When was the first version of minecraft. What is Minecraft

reservoirs 03.07.2020

For many gamers, the day when Minecraft appeared was really beautiful and fun. This world, with the ability to create any objects, buildings and things, adjusted for pixel graphics, gave everyone a lot of unforgettable emotions. The story of the release of the game can inspire anyone, because the developers have received worldwide fame for their work and great idea.

Developer Details

Not all players know when Minecraft appeared and who should be thanked for the release of such a project. The ideological inspirer and main developer was Markus Persson, who is better known on the Web under the pseudonym Notch.

He worked on the game with a small team that was later merged into a studio called Mojang. In 2014, the peak of Minecraft's popularity reached incredible heights, and the large American company Microsoft bought out all the rights to the project for two and a half million dollars. From that time on, all additions to the original game and the innovations introduced are under their control. Markus Persson himself left the team and decided to take up new developments.

Start of development

The day when Minecraft appeared is officially considered May 17, 2009, but development began back in April. It was then that the game Infiniminer appeared on the Web. Persson immediately drew attention to it because of the interesting concept of graphics in the form of pixel square elements. Less than a month later, the developers opened access to the source code to everyone, and this moment is considered the starting point at the beginning of work on Minecraft.

As a basis for programming, Java and LWJGL libraries were used, which can be accessed by anyone on the Web. The work did not have to be done from scratch, because Persson had a similar abandoned RubyDung project with suitable developments. Work started on May 10 and lasted exactly one week. Such a short period of time may indicate the professionalism of Notch and his faithful assistants. No one at that moment expected something big, and also did not have high hopes for the game. The project gained popularity after numerous videos and streams with the construction of the most incredible things inside a beautiful and surprisingly simple world.

Release of the first version

Before the world of Minecraft appeared, pixel art was not very popular. Not a single major project even thought of being developed in such a style, because not all gamers perceived this look on the screen well. This did not stop Persson, and future events proved him right in choosing such a style. After three days of work on the project, the first video appeared on the Web describing the possibilities of the game world and showing physics.

At that time, the working title of the game was Cave Game, which literally meant "cave game". The very next day, the name changed to more realistic Minecraft: Order of the Stone. It took employees another forty-eight hours to complete work on the gameplay and details. After that, closed testing began, to which only members of the TIGSource community were allowed. When Minecraft appeared on May 17, 2009, everyone realized that the developers did not find any major flaws and released a quality product for general viewing.

World popularity of a simple game

The first players who created accounts immediately after the release will easily answer questions about when Minecraft appeared, in what year and what were the initial functions. Already the first hours spent inside the world of boundless imagination of the developers gave so many emotions that it is impossible to forget them.

Seven days after the release of the project, an official forum was opened where users communicated with the developers, shared their impressions and put the created buildings and other works on public display. Another week passed, and Persson created a multiplayer for his game, which was gaining popularity every second. Testing the features and opening the servers took another seven days.

After that, gamers got the opportunity to have fun in their favorite game with friends. When the first version of Minecraft appeared, everyone started talking about online, and the developer listened to the wishes of users. The multiplayer brought even more players into the ranks of the army of loyal fans, and this moment can be considered the achievement of world fame for a game that was created in just seven days.

Minecraft is translated from English as "mining craft". The name itself speaks about the essence of the game. Minecraft is a game of building, survival and absolute freedom of action in a world made up of cubes. Cubes can be broken and materials can be collected from them, with the help of which you can then create new things. In addition, the world of Minecraft is inhabited by different creatures and animals. Some are friendly, while others, which appear more often at night, are not. Therefore, the main task, in addition to building and arranging space, is survival.

The game has been played by hundreds of millions of people around the world. It is updated, new details are introduced. The Minecraft game is multifaceted and interesting, and also gives great freedom of choice and action. But few people know how Minecraft was created. But most fans know who created the popular game, because the whole world knows the name of this person.

Who created Minecraft?

The idea of ​​the Minecraft game belongs to the Swedish programmer Markus Persson, who today is better known as Notch. Notch has always had a passion for game design and game creation. He has many developments, some of which were successful, while others are almost forgotten. But the most important game that changed his life and made him a millionaire in one year is Minecraft.

Initially, the game was supposed to be a clone of Infiniminer with gameplay similar to Dwarf Fortress. It is not known why the development went in a different direction, but the brainchild that appeared was an instant success on the Internet.

In 2010, after a week of development, Notch showed the game to the world. And on December 20, 2010, Minecraft went into beta. Until November 17, 2011, the game was on testing, which allowed ordinary players. By that time, the vast majority of gamers in the world knew about the game and were looking forward to the release.

When the game gained popularity, Mojang AB was created, which exists to this day and improves the game in place of Notch, who retired. The three-person studio is finalizing the game and releasing it both digitally and retail.

