low price trading.
  6. No assortment updates.
  7. Hiring squeamish employees.

Try to foresee the risks at the stage of developing a business plan, so as not to alienate customers from the first days of trading.

Video: the nuances and secrets of second-hand trading

Opening your own business in the conditions of an unstable economic situation in the country is quite a risky business. Due to declining demand for certain goods and services, many businesses are in a difficult situation. But, despite the crisis, there is a group of goods and services that will be popular and in demand at any time. For example, there will always be a need for food, clothes, medicines, regardless of the duration of the crisis.

In the previous article we discussed, today, let's talk about how to open a second hand store. Also, let's talk about what documents are required to register this business and what are the payback periods.

The need for clothes will always exist, you can’t do without it. Especially in times of crisis, cheap things will be relevant. Therefore, opening a second-hand store is a cost-effective and highly profitable business that does not require large financial investments.

How to open a second hand store?

Before you start opening, you need to draw up a second-hand business plan, this is necessary in order to calculate all the costs, the level of competition and the payback period for the business.

Business registration

This type of activity must be legally registered. To do this, first register with the tax office as individual entrepreneur. You must also have all certificates confirming the processing of things, permissions from the sanitary and epidemiological service.

You can arrange all the necessary documents yourself or instruct to save time this work experienced lawyer.

Premises for rent

Let's start with the location of your outlet. A place for a second hand should be chosen crowded, passable. The best way- This is the central part of the city and sleeping areas. There, quantity potential buyers large enough and there will always be customers.

As for the area, it all depends on the scale of the business. On the initial stage enough small room from 30 sq. m, and in the future you can increase the scale of sales, subject to success in business.

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What is needed and is it profitable to open a second-hand store?

About how profitable this business you can find out only by trying yourself in this field of activity. It all depends on the range of goods, a good location, a competent pricing policy and an advertising campaign. Consider these nuances when organizing your business in the trading field.

Purchase of goods and formation of assortment

Used items fall into several categories:

Elite second-hand is clothes of famous brands. Many designers and fashion designers are selling off their last year's collections at big discounts. Such products are of very high quality, you can buy these clothes at a low price only abroad. As a rule, such clothes are then sold in our elite stores. You may well find foreign suppliers and buy exclusive items for the purpose of further resale.

Medium worn items. As a rule, such clothes are sold in our second-hand stores. It is bought in bulk, in compressed bags. Depending on the price, you can choose the seasonality of clothes (summer, winter), category (women's, men's, children's) and the degree of wear. I recommend that you buy average-priced used clothes, because cheap things have almost lost their presentation.

Store interior

Responsible for interior design. This will help in attracting more customers.

The room should be clean, wet cleaning should be carried out daily. Wipe the dust, wash the windows and the door, there should be perfect order and a cozy atmosphere.

Lighting. Pay attention to proper lighting in the store. The goods should be laid out neatly and in a conspicuous place, and not in dusty, dimly lit corners of the room.

You also need to equip fitting rooms so that customers can try on the things they like.

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Items sold in second hand are processed special tool for disinfection, so it does not have a very pleasant smell. Therefore, it is worth airing the store premises several times a day.

Favorable placement of things

It is very important to correctly lay out the goods. AT good shops things neatly hung on hangers. Seasonal clothing is best hung in the most prominent places to attract the attention of buyers.

You also need to decide on prices. As a rule, things in second-hand stores are sold on scales. But for some goods, you can set other prices, such a practice exists.

Your second-hand business is a profitable and fast-payback business that can be opened both in big city as well as in a small town.

I wish you success in business.

In Russia, second-hand stores gained popularity as soon as they appeared (it was in the early 90s of the last century), and still enjoy people's love and respect. Someone likes to buy inexpensive clothes, someone is attracted by the opportunity to find original things there, often branded and completely new, at more than modest prices, so there are fans of such stores in many segments of the population.

And the fact that such clothes are in constant demand, for an enterprising person, can be a reason to think: how to open a second-hand store. To organize such a business, you need to find out where it is better to buy goods, how to sort them correctly, what prices to set, where it is more convenient to locate an outlet for them, and much, much more.

Where does second hand come from?

Used clothes come to Russia, as a rule, from European countries. There it is customary to hand over things in good condition (and sometimes new ones - if they don’t fit or don’t like it) for a small fee at collection points. From there, the clothes go to specialized factories, where they process them in a special way (they do this with steam with disinfecting compounds). After that, the disinfected and clean clothes are sorted and sent for sale. Its implementation is carried out by large wholesale companies, which, in turn, supply small wholesalers, including store owners, with second-hand goods.

Professionals are well aware that second-hand is heterogeneous. Clothing for secondary sale can be of several varieties. And anyone who plans to work with her needs to understand them.

  • Suite. New clothes with labels, as well as clothes in excellent condition, their wear should be no more than 5%.
  • Extra. New clothes or clothes in very good condition. Its permissible wear is 10%.
  • Cream. Clothes with little wear, necessarily the absence of marriage, sometimes there are new things.
  • I grade. Mostly high-quality clothes (as well as shoes and accessories), but sometimes marriage occurs.
  • II grade. Quite worn, often defective things.
  • III grade. Clothes and shoes are in poor condition.

