Scenario, games, contests of a pirate party for children of different ages. Pirate Party for Primary School Pupils

Landscape design and layout 01.10.2019
Landscape design and layout

The most important children's holiday is, of course, a birthday. So we tried to turn this important day for our 6-year-old son in unforgettable adventures. And invented scenario "Pirate Party" (For children from 4 to 10 years).

The idea of \u200b\u200bholding an unusual holiday appeared with us 1.5 months before an important day. And all this time we prepared for the birthday of the whole family. Oh, how interesting it was! Even to us, adults. And the son considered the days before the holiday and everything helped in the organization.

Preparation for a pirated party

1. Do talk with a birthday party to a party. Prepare a suit. We had it: a striped t-shirt, black pants, a vest, a red long belt, eye bandage, earring, a red cake, a gun, a dagger and a pickle tube.

2. Invite children and discuss the duration of the holiday in advance with their parents in advance, food, costumes. For guests you can cook with the child "Pirate" invitations.

3. It is advisable to choose for adult guests another time so that you are busy with children.

Map for searching put - draw a plan of an apartment in an encrypted form. Put a noticeable cross in the place where the treasure will lie. The map can be aged, hooked over the candle and wipe with welding.

Coins - letters. Make a word on pirated themes from such a number of letters, how many invited children will be. We had 8 children. 8 coins \u003d 8 letters. The word "octopus".

Map of tasks. Draw an apartment plan schematically. It is noted 8 labels - numbers where 8 tasks are hidden.

For contests: Kosyanka; pieces of apple, boiled potatoes, beets, carrots, eggs, sausages, etc.; 8 toll thick threads; Rope for walking by mast; target; Tray with fixed gates (cups from yogurt, cut by floors); water; Bottle cap; Powerful water pistol, disposable cups - 4-6 cover; sapper shovel;

Considerations for the festive table.

Scenario Pirate Party

Host: Hello guys! You have all congratulated the birthday boy. Now I make a pirate team from those present. You do not mind right and go to the amazing adventure in search of treasure? Then I suggest the captain to appoint a birthday boy and distribute pirate positions. The presenter distributes personal bracelets and explains the conditions of the game .

Captain Flint hid the treasure somewhere on the territory of our house or courtyard and noted the location on the map. I accidentally found her, but I just can't give it like that. Card can be viewed only after drawing up the code word on the marine or pirated theme. And letters from this word are written on the coins that you must earn.

Each participant of the pirated team is waiting for the task. Each bracelets have a name, a pirated position. Numbering tasks corresponds to the numbering on bracelets. If the number 1, then looking for the task first and performs it. All tasks are marked on the map. You need to find, read and execute it. After proper execution, the command earns a coin - letter. The treasurer is responsible for their safety. Who is the treasurer?

The team consists of:

1. Captain - the main person on the ship.

2. Boatswain - Senior among Pirates.

3. Treasurer - disposal of pirates.

4. Pirates and pirates - sailors and sailors.

5. Pirates and Coca part-time.

Captain was appointed birthday. After I gave you a map - tasks, act as a pirate team. Forward, for the kestness!

Tasks - Contests for a Pirate Party

1. Confused ropes. In one of the 8 balls of thick threads, the first coin is hidden - the letter. Task to execute the command.

2. Check products. With tied eyes, determine the taste of products laid down on a plate.

3. Conduct charging.

What do we need to charge?

Cross socks and together heels.

We start with a trifle: stretch to the ceiling.

Not trouble that did not get - straightened. Above steel!

And we do not stand "hands in pants" - in front of the breasts put your hands.

So that behind the laziness did not scold us - we repeat the jad with your hands.

Hey, do not hurt, guys! To the end of the reservoir.

Pave! Is there a support for the legs? Hands up, other - sobl.

Exercise familiar? Called "slopes".

Right-left repeat, grind yourself and straighten.

And now the tilt forward. Hands to the side. And so…

It seems that the windmill is spinning.

Stood up. Exhaled: "Oh!" Inhale and exhale, again - inhale.

We moved enough and all together we jump in place.

The body was charged. About the smile did not forget.

Well done !!! Now they are ready for walking on the mast. To walk all over the rope with eyes closed.

4. Solve riddles.

but. He is the cunning villain. They scare all children, wears a gun and a knife. He learns robbing. He is the poor, then rich. And all the time looking for a treasure. Answer as soon as it is ... ..! (Barmalei)

b. Through the ocean floats the Giant and he produces a fountain. (whale)

in. I grew up in the forest, in a silent silence, now I carry you on the blue wave. (a boat)

in the water she lives, there is no beak, but beolates. (a fish)

5. Check for accuracy. A target with numbers hangs on the wall. You need to knock down a certain number of points.

6. Equilibrium. Task for the street. Become a row one by one. The first must be the main competition. Acquire a certain area by a cohesive team.

Try, create and in gratitude you will see the eyes of the children filled with happiness, and in the home archive photos about an unforgettable birthday will appear.

P.S For relief, we offer you the development of invitation, bracelets, coins - letters, letters from Captain Flint and tasks for contests: download here! Printed items will look more interesting if you perform them on non-ferrous paper.

You can also take advantage of our selection of music for pirate download.

P.S. Our reader Dmitry shared (Comment No. 51) Scenario of pirate multi-day.