In 2011 alone, the company sold 3 million copies of the game, and in May 2013 the bar was fixed at 16 million players.

How was Minecraft created?

A game written in Java using the LWJGL library is available on almost every platform in the world.

Minecraft uses low resolution textures and graphically resembles 64-bit old console style games. Due to this, it weighs little, practically does not load the system during world generation and is perfectly optimized.

Minecraft has a powerful toolkit for creating mods and a huge number of modders around the world who come up with something new and interesting every day. Sometimes even copies of other popular games inside Minecraft are created. All the most interesting and successful mods are added by developers to the game.

Minecraft, in addition to the single player game, also boasts a multiplayer mode in which friends and random people can play in one randomly generated world.

Public response

The game, created by one developer, received the Rise of a Generation award and won the Indie of the Year award from Igromania magazine. The game also has high critical scores of 90-100 based on 19 reviews from renowned magazines and reviewers.

From the very first show, the news of the miracle game spread across the Internet with incredible speed. The 2011 Minecon festival in Las Vegas brought together dedicated fans for exhibitions and was attended by residents of 23 countries, children and adults up to 77 years of age. It was amazing to see such diversity. All of them were collected by a simple game written in a week. The game was presented to the public in a hall made in the style of Minecraft. Contests, prizes, the opportunity to play your favorite game and chat with developers - all this inspired a huge number of people to attend the conference.

In a short period of time, the game has come an amazing way of creating, developing and winning millions of hearts in the world. Thanks to the efforts of Notch and his company Mojang AB, the game has become a truly cult. Minecraft is still updated to this day thanks to the efforts of Jens Bergensten, until it is considered complete.

Minecraft is a very interesting game because it will never get boring and there you can play endlessly and develop more and more. Let's start with the fact that this game is the fruit of Mojang's work. This company was founded in 2009 by Markus Persson, Karl Mannech and Jacob Porser. Her office is in Stockholm. This company has released three games - Minecraft, Scrolls, Cobalt. But the most famous and popular game was Minecraft. In 2014, Mojang was bought by Microsoft. Now let's talk about Minecraft itself. The first advantage is that this game does not require expensive video cards (video accelerators). But do not think that this is an uninteresting and boring game with 2d graphics. This game has volume.

About Minecraft

In this game, you can start building not only small houses, but even large castles and palaces.

In this game there are also animal sheep wolves (which you can tame with a bone) but more on that later, or even horses

and many others.

There are also many interesting and mysterious places here, from gorges to mines with a portal to another world where you will fight a strong and terrible dragon.

Fossils such as iron, red dust (used for machinery), coal are often found, while diamonds and lapis lazuli are very rare.


There are also many Mobs here (creatures that are constantly trying to kill you). But don't worry, you can turn them off by pressing the ESC key on your keyboard. Pressing this button will open a menu. There you must press settings and set the difficulty to “peaceful”.

From Mobs, you must defend yourself with a sword or hands. Each sword deals damage differently. The strongest sword is the diamond one.

All Mobs "spawn" (appear) only at night and in unlit places. They are often found in caves or mines. Mobs can also equip armor or pick up your items after you die. There are weak and strong monsters. But the most powerful are in another world in Hell. You can go to hell in Minecraft by building a portal out of obsidian.

If you are going to Hell, then you need to have powerful armor that should protect you from zombie pigs and other weaker Mobs. You can find "Infernal Fortress" where there will be "Infernal Growth" which is used to brew potions or even an ifrit spawner. Killing an Ifrit will drop an Ifrit Rod with a 50% chance. This rod is used to make a hob.

Mobs that meet in Hell

Now let's talk about the armor in the game. First, the armor will protect you from hits, mobs or fire.

There are 4 types of armor:

  • leather;
  • iron;
  • mail;
  • diamond.

(Notes - it is not possible to make mail armor in survival mode). You can put on armor.

This is an example of armor crafting. In order to “craft” (make) it, you must make a workbench or desktop. It is crafted (done) like this-

In order for you to get ingots from different ores, you must smelt ores into furnaces. The stove is “crafted” from eight stones. Diamond ore is not smelted. The furnace is not only used to smelt ores, it is used to smelt various things.

When you open the stove window on top, you must put what you want to melt, and on the bottom, what you will heat your stove with. And in a few seconds, an ingot or something else will be ready, depending on what you put in your furnace.

For example, a smelted ingot of iron

Even in this very interesting game there is an “enchantment table” (charm room). With this item, you can enchant weapons, tools, and even armor. In order to enchant armor, you need experience. The more experience, the better you will be able to "enchant" your armor.

The more experience you spend on enchanting your item, the more effects it will have. To increase the level of “zachara”, the blackout table must be overlaid with books.

Also armor tools run out sometime. But if you have been working on them for a very long time and you do not want them to disappear. The anvil will help you a lot with this. You can fix things.