Where to find a supplier

When planning and deciding how to open a second-hand, priority should be given to finding a supplier. You can find one wholesaler in your city and take all the goods from him, this option is good because you can get additional discounts for large volumes. And for starters, this is a good tactic.

However, over time, you should try to work with other suppliers - each has its own conditions, prices, sources and product features, so you can choose the most beneficial option for yourself.

You can also work directly with the factory. This will require knowledge foreign language and at least minimal experience of working with foreign entrepreneurs. You can find such factories via the Internet, contacting them also does not present any particular difficulties. In this case, additional costs will include delivery and the cost of traveling to the selected country (one or two first batches should be accompanied personally, and only then, after making sure of the reliability and integrity of the partner, as well as the quality of the goods, it will be possible to order it without personal participation ).

Room selection and arrangement

To organize a second-hand store, you need quite large room for trade - at least 40 sq. meters. Since you are dealing with an inexpensive product, you can only talk about significant profits if there is a large turnover.

It is also worth looking for a place with a low rent. There is no need to open such a store in the center of the city - inexpensive clothes will be in demand on the outskirts, in sleeping areas. You just need to make sure that your competitors are not nearby, and the outlet is located in a crowded place - and you will definitely find your customers.

Important! Sanitary standards do not allow opening a second-hand store in the same area as grocery stores.

There is also no need to invest in expensive repairs: there is no need for luxurious furnishings here. The room should look clean and tidy, and even if you have to make repairs in the store, it will cost a fairly modest amount.

Also make sure that the room is bright enough and well ventilated. A second-hand store is a store where people stay for a long time, because the right product is quite difficult to find, so a large crowd of buyers is not uncommon here.

As in any clothing store, yours should have a fitting room, and preferably two or three, so as not to create queues and not to unnerve customers. The booths must have a mirror, rug, hangers and hooks on which customers can place their clothes and bags.

The goods are usually located along the walls, on shelves or hangers, as well as on special island structures in the hall itself. Things should be easy to approach, so you need to make sure that there is enough space between the hangers. If you sell used shoes, you will need special racks for them. The same goes for bags and other accessories.

You will also need a cash register (a cash register must be registered with the tax office), a well-equipped cashier's workplace, and a packing table.

Store assortment

As a rule, second-hand stores offer 80% of women's clothing and 10% of men's and children's clothing - it is in this proportion that there is a demand for this type of goods. But depending on the location and target audience of your store, this ratio may change. For example, if you opened near a cluster of children's institutions, it is worth increasing the number of clothes and shoes for babies. If universities or student dormitories are located nearby, youth clothing will be in demand, and for both sexes. The store, located in a small town, will successfully sell durable and wearable clothes for every day.

To make it easier for customers to choose, the goods should be sorted. Men's, women's and children's clothing should be sold in different places, it in turn should be divided by name - shirts, dresses, blouses, jeans, skirts. You can sort goods by quality: the more expensive one is displayed separately and sold by the piece, and low-quality clothes can be sold by weight.

You should not divide the store with partitions - it will be difficult for sellers to keep track of the goods. Sadly, it is in second-hand stores that a lot of thefts are committed.

In order for the goods not to be stale on the shelves (and its quick turnover is very important in such stores), you should set discounts for everything that has not been sold for a certain period of time and arrange regular sales.

Although the interest of buyers in inexpensive clothes is a fairly constant thing, there is some seasonality here too: the peak of buying activity occurs in spring and autumn. There is relative calm in winter and summer. The most unproductive months for such a store are July and January.


If the store is small, one cashier is enough. For a 100 sq. meters will need 2-3 sellers, one of which will act as a cashier. If the turnover is large enough, you will need to hire an accountant.

The success of the store will largely depend on the skill of the sellers, and therefore their selection must be approached carefully.

Business registration

To open a clothing store, enough. The most convenient taxation systems will be (if possible in your region) or.

This activity does not need to be licensed. It is enough to obtain permits for the premises from the SES and the Fire Inspectorate.

Another important document that you should have is the certificate of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, it should be issued by the factory along with a batch of clothes. It is valid for three years.

We draw up a second-hand business plan

How much will you need to invest in a small store with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 50 square meters. meters? Let's calculate:

  • rent of premises and utility costs - 50-55 thousand rubles;
  • store equipment - 50-70 thousand rubles;
  • sellers' salary - 40-50 thousand rubles;
  • funds for the purchase of goods - 300-350 thousand rubles.

Thus, it turns out that you can start this business with 500 thousand rubles. About 450 thousand in this case can be monthly revenue. However, it must be remembered that a third of this amount will have to be spent on the purchase of a new product, and therefore the net profit will be about 70-100 thousand rubles.

As a rule, a second-hand store pays off in 6-12 months, but with good luck, this can happen even earlier.

Store advertisement

A store of this type simply needs advertising, especially if it is not located in the most crowded place. However, there is no need to launch a full-scale campaign, it will be enough to post ads on nearby streets, distribute leaflets or put them in mailboxes.

Promotions and discounts will attract buyers - inexpensive clothes are bought by those who would like to save money.

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