Can a man fall to an anabiosis. Anabiosis: What is this phenomenon and to whom it is peculiar

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The term "Anabiosis" appeared in 1873 at the suggestion of the German scientist Wilhelm Prime, although this phenomenon in animals was opened by Lewenguk back in 1701. Praier studied the processes of temporary cessation of vital activity of various living organisms. The term itself comes from the Latin word anaboisis, which means "revival".

For a long time, this word knew only scientists, but with the development of cosmonautics and the appearance of the possibility of long-term space flights, sciences introduced mandatory anabiosis into their works. In fact, as you can achieve distant stars, not "whipping" astronauts, then to "wake up" it.

In fact, Anabiosis is very different from ordinary sleep. If in a dream, life processes are only slightly slowed down, then in conditions of anabyosis, they practically stop. Sleep - rest for the body, when part of the organs rests, while others - intensify their work. So, for example, the brain in a dream works very actively, and other organs also perform their function.

In the conditions of anabyriosis, life is almost terminated. All processes in the body slow down almost to a complete stop. And this happens not only in laboratories, but also in real life. Nature provides an anabiosis - as a means of survival in adverse conditions. For example, microorganisms and bacteria are often resorted to it. Life in the form of a dispute is their main lifestyle. So they can exist dozens of years, although the usual, active, the duration of their life is sometimes a minute or hours. There is only disputes to get into normal conditions With suitable humidity, temperature and food availability - and immediately the dispute comes to life, turning into an active, living organism.

If for microorganisms the state of the anabiosis is naturally, then it is lowered for more complex multicellular. Although there are many animals that use it with success. For example, reptiles and amphibians. Where do the winter frog spend? They can almost freeze in the ice in the full sense of the word. So they can survive in a frozen reservoir. But it is worth only to warm up the sun and melting ice, like a frog easily comes to life and, as if nothing has happened, goes on your affairs. Also can do some types of fish. It has long been known that Karas may appear in the long-drying water branch, it is worth filled with water. Where does he come from there? Just he is experiencing this period, tearing deep into clay bottom. And so he can wait a very long time, being in anabyosis.

What about the person? After all, the immersion in the anabiosis state would open many possibilities. This is distant traveling to other planets and stars. This is also sensible in its time the possibility of "showdown" of incurable patients to the pore of the invention of medicines. Extension of active life, in the end - ends ...

Alas, with mammals, warm-blooded things are not very good. By themselves, they cannot be immersed in the state of the anabiosis, and forcibly scientists do not very much. Numerous experiments with different effect are carried out, but a reliable way for a person has not yet been developed.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bAnabiosis for a person is his deep freezing, up to -190 degrees, because, as you know, all life processes are braked with a decrease in temperature. Moreover, ordinary freezing leads to the rupture of cells as a result of the expansion of the body's fluid, so it's not so simple here. Research in the field of freezing spawned new area Science is crying, which is just doing this.

The first person who fell on the frost was James Badford, who had lung cancer. He was frozen on January 12, 1967 in liquid nitrogen. This experiment failed simply because of the negligence relationship. After all, the storage of frozen bodies was carried out at the expense of relatives, and they worried about it no more than several years. Therefore, many frozen bodies simply decomposed, due to disruption of technology, and were buried. However, according to unofficial data, there are even about 200 frozen people in various cryonical organizations. Not all of them are seriously concerned about research - some are just trying to "disrupt" money from rich customers, and then disappear.

However, work in this direction continues. There are some successes. Work is hampered, as in the case of cloning, public opinion and opposition of the authorities. But the story shows that if something is possible in this world - a man sooner or later will study this and learned to apply.


ANABIOSIS -but; m. [from Greek. Anabiōsis - revival].

1. Biol. A sharp slowdown in life processes in some organisms for the purpose of survival under adverse conditions (with the subsequent restoration of these processes). A. Insects, round worms. Fit in a.

2. Book. About temporary weakening or termination of some Activities. The committee plunged into the anabiosis state.

Anabiotic ,y ,y. A-o state.


(from Greek. Anabíōsis - revival), the condition of the body in which the life processes slow down sharply, which contributes to the survival of it in adverse conditions of temperature, humidity, etc. Anabiosis is common in animals, plants and microorganisms. Some organisms enters the normal development cycle (seeds, disputes, cysts).


