Minecraft 1.12 1 invalid session error. "Login Failed: Invalid session

The buildings 10.10.2019
The buildings

In this article, we will try to figure out why this error appears and what needs to be done to solve it.

If you get the error " Invalid session. Try restarting the game" or "Login Error: Invalid Session", then the first step is to try to follow the steps indicated in the error text itself, that is, restart the game. It is possible that during the connection there was some kind of failure that prevents the game from starting, and after restarting it, the problem will disappear by itself. At first glance, this solution may not seem effective, but in some cases it can help in solving the problem.


If restarting the game did not help and the error still appears on the screen, this does not always mean that the problem is with the game. There may be a problem with the online game application.

Try restarting Hamachi, after which, most likely, you will be able to create a session and connect to it.

If this did not help and still an error appears with the text “Invalid session. Try restarting the game", you can try restarting the game without closing Hamachi. Sometimes such a solution can help in connecting to network game.

It is also worth trying to completely remove Hamachi and reinstall it. Then go through the authorization process and resume the connection attempt in Minecraft. The same action should be taken by your friend whose session you are trying to join. These actions very often solve the problem with the error.

Deleting a game

Following Possible Solution problems - uninstall the game and then reinstall. Given that Minecraft is an extremely unstable game, this method has the right to life. After reinstalling the game, log in and try to create a game session again or join an existing one.

Also, it is worth noting that such problems can occur on computers with outdated hardware. What causes this, no one knows, because Minecraft itself does not have serious system requirements, but reinstalling the game very often helps to get rid of errors.


The cause of various kinds of errors may be infection of the computer with some kind of virus or viruses. It is no secret that viruses can not only disrupt the performance of applications, but also cause serious damage to data.

To rid your computer of malware run your antivirus and do a thorough scan of all partitions hard drive. If you find any doubtful elements - try to cure them with an antivirus. Before all these actions, it is worth deleting in advance minecraft client, and install a new one after curing the detected files. After installing the new client, try connecting to the game session again. If the cause is in viruses, this option will undoubtedly help you get rid of the error “Invalid session. Try restarting the game."

Game version

Also a very important point is the version of the game itself, that is, when using different versions, players cannot connect to each other. Also, it is worth noting that latest versions may have a sufficient number of bugs due to which there may be a problem in connecting to the session. Thus, if you and your friend with whom you want to play have different minecraft versions, then the error "Invalid session. Try restarting the game." Ideally, you should use the same versions to solve this problem.

Pirated version

In addition to all of the above, the reason for the error “Invalid session. Try restarting the game" may be a pirated version of the client. The fact is that in version 1.7.5 the authorization system has changed, which is why local network cannot be played without a license. Want to play with a friend, but on a pirate? There is a way out!

In the folder with the game, use the search to find the file “server.properties”, the line “online-mode=true” will be located there. In it, you need to change the word true to false. These manipulations disable the license agreement check, which is not available in pirated versions. Thus, you can get rid of the error "Invalid session. Try restarting the game" and play with a friend on a pirate.

With the regular release of updates, Minecraft developers make important and not so important updates, which often cause errors in users. Some problems are fairly easy to solve, while others require a lot of head-scratching. If you see a window with the message: “Login error: Invalid session (Restart the launcher and game)”, what should I do and how to solve the problem? We will talk about this in the article.

Reasons for login failure

Most often, a window with this message is seen by players using software without a license. Thus, the owners of Minecraft complicate the life of the owners of pirates, making the game impossible. It is worth noting that the protection mechanism often leads to an error for the owners of official content. In particular, problems with login can be traced in versions 1.12.2, 1.17.10 and higher. Of course, play on official servers with pirate game became almost impossible.

Possible reasons include:

  • problems with mods and their incompatibility;
  • errors in the game - banal bugs;
  • connection problems - broken network settings.

What to do with the "Invalid session" error?

It’s worth starting with what is advised in the window: restart the launcher and the game - it’s possible that the failure is really single. If this did not help, and there was no problem before, then it is worth restarting the PC - it may be some kind of operating system or network failure. It will not be superfluous standard set actions, namely:

Of course, this helps in isolated cases, but it certainly will not be superfluous.

The easiest ways

More complex options

While the previous solutions were simple and effective, the following methods in fixing "Invalid Session" are more complex:

  • You have the option to disable verification on the downloaded server. To do this, in its folder, find a file called "server.properties", and opening it with Notepad, change the line "online-mode", the value from "true" to "false".
  • If a message appears when trying to play on a local network, it indicates an incorrect configuration. In particular, the port or IP address may be incorrect.
  • For remote gaming over a local network, the Hamachi application is often used. It is worth boiling the settings again, try restarting / recreating the LAN. One way or another, it is advisable to use this particular software for a remote game on a local network. An important point: it is recommended to set the IP of the machine manually in the settings of the home router. This solution can be very helpful when setting up.
  • Another interesting solution– use of the Ely.by service. This resource is an alternative authorization service that allows, roughly speaking, to make a licensed version of your pirate. More than enough for a local game. See the video below for how to do this.

Summing up

As you can see, in Minecraft, the login error "Invalid session, restart the launcher and the game" is solved in many ways, and this is just the most effective solutions. Of course, with each release of updates, the number of workarounds will be reduced, but new solutions will definitely appear.

Today, the game servers of the legendary Minecraft sandbox perform hundreds of millions of game sessions every day. Unfortunately, the number of authorization and launch errors for players is also considerable. One of these problems was the Minecraft login error “Invalid session. Try restarting the game." It becomes obvious that restarting does nothing. Today we will tell you why this failure occurs, as well as what to do to fix the invalid session error.