Elena and Yuri Bredyuk

Deciding to organize a child's birthday or another, you need to think over everything to the smallest detail. Of course, the preparation of costumes, invitations, menus and decorations of the room, attributes for a pirated party is an important part of a successful holiday, as it sets the real pirate spirit. But to provide unforgettability and interesting to the Pirate Sabantuy will help a properly compiled scenario.

Important tips for the preparation of a child scenario of a pirated party

The easiest solution will be the service of holding a children's party in a professional entertainment organization. Various variants of programs, spent scenarios, the presence of a specific props and still a number of advantages become decisive arguments in favor of this choice.

But. Who better parents know the character of a child and his friends, his preferences and desires?

And let the organization of the children's party - the case of troublesome, the best directors and producers than loving mom and dad, not find.

The main thing is to take into account some features and the success of the venture is secured. Choosing a script and contests, take into account the age of kids. Entertainment that are interesting to preschoolers will cause a grin of children over 10 years old. But complex quests, so favorite by the older guys, will be incomprehensible to the kids.

Too active contests, games, as well as competitions related to the use of water attributes, include in the script of a children's pirate holiday held on the street. Broken windows, dishes, flooded carpets - not too successful festival.

Take into account the character of children. Attract contests and quiet. Do not create a "one player" holiday, no matter how much you want to highlight your pet among the sea gang.

Be valid in refereeing, do not play up teams - the children feel thin. Alternate active games with calm contests, between which you definitely invite children from the table to eat.

At the end of the holiday, each participant needs to be awarded, regardless of its activity. Children should stay after the celebration only positive memories.

Holiday for children 2-3 years

Choosing a script and contests for a pirated party for children, consider such a young age of kids.

A pirated holiday for children of two or three years provides for more relaxed competitions that do not require solving logical tasks.

They should not be associated with the execution of rapid or clear actions.

Therefore, you have to carefully consider the scenario and children's contests for a pirated party in nature or indoors for the smallest pirates.

Pirate Race

The kids will have to independently make your pirate ship and come up with a name for him. For this, each regatta participant receives building materials in the form of walnuts, plasticine, toothpicks, sail leaves.

With such a task, children 4-6 years old will contact a pirate festival.

For children 2-3 years old - participants in a pirated party can be prepared in advance boiled boats made of thick paper.

When the schooners are ready, the competition competition begins. The sea will become a pelvis filled with water. Each couple of participants descends its boat to the water.

The goal is to reach the opposite shore faster. For this, the kids blow in the sail without resorting to helping hands. The owner of the fastest yacht goes to the next round. The winners of qualifying stages will be involved in the final race.

Who out of children does not like to be curly. In this competition, it is impossible to win if it were not to apply your grimacing skills.

After all, it will have to get rid of hands from the matchbox, which will be on the nose. It is difficult to perform such a task, but unforgettable photos will remain in memory.

Pirate puzzle

The principle of this distinction is built on the rules of the game "Puzzles". Children will collect pirated pictures.

To do this, you can print bright pictures with the image of ships, chests filled with treasures, marine shells.

Choose pictures with clear images and deprived of too small or merging parts.

Ready drawing is cut into the asymmetrical part. For children under 5 years old will be enough to cut a sheet on 8-12 parts.

For older guys, you can complicate the task, cutting the image into smaller pieces. Each child gets its set, and the winner will be the participant, the first puzzle with the task.

Scenario of a pirate party for children 4, 5, 6 years

Children of preschool age are still fidgets and intelligence.

There is a fairly exciting event if you try to attract the attention of kids and not leave them free time for pranks.

Suitable for the scenario of the child's birthday in the style of a pirated party Movable contests, relay and not difficult logical tasks.

Arrows goal

No, we will not shoot onions or pistols.

We will need balls of different colors. Rivals receive 5 "shells". The target for the defeat is the usual bucket or boxes.

Children try to throw their balls exactly in target.

Of course, the player with the best result becomes the winner and the participants of the next round. The final sea wolves will fight in the final.

Balloons will be played as marine monsters. Appliques, rope or paper tentacles will help them to give them realism.

You can only combine such a monster with the help of darts.

The player is given three attempts to destroy one of the warriors of the army of the sea shoes. But this competence does not end.

After all, inside the monster ball is a memorandum. And only by completing the task written on it, you can defeat the enemy.

Find the treasure

Competition provides for the search for special treasures - chocolate coins.

They are hidden in secluded and the most unexpected places.

Only limit the search location. Otherwise, the inquisitive treasures will also look in a saucepan, and under the cover of the toilet.

We include an incendiary melody and encourage participants with distracting cries. The winner team for the allotted time will bring the greatest amount of jewelry.

If such a competition is carried out for children of two or three years, balls, pebbles, coins are better placed in a sandbox or in a pelvis with sand.

Let small clauses try to open the secret treasure.

Every island pirate

We will need gymnastic hoops. They will be one less than pirates - the participants of the competition.

While the music is played, sea wolves are furious ocean, running around the hoop islands. Only music subsides, begins storm. So, the pirates came time to moor.

Children jump into the hoop-islands and begin to twist them.

And the pirate who did not get asylum, dies in marine patches - dropping out of the competition. At the following stages, we remove one island at the same island until one winner will remain.

This is no longer just pirates - these are experienced navigators who are familiar with grammar, and know how to solve the tasks in the team.

Therefore, boldly turn on the scenario of the pirate holiday for children of 7-9 years of quizzes, relay and team contests.

For the guys of this age category, you can already come up with a storyline. And since the main goal of pirates is to find a treasure, then the whole program must be associated with its search.