Anabiosis (from Greek. Anabiosis is a return to life, revival), reversible condition of the body, in which life processes (metabolism, development, reproduction, etc.) are so slowed that there are no visible manifestations of life (for example, the condition of dry seeds, moss and lichens, microbial cultures, dispute of microorganisms). Observed with a sharp occurrence of unfavorable conditions and helps living organisms to transfer strong frost or heat, high pressure, deep vacuum, powerful radiation, vibration, etc. But may resume livelihoods in improving the conditions.
In the 18th century, many natural resources were passionate about the study of the "Resurrection" of animals and plant organisms at the time of the "Resurrection" of animals and vegetable organisms, substantially or fully ceased metabolism as a result of drying or freezing. Such a phenomenon first described in 1705 Dutch Naturalist A. Levenguk (cm. Levenguk Antoni Van)Watching microscopic worms - Red Kolovrats (Philodina Roseola). A significant contribution to the study of Anabiosis was made by English naturalist and priest J. T. Nidhem, studying life cycle Wheat nematodes (Tylenchus Tritici) (1743), and Italian Natural Resistant L. Spallazenia (cm. Spallazeni Ladzaro)continuing the observation of Lewengouk behind Kolovrats (1777).
The term "Anabiosis" suggested for the first time the German scientist Wilhelm Pierier in 1873. In 1900 MacFedain and Rowland, there were experiments on freezing various bacteria - staphylococci, a protest and other microorganisms at a temperature of -182 ° C for 20 hours. In 1909, the Russian scientist P. V. Botagin froze microorganisms and found that at a temperature of -20 - -44 ° C, most of them retains viability for 3 months.
A significant contribution to the study of Anabiosis was made by the Russian scientist P. I. Bakhmetyev (cm. Bakhmetyev Porfiry Ivanovich), the first to study scientifically explore the state of the body of insects during freezing with the help of his own created electric device (1899). In his experiments, a butterfly, placed in a cold chamber, first gradually cooled to -10 ° C, then quickly heated to -1.5 ° C, after which they were gradually cooled to -10 ° C again. When heated, such butterflies came to life. This extraordinary phenomenon of Bakhmetyev called the temperature jump. In 1912 he managed to artificially call anabiosis in a mammal - bat, which was placed in a cold chamber with a temperature of -22 ° C. After some time, the body of the bat became completely solid and did not give signs of life, and its temperature was equal to -4 ° C. After extracting from a cold chamber bat came to life.
In 1922 V. V. Efimov, studying the supercooling and freezing of infusories, came to an important conclusion that the cause of their death during freezing is the formation of ice crystallines in the cytoplasm of cells and in a colloidal shell. Later, Russian scientist N. I. Kalabukhov, repeating the experiences of Bakhmetyev, denied his statement that bats You can completely freeze and then revive again. Return to life could only happen after initial period Freezing, when only limbs frowsed and surface body fabrics. As soon as ice crystals began to form in the internal organs - in the lungs, blood vessels, the animals died.
In 1934, the Italian researcher Monterosso tried to systematize the phenomena of stopping and returning to life. So, entitled "Anabiosis" he understood the oppression of life only in the event of a drying of the organisms, and for all other phenomena, a new term is hypobiosis proposed (cm. Hydobiosis). Among this category of phenomena, Monterosso highlighted osmotic anabiosis, freezing, winter hibernation, incidence, sleep, drying of fabrics, the revival of isolated organs. Russian zoologist P. Yu. Schmidt (cm. Schmidt Peter Yulievich) There was a number of doubts about the eligibility of such a classification and revealed two main states of the anabiosis - an anabiosis, occurring in direct drying of living organisms, and anabyosis during freezing. The first phenomenon is closely connected by osmotic anabiosis - a kind of dehydration of animals living in sea water, as well as a summer hibernation of animals, coming due to a decrease in the water content in the body due to enhanced evaporation and lack of water in hot desert areas.
The state of the anabea is characterized by a change in the content and condition of water in the body, by changing the structure of the contents of cells, the state of enzymes and metabolism. The transition process to anabyosis is characterized by a decrease in the intensity of biochemical processes. From a communistal point of view, an anabiosis is acquired during the evolution physiological adaptation of the body to adverse external conditions.
Anabiosis immersion is used in practice as a long-term preservation method. useful organisms (for example, dry alive vaccines) or their parts (conservation of fabrics and organs) without loss of vitality.