As you can see, the boots here are almost over, but I repaired them, and they became completely new.

There are also various tools here, such as a pickaxe, a shovel, an ax or a sword. Accordingly, a shovel digs the ground, and a pickaxe digs stone or other ores, and so on.

Also, there are cooking potions. Potions are different flasks with different effects, such as fire resistance - the ability not to burn in lava or in fire. In order to brew potions, you need to make a brewing stand.

Markus Alexey Persson (better known as Notch) was born in Denmark on June 1, 1979. Later he moves to Sweden, where he starts working on his first Commodore 64 computer, creating various programs. At the age of eight, he creates his first game.

After a couple of years, Alexey's passion for computer games has not faded away, and he goes to work as a programmer in the KING company. During the four years of work in it, he created many games, and also participated in various competitions among game programmers, where he often took first place.

What year was Minecraft created?

2009 was the beginning of Markus Persson's success. It was then that he created his game development company Mojang Specifications and created the first trial version of the Minecraft game.

Today, Minecraft is the most famous creation of the company. On November 18, 2011, the official version of Minecraft was released to the world. The game was very buggy, but since it had no analogues in the world, it gained unreal popularity among gamers. In early 2011 alone, over one million copies of the game were sold.

What is the name of the main character in Minecraft

The shocking confession was made by the creator of Minecraft, Swede Markus Persson (Notch). In his blog, he said that the protagonist of the game is not a man at all.

You all know this type - blue jeans, blue T-shirt, black hair, goatee. It is he who cuts down trees, digs tunnels and fights monsters in Minecraft. His official name is Minecraft Guy. His informal name is Steve. But how could Steve not be a man?

“When I created the human model, I simply meant the Human Being - not a man or a woman. Of course, the cubes gave the character a masculine look, but I did not make a separate female model for the reason that genders do not exist in Minecraft,” Notch explained. Thus, Steve is neither a man nor a woman. But what about the beard? On Twitter, Markus Persson repented, saying that in the default texture, Steve is indeed bearded. However, the model, however, has no gender.

Time passed, the company grew, and Aleksey began to think about improving his product. To do this, he recruits initiative people and transfers the post of general developer to Jens Bergensten (_jeb).

The company was making huge money. In 2012 alone, Persson earned approximately $100 million. Since Marcus grew up in a poor family, he did not know what to do with such huge money, so he starts doing charity work.

At the same time, Marcus can not sit still and he begins to actively travel the world.
On September 15, 2014, Marcus receives a message from Bill Gates. He offers to buy the company from Marcus for $2.5 billion. After some thought, Markus sells the company and retires.

What is our hero doing now?

Now Marcus is absolutely free and lives in Stockholm. He decides to do something unusual and joins the Mensa company. Now he creates electronic music under the new nickname Markus Alexei.

Minecraft is an exciting network game that plunges you into a whirlpool of adventure and discovery. In just a couple of years, the game from a standard sandbox was transformed into a separate subculture, in which several million players gathered.

More than one forum is devoted to the Minecraft game world, where new items and updates are actively discussed, new maps and various modifications are being developed.

How did Minecraft come about?

Prior to the existing game, many similar projects were developed based on virtual reality in a cubic galaxy.

Markus Persson, who created the Minecraft game, decided to create a new world in a cubic universe. It took him only a week to write the alpha version of the hit game. The children's passion for programming was not in vain, the game code was developed in a short time, and the drawn texture did not become a problem at all, because its resolution was low.

But Persson decided to go further and created a sandbox hybrid with a survival quest, now Minecraft 1.7 is out. Players have access to the extraction of trees, stones, iron and other necessary resources. The very first tools were designed for mining, and only later did decorations and interior items appear.

Another important detail of the game was the coincidence of the game world and reality - in Minecraft there was a change of day and a countdown, although the clock was running faster than real time. With the onset of dark time, monsters came out hunting for players, and the game itself begins with a night that must be experienced by creating a shelter for the character.

Features and game modes

The full version of the game will work perfectly both on a computer and on a laptop. It does not require a large amount of hard disk space - only 200 MB. If it is not possible to install the game, then you can use the mini-games on the Minecraft website. Some of them repeat the full version, and some are arcade games.

The most interesting game mode is survival. Having got into the game reality for the first time, the character has absolutely nothing and he is faced with the task of not letting himself die and getting the necessary equipment.

The game uses the following tools:

  • shovel - promotes fast digging;
  • pick - used to extract natural minerals - gold, silver, iron, diamonds, ore and others;
  • ax - designed for cutting trees;
  • chest - for storing unnecessary inventory;
  • furnace - melts gold;
  • sword - fights monsters and gets food.

Minecraft is also available on your phone! There are many interesting features in the mobile version (PE). If after all these discussions you want to play the mobile version of minecraft, the best thing to do is to get a new iPhone on

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