We prepare a card for a pirated party for children on which the path of pirates to treasures will be indicated. It can be drawn or print ready.

Correct the map by lowering the paper into a strong brewing or coffee. The edges of the secret messaging are burning and brushed. Of course, such a guide will not get to teams in its original form.

Angry pirate - one of the parents at the beginning of the party tears a message to parts, and the goal of the guys is to get all the lost pieces. And for this you need to pass heavy tests. And only the winners of the competition will be able to get a cherished card fragment.

Secret Password

What is the mystery without a password? The team, going on a dangerous journey, must clearly know the code phrase. But it is not so easy to do.

She is known only to one member of the team, and it can not be said out aloud, or write on paper. Therefore, now a lucky way, who knows the password - a code phrase (the child recognizes it from the rolled leaf, which he pulls out from the vase) will have to resort to acting skills. The kid gives the gestures and movements gives the prompt team, on the basis of which it should guess the password.

Dangerous reefs

Overcoming creepy reefs for only experienced and brave marine wolves. Teams have a challenging test.

They must take part in the relay, which, in fact, is a bar of obstacles. Of course, it is necessary to organize such a large-scale contest.

Therefore, this competition is better not in the room, but during a pirated party for children on the street.

But, if desired, such a relay can be divided into several independent contests.

Create a bar of obstacles. At first, the participant should get out of the bay - to restore 8-10 kegles, placed zigzag. Duck in the bunch of sea - crawl under three or four placed chairs or low ropes low.

Put the plot with Piranhami - go through the board installed on the children's pool, with children's fish - "evil piranhams."

Complete a narrow strait - run, get sway between ribbons, ropes attached to racks or chairs. It is advisable to make a shed to winding.

Remove from the way of opponents - to knocked down the tennis balls. The participant does not continue the relay, without performing this task. May be needed and 5, and 8 attempts. Therefore, go to the balls in large numbers.

Move to the island on the bumps. As a bumps, use the sheets A-5 (half the album sheet). Decorate pieces of sushi with original drawings in the form of turtles, shells, marine stars, seashells.

Spread the leaves at a large step distance, but not in a straight line. A child can come on a bump only one foot. If the participant stumbled, this stage of the relay is beginning first.

At the end of the Way of Brave Sea Wolf, the island is waiting - the child must get into the hoop, lift it up and, removing through his own head, put the hula-chup to the place again.

Bring a team good news. At the end of the obstacle course, check the vase into which to put coins or black marks. It is this attribute that the participant must bring his team, returning to the beginning of the sea.

After that, the next member of the team goes in swimming. The winner of the relay is the team, the first overcoming all the maritime travel.


Pirates Not one day Farous maritime expanses are well acquainted with maritime terminology, and with the rules of pirated life. It's time to boast of your knowledge. Children answer questions leading, earning the golden ducts for each correct answer.

  • The steering wheel on the vessel - steering wheel.
  • Favorite drink pirates - rum.
  • Ship kitchen - galley.
  • Ship Jack Sparrow - "Black Pearl".
  • The punishment for pirates, stolen from their friends - cut off the nose and ears.
  • Wish successful swimming - seven feet under the keel.

Competition Captain

Every captain receives a secret name that his opponent should not know. The nickname should be associated with any marine inhabitants: turtle, starfish, shark, skate.

The picture with the image of the prototype clings to the back of the pirate leader.

The purpose of the opponent is to find out the name of the opponent. But this is not so easy to do. After all, according to the terms of the competition, the Captain one-legged (children flex one leg in the knee and stick to her hand).

Moving jumping on one leg, the captains try to look behind the back of the opponent to first see the hint.

Pirate party ideas for children over 10 years old

These experienced navigators spent away from their native shores for more than one year. They are under the power of complex tasks and not terrible dangerous tests.

Therefore, boldly invent for a scenario in a pirated style party for children over 10 years old, intricate plots, intertwined by logical riddles and rebuses.

The script should be like a quest, where some tasks for a pirate party for children are logically moving to the following.

The purpose of the journey, of course, is the search for treasure. But on the way to the cherished treasure, no one canceled songs, dancing and entertainment. Pirate for this will need finances.

Therefore, at the beginning of the party, there is a holiday currency, which will be needed for the game for children "Pirates on the festival". On earned or won piastra - medallions or coins, participants will be able to acquire drinking in the improvised bar, buy missing pieces of the card.


Children must solve a complex rebus. They receive props in the form of ice cubes, in which the pictures are frozen. The first letter of each image is part of the code word. For example, the steering wheel - "Shmel", "Tiger", "Snail", "River", "Wolf", "Apricot", "Moon". Or depicts cipher code.

You can freeze the image of letters to compile the whole phrase. Conduct with the task of the team must until the ice melts.

Climb into a bottle

The guys must solve a secret word. To do this, they receive 5 bottles in which scrolls with text tips are placed.

The team, the first solidified mysterious message, becomes the winner.

In order not to have any questions on the correctness of the answer, we write the word on the board and close it with a curtain.

You can add any contests and games to the script of a pirated party for children and adults, adapting them under pirated themes. And to prepare a pirate holiday for children except the script will help the ideas of.

Children at the age of 7 love to play pirates. And they play not only the boys, but also girls! And if so, why not arrange a party in the style of pirates for such children? Pirate party for children 7 years old is a fun fun. Look at the script in which the search will be searched and interesting contests. We will play one team to which the treasure will be found. But the team will compete with each other to support the morale of pirates. In general, we hope you will be interested.