Why does the error occur

This problem, by and large, is caused by the fact that since Minecraft version 1.7.10 it is impossible to play on servers without a license. Thus, the developers are fighting pirates and, of course, trying to get hold of finances by increasing sales. The same applies to problems with the lack of a license key and bad error login. But in addition to problems with the lack of a license, an error can appear in rare cases in official versions.

Login error "Invalid session. Try restarting the game"

The rest of the Minecraft login errors include a mismatch between the game versions and those required on the server, the need for a specific launcher (Tlauncher, MineCraft Only Launcher) or the absence of certain mods. But we will specifically analyze the stated error "Failed to login: invalid session (Try restarting your game)". There are not very many solutions here, but nevertheless, those that are, work in most cases.

What to do with the "Invalid session" error

So, the easiest way out is to buy a licensed version of the game - the way out is simple, but, of course, it will require money. Another way out of the situation is to create your own local MineCraft server, where you can play with a friend over the network. Here is a fairly clear video instruction on this method.

We use the Ely.by service

You can also bypass the license using an alternative authorization service - Ely.by. Authorization and launch through this service is quite simple. Here is an overview video:


Despite the fact that the Minecraft login error “Invalid session. Try restarting the game" is quite common and is aimed at fighting crackers and pirates - the developers only called new wave discontent and development folk methods bypass.

So, some Minecraft players are starting to complain about the message "Login failed: invalid session. Try restarting the game." Why does this problem appear? How to deal with it? And in general, is it worth it? Let's try to understand this issue. After all, it is far from always due to some kind of malfunction that it is worth abandoning the entire toy as a whole. So, you still need to fight for it. But how exactly? Where to begin?

We follow the rules

Well, we decided to play Minecraft and saw an invalid session. Try restarting the game. "A very unpleasant surprise, but worth fighting with. And let's start, perhaps, with the very simple option development of events.

It's about following the directions in the error text. Does the game ask you to restart? So do it. Maybe there was some kind of glitch during the connection that is interfering with the gameplay. And after a restart it will be gone. And you can fully enjoy the game. The option is a little silly, but it has a place to be. Especially if you are working on a new computer that could not yet be infected with viruses.


Did not help? Then think about why it appears in the game Quickly and simply, it is extremely difficult to understand the reasons for such behavior. Nevertheless, it is worth guessing a little. Maybe the game is ok? But with the application for its network version - not really?

It may be enough for you to reinstall or reboot Hamachi. And, of course, after that go to Minecraft. Try again to create and connect to the session. Happened? Most likely, you will be lucky.

Not? Then you will have to think further about why a message like "Login failed: invalid session. Try restarting the game" appears. But we are not finished working with Hamachi yet. In order to get things back on track again, try completely uninstalling and reinstalling the app. Log in to it, and then retry connecting to Minecraft. Let your friend, whose session you are trying to join, do the same. Such events very often help to fix all the problems. And you can enjoy the world again

Deleting a game

The next scenario is to remove the game and then reinstall it. It's no secret that Minecraft is a game that is notable for its instability. And for this reason, sometimes you have to delete it and install it again.

Did you see "Login Failed: Invalid Session" in Minecraft? Try the tricks above. And then, if they don't work, uninstall the game. Of course, do not forget to install it again, and then go through authorization. Now what? Create your own gaming session or try to join an existing one. Surely this will help.

This kind of error often occurs on older computers. For what reasons, no one knows. But players with weak hardware are struggling with a login error in this way. Oddly enough, it works.


The next method helps, but is extremely rare. And then, when you know for sure that everything is in order with the game and the operating system in perfect order. If you had to face today's problem, you can try to clean the computer's system registry. For what? So it will be cleared, the performance of some applications will improve, and access to Minecraft will be restored.

Your best bet is to install CCleaner. This utility is used to clean the computer registry and optimize it. Install, run, and then mark all hard disk partitions, browsers and removable media. In the right part of the window, click on "Analysis", then on "Cleaning". And there will be no problems.

You can restart your computer just in case. Now try to connect to the Minecraft game. "Login Failed: Invalid Session" still pops up? Then you should seriously think about the problems of your computer. After all, in this situation, as practice shows, the game has nothing to do with it. Fix the problem in operating system and then try again.


For example, it is worth checking your computer for various infections. Quite often, it is she who can not only disrupt the performance of some applications, but also harm the data stored in the system.

Run the antivirus, conduct a deep scan of all hard disk partitions. Take a look at the output results. Try to cure everything And what did not succumb to the process - delete. By the way, it is worth deleting Minecraft in advance. And install it directly after checking the computer. Often, game files can appear as malicious or dangerous objects.

Ready? Then we restart the computer, if we deleted "Minecraft" - we put it again, and then we resume the attempt to connect to the game session. This is how you can quite easily and simply solve the situation when the computer writes: "Login error: invalid session."


But we forgot one more, not the most frequent, but important point. also plays a role when trying to connect to sessions. For example, the last "parts" differ in that they have a lot of bugs and shortcomings. And for this reason, it is worth waiting for their correction.

Among other things, you and your friend with whom you plan to play online must have the same version of the application installed. Otherwise, it will not be possible to solve today's problem. Replace "Minecraft" with an older or newer one (agree with a friend). Now connect to the session and enjoy the process. The problem with the message "Login failed: invalid session. Please try restarting the game" will not bother you.

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