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .


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    - (from Greek. anabiosis revitalization) The condition of the body in which the life processes slow down sharply, which contributes to the survival of it in adverse conditions of temperature, humidity, etc. Anabiosis is common in animals, plants and ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

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    anabiosis - A, m. Anabiose F. GR.1. biol. The interim state of an animal or plant, in which the metabolism is almost completely stopped and there are no all visible manifestations of life. SIS 1985. 2. Ine. On temporary weakening, the termination of which l. ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

    Anabiosis - (from the Greek Anabiosis revival), the interim state of the body, in which the vital processes slow down sharply, which contributes to the survival of it in adverse conditions of temperature, humidity, etc. Anabiosis is characteristic of microorganisms ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Anabiosis is a state of a sharp slowdown in vital processes, in which there are no visible signs of life. The basis of the phenomenon of the anabeaosis is the dehydration of the body (without disturbing the protein structure). Biological significance Anabiosis adaptation K. unfavorable conditions external environment. The experimentally proved the possibility of anabiosis in microbes, mushrooms and other organisms when they are freezing them at T-269 ° and alive when transferring to favorable conditions. Anabiosis phenomenon is used in the manufacture of living dry, preservation of fabrics for, long-term preservation of microorganisms strains.

Anabiosis (Greek. Anabiosis - revival, from ana - again and BIOS - life) - the condition of the body in which the vital processes are so slowed that there are no visible manifestations of life. Anabiosis is observed with a sharp deterioration of the conditions of existence (low temperature, lack of moisture, etc.); Upon the occurrence of the same favorable conditions in the organisms who fell into the a state of anabiosis occurs, the restoration of vital processes occurs. A typical example of anabyosis during drying is the so-called hidden life of seeds of many plants, which may be in a dry condition to keep the germination of 50 years or more. Anabiosis in animals was opened by A. Levenguk (1701). Invertebrates - Hydra, Worms, Usonogy Cancer, Aquatic and Ground Mollusks, some insects, and from vertebrates - amphibians and reptiles can lose 1/2 and even 3/4 enclosed in their body of water, falling into an anabiosis state, and then revive again.

If the dehydration process is in violation of the structure of a live protein, then its denaturation (coagulation) occurs, and then the restoration of vital processes becomes impossible. P. I. Bakhmetyev and a number of Soviet researchers established regularities characterizing anabiosis during the freezing of insects and mammals. As shown by experiments on cooling insects and other small animals to T ° -90-160 ° and rabbit spermatozoa to T ° -78-183 °, the revival of animals that fell into the anabiosis state occurs only when the tissue fluids remain at low temperatures in supercooled, i.e., liquid state. This is also possible with an instantaneous transition of water into a vitreous amorphous mass, as a result of which the protoplasm is not destroyed. When the crystals of ice crystals that destroys the structure of cells and protein molecules, the revival is impossible.

Anabiosis phenomenon during drying and low temperature is widespread among microorganisms. The most racks for drying, cooling and heating sporing-forming bacteria, as well as fungi. The controversy of the symbolized stick for many years do not lose viability in neither dry soil of steppes and deserts, nor in the frozen soil of the Arctic tundra. Many bacteria that do not form a dispute carry long-term cooling to T ° below 0 °, which makes it possible to highlight their pure cultures from corpses and other objects in which conventional conditions Another microflora develops. Racks to drying and cooling some types of pathogenic filter viruses. Anabiosis phenomenon during drying and cooling is used in the manufacture of dry living vaccines, long-term preservation of bacteria strains, viruses and tumor cells, preserving fabrics for transplantation. When maintaining microbes dried together with a special medium at low temperatures, the immunizing properties of vaccines are not lost within a few months and even years. Clean viruse cultures also save long term In the dried and frozen tissues of susceptible animals.

Anabiosis (from Greek. Anabiosis is a return to life, revival), reversible condition of the body, in which life processes (metabolism, development, reproduction, etc.) are so slowed that there are no visible manifestations of life (for example, the condition of dry seeds, moss and lichens, microbial cultures, dispute of microorganisms). It is observed with a sharp occurrence of unfavorable conditions and helps living organisms to transfer heavy frost or heat, high pressure, deep vacuum, powerful radiation, vibration, etc. But can resume livelihoods in improving conditions.