And so, as we have already said, the party will pass so - contests inside the team of pirates and general search for treasure. Stonded can be anything. You can buy souvenir coins and pirates chest. We are hiding the cake, which will be a treasure. But we will not look for a cake. And the place where he is! In general, let's all in order.

Competition 1 - Pirates captain election.
To make a little to enter the taste of the parties, I will first have a warm-up competition.
For the competition you will need a drawing of a military or other ship of 16-18 centuries. Just find such pictures on the Internet and print them. On these ships you need to make mugs of red. Mugs to do in those places that should be fiered so that the ship sank. This is: sail, mast and make two or three mugs on the deck or in other places.
Leaf with a ship hanging on the wall. If you are afraid to spoil the wall, then first on the foam, and already foam on the wall. The task is simple: to get darts into the arranged vessels on the ship to flood the ship. If you have 5 circles, then everyone gives 7-10 darts. Wins the one who can flood the ship with a smaller number of darts.

Cland Search - Test 1.
Now we are waiting for the first test, which will help to find a treasure. Show children here such a labyrinth:

(click on it to increase)

Children need to find the route of the ship to the island, which is indicated by the letter X. They should consider the map, and find the route. Then the captain takes a handle and with its help puts the route to the island. It is possible to carry out a handle only once, so you have to be attentive! If the captain started the ship somewhere in another place, he shifts himself and his seat is occupied by the assistant (one who was in the first contest second). And he already tries to spend the ship to the Earth.
When the right route finds from the first attempt, the first test passed. And they have a letter - x!

Competition - catch food.
In this contest, pirates will have to catch the animals to eat. Therefore, make cut from paper of animals or plush animals. You can - Bear, Goat, Baran, Cow, and so on. And you need a gun that shoots suction cups. Beasts set up near one wall. Build there Jungle: Arrange the chairs, hang balloons and tapes so that they interfere with shoot. The task of pirates to shoot all animals. The first shoots captain. If he got into some kind of beast, it shoots further. If she missed, then transmits the right shot to the next seniority in pirates. And so as long as all the animals are not chosen to dinner.

Cland Search - Test 2.
For the next test, you need to cook: lemon lolk, shoe cream, hot (melted) chocolate and sausage. Do not show these cooked things anyone. Pirates play the game: stone, scissors, paper. Following the game, 2-4 people are determined, which will pass this test.
All they tie their eyes. The remaining pirates are silently and do not suggest. When the eyes are tied, each of them give to sniff the cooked things and objects. They must have understood them to say that you gave them. When they are confident in their response, then their task is to find one letter that is in all these words. This is the letter O!
(lemon, shoes, chocolate, sausage)
As soon as they all guess, then they have another letter.

Competition - move through the swamp.
For this contest you need to cook 4 boards of the same size. For example, a width of 15 centimeters, and a length of 20-25 centimeters.
Compete on two. There is a start line and finish line. Each participant gives two boards. Their task is to go from the start to the finish line, coming only on the boards. It is impossible to attack on the floor! It immediately loss - drowned in a swamp.
So, you need to put one board on the floor and step on it with two legs. Then put another board and step over with two legs. Sit down Get the first board and shifting it further forward. And in this way to move. If someone comes up with another way, let him move so.
The main thing is not to step on the floor. Winners in pairs are followed, and so is played until one winner remains. He can give a reward - a pickle tube!

Cland Search - Test 3.
In this test you need a long rope and preferably thin! It must be put on the floor of the letter L. All pirates are standing near the same start. Their task is to go this way. That is, you need to come on my legs only to the rope! It is impossible to step on pure floor! For each participant's passage is given a certain time. Time Calculate yourself based on the length of the rope. For example, 15 seconds. So, during this time, the pirate should go through or run in the rope from the beginning to another end. Who came on a clean floor, he drops out of the test. Who did not meet during, also lost. If you have 10 pirates, then it is necessary that at least 6 of them be able to overcome the test.
Those who overcame the test should guess what denotes the figure from this rope. And this, as we have already said, the letter - l !!!
This is the third letter to search for treasure.

Competition - What is your back?
This competition is also played by pairs. Each participant on the back is attached a sheet with an inscription. Participants do not see each other's inscriptions. They face each other. By teammate, they must bend one leg in their knees, as if they had her. After all, pirates are single-legged!
And jumping on one leg, they should see the inscription on the back of the opponent. At the same time, its inscription must be protected from the enemy. I.e. Dose. Here the one who first read the inscription on the back of the other. And to read it, you need to quickly and deftly jump on one leg!

Cland Search - Test 4.
You will receive the next letter only if you can answer 10 out of 12 puzzles correctly. If you are responsible for 9, you get 2 letters at once (one of them is not correct and make the necessary words to search for the treasure will be more difficult!). If you respond to 8, then three letters, and so on. The more incorrect letters give you, the harder will be the right word and find the treasure! Therefore, it is better not to hurry and guess 10, 11 or all the riddles!
Here are the riddles - Flacks:

If the pirates coped with the task, they give them a letter - d!
If not, add one letter as written in the rules. Letters can add any, at your discretion.

Search for treasure - make a word for search.
And so, we have letters x, o, l, d. If there was a fine, then other letters. You say pirates that you can make a word from these letters where the treasure is hidden. Since they already have these letters, they can be increased to two, three and so on. That is, if they need, then let the words use two letters x, or two letters about, or two letters l and so on.
As a result, the word should be: COLD.
When the children gave the floor, they will have to understand what this word will lead to. The cold produces a refrigerator! So you need to go to it. Open it and see - CAKE!

We hope that you will enjoy playing willow use some workers on your holiday.

I had a big bag where I folded the whole recoverance I was useful for me. Since I did not have assistants.

And this invitation that I also printed overthrew in coffee, burned

That's what happened

Congratulations for the nameman
Schooner "Black Pearl"
Looking for Treasures Billy Bons
Tavern "Admiral Banbow"

Ha! I see the whole gang assembly. Greetings young hooligans!
I am a pirate milf and my son today is a birthday! He is fulfilled by as many as 11 years, and it is still officially not accepted into pirates !!! Therefore, I decided to fix this laughter. And since good boys can not be friends with pirates - I decided and from you to make anchored sea wolves, thunderstorms of all seas and oceans, pets cakes and Jamaica !!! I suspect that d / r will be held in pirates fun and ease! And, Piranha for me for a shake, I am glad to welcome the seekers of adventures and treasures in our pirate harbor! So…

How is the pirates?
And who has a birthday today?
So we will have fun and play? (Yes!)
Mood is even higher to raise! (Yes?)
Well, a birthday man, it's your day
And we will congratulate you not too lazy!
Huge happiness you wish you
And loudly crouching: Congratulations!
Oh, not heard something you,
Well, louder, again!
Play the game "Caparaway". ???

And today in honor of the birthday
We start a large sea adventure!
So that all today were happy
We will go in search of treasure!

2. Sewing in pirates
To pirate become a name to change
Since the woman on the ship is a bad omen, then let's agree that the names will be mostly male.
Cards with immunities were imprinted in the "Word" and covered with a scotch. Each card hit the pin .. It was sewing a bag of fabric in there put all the bires or buy a badge
Captain John Silver
Captain Flint
Just jack
Captain Black
Captain Flint
Jack Red Hand
Cheerful media
Dollance Jim.
Red Bill
Rapid hook
Toddler Stark »

To go on the road and rather a treasure to find
You now need a medical examination our pass!
Enter doctor
We measure growth (slippers, chocolates, spoons, etc.)
revelzit: In a separate package, there was a chocolate, a spoon, cucumber, sneakers.

Now we will find out everything about you
We check you on jumping,
Then volatility and buoyancy,
And of course to creep!
Who is easy with testing copes
That immediately in the team is credited!

The most foul language pirate

So, do you know how to swear like pirates? Who knows pirate curses? Well done, but little! Now I will teach you how to swear!
Revezit: Having highlighted on the sheet, all the swearing cut onto the stripes and twisted the tube. She sewed another bag and folded there. He distributed to each one by one to the ruging. Then another one.
Freshwater mollusk, cat in heels, Eater Corralov (shells, crocodiles, leeches ...), jellyfish to you in the liver, anchor in a throat, mast on a skull, a thousand devils! Thunder and lightning! Blue crab and three pigs, to the devil! Baste my spleen! Washed in the liver! Tooth to the meat! Piranha to you in a shinking, that is for the cut! We will throw your shy to Mosku Aklaumes! Rady to you forever anchors, all your life you deck drag! Fock-grout-brahsel me to the left ear, the sweaty eater of fish grooves, the greenery is podkill, the worm of a malloon, breaking on the octopus tentacle, port rat.

Now ready for walking on the mast. To walk all over the rope with eyes closed.
Yes, I'm looking for curses, you mastered well
The truly sea wolf is not terrible stormy and waves, not a scary of some pitching. Now we will check you around themselves concerned and passed on Lineochka, as in ree ... more evenly, it would be more likely, how will you put any sails? (Rope on the floor to go smoothly without falling before it opens a child)
Revelzit: Rope on the floor
Well done now you are not afraid of storms and waves, it's not terrible any pitching
And now let's find out which of you the most resourceful pirate "
"The most resourceful pirate"
Riddles - Flacks.
- faster than everyone from fear
Rushing ... (not a turtle, but hare).

Who in Malina knows a lot about?
Kosolapy, brown ... (not wolf, and a bear)

In a warm pool of his
Loudly kicacious ... (not sparrow, and frog).

On the mountain cooler passed
He illuminated with wool ... (not a crocodile, but a ram).

In more often, turning the head,
How much with hunger ... (not giraffe, and wolf).

How to bus salon
Mom jumped into the bag ... (not an elephant, but Kengurenok).

Over the forest of the sun ray
The king of animals steal ... (not a rooster, but lion).

All obstacles,
Hits the hoof the faithful ... (not lion, and horse).

Hay trunk takes
Fast-skinned ... (Elephant, not Hippo).

Tail fan, on the head of the crown.
No birds are more painful than ... (no crow, and peacock).

Who loves to wear on the branches?
Of course, redhead ... (not a fox, but protein).

A simple question for kids:
"Who is afraid of a cat?" ... (not mice, and dogs)

Go through a swamp.
The bustle swamp can be passed only in one way, with the help of magic traces (overcome the room, putting the legs on two sheets of paper with drawn tracks). First you need to overcome the swamp with two sheets of paper - "bumps", shifting them as you move

All sailors should be able to listen to the captain and fulfill his orders to imagine that we are on Pirate Schoon and I, as your captain order you, and you must fulfill my teams:

Levo Steering! - All run to the left side
The right steering! - All run to the right side
Nose! - All run forward.
Stern! - All run back.
Raise Sails! - Everyone stops and raise hands up.
Draw a deck! - All pretend that the floor washes.
Cannonball! - Everyone is squatted.
Admiral aboard! - Everyone gets freeze, get up at the rack "Smirno" and give
honor. - I didn't have these contests so few babies

zeeping of marine nodes (

Well done And now let's see how you can tie nodes. Yes, not simple and sea..