In the 18th century, many natural resources were passionate about the study of the "Resurrection" of animals and plant organisms at the time of the "Resurrection" of animals and vegetable organisms, substantially or fully ceased metabolism as a result of drying or freezing. Such a phenomenon for the first time described in 1705 Dutch naturalist A. Levenguk, who was observed behind microscopic worms - with red Kolovrats (Philodina Roseola). A significant contribution to the study of Anabiosis was made by English naturalist and priest J. T. Nidhem, studying the life cycle of wheat nematodes (Tylenchus Tritici) (1743), and the Italian natural scientist L. Spallaznzani, continuing to observe Lewenguk behind Kolovrats (1777).

The term "Anabiosis" suggested for the first time the German scientist Wilhelm Pierier in 1873. In 1900 MacFedain and Rowland, there were experiments on freezing various bacteria - staphylococci, a protest and other microorganisms at a temperature of -182 ° C for 20 hours. In 1909, the Russian scientist P. V. Botagin froze microorganisms and found that at a temperature of -20 - -44 ° C, most of them retains viability for 3 months.

A significant contribution to the study of Anabiosis was introduced by the Russian scientist P.I. Bakhmetyev, the first began to scientifically explore the condition of the insect organism during freezing with the help of a personally made electrical device (1899). In his experiments, a butterfly, placed in a cold chamber, first gradually cooled to -10 ° C, then quickly heated to -1, 5 ° C, after which they gradually cooled to -10 ° C again. When heated, such butterflies came to life. This extraordinary phenomenon of Bakhmetyev called the temperature jump. In 1912 he managed to artificially call anabiosis in a mammal - bat, which was placed in a cold chamber with a temperature of -22 ° C. After some time, the body of the bat became completely solid and did not give signs of life, and its temperature was equal to -4 ° C. After extracting from a cold cameras, a bat came room.

In 1922 V. V. Efimov, studying the supercooling and freezing of infusories, came to an important conclusion that the cause of their death during freezing is the formation of ice crystallines in the cytoplasm of cells and in a colloidal shell. Later, the Russian scientist N. I. Kalabukhov, repeating the experiences of Bakhmetyev, denied his statement that bats can be completely freeze and then revive again. Returning to life could only occur after the initial period of freezing, when only limbs and surface tissues were frozen. As soon as ice crystals began to form in the internal organs - in the lungs, blood vessels, the animals died.

In 1934, the Italian researcher Monterosso tried to systematize the phenomena of stopping and returning to life. So, called "Anabiosis" he understood the oppression of life only in the event of the organisms drying, and for all other phenomena, a new term is hyobiosis proposed. Among this category of phenomena, Monterosso highlighted osmotic anabiosis, freezing, winter hibernation, incidence, sleep, drying of fabrics, the revival of isolated organs. Russian Zoologist P. Yu. Schmidt put forward a number of doubts about the eligibility of such a classification and revealed two main states of the anabiosis - anabyosis, occurring in direct drying of living organisms, and an anabiosis during freezing. The first phenomenon is closely connected by osmotic anabiosis - a peculiar process of dehydrating animals living in seawater, as well as a summer hibernation of animals, coming due to a decrease in the content of water in the body due to enhanced evaporation and lack of water in hot desert areas.

The state of the anabea is characterized by a change in the content and condition of water in the body, by changing the structure of the contents of cells, the state of enzymes and metabolism. The transition process to anabyosis is characterized by a decrease in the intensity of biochemical processes. From a communistal point of view, an anabiosis is acquired during the evolution physiological adaptation of the body to adverse external conditions.

The anabiosis immersion is used in practice as a method of long-term preservation of beneficial organisms (for example, dry living vaccines) or their parts (fabric conservation and organs) without loss of viability.

Planet Earth is a suitable place for the development of various and bizarre. It was learned to live and coexist all kinds of organisms, from bacteria to humans.

However, the living conditions on Earth can not be called perfect. Sometimes many types of living organisms, including a person, have to learn survival skills. Some of them found a suitable way out for themselves. They became an anabiosis.