Revelzit: Printed knots on paper and rope. I took a paper scotch and after the kids tied up the knots, then everyone was glued to his rope and subscribed. Then the child is separated

I see I see the novels tied up now you will tying your laces. And suddenly in the way hungry.
We will make kebabs.

Revelzit: Marmalade Chewing Candies and Cookies in the form of fish. She took a three-grade bucket on the bottom of the ceremonies and on top of the cookie fish. In order for children to be diagnosed there. (You can bread crumbs) and stupid shockles are wooden and the same tape paper at the end for signing.

"Chrome Pirate"

Participants are divided into pairs. Each pair binds their legs (left foot one with the right foot of the other). Couples must go through some distance, reach the checkbox, turn around and go back.

Dedication to pirates.

Vizhto with a jump, buoyancy and volatility in order everything you have
Team of treasure detectors - well, the highest class!
See what you are guys what you need
And everyone prepared for the search of the treasure.
Now you are-worthless pirates !!!, and this is a document confirming your piracy.
(give a diploma)

Printed on A4 I prayed into coffee and rooted the header

Dedicates to pirates

He took the fabric of red and black (old baboons stocks). Red went to the jams on it with the help of a stencil, foam rubber and white guashi struck the drawing. Black tissue broke on the shawls on the neck. From Black Dermantine cut the circles and bought a hat with a rubber band in the sewing stores. 0.5 meters on one dressing. I bought sachets and folded uniforms into each package for one child. Our grandmother has a real chest. We pulled it out on the street for the props. I folded all these packages there.
- puts on an eye bandage, or a bandan on his head, a handkerchief on the neck or draws a "Fingal" under the eye or beard-mustache.
- And I will not give you a weapon, because you are still small
According to this principle, painted the map.

Unfortunately I have no my card because you took the kids

In the chest, so l lies the rolled tube task number 1

And 1 piece of card.

Total map is cut into 4 parts.

I am an old pirate hid my treasures, but only cunning and bold pirates will be able to find them !! The treasure search card was divided into 4 parts and hidden in different parts of this island in order to find you need to work hard and cope with my tasks. But the reward will please you.
Forward my pirates !!!
Task first: look for the entrance to the tavern !!!

(In the entrance door to the house will hang a crossword to sea themes. The main word will be a watering can there be a piece of card second task.

Wheel of the Ship (History inal)

L - when there is no wind at all (calm)

Easy water with salted water less than the ocean (mor e.) –
Th sea pirates (risk j.nickname)
K- physical device for recognizing the countries of light consisting of
the magnetized arrow always showing north ( tooMPAS)
Eto that inflates sails (vet e.r)

Word in Lake
get from watering bucks with a task2

and second part of the card
Well done coped with the first my task, and so quickly. I thought for a long time you guess !!!
Here you have the second part of the card.
But the real pirate should have a triangle hat !!! Each pirate should be able to do them.
After all, without a trippillars you will not be wrapped in a restaurant

I'm going to guys, but let's ask our captain so that he will make the caps of the triangles. The son in the book about origami found a story about how the sailor did from the newspaper sheet 5 caps gradually then it turned into a boat and at the very end in the vest

. We decided to utilize it. And I had time to prepare the table.
Presentation of Tolik Folding Hats. Then I go out I distribute in advance the tri-fingers
. All in the headers?. And now I suggest drinking Roma for the health of our captain Anatolio !! Yes, and to eat would not hurt before far dear. YES? But the pirates are eaten in the restaurant. And since you are all in the headers, now we will definitely let us go there. And where is the entrance to there ??? AAA know already. Well then forward Welcome to the tavern "Admiral Banbow"
there was a poster in festivities Tavern "Admiral Banbow"

Chat pizza-planned a piece of pizza to wrap a punch and dressing cheese Suluguni. But since the dough was thick, then I just thought as a parcel.
Boots tomatoes with cucumber and sausage with boat cheese

Children sit down, on the back side of the plate with a marker Written to look for the third task. I was written in the table. Since the folding table.

Well, my dear pirates after the glorious feast I suggest you a little fun!
I also prepared a gift to our glorious captain !!! This terrible sea monster Kraken needs to be divided and beat with a stick. And where are the monsters? in the sea. Forward my brave sailors!
Just be careful, remember the tasks !!!

Shar-Pinyata game.

According to the legend, this is a terrible sea monster Kraken and the monster is absolutely not necessary to be beautiful, so you can smoke from the soul! (together with candy falls 4 tasks and 4 part of the card)

Task 4. Well, the mound is defeated !!! And here is the last part of the card. And now collect all the parts together and in search of the treasure !!! Good luck!!!

Searches for treasure
Congratulations on the find of the treasure !!! Billy Bons.
Box swallowed with coins and convolution
8. Cut game

"Pass The Parcel game for a pirate party

from the Internet:
This is such a magic crust in addition to chocolate was hidden in a treasure chest. It is a blank for the Pass The Parcel Pass The Parcel in the UK (send the parcel), which is often played on children's birthdays. I learned about this game by chance, looking at the will of the fate of the catalog of all sorts of unwise expensive, but insanely desired villains-British Pedlars. Find the rules of the game in Wikipedia of Labor did not make up, and I caught fire to make a magic drill with my own hands.

The rules are very simple. In the middle of a large convolution hidden the main prize. It is wrapped in a huge number of paper layers. In our full and bourgeois times between these layers, it is accepted also to put all sorts of things - small prizes. And for older children you can and riddles. The kids sit in a circle and pass to each other to the music. Music is suddenly breaking, and if the cooler turned out to be in your little handles at this moment, you can safely remove the next paper layer and grab the prey dropped from under it! And the loose package continues to travel by hand until the music will not stop again. That's all the rules! And the winner of the one who was lucky to remove the last wrapper from the main prize hidden in the middle of the parcel.

How it is done
So, in order to make a bundle at home, it will take the wrapper paper of different colors, one large prize, a lot of small, scissors and tape (conveniently use both two-fed, and the usual. The main thing is that he will be on the "snail". Neft The case will be wrapped with a snail speed)) In addition to the new paper in the rolls, I had more used clothes from the received gifts for some time. Sometimes it happens that it is possible to remove the paper even without breaking it. For such a material and expensive case, like Pass The Parcel, such a busty pieces of paper are what is needed. Work comfortable on the big table. In my package, the main prize was a small set of LEGO Duplo.
Picking up the little prizes I tried to reflect the topic of parties. Pirate erases:
On the Internet, I saw many different options for parcels. Including there was one completely fabulous, the girl, the scrapbook-like, entirely made by the hands of the designer, including prizes! But for this time would not have enough for sure. Therefore, in my parcels were embedded by the "stupid" Batton icons. The goal was persecuted twofold - so that the prize does not look so insignificant compared to others and so that the kids do not shock at least playing while they play.
And then it began the most pleasant! Step by step! Layer behind the layer ...
I tried to select the next paper of contrasting color. First, it is so beautiful! Secondly, it is harder to get confused and accidentally construct two layers of paper instead of one

First, my "Snowball" grew very slowly, and then suddenly I had to remember what it was "geometric progression"! So at the end, I still started greeding and, trying to brighten my greed with a joke, several times we used the sheets of newspaper "Vedomosti" instead of wrapping paper. The joke for children was not clear. I joking for their moms, my colleagues-audit.
The latter, the top layer of the wrap should have been a) the most beautiful; b) similar to the present package; c) stylized as part of a pirated topic. I had a wonderful monophonic paper from Ikea, from which you could do anything. My choice fell on the "marine" stamps of the St. Petersburg club, a jute lace, a real shell and all the same seed stamp, which I used for old pirate cards. "


"On TV show crooks! Well, what am I worse! Ugliness!"
M / f "Kid and Carlson"

Among thematic parties, among the most popular are pirate parties. On the Internet you can find a lot of different scenarios of such parties for every taste and color. I bring to your attention a universal scenario of a pirated party, which can be carried out both at home and in nature. Such a party is suitable for adult, and for the children's holiday. It can be done simply so or coincide with any holiday. And most importantly - my version does not imply large material costs.

Preparation for the party I started the week for three. The first to what I started is to study the material on the Internet and, in fact, writing your scenario (). I took some ideas from other sites, but I don't remember.

A few days before the party, I handed the invited twisted in the form of a scroll. Invited is my parents and brother with your family. There were nine people in total, three of whom children (2, 5 and 14 years old).


  • Grozny Harry - my husband
  • Master of the seas - I
  • Sea Amazon - Our daughter, Dasha
  • The rest of the pirates are our guests

Meeting with guests:

At the entrance, we definitely ask the password that was specified in the invitation. He sounded like this: " Shut up and let go! "We are still pirates 🙂

Guests welcome similar phrases:

  • "Razing you thunder who brought !!!"
  • "Mix faster, damn it !!!"
  • "Thousand devils! Older, you were waited! "

Grozny Gary: Dear guests! Welcome to our schooner "Flying Dutchman." Raise anchor!

Lady of the seas:On our schoon is categorically prohibited:

  • sleep under the table, especially with snoring
  • to poke the fork in the last eye of the neighbor (the plug breaks down - the other will not give!)
  • boring and tedious faces, Hari, turnips, muzzles, as well as faces will immediately go to the feed of sharks!

But a great mood is welcome and excellent swearing!

Grozny Gary: I am Captain Schununa Grozny Gary, and these are my helpers -Masters of the seas I.Sea Amazon.

Marine Amazon:

It's stupid that girl
On the frigate is not good.
I am Maritime Amazon,
All I like - take!

Found Dasha small rhymes on the Internet, so that she felt their involvement in the holiday.

Grozny Gary: What is our name, you already know, and now let's get acquainted with you.

Each participant in turn comes up and announces its name. If it makes it difficult, other participants help him (examples of names: Dirty Billy, Chrome Joe, Jack Ripped Ear, Shark Eater, Molluscs). The representation of each pirate is accompanied by stormy applause and ullyukany. If a party for adults to each pirate after the acquaintance, you can offer a drink for the health of the captain and the entire crew of the Roma Charke (or Gina). Under the snack, green olives are perfect.

Lady of the seas: Well, let's check if you are true pirates! Make sure to really, Pirates! Participants laugh in turn, and then all together.