The state of the anabea is characterized by a sharp deceleration of the body, in which there are practically no visible signs of life. The essence of this state is reduced to a sharp dehydration of the body.

At the occurrence favorable condition, life processes are restored. If such dehydration leads to a violation of the protein structure, its coagulation, occurs irreversible changes leading to death. To such a method of survival, as a rule, resorted in the case of sudden temperature drops or in the absence of moisture.

According to the method of occurrence and quality, the anabiosis happens:

  • Compelled;
  • Seasonal;
  • Full (real);
  • Incomplete.

Forced Anabiosa The body comes as a result of a sudden emergence of adverse living conditions and stops after their change in a favorable side.

Anabiosis seasonal It occurs at certain stages of the development of the body. It is the process of embryo adaptation to harsh environmental conditions. This view of the anabeae is characteristic of dispute, seeds, cystic embryos of crustaceans, mosquito larvae.

With full anabiosis in the body, biochemical processes are completely stopped, but the ability to life remains. In nature, it is extremely rare, since the simultaneous combination of many conditions of the medium is necessary for its occurrence.

Incomplete anabiosis It is much more common. Due to the presence of moisture in the atmosphere, the body is impossible deeply drying.

Anabiosis and simplest

Sports-forming bacteria and fungi are considered to be the most resistant, adverse conditions, organisms. Some disputes can retain their livelihoods for many years. They are not frightened by a dry soil desert nor the frozen lands of the Arctic. Anabiosis has become a normal development cycle for many species of seeds and dispute.

Due to endless changes in the conditions of habitat, most types of bacteria are in the process of constant adaptation.. This becomes possible due to their unprecedented numerous, a variety of forms, dissemination widespread. They are not afraid of no height of 80 km, nor the depth of reservoirs is 11 km, where pressure can reach more than 1000 atmospheres. Live bacteria can withstand fatal for other doses of radiation.

Cool and Anabiosa

In animal world true anabiosis It is found only in cold-blooded. In this case, special substances accumulate in their body, antifreeze. They are necessary to prevent intracellular crystallization of water, which leads to an imminent death.

Consider an example of a frog . With the onset of cold, the frog is preparing for the most difficult stage in his life. As soon as it concerns ice, a signal comes from the center of the body to the internal organs. Some weather, this water turns into solid ice. Starting breathing, heartbeat, kidney work. For several weeks, the frog is immersed in a suicide. In this form, it resembles ice. As for the protein, he miraculously Enters the state of the hydrogel, similar to dry gelatin. With the advent of suitable conditions, the protein swells, returning to life the whole body. The main secret of survival in such a state is the presence of a frog of special sucrose, working as antifreeze. With the appearance of heat, the heart of the frog is unexpectedly begins to fight. Gradually, she returns to life.

The state of the anabiosis occurs among some mollusks . For example, the Snail ampueliria lives in places where drought periods are frequent. In such cases, the mollusk is buried in il and, tightly closing the lid, flows into anabyosis. Such anabyosis can be called forced. In the absence of harsh conditions of drought, the ampuillire in the hibernation does not flow. The grape snail regularly flows into anabiosis, which lasts from 3 to 5 months.

Whether anabiosis is possible


Anabiosis in medicine

Most often, anabiosis is used in medicine for the preparation of live vaccines. Thanks to this process, scientists have learned for a long time to maintain all properties of microbes.

Another anabiosis state is used in the conservation of various organs for their further transplantation. These authorities are: leather, bones, bone marrow and aorta. This became possible due to the fact that they continue to remain viable for some time, even after the cessation of oxygen supply and in the absence of blood circulation. Since these organs and tissues, after their isolation from the body, remain alive, they are called experiencing. Attempts to freeze such important bodies as a heart, kidney, liver, lead to all new difficulties requiring more thorough developments.

Thus, Anabiosis has become the main way to survive many types of living organisms. Thanks to him, such creatures were able not only to adapt in a harsh environment, but also acquire the necessary skills for further development. Scientists continue to study the state of Anabiosa to apply the knowledge gained not only in medicine, but also biology and other important sciences. Perhaps such research will lead to the emergence of new ways in a rapidly deteriorating world. In any case, Anabiosis continues to be one of complex mysteries Nature.

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