Grozny Gary: Ta-a-ak, and swear, like pirates (not as Ukrainians and Russians) Do you know how? Who knows pirate curses? ...Well done, but little! Now I will teach you how to swear!

  • Freshwater moll!
  • Eater leech!
  • Baste my spleen!
  • Piranha to you in a shinking, that is for the cut!
  • Rady to you forever shackles!
  • All my life you deck drag!
  • Fock-grotto Brahsels to your left ear!
  • Sitney Eater Fish Draits!

Excellent! I see that you are good clogs and hooligans.

But before we proceed to find a treasure, you must go through a few more tests.

Lady of the seas: Now we will define which of you is the most resourceful pirate. Who the first guess the mystery gets a black mark from marine amazon.

I printed black tags on the printer and gave cut their Dasha. And I am help, and the child is nice :). On several labels on the reverse side, the letters of which consists of the word treasure.

Competition mysteries "The most resourceful pirate"

Who is so funny Roger? (Symbol of pirates, skull with bones)
When you need - thrown out when not needed - raise (anchor).
What kind of tool most often use pirates to find treasure? (shovel).
What is the name of the literary hero, which spent on the uninhabited island of 28 years, 2 months and 19 days? (Robinson Crusoe)
What seas are "color names"? (Black, red, white, black)
What is the name of the steering wheel of the ship? (steering wheel)
Circle water, and drinking trouble. What is it? (sea)
What stones do not in the same sea? (dry)
Name the types of pirate weapons (sabers, daggers, muskets, guns).
On which continent there is not a single river? (Antarctica)
Thread, binding fisherman and fish (fishing line).
House for indoor fish (aquarium)
What is the name "flock" of fish? (cant)
What is sos? (save our souls)
What unit of measurement in the sea? (mile)
Cream Giant across the sea and he releases a fountain (whale)

For an adult holiday, you can pour the finest participants :).

Competition for accuracy "Warming Eye"

Each participant in turn throws a ball or a more complex option - an air ball in the hoop lying on the floor. The most valid pirate gets a black mark

Competition "Cute ear"

Analogue of a spoiled phone, but with the words of pirated themes.

Competition "Strength of mind"

For the competition you will need empty match boxes. Those who wish to participate in the competition become a line. Opposite each player on the floor put a match box. At the signal of the leading players blowing onto their boxes as much as possible to move them as far as possible. The one whom the boxes move on, a black mark is given.

Competition « Save the comrade from piran »

In each pair, one pirate tie the eyes, and on another cling of clothespins. According to the team, those who are blindfolded by their eyes are starting to shoot piras from the comrade. Winning a couple, rather rid of piras.

Each participant chooses the question and answers it

1. Name the favorite pirate drink:

2. Who is a pirate?

Sea robber
Honorable gentleman
Representative of office plankton

3. Who wrote the novel "Treasure Island"?

Daniel Defoe
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
Robert Lewis Stevenson
Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko

4. What are the ship's chef call?


5. What are the name of Captain Sparrow?


6. Pirate money?


7. The name of the captain, whose treasures were looking for in the work of the "Treasure Island"

  • Flint
  • Treloni.
  • Livci

8. Captain Sparrow ship

  • Flying Dutchman
  • Black Pearl
  • White pearl
  • Unprobed

Poem in roles

Do not forget the most active participants to hand over black tags.

After the end of the competitions, participants count tags.

Lady of the seas: Thousand devils, how many tags did you score?! Such is only true pirates! Interestingly, and with the following task you can handle? On the turnover of some labels there are letters, you need to make a word.

Grozny Gary:(after the word "treasures" solved)

I'm on the island of distant
Many years ago
In the pit in dark and deep
Skopped invaluable treasure.
With him killed a couple.
Here he is a cross on the old map!
To me, the traditions of velted
Do so, because I am a pirate!

Gary gives pirates mapwhere the cross marked the finding of the treasure.

Grozny Gary: Now forward in search of treasures!

I did a map using the Photoshop program in accordance with the plan of our apartment, setting the names of the rooms in this way: the corridor - the island of the waiting, the kitchen is the island of pleasure, the bathroom is the island of ablutions, the children's island - the island of Parrots (2 parrots live in the cage), the hall - the hall - The island of entertainment, and the loggia is cold sources (conducted a party in January).

Card template for photoshop can be taken from the article

The treasures hid in a souvenir casket for alcohol in the form of a chest, which her husband once was presented at work, and hidden on the loggia. I put it in it: a bag with chocolates in the form of coins in Golden Foil, two inexpensive games of the pirated themes (a row and puzzle), several balloons with pirates.

The treasure found quite quickly. Children immediately began to study the "treasures", and at that time they quickly served and covered the table.

Menu Pirate Party

In any thematic party, the main thing is to correctly call dishes :).

That's what dishes we have:

Baked legs of wild piglets (in fact baked chicken legs)

Salad "Jolly Roger"
(Salad "Mimosa", in which I stuck a small pirate flag, printed on the printer and pasted on a wooden skeletal. Soon it will be published,).

Salad "Language of a chatty pirate" ().

Cachelot cookie sandwiches (with cod liver)

Sandwiches with shark Ikra (with red salmon caviar). The fact that the sharks of the niphelistic I know, but this name seemed to me cool 🙂

Pirates' Treasures
(stuffed with rolled in the form of bags)

There was something else, but, honestly, I do not remember what exactly.

Ahead of you are waiting for many interesting scenarios. Subscribe to free, so as not to miss anything.

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